Ovulation test results like. When to start conceiving after an ovulation test is positive? When can you take a pregnancy test?

If you decide to try an ovulation test, we advise you to follow the following rules.

  • So, you should test every day and, if possible, at exactly the same time.
  • The best time to conduct tests is from 10 am to 8 pm.
  • Additionally, for a more accurate result, reduce your fluid intake several hours before testing. This will make your urine more concentrated.
  • While using ovulation tests, do not use any medicines, they may cause incorrect results.
  • Follow the test instructions exactly as provided by the manufacturer. Test results must be assessed no later than 15-20 minutes after testing.

Test results

There are three possible results:

  • negative result - only one control line is visible on the test or the test line is much lighter than the control line;
  • positive result - the test line is as bright as the control line or even darker;
  • erroneous result - there is no control line on the test.

Look at the result window and compare the result line on the left near the arrow on the line body with the control line on the right. The line that is closest to the arrow on the body is the main result line that can show the level of LH in the urine.

Further to the right of the arrow based on the stick there will be a control line. It is needed for comparison with the result strip. A control line will appear whenever the test was performed correctly.

False negative result

Now let's look at the reasons why ovulation tests may show false negative results.

  • different ovulation tests have different sensitivity;
  • Each woman's body can produce different amounts of LH;
  • depending on the amount of liquid consumed, different concentrations of urine are observed in the woman’s body;
  • different testing times.

Due to these features, test lines may be weaker than control lines throughout the entire cycle. Or vice versa - much brighter than the control line for several days in a row. Experts state that in order to accurately determine fertile days, you need to adapt to ovulation tests.

In some controversial cases, it is also worth taking into account the bodies and the nature of the secretion of cervical fluid.

Disadvantages of Taking Ovulation Tests

The first and main disadvantage of ovulation tests is their cost. After all, testing requires not one, not two, but a fairly large number of tests. And this requires the investment of certain financial resources. Women who have an irregular cycle will especially have to spend money. In addition, you need to get used to the test procedure itself - do them at the same time, strictly following the instructions.

Plan your baby's gender

Unfortunately, there are no exact methods that allow you to plan the sex of a child in advance. But, nevertheless, doctors have developed a theory according to which on the days closest to ovulation, the likelihood of conceiving a son may increase, and on the most distant days, a daughter. Thus, experts say, to increase the likelihood of having a boy, future parents should abstain from sex while ovulation tests show a negative result.

And in order to become parents of a girl, spouses, on the contrary, need to stop having sex as soon as the tests show positive results. However, remember: this method is not 100% reliable.

Ovulation tests are effective aids in pregnancy planning. It is recommended for couples who long time cannot get a positive result. You should know that you can use an ovulation test only after visiting a doctor. It is necessary for the woman to be convinced that there are no other problems. The examination also allows you to determine the state of the reproductive system of both partners. If you have various ailments, you must undergo the recommended treatment. Only after all problems have been eliminated can you start planning on your own.

Every woman should know when to take an ovulation test. Testing and knowledge of the characteristics of the menstrual cycle will allow you to decide on the beginning. Each woman's cycle occurs in several stages. The stage depends on the hormone that is the leader at the moment.

The first and main stage begins with menstruation. Menstruation is physiological method cleansing the uterine body from accumulated material. After 3-4 days, your period ends. Cleansing is accompanied by a gradual increase in estrogen levels. Estrogen is one of the main female hormones. It is needed for proper preparation reproductive system to conception and increases every three days. Its growth causes the formation of the inner layer lining the uterine body. It's called the endometrium. With each phase of the menstrual cycle, the endometrium changes. In the first days it has a small thickness. The structure of the fabric is homogeneous. Estrogen causes the endometrium to increase in height. It exfoliates and thickens. When the tissue reaches a height of 11–13 mm, the uterus is ready for a possible pregnancy.

Estrogen also promotes the formation of another substance in the body - FSH. Follicle-stimulating hormone is detected only in the female body. Its only task is to prepare the egg for fertilization. Under its influence, the cell penetrates under the outer membrane of the ovary and forms a follicular cavity. The follicle develops quickly. Average duration It takes 5–7 days for the egg to prepare for ovulation. The ovulatory state occurred on days 12–14 from the beginning of the cycle. Ovulation occurs after 1–2 days.

Full readiness of the cell and endometrium causes a sharp decrease in the volume of estrogen. Its place is taken by a luteinizing agent. It affects the condition of the follicular pocket. The follicle increases in volume. The pressure of the intracavitary fluid causes severe thinning of the membrane. The pocket is torn. A woman begins her ovulatory period. This description makes it clear what ovulation is.

Initially, the egg is located in the fallopian tube. This is where fertilization occurs. The passage of a cell through a pipe is accompanied by its changes. The zygote approaches the uterine body. It is formed as a result of division of the nucleus of the egg. The formed zygote implants into the endometrial tissue. The period of pregnancy begins.

Regardless of whether pregnancy occurs or not menstrual cycle goes into the second phase - progesterone. Progesterone is responsible for two functions: nourishing the embryo and preparing the uterus for the next cycle. During this period, ovulation test strips are not used.

How to determine the presence of fertility

There are many different ways to determine ovulation at home. Women are offered the following methods for determining ovulation:

Many patients determine the approach of the fertile period by external symptoms. A subjective sign of ovulation is a change in sexual behavior, thinning of cervical mucus, and the appearance of pain. But these symptoms do not appear in all girls. Therefore, you should resort to other methods of calculating the fertile phase, which should be appropriate.

The most accurate home method is to plot your basal temperature. If a woman does not understand how it is built, she should seek help from a specialist. The gynecologist will explain everything in detail. The essence of the method is daily rectal temperature measurement. The result is entered into a special table. A dot is placed on the corresponding day opposite the temperature column. Connecting the dots produces a graph. It is necessary to pay attention to the sharp drop in the line. It is a sign of decreased estrogen and increased LH. The next day the graph should jump up, which is evidence of ovulation.

But not all women can take daily measurements according to the rules. Violation of the measurement mode leads to erroneous plotting of the graph. In this case, it is recommended to determine ovulation using a test.

How does it work

Before using this method, you need to understand how the ovulation test works. Each strip has two zones. The first zone turns bright color upon contact with urine. The second zone is treated with a special solution that contains a reagent. The solution upon contact with the luteinizing substance gives varying degrees of color.

The degree of staining depends on the volume of LH in the urinary fluid. An increase in LH in the urine causes an increase in the intensity of the reaction. The stripes on the test are gradually compared in color. For this reason, a woman should know how to use an ovulation test.

You should take into account the rules contained in the instructions for the ovulation test. The abstract advises observing the following conditions:

  • stopping fluid intake before testing;
  • compliance with testing time;
  • correct urine collection.

Each instruction clearly states at what time it is necessary to do an ovulation test. The question arises, how to use an ovulation test correctly? The main use is in the morning after the first bowel movement. bladder. How to do the test correctly? You should start doing ovulation tests by collecting urine. The liquid must be collected in a clean container. For this purpose, it is recommended to use a sterile container, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. The strip descends to the level marked at the end of the strip. The ovulation test in urine is maintained for no more than 20 seconds. After this, the strip must be placed horizontally on a dry surface. The ovulation test and its instructions are always sold together. If you have questions about how to use the tests, you should read it carefully.

You can read the result after a certain time. It is better to use ovulation tests strictly according to the instructions. It is different for each manufacturer. Using an annotation, a woman will not make a mistake. If the result is read later, it is not informative. To do this, you need to know how the ovulation test works.

Experts advise using two tests per day as the egg is released. This will help you more clearly determine your ovulation period and use an ovulation test.

How to evaluate the result

Girls are interested in how to evaluate the results of an ovulation test. Taking an ovulation test is simple. A test to determine the ovulatory phase should be performed every other day. Each measurement is accompanied by the appearance of two stripes in the study area. One stripe is always brightly colored. The other brightens gradually. The peak coloring of the reagent zone occurs when the content of luteinizing hormone in the urine is higher. At this time, the woman notices that tests for determining ovulation are compared by color. The principle of operation of the ovulation test is the reaction of the strip to the hormone. If retested after an hour, the strip will have a color intensity that is greater than the test zone. This is the main sign of cell exit into the peritoneum. Active planning must begin on the same day.

If conception occurs during ovulation itself, conception does not always occur. This is due to the characteristics of the vital activity of sperm.

Many couples are confident that it is possible to plan the sex of the child. This is not always the case. This opinion is based on the viability of sperm carrying different sex genes. The sperm needed to conceive a boy quickly move through the uterine body, but also die instantly. Such sperm can live no more than two days. Sperm carrying the female gene live a long time, but also move slowly. Due to these features, it is believed that a girl can be conceived before ovulation, a boy on the day the egg is released. But sperm do not always carry different genetic codes. In this case, the couple can only have same-sex children. This shows the ineffectiveness of the method. Every couple can check it.

Varieties of strips

There are various types ovulation tests. The price depends on the manufacturer, the number of tests in the pack and the reagent used in the strip.

A simple ovulation test is often used. It is available in one strip per package. The price can range from 15 to 40 rubles. The instructions for using the ovulation test indicate that it will show the result in 5 minutes. To control the onset of the fertile period, you should buy several of these strips.

More accurate is an ovulation gadget such as an electronic one. It consists of an electronic element, a reagent and a field for studying the result. There are two types of electronic gadgets: a reusable ovulation test and a one-time device. A reusable gadget is more convenient, but its price is high. The average cost of such a test is 1500 rubles. This gadget reads the result from the woman’s saliva. It is applied to the field for research. The test should show results in a minute. After use, the area is washed with running water and dried thoroughly. The completed test can be removed until next time. It can be done several times. A disposable electronic strip calculates the result using urine. One package contains 7 gadgets. They must be used 2 days after the cessation of menstruation. This is the answer to what time it is recommended to do an ovulation test. On the day of expected ovulation, you should use two regular strips or one electronic one. The electronic strip begins to operate immediately. Electronic form is a method that is successful with many patients. This is the most proven method.

Why is this device needed?

Many women do not understand why an ovulation test is needed. A test to determine ovulation is necessary in the following cases:

  1. increasing the chances of conception;
  2. preventing unwanted pregnancy.

In the first case, ovulation tests allow you to accurately determine the most favorable time for conception. In the second situation, a woman can clearly determine the days on which she should carefully protect herself.

Planning a pregnancy doesn't always go smoothly. Some couples face difficulties. In this case, doctors recommend doing an ovulation test to correctly determine the time to increase the chances of conception. This technique gives good results.

Women who want to experience the joy of motherhood often undergo a preliminary examination and prepare their bodies for conception. It is also important to identify the days on which it will be much easier for them to get pregnant, for which they use different methods to determine ovulation. On what day to do an ovulation test, how to do it, with what frequency - read our article.

Features of identifying the day of ovulation

Before we look in detail at what day to do an ovulation test in a 28-day cycle, let’s figure out what it is from the point of view of the body’s functioning. In simple words Once a month, a woman’s egg matures, which is accompanied by the release of the hormone estrogen. When the level of the latter reaches a sufficient level, a “burst” of luteinizing hormone occurs.

After this, the egg enters the fallopian tube, which indicates its readiness for fertilization. This is ovulation.

The test allows you to identify and evaluate the level of LH.

Types of Ovulation Tests

Today, there are several types of tests that differ in their operating principle and cost. It will tell you on what day to do the ovulation test, and instructions on how to use each of them. They act based on the reaction of the reagent with which they are impregnated to the volume of the hormone in the urine.

You can define it using the following types:

  • Test strips (strip test). Widely used due to low cost and ease of use.
  • Cassettes. They act in the same way.
  • Jet. They differ in the testing method.
  • Tablets. They are considered more reliable compared to strip tests.
  • Electronic. The most informative.

There are saliva detection devices that are digital and reusable, and are highly costly and effective.

Calculating the day for an ovulation test

Since LH (luteinizing hormone) is always present in the body and only sharply increases in volume before ovulation, tests need to be done for several days in a row to detect a “spike”. For ladies with a regular cycle, up to 5 days are enough to detect it.

But first of all, you need to figure out what day to do an ovulation test after your period. A special formula is provided for this. It involves the duration of the cycle. It is determined according to the following principle: the duration from the first day of menstruation to the beginning of the next. You need to subtract 17 from the cycle size. The resulting number is the day that needs to be counted from the beginning of the previous menstruation. On this day, start testing.

On what day to take the test in a 28 day cycle?

So, calculation on what day to do an ovulation test if the cycle is 28 days: 28-17. The resulting number is 11. This means that you need to count 10 days from the first day of your period and, starting from the 11th, carry out testing. It is worth remembering that each body works with its own characteristics and in some cases five days may not be enough to detect a hormone release. According to reviews, sometimes 7-10 tests are required.

On what day to take the test with a cycle of 23-34 days

On what day to do an ovulation test with a 30-day cycle or another, you can find out from the table:

  • On the 5th – with a cycle of 22 days;
  • 6th – 23 days;
  • 7th – 24 days;
  • 8th – 25 days;
  • 9th – 26 days;
  • 10th – 27 days;
  • 11th – 28 days;
  • 12th – 29 days;
  • 13th – 30 days;
  • 14th – 31 days;
  • 15th – 32 days;
  • 16th – 33 days;
  • 17th – 34 days;
  • 18th – 35 days;
  • 19th – 36 days;
  • 20th – 37 days;
  • 21st – 38 days;
  • 22nd – 39 days;
  • 23rd – 40 days.

On what day should I test if I have an irregular cycle?

These calculations are optimal for normal, undisturbed cycles. But what if menstruation is not systematized and it is not possible to identify a clear cycle, even with a small error?

Experts recommend starting at the minimum date and testing until a sharp increase in luteinizing hormone is detected. That is, the correct answer on what day to do an ovulation test with an irregular cycle will be - starting with the smallest one observed in the woman. If it was not possible to identify it in advance, it is better to start from the fifth day. Of course, in this case, many more strips will be needed to identify the optimal moment for conception.

It is worth remembering that even in the most normal organism, failures can occur. For example, you can get pregnant if you conceive on “safe” days before and after your period - such cases are quite common. This once again confirms that ovulation does not necessarily occur in the middle of the cycle and is not always regular. The following reasons may affect the change in deadline:

  • stress;
  • illness, infection;
  • climate change.

Rules for conducting analyzes

Having figured out from what day to do an ovulation test with an irregular cycle or with a systematic one, you should clarify the basic rules for its implementation. In order for the analysis result to be more accurate, you need to perform it according to the instructions, and also adhere to generally established principles:

  • The analysis should be carried out at the same time every day until the result is revealed.
  • Hours of use are from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Do not use morning urine (the first urine after sleep).
  • A couple of hours before the test, refrain from drinking large amounts of liquid.
  • Do not urinate for at least 3 hours before the test.

Each package of tests usually contains 5 strips. According to statistics, this amount is often sufficient, but more may be required. The analysis method is standard:

  • Collect urine in a clean container.
  • Lower the strip to the special mark.
  • Hold for 10 seconds (or according to instructions).
  • Place the drug on a flat surface.
  • After 5 minutes, check the result.

The result of each day should be recorded and compared with the previous ones. For other types of drugs, another method of use is suggested, for example:

  • Jet. Having determined on what day to do the ovulation test, place the strip under a stream of urine.
  • Tablet: place a drop of urine on the window. You can use a pipette for this. The answer will be shown in the second window.
  • Electronic. Consists of a reusable device and strips. Based on the instructions, place them under the stream or dip them in a container.

Video - about ovulation tests

The video contains useful information on test methods and comments.

Error in tests

It is no secret that the tools used may turn out to be unsuitable and show an error. Usually, this is due to an expired expiration date, a violation of the integrity of the packaging, or the presence of a defect. But there are cases when the result is incorrect for other reasons:

  • Failure to follow instructions, improper use.
  • Taking medications that increase the level of luteinizing hormone.
  • Different hormone content. For some ladies, the test will show a positive result on any day due to its high content, and for some, it will not be easy to see changes on the control line even at the time of ovulation.

When to start conceiving

Having identified on what day to do an ovulation test with a cycle of 28-29 days (or according to your parameters) and having carried out tests and analytics, we will clarify the possible options that appear on the strip:

  • The band is clearly expressed: ovulation will occur in the next 12-48 hours.
  • The second band appears weakly: there is no ovulation.
  • There is no line: the test is unsuitable, since the hormone is always present in the body, but in different doses.

Let us remember that ovulation occurs 1-2 days after detecting an increase in hormone levels. At the moment of ovulation, the test will also show it. The highest surge will last about 12 hours, so if you take a test some day after ovulation, the result will be negative.

You need to start conceiving a few hours (5-10) after diagnosis, so that the egg has time to leave the ovaries. She lives for about 24 hours, so delaying the moment too much is also not recommended. It is worth remembering that cells are not static and continue to move, and conception does not occur immediately after the act, but after some time necessary for the cells to meet and fertilize.

If conception has already occurred, and the test shows a reaction, you should urgently contact a gynecologist. This often means a threatened miscarriage or a frozen pregnancy.


It would be a good idea to consult your doctor in advance and get tested. This way, a woman will be able to understand whether the level of the hormone in her body is normal and whether it is worth carrying out tests to identify a favorable time. The doctor observing the patient can also tell you what day to do the ovulation test.

Nature can provide the mechanism for the initiation of conception in different ways. A characteristic feature ovulation may be increased libido, pain in the ovarian area, or an increase in the amount and viscosity of discharge. But not every girl is able to accurately determine this time. An ovulation test makes it possible to always be several positions ahead.

The period when a mature egg moves from the follicle and goes into the fallopian tube is usually called ovulation. If you calculate this moment, then the sperm that will move to the designated point will fulfill its purpose and the desired fusion of germ cells will occur. The zygote formed from the fusion of cells will continue to develop in the uterus.

How does an ovulation test work?

A test for determining ovulation is similar in principle to a pregnancy test. It differs in that it reacts to the luteinizing hormone, which is constantly present in the female body.

The onset of ovulation is stimulated by an increase in this hormone. The peak value of the hormone concentration is recorded a day or a day and a half before ovulation. It is this increase that allows the test to determine.

Considering that sperm retain the ability to fertilize for several days, using an ovulation test as a contraceptive is unreliable. Plus, a woman may misinterpret his results. It will not prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Getting started

From the first day of menstruation, the calculation of the menstrual cycle begins. Its duration will determine the start of using the test.
With a regular cycle that has a consistently equal duration, the test should start 17 days before the start of the first day of the next cycle. With a standard cycle length of 28 days, testing begins on the 11th day.

In the case of an irregular cycle, when to do an ovulation test will tell you the shortest cycle in six months and, based on it, you need to calculate the start date of the test.

If a woman has long delays, then additional control over the follicles is required.

For very accurate results, it is recommended to use the test twice daily, and undergo an ultrasound scan on the recommendation of a doctor.
The accuracy of the test can be reduced by taking medications, hormonal imbalances, high fluid intake, and some female diseases.

Types of tests to determine ovulation

  • Ovulation strip test. Very similar to pregnancy tests, they even look the same. The strip with the reagent is lowered into the urine for half a minute, the result is judged by the appearance of the second strip. Their advantages are their low cost, and their disadvantages include their frequent inaccurate readings.
  • Jet test to determine ovulation. It is considered one of the most accurate research methods. The testing cassette is equipped with a cap, which guarantees high level hygiene. The cap is removed, the cassette is placed under a stream of urine, and then closed with a cap. In less than 5 minutes you can see the result. The only disadvantage of this test is its price.
  • Electronic ovulation test. Another accurate way to determine ovulation. He determines it by changes in the crystallization pattern in saliva. The test is like lipstick. To carry it out, you need to place a small amount of saliva on the lens. The instructions describe in detail how to decrypt the result. An electronic test is also not a cheap pleasure.
  • Test in the form of a cassette to determine ovulation. It is a very convenient method. There is no need to collect urine and lower the strip there, just place the test case with a window under the stream of urine and wait for the result to appear. This test is quite accurate and affordable.

How to score the test?

A positive ovulation test (two equally colored bands) indicates that it will begin in a day or two . You can also talk about a positive answer when the developed band is darker than the control one. At this time, the probability of getting pregnant is very high. Such days are called fertile.

If the band that appears is lighter than the control line or is completely absent, then luteinizing hormone has not increased and testing should be continued.

How to plan the gender of a child using a test?

Of course, it is impossible to plan the gender of your child with a 100% guarantee. But there is a theory that conceiving on days close to ovulation will increase the chances of having a male baby, and on the most distant days a female baby. To increase this likelihood, it is necessary to make love strictly on certain days.

How to use an ovulation test if you want a girl? After the test gives a positive result, you must abstain from sexual intercourse until pregnancy occurs. If pregnancy does not occur, then everything should be repeated in a new cycle.

In the age of technology, more and more women are using tests to determine the date of ovulation, since this is one of the most accurate methods of determining the amount of hormones that rise before the day the egg is released. Despite the ease of use of test strips, difficulties often arise in deciphering them. But even more questions arise when positive test for ovulation, the color of the second mark is clearly visible or faintly visible. Most don't know what to do next.

In this article, we will try to tell you all the nuances regarding the correct decoding of the result, and suggest further actions in case of a positive or negative answer.

In order not to miss the desired day, you need to know when to start testing. And to do this, you first need to calculate the duration of your cycle. On average, the duration of the cycle for most is 28 days, however, there are also longer cycles or, conversely, shorter.

If you have a stable period, it won’t be difficult to find out your cycle. You just need to count the days from the beginning of the previous menstruation until the last day before the next “red” days. The number of all days will be the full menstrual cycle, on the basis of which the day of ovulation is then calculated.

If the cycle is unstable, the minimum period is taken as a basis.

When choosing the day of the beginning of the ovulatory period, it is necessary to subtract the number 17 from the total number of days of the cycle. The resulting number will be the day from which the study should begin.

The number 17 was taken according to certain calculations. In any cycle, the second phase has a constant period, which is 14 days from the moment of ovulation to the start of menstruation. And the duration of the first phase depends on individual characteristics a woman’s body, and may be different, so it is not taken into account. 3 more days are added to 14, this is the period during which ovulation occurs. So we get – 14 plus 3 equals 17 days.

Using the example of a cycle lasting 26 days, it looks like this: subtract 17 from 26, we get 9. This means that already on the 9th day you need to carry out the first test.

For other cycles the picture will be as follows:

  • a 24-day cycle is tested on day 7;
  • for a 28-day cycle, the study is carried out from day 11;
  • for a 32-day period, the test is done from the 15th day.

Testing can be done daily or every other day, but the duration must be at least 5 days or until a positive result. Those wishing to conceive a child can do this twice a day.

In the video you can see what methods exist to determine the ovulatory period.

How to use ovulation test strips: do it right

The method for determining ovulation is similar to pregnancy testing. The difference between the strips is only in the reagents, which in the first case react to increased luteinizing hormone, and in the second - to human chorionic gonadotropin.

To give a reliable result, you must adhere to several simple rules when using strips:

  • It is better to conduct research between 10:00 am and 8:00 pm;
  • the first morning urine is not suitable for research;
  • reduce fluid intake before the test;
  • choose the same time for research on all days;
  • do not urinate for 3–4 hours before urine collection;
  • do not take hormonal drugs, as they affect performance;
  • carry out hygiene procedures before collection;
  • Use a sterile container for urine.

The testing process itself goes like this:

  1. Dip the strip into a container with freshly collected urine to the indicated mark.
  2. Hold for 5 seconds.
  3. Set the test strip aside for 10–15 minutes.
  4. They look at the result.

In the case of the jet test, only the first point changes - the strip is placed under the stream during urination. The remaining points remain unchanged.

When using a tablet test, you will need to draw urine from a container into a pipette and drop it into the corresponding hole on the device. Then he will show the result himself.

More details on how to use the test can be seen in the video below:

Each test strip is impregnated with a special substance, which changes color when it comes into contact with luteinizing hormone. This hormone is constantly present in small quantity. However, 1-2 days before the release of the egg, its level increases sharply, due to which the test will show a positive result - two stripes will be equally brightly colored.

When one of the marks is colored less intensely, this means that the amount of the hormone is insufficient. This result is considered negative. The absence of the second mark indicates that the test is unsuitable.

If the ovulation test shows a positive response, it is recommended to repeat the test after 4-5 hours to confirm the result. If the second mark upon repeated examination becomes just as bright or its color becomes even more intense, it means that the amount of the hormone has reached its peak, and ovulation can be expected within a few hours or the next day.

If testing was carried out for the purpose of conception, then 2 clearly visible stripes are exactly the desired result when you need to start taking action. But you can repeat the study to be sure of the veracity of the event.

Although ovulation is a one-day process, the test shows a positive response 12–48 hours before its onset. Then the luteinizing hormone will decrease and the reagent will not react to it as much.

If the test is positive, conception is possible within the next 48 hours. But do not forget that after release the cell lives only 24 hours, which means the best time for conception is before or at the time of ovulation, and not after it. After all, sperm also need several hours to get to the meeting place. In addition, they live significantly longer than the egg, and will certainly be able to wait for its release.

It turns out that after receiving the desired two clear stripes, sexual intercourse should be carried out for 2-3 days in a row in order to be sure to conceive a girl or boy. By the way, the sex of the child, according to some sources, also depends on the chosen time of conception: if sex took place before ovulation, a girl will be born, and after or on that day a boy will be born. But it is impossible to guarantee the result, since many factors influence the process of formation of the child’s gender.

It often happens that the second mark is lighter than the first (control). This result is especially alarming if this happens throughout the entire cycle or for several months in a row.

If an ovulation test shows a weak second line for several days in a row, this may mean three options:

  1. The cell has not yet left the follicle.
  2. Anovulatory cycle.
  3. Physiologically, a woman does not have enough hormone, so the strip reacts poorly, and this result is considered positive.

When the ovulation test is weakly positive throughout the cycle, the reasons for this are as follows:

  • taking hormonal or contraceptive medications;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • violation of testing rules;
  • sudden change in weight;
  • there was a stressful situation or depression;
  • defective test strips;
  • drink a lot of fluid before the test;
  • lack of ovulation in this cycle.

When one strip is bright, while the second is barely noticeable for 2-3 cycles in a row, you should visit a doctor. In this case, the woman will be prescribed folliculometry, blood and urine tests for hormones and, if necessary, an ultrasound scan.

Don't panic if your ovulation test shows a negative result. The reasons may be hidden not only in anovulatory cycles. There are often cases when the color of the 2nd stripe was weakly expressed, and after a while pregnancy is discovered. Why does this happen?

The first reason may be insufficient concentration of the hormone, even in the presence of ovulation. In this case, testing will not give a positive answer, but it is possible to get pregnant.

It happens that it is 37.2 degrees, but the test is negative. Most likely, the moment of ovulation was missed, and the temperature had already risen or pregnancy had occurred. In this case, on the 12th day after ovulation, you can try a pregnancy test.

If on the 16th day of a 28-day cycle the test is negative, then there is a high probability of an anovulatory period, which normally can occur 1-2 times a year in any woman. In this case, it is impossible to get pregnant.

Sometimes a negative ovulation test can hide other reasons, which only a specialist can identify with correct diagnosis.


An ovulation detection test not only helps to find out the day of maturation and release of the egg, but can also be a signal of health problems. If, with a positive result, there is no pregnancy or several cycles in a row the test shows a weakly positive response, this is a serious reason to consult a doctor. Any delay may threaten infertility or the onset of an inflammatory process.