“Kind and defenseless people live in the Perm region.” Irina Filatova is preparing for the gubernatorial elections

Overcoming the systemic crisis of the Perm government - this is the task set for the Kama region by the candidate for governor of the Perm region from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Irina Filatova. In contrast to the beautiful reports of officials, the real socio-economic situation in the region is alarming: impoverishment of the population, inaccessibility medical services, free places in kindergartens, overcrowding in schools, social vulnerability of the population, problems with the implementation of the May decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, budget underfunding of key areas, etc. Over the past five years, the Perm Territory has sharply lost its position, falling behind both its neighbors and the advanced ones regions of Russia. One of the reasons for this is the ineffective work of officials.

In my conclusions, I relied on reports from the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Russian Federation, published in the summer,” said Irina Filatova. - And they are disappointing. Over five years, 37.6 billion rubles have not been spent in the Perm Territory - this is twice as much as in the previous five-year period. There are about 270 federal programs in the Perm region. For all these programs, money is allocated to the regions - despite the crisis and sanctions. And local authorities are not able to master them. More than 40 billion rubles from municipal and regional budgets over the last five years were spent with violations.

Overcoming a systemic crisis is possible, but the approach must be based on an effective Soviet principle - high-quality personnel renewal: “The first thing that needs to be done in the region is to fundamentally change the work of the regional government, to reform it. The most important thing is the staff!” This is possible through the return of direct elections of heads of districts and cities, real replacement of ineffective officials, holding public and open competitions for key positions, personal responsibility of officials for decisions made and their consequences, direct dependence wages from the performance of a civil servant. Irina Filatova knows what she is talking about: she has received two honors diplomas in the field of law and state and municipal administration, as well as a lot of work to protect key production enterprises from raider takeovers.

Honest professionals who will renew management must come to power. Complete cleansing is necessary in all areas of activity - in education and healthcare, social protection, industry and agriculture, says Irina Filatova. - Perm region deserves the best!

Focus on candidate from Communist Party The Russian Federation intends to devote social issues. The figures once again confirm that in the Perm region, among the working-age population, the poverty rate is 21%! And if in 2013 there were 73 thousand in the region low-income families, then by the end of 2015 this figure was already about 95.8 thousand families. Moreover, the most difficult situation is for residents of remote areas, who not only have lower incomes compared to residents of the regional center, but also suffer from a lack of doctors, teachers, good roads and communications.

The task of the new governor is to develop the districts and small towns of the Kama region as intensively as Perm itself, Irina Filatova is sure. - The quality of life should grow evenly, and access to social infrastructure should be equal for all residents of the region.

Among the measures that can improve the lives of residents of remote areas are the following initiatives: subsidizing bus transportation to remote and inaccessible areas of the Kama region, abolishing the tax for “truck drivers”, leading to a further increase in prices; expansion of the network of social shops and pharmacies for the poor, introduction of benefits for housing and communal services for families with a consistently low standard of living, up to their complete abolition for families and citizens in extreme poverty.

You can get acquainted with Irina Filatova’s program at.

If you are for honest and effective government, returning leadership to the Perm region, vote for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation! Support Irina Filatova!


Irina Filatova was born on August 8, 1978 in Novosibirsk, where she received higher education. Working as a lawyer, she specialized in combating raider takeovers of enterprises. Since 2008 - a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, today - a candidate member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

“I came to the Communist Party of the Russian Federation deliberately,” says Irina Filatova. - My whole family - both my mother and my father - are communists. I grew up in these traditions.

Preparations for the elections of the governor of the Perm region begin quietly and peacefully, potential competitors for the acting governor have already been named Maxim Reshetnikova, political strategists have already warned about possible strategic mistakes on the part of the governor’s team.

Municipal filters remain serious, and the election results are predictable. But competitors are seriously discussed and even criticized. For example, Irina Filatova, a possible candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, a lawyer, a member of the Youth Public Chamber of Russia and a candidate member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, is almost accused of being a woman.

« I think this is a plus, says Irina Filatova, female logic has its advantages, its own alternative view on many issues. As an example, a woman would never allow a discriminatory law that deprives single mothers of the right to receive benefits. In fact democratic countries women in politics have long been the norm, but in our country they are an exception to the rule».

By the way, Irina Filatova became a mother in April 2016. She flew to the elections of deputies to the State Duma of the Russian Federation in constituency No. 61 from the Perm Territory three months after giving birth. I spent two months on the campaign, the result went from zero recognition to 13%. " Perm media are actively speculating about fourth place as a low result, but this is one of best results Communist Party of the Russian Federation in Russia in single-mandate constituencies", she says.

There are still many formalities before the nomination procedure begins. The Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation must make a decision, then the Perm conference must accept the recommendation of the Presidium. But Irina Filatova has already given her consent in principle. Why? After all, there is practically no chance of winning.

— I monitor publications in the Perm media. They are already actively labeling me, although they know nothing about me, have not seen me in action, do not know whether I am a professional or not, but they are trying to form a negative image. I take this calmly, because I know the operating principle of pro-government media.

Yes, the entire administrative resource, the entire state machine is lined up under the acting governor. But this does not mean that he is an ideal option, and will definitely be elected.

I personally don’t know Maxim Reshetnikov, I don’t presume to judge his human and professional qualities, but we have approximately the same positions: youth, Siberian roots, career in the capital.

— Irina Anatolyevna, what qualities do you have to become a governor and manage the region?

— My absolute advantage is objectivity, I try to take a comprehensive approach to any situation and do not make decisions based solely on my own opinion. Being a governor is not a solo effort, but a team effort. My legal education and practice as a lawyer are a big plus; I always try to quickly and deeply understand the essence of the cases I work with. Thanks to my profession, I easily adapt to the situation and never take steps that will lead to negative consequences.

— Who will run your election campaign?
— There will be political strategists from both Moscow and Perm. You cannot work for the benefit of the region without knowing its mentality and characteristics. I need a local team, local specialists. But I can’t name any names or amounts yet, because I’m waiting for the final start.

— Tell me, please, do you at least slightly expect to win?

“I will do everything possible and even more for this.”

— In 2016, you were in the Perm region for the first time. What is your impression of the region?
— The Perm region is a difficult, but very interesting region. And it has every chance of becoming a donor region again. It’s not for me to explain to you how many resources, forests, agricultural and industrial capacities there are.

I was in Kudymkar, Cherdyn, Solikamsk, Berezniki, Nytva and other cities. I am planning a trip to Gayny and Krasnokamsk.

I like Permians, that's fair. People are very responsive, with open, kind eyes. And at the same time, these are unhappy, defenseless people. They do not know their rights, do not know who to turn to with troubles and problems, have not seen their leadership for years and ask questions that should be addressed to the authorities.

This is one of the most common problems - you won’t get enough, you won’t get through, you won’t finish. It's like that almost everywhere. The authorities are disconnected from the population and do not even burden themselves with any formal replies. Like that joke: in a free country, free people voted in elections and are free again... until the next election.

— Can you imagine how to reduce this gap between the authorities and the population?

— If people have the opportunity to choose power, then for sure feedback will. But this is not happening. I know how administrative resources work in elections, and there is no need to talk about the objectivity of this process.

I spent the night of counting votes during the elections in the fall of 2016 in Berezniki, toured all the polling stations, some twice. Outwardly, everything went almost perfectly, no throw-ins, no carousels. But when the ballots were counted, the most interesting things happened.

In the dead of night, the copying equipment suddenly broke down, the paper ran out, the lights went out, and observers were pushed out. These 10-15 minutes decided the fate of the elections in the entire Perm region.

— Political strategists believe that elections under the flag of predetermination will be a strategic mistake on the part of the acting governor Maxim Reshetnikov. Voters will not come, they will remain in their gardens, and protest sentiments will intensify after such elections. Do you agree?
- Most likely, yes. With each subsequent election, the national average turnout falls. People no longer have any illusions.

“United Russia” definitely needs to bring in its governors, these are strategic figures, otherwise their entire hierarchy will crumble. Illusions about upcoming elections I have no. The only question is how much the ruling party will lower its methods.

But in any case, if these elections turn into elections of United Russia candidates throughout the country, then the promised 70% of voters will not be gathered for the presidential elections. So they will have to maneuver.

— Your relationship with the Communist Party of the Russian Federation? Doesn't the Perm elite need an update? After all, the heads of the department are already aged.

— I agreed to participate in the gubernatorial elections because the Perm branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation made an offer to me. This is a sign of the highest trust, and I am confident that I can justify this trust.

We have a good working relationship, which is why I was invited. As for the age of the leadership, I disagree here. There are not many older people in the governing bodies of the Perm branch. Yes, young people are more ambitious, active, they have acumen, they learn quickly, they achieve a lot, but the bearers of the historical communist ideology are older people, so we have a balance. We don't United Russia“And not the LDPR, our party is many years old. We respect our traditions.

Communists traditionally carefully approach the development of their election program. Irina Filatova, who received the support of the party, said that she prepared the document independently, but with the involvement of professionals from various sectors: industry, agriculture, social sphere, business and public administration. The result was serious work with specific proposals.

There is a systemic crisis of power

According to Irina Filatova, the first task of the governor is to conduct an audit of the performance of the public administration system, because the beautiful reports of officials do not correspond to reality.

“Supposedly the region is developing, schools, first aid stations and roads are being built. Everything is fine. In reality, not everything is so welcoming and optimistic. There is virtually no access to social benefits for the majority of residents. The standard of living is declining,” he laments Irina Filatova.

According to her, there is a systemic management crisis that has affected all public spheres and is negatively affecting the lives of residents of the region. And these are not big words, but dry numbers from the Accounts Chamber, whose report states that regional authorities can't do the job. Over the last five years alone, the amount of unused funds that came to the Perm Territory from various sources is 37.6 billion rubles, the return of funds already allocated by the federation is 3.7 billion rubles, financial irregularities amounted to 16.4 billion rubles .

"About 270 federal programs! And funds are allocated to the regions for their implementation. Regional officials cannot master them! What's it called? To put it mildly, incompetence and inefficiency,” notes Irina Filatova.

Therefore he suffers budgetary sphere, healthcare and education, road infrastructure, are precisely those sectors that lack funding the most.

Work to fill the treasury from new sources is also practically not being carried out: the increase in budget revenues for recent years on average from 2.5 to 5%, while official inflation in 2014 was 7.3%, in 2015 - 14.5%, in 2016 - 7.5%.

Personnel decides everything!

Therefore, the candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation proposes to start with the most important thing - with a competent personnel policy. It is necessary that professional and honest managers work at all levels of government in the region. Only they will be able to realize a difficult task for the region - returning to its former leadership positions. “For honest and effective government!” - a reference point for every official.

“We propose to introduce direct elections of heads of local self-government and open competitions for leading management positions, and increase the responsibility of officials for the results of their work - up to and including dismissal. Residents of the region should have the right to express a vote of no confidence in them in case of ineffective work. We need a clear motivation system: the level of income of officials should depend on the results of their activities,” says Irina Filatova.

The key task is to improve living standards

The number of low-income families in the Perm region is growing every year.

“Today they include almost 100 thousand families. The poverty rate among the working-age population is 21%. Monstrous numbers. The new governor will be faced with the urgent task of improving living standards,” Irina Filatova is convinced.

Therefore, according to her, both comprehensive support measures and targeted assistance are needed. For example, to ensure the construction of affordable housing and preferential mortgages for young families.

“An integrated approach involves strict control over prices in the housing and communal services sector, socially important products and medicines. We propose opening shops and pharmacies for the poor in the region. Compensation required negative consequences monetization of benefits, as has already been done in Moscow,” says Irina Filatova.

Irina Filatova is confident that all residents of the region should have equal rights and access to social benefits. Photo: Press service of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

The issue of uniform development of the Perm region is acute, on which our residents’ access to social benefits and infrastructure depends.

“Perm is the capital of the region. But all residents of the region should have equal rights and access to social benefits. Unfortunately, outside of Perm and a number of large cities, the standard of living is catastrophically low, there are not enough schools in rural areas, and there is no access to hospitals. There is no decent infrastructure in remote areas, so young professionals do not stay here. The task of the new governor is to ensure equal access for all residents of the region to the benefits of civilization. Optimization and other unsuccessful experiences returned residents to the standard of living of the end of the last century. It's time to work on the mistakes. It’s time to return the region to the list of leaders among the regions of the Volga and Urals,” Irina Filatova is sure.

All residents of the region should have equal rights and access to social benefits. Unfortunately, outside of Perm and a number of large cities, the standard of living is catastrophically low, there are not enough schools in rural areas, and there is no access to hospitals. There is no decent infrastructure in remote areas, so young professionals do not stay here. The task of the new governor is to ensure equal access for all residents of the region to the benefits of civilization.

Governor elections for residents of the region are a real tool for updating the governance system in the region. If you are for honest and effective government, returning leadership to the Perm region, vote for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation! Support Irina Filatova!

Irina Filatova’s program can be found on the website of the Perm regional branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation: www.kprf.perm.ru.

Candidate for governor of the Perm region from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, candidate member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Irina Filatova presented her election program. At a press conference held on Tuesday, she said that the main theses of her election campaign were two slogans: “For honest and effective power” and “Perm region - leaders!”

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“The authorities in the Perm region are in a state of crisis. In addition to the obvious deterioration of the situation in all areas, destruction and degradation, there are also dry statistics. According to the June chapter report Accounts Chamber In the Russian Federation, the region is among the leaders in misappropriation of funds, unused budget funds and their volumes returned to the federal budget. Funds are allocated, but officials cannot use them. What's it called? To put it mildly, incompetence and inefficiency,” said Irina Filatova.

“Endless corruption scandals in the region have a negative impact on the quality of governance, and therefore on residents, their social security, especially in the Kama region,” the candidate pointed out. “In this situation, Prikamye needs personnel renewal, honest and effective professionals who are able to make the region a leader.”

Irina Filatova emphasized that the region needs the development of all areas, including remote ones. “The task of the new governor, who will represent the interests of all territories of the region, is to begin the development of the districts and cities of the Kama region as intensively as the regional center - Perm. The quality of life should grow evenly, access to infrastructure should be equal for everyone,” the gubernatorial candidate is confident.

“The region requires a thorough audit. Prikamye is provided federal resource, which is either spent inefficiently or is not utilized at all. Hence the difficult socio-economic situation, underfunding of strategic sectors - healthcare, regional infrastructure, and social vulnerability of citizens. It is necessary to determine priorities for development,” added Irina Filatova.

Correspondents were interested in the reasons for her nomination in the Perm region. She emphasized that the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is implementing the principles of the Soviet system of personnel distribution, which made it possible to create world-famous production, engineering, and cultural schools. When the strongest and professional specialists were sent from Moscow to the regions, thus strengthening local enterprises and institutions, working for the benefit of these territories. “The party insists that the main quality is professionalism,” noted Irina Filatova.