Urological paste phytolysin. Phytolysin - composition, amazing properties, indications, contraindications and reviews

Herbal preparations are prescribed as part of complex therapy for diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys. Urological remedy Fitolysin - paste for oral use. The rich composition of the pharmacological agent explains the high effectiveness of the herbal medicine.

Ease of use, diverse effects on affected organs, and the absence of harmful synthetic ingredients are only a small part of the benefits of Fitolysin paste. The instructions indicate the rules of use, beneficial properties urological medicine.

Composition of herbal preparation

Phytolysin paste contains plant extracts, valuable natural oils, and auxiliary components that give it a soft consistency (glycerin, agar-agar). The peculiarity of the herbal remedy is the original combination medicinal plants. Biologically active substances in the thick suspension have a positive effect on the organs of the urinary system.

Components in Phytolysin:

  • condensed extract from medicinal plants: knotweed, goldenrod, wheatgrass rhizomes, lovage and parsley roots, onion peels, horsetail, birch leaves, fenugreek seeds;
  • valuable oils: Scots pine, orange, sage, peppermint.

Release form

The drug Fitolysin is a brown-green paste with a characteristic smell and taste. The urological medicine is packaged in tubes, volume - 100 g. The herbal medicine is taken orally, after first combining it with a certain volume of water.

Effect on the body

Plant extracts and natural oils have a positive effect on the kidneys, bladder, immune system, metabolic processes. The combined herbal remedy does not disturb the water-electrolytic balance, activates the excretion of chorium ions, sodium, and normalizes urine filtration in the kidneys.

Each component exhibits beneficial properties:

  • goldenrod herb has an antimicrobial effect and stimulates the body's defenses;
  • birch leaves enhance urine excretion and prevent accumulation harmful salts, reduce swelling in hypertension, kidney disease;
  • onion peel extract is a good disinfectant;
  • parsley has a diuretic effect, tones the walls of the bladder;
  • knotweed is a proven anti-inflammatory agent;
  • horsetail reduces the risk of bleeding, activates the production and excretion of urine;
  • natural oils complement the action of plant extracts, enhance the diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

The result of using Fitolysin paste:

  • the formation in the body of an environment unfavorable for pathogenic microorganisms;
  • reducing the frequency of spasms, reducing pain;
  • active dissolution, preventing the appearance of new stones;
  • removal of excess urea and toxins;
  • normalization of excretory and filtration functions of the kidneys.

Indications for use

Urological herbal remedy is prescribed to patients for many diseases:

  • nephrolithiasis and;
  • cystitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • and ureter;
  • to dissolve stones in the presence of contraindications for surgery;
  • relapse prevention urolithiasis.


Herbal remedies have limitations:

  • nephrosis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • acute and chronic gastritis;
  • patient age under 18 years;
  • swelling in liver cirrhosis, renal and heart failure;
  • intolerance to plant ingredients, natural oils;
  • allergic reactions on the components of the drug;
  • detection of phosphates in the kidneys;
  • acute nephritis;
  • gallstone disease.

Instructions for use and dosage

The urological drug is prescribed to adult patients. To actively remove decay products, improve urine filtration, and normalize kidney function during treatment, you need to drink 2 or more liters of water per day.

Admission rules:

  • eat pasta after meals;
  • dissolve 1 tsp. herbal remedy in warm water (100 ml). Add a little sugar to the liquid;
  • frequency of use - three or four times a day;
  • the average duration of therapy is from 14 to 45 days;
  • The duration of treatment for each patient is determined by the nephrologist/urologist individually.

Important! Patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus"Must monitor the hypoglycemic index while using the urological drug Fitolysin. The development of swelling is a reason to discontinue the medication. The herbal preparation does not interfere with the work with complex mechanisms and does not impair concentration. You should not combine medicinal paste and alcohol.

Phytolysin during pregnancy

Is it possible for expectant mothers to take a urological remedy with herbal ingredients? Doctors often prescribe this particular drug for urinary tract infections in pregnant women. There is no data on the negative effects of the components of the herbal remedy on the fetus. For allergic reactions to citrus fruits, peppermint oil, birch and pine pollen, Phytolysin is not prescribed.

The expansion of the ureters under the influence of the hormone progesterone facilitates the penetration of infection into the bladder and kidneys through the ascending route. The close proximity of the organs of the reproductive and urinary systems increases the risk of penetration of pathogenic microbes; diseases require immediate treatment when detected inflammatory diseases. This approach prevents infection of the fetus.

It is forbidden to take Fitolysin paste without a prescription from a urologist. The use of the herbal remedy must be approved by the gynecologist observing the pregnancy. Doctors select the optimal dosage and duration of treatment.

Possible side effects

One of the advantages of the urological drug Fitolysin is a minimal list of adverse reactions. During the course of therapy, some patients experience skin rashes, stomach discomfort, and nausea. Hypersensitivity to ultraviolet radiation provokes photosensitivity reactions.

Appearance side effects requires discontinuation of the herbal medicine, consultation with a nephrologist or urologist. Independent selection of analogues is prohibited, especially in the presence of stones in the ureters, kidneys, bladder, exacerbation of inflammatory diseases.

Drug interactions

Before starting to take Fitolysin paste, the patient should carefully read the instructions and clarify which medications cannot be used simultaneously with the herbal urological remedy. The doctor should tell you what negative reactions possible if the admission rules are violated.


  • Phytolysin paste enhances the effect of NSAIDs, blood thinners, MAO inhibitors, hypoglycemic compounds;
  • use together with Paracetamol and Phenobarbital prolongs the effect of the drugs;
  • the urological agent reduces the intestinal absorption of beta-carotene and alpha-tocopherol acetate.

Find out about the features of use during pregnancy.

Effective methods for treating hydronephrosis of the left kidney in a newborn are described on the page.

Cost and analogues

An effective urological product is produced by the company Herbapol (Poland). The average price of Phytolysin in a tube (100 g) is from 350 to 460 rubles.

The pharmaceutical industry does not produce drugs that are as similar in composition as the urological paste Fitolysin. There are enough brands in pharmacies for the treatment of urinary tract diseases. Many medicines with a different composition and similar properties are herbal based. To replace the drug with a complex of oils and plant extracts, other names are suitable: Fitolit, Urolesan.

Phytolysin is a drug for the treatment of cystitis, created on the basis of plant components and essential oils. The product has an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and soothing effect. Phytolysin effectively fights urinary tract infections and promotes a speedy recovery, for which it deserves positive reviews patients.

Phytolysin for cystitis

Pain, burning, false and frequent urge to go to the toilet... Most women know about these symptoms firsthand. Cystitis appears at the moment when you least expect it.

According to statistics, approximately every fifth woman annually consults a urologist with this delicate problem.

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder, the causative agent of which can be bacteria (mainly E. coli, as well as chlamydia, mycoplasma), viruses, and fungi of the genus Candida. Men suffer from the disease much less frequently. The thing is that due to the physiological characteristics of the infection, it is much more difficult to get to the bladder of the stronger sex.

The urethra in men is five times longer than in women

If the disease is not treated in a timely manner, it can become chronic and cause a number of serious complications: from pyelonephritis to urine reflux, interstitial cystitis.

Phytolysin is a plant-based medicine that effectively fights bladder inflammation. It has antispasmodic, antimicrobial and astringent effects.

Phytolysin is a herbal medicine

The pharmacological properties of Phytolysin are due to its unique composition. Herbs and essential oils of the drug delicately relieve all signs of cystitis, get rid of the cause of the pathology and block the further development of the infection.

Cystitis - video

What is the drug intended for?

Phytolysin is successfully used for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the urinary system, such as:

  • cystitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • urethritis;
  • nephrourolithiasis.

Release form and composition: is the product available in the form of ointments or tablets?

The medicine is produced in the form of a greenish-brown paste, which has a soft consistency and a specific aroma.

The drug Fitolysin is not available in the form of tablets or ointments. Beware of fakes!

The paste contains 9 active plant components:

  • goldenrod herb extract;
  • birch leaf extract;
  • horsetail herb extract;
  • knotweed herb extract;
  • wheatgrass rhizome extract;
  • fenugreek seed extract;
  • parsley root extract;
  • lovage root extract;
  • onion peel extract.

Thanks to its balanced composition, the drug improves the nutrition of bladder tissue, activates the immune system, enhances the outflow of urine, and has an antiseptic, diuretic and sedative effect.

In addition, the composition includes essential oils:

  • orange;
  • sage;
  • peppermint;
  • Scots pine.

The composition of the product Phytolysin is completely natural

Auxiliary components of the paste:

  • agar-agar;
  • ethyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • wheat starch;
  • vanillin;
  • glycerol

Side effects and contraindications

The drug is generally well tolerated by patients. However, sometimes Phytolysin can cause the following side effects:

  • reactions of individual intolerance;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • photoallergies and phototoxic manifestations resulting from an increased reaction of the body to ultraviolet radiation.

If side effects occur, the drug should be discontinued.

When a product can cause harm

Like others medicines, Phytolysin can help, but it can also cause undesirable consequences. In order not to harm your body, you should carefully read its instructions.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the product;
  • glomerulonephritis (kidney disease of an immuno-inflammatory nature);
  • phosphate urolithiasis (urolithiasis);
  • renal failure;
  • heart failure;
  • age up to 18 years.

Interaction with medications

Phytolysin is a natural-based product that has a diuretic effect. In this regard, it can quickly remove drugs taken at the same time from the body.

Phytolysin enhances the effect:

  • antidiabetic drugs (Buformin, Gliquidone, Repaglinide, Acarbose, etc.);
  • non-steroidal drugs that have an anti-inflammatory effect (Nimesulide, Ibuprofen, etc.);
  • psychotropic drugs, including lithium salts (Lithium Carbonate, Micalit, Contemnol);
  • monoamine oxidase inhibitors (Hidralazine, Brofaromine, Lazabemide).

Features of use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Due to the lack of reliable data on the effect of the drug on the embryonic development of the fetus, it is not recommended for pregnant women to take it. For the same reason, you should refrain from taking the drug during lactation. Special studies on the use of the drug in childhood has also not been carried out, so treatment should only be carried out under the strict supervision of a physician. It determines the dosage of the drug and the duration of the recovery course.

Features of taking the paste in the treatment of cystitis

Phytolysin should be consumed in the form of a suspension. The paste is diluted with heated, sweetened water. The product should be taken 3-4 times a day after meals. The duration of therapy is determined by the urologist. On average, the course of treatment ranges from 0.5 to 1.5 months.

During the period of therapy in the absence of special medical indications patients should drink as much fluid as possible.


If side effects occur after taking the drug, it can be replaced with an analogue.

The main distinguishing feature of Phytolysin is its unique composition. It contains a large amount medicinal herbs and essential oils, which allow you to solve the problem with the genitourinary system in a comprehensive manner.

Phytolysin and Cyston contain only natural ingredients

Table: analogue drugs of Phytolysin

Name Release form Active ingredient Contraindications Age limit Manufacturer Price
  • capsules;
  • oral drops;
  • syrup.
  • wild carrot seed extract;
  • hop cone extract;
  • oregano extract;
  • fir oil;
  • peppermint oil.
  • gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

The use of syrup is prohibited for children with a history of seizures

Urolesan in the form:
  • capsules are recommended for children over 14 years of age;
  • drops can be used in children over 7 years of age;
  • syrup is recommended for children over two years of age.
Ukrainefrom 227 rubles
CystonpillsDry extracts:
  • two-carp flowers;
  • stems of saxifrage;
  • stems of madder;
  • rhizomes of chaffy membranous;
  • rough strawflower seeds;
  • aerial part of onosmata bractae;
  • Ash veronia.
  • lime silicate;
  • cleaned mumiyo.
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • acute pain in the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • age up to 18 years.
Not recommended for use in children under 18 years of ageIndiafrom 375 rubles
Canephron N
  • dragee;
  • solution for oral administration.
  • rosemary leaves;
  • roots of lovage officinalis;
  • centaury grass.
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute stage;
  • children's age (for solution - up to 1 year, for dragees - up to 6 years);
  • alcoholism, including after anti-alcohol treatment (for solution);
  • lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption (for pills);
  • sucrase/isomaltase deficiency, fructose intolerance (for tablets).
The medicine in pill form is not recommended for children
younger than 6 years, and in solution form - younger than 1 year.
Germanyfrom 386 rubles

For many decades, Fitolysin paste has remained the No. 1 drug recommended by urologists. In the article we will find out what reviews there are for Phytolysin for cystitis, how it is taken, what its price is and how it differs from similar medications.

Paste for cystitis Phytolysin looks like a brown-green gel with a characteristic herbal aroma. The drug contains a patented combination of essential oils (sage, orange, pine, peppermint) and medicinal plant extracts:

  • lovage root;
  • fenugreek seeds;
  • goldenrod herbs;
  • parsley root;
  • knotweed herbs;
  • wheatgrass rhizomes;
  • onion peel;
  • horsetail grass;
  • birch leaves.

Phytolysin helps with cystitis to get rid of the cause of frequent urination - inflammation, therefore, from a burning sensation and pain in the bladder and urethra. The diuretic effect allows you to increase the amount of urine and reduce the frequency of unproductive trips to the toilet.

Important! When taking the drug, you need to drink plenty of fluids. A bonus from use is the prevention of the formation of stones and sand in the kidneys.

Medicine Phytolysin indicated for use:

  • in complex therapy of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • in combination therapy of urolithiasis.

Applicable Phytolysin for the prevention of cystitis and at the first suspicion of inflammation. Prophylactic use will help avoid relapses of the disease. The drug is contraindicated in:

  • glomerulonephritis;
  • renal failure;
  • phosphate urolithiasis;
  • heart failure;
  • individual hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the paste.

The paste is contraindicated for children and adolescents under 18 years of age. Due to insufficient clinical studies, it is not recommended for expectant mothers and breastfeeding women. However, medical practice shows that the use of the medicine does not have a harmful effect on the course of pregnancy and the health of the child.

Important! During pregnancy, breastfeeding and in childhood, the drug is taken as prescribed by a doctor. Paste can cause nausea and vomiting, allergies. The skin becomes susceptible to ultraviolet radiation, so it is recommended to avoid visiting the solarium and sunbathing.

If you choose Canephron or Phytolysin, it is better to give preference to Phytolysin for cystitis. It quickly copes with inflammation, pain and the urge to urinate. Its rival acts more slowly, and the anti-inflammatory effect does not develop immediately.

When comparing Phytolysin or is it better to choose a paste, because... Cyston is not used for acute pain. It is recommended for diseases associated with impaired salt metabolism (urolithiasis, gout, etc.) and chronic cystitis.

Tablets for cystitis Fitolysin

Phytolysin tablets for cystitis are soft capsules containing cranberry fruit extract and ascorbic acid. The capsule shell prevents irritation to the gastric mucosa. Used as a food additive.

Cranberry fruits are rich in organic acids and flavonoids, which:

  • Suppress the growth of pathogenic microflora;
  • Prevents the penetration of bacteria into the cells of the urinary system;
  • Increases the immune response to the pathological process;
  • Stimulates urination and diuresis.

The drug is indicated:

  • To prevent relapses of chronic cystitis;
  • To improve immunity;
  • Enhancing the effect of using others medicines.

It is allowed to use in pregnancy and during lactation. The drug has no contraindications, with the exception of allergies to cranberries and ascorbic acid.

Use with caution for erosive and ulcerative diseases gastrointestinal tract(gastritis, peptic ulcer, esophagitis). Possible side effects:

  • Allergic reactions;
  • Dyspepsia (heartburn, stomach pain).

For example, Nolicin or Monural can enhance the effect of extracts.

Reviews of Phytolysin for cystitis

Numerous reviews of Phytolysin for cystitis prove its effectiveness in the treatment of bladder inflammation:

  • Larisa, 49 years old, Yekaterinburg. The terrible pain when urinating made me want to climb onto the wall. The husband went to the pharmacy, where they gave him remedy for cystitis Phytolysin. It tastes disgusting, of course. But I didn’t care, as long as it helped. Indeed, by evening the pain subsided, trips to the toilet ceased to be painful. I didn't even need antibiotics.
  • Irina, 37 years old, Moscow. I've had cystitis before. Usually managed with a course of antibiotics. But after they began to be sold by prescription, a problem arose - what to use for treatment now? After all, you don’t have to rush to the clinic, and by the time you wait in line, you’ll go crazy from the torment. Found some good ones on the internet reviews of cystitis paste Fitolysin. It also helped me quickly, only after it I had heartburn.
  • Svetlana, 28 years old, Minsk. I didn’t like the gel for cystitis Fitolysin - it looks like feces, the taste is nauseating. I couldn't drink. I threw money away.
  • Natasha, 52 years old, Kyiv. I tried to treat chronic cystitis, and Phytolysin did not impress me at all. Nasty taste and short-term effect - while the saw helped, and then everything started again.
  • Ekaterina, 31 years old, St. Petersburg. During pregnancy I fell ill with cystitis. Finding a medicine is a real problem - there are a lot of contraindications. The doctor advised me to take Fitolysin Prenatal capsules. Not immediately, but it became easier. I took the course, everything worked out without complications. I liked the release form - there was no nausea or other unpleasant symptoms.
  • Elena, 45 years old, Novosibirsk. She was very cold, and endless painful urination began. At the pharmacy I asked the pharmacist to pick it up so that it would help quickly. I am very grateful to the girls - they sold me Phytolysin ointment. By evening, the symptoms of cystitis subsided.

How to take Phytolysin for cystitis

Instructions for the Phytolysin paste for cystitis recommend dissolving 1 tsp. paste in ½ cup warm water. Add sugar to improve taste. The number of receptions per day is 3-4. To avoid nausea, it is better to drink the solution after meals. Take Phytolysin for cystitis necessary within 10-14 days, depending on the patient’s condition and the doctor’s recommendation.

The maximum duration of treatment is 1.5 months. At chronic form With frequent relapses it is possible to increase the rate. Phytolysin Nephrocaps tablets, registered in Ukraine, are taken according to a similar scheme.

Instructions for use of Phytolysin Prenatal tablets: for the first three days, take 3 capsules per day (in 3 divided doses, after meals). In subsequent periods - 1 capsule per day. Take the tablets with water.

Drink Phytolysin for cystitis needed for 2-4 weeks. If necessary, the doctor may extend the therapy. During treatment, dosages must be strictly observed, especially when treating children, pregnant and nursing mothers.

Phytolysin price and where to buy

The price of the medicine Phytolysin for cystitis depends on dosage form and region. Average price of Phytolysin paste for cystitis in Russia – 440 rubles, in Ukraine – 159 UAH. The average price for Phytolysin tablets in Russia is 380 rubles, in Ukraine – 188 UAH.

IN lately phytotherapeutic preparations, the action of which is based on healing properties, are becoming popular medicinal herbs. In addition, these funds have quite wide range healing effects on the human body. Such universal panaceas include the Polish drug “Fitolysin”. Later in the article we will look at this remedy in more detail - what it is, what it helps with, how and at what age to take it, can it be used by pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, what side effects does it have and how much does it cost.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of the drug are quite extensive - it is prescribed for diseases genitourinary system, for prostatitis, for pyelonephritis, for edema in women during pregnancy, for urethritis, for cysts, as a means of prevention for hypertension, for nephroptosis, for gastritis, as well as for hair loss.

Ingredients, how much does it cost?

Phytolysin is a phytochemical medicine (not an antibiotic) with an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, cleansing effect, having the following composition:

  • Roots of lovage and wheatgrass;
  • Dried herbal concentrate bird knotweed, horsetail, goldenrod, hernia;
  • Birch leaves;
  • Parsley fruits and leaves;
  • Fenugreek seed – calming effect;
  • Onion peel.

Manufacturer- Poland.

Release form– ointment (paste, gel) in special tubes, not available in tablets.

Price in different regions of Russia it varies from 160 to 300 rubles.

Phytolysin analogues

When asked what can replace the medicine, pharmacies can offer such Russian medications as canephron, cystone, furadonin plus and other cheaper drugs.

Which is better urolesan or phytolysin?

Many people are interested in which is better, cheaper and more effective: phytolysin or urolesan. Both drugs are based on plant extracts. But unlike Phytolysin, urolesan is available in convenient capsules for internal reception, while our drug is exclusively in the form of a gel for suspensions, which must also be diluted in a special proportion. Although the price of phytolysin is more economical.

Instructions for use phytolysin tablets, paste

The product is available freely in pharmacies without a prescription. Instructions for its use in Russian are necessarily included with the gel. In addition, a description of the product, its photo and an annotation with recommendations on how to drink the suspension are freely available on the Internet, including on the popular resource Wikipedia.

During pregnancy, phytolysin

During pregnancy, especially in its early stages, it is recommended to use the cream exclusively under the supervision of the treating gynecologist. When breastfeeding, as well as during lactation, phytolysin is used only as prescribed by a doctor. It is necessary to approach the drug especially carefully when breastfeeding, since the components of the drug can cause allergic reactions in the child.

For cystitis

For cystitis, the course and method of treatment is determined by the doctor. The following dosage is usually prescribed: 1 teaspoon of cream diluted with half a glass of warm boiled water and is taken three times a day after meals.

Use for kidney stones

Phytolysin is also effectively used for kidney stones to dissolve them. In this case, the course of treatment and doses are selected by the doctor purely individually.

Instructions for use for hair, reviews

Many note another property of the panacea - its strengthening effect on weakened hair. To strengthen the hair, a special mask is made - the gel is evenly applied to the scalp, and then the head is insulated with plastic film and then with a towel. The mask is left for 3-4 hours and then washed off well with warm water.

For the genitourinary system

For the genitourinary system, phytolysin is often prescribed as a diuretic. However, a doctor must prescribe it; self-medication in this case is unacceptable.

Combined herbal preparation with diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effects. Promotes the washing out of sand and small stones from the urinary tract, reduces the crystallization of mineral components of urine.


No data available.

Release form

Paste for preparing a suspension for oral administration, green-brown in color, soft consistency, with a specific odor.

Excipients: agar-agar - 1.2 g, ethyl parahydroxybenzoate - 0.2 g, wheat starch - 2.3 g, vanillin - 0.0004 g, glycerol (glycerin) - up to 100 g.

100 g - aluminum tubes (1) - cardboard packs.


Adults are prescribed 1 teaspoon of paste orally, dissolved in 1/2 glass of warm sweet water, 3-4 times a day after meals.

The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor. Average rate treatment lasts from 2 weeks to 1.5 months. Increasing the duration of treatment is possible as prescribed by a doctor.


To date, no cases of overdose have been reported.


Due to the diuretic effect of the drug, the possibility of accelerated elimination of other simultaneously used drugs should be taken into account.

Phytolysin ® can enhance the effect of anticoagulants, NSAIDs, hypoglycemic agents, drugs containing lithium salts, and MAO inhibitors.

Phytolysin ® can prolong the effect of phenobarbital and paracetamol.

Phytolysin ® can reduce the absorption of drugs in the small intestine, incl. β-carotene, α-tocopherol.

Side effects

Allergic reactions are possible, and sometimes nausea.

At hypersensitivity photosensitivity to ultraviolet rays is possible.

If side effects occur, the drug should be discontinued.


  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (as part of complex therapy);
  • nephrourolithiasis (as part of complex therapy).


  • renal failure;
  • heart failure;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • phosphate urolithiasis;
  • age under 18 years;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Features of application

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Due to the lack of data regarding the teratogenic effect of the components of the drug, it is not recommended to use the drug during pregnancy and lactation.

Use for renal impairment

Use according to indications. Contraindicated in renal failure, glomerulonephritis, phosphate urolithiasis

Use in children

Contraindicated in children under 18 years of age.

Special instructions

The drug should not be used if edema occurs due to insufficient cardiac or renal function.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

The use of the drug does not have a negative effect on the ability to perform potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions (including driving a car and other vehicles, working with moving mechanisms).