Brown allocations when taking medians. Why there are bloody discharges when receiving contraceptive pills

If your choice fell on oral contraceptives and this is your first experience. You may face such a problem as: vaginal discharge when receiving contraceptives. It can be like fuel bloody issuesand small menstrual bleeding. The emergence of such symptoms occurs most often in the period when you just started taking contraceptives. These allocations are mainly the normal response of the body, but at a longer period it is worth thinking about what, perhaps this drug does not suit you.

Approximately 30-40% of women are allocations for the first 3 months from the beginning of receiving tablets. Some women have a period of so-called adaptation, maybe to last until six months. There are also such women who have the occurrence of secretions lasts for 6 months and even after repeated replacement of tablets, they do not pass.

The main reason for the appearance of the selection is associated with the menstrual cycle of a woman. This is exactly the configured process of transformation of the hormonal background. At this time, there is a comprehensive transformation of some hormones by others. Initially, the body begins to allocate as many estrogen as possible, thereby preparing the inner mucous membrane of the body of the uterus to ovulation. Then the hormonal background shift begins towards progesterone. Since modern contraceptive pills contain a small dose of hormones, and the first time it may not be enough to fill your natural hormonal background. Therefore, menstrual blood appears, much earlier than this is laid by nature.

In the case when bleeding is small and end after the adaptation period. We can safely say that you made the right choice of oral contraceptives and it is necessary to use them in the future without problems. The main thing is to follow the right and timely technique of this drug.

If bleeding appeared when receiving contraceptive tablets, and it is accompanied by such symptoms as: pulling sensations at the bottom of the abdomen, the pain and the intensity of bleeding increases, then it is worth contacting the appropriate specialist.

Species and features of discharge in different phases of cycle

When the period of adaptation of your body was passed, but the blood discharge when taking oral contraceptives has not yet ended, then the period of their appearance may indicate a specialist, which hormone in your body prevails and appoint other drugs that you will suit more.

Brown discharge, in the middle or beginning of the cycle may indicate that there is not enough estrogen in these drugs and you need to choose a contraceptive with an enlarged dosage.
The discharge, at the end of the cycle, indicate the lack of a hystagen hormone, in these drugs.

A large amount of discharges that have a breakthrough character point to accelerated atrophy of the cells of the internal mucous membrane of the uterus body during the adaptation period. It may say that a diagram of receiving tablets and shifted hormonal background. With such symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor. It is also worth drawing your attention to the fact that a sharp cessation of taking contraceptive tablets in the middle of the cycle is not recommended. This can lead to strengthening bleeding, which, in turn, will lead to ailment and anemia.

Also to bleeding I can lead the following reasons:

  • Disrupted diagram of the reception of the contraceptive drug. For example, did not take the tablet at the appropriate time specified in the instructions;
  • The appearance of diarrhea or vomiting, which caused poor absorption of the drug;
  • The simultaneous reception of antibiotics or medicines that affect the CNS;
  • Reception of drugs that contain St. John's wort;
  • Smoking, it affects the hormonal background, and also restrains the production of estrogen;
  • Gynecological diseases.

When some anomalies appear, it is necessary to consult a doctor without delay. In order to make the appropriate analyzes. According to the results of the analyzes, the relevant doctor will select effective treatment.

The discharge from the vagina is possible in normal and under pathology. Pathological discharge is usually called white. Many women do not give them much importance and do not pay for help for a long time. But the appearance of Belaya is a reason to visit the clinic, as they can be the first signs of serious diseases.

The idea of \u200b\u200bvarious discharge during the menstrual cycle and in particular periods of life, women will help you to draw the border between the norm and the state that requires attention. As soon as you feel that something went wrong in your body - we recommend that you immediately apply for a consultation to a qualified gynecologist of our clinic. In the shortest possible time, the doctor will establish the exact cause of the problem and will recommend effective ways to solve it.

Physiological discharge from the vagina

From the inside the vagina is lined with flat epithelial cells located in several layers. Finding the mucosa in a wet state is ensured by separated by the vagina. The separated usually transparent or whiskers, without specific smell and impurities, has a sour reaction.

The acidity of the discharge is maintained by the vital activity of lactobacilli - bacteria, which constitute the bulk of the vaginal microflora and produce lactic acid. Milk acid, in turn, destructively acts on the pathogenic flora and prevents the growth of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.

Composition I. appearance Semissions are different from each other in different periods of the cycle, change when entering the child, during the period. The following selection characteristics are considered normal:

  • non-humble watery or mucous, homogeneous, whitish or transparent, completely odorless or with a weak sour smell - in the first half of the cycle;
  • abundant mucous membranes, transparent and drig, without any smell - in the middle of the cycle;
  • cheese, fastened, whitish or white, in minor quantities - in the second half of the cycle;
  • abundant with transparent, white or yellowish bunches - immediately after unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • liquid consistency, abundant, muddy, whitish - a few hours after unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • scarce, white, on consistency, similar to cream - after using the barrier prevention method (condom);
  • very minor, bright, not having colors and impurities - when used hormonal contraception or when breastfeeding, but after the completion of the postpartum period and the absence of menstrual bleeding;
  • first, bloody, then serous-succained, with an admixture of mucus, gradually becoming increasingly scarce and bright - after childbirth for one and a half or two months, the name of Lochi is called;
  • lack of discharge - in girls to the period of hormonal restructuring;
  • scarce, thick, white or with a yellowish tint, gradually decreasing - in women in postmenopausal period.

Pathological discharge

If there is an increase in the amount of selection, their coloring, structure and consistency have changed, you started feeling itching or nasty smell, I discovered hyperemia (redness) vulva - contact the clinic. After all, no matter how detailed the pathological types of the vaginal discharge, you are not able to independently understand their diversity.

Many diseases occur in an erased form, often infectious damage is caused by several types of microorganisms, in some processes similar manifestations. Therefore, in external signs pathological discharge One can only suspect the cause of the problem, and a clear confirmation will be obtained only after and additional surveys.

Varieties of pathological discharge

Consider the most common specific lesions of the vagina and disease of the genital organs, accompanied by pathological discharges:

  • abundant, with a yellowish-greenish tint, often foaming, having an unpleasant smell, accompanied by a feeling of burning into the vagina, discomfort when urinating - when infected with trichomonaceous vaginal;
  • crumbling white or light yellow, tightly sticking to the mucous membranes, assembled into a curly mass, causing itching and sharp hyperemia - with a reproduction of fungal flora of the genus Candida (thrush);
  • purulent or mucous-purulent, appearing in parallel with pain when urinating, burning in the outer opening of the urethra - when infected with a gonducting infection;
  • gray, abundant, liquid, with a specific smell resembling the smell of rotten fish, accompanied by irritation of external genital organs - with bacterial vaginosis (violation of the vaginal ecosystem, caused by a change in the ratio of lactobacilli and conditionally pathogenic microflora);
  • scarce with yellowish color, arising simultaneously with pulling pains at the bottom of the abdomen, unpleasant sensations During urination - with chlamydial lesion.

A serious relationship and close attention deserve allocations that have a blood admixture and appearing during or after intercourse. In such cases, the consultation of our specialist is obligatory to clarify the causes of their emergence and exclusion of malignant pathology.

You can pass all the necessary surveys in our clinic. Modern equipment, knowledge and experience of our specialists will allow you to quickly and effectively solve your problems.

Popular questions

  • Can sex infections leak without characteristic highlights?

Answer:Yes. Often a woman may not suspic on her illness. Degree of severity clinical manifestations It is very individual and depends on many factors: the state of immunity, pathogenicity of the causative agent, a parallel reception of drugs for the treatment of other diseases.

Can food / drinks / drugs affect the consistency and the smell of selections?

Answer: Yes they can. If only because all of the listed affects the state of the intestinal mucosa, and this is to the level of immunity, on which the nature of the selection depends largely. Another example: the reception of Kok (combined oral contraceptives) thickens the allocation and others.

Whether allocations are changed during pregnancy?

Answer:Yes. Usually they become more abundant and liquid on consistency, before childbirth, they change due to the mucus from the cable channel.

Can there be allocations due to allergies to a condom or sperm?

Answer: Yes, it happens quite often.

The most frequent and unpleasant side effect on the background of receiving any oral contraceptives (OK) are separating bleeding or scant intermenstrual bleeding. Spotting (OT. english word. "Spot" is a stain, a drop), it is so specialists call this phenomenon - these are scarce of suction discharges, which are most often observed during the adaptation period (addiction) to the reception of contraceptive pills (as well as when using the vaginal ring of the National and contraceptive festory of the Jew).

Approximately 30-40% of women, weed outlets disappear in the first three months of taking contraceptive tablets, a 5-10% adaptation period can delay up to six months. Nevertheless, there are about 5% of women who have a masculine after the end of the addiction period of which the multiple replacement of which does not lead to disappearance of the discharge.

So, let's deal with why there is a spotting and dirty our underwear in the "Incable Time". The fact is that the menstrual cycle of a woman is a complex of consecutive hormonal rearrangements with significant fluctuations in blood hormone levels. At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, estrogen is produced for proliferation (growth) endometrial. The peak estrogen level is noted in the days of ovulation, and then, if the fertilization did not occur, the amount of estrogen in the blood gradually decreases, but the level of progesterone increases, which and "prepares" endometrium to rejection. Devilion of endometrial and eating menstruation.

It turns out that from nature the body of a woman in different cycle phases highlights different doses of hormones. Modern oral contraceptives contain very low doses of hormones, and this dose at first can simply miss to "overlap" a natural level. Therefore, it takes some time (the adaptation period) so that the body can get used to low and microdoses of hormones and do not reject the endometrium ahead of the deadline (until the end of the packing is received).

It is very important to remember that there are no good or bad oral contraceptives, there are preparations that are suitable or not suitable for a particular girl / woman. So how do you come if you hit that percentage of women who have a side effect in the form of blood masses?

If there are really cargoes, and for hygiene there are quite a few daily gaskets per day, it is not necessary to do anything, the body himself will cope. Blood masses are not dangerous and does not harm health. Its presence in the first three months of receiving OK does not require cancellation or replacement of the drug. Against the background of these discharge, contraceptive effect is not reduced; The main thing, do not forget regularly and take contraceptive pills on time.

If blood discharge does not decline, but become rich; If there are pain at the bottom of the abdomen, you should urgently consult a doctor!

What to do, if...

  • Blood Mazne at the beginning of the package
    If, after an adaptation period, the separating allocations still occur at the beginning and in the middle of the packaging reception, this indicates an insufficient dose of estrogen in the drug, it is necessary to choose OK with a higher dose of estrogen.
  • Blood Mazne at the end of the package
    If, after an adaptation period, mages from the middle and at the end of the package is the lack of a gestagenic component, a drug with another gestagen should be selected.
  • Abundant bleeding
    If on the background of admission to ok the isolation is more abundant than the oscillations, similar to menstrual - this indicates breakthrough bleeding. This unpleasant phenomenon occurs due to the fact that in the process of adaptation of the uterus to a new hormonal state, accelerated endometrial atrophy under the action of active progestogencies, and the estrogen component in modern OK is contained too little to perform hemostatic (hemostatic function). As we have already spoken above, in the natural cycles, a woman by the end of menstruation increases the level of estrogen content in the blood, after which the endometrium rejection ends, menstruation stops and bleeding goes on "no" (which is not always perfect when taking synthetic hormones).

    Also, breakthrough bleeding can be due to a violation of the OK reception scheme (passing the reception of the next tablet), diarrhea or vomiting (absorption of the drug), taking antibiotics, drugs affecting the central nervous system, phytopreparations containing St. John's wort, against the background of prolonged reception schemes OK (63 -7-63).

    Of course, in such a situation, the most reasonable to consult a doctor. But, unfortunately, not every woman has the opportunity to promptly visit an experienced gynecologist. If breakthrough bleeding occurs, the main thing is not to fall into panic! Experts are usually recommended to double the daily dose of the received OK (1 tab. In the morning and 1 evening), and so take to stop bleeding, and then return to the usual reception of 1 tab. per day. Since the general reception cycle, OK should not be shorter than 21st days (for Jess it is 24 days), then you need to purchase another packaging of the drug to take additional tablets from it. Monophase preparations have the same tablet the same, so you can take tablets from any cell (for Jess - active pills).

Do not follow independently stop taking OK in the middle of the packaging, otherwise it will only increase bleeding as an endometrial reaction to a sharp decrease in blood hormones. After all, on the background of admission to OK menstrual cycle, as such, there is no, you just take a certain combination of hormones "estrogen + progesterone", and if you dramatically cancel the reception of the preparation taken, and your own hormones are not yet produced by ovaries, then bleeding cannot be avoided.

Contraceptive pills are often prescribed with irregular monthly. Many women then complain that a masculine appears when taking contraceptives, which gives concern. But gynecologists are not so categorical. They argue that in most cases of discharge when using such drugs are the norm. Only a professional doctor can give conclusion about the presence of a problem. In any case, this situation should force a woman to contact women's advice.

Norm of discharge

Before exercising anxiety, it is necessary to independently carry out an easy analysis. It is enough to compare the data before the use of the drug began, and after the separating sections appeared when receiving hormonal contraceptives.

Most contraceptives are hormone drugs. Their reception leads to a collection of hormonal background, forcing the body of a woman to rebuild. As a rule, it is accompanied by bloody discharges, disorders of the menstrual cycle. Cases when separating selection when prescribing hormonal contraceptives do not cause anxiety:

  • in the first 2-3 months;
  • in the first days after the start of the new packaging;
  • after half a package was used;
  • in case of a break.

Each packaging of contraceptives is intended for a specific course. This is usually 21-28 tablets calculated once a day. After the start of the reception of funds, the woman's body is rebuilt, wanting to get rid of unnecessary, old blood. For this reason, many patients notice that blood discharge has begun when taking contraceptives. The same thing happens when half of the packaging is taken. The norm is considered if there are no more than three days.

Some women independently prescribe oral contraceptives to eliminate unwanted monthly. For example, before the upcoming release. Sometimes such a tendency helps to exclude the upcoming periods, especially if the patient has already taken similar drugs.

Dangerous symptoms

But not always brown discharge When receiving contraceptive pills can be considered the norm. The reason for concern should be:

  • constant discharge when using contraceptives throughout the course;
  • if the selection appeared after a random pass of 1-2 tablets;
  • against the background of alcohol consumption;
  • when appointing another drug.

Any violations during medication therapy using contraceptives can cause side effects In the form of bleeding. But if this happens against the background of the listed facts, this provision should be a reason for concern. Any instruction warns that during the reception it is desirable to exclude alcohol consumption. The purpose of other drugs should be agreed with the attending physician. Other medicines reduce the effectiveness of contraceptives, causing side effects.

Duration of unpleasant discharge

Most women should understand that bloody discharges when receiving contraceptive tablets appear in 40% of all cases. And any may be in this statistic. The use of contraceptives is a stressful situation for the reproductive functions of the female organism. The childbearing system should adapt to adapt to sharp changes in the hormonal background. About 10% of women who took similar drugs noted that minor discharge was observed for six months.

This situation can not be called the norm. Therefore, it is advisable to undergo a survey. Sometimes long-term bleeding discharge when taking birth control may be observed with such factors:

  • age changes in the body;
  • violation of the hormonal background;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking;
  • pass another reception;
  • violation of the manufacturer's recommendations;
  • inappropriate contraceptive;
  • diseases of the urogenital system.

Many women complain that they drink contraceptive and they began to allocate brown. But most of them began such treatment without recommendations or appointments of the doctor to exclude unwanted pregnancy, not aware of all the consequences.

Each female organism is individual. For a month, a certain amount of genital hormones are produced, which are responsible for cycles, ovulation processes. Against the background of reception of contraceptives, the natural synthesis of gestagens, estrogen can occur. Sometimes it takes several months to restore the hormonal background so that the endometrium (mucous uterus) cease to reject natural own hormones. Such rejection provokes the appearance of the selection.

If about 3 months have passed after the start of the reception, and the allocations did not stop, suspected the presence of a bad disease at once. Sometimes the body is not enough such time to restore the hormonal balance.

Symptoms of disease

The appointment of contraceptives always affects the physiological features of the female organism. It manifests itself in each concrete case differently. Therefore, if a woman complains that he drinks hormonal tablets And the masculine began, to exclude the presence of some kind of disease. The presence of pathology can testify such phenomena:

  • painful sensations at sexual proximity;
  • dryness mucosa;
  • bleeding after sexual intercourse or in the middle of the cycle;
  • the presence of an unpleasant, acid smell;
  • various allocations from white to greenish color.

Such symptoms requires an immediate survey and treat both partners. But the reception of contraceptives is usually not stopped. Many of these drugs have favorably affect the recovery process, accelerating it against the background of the optimal level of hormones.

Most often, a similar situation is manifested in the morning of the uterus. The presence of discharge is accompanied by pain at the bottom of the abdomen, spasms, the menstrual cycle is disturbed. The reception of contraceptives cannot normalize the cyclicity of menstruation.

No less characteristic of such situations stress, which a woman had to endure the day before. Increased nervous situation leads to a disturbance of menstruation, to their painful flow. Nervousness, depression lead to early climax and loss of reproductive functions.

Adaptation to contraceptives

More than half of the patients, fogging sections stop approximately two weeks after the start of receiving the contraceptive. But on the duration of such a phenomenon there are several factors:

  • age;
  • emotional condition;
  • the time passed after the start of the use of the means.

This is general symptoms that explains why it is worth going to your doctor.

Sometimes such symptoms may appear after the end of the drug. But gradually the negative disappears, the reproductiveness is restored and after 2 months the ultrasound examination can identify pregnancy. Besides:

  • menstrual cycle normalizes;
  • stabilize mucosa;
  • the microflora of the vagina is restored.

If menstruation is not restored for several months, this is a reason to visit your gynecologist.

Danger of sharp discontinuation

Some women do not like phenomena that are accompanied by the first days of using contraceptives. Many make an independent decision and stop accepting. Such an independent decision is quite dangerous. The most frequent phenomenon is a long-term recovery of the cycle, which is accompanied by the ongoing allocations. But the most dangerous consequence Such an independent and rapid decision is bleeding. The situation is critical and requires immediate hospitalization.

To exclude such negative, doctors recommend not to interrupt the reception and use all tablets in packaging, complying with the recommendations of the attending physician and manufacturer. The exception can be patients with such diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • oncological diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • kidney disease, liver;
  • violation of lipid balance.

That is why the beginning of the course and its ending should be coordinated with the gynecologist. This applies to everyone without exception to drugs, even to such harmless, like a silhouette. The beginning of the reception of oral contraceptives is often accompanied by the appearance of uncharacteristic bleeding. It is not a pathology and panicing prematurely.

Oral contraceptives (OK) are currently the best option for preventing unwanted pregnancy. As a rule, when admitting such funds, a weekly break is always assumed, during which monthly occurs. After this time, the woman renews the reception approx. But it happens that breakthrough bleeding occurs when taking OK, that is,.

Perhaps bleeding when using a oral oral contraceptive can be called very common and unpleasant by-effect This kind of funds. Inssential, weak bleeding when taking OK is very likely at the stage of addictiveness of the body to these pills.

According to statistical data, 40% of fine sex representatives have a bleeding tower in the first two or three months of use of oral contraception.

In 10% of women, the adaptation period may last half a year. But there are approximately 5% of girls whose bleeding is observed at the end of addiction. Moreover, the reusable replacement of funds also does not eliminate the negative side effect.

However, why are these phenomena observed? Menstrual cycle Women are a chain of consistent changes associated with significant changes in blood hormone concentrations. At the first stages of the cycle, estrogen is produced in more significant volumes.

The maximum concentration of this hormone in the girl's body is observed in the days of ovulation, and then, if the conception has not occurred, it gradually decreases. Simultaneously with the drop in estrogen's indicators, an increase in the concentration of progesterone is noted - it is he who is responsible for rejection of the endometrial layer in the uterus. The last process is manifested by menstruation.

In other words, nature took care that various concentrations of hormones were made in various phases of the cycle of the female body. It should be noted that all ok today include minor doses of active substances, and this volume may initially simply miss to cover the natural level of these compounds. That is why a certain period is necessary (adaptation), so that the body of the woman is accustomed to minor dosages of hormones and did not reflect the endometrial layer of the previously alleged period (that is, until the conclusion of the capsules in the contraceptive package).

When, during the reception of the new OK, the blood is allocated in a small amount, and only a few daily gaskets are required for intimate hygiene, there is no point in making sense, since it often copes with such an adverse effect of the drug. Similar allocations do not pose a threat to the health of a woman, and their presence during the first three months old The reception does not need to cancel or replace OK.

In addition, it is necessary to emphasize that the presence of such bleeding does not reduce the contraceptive effect approx. The only thing you should not forget about is a timely reception of pills. Moreover, the election of blood does not become an obstacle for intimate proximity, if both partners do not neglect personal hygiene rules. It is extremely important to understand that there are no "good" or "bad" contraceptives, but there are those that are suitable or not suitable for a certain fair sex representative. But how to do if minor bleeding are observed even at the end of the adaptation period?

So, when addictive completed, and a small blood loss is observed in the initial phase or in the middle of the cycle, this indicates a small dosage of the estrogen component in OK, so it is likely that the problem will solve the selection of funds with increased content This hormone.

If the adaptation ended, or either closer to its end continue to be observed, it makes sense to think about the deficiency of the gestagenic component. This means that you need to start taking the drug with a more powerful dose of the Gestagen. However, if the selection does not disappear and, on the contrary, are strengthened, and they are accompanied by pain at the bottom of the abdomen, you should not tighten with a visit to the gynecologist.

Causes of strong bleeding

When the lady at admission to OK is there are plenty of allocations, rather reminiscent of menstruants, such a picture, as a rule, indicates breakthrough uterine bleeding. It occurs because during the addiction of the uterus to the changed hormonal status, the atrophy of the endometrial layer passes due to the impact of progestogennes, and the dosage of the ethane component in OK is simply sculpt, and does not allow to successfully perform hemostatic (hemostatic) function.

As noted, during the natural cycle, the concentration of estrogen increases during the ladies in the blood, due to this, the separation of the endometrial layer is suspended, and the periods are completed. However, during the reception of synthetic hormones, such processes do not always pass smoothly.

In addition, breakthrough bleeding is able to appear due to such reasons:

  • gynecological diseases (ovarian dysfunction, endometriosis, mioma or polyps, violations of the state of the uterine);
  • smoking also has an anti-estrogenic effect, which means that the appearance of bleeding is likely;
  • violations of the use scheme OK (Pilul reception pass, sharp abolition of the drug);
  • the use of antibiotics and drugs acting on the state of the nervous system;
  • due to vomiting and diarrhea (problems with the absorption of the means);
  • reception of phytopreparations with the content of the Hypericum;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • individual intolerance to OK.

Algorithm of action during breakthrough bleeding

If we are not talking about the natural causes of blood loss (bleeding, the abolition, adaptation period), in this case, the most reasonable to immediately hurry to the gynecologist. First of all, you should check pregnancy. The fact is that "an interesting situation" is not excluded even during the reception OK, especially if the woman took antibiotics in parallel with them, forgot about the use of funds into one days, or she had bouts of vomiting or diarrhea. It is necessary to recall that the uterus reacts to bleeding to the implantation process, so the doctor must be checked to the urine and the blood of the patient for the presence of hCG.

In the case when pregnancy is not confirmed, the doctor usually advises to increase the dose of the received fund (1 capsule in the morning and 1 more evening). In this mode, OK drink to cease bleeding, and after return to the usual reception: 1 tablet every 24 hours. Since the course ok should not exceed 21-24 days, most likely, a woman will need to purchase additional packaging of the drug.

It should be noted that in monophase oral contraceptives, the composition of all tablets is absolutely monitor, so you can use capsules from any cell. But at the combined tools, for example, from "Jess", the pills take from the lean active cell, corresponding to the day of reception approx. However, it should be remembered that in breakthrough bleeding it is ultimately not recommended to stop receiving the contraceptive, as this can only increase bleeding. In addition, you should not neglect a visit to a specialist: you must contact the gynecologist to control the situation.