Beautiful arrangement of frames with photographs on the wall. Creative ideas for placing photographs in the interior

Each of us has simply a huge number of photographs stored - thanks to the era of digital cameras! Sometimes, oddly enough, we want the most beloved and beautiful photos hang them on the wall in a frame so that you can enjoy them not on a heartless computer monitor, but in a warm and cozy home environment.

And then the same thing happens that happens with everything related to the interior: you want to do it beautifully, but it turns out as always...

In fact, hanging your photographs beautifully on the walls of a room is not such a great art. Professional designers have long developed countless of the most various ideas and diagrams for picture frames.

Therefore, you can look through the most general ideas presented in this article, and then, if desired, look for a place for your family heirlooms in the “design direction” you like.

And let beautiful photographs not be a problem for you, but a pleasant reminder of the most the best people and the wonderful moments of your life.


Quite a simple way of placing photos, but despite this, due to the clear lines it looks very advantageous. Place square frames of the same size at the same distance from each other so that you end up with a square. You can insert photographs on a single theme into frames or simply collect your favorite pictures in the same color scheme - the main thing is that they look harmonious together.

Glass photo frames without clear boundaries look interesting, and to create an overall style, you can use special digital effects that will turn your photos into small masterpieces.

Black and white photographs in retro style are great for interiors in soothing colors and do not distract all attention to themselves.


The ideal option for placing photos of different sizes is to arrange them in random order. Start with the largest photos, placing them in the center area, and then place the rest around. For the integrity of perception, the distance between photographs should be approximately the same.

Use frames in the same style, but in different colors - this way the composition will look more dynamic, and by playing with contrasts, you can highlight the most valuable photographs.

The most popular frames are black, white and brown colors, since these are the colors that predominate in most interiors.


Unlike the previous option, in this case, frames of different sizes are positioned so that their outer sides do not extend beyond the common boundaries, creating a square or rectangle. This method is more labor-intensive, but looks very impressive.

Use frames of different sizes and colors, you can insert photos or drawings into them. You can also add small paintings or panels - the main thing is that all the elements of the composition are organically combined with each other and complement the interior of the room.

If you print your pictures on canvas, you won't need frames. You just need to hang the photos in in the right order. This is a good idea for a birthday or anniversary gift.


Place the largest or simply your favorite photo in the center, and the rest around it. It is possible to draw clear boundaries from external parties frames, or you can simply randomly arrange the photos in a circle.

If the central frame is wider and larger than the others, the photo in it will attract the most attention - it is worth placing the most memorable and favorite photo in this way.

Even small photographs will perfectly decorate the walls if you place them in the form of a collage.

Photos on the shelves

The shelves are suitable not only for souvenirs and vases, but photo frames look great on them. There are special shelves for paintings for this purpose - they have a limiter that holds them securely. This interior design option is ideal for changeable natures, as it allows you to change photos at any time and move them depending on your mood.

A very interesting effect is created if frames of different sizes overlap. White frames do not overload the interior, and the whole composition looks airy, despite the large number of elements.

You can choose shelves that contrast with the color of the walls - this will focus attention on them. But on shelves that match the color of the walls, the pictures will seem “suspended.”


This option looks most advantageous in the design of the walls of the staircase space. Such walls are usually undeservedly empty, but they are great for posting pictures. Hang photos along the stairs, keeping the slope, try to choose neutral photos - you don’t want your guests to trip while looking at them.

Warm family photos will add coziness to your interior.

Of course, photographs arranged in this way look most organic in the design of walls along the stairs, but this is not a necessary condition. The stepped arrangement of photographs is also suitable for decorating walls in rooms.

U modern man A lot of photos accumulate - in memory, phone, computer or other gadgets. Pictures, even if associated with pleasant memories, are viewed extremely rarely. But why miss the opportunity to cheer yourself up by looking at memorable photos? It is enough to hang the pictures on the wall, and they will not only charge you with positivity, but will also decorate the interior.

1. Vinyl stickers - instead of frames

If artistic skills are completely absent and it is not possible to depict frames on the wall, then use vinyl stickers. They can be purchased in online stores. Such stickers do not damage the wall finish.

2. Drawing lessons

In order to depict frames on the wall, it is not at all necessary to have an art education. Even a child can repeat drawings in the style of primitivism. In order for the drawn frames to look harmonious, the wall must be monochromatic.

3. Graceful cords

Thin decorative laces act as a photo holder. Tie the cord into a knot and glue the free edge to the back of the photo. All that remains is to hang the photo on the wall, after hammering a nail into it.

4. Decoration in eco-style

A non-standard shaped branch replaces the frame, turning photos placed on it into original decor. The branch can be painted or varnished - then the homemade “frame” will last a long time.

5. From the closet to the wall

Hangers with mounts, which hang dozens in every closet, become unusual photo mounts. The main thing is to print the photo in a suitable size that matches the length of the hanger.

6. Flirty ribbons

A lady's boudoir will be transformed if you decorate it with photos on ribbons. Wide tapes are glued to reverse side frames using construction adhesive, such as silicone or acrylic.

7. Free style collage

Many photos, differing in style and size, look harmonious inside a large frame. The center of the decorative composition becomes a large photograph located in its central part.

8. Useful and beautiful angle

A brilliantly simple way to display photos is to hang them in a corner so that they form a single colored surface. Choose any geometric figure, and you can fix the photo on the wall using double-sided tape.

9. Unifying drawing

You can make a single decorative composition from several photos hanging on the wall using a laconic drawing on the wall. Any single-color pattern drawn over a group of photographs will do. Instead of a picture, you can use a vinyl sticker.

10. Nothing worse than a painting

If the paintings do not fit into the interior design, but you want to decorate your home with paintings, then replace it with a photo in a large frame. Glue several decorative cords to the back of the frame and secure the pictures to them with clothespins.

11. You can stand on the wall

Narrow shelves are great for displaying photos and paintings. They will also allow you to avoid making unnecessary holes in the wall. If there is no narrow shelf, then it can be replaced with wide moldings.

12. Optical illusions

As a rule, each frame comes with glass and thick cardboard, which serves as a holder for the photo. Use a second piece of glass instead of cardboard. Place the photo, with a drop of glue on the back side, between the two glasses. All that remains is to hang the picture on the wall.

13. Clear geometry

Once you have selected a few of your favorite photos, print them out as a collage. To do this, you just need to contact any photo or copy center. Depending on your preferences and interior design, you can choose any color for the background and type of photo placement.

14. Both photo and inscription

Think about an inscription that you would like to see on the wall every day. Then draw the outlines on the cardboard the necessary letters and carefully cut them out with a utility knife. All that remains is to place the photo behind the cardboard and insert the entire composition into a frame of a suitable size.

15. Personal photo wallpaper

If family archives are impressive in size, then you can use them to make photo wallpaper. To keep the pictures securely on the wall, it is recommended to first cover it with paper wallpaper. Then the photo is glued to the wallpaper so that there is equal free space between adjacent photographs.

16. Democratic and stylish

The most accessible fixative for photos is ordinary clothespins. If this solution seems too radical, then buy decorative hats. They are sold in stores specializing in the sale of handicraft supplies.

Molded elements made of plaster or polyurethane become an original replacement for shelves. Even regular photos, standing on such a stucco element, turn into a real work of art.

19. Brutal placement

Hanging a photo on the wall using a cornice and chains is a solution for the most daring. But such a composition can become a real highlight of the interior. This idea is good for large and bright photos.

20. Family watch

The clock mechanism can be purchased at a craft store or taken from another clock. All that remains is to select twelve small photographs, each of which will replace the number on the dial.

Hang photos on the walls - great way make your home more comfortable. Is this not enough? Then we recommend that you read

What makes a style, of course, is not the photo itself, but its packaging - the photo frame. It also carries the function of preserving the photograph, protecting it from direct sun rays who age her by leaps and bounds.

Photo frames in the interior - important notes

The simplest option, acceptable in any room, is a framed photograph on the table. The style of the photo frame in this case will depend on where the table is located. A strict classic frame will look impressive on a table in your office, or something delicate, romantic, and cozy on a table in a boudoir or bedroom. You can also put a voluminous photo frame on the table, which will look very impressive.

One of the most fertile places to place a photo frame is a children's room. An exhibition of photographs of a child would be appropriate here, showing how he grows and changes from year to year. You can place such an exhibition in the same strict (classical) frames, randomly in relation to each other. If you want to place different frames, then you should still keep them in the same style - childish, “fruit”, “sea”, so that they seem to be from the same series and made of the same material.

Wooden and glass frames next to each other will look rather vulgar within the same exhibition. But combining photographs of different sizes side by side is quite acceptable. Thus, photo frames in the interior require harmony.

If you want to arrange the frames symmetrically, then be careful, since they will then require symmetry from everything in the interior of the room. For example, such a reception in a nursery would be at least inappropriate. You can arrange the exhibition roughly “in order of growth”, from smallest to largest, but then it’s worth adding some additional decor to the wall that will support this “thought” and echo it.

You can create a family tree consisting of a hand-drawn part in the form of a tree on the wall and correspondingly arranged photographs in oval frames. In principle, the idea of ​​​​combining a drawing and a photo frame is quite successfully implemented in a children's room. In a boys' "sea" room, it could be a photograph in the porthole of a drawn ship; in a princess-style girls' room, it could be a drawing of a carriage and a photo frame instead of a window. And so on, taking into account style and design. The photo frame itself also plays a lot; now there are a lot of stylized models that successfully decorate shelves in children's rooms.

You can perfectly use photographs to decorate the space around the spiral staircases in the house. There is an option for a chaotic arrangement of photographs of different sizes, or you can make an exposure of photographs of the same style at approximately the same distance from the floor.

The “clock” composition will look great in the living room. Photos are placed around the clock mechanism (you can arrange family photos by age, starting with wedding ones). It looks rich and quite original. Also interesting is the option for the living room of photographic portraits, arranged like paintings and designed in the same style. Photo frames decorated in this way will look unusual in the interior.

Photo diptychs and photo triptychs, photo frames that combine two or more photographs, look elegant and tasteful.

In the bedroom, photographs fit perfectly into the bedside area: above the bed or on the bedside table.

And the corridor, the most boring room in the house, thanks to framed photographs, can become not only an art gallery, but also a keeper of family secrets and legends.

I would like to mention a few more original ideas. If there is a knitter in the house, and she decided to equip the living room in a handmade style, then hand-knitted photo frames for this room will look great.

In an avant-garde interior, it will be interesting to look at photographs “drying”, attached with clothespins to a rope stretched along the wall, as they were attached in Soviet times by people who developed photographs themselves.

IN lately Photo frames in the form of puzzles are very relevant.

True specialists and connoisseurs of luxury design are unlikely to ignore such a detail as photo frames in the interior.

Photo frames in the interior

There are many different moments in life that you want to remember every day. Bright and not very bright. Some brought joy and fun. Others made us who we are. Time passes, and details of the past fade from memory, and with them pleasant memories. We forget about our children's and teenage albums languishing on the top shelves of cabinets. They contain imprints of the emotions that we experienced in early years. But what's stopping you from refreshing them? Do you live in an apartment? Hang photos from your old photo album on the wall of your living room or hallway. Are you the owner of a spacious country house? Then decorate the interior of your cottage with warm memories of long-gone moments in your family's life. Treat yourself to the warmth and comfort of home.

Any interior can be made cozy and original with the help of photographs on the wall.

Don't know where to start? Wondering How to decorate a wall with photographs from a home photo album? We will tell you how to properly decorate the interior of your home with photographs. Interesting options lie in the most simple solutions, you just have to pay attention to them.

Well-designed photos in decorative frames, or in a special way not only can they harmoniously fit into a certain interior style of the room, but also greatly improve its visual effects. Just like when arranging the interior decoration of a room, decorating with photographs has its own nuances and features.

A variety of photographs are suitable for wall decoration

Before you determine the format of the photo composition, as well as choose this or that style, you need to decide on the location of the photos. In this case, you need to be guided by some principles:

  1. The dynamism of the photo should correspond to the type of room. For example, wedding or dating photos of a married couple would be appropriate to place in the bedroom, but pictures of the whole family spending time on a picnic would be more successful to hang in the hallway of your home.
  2. Lighting plays a big role in the interior of a room with a photo wall. Light and sunny photographs should be placed on a well-lit side of the wall, while evening and more romantic ones can be placed in a dark corner of your apartment.
  3. The family tree and portraits of your ancestors are best placed in the hallway or on the wall of the staircase.

Favorite pictures on the wall in the kitchen dining area

In addition to those listed above, there are many more rules for arranging photographs with or without frames, taking into account the style of the interior, the color scheme of the room and lighting.

Features of photo placement

As has already become clear, there are certain requirements for posting photographs. Let's try to figure it out in more detail.

Bright composition lifts your spirits

Important. Depending on the interior style of the room, the style of photographs and the choice of frames will vary greatly.

An interesting idea for decorating a watch with family photos

Manner is the dynamics, the mood of the person (people) captured in the photo. Also the clothes the character is wearing, his occupation, etc.


For a classic style in the interior, more strict photos of events are selected. People in such photos should be dressed in formal suits. The design of the wall in this case should also be in compliance with strict lines and shapes. Impressiveness and smoothness are inappropriate here. The colors of the frames can be different: white, black, gray and all shades of natural wood are suitable. The passe-partout is selected depending on the chosen frame.

IN classic style Photos framed like paintings look good

Photos in gilded frames in a classic-style living room


Photos taken in nature, in fields or meadows, in the forest, are suitable for French Provence. On the wall, such a composition is best placed within a dark shape, since Provence implies soft tones. This will create a clear accent. The photo collage can be diluted with various still lifes depicting fruits or flowers. In relation to Provence, blue-pink-violet lavender is perfect for decorating a wall with family photographs.

You can place a small mirror in the center of the composition

Favorite pictures framed in different sizes on the bedroom wall

On the soft wall pink color you can successfully place a family tree. This is done in the form of a pattern connecting the hung photographs. To give a special charm to the collage, it is decorated additional elements decoration or, in our case, finishing. These can be fluttering butterflies, birds, or simply lines depicted in bizarre convolutions and shapes.


The loft style is characterized by a rough interior and simplicity of finishing, or rather the lack thereof. On a wall made of red polished brick, a good option would be to arrange photo cards without frames on a stretched rope. The photo format should be in Polaroid style.

String and clothespins are perhaps the easiest way to effectively display photos.

In the lower or upper part of the wall (niche), you can make lighting with a soft white glow. This way your photos will look against the backdrop of the illuminated aura behind them.

Collage of photographs from different years brick wall bedrooms

The order of the photo cards can be of any shape. Main feature in this case, there is a relationship between the chosen style and the events reflected in the photo.

Photo placement options

The most common option for arranging photos on the wall is to enclose each photo in a separate frame. But now there are a lot of exclusive and extraordinary ways of arranging family props to match the home interior.

Photos without frames on the wall of the stairwell

Symmetrical composition above the sofa in the living room

Random order

In this case, the photo is hung without frames. The mutual placement of such a collage can be of different shapes. It all depends on the event and the design of the surrounding interior. For example, a love story is shaped like a heart. But photo cards that remind you of the arrival of a small child in your family are placed on the wall with additional attributes in keeping with the theme of the event (decorative elements in the form of wooden patterns on the wall of various shapes).

Information on the topic

Pictures without frames in the shape of a heart on the wall of a children's room

This composition can be changed at least every day

Mounting method

It can be as simple as using double-sided tape or a nail on a dowel. Or maybe an original combined one.

Why not use shelves to display photos?

Framed photographs do not need to be mounted on the wall, but simply placed on the floor.

Collage layout location

This is usually a straight wall. But besides an ordinary wall, it can be a corner of the room, decorated with photographs on both sides; a wardrobe that is part of the overall composition or completes the photo story with a large print on the entire door facade. Flowing background from floor to wall, or from wall to ceiling.

Beautiful and useful corner

A combination of different ways to frame photo cards

From the usual photo frame in the interior, with a mat around the perimeter, to designer carved wooden frames, decorated with precious materials. IN modern styles Frames made of metal, glass and plastic have become very popular.

Use different frames and try different combinations

Contrast of large and small photos

This effect creates a certain charm that has a beneficial effect on a person’s worldview. At the same time, a large collage format should be made for portraits and close-up photos. Small photos complement the overall picture. In order not to overcrowd the wall with events, diluting images and details are used. This role is played by flower arrangements, wooden shelves in the color of the interior, on which, along with candles and vases, your photos are installed.

It is convenient to look at photographs if the composition is located at eye level

Photos on the pendant

For hanging, make a large frame. A cork sheet is placed inside. Collage of photos small sizes secured with stationery pins. If you additionally tighten the rope or fishing line, the photo is attached to clothespins (stationery, clothespins). This design is well suited to loft and minimalist styles.

Photos in frames, suspended on laces and pushpins

Photos in retro frames hanging on clothespins

Photos are attached to the wall in different ways. Attach the frame by twisting it thoroughly, and attach the photographs themselves to the frame without the risk of damaging them.

Photo frames

When arranging a collage with ordinary frames, you need to additionally use a passe-partout. This is ordinary colored cardboard with no middle part. The photograph is placed in it.

Black frames convey rigor and graphics, white frames convey sophistication and grace.

In addition, the use of picture frames is interesting. In this case, the photos get a volumetric effect. This is achieved by the absence of borders around the perimeter, that is, the image flows onto the wall. Often this frame format is used for composite photographs, the image of which is divided into several frames.

The wooden frame and the photograph hang separately, but form an overall composition

The most remarkable and memorable wall designs are created thanks to the people in the frame, and a little due to the skill of the photographer. Seasoning such collages with decorative elements, hand-carved patterns, and painted walls are the main components of a successful solution. Accents are appropriate here. Decorative clocks, consonantly participating in a cascade of photo cards, wooden shelves with flower vases, and others unusual items the interior decoration of your apartment - all this can be very successfully combined with material from your family album.

Live life to the fullest, create moments by capturing them on camera film; and then, on one of the warm winter evenings, remember those moments of happiness experienced together with your family over a cup of hot chocolate. Create with us!

When decorating a wall, you can “go outside the box”

Video on how to decorate a wall with frameless photographs with your own hands

A properly decorated room creates a cozy atmosphere in the apartment. Often, an unfinished image of a room can undermine the reputation of the entire apartment. Photos can be a successful completion of the image. Although now photographs are mainly stored in electronic form, designers believe that photo frames radically change the perception of the room as a whole.

First, you need to choose an accent wall on which the pictures will be placed. If you are at the stage of planning the design of the room, then choose the general color of the photographs and their number. Photos in photo frames must be of high quality.

Ways to arrange photos:

  • So that they are level with the eyes.
  • If you have chosen photographs, but they are of different sizes, then hang small photos so that they are at eye level, and large ones a little higher.
  • Photographs placed in one line or in the shape of a pyramid do not look good.

The next stage is choosing photos. It is best to choose those pictures that evoke a surge of positive emotions.

How to decorate a photo frame in the interior?

If you are not familiar with the basics of interior design, and you are afraid of experiments, then choose one-color photo frames. To add variety, thickness and shape may vary.

If the room is decorated in bright colors, then it is advisable to use frames in light colors, for example, silver. Such a frame will only highlight the photograph and will not overload the interior.

Black frames look great in a room with a neutral color scheme. It will focus the attention of the entire room.

Filling photo frames

Vintage black and white photos look interesting. This photo fits perfectly with elongated frames.

  • Now the fashion has gone to grass and flowers. Flora can be drawn with a pencil. To give the picture some zest, you just need to write the name of the flower in Latin.
  • A photograph that shows the same person, only from different angles, looks original. For example, you can take 4 pictures of winter, spring, summer and autumn. Or collect all your vacation pictures in one picture.
  • Mosaic photo. Beautiful and tasteful. To make such a picture, you need to take one photo, cut it and place it in different frames.
  • If you don't have any suitable photos, but you like the idea of ​​using frames on the wall. Then take the wallpaper and put it in frames!
  • Frames without photos look just as good as with them.
  • Painted frames look great on the wall.
  • Placing modern photo frames in the interior

So, you have already chosen the frames and pictures for them, now it’s time to think about their placement.

If you have many different size frames, then arrange them randomly. Then a certain dynamism will appear in the interior.

One-dimensional frames are best placed in geometric patterns, such as triangles, squares, and so on. But this method is only suitable if the pictures are also the same size.

Use masking tape to hang frames correctly. Draw a straight line for it at eye level. And then navigate it.

To build an arrangement of photographs on the wall, use a central object. This could be: a mirror, paintings, photos or posters. Place the remaining frames around this item, in a chaotic style or vice versa, symmetrically.

Little design tricks

1. Black and white photographs, designed in a simple style, look great and intriguing due to their asymmetrical placement.

2. Do you only have small pictures? No problem! Just attach them with string and clothespins and they will fit in the frame.

3. Do you want to increase the effectiveness of the composition? Light it up!

4. To add some fun to black and white photos, simply use colorful frames to frame them.

5. Small pictures placed in large photo frames look great.

6. If you don’t need photos, don’t write them off. Make a wall slogan out of them!

7. White frames on a white background will attract close attention.

8. Photos at the head of the bed are a win-win design option!

9. Do you have a lot of small frames? Make a big heart out of them!

And finally, if you have a great desire to create your own gallery, then don’t be afraid of this, just combine frames of different sizes and colors. Just don’t overdo it so that the composition doesn’t depress you.

Photo of beautifully designed photo frames in the interior