The rotation of officers is being introduced in the Russian army. Law on rotation of military personnel Order on rotation of military personnel

Rotation of military personnel has existed for a long time. Previously, this procedure affected only contract employees who were stationed in certain areas of the Far North and similar areas, areas with negative climate and environmental conditions. This list also included HF located outside the Russian Federation. In other regions, replacement took place only during promotion in military service or due to family circumstances. Subsequently, the existing order in the army was reviewed and subject to significant adjustments.

In a general sense, rotation refers to movement. The term is used both in civilian organizations and in the Armed Forces. Every man who has served in the army knows that dynamism is one of its mandatory conditions. It is believed that the skills and abilities of employees can be used in cases where the state needs it. For this reason, from the moment a man enters the service until his dismissal, he has to change the garrison, and with it his place of residence. This is what is called troop rotation. Typically, planned rotation is carried out no more than once every 3 years. One of the main goals pursued by the legislator when introducing this institution is the fight against corruption. In addition, the renewal of personnel in the High Command, management bodies and commissariats is considered important.

“Rotation” is intertwined with such a term as “necessity of duty.” On the one hand, since rotation counteracts corruption, and official necessity is a tool for more effective involvement of an employee in another location and in another position, these concepts are separated. In addition, rotation can be carried out only upon the completion of a certain period of service, and service necessity is applied regardless of this indicator based on the decision of the commander or other leadership.

On the other hand, the concepts are similar and can replace each other. For example, official necessity can change rotation, since it has no limitation on the length of service.

The RF Armed Forces rotate in different ways. In some cases, military personnel are transferred to a higher or lower position without changing their place of residence. However, in this case, the employee is assigned other tasks, then they talk about moving within the HF. In other cases, you have to move to another place of residence, and it can be located both within the state and abroad.

An updated rotation order was introduced in 2009. According to the instructions on the rotation of officers in the Armed Forces, transfer occurs:

  • professional and official;
  • territorial;
  • combined, when there is a change of place of residence, and along with this, a change of position. This happens after completing professional training or advanced training courses.

It is believed that such changes will promote greater respect for social justice. This also includes the career growth of officers, gaining rich practical experience in conducting operations in different regions.

The organization of transfer to another specialty is as follows.

  1. First, the employee is excluded from the lists of HF personnel.
  2. Then he moves to a new duty station or to carry out certain events.
  3. The process is completed by enrolling the employee in the lists of HF personnel for a new position according to the HF staff to which he is assigned.

In this case, the transfer can be carried out to another area or remain in the same region.

Is it possible to refuse rotation?

Those officers whose contract expires in the same year, or whose age limit is 3 years old, can be transferred only with their consent. There is also a rule according to which the transfer is carried out with the approval of the serviceman if he or his family members have medical contraindications.

In other cases, if an officer refuses a transfer, which includes moving to another locality, he will be subject to disciplinary action. If a crime is identified, then criminal liability may arise. Based on the refusal, the HF commander has the right to decide to dismiss the employee, since this is a failure to comply with the conditions stipulated by the contract.

Soon after the corresponding changes in legislation took place, various sources reported a large number of dismissals from senior and senior officers, since many of them did not want to change their permanent duty station as part of the rotation. However, the official department assured that the innovation did not cause any particular discontent among officers.

Cases have been observed and continue to be observed when employees do not want to move to another place of residence as part of a rotation. This is due to both familiar places and family circumstances. For example, an officer’s wife automatically loses her job, and therefore she has to look for it in a new place, the children have to be transferred to another educational institution. All connections, friends and established life have to be abandoned.

Despite the difficulties, reforms in the military service continue. Service is service, and rotation in the Armed Forces was, is and will be. However, decisions may be made that slightly change the nature of these transfers.

The command has the corresponding right. Military personnel undergoing military service under a contract in the Far North and equivalent areas, areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions, as well as in military units located outside of Russia are subject to planned replacement. Russian Federation(hereinafter referred to as - areas where the deadline is established military service).

ConsultantPlus: note. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 23, 2000 N 621 established that the maximum period of continuous military service for military personnel under a contract on the territory of the Chechen Republic is 2 years.

The duration of military service in the specified areas and the lists of these areas are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

A serviceman performing military service under a contract may be transferred to a new place of military service due to official necessity with appointment to an equal military position.

The transfer of this serviceman to a new place of military service with appointment to an equal military position is carried out without his consent, with the exception of the following cases:

a) if it is impossible to perform military service in the area where he is being transferred, in accordance with the conclusion of the military medical commission;

b) if it is impossible for family members of a serviceman (wife, husband, children under the age of 18, children-students under the age of 23, disabled children, as well as other persons dependent on the serviceman and living with him) to live in the area , where he is transferred, in accordance with the conclusion of the military medical commission;

c) if there is a need for constant care for a father, mother, sibling, grandfather, grandmother or adoptive parent living separately who is not in full-time care state provision and those in need, in accordance with the conclusion of the federal medical and social examination institution at their place of residence, in constant outside care (assistance, supervision).

(as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated January 2, 2015 N 3)




In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 16 of the Regulations on the procedure for military service, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 N 1237 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 38, Art. 4534; N 42, Art. 5008; 2000 , N 1678, N 2819; 2006, N 2697; 29, art. 3679; art. 4513, no. 170; art. 4919; Article 180, Article 2217, Article 3519, Article 5918, Art. 572; Art. 1741; Art. 2012, Art. 29; Art. 6457; 13, Art. 1526; 2014, No. 8, Art. 783;

1. Approve the attached Procedure for organizing and carrying out the planned replacement of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation performing military service under a contract.

2. Recognize the orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation as invalid:

dated July 21, 2000 N 380 “On military service by military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in areas and localities with unfavorable climatic conditions, as well as in military units located outside the Russian Federation" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 18, 2000, registration No. 2361);

dated May 2, 2012 N 1069 “On amendments to the Guidelines for organizing and carrying out the planned replacement of officers, warrant officers (midshipmen) serving under contract in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions, as well as in military units located outside the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2000 N 380" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 28, 2012, registration N 24344).

3. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Minister of Defense

Russian Federation

army general





I. General provisions

1. This Procedure determines the organization of the planned replacement of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation serving under contract in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions, as well as in military units located outside the Russian Federation ( hereinafter - military personnel subject to planned replacement), as well as the transfer of military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, in the order of planned replacement, in the area where the period of military service is established (hereinafter - military personnel sent in the order of planned replacement).

Further in the text of this Procedure, unless otherwise stated, will be referred to for brevity as: the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - the Ministry of Defense.

Further in the text of this Procedure, for brevity, the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions, as well as military units located outside the Russian Federation will be referred to as areas where the period of military service is established.

2. The transfer of military personnel sent as a planned replacement is carried out at least one year before the expiration of their military service (contract term), and also (without their consent) at least three years before reaching the age limit for military service .

3. Military personnel sent as planned replacements are subject to certification in the manner established by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated February 29, 2012 N 444 “On the procedure for organizing and conducting certification of military personnel serving under contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.”

Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 25, 2012, registration N 24324 (as amended by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated November 7, 2013 N 805 “On amendments to the Procedure for organizing and conducting certification of military personnel undergoing military service under contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated February 29, 2012 N 444" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 20, 2013, registration N 30702).

4. Planned replacement of military personnel is carried out taking into account the marital status, health status of military personnel and members of their families. In this case, military personnel are replaced in those geographical areas, in which they did not undergo military service.

5. A military serviceman subject to planned replacement may be retained for further military service in the area where the period of military service is established, if necessary and with his consent.

Clause 4 of Article 16 of the Regulations on the procedure for military service, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 N 1237.

A serviceman subject to planned replacement may, with his consent, be transferred from an area where a shorter period of military service is established to an area where a longer period of military service is established.

Clause 5 of Article 16 of the Regulations on the procedure for military service, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 N 1237.

6. Military personnel sent as planned replacements are subject to medical examination military medical commissions to determine suitability for military service in areas where the duration of military service is established, in the direction of commanders (chiefs).

Medical examinations of family members of these military personnel to determine suitability for living in areas where the duration of military service is established is carried out by military medical commissions on the direction of commanders (superiors) on the basis of reports from military personnel about the presence of diseases in their family members that prevent them from living in these areas.

7. The planned replacement of military personnel serving in aviation formations and military units in areas where the period of military service is established can be carried out as part of squadrons, detachments, units, crews.

8. The planned replacement of commanders of units, military units and their deputies from localities where the period of military service is established is carried out within the limits of the terms of military service established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 5, 2000 N 434 “On the terms of military service under a contract in areas and localities with unfavorable climatic conditions, as well as in military units located outside the Russian Federation", with an interval of at least two months.

Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, N 24, art. 2584; N 45, art. 4482; 2004, N 50, art. 5064; 2005, N 49, art. 5225; 2007, N 35, art. 4313; 2011, N 41 (part II), art. 5741.

II. Organization of planned replacement of military personnel

9. A conversation is held with military personnel subject to planned replacement before June 1 of the year preceding the planned replacement.

10. The commanders-in-chief of the branches of the Armed Forces, commanders of troops of military districts, commanders of branches of the Armed Forces and heads of central military command and control bodies, before July 1 of the year preceding the planned replacement, send to the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense information about military personnel subject to planned replacement (hereinafter referred to as information ), according to the recommended sample (Appendix No. 1 to this Procedure).

In the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, based on information, a calculation of military personnel sent as a planned replacement (hereinafter referred to as the calculation) is developed according to the recommended model (Appendix No. 2 to this Procedure).

Extracts from the calculation are communicated to the commanders-in-chief of the branches of the Armed Forces, commanders of troops of military districts, commanders of branches of the Armed Forces and heads of central military command and control bodies before August 1 of the year preceding the planned replacement.

11. The selection of military personnel sent as a planned replacement is organized by the commanders-in-chief of the branches of the Armed Forces, commanders of troops of military districts, commanders of branches of the Armed Forces and heads of central military command and control bodies in subordinate associations, formations, military units and organizations from military positions specified in the calculation , and in military educational organizations of higher education and research organizations of the Ministry of Defense from military positions that have related military-accounting specialties in relation to the military positions indicated in the calculation.

Calculations containing information about military personnel sent as a planned replacement are approved by the commanders-in-chief of the branches of the Armed Forces, commanders of military districts, commanders of military branches of the Armed Forces and heads of central military command and control bodies and, before October 1 of the year preceding the planned replacement, are sent to the Main Department of Defense Personnel Management.

12. In the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, on the basis of approved calculations, a plan for replacing military personnel subject to planned replacement (hereinafter referred to as the plan for replacing military personnel) is developed according to the recommended model (Appendix No. 3 to this Procedure) and is submitted before November 1 of the year preceding the planned replacement for approval by the Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Extracts from the plan for the replacement of military personnel are sent to the personnel bodies of the main headquarters of the branches of the Armed Forces, military districts, headquarters of the armed forces of the Armed Forces and the central bodies of military command, and before December 1 of the year preceding the planned replacement, they are communicated to subordinate formations, formations, military units, military educational organizations higher education and research organizations of the Ministry of Defense.

13. With military personnel who have arrived as replacements to a new place of military service, where there are differences in the equipment of troops (forces) with weapons and military equipment, retraining is being carried out according to the plans of commanders-in-chief of branches of the Armed Forces, commanders of troops of military districts, commanders of branches of the Armed Forces and heads of central military command bodies.

New look of the RF Armed Forces. Rotation.

Passing a test in physical training, badminton, knowledge of a foreign language by a Russian officer and even a transfer for payment monetary allowance from the Unified Settlement Center in Moscow was eclipsed by one word - ROTATION.

On the eve of the elections in State Duma The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation is faced with a choice of hundreds, if not thousands of Russian officers. As the Izvestia correspondent learned, by the end of the year 2011 it was decided to rotate about 40 thousand officers. According to experts, the Russian Ministry of Defense thus decided to renew personnel in officer positions locally and get rid of some officers.

It was announced that the decision was explained by the supposed need to “avoid stagnation” in the officer cadre, which is hard to believe. It's no secret that hundreds of young officers are now forced to occupy positions as conscripts and only the dismissal of more senior comrades will give them the opportunity to pursue a military career.

— Rotation is dictated primarily concern for the career growth of officers all levels that, when appointed to new positions, will have the opportunity get acquainted with the features of theaters of military operations directly on the ground,- said a representative of the Ministry of Defense. However, what kind of career growth can we talk about if officers are offered equivalent positions.

According to a representative of the RF Ministry of Defense, “so that the blood does not stagnate” and the officers “do not sit too long”, to a new duty station in November - December, about 40 thousand officers out of more than 177 thousand who have successfully passed certification should leave, that is, those that fit into the new look of the RF Armed Forces.

The Main Personnel Directorate (GUK) of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation unequivocally demanded: “Officers who refused to rotate should be transferred to the reserve.”

So that officers subject to rotation cannot, so to speak, “agree” with personnel officers on the ground, for example, to be assigned to the Black Sea Fleet instead of the Baltic, The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is responsible for compiling lists for rotation and offering positions.. County human resources departments are excluded from the process.

From January 1, 2012, the Main Personnel Directorate of the RF Ministry of Defense will be in charge of all personnel appointments in the RF Armed Forces, thus excluding district commands from the personnel decision-making system, Izvestia writes.

The representative of the Ministry of Defense especially emphasized that the majority of officers “correctly understand the essence of the innovation,” and “virtually none of the “rotated” expressed dissatisfaction in writing.”

Especially " understand innovations correctly"those officers who just received new apartments and spent bonuses on their renovation according to Order 400 and Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 1010, got their wives to work, paid for their children’s education, and finally bought cars...

Now, “so that the blood doesn’t stagnate” and the officers don’t “stay too long” under their Christmas tree there is a choice, either follow the order and leave for a new duty station, or resign to the reserve due to non-compliance with the terms of the contract. At the same time, family circumstances are not taken into account - study, work and the health status of relatives. Applications for illegal rotation will not be accepted unless they are immediately sent to the garrison court.

As “knowledgeable” people write, for the sake of reporting on the successful completion of the rotation, the lists of “displaced persons” in the districts will include officers who have not served in their positions for the required three years, as well as those who are to retire to the reserve within the next year.

— Last year (approx. - 2010), after graduating from the academy, I was assigned to the Western District, I didn’t stay in the position for even a year, and recently an order came from the State Administration for my rotation to the Eastern District. Now we have to move again, look for housing, a job for our spouse, and get our children into school,” said Lieutenant Colonel Sergei Kupriyanov.

Such thoughtless rotation will lead to the emergence of military pilots who have neither a stake nor a yard. The inevitable move will discourage officers from giving their best in the service,” said Captain Andrei Borshchakov.

In general, the rotation was conceived at the very beginning of the reduction Russian army and the fleet to a “new look”. For this purpose, a special instruction on rotation was developed within the Russian military department and approved on April 15, 2009. Later, “ Methodical recommendations by rotation of officers", copying this instruction.

The document states that the transfer can be professional-official (without changing location), territorial (appointment in another place to a similar position) and combined (different specialty - different area).

Before moving, an officer must have served in his current position for at least three years. In addition, it cannot be touched three years before reaching retirement age and one year before the end of the contract. That is, according to the instructions Colonels (captains of the 1st rank) over 47 years old are not included in the rotation; majors (captains 3rd rank), lieutenant colonels (captains 2nd rank) over 42 years old.

We will find out how this will be implemented in practice on the Internet. Transfer to a lower position is also permitted, subject to the consent of the officer.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation began the rotation with senior and senior officers of the central military command and control bodies, more than 150 generals and colonels refused to travel from the capital to remote areas of the country and wrote letters of resignation what the boss said General Staff RF Armed Forces General of the Army Nikolai Makarov.

-— Over the past 20 years, a practice has developed that an officer can serve in one regiment until his dismissal. He came there as a lieutenant, and there he removed his shoulder straps, for example, with the rank of major or lieutenant colonel. In such conditions, a person is often more interested in material well-being rather than service.
In Moscow and others major cities there are officers who think about the dacha, seedlings, tomatoes, and not about service, - said Nikolai Makarov.

-- That's why we decided that the duration of officer service in a particular region should not exceed three years. And then, depending on personal qualities, the person must be transferred either to a higher position or to a similar one, but in a different region. Perhaps he should be appointed as a teacher.

—- It is impossible to replace everyone in the Armed Forces at the same time. Therefore, it was decided: first we move the commanders, then the operational level officers, and finally the tactical level. The replacement of officials up to and including the battalion commander is under the leadership of the Minister of Defense. Other officers up to and including the platoon commander are under the leadership of the Deputy Minister of Defense.

—- Our principled position is that rotation should concern everyone. There should be no exceptions for individual military personnel, even for their merits. Once you make one exception to the rule, the exception itself becomes the rule.

—- At the same time, An officer's move to a new duty station should not be a shock to his family. We are trying to organize a replacement so that in another region a person is provided with an apartment, so that his wife can find a job, and his children can go to school or kindergarten, said the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Army General Nikolai Makarov.

Central certification commission Since July, the Ministry of Defense has taken up the movement of battalion-level officers. Lieutenant colonels and majors had already managed to familiarize themselves with telegrams announcing their departure to another military district.

They rotate entire departments! However, with a change of bosses. It is planned that from 2012, junior officers and then contract sergeants will be included in the rotation. As a result, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will reach the regular number of officers due to, among other things, those who refused to rotate.

As it became known, "there are no decisions on transfers in the Russian Ministry of Defense until the end of the year
40 thousand officers were not accepted for new duty stations,” said a representative of the press service and information department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on November 24 in response to the publication of Izvestia. However, even if the figure is inflated, the fact itself is true.

Comments from the field on the rotation of officers of the RF Armed Forces:

In our unit, the rotation affected about 70 people.
It’s just stupid for equivalent ones without lists and wishes.

Andrey Vladimirovich.
Not much about myself - colonel, 43 years old, in the Far East from 1989 to the present with a break for the academy for 2 years, each position moved - service housing only in a separate company on the border. This year I received ownership of housing in Khabarovsk, and now in October I learned that I had to leave for Rostov for an equivalent position due to rotation. I'm ready BUT where to live for the family, where to work for the wife, in what kindergarten Walking my son is the first thing.

Second - Why does the military leadership themselves violate the rules they themselves established...
I know for sure that the personnel body of the association did not send lists of officers subject to rotation to higher personnel bodies. There is no talk of any plan for the coming year, nor is there any communication of this plan to the officers. Conclusion: PUPKIN sits and makes a decision on transfer (rotation).

No signature.
So that problems with children are not created cadet corps in which they are admitted from the age of twelve, in the history of Russia (USSR) only after the war there were cadet schools in which they studied from an early age, they were created because after the war there were many orphans. (For girls - a boarding school for students of the RF Ministry of Defense.)

No signature.
“We try to organize replacements in such a way that in another region a person is provided with an apartment, so that his wife can find a job, and his children can go to school or kindergarten”:)))
You're trying hard. No housing, no work for my wife, no kindergarten. And why have a kindergarten if the wife doesn’t work? However, there is a way out: include a clause in the contract prohibiting marriage... And those with a family should be transferred to the reserve. Yes, they already write their own reports. In batches.

In any run-down garrison they think about a garage, a car, a vegetable garden (if only there is one, for example - Anadyr, Tiksi, Gremikha, etc.), and they will think about the well-being of the family and children. Officers are the same people as civilian specialists at any enterprise, and not slaves of the Ministry of Defense. Every time the Ministry of Defense issues the next Jesuit orders, as about rotation, memories of the oath and poking it with or without reason begin. Try to rotate an ophthalmologist into the place of a surgeon and remind them of the Hippocratic Oath. And for the military, according to the order on rotation - please!!! They just forgot that the majority of officers also have a narrowly focused specialty, skill and experience in which is acquired only with years of service. So decide for yourself what might happen during rotation for an ordinary air defense captain who, for example, ends up in Marine Corps or to the Fleet (is it needed there?).

The officer himself personally listened to Makarov’s statements that We live here (Novosibirsk) in crystal, but people in Transbaikalia, etc. Only we didn’t have apartments and don’t have them, and a new officer who arrived, even in such an advanced city, was always left alone with his problems, no order on providing housing (dormitory) works, and there are no kindergartens. To justify rotation by studying possible theaters of military operations is nonsense!

Currently, rotation in the RF Armed Forces in the form that is accepted is this is a tool for getting rid of unwanted officers, as well as psychological influence. The officer is ready to serve anywhere, provided that all social guarantees him and his family members. Today, even the thoroughly amended provisions of Law 76-FZ “On the Status of Military Personnel” are not implemented in full. The prospect of being left on a miserable pension in places where the cost of travel to the European part of the Russian Federation is twice as high as this pension, can only seduce the authors of the “notorious rotation”.

No signature.
Well, who will serve like that? And we’re not even talking about Moscow... put yourself in the place of a currently graduating lieutenant, what do you think of his prospects?: every three years change the region of service... work for the wife... school for the children... and by the age of 45 approach the age of 45 without a stake, without a yard... and without a family, more likely. Under such conditions... the army will lose its personnel!

General b
Ready for rotation from Bashkiria to Moscow! Offer.

Over the course of 18 years of service, my family and I moved 5 times, not counting the wanderings between apartments in the garrison itself. Now another translation. And I perfectly understand officers who do not want to leave their homes. After all, you leave your apartment and arrive to nowhere. There is no housing waiting for you according to the standards, work for family members and a bunch of other problems that you need to solve yourself. And the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation 1280 generally casts doubt on the possibility of obtaining housing, because It is not clear how to present certificates from previous places of service. If the transfer were not a tragedy for the family, who would refuse to travel around the country.

Sergey Petrovich Barkov.
If you dismiss from the army not only all those from Arbat, but also those who settled on the Leningradskoe Highway, regardless of rank, then the air will only become cleaner and combat effectiveness will increase.

With your personnel rotations you only undermine the combat readiness of the units! What kind of morale does an officer have if he is moved from garrison to garrison every 3-5 years? If you want to teach how to fight in different theaters, do 1, 2, 3 month training sessions, that’s more than enough!

Rotation is possible if the officer is motivated for career growth prospects career ladder, and this is all profanation of vigorous activity is carried out to weaken the military command and military science of the RF Armed Forces. Where can military teachers and top-echelon military commanders be rotated?

At the beginning of November, Colonel General Z. was on a working visit to Komsomolsk-on-Amur. The L/S was gathered at the club, where a speech lasting ~1 hour and 15 minutes was given. In particular, the command’s plans for the rotation of l/s were discussed. I mainly focused on rotation of flight personnel. He said that those who serve in Dzyogy have a chance to get to Kaliningrad, and those who serve in Khurba have a chance to get to Voronezh or Lipetsk (and vice versa, respectively). The positions will be of equal importance.

Good afternoon.

Formally, you can refuse. but in this case, then the management will have a good opportunity to dismiss you under the NLC.

Rotation is essentially a transfer to a new duty station, so you can refuse in strictly specified cases:

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 N 1237 “Issues of military service

1. A serviceman may be transferred to a new place of military service from one military unit to another (including one located in another area) within the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (other troops, military formations or bodies, military units of the federal fire service) in the following cases:
a) for official reasons;
b) in order of promotion;
c) for health reasons in accordance with the conclusion of the military medical commission;
d) for family reasons at a personal request (for military personnel serving under a contract);
e) at a personal request (for military personnel performing military service under a contract);
f) in connection with organizational and staffing measures;
g) in connection with a planned replacement (for military personnel serving under a contract);
h) in connection with enrollment in a military educational institution, postgraduate studies, military doctoral studies;
i) in connection with expulsion from a military educational institution, postgraduate studies, military doctoral studies;
j) if, taking into account the nature of the crime committed, a serviceman who has been sentenced to a restriction on military service cannot be retained in a position related to the management of subordinates
2. A serviceman performing military service under a contract may be transferred to a new place of military service due to official necessity with appointment to an equal military position.
The transfer of this serviceman to a new place of military service with appointment to an equal military position is carried out without his consent, except in the following cases:
a) if it is impossible to perform military service in the area where he is being transferred, in accordance with the conclusion of the military medical commission;
b) if it is impossible for family members of a serviceman (wife, husband, children under the age of 18, children-students under the age of 23, disabled children, as well as other persons dependent on the serviceman and living with him) to live in the area , where he is transferred, in accordance with the conclusion of the military medical commission;
c) if there is a need for constant care for a father, mother, sibling, grandfather, grandmother or adoptive parent living separately, who are not fully supported by the state and who, in accordance with the conclusion of the federal medical and social examination institution at their place of residence, need permanent outside assistance care (assistance, supervision).
GARANT system:

The command has the corresponding right. Military personnel undergoing military service under a contract in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions, as well as in military units located outside the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as areas where the period of military service is established) are subject to planned replacement. ).

ConsultantPlus: note. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 23, 2000 N 621 established that the maximum period of continuous military service for military personnel under a contract on the territory of the Chechen Republic is 2 years.

The duration of military service in the specified areas and the lists of these areas are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

A serviceman performing military service under a contract may be transferred to a new place of military service due to official necessity with appointment to an equal military position.

The transfer of this serviceman to a new place of military service with appointment to an equal military position is carried out without his consent, with the exception of the following cases:

a) if it is impossible to perform military service in the area where he is being transferred, in accordance with the conclusion of the military medical commission;

b) if it is impossible for family members of a serviceman (wife, husband, children under the age of 18, children-students under the age of 23, disabled children, as well as other persons dependent on the serviceman and living with him) to live in the area , where he is transferred, in accordance with the conclusion of the military medical commission;

c) if there is a need for constant care for a father, mother, sibling, grandfather, grandmother or adoptive parent living separately, who are not fully supported by the state and who, in accordance with the conclusion of the federal medical and social examination institution at their place of residence, need permanent outside assistance care (assistance, supervision).

(as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated January 2, 2015 N 3)




In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 16 of the Regulations on the procedure for military service, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 N 1237 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 38, Art. 4534; N 42, Art. 5008; 2000 , N 1678, N 2819; 2006, N 2697; 29, art. 3679; art. 4513, no. 170; art. 4919; Article 180, Article 2217, Article 3519, Article 5918, Art. 572; Art. 1741; Art. 2012, Art. 29; Art. 6457; 13, Art. 1526; 2014, No. 8, Art. 783;

1. Approve the attached Procedure for organizing and carrying out the planned replacement of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation performing military service under a contract.

2. Recognize the orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation as invalid:

dated July 21, 2000 N 380 “On military service by military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in areas and localities with unfavorable climatic conditions, as well as in military units located outside the Russian Federation” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 18, 2000 ., registration N 2361);

dated May 2, 2012 N 1069 “On amendments to the Guidelines for organizing and carrying out the planned replacement of officers, warrant officers (midshipmen) serving under contract in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions, as well as in military units located outside the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2000 N 380" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 28, 2012, registration N 24344).

3. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Minister of Defense

Russian Federation

army general





I. General provisions

1. This Procedure determines the organization of the planned replacement of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation serving under contract in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions, as well as in military units located outside the Russian Federation ( hereinafter - military personnel subject to planned replacement), as well as the transfer of military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, in the order of planned replacement, in the area where the period of military service is established (hereinafter - military personnel sent in the order of planned replacement).

Further in the text of this Procedure, unless otherwise stated, will be referred to for brevity as: the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - the Ministry of Defense.

Further in the text of this Procedure, for brevity, the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions, as well as military units located outside the Russian Federation will be referred to as areas where the period of military service is established.

2. The transfer of military personnel sent as a planned replacement is carried out at least one year before the expiration of their military service (contract term), and also (without their consent) at least three years before reaching the age limit for military service .

3. Military personnel sent as planned replacements are subject to certification in the manner established by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated February 29, 2012 N 444 “On the procedure for organizing and conducting certification of military personnel serving under contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.”

Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 25, 2012, registration N 24324 (as amended by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated November 7, 2013 N 805 “On amendments to the Procedure for organizing and conducting certification of military personnel undergoing military service under contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated February 29, 2012 N 444" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 20, 2013, registration N 30702).

4. Planned replacement of military personnel is carried out taking into account the marital status, health status of military personnel and members of their families. In this case, military personnel are replaced in those geographical areas in which they did not serve military service.

5. A military serviceman subject to planned replacement may be retained for further military service in the area where the period of military service is established, if necessary and with his consent.

Clause 4 of Article 16 of the Regulations on the procedure for military service, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 N 1237.

A serviceman subject to planned replacement may, with his consent, be transferred from an area where a shorter period of military service is established to an area where a longer period of military service is established.

Clause 5 of Article 16 of the Regulations on the procedure for military service, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 N 1237.

6. Military personnel sent as planned replacements are subject to a medical examination by military medical commissions to determine suitability for military service in areas where the duration of military service is established, upon the direction of commanders (superiors).

Medical examinations of family members of these military personnel to determine suitability for living in areas where the duration of military service is established is carried out by military medical commissions on the direction of commanders (superiors) on the basis of reports from military personnel about the presence of diseases in their family members that prevent them from living in these areas.

7. The planned replacement of military personnel serving in aviation formations and military units in areas where the period of military service is established can be carried out as part of squadrons, detachments, units, crews.

8. The planned replacement of commanders of units, military units and their deputies from localities where the period of military service is established is carried out within the limits of the terms of military service established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 5, 2000 N 434 “On the terms of military service under a contract in areas and localities with unfavorable climatic conditions, as well as in military units located outside the Russian Federation", with an interval of at least two months.

Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, N 24, art. 2584; N 45, art. 4482; 2004, N 50, art. 5064; 2005, N 49, art. 5225; 2007, N 35, art. 4313; 2011, N 41 (part II), art. 5741.

II. Organization of planned replacement of military personnel

9. A conversation is held with military personnel subject to planned replacement before June 1 of the year preceding the planned replacement.

10. The commanders-in-chief of the branches of the Armed Forces, commanders of troops of military districts, commanders of branches of the Armed Forces and heads of central military command and control bodies, before July 1 of the year preceding the planned replacement, send to the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense information about military personnel subject to planned replacement (hereinafter referred to as information ), according to the recommended sample (Appendix No. 1 to this Procedure).

In the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, based on information, a calculation of military personnel sent as a planned replacement (hereinafter referred to as the calculation) is developed according to the recommended model (Appendix No. 2 to this Procedure).

Extracts from the calculation are communicated to the commanders-in-chief of the branches of the Armed Forces, commanders of troops of military districts, commanders of branches of the Armed Forces and heads of central military command and control bodies before August 1 of the year preceding the planned replacement.

11. The selection of military personnel sent as a planned replacement is organized by the commanders-in-chief of the branches of the Armed Forces, commanders of troops of military districts, commanders of branches of the Armed Forces and heads of central military command and control bodies in subordinate associations, formations, military units and organizations from military positions specified in the calculation , and in military educational organizations of higher education and research organizations of the Ministry of Defense from military positions that have related military-accounting specialties in relation to the military positions indicated in the calculation.

Calculations containing information about military personnel sent as a planned replacement are approved by the commanders-in-chief of the branches of the Armed Forces, commanders of military districts, commanders of military branches of the Armed Forces and heads of central military command and control bodies and, before October 1 of the year preceding the planned replacement, are sent to the Main Department of Defense Personnel Management.

12. In the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, on the basis of approved calculations, a plan for replacing military personnel subject to planned replacement (hereinafter referred to as the plan for replacing military personnel) is developed according to the recommended model (Appendix No. 3 to this Procedure) and is submitted before November 1 of the year preceding the planned replacement for approval by the Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Extracts from the plan for the replacement of military personnel are sent to the personnel bodies of the main headquarters of the branches of the Armed Forces, military districts, headquarters of the armed forces of the Armed Forces and the central bodies of military command, and before December 1 of the year preceding the planned replacement, they are communicated to subordinate formations, formations, military units, military educational institutions higher education organizations and research organizations of the Ministry of Defense.

13. Replacement servicemen arriving at a new place of military service, where there are differences in the equipment of troops (forces) with weapons and military equipment, are retrained according to the plans of the commanders-in-chief of the branches of the Armed Forces, commanders of military districts, commanders of branches of the Armed Forces and heads of central military command bodies.