Fairy tale-theatricalization for preschool children “The Adventures of an Ant. Theatrical performance based on the fairy tale Mitten in the senior speech therapy group of a preschool educational institution

Characters: grandmother, grandfather, Alyonushka, bull, bunny, fox, bear (sometimes a wolf appears in other retellings)

3 different scenarios and a fairy tale based on a well-known story, when the cat tells the cockerel not to open the door, not to talk to strangers, but the cockerel does not listen. The fox steals the cockerel... Characters: cat, fox and rooster

Characters: grandmother, grandfather, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse, turnip



Scenario based on Suteev’s fairy tale (how a chicken repeated everything after a duckling and almost got into trouble). Characters: duckling and chicken

28. Cunning COCK

Scenario based on a Bulgarian folk tale (how the fox outwitted the cockerel, and then the cockerel outwitted the fox and survived). Characters: cockerel, fox


Scenario in verse for children of senior and preparatory groups.The story is about how the cuckoo flew away from the clock, and the animals tried themselves in the role of the cuckoo.Characters:Cuckoo, Cat, Frog, Lion, Dog



Scenario for the youngest: 1.5-3 years old.Characters: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Fedya, mice, hares, foxes


Script in verse for kindergarten. The fox took the key from Santa Claus's box. But the animals find her and forgive her. Everyone goes to the Christmas tree together, where Santa Claus comes with a box. And in the box... Characters: Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Fox, Bunnies, Squirrel, Bear.


New Year's script in verse for a nursery group with games, songs and dances. New Year's script in verse for a nursery group with games, songs and dances. Characters: Presenter, Fox, Bear, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden.


Scenario based on Suteev’s fairy tale (how the animals divided the apple and the bear judged everyone). Characters: Hare, crow, hedgehog, bear.


Script for a theatrical fairy tale in high school

Speech therapy group"Christmas tree"

based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev







Father Frost




Christmas trees

Scene 1. Kindergarten, the guys are having a conversation.

Child 3 : New Year's holiday is coming soon. Our toys are ready, but there is no Christmas tree. What to do?

Child 2 : Let's write a letter to Santa Claus and ask him to send us a Christmas tree to kindergarten. (Music sounds, children gather in a circle, write a letter).

Child 3: (Waving the letter) - The letter is ready. And who will carry it? Of course, the postal snowman. Hey guys, let's run outside! Let's build a snowman!

Scene 2: Street, large white snowdrift.

Dance "Snowman" (The guys and the snowman are dancing).

Child 4: What a good postal snowman!

Snowman, snowman,

Brave snow mailman,

You'll go into the dark forest

And you will take the letter.

Santa Claus will receive a letter -

Find a Christmas tree in the forest

Fluffier, better

In green needles.

Hurry up this Christmas tree

Bring it for all the kids!

V. Suteev

Snowman: (takes the letter) - Okay, guys, but I need an assistant on the road.

Child 5: Take your puppy Bobik with you, he will protect you.

Music is playing.

Recorded voice. And the snowman hit the road. Bobik and Snowman walked for a long time and finally came to a huge, dense forest. And winter reigns in the forest. All the trees are dressed in snowy outfits, and the Christmas trees are the most beautiful.

Scene 3. Forest. Trees. Children are Christmas trees.

Christmas tree: If only the Christmas trees had legs,

We would run along the path,

Would you dance with us?

We would have clicked our heels.

K. Chukovsky

Christmas tree dance.

(A hare appears.)

Snowman: - Hey, hare, where does Santa Claus live?

Hare : - I have no time to answer, the fox is chasing me.

(The fox appears.)

Bobik : - Hold the cheat! (starts after her).

Music is playing. (Hare, fox, Bobik run after each other and run away).

Gloss in recording: At this time, a blizzard broke out in the fairy-tale forest and swirled the snowman.

Dance of a blizzard and a snowman.

(Fox appears)

Fox: - I couldn’t catch up with the hare. (Finds a letter) - But I found an important letter. (She grabbed him and ran away.)

(Bobik appears).

Bobik: -Where is the snowman? (finds a snowdrift and cries).

(A hare appears)

Hare : - You see, Bobik, how to chase a fox! I couldn't save the snowman!

Bobik: - What should I do?

Hare: - Don't cry, I'll call my brothers and we'll help you make the Snowman again.

(Hares appear).

Dance of hares and snowman.

Bobik : Forgive me Snowman, I won’t leave you again!

Snowman: Where's my letter? What should we do?

(A magpie appears).

Magpie : I am a white-sided magpie. I saw the fox running, carrying a letter and dropping it. I picked it up and brought it to you.

Snowman: Thank you forty. Come with us to Santa Claus.

The music sounds, the animals and the Snowman go to Santa Claus.

Scene 4: ( House of Santa Claus).

Snowman: - Well, we came to Santa Claus, and he was sleeping. What to do?

Bobik : - Of course, wake up!

Music sounds: “Waltz-joke” D. Shostakovich



Father Frost : - Don’t interfere with your rest!

Animals: - Wake up, Santa Claus! (2 r)

Father Frost : - Give me, let me sleep!

Animals: - Wake up, Santa Claus! (2 r)

Father Frost : - How long can you interfere with me?

Give me a little rest

Give me, let me sleep

Animals: - Wake up, Santa Claus!

Father Frost :- They brought me to tears! (gets up)

Father Frost: - Who dared to wake me up?

Snowman: Forgive us, grandfather, we came to you with a letter from the guys.

Father Frost : (Reads the letter) - So you need a Christmas tree? Now I’ll choose the fluffiest one for you. (chooses a tree and gives it to the Snowman).

And so that the snowman has time to bring her to the holiday, get into my sleigh.

Music sounds: “Brave Rider” (snowman, Bobik are leaving, Santa Claus and the animals are waving their arms)

Scene 5. Children come out with toys. The snowman stands in the same place, with a Christmas tree next to him. The guys decorate the Christmas tree and sing a song.

New Year's round dance(optional).

Marina Potomkina
Summary of entertainment in the form of a theatrical fairy tale “Teremok” (preparatory speech therapy group)

Target: development artistic abilities of children through theatrical activities.


Improving children's artistic and singing skills;

Child liberation;

Work on speech and intonation;

Collective actions, interactions;

Awakening in children the ability to vividly imagine what is happening, sympathize and empathize with what is happening.

Preliminary work:

Reading fairy tales« Teremok» ;

Show fairy tales;

Discussion fairy tales, conversation with children on topic: "What does it teach fairy tale;

Distribution of roles, learning and conducting emotional gymnastics based on children’s exercise in depicting the feelings of characters fairy tales using facial expressions, gestures, movements, own speech;

learning roles: ability to speak clearly, rhythmically, finishing words;

develop memory with all children;

Develop the ability to help out or replace a friend at any time;

preparing attributes;

Learning finger gymnastics "We are building teremok» ;

Learning a rhythm game "Saw" (development physiological breathing);

Learning a song « Teremok» ;

Construction training tower from the designer.


Building constructor(MAF,

Animal masks and costumes,

Musical accompaniment,

Forest scenery and setting mansion.





Progress of entertainment.

Educator: Guys, do you love fairy tales? Educator: How can you talk about a fairy tale, what is she like?

Children. Magical, wonderful, funny, instructive, witty, smart, interesting, kind, mysterious, unusual, joyful, wise, etc.

Educator: A fairy tale is a story about fictitious events, about things that don’t happen in the world.

Educator. Why fairy tales are called folk tales?

Children: Because they were composed by the Russian people.

Educator. Right. Fairy tales came to us from time immemorial. They were composed by people and told each other, and then they began to collect and record them. So fabulous stories have reached us. Happy and sad, scary and funny fairy tales familiar to all people since childhood.

So, you and I are going on a journey through Russian folk fairy tales.

Educator. Around us here and there

Different fairy tales live.

There are riddles in the clearing

Guess without tips

Call it, dare

These fairy friends!

(Ermolaeva N.V.)


The beautiful maiden is sad

She doesn't like spring.

It's hard for her in the sun,

The poor thing is shedding tears. Snow Maiden

A woman rides on a broom in heaven and on earth,

Scary, evil, who is she? Baba Yaga

Alyonushka has sisters

The birds took my brother away.

High they fly

Far away they look Geese-swans

An arrow flew and fell into a swamp,

And in this swamp someone caught her.

Who said goodbye to green skin.

Have you become cute, beautiful, pretty? Frog Princess

Her grandfather planted her in the field

The whole summer grew.

The whole family pulled her

It was very large. turnip

It was mixed with sour cream

Baked in a Russian oven.

Met animals in the forest

And he left them quickly. Kolobok

Once upon a time there were seven guys

Little white goats.

The gray one tricked his way into the house.

The goat then found him,

I was able to outsmart him.

And she saved all her children. Goats


All the riddles were solved and all the heroes were named.

Koschey was visiting yesterday,

What have you done, just - Ah!

I mixed up all the pictures

He confused all our fairy tales.

You must give us an answer

Name a Russian fairy tale!

"Correct the mistake"

1) "Ryaba the Cockerel"

2) "Dasha and the Bear"

3) "The Wolf and the Seven Lambs"

4) "Ducks and Swans"

5) "Fox with a saucepan"

6) "Zayushkin's House"

7) "Princess Turkey"

8) "Fist Boy"

Educator: - Guys, I have a “wonderful bag” Next exercise: "Name fairy tale on the subject"(apple, arrow, rolling pin, little red riding hood, mirror, egg, mitten, fish.) (Children call fairy tales, in which this item is present)

Physical education minute" Fairy tales"

The mouse ran quickly (running in place)

The mouse wagged its tail (simulation of movement)

Oops, I dropped an egg (bend over, “lift the testicle”)

Look, I broke it (show the “testicle” with outstretched arms)

Here we planted her (bend over)

And they poured water on her (simulation of movement)

The turnip grew good and strong (spread your arms to the sides)

Now let's pull it (simulation of movement)

And we’ll make porridge from turnips (imitation food)

And we will be healthy and strong from the turnip (show "strength")


IN in a fairy tale anything can happen, Yours fairy tale ahead - Fairy Tale there's a knock on our door, let's say guest: Come in!

Everyone loves fairy tales,

Adults and children love it!

Fairy tales teach us good things

And diligent work,

They tell you how to live

To be friends with everyone around you!

Teremok in a new way

The kindergarten will show you!

Children close their eyes, at this time the curtain opens, and children appear dressed in costumes.

Storyteller: The red summer has flown by.

Rainy days have come.

No, it's damp in the rain, (points to teremok) .

But this is a dry, excellent house.

To be honest, he's not bad.

But it still stands empty.

He really needs an owner. (looks around).

Who is that splashing through the puddles? (To a mouse approaches the mansion, sings a song)

Song "Mice".

How spacious teremok!

I'll lock the door.

I'll go to sleep under the stove.

I will live carefree!

How I got wet in the rain

But here is a wonderful house.

Well what the terem teremok? (bypasses little mansion all around) .

No one seems to live here, but maybe for me.

Storyteller: Bravely, go ahead!

Climb the mouse onto the porch

clean everything up, light the stove,

Here you will live and live.

It’s not a bad idea to spend the winter warm when a snowstorm is raging.

Mouse: Yes, I’ve been dreaming of having a hut like this for a long time.

Storyteller: There must be a story someday!

Mouse: Now I’ll clean everything up here, I’ll bring brushwood from the forest.

The Frog appears, she notices the hut and heads towards it, singing a song.

Song "Frogs".

IN I want to move into the mansion.

Dance and have fun.

I'm bored of grass

Unlock it! Kwa-kwa-kwa!

What a nice hut! (knocks on the door with his paw).

Mouse: - Who's there?

Frog: Yes, it's me, Frog! (the mouse goes out onto the porch)

Mouse: What do you want, girlfriend? You know, I'm terribly glad. Tell me if you want to live in this with me mansion? (the frog is shaking from the cold).

Frog: Yes, it's cold in the breeze!

Mouse: Come in quickly, let's light the stove, wash the windows and porch!

Frog: And, really, it’s more fun together. Thank you, Mouse, I agree.

Mouse: We'll have a great winter! (The Frog and the Mouse are busy, cleaning, fussing. They then run into teremok, then they do something on the street, then they look out the window).

Storyteller: The Frog and the Mouse got on with cleaning so well and cheerfully that they cleaned up very quickly. The hut's windows shine. They bake pancakes and buns. The two of them are having a fun life, there’s smoke curling above the chimney!

A hare is running across the field. He runs up to little mansion and looks out the window and sings a song.

Song "Hare".

I don't like thunderstorms and cold.

I really need a warm home.

Who lives in mansion?

I'm bored alone!

Storyteller: Knock boldly, don’t be timid, the three of you will have more fun! (The Hare knocks timidly, the Mouse and the Frog go out onto the porch).

Frog: That's who, hello, oblique!

Mouse: Why are you so sad?

Hare: Hello, Mouse and Frog!

You have a wonderful hut!

Isn't there a place?

I would just like a corner under the stove.

I will help you with everything: chop wood, get water!

Frog: Yes, let him live, three of us are no worse!

Mouse: Well, we need such an assistant!

Frog: Well, come into the house quickly.

Mouse: Life will be more fun with the three of us!

(Hare, Mouse, Frog are busy together, helping each other).

Storyteller: Again they pass day after day.

And in There are already three people living in the tower

Frog, Hare, Mouse,

They cook cabbage soup, pies, and bake crumpets,

They are ready for winter, well-groomed teremok, like new.

Frost and cold are not scary for them, it’s so good for our little animals!

The Cockerel appears with an accordion, he walks along the path and sings a song.

Song: "Cockerel".

I go wherever my eyes look, no one is waiting for me.

All the leaves will soon fall off and winter will come again.

I have long dreamed of making reliable friends.

Even if it’s not easy to find such people, it’s all the same to meet them!

Storyteller: Hey, Petya, Petya, wait!

Do you see a hut ahead?

Hurry up and knock on the hut and they will let you warm up on the stove.

They'll feed you pies, and you'll meet your friends there!

Rooster: Oh, teremok!

And there are friends in it.

My dream is coming true.

I want to drink tea, sit and talk. (The cockerel approaches the hut and knocks on the window)

Mouse: Someone is knocking on our window!

Frog: And it’s already dark outside!

Hare: Or maybe it was the wolf who came, standing there hungry and angry.

But before we reveal who it is, let’s ask anyway!

Rooster: It’s so bad with friends! I am Petya the Cockerel!

Hare: Now I'll unlock the lock! (everyone runs out onto the porch).

Frog: If you want to stay alive, the four of us will be friends! (everyone goes to teremok) .

Storyteller: So the four of us lived together,

Now the house is full of fun!

After all, every evening at the window

The rooster plays the accordion

The Mouse and the Frog are dancing, and the Bunny is clapping for her friends, (the Fox appears, walks along the road, sings a song, she saw teremok, approached him).

Song "Chanterelles".

I am a beautiful Fox!

I can't sleep in the forest at night.

It's damp and dark there.

I haven't eaten for a long time.

I want my ears to sleep.

On a feather pillow.

So that my tail sleeps in bed,

In a tender warm cradle.

What a nice hut? (knocking on the door).

Mouse: Who's there?

Fox: Yes, it’s me, Lisa!

Frog: Take a quick breath, come in, sit down and rest.

Hare: The frog will heat up the tea, I’ll take the pies out of the oven. I bet your back hurts from the road!

Storyteller: So the five of us lived together, now the house is full of fun!

Winter is just around the corner, we just have to wait a little longer! (listens, looks into the forest).

Who is that walking through the forest?

The bear goes forward through the bushes,

He climbs, pushes his way,

And he’s trying to get out.

Walks straight towards little mansion.

Storyteller addresses To the bear: Where are you going, Mishenka, cuckoo! (Bear walks, sings a song, approaches little mansion) .

Song "Bear".

What a beautiful house this is!

I'll live in that house.

Teremok is good and high!

Just a miracle teremok!

Bear: What is this here? teremok?

There is light in the windows and smoke is coming out.

I also want to live in something like this, now I’ll knock on the window!

The Bear knocks on the window, the Cockerel looks out of the window, and the Mouse, Frog and Hare go out onto the porch.

Hello, Misha, how are you? (shakes Bear's paw).

Bear: Friends, I want to live with you!

Hare: Sorry, I’ll upset you, but our house is a bit cramped!

Bear: I’ll squeeze in somehow, somewhere!

Fox: Well, we’ll have to let him in too, which we don’t mind!

Bear: (climbs onto the roof). I'll sit here quietly!

Hare: Wait, where are you going, the beam will crack! (under the weight of the Bear the mansion is falling apart) .

Frog: I'm trembling with fear!

Mouse: Winter is coming, and you broke our house, where do we go now?

Bear: Sorry, I didn’t do it on purpose! Let's build a new one!

All animals: Exactly! We’ll build a bigger one so that Mishka can fit in too. tower to heaven!

Everyone is building together mansion to cheerful music.


And new teremok They will build amazingly quickly and beautifully!

Let them live, let them live, and invite passers-by to visit!

All children:

sing the song "Standing in the Field Teremok"

Storyteller: The guys were artists! AND fairy tale, you guys showed!

The artists and spectators were all good! Let's clap from the bottom of our hearts!

Script for a theatrical performance based on the fairy tale "Rukavichka" in a senior speech therapy group

Bogatova Oksana Nikolaevna, teacher, MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 94" Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region.
Description: the production can be used by educators and music directors in circle work on theatrical activities; in the development of scripts for New Year's matinees in the senior group of the kindergarten. The script uses the fairy tale by Olesya Emelyanova “A Mitten for a Puppet Show.” I adapted it for acting on stage or in a music hall.
Target: formation of children's interest in theatrical activities, enrichment of the emotional sphere, development of communication abilities.
- develop coherent speech;
- enrich active vocabulary, develop memory;
- improve the ability to combine words and actions;
- learn to control voice strength and timbre;
- promote the formation of clear, bright, intonationally expressive speech;
- to reveal the potential of speech-language pathologist children in public speaking.
Preliminary work:
- reading the Ukrainian folk tale "The Mitten";
- reading the fairy tale “Mitten” by Olesya Emelyanova;
- distribution of roles;
- learning roles and automation of delivered sounds;
- registration of declarations, preparation of attributes;
- selection of musical accompaniment.
Old man
(All roles are played by children)
Narrator (adult)
A group of children (5-7 people) to perform noise accompaniment.
In the foreground is a mock-up of a mitten. In the background is a forest (several artificial Christmas trees).
A group of children tap a rhythm on wooden spoons to the words of a narrator.
Lyuli-lyuli, tili-tili!
Hares walked on water
And from the river, like ladles,
They scooped up water with their ears,
And then they carried it home.
The noodle dough was kneaded.
hung on my ears -
It was a lot of fun!

The game of spoons stops.
But they happen in the forests
More fun miracles!
This fairy tale is small
About animals and a mitten.
An old man comes out from behind the Christmas trees, walks past the mitten (decarration) and drops the real mitten.
A group of children take plastic bags and rustle, imitating the crunch of snow under their feet.

An old man was walking through the forest,
I lost my mitten -
A new mitten,
Warm, downy.
The old man leaves.
A mouse appears from behind the Christmas trees (music sounds for the mouse to come out),
runs up to the right to the mitten.

I'm sitting under a bush
And I'm shaking from the cold.
The mitten is a mink!
I’ll run to her from the hill -
This is a new mink
Warm and fluffy!

Runs behind the mitten.
A bunny jumped along the edge of the forest,
His ears were frozen.
A bunny runs out from behind the Christmas trees (music plays)
And where should I go now?
Where can the unfortunate person warm up?
The bunny runs up to the mitten.

Who is inside - an animal or a bird?

Is there anyone wearing this mitten?
The mouse looks out of the mitten.
This is the Scratch Mouse!
Let me go, little girl!
Bunny is very cold,
Runaway bunny!
There's enough room for both of us.
The mitten is new,
Warm and fluffy!
The Mouse and the Bunny are hiding in a mitten. A fox appears from behind the trees on the right (music plays).
Oh, save me, Santa Claus
Bit the fox on the nose
Running on her heels -
The tail is shaking from the cold!

Answer the fox,
Who's huddling in a mitten?
The Mouse peeks out of the mitten.
I'm the Scratching Mouse,
Long-tailed minnow!

I'm the Runaway Bunny,
Little bunny in the mitten!
Have pity on the fox
And put it in your mitten!
There's enough room for the three of us here.
It's softer here than on the bed -
The mitten is new,
Warm and fluffy!
The bunny and the fox are hiding in a mitten. A Wolf appears from behind the trees on the left (music plays).
He howled at the moon at night
And I caught a cold from the cold.
The wolf howls.
The gray wolf sneezes loudly -
The tooth does not touch the tooth.
The wolf sneezes and chatters his teeth.

Hey, honest forest people,
Who, tell me, lives here?

I'm the Scratching Mouse,
Long-tailed minnow!
The mouse hides, the Bunny peeks out from the mitten.
I'm the Runaway Bunny,
Little bunny in the mitten!

I'm a fluffy fox
In the mitten of everyone, sister!
You will let me live,
I will watch over you!
There's enough room for four here.
It's softer here than on the bed -
The mitten is new,
Warm and fluffy!
The wolf and the fox are hiding in a mitten. A Boar appears from behind the trees on the right (music plays).
Oink! The barrel is completely frozen
The tail and snout are freezing!
This mitten comes in handy!

The Mouse peeks out of the mitten.
You won't have enough space here!
I'll get in somehow!
The Mouse and the Boar are hiding in a mitten. A fox peeks out of her mitten.
It's cramped here! Well, it's just creepy!
The fox again hides in its mitten. A Bear comes out from behind the trees on the left (music sounds).
Teddy Bear is freezing
My nose gets cold and my paws get cold.
The bear rubs his nose.
I don’t have a den!
What's here in the middle of the road?
A mitten will do!
Who, tell me, lives in it?

The Mouse peeks out of the mitten.
I'm the Scratching Mouse,
Long-tailed minnow!
The mouse hides, the Bunny peeks out from the mitten.
I'm the Runaway Bunny,
Little bunny in the mitten!
The bunny is hiding, and the little fox is peeking out of her mitten.
I'm a fluffy fox
In the mitten of everyone, sister!
The fox is hiding, the Wolf is peeking out of his mitten.
The top still lives here,
Warm gray barrel!
The wolf is hiding, the Boar peeks out from the mitten.
Well, I'm a tusker boar,
The mitten is stuck!
There's a bit too much of you here,
Shall I climb in with you guys?
Yes, I will somehow!
The Boar and the Bear are hiding in a mitten. Chanterelle looks out of it.
There's nowhere to sneeze here!
The fox again hides in its mitten. A mouse looks out of it.
Fat, and also there!
The mouse hides in a mitten.
Here the grandfather missed the loss -
He told the dog to run back,
Find the mitten!
A Dog appears from behind the trees on the right and runs towards the mitten (music plays)
Woof-woof-woof! So here she is!
You can see it from a mile away!
Hey you, animals or birds there,
Quickly throw out the mitten!
If I find anyone in it,
I will bark very loudly.
Immediately the grandfather will come with a gun,
He'll take the mitten away!

Animals jump out of the mitten one by one and hide behind the Christmas trees. The dog runs after them and barks. The old man comes out, picks up his mitten and leaves the stage with the dog.

The animals were very scared
They scattered,
They hid somewhere,
And lost forever
New mittens
Warm and fluffy!

Elena Blinova
"The Tale of the Crooked Bear and the Sweet Raspberry." Scenario of the play for children of the senior speech therapy group of a preschool educational institution

An instructive author's tale about kindness, friendship, generosity and mutual assistance for performance with graduates of a speech center or speech therapy group of a preschool educational institution, and demonstration as part of the final celebration of Beautiful and correct speech in the senior and preparatory groups of the kindergarten. The fairy tale can also be used for a puppet theater performance or in a theater group of a preschool educational institution, both with the participation of children and with the participation of adults as artists.

During preparation for this scenario, the speech therapist solves problems of automating the given sounds in speech, develops children's speech, teaches self-control in the process of speech utterance and instills basic public speaking skills. In addition, when preparing a performance, the scenery and costumes for the performance are designed together with the children. In the process of this work, the team of children and adults involved in this work is united and the creative imagination of preschool children develops.

The Tale of the Crooked Bear and the Sweet Raspberry.

(for puppet show)

Almost at the forest, on the edge,

There lived a cheerful family -

Baba Masha, grandfather Ilya.

Their yard was full of tenants -

Chickens, geese and roosters,

Murka the cat,

Yes, the little dog Zhurka.

And granddaughter Katyushenka,

I came to visit them in the summer

And I loved eating raspberries.

But at night, in that glorious courtyard,

The shaggy thief became a frequent visitor.

He was called Toptyzhka -

Clubfoot Bear.

I trampled a path to their garden -

He began to eat raspberries.

The family council met:

Woman: Ah, ah, ah

Grandfather: Oh, oh, oh.

We don’t know what to do, we don’t understand what to do,

When my granddaughter comes to visit, we won’t find any raspberries.

Dog: Don't cry, dear old people!

Murka and I will help - we’ll go to the bear.

Murka: Let's tell the bear not to come to us,

I didn’t carry raspberries into my forest without asking.

And Katyusha will eat berries,

Yes, listen to the birds singing in our garden.

They searched for a long time, and the bear disappeared.

Suddenly they came to a swamp, and there was a frog.

Dog: Hello, have you ever met a bear cub?

Frog: Of course I did, I know him.

Cat: Where does he live?

Frog: It's not far from here.

Go straight along the path - to a large haystack,

There you will see a birch tree, and under it a den.

Cat: Thank you frog, goodbye

We'll wave our paw at you goodbye.

(they walk and hum the song “Tra-ta-ta”)

Dog: Here is the den, here is Mishka

Come out to us, little naughty girl!

Bear: This is a miracle of miracles,

The cat and the dog went out into the forest!

Cat: Eat, Mishka, you are our raspberry.

And soon Katerina will come to us from the city.

Grandma's granddaughter loves berries very much,

He goes out into the garden - there are only thorns in the raspberries!

Bear: I won't do it again, forgive the thick-fifted one!

Dog: Okay, Toptyzhka, we forgive you,

And your tricks were forever forgotten!

Cat: Come visit us during the day.

We'll treat you to some raspberries and pour some tea.

You, Mishka, don’t take someone else’s without asking,

If you want berries, just ask!

Bear: Goodbye friends

I learned your lesson.

And don't forget me

Visit my den.

See you!

They are greeted by chickens, geese - the whole crowd.

Chicken: Tell us how you went,

Don't languish our interest.

Cat: They taught Mishka, they told him everything,

They invited him to visit and promised to be friends with him.

Kate: Hello grandpa, hello grandma.

Hello Murka and Zhurka.

Dear birds - greetings to you too

I am glad to see you all at this good hour.

Grandmother: Hello dear granddaughter,

Doors are open for you.

And the berries in your garden are already ripe.

Bear: Here, here. Can I visit you?

I came to apologize and treat myself to some raspberries.

And he also brought a gift -

Forest honey and sweet apples.

Grandfather: Welcome, Mishutka!

Thank you for the hotels.

Today, you and I, we will have fun.

Dog: Since then Katya and Toptyzhka

We became very friendly

Every day we played, laughed, had fun.

Cat: Grandmother made jam for the winter,

Everyone will enjoy this treat!

Grandmother: So that diseases never reach children,

(to the cat) We send them a jar of jam with love.

Grandmother: Eat to your health, dear children,

(to children) There is no healthier treat in the whole wide world!