Love horoscope for the current week Scorpio. Weekly horoscope for Scorpio

On Monday, before saying anything to your loved one, Scorpio should think a hundred times. Why? There are a lot of options: he may be misunderstood, or the chosen one will be inclined to argue. So the main guidelines for Scorpio in love on Monday should be the words “diplomacy” and “caution.” Well, it’s best if, before speaking out himself, Scorpio first asks his loved one for his opinion.

On Wednesday, the situation may force Scorpio to remember such things as rancor and even revenge. Perhaps a loved one will remember Scorpio some offensive words or actions, or maybe Scorpio himself will want to take revenge on someone. To prevent this from putting his personal life at risk, Scorpio needs to restrain such impulses on Wednesday. Revenge is a poisonous dish that should not be served hot or cold. Never to anyone. At all.

On Thursday, Scorpio needs to prepare for the fact that not everything is in his relationship with his beloved will go as a person smooth. This is a difficult day when misunderstandings, quarrels and conflicts can arise between Scorpio and his chosen one out of nowhere, because of any little things. This is unpleasant, but there is nothing to worry about: any relationship must be tested for strength from time to time. After today's storms, the sun will seem especially bright to Scorpio!

On Friday, when communicating with a loved one, the principle of the mirror is relevant for Scorpio: his mood will immediately be reflected in the mood of his partner. In other words, it is enough for Scorpio to be sweet and affectionate for his chosen one to show the same qualities towards himself. If Scorpio becomes angry with the whole world, he should prepare for conflicts and showdowns. It turns out that being white and fluffy is beneficial for Scorpio on Friday - even more profitable than usual.

On Saturday, Scorpio may feel that the shell with which he has surrounded himself is becoming thinner. This may manifest itself in hypersensitivity and the sentimentality of Scorpio, as well as the fact that he will be more vulnerable and vulnerable than usual. A loved one, even without wanting it, on Saturday is capable of hurting him with any careless word! But he can also fix this just as easily, using tenderness and affection. Scorpio's touchiness cannot stand against such a powerful weapon!

If Scorpio has lately There were difficulties in a relationship with a loved one, on Sunday there is a chance to fix everything. Even if we're talking about about deep contradictions or ruptures, the stars claim that not everything is lost. Scorpio will be able to overcome any gap if he really wants to. To do this, it is enough for him to take a step towards his partner on Sunday with an open heart. Even if it is a very small, but very sincere step.

for Scorpio

Today, any process is successful and educational for Scorpios. A lot of impressions await you on the road, during communication, work, training and planned procedures. Opportunities will expand. The level of trust and sensual harmony in the relationships you need will increase. The most interesting information will be communicated in a whisper or hint. Not excluded additional costs for status items or useful services.

For Scorpios, this week is favorable for studying, communicating with peers, friends and acquaintances. Perhaps you will be invited to join the company on some interesting trip. Marital relationships are also experiencing a period of harmony and optimism. The most difficult issues in marriage, which previously caused controversy, will now receive a harmonious compromise solution. Be sure to discuss with your marriage partner all the topics that you consider relevant. Only through an interested, friendly and calm dialogue can one find right decisions. The same applies to business partnerships. Orient yourself and the people around you to cooperate and effective interaction. This week you will be able to successfully resolve the most difficult issues by using your existing business and purely human connections.

February for typical Scorpios can be a time of blossoming love and creativity. If you have a loved one, then this month your relationship can reach a new level. It is possible that you can receive many gifts, pleasant surprises and declarations of love. For your part, you will also be inclined to show imagination in order to pleasantly surprise your loved one. Single Scorpios can meet their love during a trip or at a cafe. This month you will be very sociable. Your circle of acquaintances will expand. You may often be invited to pleasure trips out of town, to picnics. People who are passionate about some kind of creativity or have a hobby will spend this time successfully. Perhaps you will discover new topic that you are passionate about. If you have children then educational process will give you a lot of pleasure. The child will delight you with his successes and achievements. Try to do something pleasant and memorable for your child. For example, take your child to the circus or puppet theater or figure skating classes more often. The child will be grateful to you for such care and attention. Most lucky days in February: 4, 5, 19, 20, 25, 26. Busy days: 1, 12, 13, 23, 23, 29

Love horoscope from February 3 to February 9, 2020

Scorpio woman. Many Scorpios will understand this week that sex and love are concepts that, although overlapping, are still autonomous. And if love is difficult to do without sex, then sex without mutual spiritual affection is easy. You should not reproach yourself if, following physical attraction, you allow yourself to make love with a man who is not your lover or a contender for a place in your heart.

Scorpio man. The current week is capable of increasing the level of Scorpios' skill in lovemaking. But this will only happen if you spend a lot of time having sex. The location of the stars is quite favorable for this, protecting men of your sign from any shocks in their personal lives. Go with the flow and have fun.

Financial horoscope from February 3 to February 9, 2020

The first half of this week will be very successful for Scorpios. During this period, their desire for risk will be completely justified. Investments, operations with borrowed money, loans - all this can be done without much fear. Representatives of the sign who have not previously had a direct relationship with business may feel the urge to open their own business. If such plans have been brewing for a long time, then it’s time to start implementing them. In the second part of the week, Scorpios will be drawn to financial stability, their excitement will subside a little. This calmer period is well suited for improving the level of professional skills, training, attending seminars, courses, and exhibitions. It is better to postpone business contacts that involve resolving controversial, unresolved issues until a more favorable time.

On Monday, the horoscope stars advise Scorpio to get rid of the ghosts of past relationships if they still weigh on him. On this day, he is able to analyze and hide his fruitless mental torments under a large barn castle. Otherwise, Scorpio may for a long time cherish his old disappointments and feelings for a person from the past, with whom he will never be able to be together. On Monday, throw off this overwhelming burden in one fell swoop to enjoy the happy moments and opportunities of the present!

Tuesday, February 18

On Tuesday, Scorpio may unexpectedly receive news from the past - meeting his former love or unexpectedly remembering her while passing by his favorite cafe or hearing a familiar melody. Nostalgia can make him temporarily immerse himself in himself, indulging in memories of past feelings. The stars advise not to waste your mental strength on the past, but to think about the present. Once you have already closed this door once, there is no point in coming back again. New love on the doorstep!

Wednesday, February 19

On Wednesday, the stars do not promise Scorpio love front easy ways. It may turn out that the object of his sympathy, alas, is not interested in him, but shows attention to someone else. Or a loved one will suddenly raise the question point blank, forcing Scorpio to make a difficult choice. In a word, on Wednesday it may seem to Scorpio that the situation on some issue has reached a dead end, and he himself is close to losing. The stars advise not to panic and wait: there is no need to dramatize the situation. It is quite possible that things will change quickly. Don't lose your fighting spirit!

Thursday, February 20

The stars promise a difficult day in relationships for Scorpio on Thursday! Most likely, he will have to regularly remind himself to be patient and control his emotions. Well, the horizon is not always cloudless, and instead of powerless internal resentment, Scorpio is better off asking philosophical questions. Why does what is happening evoke such strong emotions in him? Perhaps there are underlying unresolved problems between him and his loved one? Or is someone in the couple being dark, not wanting to show their true feelings? The horoscope stars advise: the best answer to all questions on this day will be sincerity - the magic key that opens the door to happiness in love.

Friday, February 21

Friday is the day when Scorpio should act very carefully when communicating with the opposite sex! The desire to criticize a partner will be almost irresistible - even on the first date, Scorpio on this day may not show the most gentle character, what can we say about the person with whom he has been with for many years? The stars give you the desire to argue, to prove that you are right at all costs, or even to deal with all the accumulated problems in one fell swoop! In order not to mess things up on Friday, Scorpio should refrain from verbal duels. Silence on this day is not even gold, but a real priceless diamond.

Saturday, February 22

On Saturday, Scorpio may be haunted by a bad mood, which can result in a quarrel, richly flavored with claims and criticism of the partner. Much of what is said may seem unfair to your loved one, turning the conversation into unfounded accusations. To avoid offence, the stars advise Scorpio to spend this day away from the chosen one. If this is not possible, put an end to the quarrel with a joke or arrange a romantic surprise. Don't quarrel over trifles - rise above it!

Sunday, February 23

“Everything can be fixed” - this is the motto on Sunday that is relevant for Scorpio who is in a relationship. The horoscope stars say: even if the cup of mutual grievances is full, on this day you can sincerely talk and make peace - provided that feelings are still alive in your heart. Scorpio is recommended to be the initiator of reconciliation and not be afraid to take bold steps to improve the situation. For example, prepare a romantic date or a joint weekend trip. Consider the past as good experience which will prevent mistakes in the future.

The week will be busy and full of events, both pleasant and not so pleasant. However, you will have to deal with troubles yourself, using observation and intuition. You shouldn’t count on your partner - most likely, he will not be sincere enough with you, but in a difficult situation, show character and try to see the truth yourself - perhaps pitfalls from your partner’s past will emerge that can give you completely new twist your relationship. Don't trust others and believe only what you see for yourself.

Busy and married women

  • Don’t be shy to remind your partner about yourself - he will appreciate your attention;
  • Try to find out for yourself where your partner is not being completely honest with you - perhaps he is really hiding something important from you;
  • Feel free to break off the relationship if you think it is already over.

Loose women

  • Don’t trust others: most likely, someone is deliberately misleading you by spreading false information about the man you like;
  • Buy yourself something that you consider too flashy and vulgar;
  • Go into the shadows and watch men's reactions - the result may be unexpected.

Busy and married men

  • Pay more attention to your woman;
  • Arrange surprises more often, for example, buy her something she has dreamed of for so long;
  • If the relationship has become routine, give her a reason to be a little jealous.

Free men

  • Take a closer look at your colleagues - it is possible that among them there is a woman you like;
  • Do not rush to conclusions, if the acquaintance caused disappointment, it is better to challenge your partner to be frank;
  • Remind yourself of the women with whom you previously studied or worked together - they will welcome your attention.