Is it possible to take icons as a gift? Icon as a gift: signs, church opinion and which one is better to choose


Wedding and wedding


Easter and Christmas

Icon is a wonderful gift

Choosing a gift is a responsible matter. You always want to please the person for whom the gift is intended, to give a piece of soul, warmth, to evoke a feeling of joy and a smile. Sometimes it’s easy to decide on a gift, but in other cases you have to carefully think through the details. Let's talk about icons. Giving such a gift always raises questions.

What is an icon? This is an Orthodox divine image, this is an image of the face of one or more saints. A piece of our worldview, our soul, our religion. Holy images must be present in every home, and must be consecrated in the church. The icon helps family members, provides invisible support and provides spiritual support. People turn their eyes, prayers and souls to the faces; through icons they thank the saints or ask for help.

Is it possible to give icons as a gift? Signs from time immemorial have been divided into two sides. Most people approach such a gift with respect and reverence, while others with distrust and fear.

Where did the statement come from that icons cannot be given as gifts, no one can say with certainty. One can only assume that the very personification of a deity is comparable to idolatry. However, the church unequivocally refutes such a theory, believing that by concentrating on the divine face, a person creates inside himself a kind of dome through which the devil cannot break through. The devil easily penetrates into a person’s head, where chaos reigns. The Church is generally against any kind of superstition, considering it a sin.

So, giving icons is allowed. Now let’s try to figure out who can give an icon to, and in what cases such a gift would be appropriate.

Child Baptism

Previously, for the baptism of a baby, it was customary to give a “measured” icon, life-size born baby. Now this is rarely done, however, the tradition still exists. You need to order such a gift in advance so that the icon painter has time to make it on time. Sometimes they give a certificate confirming that the workshops are already working on creating the image.

Who is depicted on the “measured” icon? You can order the image “St. Guardian Angel" or "St. Stylian" (patron of children). Babies are still so fragile and defenseless, and looking at the image of their Angel, the child subconsciously begins to communicate with him, feeling support and warmth.

When asked which icon is given as a christening gift to a boy and which to a girl, any icon painting workshop will be happy to tell you. Nowadays it is not customary to name a child by the calendar, that is, by the name of the saint on whose day he was born, but this saint is usually present on the icon, since the child’s birthday is still given from above. They write the Guardian Angel, the saint in whose honor the child is named, and for girls they sometimes write “Virgin Mary”.

Having decided to give such a gift to a little person, there is no longer any need to doubt whether it is possible to give icons as a gift. Signs and other superstitions should in no way affect the thoughts of godparents. The soul must be pure and not clouded by doubts. This image of saints will protect and protect the baby throughout his life. He will turn to him with prayers, requests and thanks. The “measured” baptismal icon will become a family heirloom, while preserving the warmth of the soul of its donors.


Which icon should I give for my birthday? Firstly, you need to definitely have only kind, heartfelt feelings for the person who is given such a gift. It is important to understand that such gifts are not given just like that; you cannot buy an icon as a souvenir. This is a part of the soul, it is forever. Some feelings of indifference or indifference towards a person should become a clear signal that you should choose another gift that does not carry such strength and power. Secondly, the person to whom the gift is intended must be a believer, so that the holy face can bring peace and spiritual support to his home.

But you can and even should give icons from the heart. The main thing here is to choose the right image, depending on who it is intended for. To a relative, colleague or just an acquaintance. We will offer several options. Depending on the type of hobbies and activities, you can choose which icon to give to a woman and which one will be more successful for a man.

    « St. Sergius of Radonezh». A mentor in studies, given to schoolchildren

    « St. Tatiana». Patron of students, given to applicants and students

    « St. George the Victorious» given to conscripts into the Army

    « Holy Archangel Michael» leads the heavenly army and patronizes all military personnel.

    "St. Joseph Volotsky" Business Assistant. Patron of Orthodox entrepreneurs.

    "St. Nicholas the Wonderworker" and "Guardian Angel" protect the driver on the road.

    “Blessed Virgin Mary “Unfading Flower” Patron of femininity and chastity.

    "Holy Mother of God "Education" helps parents in raising children

    "St. Tryphon" Patron of hunters.

    "Guardian Angel" Protects his ward and contributes to his affairs.

    "St. Efrosin Cook" Cooking assistant in the kitchen.

    "Holy Mother of God "Protection" protector and helper to the suffering and needy.

    "Holy Mother of God "Mammal" Patron of children, the wish that children grow up in abundance and not experience need.

    "St. Apostles Peter and Andrew" Patrons of fishermen.

    "Holy Mother of God "Burning Bush" will protect you from fire.

    "St. Matrona of Moscow" Patron of the suffering, the sick, possessing many miraculous abilities and healing.

    "St. Great Martyr Catherine" Patron of unmarried girls, helps in finding family happiness.

    “Holy Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice” to get rid of drug and alcohol addiction.

    "Kazan Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary" Patron of the family.

There is a huge variety of icons. You just need to choose what exactly you want to wish the person and decide on the purchase. Everyone will find an image to their liking. By giving it, seeing the sincere joy on the birthday boy’s face, all doubts about whether it is possible to give icons as a gift will be dispelled. Signs sometimes do not carry any negative connotation; they simply exist, like myths, without any evidence. An icon is always good and good.

Wedding and wedding

The custom of getting married in Russia arose relatively recently. In the seventeenth century, such rituals were performed exclusively by rich people, and a century later they became firmly established in the everyday life of ordinary people.

The sacrament of wedding is a wonderful rite performed on two people who have decided to devote their worldly and afterlife lives to each other. The purpose of a wedding is to tie the threads of generations into a single whole, in sorrow and in joy.

The most important thing in the ceremony are, of course, the images of the Holy Mother of God and the Lord Pantocrator; they are called the wedding couple. The holy faces are witnesses to the marriage of a couple. Images are selected in advance and this moment is carefully thought through. Since the wedding couple becomes a family heirloom, accompanying the newlyweds throughout life path hand in hand, then usually such a pair is ordered on a wooden base in order to have the possibility of long-term storage and restoration. Later, the wedding couple is passed on to the next generation as a testament to their eternal love and vow to the Lord.

Wedding icons represent the connection between lovers and the Almighty. Every time you look at them, the spouses will remember how they made vows to each other before God. The icon of the Savior reminds the spouse that he bears the cross of God’s marriage until the end of his days. The face of the Mother of God calls the spouse to virtue and motherhood. Having entered into marriage, a woman must become one with her husband, like the Mother of God, who unquestioningly fulfilled the will of the Lord.

With the wedding couple, the priest blesses the spouses, inextricably binding them into a single whole until the end of their days. With these icons, the newlyweds leave the temple to receive the blessing of their parents, who in turn also do this with the help of the consecrated wedding couple. After the blessing, the young spouses kiss the icons and their parents’ hands, forming a circle of generations and eternal love. When entering your home, you should find good place for icons, light a lamp. The Almighty and the Mother of God will protect peace and happiness in the newlyweds’ home.

When preparing for the sacrament there are always many questions. Is it possible to give icons as a gift? Signs say that the newlyweds must purchase them themselves for their wedding. However, the church is not so categorical. Wedding icons can be presented by parents, godparents or even close relatives, or they can be purchased independently. There is no clear rule here and cannot be. An icon as a gift should come from the soul, from the heart, and the wedding couple is a stronghold family life, this is a blessing from heaven, a connection between generations.

An important point is the ceremony itself when parents bless their children. How to bless your daughter at a wedding? The parents stand nearby, the father is the first to bless his daughter with the icon of the Mother of God. He crosses her three times with parting words and conveys the image of his mother. The mother does the same. According to some sources, there is an opinion that only the mother should do this alone with her daughter and before the wedding. Perhaps it has to do with the traditions of a certain generation. But in any case, the most important thing is words. The parents' speech must be prepared in advance; one cannot rely on chance. The words spoken during the blessing will forever imprint the holy images. The power of parental guidance and prayer will greatly enhance the actions of holy images. Having received parental approval, it will be easier for newlyweds to follow the path of life.

How to bless your son at a wedding? Parting words from the parents are given to the groom in almost the same way as to the bride. Only the groom is blessed before leaving home to pick up the bride, and this is done with an icon of the Savior.

After the end of the wedding sacrament, the parents meet the newlyweds, bless them together and can give them inherited and family icons.

There are times when parents are not present. Then the blessing is received from godparents or congenial people, whose opinion is especially valuable for the newlyweds. The Church does not forbid this.

As for the guests, relatives, friends and relatives of the young spouses, they, in turn, can also present icons as a wedding gift. You just need to understand which icon to give for a wedding. A holy image is not a piece of furniture, not a painting, you cannot take it and put it out of sight; you need to offer prayers to it, thank you for your help and ask for assistance. Let's consider some options as a wedding gift.

    « St. Peter and Fevronia of Murom» - guardians of the family hearth

    « Feodorovskaya icon» — an assistant to expectant mothers in raising children and creating family comfort.

    « Holy Trinity» - wishing God's blessing to the young home

    « Cover. Mother of God» - the desire to remain under the protection of the Mother of God.

    "Home iconostasis"as a symbol of the beginning of a new family.

    « Image of the holy forefathers » wish for young people to become a large family

    « Conception of John the Baptist » is also a wish for a speedy addition to the family.

E These are just some of the options that can be given as wedding gifts to friends and family. Nowadays, many art workshops are open where they will help you make a choice and produce them as desired in a short time.


So, we figured it out, Is it possible to give icons as a gift? Signs and superstitions very often originate from ancient times. Almost no new signs appear, only the old ones become overgrown with an ever-larger cocoon of human slander and fears.

As for housewarming, there is a sign. It turns out that even in times gone by, people gave the “Pokrov” icon as a housewarming gift. Mother of God" to wish the new residentswarmth and comfort in the family.Now they don’t just give her as a housewarming gift. Relay race of good deeds, good intentions read further.

Choosing an icon as a housewarming gift is not as difficult as choosing an icon for a baptism or wedding. The main thing is not to prevaricate and present the gift correctly. How to give an icon, what to say at the same time, you need to think about it in advance. You cannot give it with poems from the Internet. You definitely need to think through your speech; it will have an enhancing effect on the gift. Only from the heart, only from the soul, only the most important and intimate.

Easter and Christmas

Icons can be given for any reason or without reason, out of the kindness of your heart. In the question of whether icons can be given as gifts for any holiday, signs are meaningless. This is perhaps one of the warmest and most thoughtful gifts in the world. Let's consider several holiday dates.

    Easter- one of the favorite Orthodox holidays. It is celebrated by the whole family, young and old. What icons should I give for Easter?

    « St. Mary Magdalene» It is with Mary Magdalene that the custom of dyeing eggs is associated.

    « Family icons» They are written by special order, and all the saints in whose honor the family members are named by baptism are present. This image is a unique heirloom for the family and is powerful.

    « Guardian Angel» appropriate for any holiday.

    "Resurrection of Christ" will give the family a special unifying beginning and eliminate discord.

    Christmas- a very revered and important holiday in the life of Orthodox people. What icons are given for Christmas?

    "The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ"- the best gift for a wonderful holiday for a person who is a believer and appreciates such holidays.

    "Icon of the Virgin and Child"- this is also a holiday of the Mother of God, so it will come in handy

    "Guardian Angel" - the recipient will always like the image of his guardian

    "St. Matrona of Moscow"— everyone’s favorite saint is suitable for any occasion.

To all the Great Ones Orthodox holidays The gifted icon will please a believer. Special days are conducive to accepting such gifts. Having cast aside all doubts about whether it is possible to give icons as a gift, having forgotten signs and superstitions, feel free to choose and give the holy face.

Icon is a wonderful gift

So let's summarize some results.

    Icons can be given for any holiday.

    Holy images must be consecrated in the church ( AND Sometimes people make icons on their own and the question arises whether it is possible to give icons embroidered with beads, threads, carved from wood, cast from metal.It is possible, but it needs to be sanctified)

    Icons are given sincerely with a light heart and bright wishes.

    Gifts can only be given to Orthodox Christians who believe in the Lord.

    Icons are given for life, so you need to choose durable ones, for example, painted in oil or made on a wooden base.

    You can give the icon to yourself.

    You cannot silently give images of saints; you need to think through the words in advance.

    When receiving an icon as a gift, they usually thank you and apply it to the image.

    It happens that icons are given by a person for whom the recipient does not feel sympathy. What to do if a bad person gives an icon? Firstly, you can refuse the gift. Secondly, the gift can be attributed OK to the temple. And it is very important to understand that the icon itself does not and cannot have any color other than positive. Not possible through her bring some negativity into the house. If the person giving the gift had such thoughts, they will turn against him, since icons are given only from a pure heart.In order not to be tormented by doubts and to calm your heart, you can go to the temple and consecrate the icons, talk with the priest. Having heard the opinion of the clergyman, usually everythingfears dissipate.

Choose icons, give them as gifts, make your loved ones happy, offer prayers and don’t forget to thank the Lord for your day, for living parents, for healthy ones children, for family happiness and a roof over your head.As you know, we scream for help, ask, beg with tears, but we offer few words of gratitude. Love the Lord and your neighbors.

Gifts are conventionally divided into simple, everyday gifts and ceremonial gifts. The image of a saint is not simple thing, but a sacred object for a Christian. With its help, a person approaches God. When considering whether it is possible to give icons, we take into account the rules of the church and popular beliefs.

Why an icon is a bad gift

In the old days, people approached the issue of donating icons very carefully. It was believed that only a close relative could give a shrine. Since expensive materials (including gold) were used to make icons, purchasing a shrine was a significant expense. Giving a sacred cloth was considered not only a tribute, but also a sign of devotion.

Donated icons were placed in a prominent place in the house, in the “red corner”. In front of him, people prayed to the Lord for deliverance from illnesses and failures, and thanked God for the help provided. This part of the living space was the most revered.

Our ancestors extremely rarely accepted icons as gifts from people with whom they were not related by blood. The only exception could be godfathers. There are ancient signs that warn against donating sacred paintings.

  1. An icon embroidered with beads or threads on linen will not bring happiness. Our ancestors were convinced: a sinful person has no right to undertake the creation of a shrine. The legal right to draw icons was reserved only for clergy. Nowadays, few people would dare to say that images embroidered with beads carry negative energy. If you do needlework, you may have the idea to embroider an image of your patron saint, or after your work is consecrated in the church, it will turn into a powerful amulet.
  2. Through images, a witch or sorcerer will bring damage to the entire family. This opinion is partly justified. Icons are usually placed in the most visible place. When entering a house, a person first of all sees holy images. If the gift was presented with malicious intent, you and your loved ones will become victims of illness and failure.
  3. Gifted images of saints bring discord to the family, according to popular belief. It is difficult to say where the distrust of the sacred canvas presented as a gift came from.

The attitude of the church to omen

The Christian church tradition has a negative attitude towards omens, considering them a trap of the evil one. The donation of sacred paintings is perceived by the church as a good deed. For a believer it is difficult to find better prevention from evil thoughts and actions than sincere prayer in front of the icon. The face of the saint depicted on the canvas will drive away vain thoughts, anxieties, and temptations from you.

Priests advise giving icons as gifts to friends and relatives on significant occasions. church holidays.

Rules for donating a shrine

When wondering whether it is possible to give icons, remember that this is not prohibited; there are situations when an iconographic image is not given as a gift.

  1. You know little about the person. If you are not sure that your friend has a positive attitude towards Christianity, do not give him a sacred canvas.
  2. The person to whom you are planning to present a surprise treats you with obvious antipathy. Images of Jesus Christ, Our Lady and Christian saints are an unusual gift. The ritual of giving implies the presence of warm feelings between the giver and the person receiving the gift.
  3. Your friend or relative does not believe in God.
  4. A loved one accepted a different faith (Islam, Buddhism). No matter how much you would like to give a relative a talisman consecrated in the church, you should not do this. For a non-Christian, choose a gift with a neutral meaning.

What you need to consider when choosing a sacred cloth in a church shop:

  • the degree of your relationship with the person;
  • the date to which the donation is dated;
  • the age and gender of the person to whom you are giving the iconographic image.

If you purchased a holy image not from a church, but from an artist, the gift must be consecrated. Only after this the picture turns into an Orthodox attribute. The choice of iconographic gifts should be approached very carefully. Rules for giving a gift:

  • It is customary to give young girls images of saints;
  • give a holy gift to a colleague or boss
  • a good talisman for an entrepreneur would be the image of St. Joseph of Volotsk;
  • boys and men are presented with icons of Christian martyrs and great martyrs, Saints Dmitry Donskoy);
  • a relative who has been ill for a long time needs a special amulet - buy for him the holy image of the healer Panteleimon;
  • give it to your grandmother or other elderly relative
  • schoolchildren will be helped in their studies by an icon
  • Saint Tatiana is recognized as the patroness of students - an icon with her image contributes to the development of the intellectual and creative potential of young men and women.

If you don’t know which iconographic image is appropriate to give to a relative, ask the seller in the church shop or the priest for advice.

For birthdays and housewarmings

For most people, their birthday is the most important event per year. Name days (Angel's Day) are of considerable importance for a Christian believer. If you are going to congratulate a relative or close friend on their name day, the best gift will be the image of their patron saint.

Not all popular names are included in the calendar. When baptized, a person with an atypical name receives a different one. For example, a girl with the civil name Alice in baptism may be named Anna or Agnia. In order not to make a mistake with the present, check what name your friend was given at baptism.

An important and joyful day for the whole family is housewarming. If you are invited to a holiday, give the owners of the house an icon that will protect the home from fires, destruction, evil people. A sacred image with a cross will protect your home from thieves and envious individuals. The “Bread Spreader” icon is a good gift for a Christian who is going through everyday difficulties.

For baby's baptism

The present for the baby should be taken care of godparents. In the old days they ordered a Measured icon. The canvas depicts the patron saint of the child. The size of the product must correspond to the height of the baby at birth.

An old belief warns parents not to accept a measuring cloth as a gift from a person who recently buried his child. If friends have invited you to become a godmother for their child, order a shrine from the workshop in advance. The second purchase option is to go to the church store for the Measuring Face. The shrine can be given to the baby’s parents only after the baptismal ritual is completed.

The gift is placed in the children's room. If the baby sees the image of the Patron Saint in front of him every day, a strong connection will be established between the child’s soul and his Guardian Angel.

For the wedding

The day when a guy and a girl make marital vows to each other before God is the date of birth of a new family. For a wedding they give 2 icons: the Lord Pantocrator and Holy Mother of God. They are called the “wedding couple.” Iconographic images must be the same size. This detail symbolizes the equality of husband and wife before the Almighty.

The holy images are presented by the parents of the newlyweds. The amulet will protect a young family from conflicts, misunderstandings, and betrayals. The sign recommends choosing a “wedding couple” on a wooden base. The icons will be stored for a long time and will not lose their solemn appearance.

Close relatives of the young couple can give the bride and groom the holy images of Peter and Fevronia. These Christian saints patronize marital love and fidelity.

For church holidays

Today, conventions are given less importance than in the time of our great-grandmothers. When asked whether it is possible to give icons, people usually answer in the affirmative, but not everyone knows the rules for donating shrines. It is advisable to present icons to relatives on church holidays. The most significant celebrations are and These days, believers rush to please their loved ones with gifts with deep spiritual meaning.

The universal gift for Christmas is the holy image of the Virgin Mary and Child. At Easter, it is customary to present relatives and godfathers with paintings depicting the Resurrection of Christ. On this day, the holy faces of the Guardian Angel are given.

New Year for Orthodox Christians this is not a significant date, but you can present a shrine on this day to a loved one. Please note that giving iconographic images in an atmosphere of riotous fun is not a very good idea.

You can give icons to your spouse, children and parents for no reason. The main thing is that at the moment of donating the sacred canvas, you and the people dear to you are filled with good feelings.

You need to know what shrines are often given to girls and women.

  1. Kazan Mother of God. This is a universal Christian amulet for the home and the people living in it.
  2. . This iconographic image is given to married ladies who cannot conceive a child for a long time.
  3. Vladimirskaya. The icon of the Mother of God with the name “Vladimir” is a helper to mothers.

What can you give a man:

  • the image consecrated in the church is given to drivers and sailors;
  • girls present the image of the Guardian Angel as a gift to their grooms;
  • to an elderly relative who, due to illness, cannot often go to church, give the sacred canvas of the Savior Not Made by Hands;
  • patron in business - this shrine helps a man find his calling and find happiness in family life.

How to accept icons as a gift

If you receive a shrine as a gift, thank the giver, give thanks to God. Then place your head on the bottom of the iconographic image.

It is not advisable to accept icons as a gift from a stranger. If the donor turns out to be an experienced sorcerer, no one knows what kind of trouble the gift will turn out to be for you. Signs warn: if an unfamiliar girl or old woman comes up to you in a crowded place (at a train station, in a supermarket) and intends to present you with a shrine, tactfully refuse the gift.

It may happen that you accepted the gift of an iconographic image, and then felt discomfort, weakness or an attack of anxiety. Resist the desire to destroy the icon. You cannot burn or throw away images of saints. If you doubt the purity of the intentions of the person who gave you the icon, take the sacred canvas to the church.

The icon is considered the embodiment of holiness, a symbol of faith. In the depiction of the faces of saints, people see the Almighty Himself, turn to him, talk, and pray. In the home of every Orthodox Christian there is at least one icon; it is revered and protected. And the shrine, in return, helps the household, protects them from troubles and misfortunes. This is a guardian angel, only in earthly incarnation.

In ancient times, it was the icon that was considered the best gift: this is how the giver expressed his strongest sincere feelings. And today the icons have not lost their spiritual value. Therefore, it is believed that giving an icon is a sign strong love and wishes for well-being.

However, when choosing such a gift you need to be very careful and careful, taking into account all the features of the gift. Otherwise, the surprise may disappoint the recipient or even cause him irreparable harm.

In ancient times, it was believed that it was impossible to give an icon under any pretext - this could bring misfortune and misfortune to the recipient’s home. After all, they used to believe that envious people could cause severe damage through the image of a holy image.

The icon was always hung or placed in the most visible place. And if someone damaged her, then the household members who approached her every day involuntarily began to feel a deterioration in their health and a loss of strength.

Today there is no need to be afraid of a donated icon because of damage, especially if you are confident in the intention of the person who gives it. Are close relatives or best friend will they give the icon with bad intentions and for their own benefit? If you are completely confident in the giver, feel free to accept such a gift.

There are other signs as to whether it is possible to give an icon as a gift:

  • For example, giving it to a child means blessing him for life, making him happy.
  • It is presented to the sick person as a symbol of recovery. There are many cases in history when it was the face of a saint on an icon that helped a person overcome a seemingly incurable illness.
  • It is forbidden to give an icon embroidered or painted on your own - the face of a saint can absorb negative thoughts and transmit them to the recipient. Then troubles will come into his life.

In general, it is allowed to give an icon according to signs; it is only important to do it with a bright heart and good intentions. In a bad mood or with unkind thoughts, it is not recommended to even choose such a gift.

Church opinion

Clergy - the icon will be an excellent gift for any event or for no reason at all. This is a very deep manifestation of the most sincere and kind feelings. In addition, it will turn into a personal talisman for the person until the end of his days. All priests are also confident that the icon is capable of expelling anger, malice, and envy from the human soul.

The Church has approved such gifts since ancient times. But not everyone could afford to buy such a gift: icons were decorated with gold or silver and were very highly valued.

Nowadays, even a simple paper face in a wooden frame is in no way inferior in significance and holiness to golden images. Therefore, it is possible to give an icon, even a modest one in design, the church approves of such a gift.

The main thing is to consecrate it before giving the gift. It’s even better if you consult with the priest in the church when choosing images.

Which icon to choose for a birthday, christening or wedding

Each celebration is filled with its own special meaning, so the gift must be appropriate. Especially if it is a real shrine. So what icons are suitable for this or that holiday and how to give them correctly.

For the newlyweds' wedding

It is customary that only the parents of the newlyweds present a newly-made family with an icon. Good gifts would be images that were given to the parents themselves as a wedding gift, as a symbol of family continuity, happiness and prosperity. It is believed that images passed on from a family of parents to a family of children on their wedding day have incredible power.

The following icons are considered very appropriate:

  • "Our Lady" and "Saint". They give the new family mutual understanding, harmony, and protect them from quarrels and discord.
  • "Peter and Fevronia." A famous couple who has carried their love throughout their lives will bring the newlyweds sincerity of feelings, respect for each other and lasting happiness.
  • Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God. This image is presented to newlyweds with concern for future children. The image helps to conceive a baby, carry it safely and give birth easily - strong and healthy.

You need to give an icon during a wedding with words of respect and wishes for advice and love to the newly-made family. According to tradition, the bride and groom must kiss the faces of the saints three times and kiss their foreheads. After this, cross yourself.

For your birthday

According to some signs, the birthday person on his birthday is the most vulnerable, both physically and mentally. Is it possible to give icons for a birthday in this case? It turns out that the image is not just a birthday gift - it is a talisman, a talisman, protection from troubles for life. Therefore, you need to approach the choice of such a gift with special care.

There is a strict restriction on which images should be given to men and which ones should be given exclusively to women. Let's figure it out.

What icon to give to a man:

  • Image of Saint Nicholas. Suitable for those who travel a lot, travel, and go on business trips.
  • "Guardian Angel". It will protect a man from evil, adversity, and help him cope with temptations. This is a universal icon, it is suitable for everyone.
  • Savior Not Made by Hands. It is given to those men who, for some reason, rarely attend churches.
  • Saint George the Victorious. She will help you cope with any problem and guide you on the right path in your professional and personal affairs. He is also the patron of all military personnel.

What icon to give to a woman:

  • Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. It will help you find well-being in your family and heal you from illnesses.
  • Bethlehem icon. Suitable for those ladies who dream of a happy marriage and children.
  • Vladimirskaya. A very strong icon for women-mothers: it helps those praying for their children.
  • Icon of the Mother of God “Three Hands”. It will rid the house of bitterness, anger, enmity, and protect the whole family from any adversity.

For christening

The most appropriate and necessary gift for the baptism ceremony is considered to be an icon. You can give a godson or goddaughter a personalized icon: the face of the saint is written on it in accordance with the name of the girl or boy they were given at baptism.

For example, Olga can be safely given the icon “St. Olga”, Ivan – “John the Baptist”. This image will protect the baby from unkind people and will protect him in any situation.

In the old days, godparents also gave the baby a measured icon - its size was exactly the size of the child at the time of baptism. Now they are made to order, consecrated and presented after the baptism ceremony has been completed.

Usually such a gift is placed above the crib so that the baby can see the face of the saint, involuntarily look at each other and communicate with the guardian angel.

It is appropriate to give icons to a boy and a girl for christening: “Matrona of Moscow”, “Our Lady”, “Panteleimon the Healer”.

For the wedding

The wedding ceremony is considered the highest degree of manifestation of the love of a husband for his wife. Such a marriage is sanctified by heaven, so there is no place in it for quarrels, abuse, disagreements, or betrayals. The best gift for such an event is an icon depicting holy couples.

Only father and mother can give the newlyweds the icons “The Saint” and “The Mother of God”, as well as “Peter and Fevronia”.

Everyone else can give the husband and wife icons that will patronize the young family. For example, "Unexpected joy." This image will help spouses live in love, happiness and mutual respect. for many years, and also grants protection from troubles and adversities to their future children. It is better to place such an icon in the bedroom.

The most powerful shrine for newlyweds is considered to be “Matrona of Moscow”. You can ask this saint for health for the whole family, prosperity, deliverance from evil and envy. Matrona also helps with conceiving a child.

For housewarming

The icons of “The Intercession”, “The Unbreakable Wall”, “Apostles Peter and Paul” will help protect the house and maintain comfort in it; you can also give icons depicting Christ, the Mother of God and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker as a housewarming gift.

How to choose an icon as a gift

The Church believes that giving icons is a rather complicated and very delicate matter. After all, if you give a person an image of a saint about whom he knows nothing, you can put the recipient in an uncomfortable position. Therefore, we need to clearly understand to whom and why we present such a holy gift.

Here is a short “guide” to choosing an icon as a gift for family and friends.

To a woman

  • “Fading Color” is one of the most favorite patronage icons among women. External grace, youth, chastity - this is the meaning of this face.
  • "Upbringing
  • “Pokrov” is a strong icon for protection, because any woman is a gentle creature that needs constant care.
  • Icon “St. Euphrosyne the Cook” - such a gift is appropriate for good housewives who love to cook. All dishes in the company of Euphrosynus will become even tastier.

To a man

  • Nicholas the Wonderworker will protect those who drive a lot and love to travel.
  • Saint Joseph of Volotsk - this image is suitable for business men. This is the patron saint of entrepreneurs and business.
  • Saint Tryphon - you can give an icon with his face to a man who is fond of hunting. But any man can - after all, everyone by nature is a hunter, a getter, a conqueror.

To mom

  • The icon “Our Lady” is the best gift for mom. Thus, the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God helps to get rid of fears, troubles and misfortunes. And the icon of the Kazan Mother of God is an intercessor in sorrows and sorrows.
  • “The Queen of All” - this face bestows healing.
  • “Unexpected joy” is a symbol of spiritual rebirth. She helps any wish come true unexpectedly.

To dad

  • The icon of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious is suitable for a man who is active and engaged in business.
  • The icon “Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called” will help a fishing enthusiast with a good catch.


  • If a child is studying at school, the best gift will be an icon with the face of Sergius of Radonezh - he is an assistant in studies.
  • If your son is going to enter university or is already a student, the image of St. Tatiana will become his patron.
  • In the army, Saints George the Victorious or Archangel Michael will help his son and intercede for him.


  • The “Tenderness” icon can be an excellent gift for a young lady who dreams of great love.
  • To preserve youth and blooming species For a young girl, the images of Saint Xenia of St. Petersburg or Paraskeva Pyatnitsa are suitable.

How to accept an icon as a gift

It is very important to accept the icon with a bright feeling, with a smile and reverence. And thank for such a gift not only the one who gives it, but also God: you need to put your forehead to your face and cross yourself.

If you are sure that the donor wishes you only happiness, you can safely accept the icon. If a shadow of doubt creeps in, it is better to take it to church and perform the rite of consecration there.

You cannot throw away, re-gift or burn an icon - this is considered a very serious sin. If you can’t shake the feeling that you want to get rid of such a gift, you just need to take it to the church, talk to the priest and leave it in the temple.

You should treat an icon as a gift very carefully: you need to give and accept such a gift with bright feelings. Then the holy face will protect the family of the recipient for many years.

Many people often ask, is it possible to give icons as a gift? Choosing icons is a rather complicated procedure, since an icon given to a person will serve as a talisman for him. The signs that relate to holy images are very contradictory. Such a surprise can cause a storm of emotions, both positive and negative. To begin with, you should ask whether it is possible to give icons as a gift, and only then make surprises.

The opinion of priests on the donation of icons

Is it possible to give icons to loved ones? The sign about donating icons appeared in ancient times. At that time, images were inserted only into gold or silver frames. They were also sculpted from expensive stones, so such gifts were highly valued. The bow was hung on the wall so that everyone who entered the house could see it. Almost all priests approve of such gifts and recommend giving them to many people. It is the icon as a souvenir that means respect, love and care for the person to whom it is given. Paintings with images of Saints help you find yourself if faith has long left you.

Is it possible to give icons to people? A gift in the form of a Holy image will be wonderful. With this gesture you show the person your care and love. In the church you can choose any face that suits a person. The priests insist that people do not believe in various signs that bring evil. Therefore, you should not worry, since it is impossible to annoy a person with an icon. It is sanctified and has only positive aspects.

How to properly accept gifts in the form of icons

If a Holy painting was brought by a person you don’t know well, and you are afraid that he is doing it with bad intentions, you still shouldn’t refuse the gift. You need to accept the face, go to church with it and ask the priest to help. You need to take a gift correctly and be sure to thank the person and God, and then touch your forehead to the bottom of the picture.

Of course, if you are absolutely sure that the person wants to annoy you and brought a gift to take revenge, then it is better not to take it. If the picture is spellbound, then you are endangering your health and your relatives. It is forbidden to throw away icons - this is a great sin. Go to church with her, and there they will tell you what to do best.

Gift for the birthday boy

Is it possible to give icons for a birthday? The birth of a new life is quite an important moment. If you give a person an icon, then such an act will show your sincerity and respect for the birthday person. The face of the Saint will remind you when you are not around, and for the birthday boy the icon will serve as a talisman against everything bad.

Of course, icons can be given as gifts, but choosing them is quite difficult. There are faces that are given specifically to women, and there are also faces only for men. In order not to confuse the gift and know exactly which icon is suitable for a particular person, it is worth studying the necessary information.

Amulets for women and men

What images are suitable as a gift for the weaker sex?

  1. The Kazan Mother of God - being at home, gives him well-being and heals him from various diseases.
  2. The Vladimir image restores the functioning of the heart, and women also pray to it and ask for their children.
  3. Mother of God of Three Hands - protects houses from negativity, cleanses a person from the trouble that happened to him.
  4. The Face of Inver - removes and forgives sins.
  5. Bethlehem - it is presented to women who cannot get pregnant for a long time.

For men, the image of the Savior Not Made by Hands is chosen as a gift. It is suitable for those people who do not have time to go to church. Saint Nicholas protects everyone who loves to travel; his face is often hung in the car. The icon is given to a beloved man to protect him from grief and save him from temptation. A painting with a Saint can be given as a gift to those people who are confused in their lives. The Holy Face will put them on their feet and guide them on the right path. In addition, the holy picture helps married couples improve their relationships.

Icons for baby's baptism

Is it possible to give icons to children? Baptism is a very important rite, especially for babies and their godparents. They will become spiritual teachers for children, and will be responsible before God for their lives and upbringing. The best gift for a child is a cross or an icon. Godparents must definitely give an icon and specifically a Measured one. Signs say that it is made strictly according to the measurements of the child and his height. In addition, you can give a personalized icon with the face of the Saint.

In order for a sign to have a positive effect, it must be consecrated and only then given as a gift. The icon is given to the child after the baptism ceremony is completed. You need to place the gift in a conspicuous place and closer to the baby. In this way he will talk to his Guardian Angel.

Icons for marriage and a happy life

Is it possible to give icons as a gift for a wedding, and how can they influence the fate of the newlyweds? You can often see newlyweds who want to get married in the temple. The parents of the boy and girl must choose two icons for their wedding. You can give away your icons; such an act is respected and does not bring anything bad. But it’s best if you buy new ones so that your loved ones will have them as a long-lasting memory. Be sure to buy one painting with the face of the Saint, and the second - the Mother of God.

Wedding icons help the newlyweds in all matters and protect them from troubles. Very often Peter and Fevronya are taken as a couple. It will be a wonderful gift if you give the face of Our Lady of Fedorov for a wedding. She is considered the intercessor of women, she brings good luck to pregnant women, protects them, and gives them strength to conceive and bear a child. It is customary to give the image of the Holy Forefathers so that young people will have beautiful and healthy children in the future.

You can and even should give an icon for a wedding. Any image will bring happiness and good luck to the young. He will always protect them from all adversity. Is it possible to give an icon as a gift for a wedding? Of course you can. The main thing is to give it with all your heart and soul. But first, it must be sacred.

Housewarming gifts

Moving to a new place of residence is quite an important and serious moment. Is it possible to give icons? There are also signs for housewarming, since they greatly influence the move itself and later life in a new house. Basically, it is customary to give the face of the Intercession. It protects the house from fire, flood and bad people. The gift is given personally to people who are moving, so that other guests do not see it.

You can give a gift in advance so that the family holds the Holy Image in their hands and enters the house with it. If people have such a face, then a fold can be granted. The fold is an icon that has three paintings. The paintings depict Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and St. Nicholas. What is the best face to give for a settlement? Images of paintings can be selected from the list below.

What icon to give to a boy for christening


Is it possible to give icons to people? Many people are interested in this question when choosing a gift. Signs insist that such a souvenir can bring tragedy into the house. But each person must think for himself whether to accept the picture or not. For example, the church does not agree with this opinion. The priests insist that the best gift is the Sacred Face. It cannot bring anything bad, and if the image turns out to be enchanted, then the damage will return to the one who made it.

Is it possible to give icons for a wedding? Young people will really like this gift, since it was given with all the heart and only with good thoughts. Basically, it is customary to give icons only for marriages, housewarmings, name days and christenings. Also, only close relatives should bring a gift in the form of the Holy Face. For all other cases, signs do not advise giving such gifts. Of course, if you sincerely want to give your close friend the Holy Face, then no one will be against it. You need to choose it seriously and responsibly, since there are separate images for men and women.

Hello, dear blog subscribers. We often give gifts on various occasions. But there are special things that make you think - is it possible, is it safe to give them?

These include not only knives, watches and money, but also icons. The superficial information is very contradictory, so I studied this issue ( Is it possible to give icons as a gift?), found out everything signs and I present my opinion to your judgment.

In the article you will find tips on how to correctly not only give, but also receive images. You will also find information about the differences between purchased and hand-made icons.

Why do they give icons?

Since ancient times, an icon has been considered a talisman gift. Parents give icons to their children as powerful protection from evil intentions and the views of others. Typically, icons are given by relatives and close people for the following events:

  • on the wedding day to the family: the Fedorovskaya Mother of God, the faces of Fevronya and Peter, the images of the Mother of God and the Saint. The face of the Mother of God is presented separately to the young wife, and to my young husband– image of Christ;
  • on your birthday;
  • for the christening of a newborn and his parents - Measured or Named, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Panteleimon the Healer, Matrona of Moscow, image Mother of God;
  • on a wedding anniversary or on the Intercession of the Family;
  • on the day of coming of age - personalized icons;
  • for housewarming - Folding (the triune image of Nicholas the Wonderworker, Jesus Christ, the Mother of God), the Intercession, the Spreader of the Loaves, the Unbreakable Wall, the Burning Bush, the image with the cross, the Impenetrable Door;
  • at the time of a long departure to another city/country.

All these events are joyful in nature, so the icon serves as a talisman and reminder of true values. Many people present icons to sick people in order to give them a talisman and give them strength in the fight against illness.

The donor invests in the icon not only money, but also the desire to help, protect, and protect from harm. Sincere love and care gives the recipient strength and hope in difficult situations.

If the image is purchased not by a family, but by a person personally, then preference can be given to images according to the person’s gender.

For example, the following are considered masculine:

The Savior Not Made by Hands A must-have for those who do not regularly attend church and prefer to pray at home, at a convenient time.

Business travelers, drivers, truckers and other professions associated with traveling around the country can give an icon as a gift Saint Nicholas. The face of the Guardian Angel will help men protect themselves from thoughtless spending, revelry, troubles, and temptations.

St. George the Victorious known as the patron of any military professions, hunters, fishermen and even farmers. After all, St. George will help protect crops from the elements and crop failure.

For women and girls, the following images are most often chosen:

  1. Family well-being gives joy Kazan Mother of God. It is this face that is endowed with special power and helps to heal the ailments of all family members.
  2. If you want to start a family, you need to put the Mother of God of Bethlehem in the icon case.
  3. The well-being of children correct solution, the ability to walk the righteous path is in the hands of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God.
  4. The Three-Handed One will help protect your home from evil forces and bad intentions, and relieve heavy thoughts and even depression.

Each of the selected icons will bring its owners, with proper treatment and respect, protection, help in difficult situations and peace of mind.

How icons are given:

Orthodox priests claim that an icon cannot be subject to damage and the evil eye, because represents purity, spirituality and the sacred face.

Not to mention the fact that belief in omens and superstitions is contrary to Orthodoxy and is not approved by the clergy:

However, as practice shows, relationships in many families began to deteriorate sharply after the donation of the icon.

Especially if this gift is made by hand: embroidered with threads, beaded, with wire weaving or carved frames.

How can this be? Probably, the gift was denigrated, damage was deliberately caused, or simply the evil intentions and angry speeches of the donor played a role. It is not possible to find out whether this was done intentionally or by accident.

This is where the roots of the superstition came from: that you cannot give icons of your own making.

Let's look at how exactly the energy of the icon “works”:

When an icon is bought in a church, it is already consecrated; such an offering will exclusively benefit the one who receives it.

If this is a gift made with one’s own hand, then without its consecration in the church positive charge The icon does not carry energy. Let me emphasize that it is not negative, just neutral.

Therefore, in order for prayers to bring true peace and tranquility to the heart, each icon must undergo a rite of consecration before donation.

The priests say that it is a hand-made image, consecrated in the church and donated from a pure heart, that is a shrine. After all, when creating a gift, a person invested his time, thoughts, soul, and this, undoubtedly, is much more valuable than money.

Embroidering with a cross or beads is a very labor-intensive task, even for experienced craftswoman This is not one week, or even a month of painstaking work. It is logical to assume that if the donor wanted to cause harm, he would simply buy a simpler icon.

  1. You should only accept such value from people you know and are kind to you and your entire family. If during visits you experience warm feelings from communication, after the meeting there is no fatigue or feeling of emptiness, then feel free to accept such a gift and sincerely thank you.
  2. Perhaps the relationship with the donor is not so pure and frank. Just take the icon to church and explain to the priest what exactly you are afraid of and what worries you. It will help solve the problem and calm your heart.
  3. When you know for sure that they are treating you unkindly, refuse the painting under any pretext, no matter how difficult it may seem to you. You will probably have to say a firm no. If you cowardly accept the gift, hoping to secretly get rid of the icon, then you will commit a great sin. Under no circumstances should you throw away icons, let alone give them to someone else. The only way is to take it to church and explain the situation.
  4. If you have accepted a gift, it is important to thank not only the one who gives you the shrine, but also God, who will help you in difficult moments. Place your forehead on the image and thank from the bottom of your heart.

As you can see, priests deny negative signs, and even more so from such a gift. A donated icon is not just the face of a saint, it is invaluable help in difficult times.