Diet for gallstone disease. Principles and rules of diet for gallstone disease

© "Tsentrpoligraf", 2017


The gallbladder is a container for bile entering it, releasing it into the intestinal lumen. Also in this organ, resorption (reabsorption) of protein, important salts, amino acids into the blood occurs, mucus and a special hormone, anticholecystokinin, are secreted. The gallbladder can hold approximately 50 ml of fluid.

Bile is formed in liver cells, then through special bile ducts, which form a complex network, and enters the gallbladder, where it is stored until a person eats food. After food enters the duodenum, the gallbladder contracts and bile, along with pancreatic juice, moves into the intestine.

A healthy person can produce from 500 to 1000 ml of bile per day. Its composition is quite diverse: water, bile acids, inorganic substances, vitamins A, B, C, D, amino acids, phospholipids, cholesterol, bilirubin, proteins, mucus and drug residues.

Main pathologies of the gallbladder.

Gallstone disease associated with disruption of bilirubin metabolism and cholesterol, which leads to the formation of stones inside the liver, in the common bile duct and in gallbladder. Gallstone disease can occur long time is asymptomatic, but clinically manifests itself in the form of an attack of “hepatic colic”, when the stone enters the narrow bile duct.

Chronic acalculous cholecystitis. It's long lasting inflammatory process, striking inner shell bubble and not accompanied by the formation of stones.

Biliary dyskinesia. This is a functional disease of the biliary tract associated with changes in the tone of the gallbladder or ducts, accompanied by periodic pain in the right hypochondrium and dyspeptic disorders. This pathology usually occurs under constant stress, psycho-emotional stress, and neuroses. Depending on the change in bladder tone, hyperkinetic (or pain) and hypokinetic (dyspeptic) types of the disease are distinguished.

Acute cholangitis. This is an acute inflammatory process that affects the bile ducts. It usually occurs as a complication of chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis or after removal of the gallbladder. The development of infection is facilitated by stagnation of bile, compression of the ducts by tumors and stones. There are obstructive, recurrent, bacterial, and secondary sclerosing cholangitis.

Removal of the gallbladder. Like other types of surgical intervention, this is a forced measure that doctors resort to when the patient’s life is threatened.

All pathologies of the gallbladder require very strict adherence to the diet on the part of the patient.

Diet for gallstones

General nutrition rules

Properly selected diet for gallstone disease, along with drug therapy and use folk remedies, is the main component of treatment.

It will help not only to quickly remove everything unpleasant symptoms, improving the patient’s condition, but also stopping the inflammatory process in the biliary tract. In addition, long-term adherence to the regimen will slow down the process of formation of new stones in the bile ducts.

The main task of the diet for acute cholelithiasis is to organize temporary rest for the diseased organ during an exacerbation and strengthen the secretion function during improvement and remission.

The essence of the diet is to reduce the energy value of the diet due to fats and easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar, sweets, jam). Losing body weight has a beneficial effect on the course of gallstone disease. Once a week should be done fasting days(apple, watermelon, salad, cottage cheese, juice diets, dried fruit diets). Limit the intake of cholesterol from food by excluding foods rich in it (egg yolk, brains, liver, fatty meats and fish, lamb and beef fat, lard, butter).

Pectins, natural dietary fiber, and magnesium salts help reduce cholesterol in the blood. Wheat bran, rolled oats, buckwheat, vegetables and fruits are rich in magnesium salts and dietary fiber. An increase in dietary fiber stimulates bile secretion, enhances the motor function of the gallbladder and colon, prevents constipation, and also promotes the absorption and excretion of toxic substances from the body that are formed during the digestion process. Regular consumption of dietary fiber is a means of preventing obesity and diabetes.

Limit flour and cereal dishes, as they contribute to a shift in the bile reaction to the acidic side and the loss of cholesterol from the bile. Alkaline mineral waters “Borjomi”, “Polyana kvasovaya” and plant foods (vegetables, fruits) contribute to the alkalization of bile.

The use of olive oil with salads, as well as products containing an increased amount of B vitamins, vitamins C, A (retinol) choline, has a positive effect; methionine. Try to provide your body with 60 mg of vitamin C daily.

Use sufficient quantity liquid, which is necessary to reduce the concentration of bile.

If you do not follow a diet, this first of all leads to undesirable consequences, the development of gallstones. For gallstone disease, a strict diet is recommended, which not only facilitates the functioning of the gallbladder, but also helps to properly and normally separate bile.

Alcohol and smoking are strictly contraindicated. The number of meals plays a fairly important role. Every meal is another release of bile into the duodenum. The more often such a release occurs, the less likely it is to get complications. Since rare meals contribute to the stagnation of bile, in order to prevent this stagnation of bile it is necessary to eat food as often as possible. Small portions of food are always easier to digest. It is also best to eat food when it is warm. The interval between meals should be no more than 2–3 hours. If possible, it is advisable to eat at the same time. Be sure to carefully monitor the calorie content of the foods you eat.

You need to strictly monitor the amount of fats and proteins. Try replacing animal proteins with squirrels plant origin. It's really hard, but note that vegetarian people are much less likely to suffer from gallstones.

The diet of foods should be rich in vitamin C. It has been scientifically proven that vitamin C deficiency contributes to the rapid formation of gallstones.

No fasting should be carried out; it is contraindicated for this disease.

Diet features:

– nutrition should be complete in terms of the content and balance of nutrients, as well as calorie content (estimated daily calorie content diet – 2300–2800 calories);

– the diet should contain a physiologically complete protein content – ​​100 g, a slight restriction of fats – 80–85 g (30% vegetable) and in case of excess body weight – a reduction in carbohydrate content to 250 g; table salt – 8–10 g, free liquid – 1.2–2.0 l. The weight of the daily ration is no more than 3 kg;

– there should be 5 meals a day, of which 3 main and 2 small snacks;

– all food should be slightly warmer than room temperature; eating cold or hot food is prohibited (food temperature should not be lower than 15 °C and not higher than 62 °C);

– meals should mainly consist of pureed foods (this is done in order to reduce the load on the digestive tract);

– you should limit the consumption of products containing saturated fats, cholesterol and oxalic acid;

– 1 teaspoon of salt per day is allowed;

– You should drink at least 2 liters of water daily.

– vegetables: various vegetables, raw, boiled and baked; salads from raw vegetables and fruits; side dishes; non-acidic sauerkraut; onions after boiling; green pea puree;

– appetizers: salad fresh vegetables with vegetable oil; fruit salads; vinaigrettes, squash caviar; jellied fish after boiling, soaked lean herring, stuffed fish, seafood salads (squid, seaweed, scallop, mussels), boiled fish and meat; doctor's, dairy, diet sausages, low-fat ham;

– spices: parsley and dill, ground red pepper, bay leaf, cinnamon, cloves, vanilla; white sauce with the addition of a small amount of sour cream without frying the flour; dairy, vegetable, sweet fruit sauces;

– fruits: various fruits and berries (except sour ones) – raw and in dishes, lemon, black currant (if well tolerated); jams, preserves from ripe sweet berries and fruits; dried fruits, compotes, jelly, jellies, mousses;

– sweet dishes and sweets: marmalade, non-chocolate candies, marshmallows, jam, preserves from sweet and ripe fruits, honey. Sugar is partially replaced with xylitol (sorbitol). However, you should sharply limit sweet foods. For normal body weight, we recommend no more than 50–60 g of sugar per day, including sugar found in confectionery products. For older people, this norm is 30–50 g. If you tend to be overweight, sugar is completely excluded;

– drinks: tea, coffee with milk; fruit, berry and vegetable juices. It is very useful to constantly consume vitamin decoctions and infusions of rose hips and bran. Wheat bran is very rich in B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, and fiber, which are necessary for this disease;

- bran decoction. Grind the bran in a coffee grinder, pour boiling water, boil for 10 minutes and leave for several hours (up to a day). Strain the broth, add sugar or xylitol, sorbitol, lemon juice. Instead of sugar, you can add honey.

During the diet the following are allowed:

– a few pieces of dried white bread or special dietary cookies;

– lean pieces of fish and meat in the form of grated cutlet mass, steamed or boiled;

– low-fat steamed fish, as well as fish in the form of puree or soufflé prepared from a boiled product;

– fish aspic based on weak vegetable broth;

– protein steam omelette (up to 3 whites per day are allowed, but only 1 yolk);

– if well tolerated, any low-fat dairy and fermented milk products;

– 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter per day;

– grated milk porridge, cooked half and half with water;

– various seafood;

– cereal soufflé;

– vermicelli;

– vegetables steamed or stewed in own juice;

– sweet and ripe fruits that have undergone heat treatment (boiled, baked or steamed);

– jelly, pastille, natural fruit jelly and mousse;

– up to 2 teaspoons of honey per day;

– weakly brewed tea with milk, chicory, rosehip infusion, fruit and vegetable juices mixed with water.

Prohibited products:

– fresh bread, as well as rye and buns;

– fatty meats and poultry, offal, lard, as well as fried, smoked and canned foods;

– fatty or salted fish, caviar, canned fish; soups in meat or fish broth with large pieces of boiled vegetables;

– eggs (only steam omelet is allowed);

– fatty dairy products;

– crumbly porridge and pearl barley;

- pasta;

– all legumes;

– from vegetables: radish, spinach, radish, cabbage, sorrel, mushrooms, onions, garlic;

– hard and sour fruits;

– halva, ice cream and chocolate;

– any spices;

- All alcoholic drinks, natural and instant coffee, cocoa, carbonated drinks, strong tea.

Cooking methods: boiling, baking, occasionally stewing, poaching - for preparing dishes from low-fat products with a high moisture content (vegetables, fish); boiling followed by frying in the oven. Flour and vegetables are not sautéed.

Natural dietary fiber is necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive organs. Lots of fibers in wheat bran, less - in rolled oats, nuts, vegetables, fruits. Systematic consumption of these products - good remedy prevention and treatment of constipation, gallbladder diseases, obesity, diabetes.

Menu examples

Day 1

Breakfast: steam omelette with low-fat milk; a small portion of milk soup.

Dinner: fish soufflé; any porridge cooked in milk and water.

Dinner: lean pieces of veal stewed with tomatoes; boiled vegetables.

Day 2

Breakfast: steamed cottage cheese soufflé; a portion of any pureed porridge.

Dinner: pureed vegetarian soup; steamed white meat chicken cutlet with stewed vegetables.

Dinner: mashed boiled fish with carrots and potatoes.

Day 3

Breakfast: milk soup with noodles; homemade compote with pieces of fruit without sugar.

Dinner: pureed vegetable soup with added milk; buckwheat porridge with steamed chicken pieces.

Dinner: steamed fish meatballs with carrot puree; stewed potatoes with low-fat cheese.

Dishes for gallstones
Jellied fish

Compound: beluga – 280 g, sturgeon – 250 g, stellate sturgeon – 265 g, fresh chum salmon – 220 g, salmon – 215 g, trout – 215 g, whitefish – 235 g, pike perch – 255 g, carp – 250 g, catfish – 270 g, carp – 250 g, pike – 250 g, lemon, greens, carrots, ready-made jelly – 150 g, horseradish sauce – 50 g; for jelly: fish waste – 2 kg, gelatin – 40 g, carrots – 25 g, onions – 25 g, parsley – 15 g, celery – 15 g, 9% vinegar – 15 g, egg (white), bay leaf, fragrant pepper, cloves, cinnamon, salt.

Boil clean boneless fish fillets and cut into portions. Place the prepared fish on a baking sheet, decorate it with herbs, lemon, boiled carrots, secure with some chilled jelly and let cool. When the fish has frozen and the decorations have fixed, pour the remaining jelly over the fish. Cut out the completely frozen fish along with the jelly and serve on a platter with or without a vegetable side dish. The fish can be poured in a mold or in the dish itself. Serve horseradish sauce separately.

Making fish jelly. After processing the fish, rinse the skin, bones and scales thoroughly and pour cold water, bring to a boil, add carrots, onions, parsley roots, other seasonings and cook for 1.5–2 hours. Strain the finished broth. Next, add gelatin (previously soaked in water), stir until completely dissolved, adding salt, pepper and bay leaf.

To clarify the broth, prepare a pull: egg whites mix with cold broth in a ratio of 1:5, pour into hot but not boiling broth and bring to a boil. Then remove the pan with the broth from the heat, let it sit for 20–25 minutes and strain the broth through a linen cloth.

Jewish stuffed fish

Compound: fish fillet – 700 g, onion (together with onion skins) – 1–2 pcs., bread (white) – 150 g, egg – 1–2 pcs., vegetable oil (2 tbsp. spoons in minced meat, 2 tbsp. spoons into broth) - 4 tbsp. spoons, carrots - 1 pc., beets (small) - 1 pc., sugar (0.5 tbsp in minced meat, 0.5 tbsp in broth) - 1 tbsp. spoon, bay leaf - 2-3 pcs., black pepper, salt.

Cut the fish into portions (clean thoroughly first, but do not gut). Remove giblets when cutting fish. Each piece turns out whole, that is, there is no cut along the abdomen. You need to cut out a fillet from each piece, leaving only the skin. It can be simpler: take a ready-made silver carp fillet with skin, select the bones, separate the fillet from the skin, which is cut into small “ribbons”. Grind the fillet twice through a meat grinder with one large onion and a bun soaked in water. Add black pepper (to taste), salt and sugar. This dish is quite spicy: you need to pepper it well. Also put 2 tbsp in the minced meat. spoons of vegetable oil and gradually pour in a quarter glass of water, stirring well all the time. Make meatballs from minced meat. Place each meatball on a strip of skin and wrap it in it. Line the bottom of a non-stick pan with onion, sliced ​​into rings, onion peels, slices of carrots and beets. Place the meatballs on top. Pour cold water over the side of the pan (so as not to wash out the minced meat) so that it is slightly higher than the fish. After an hour, water (1 glass) should be added. Place over medium heat, let it boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 2–2.5 hours over low heat (it should simmer). Salt, pepper, add sugar. This dish needs to be brought to taste, as they say. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add a bay leaf. Cool. Place on a dish and pour in the strained broth. Place in the refrigerator. The broth hardens and it turns out to be fish in jelly.

Fish aspic

Compound: fish (or sea cocktail) – 450 g, water (fish broth) – 500 ml, gelatin – 10 g, lemon – 1 pc., dill and parsley.

Soak the gelatin in cold water for the time indicated on the package; when it swells, squeeze it out. Prepare fish broth by boiling the fish (put the seafood cocktail into the prepared fish broth, bring to a boil, but do not boil, drain the seafood in a colander). Strain the hot broth, add gelatin, stir until it is completely dissolved and cool the broth. Thinly slice the lemon, place pieces of fish or seafood cocktail in a glass or ramekin, garnish everything with herbs, carefully pour in the broth, and refrigerate until set for several hours.

Jellied sturgeon

Compound: sturgeon – 1 kg, gelatin – 25–30 g, carrots – 1 pc., cucumber – 1 pc., capers, pieces of crab or crayfish, onion – 1 pc., parsley.

Boil sturgeon with carrots and onions and cool. From the broth obtained by boiling the fish, prepare 3-4 cups of transparent jelly, adding gelatin to it. Cool the finished jelly. Cut the cooked fish into thin pieces and place on a dish so that there is free space around each piece for the jelly. Decorate the fish pieces with parsley leaves, carrot slices, and slices fresh cucumber, pieces of crab or crayfish, capers. After this, pour the pieces of fish in an even layer of jelly in 2-3 batches. When the aspic has cooled, cut each piece of fish with a knife and place it beautifully on a plate. Serve horseradish with vinegar or mayonnaise separately.

Salmon aspic

Compound: salmon steak – 250 g, salmon trim – 100 g, small onion – 1 pc., small carrot – 1 pc., celery root – 30 g, bay leaf – 2 pcs., allspice – 3 pcs., water – 550 ml , gelatin – 1 tbsp. spoon, salt, white pepper - 3 g, dill, parsley for decoration.

Cut the salmon steak along the spine, remove the spine and rib bones, remove the skin with a sharp knife. Pour 0.5 liters of water over the spine bone, skin and trimmings of the salmon and bring to a boil. Add onion, carrots and celery root. Cook over low heat for 15–20 minutes. Then add salt to the broth, add bay leaf, salmon fillet, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 10-12 minutes. Carefully remove the salmon fillet from the broth and cool. Pour 50 ml of chilled gelatin boiled water, let it swell. Remove onion, celery, bay leaf, bones, skin and trimmings from the broth. Leave the boiled carrots for decoration. Strain the broth through 4 layers of gauze. Add 100 ml of hot broth to the swollen gelatin and stir until it dissolves, combine with the rest of the broth. Cool. Pour 1-2 tbsp into ceramic or glass molds. spoons of broth, put in the freezer for a few minutes to harden. Then place carrot stars and dill sprigs in the molds. Pour in a small amount of broth again and cool until gelled in the freezer. Then lay out the salmon pieces and pour in the remaining broth. Place in the refrigerator until completely frozen. Before serving, lower the molds into hot water for a few seconds and turn the aspic onto a plate. Garnish with herbs and lemon slices.

White fish aspic with carrots

Compound: white fish – 1.5 kg, parsley and dill – 2 sprigs each, carrots – 500 g; for making jelly: beets – 1 pc., onion – 1 pc., leek – 1 pc., bay leaf – 1 pc., peppercorns – 4 pcs., parsley root – 1 pc., egg whites – 2 pcs. , ice - 5-6 cubes, gelatin - 45 g, salt.

Clean the fish, separate the head, tail and fish fins. Wash the carcasses thoroughly inside and out. Make two cuts along the spine of the fish and separate the fillet from it, removing all the bones. Cut the fillet into longitudinal strips, approximately 1.5 cm wide, and place skin side down on cutting board, cover and refrigerate. The carrots should be peeled and cut into lengthwise pieces. Boil in boiling salted water for about 10 minutes. Peel and coarsely chop the onion, leek and parsley root. Place the cut off fish heads, tails, ridges and fins in a saucepan, add 2 liters of water, bring everything to a boil and skim off the foam. Add pre-prepared vegetables, salt and pepper to taste. Cook for about half an hour over low heat without covering. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add bay leaf. Strain the broth into a clean saucepan through a fine sieve or cheesecloth and return to the heat. Place the fish fillet into the broth and cook for about 5 minutes, periodically removing the foam. After this, transfer the fish to a plate and let it cool. Peel the beets, grate them on a fine grater, pour them into the broth and bring everything to a boil again. Cook for another 10 minutes. Strain the broth. Beat the whites with ice, pour them into the broth, mix everything and bring to a boil again. After this, remove the saucepan from the heat and set it aside for 10 minutes, then remove the foam and strain the broth through cheesecloth or a fine sieve. Add gelatin to the warm broth and stir until completely dissolved. Cover with cling film high shape. Alternately add fish and carrots. Then carefully pour in the broth with gelatin, let cool and put everything in the refrigerator overnight.

During relapses of the disease, foods with fats are excluded. All vegetables are ground before consumption.

Sample menu diets for patients with cholelithiasis:

Days of the week1 breakfast2 breakfastdinnerafternoon teadinner
Mondaypotato pancakes, oatmeal, beet juice1 baked apple or fruit souffléboiled fillet, vegetarian cabbage soup, teavinaigrettesteamed meat cutlets, baked potatoes, fruit juice
Tuesdaysteamed meat cutlets, rice porridge, tea100 g prunes, apple juice rice soup, baked vegetables, green teabran bread, compotesandwich with squash caviar, boiled hake, carrot juice
Wednesdaymilk soup with noodles, 2 crackers, rosehip decoctionlow-fat cottage cheese, jellystew with eggplant and cabbage, stewed hake with sour cream sauce, teabaked apple with honeybaked pike perch with potatoes, sliced ​​vegetables, jelly
Thursdaysemolina porridge, biscuits, chamomile infusion 100 g dried apricots, sweet applecream soup with potatoes and cauliflower, 2 crackers, teahomemade yogurt without fillersbeet pancakes, biscuits, compote
Fridaylow-fat cottage cheese with honey, oatmeal, weak coffeebaked apple with jam, jellycream soup with Brussels sprouts, boiled fillet, weak coffeesandwich with zucchini caviarcottage cheese casserole, 100 g boiled meat, tea
Saturdayrice porridge, soft-boiled egg, chamomile infusionlow-fat cottage cheese with dried apricots, juicerice soup, fish cutlets, vegetable stew, vegetable juicepumpkin porridge, compoteprotein omelet, sliced ​​vegetables, weak tea
Sundaycheesecakes with jam, semolina porridge, weak coffeesweet apple and dried fruitsborscht in vegetable broth, boiled turkey, compoteliver biscuits, fruit juicemillet porridge with boiled fillet, tea

The diet provides for five meals a day. It is recommended to eat porridge with milk for breakfast. To drink, weak tea or decoctions of medicinal herbs- chamomile, rose hips, St. John's wort.

With obesity, the pH level of bile shifts to the acidic side, which stimulates stone formation. In this case, you must follow a strict diet with limited cereals and pasta.


The diet for cholelithiasis is balanced, so it is not difficult to follow. Alternating meat, vegetable and cereal products, they make up varied menu. When digestive diseases recur, the menu includes first courses in the form of soups, and more vegetables are added to second courses.

  • Oatmeal soup. Boil the oatmeal over low heat for at least 30 minutes. The strained broth is salted and aromatic herbs – celery or marjoram – are added.
  • Cream soup. Boil cauliflower and potatoes. Grind in a blender or rub through a sieve. Boil the oatmeal and chop it too. Combine the ingredients and add a little vegetable broth.
  • Baked pumpkin. Place the pumpkin on a baking sheet and bake for at least an hour at 180°C. Cut it into cubes, removing the skin and seeds. Pour sour cream sauce over the pieces and add a little cinnamon.
  • Hake with vegetables. Patisson, green peas, carrots are grated. Place vegetables on prepared baking sheet. Place hake fillet on a vegetable bed. Season with unrefined oil and sour cream. Bake for 20 minutes at 180°C.

To restore the balance of beneficial bacteria in the intestines in case of gastrointestinal diseases, eat a moderate amount of dried fruits. By following a diet, immunity increases and problems with stool disappear.

Diet features

When preparing a diet, take into account:

  • phase of inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • weight and age;
  • bowel regularity;
  • background diseases, etc.

The chemical composition of the therapeutic nutrition system must be physiological, that is, correspond to the age, degree of physical activity, and gender of the patient.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, food is taken often. If inflammation worsens, smoked and rich foods are completely removed from the menu.

During exacerbation of cholelithiasis

The diet for gallstone disease during an exacerbation involves avoiding fried foods. To improve your well-being you should:

  • exclude meat dishes for 10 days;
  • grind vegetables in a blender;
  • eat only boiled or baked vegetables;
  • do a drinking day every 7 days;
  • take soups, low-fat sour milk, and vegetables as the basis of your diet.

This diet is followed for 2 weeks after an attack of gallstone disease. After stabilization of health, they move to table No. 5.

For inflammation of the gallbladder

A well-designed diet prevents bile from thickening. In case of relapse of the disease, it is advisable to:

  • refuse food for 1-2 days;
  • drink up to 2 liters of Narzan, Borjomi or other mineral water per day;
  • after two days, add grated vegetables and fruits to the menu;
  • eat food every 2 hours.

When you need to consume mucous soups from oatmeal, porridge with rice. After the symptoms of the disease subside, the menu is expanded to include cottage cheese, beef, fish, and crackers.

After stone removal

The diet after crushing stones is aimed at stimulating bile drainage. The menu includes chemically neutral products that do not irritate the gastrointestinal tract, but improve the flow of bile.

After laparoscopy, the diet is followed for 6-10 months. Refusal of a rational nutrition system is dangerous due to complications.

Nutrition principles:

  • energy value of the daily diet – 1800-2000 kcal;
  • the ratio of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates is 1:1:4;
  • the optimal heat treatment mode is cooking;
  • the volume of one serving is no more than the size of a fist;
  • the temperature of food consumed is up to 50°C.

For a week after the operation, food is taken pureed. Only from the fifth day is it allowed to eat meat dishes.

After removal of the gallbladder with stones

– a serious operation that affects the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. For a month, patients must follow a diet taking into account the following rules:

  • Do not eat on the eve of cholecystectomy. You can drink up to 0.5 liters of water.
  • The day after cholecystectomy, you are allowed to eat pureed vegetable soups. You can drink chamomile decoction or kefir.
  • Consume after 5 days diet cutlets, meatloaves, chicken soufflé, fish.

A week later, light foods are introduced - porridge, pureed soups, boiled vegetables.

What foods dissolve gallstones?

For diseases of the hepatobiliary system, foods that have lipotropic properties are introduced into the diet. They reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, preventing its excretion in the bile. Due to the dispersion of triglycerides, the stones are broken down.

In case of exacerbation of diseases, the diet includes:

  • beef;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • unrefined oil;
  • zander;
  • shrimps;
  • soy flour, etc.

These products are rich in lipotropic substances that stimulate the breakdown of stones. But gastroenterologists do not recommend resorting to such treatment on your own. If the disease is accompanied by stone formation, as the size of the stone decreases, the risk of blockage of the bile ducts increases. Therefore, a diet for diseases of the hepatobiliary system should be compiled and adjusted only by a doctor.


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A properly formulated diet for gallstone disease is an important factor in the patient’s recovery. The diet is selected taking into account the main cause of the disease, concomitant pathologies, health status and age of the patient. Your doctor will tell you what and how to eat if you have gallstone disease. Violation of recommendations can be dangerous and lead to complications.

The prescribed diet for gallstone disease improves the quality of life by eliminating discomfort after eating. We are talking about bloating and regular constipation.

The diet for gallstone disease does not differ between women and men.

  • eat food in small portions;
  • take short breaks between snacks, eating 5–6 times a day;
  • exclude fried foods, baking is allowed;
  • increase protein intake;
  • exclude refractory animal fats from the diet;
  • cook soups only with vegetable broth;
  • dishes must be warm.

Small portions of foods regularly entering the stomach stimulate the production of bile, preventing it from stagnating and preventing the appearance of new stones.

The human body needs fats. They are building blocks of cells and take part in the production of bile. You shouldn't eliminate fats from your diet completely. Nutrition for cholelithiasis (cholelithiasis) should include butter and vegetable oils (olive, pumpkin, flaxseed).

Often, gallstones are not the patient’s only problem. The diet is beneficial for the entire digestive tract.

Nutrition for cholelithiasis during an exacerbation should be severely limited. To do this, use table No. 5A. The diet for gallstone disease and pancreatitis is called 5P.

The list of what you can eat changes depending on the patient’s condition.

If the disease is not in the acute phase, you are allowed to prepare the following dishes:

  • based on vegetables, sweet fruits, and berries;
  • from lean meat and fish;
  • croup;

They can be consumed boiled, fresh, stewed or baked. It is allowed to add a small amount of butter or vegetable oil.

Supplement the diet:

  • white breadcrumbs, stale rye bread;
  • seeds (pumpkin, sunflower);
  • nuts;
  • bran;
  • seafood;
  • mild and low-fat hard cheese;
  • low-fat cottage cheese.

As a dessert, patients with cholelithiasis are suitable:

  • biscuits;
  • lightly dried biscuit;
  • prunes, dried apricots and other dried fruits;
  • jelly;
  • jelly;
  • marshmallows;
  • marmalade;
  • paste;
  • honey, jam.

The following drinks are allowed for cholelithiasis:

  • kefir, curdled milk, milk;
  • still mineral water;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices;
  • weak tea.

In case of biliary colic, the diet is adjusted individually.

What fruits can you eat if you have cholelithiasis? Patients are interested in particulars, because there are hundreds of items on the market.

For gallstone disease, the list is limited to:

  1. Sweet apples. It is advisable to bake apples or make apple juice.
  2. Avocado. The fruit contains a minimum of acids and a maximum of healthy vegetable fats.
  3. Mango. Also a source of fat.
  4. Bananas. They are rich in pectins, which absorb toxins and remove them from the body.
  5. Strawberries. The juices of the berry thin the bile and dissolve the formed stones.
  6. Melons. Different varieties berries contain lycopene. Carotenoid pigment has a choleretic effect.
  7. Watermelons. They are natural laxatives, relieving constipation associated with cholelithiasis.

It's better not to eat grapes. The product is excluded from the diet due to the likelihood of bloating.

Vegetables you should give preference to:

  • broccoli, cauliflower;
  • beets, carrots;
  • potatoes.

When treating without surgery, foods containing large amounts of magnesium will be useful:

  • beans, lentils, peas;
  • nuts;
  • porridge (barley, buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat);
  • seaweed;
  • dill;
  • carrot;
  • beet.

Before including legumes in your diet for cholelithiasis, you should consult your doctor.

If you follow a diet, gallstone disease can be treated without surgery. Products are capable of healing due to their composition. Gallstones are formed from substances entering the body, for example, cholesterol and calcium salts. There are no dangerous substances in the diet, and there are no problems.

Doctors recommend oatmeal for breakfast for any disorders of the gastrointestinal tract ( gastrointestinal tract).

Such nutrition for cholelithiasis produces an anti-inflammatory effect, partially relieves spasms. Completely or partially prohibited foods

The therapeutic diet for patients with gallstones is based on the principle of excluding foods that:

  • increase cholesterol levels;
  • increase the amount of bile;
  • cause bladder contractions;
  • form salts that precipitate on the walls of the organ;
  • generally impair the functioning of the digestive system;
  • lead to constipation.

It is worth removing completely from the diet for cholelithiasis:

  • animal fat;
  • individual species vegetables (radish, radish);
  • all types of fish caviar;
  • goose, duck and other fatty meats;
  • high fat dairy products;
  • salty and hard cheeses;
  • all smoked meats and sausages;
  • semi-finished products;
  • fast food;
  • refined oil;
  • all types of spices;
  • pickled mushrooms, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.;
  • spinach, sorrel;
  • garlic;
  • fatty fish;
  • Alcoholic drinks are also prohibited;
  • fresh baked goods;
  • cocoa;
  • black coffee;
  • chocolate, candy;
  • pies, pastries, shortbread;
  • cakes and pastries.

Prohibited foods for gallstone disease must be replaced with healthy ones. Preference is given to plant foods.

Every gastroenterologist has a table of caloric content of foods. The diet for gallstone disease should be selected in accordance with it.

The diet for cholelithiasis prohibits all fried foods. Diet during exacerbation of cholelithiasis involves more stringent restrictions. All food must be grated; eating pieces is not allowed.

Especially dangerous product For people with gallstones, eggs, in particular the yolk, are recognized. Why? Food can cause stones to move. The stones end up in the bile ducts, blocking them and causing pain.

Exacerbation of the disease is accompanied by spasms in the right hypochondrium, inflammation of the gallbladder, and disorders of the digestive tract. The pancreas may become inflamed.

Nutrition for cholelithiasis during this period has a number of features:

  1. The first day they are fasting.
  2. On day 2, foods begin to be introduced into the diet.
  3. For another 3 days, the food should be crushed into a soufflé or puree.
  4. It is unacceptable to consume whole milk.
  5. Soups should have the consistency of slime.
  6. Meat in small quantities added before switching to extended nutrition.

The following are allowed from cereals:

  • semolina;
  • oatmeal.

When the health of patients with cholelithiasis improves, the diet is expanded. New rules are introduced in 7 days. When test results confirm that acute phase passed, after 10–14 days they switch to standard diet No. 5, which they adhere to for a long time.

During the treatment of cholelithiasis, two main diets are used:

  1. A magnesium diet for gallstone disease blocks muscle spasms. By saturating the body with magnesium, patients prevent stones from pushing into the ducts.
  2. Table No. 5 (“B”, “A”). This is a diet with an emphasis on the way food is prepared. It is allowed to consume products that contain various components in approximately equal proportions.

Products rich in magnesium can be consumed for 12 days (3 diets for 4 days).

Table number 5 for cholelithiasis includes dishes that are consumed outside the exacerbation phase.

A sample menu for the week looks like this:

  1. Day one. In the morning - millet porridge with dried fruits and cottage cheese with sweet berries. For lunch – rice slimy soup, fish balls. It should be steamed. In the evening we enjoy beef cooked in the oven and stewed cabbage. An apple is suitable for dessert.
  2. Day two. In the morning - cottage cheese casserole with semolina and berries. For lunch - soup with buckwheat, vegetable salad (cucumber and cauliflower), boiled beef. In the evening - vinaigrette, 1 egg, a glass of kefir or low-fat yogurt, soaked dried apricots.
  3. Day three. In the morning - semolina with berries (jam), yogurt. For lunch - boiled pasta, low-fat baked fish. In the evening - pumpkin and apple salad, steamed chicken cutlet.
  4. Day four. In the morning - banana, low-fat cottage cheese, yesterday's bread with a slice of cheese. For lunch - cutlet, buckwheat or rice porridge, beetroot. In the evening – minced chicken, baked in the oven, green pea puree.
  5. Day five. In the morning - a salad of hard cheese and broccoli, a protein omelet. At lunch - fish cutlet(steamed meatballs), zucchini soup. In the evening - boiled beets with prunes, cabbage rolls minced chicken and rice.
  6. Day six. In the morning - semolina cheesecakes with dried apricots, buckwheat porridge, hard cheese. For lunch - mashed potatoes, cucumber and tomato salad, steamed fish cutlets. In the evening - rice porridge, shrimp salad, boiled cabbage and eggs.
  7. Day seven. In the morning - cottage cheese pudding. For lunch - rice soup with tomato and egg, boiled veal. In the evening - casserole with fish and sour cream, mashed potatoes.

Selected recipes for dishes from table No. 5:

  1. Cottage cheese pudding. Take 15 grams. semolina, 5 gr. butter, 20 ml milk, 120 cottage cheese with a small percentage of fat content, 10 gr. hard cheese, 30 gr. low-fat sour cream. Add semolina to the milk and leave for 10–15 minutes. Beat the whites. The cottage cheese is passed through a meat grinder and prepared eggs, semolina and grated cheese are added. Mix everything and place it in a greased frying pan. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10–15 minutes.
  2. Cabbage cutlets. 315 gr. Finely chop the cabbage, pour in 25 grams. milk and add 10 g. butter. Simmer until done. The resulting mass is passed through a meat grinder, adding salt and the white of 1 egg. Having formed the cutlets, roll them in breadcrumbs and bake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees. Delicious dish ready for patients with cholelithiasis.

To the menu for gallstones, you need to add weak teas, compotes, freshly squeezed juices and other drinks from the list of permitted drinks.

Most diets involve temporary dietary restrictions. The exception is table No. 5. Its components allow you to provide the body with everything it needs without compromising your health. Patients with gallstones should adhere to a diet throughout their lives.

If the patient has been diagnosed with cholelithiasis (acute or chronic cholecystitis) and gallstones have been discovered, an important component of treatment is following a special diet. It must be followed after treatment of the disease or surgical intervention. During a period of exacerbation, the diet should be especially gentle.

Gallstone disease almost never manifests itself separately. Therefore, inflammation in the gallbladder is accompanied by other pathologies that affect the following organs:

Diet No. 5 is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • Gallstone disease.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Gallstones.

What is included in this diet, what are its features and how it should be followed during an exacerbation of the disease, we will find out further.

If you have gallstones or gallstones, you need to follow these rules in terms of nutrition:

If you have gallstones and cholecystitis, you need to follow a diet that, although it allows you to eat fruit, is not all. With diet number 5 you need exclude from the diet the following sour fruits and berries:

The following fruits are acceptable for gallstones:

  • Bananas.
  • Sweet apples;
  • Melon.
  • Watermelon.
  • Avocado.
  • Strawberry.
  • Papaya.

But it’s better to cancel the grapes for now. The fact is that against the background of cholelithiasis and gallstones, the patient may experience diseases of the digestive system in the form of pancreatitis or gastritis. Therefore it is necessary remove foods from your diet, which can provoke inflammation and fermentation of organs. These include grapes, black bread, kvass, cabbage and others.

Listen to yourself, if after this or that fruit you feel discomfort in your stomach, you need to either give it up or reduce the dose of consumption.

Vegetables for gallstone disease

But as for vegetables, there are no restrictions on them for cholecystitis and gallstones. But you need to be careful white cabbage in its raw form. If pancreatitis does not appear against the background of cholelithiasis, it can be consumed.

And when you suffer from pancreatic disorders, cabbage need to be boiled or baked. Even sauerkraut is allowed, but not too sour.

Eat the following vegetables without worry:

  1. Carrot.
  2. Zucchini.
  3. Potato.
  4. Beet.
  5. Pumpkin.
  6. Green peas.

You can eat tomatoes, but not during an exacerbation period; the skin must be cut off and do not overeat on them. Tomatoes excluded salted and pickled. Legumes are excluded from this diet, but they can be eaten in small portions during remission.

So, you have found out that if you have gallstone disease, you need to follow a diet that excludes spicy, canned, fatty and fried foods. What can you drink? The following drinks are allowed during this period:

You should drink mineral water half an hour before meals, drink natural tea, not packaged. But coffee, especially instant coffee, for gallstone disease dangerous, like chicory. It has no less harmful effects on the gastric mucosa.

It is best to avoid coffee, even natural coffee, if you suffer from diseases of the stomach and pancreas due to gallstones. If this cannot be done, then limit the concentration of the drink, mix it with milk and do not drink it on an empty stomach.

Strictly prohibited on this diet cold drinks, especially with ice; alcohol in any form. If there is no exacerbation or pain, then up to 50 grams of dry high-quality wine is allowed, but only when you yourself want to drink it.

List of permitted and prohibited foods during the diet

When dieting against the background of gallstone disease, it is advisable to include the following in your diet: healthy products and dishes:

The following products are prohibited:

  • meat and fish of fatty varieties;
  • salo;
  • animal fats and products that contain them (for example, butter);
  • fatty sauces (for example, mayonnaise);
  • egg yolk;
  • fried foods;
  • smoked meats;
  • canned food (meat and fish);
  • fish and meat broths;
  • mushroom soup;
  • sweet flour products;
  • sour berries and fruits;
  • cocoa and cocoa-containing products (chocolate);
  • coffee;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • hot spices and seasonings;
  • vinegar marinades;
  • sour and carbonated drinks.

Menu for gallstone disease

Diet menu number 5 during the day might look something like this:

The course of treatment with diet lasts from one and a half years. All ingredients and composition of dishes can be changed, but observe general recommendations diet is necessary.

If a period of exacerbation of cholelithiasis occurs, then a special diet is practiced, which is called diet No. 5a. The duration of its observance is up to two weeks, then the patient must return to a regular diet. The diet menu during an exacerbation may be approximately as follows:

  • Breakfast - semolina porridge, protein-based omelet, tea with milk.
  • Second breakfast - porridge with buckwheat, seasoned olive oil, steamed meat cutlets, stale white bread, tea.
  • Lunch - half a serving of vegetable broth soup with rice, boiled chicken fillet, buckwheat porridge on vegetable oil, dessert jelly with milk.
  • Dinner - mashed potatoes, boiled fish, tea with milk.
  • 2 hours before going to bed - kefir.

As you can see, in case of gallstone disease, in order to improve the condition, you need to follow a fairly strict diet, which involves giving up many foods. Of course, it will be extremely difficult to limit yourself. But this is the only way to prevent the formation of gallstones or stop the process that has started, and also reduce the risk of surgical intervention.

The therapeutic diet for chronic or acute pathologies with the presence of gallstones has 8 basic rules. For each phase of cholelithiasis there are certain products from which you can create a menu.

Gallstone disease (GSD, cholelithiasis) refers to diseases of the digestive system. Most often it occurs against the background of poor nutrition or the presence of certain pathologies. Diet for gallstones is one of the methods of treating cholelithiasis. It must be observed during therapy, during remission, after crushing stones. A properly selected menu will help avoid complications of cholelithiasis.

The nutrition system proposed by M.I. Pevzner in 1929 is still relevant. He developed therapeutic diets for each group of diseases. People who have developed stone formation in the biliary system or have inflamed gallbladder are prescribed table No. 5 (indication: chronic cholelithiasis) and No. 5-a for acute forms of cholelithiasis.

Often, inflammation of the organ and the formation of stones are combined simultaneously. The combination of these factors is diagnosed as “chronic calculous cholecystitis.” At poor nutrition the pathology constantly recurs. Therefore, a diet is prescribed for calculous cholecystitis, but the patient’s menu is adjusted depending on the clinical course of the disease.

Basic rules dietary nutrition for cholelithiasis and other gallbladder diseases:

  • the diet should contain up to 100 g of protein, 80 g of fat, 350 g of carbohydrates;
  • You should not consume more than 10 g of salt per day;
  • the calorie content of food must correspond to a person’s energy expenditure;
  • You should follow a diet and small meals (5-6 times a day in small portions);
  • the food temperature during consumption should be 15–65° C;
  • food cannot be fried, and the recommended cooking method is boiling (in water, steaming) or stewing;
  • It is better to eat food in crushed form;
  • you need to drink up to 2 liters of “free” liquid per day;
  • It is recommended to stop drinking alcohol and alcohol-containing drinks.

The diet for chronic calculous cholecystitis and cholelithiasis prescribes the consumption of large amounts of vegetable fats and proteins. It is recommended to reduce lipids of animal origin to 30% of the total daily food intake.

Herbal treatment and diet for cholelithiasis

Nutrition for gallstone disease can be combined with herbal medicine. Medicinal plants should be selected with the help of a doctor.

A simple recipe for a decoction to soften stones in the biliary system:

  • 40 g each of St. John's wort and caraway seeds;
  • 30 g knotweed;
  • 100 g chamomile flowers;
  • 20 g buckthorn bark.

Consultation with a doctor is required, since the decoction can increase the gallstone release of contents from the bladder, and a large calculus will block the duct!

Preparation: mix the raw materials, then overnight 4 tbsp. l. The mixture is poured with 1000 ml of cold water, and in the morning it is boiled and cooled. Application: drink 250 ml of warm liquid on an empty stomach, and the rest - 4 times over 8 hours. A fresh decoction is made every day.

Diet rules for exacerbation of cholelithiasis

The main requirements are adherence to the regime and the exclusion of prohibited foods from the diet, and it is also important to minimize foods that can be eaten in limited quantities for cholecystitis and chronic cholelithiasis. Gallstone stagnation often exacerbates other pathologies. During this period, the patient is transferred to diet No. 5-a. This diet is also used if there has been surgery (cholecystectomy) and the gallbladder has been removed. The usual course of diet therapy lasts up to 2 weeks.

The diet for exacerbation of gallstone disease is based on the following principles:

  • eating all food pureed;
  • refusal of juices and fresh fruits, berries, raw vegetables;
  • additional intake of vitamin-mineral complexes.

If the gallbladder has not returned to normal functioning within 14 days, the duration of the course is extended. The first week after finishing the diet is preparing the digestive system for table No. 5. You must continue to clean solid foods and gradually introduce those dishes that the doctor allows.

Energy requirements for cholelithiasis

It is recommended that an adult working person consume meals with a calorie content of up to 3200 kilocalories per day. The diet or lactation should contain food increased energy value(up to 3500 kcal), and for people with limited mobility and pensioners – reduced (up to 2700 kcal).

Doctors may reduce this number of kilocalories due to obesity or other contraindications.

You can use specially designed tables or an on-line calculator to find out what calorie content the finished dish has. When choosing a menu via the Internet, you should take into account that many recipes are prepared for the purpose of losing weight. They are not recommended for use in diabetes, anemia, or pregnancy.

A complex dish is calculated using the formula 100 g = B × 100 / A, where B is the total calorie content of the products used, and A reflects the weight of the finished portion in grams.

Foods allowed for diet for cholelithiasis

Eat more food containing a lot of lipotropic substances and pectins. A diet for gallstone disease should also include foods rich in fiber, calcium and magnesium. Most of them are found in protein and dairy foods, apples, cereals, and seafood.

List of products approved for use for cholelithiasis or cholecystitis:

  • rice, buckwheat or oatmeal porridge with water;
  • baked vegetables;
  • pasta;
  • vegetable soup, borscht;
  • butter;
  • low-fat fermented milk products;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • cheese casserole;
  • stewed dietary meat;
  • gray bran bread;
  • unrefined vegetable oil;
  • any dried fruit with honey, marshmallows, jam;
  • ripe watermelon;
  • natural coffee with low-fat milk;
  • tea with a slice of lemon;
  • alkaline, sodium bicarbonate, calcium sulfate bicarbonate;
  • pomegranate, quince, blueberry juice.

The diet can be combined with weekly fasting days when you are allowed to eat only vegetables, dairy products or rice with compote.

Prohibited foods for cholelithiasis

The treatment table must provide correct work biliary system. In order not to provoke excessive formation and release of secretions, food for gallstones should not contain.

List of foods prohibited for consumption for cholecystitis or cholelithiasis:

  • carbonated sweet and mineral waters;
  • fresh bakery and flour products (white bread, pancakes, pies, etc.);
  • pastry cream;
  • spicy, bitter, pickled, canned, fatty foods;
  • fried foods;
  • boiled yolk, scrambled eggs;
  • milk (3.2% or more), high-fat fermented milk products;
  • salty or spicy hard cheese, feta cheese;
  • margarine, lard;
  • pork, lard, corned beef, smoked meats;
  • rich broths;
  • fatty duck, goose;
  • mushrooms;
  • kidneys, liver;
  • catfish, salmon, eel and sturgeon, salted or smoked fish, caviar, canned fish;
  • okroshka;
  • juices containing citrus fruit;
  • fresh grapes, cranberries;
  • mustard;
  • fast food;
  • sushi;
  • mayonnaise, vinegar;
  • sausage products;
  • barley, pearl barley;
  • beans, asparagus, peas;
  • raw cabbage, radish, radish, rhubarb, sorrel;
  • garlic, onions, horseradish;
  • thyme, parsley;
  • chocolate, pastry cream, ice cream;
  • instant coffee, cocoa.

Gallstone disease cannot be treated with choleretic drugs without medical prescription. The diet also excludes foods high in purines, nitrogenous compounds, oxalic acid, and refractory fats. Do not use foods rich in cholesterol for cooking.

Consequences of poor diet in gallstone disease

A correctly selected menu prevents and stops stone formation. If cholelithiasis is not treated, gallstones inside the bladder can eventually rupture the organ and block the ducts. The reason for this is the continuous increase in stones.

Failure to comply with the diet also leads to constant relapses and prevents the stones from being dissolved using gentle therapeutic methods, which is why the gallbladder is often removed. The most dangerous complications of cholelithiasis are considered to be biliary cirrhosis, gallstone ileus (intestinal obstruction), and/or liver.

Sample daily menu for cholelithiasis and cholecystitis

The principle of nutrition today remains the same as in the last century: food should be healthy, fresh, and the diet should be complete.

Sample menu for cholelithiasis (chronic type of cholelithiasis).

  1. Breakfast: 150 g cheese casserole, 130 g oatmeal with olive oil, green tea.
  2. Lunch (second breakfast): baked apple with cottage cheese, raisins, unsweetened compote.
  3. Dinner: fish soup with rice, 150 g stewed pumpkin, 50 g veal, 250 ml non-concentrated juice.
  4. Afternoon snack: 200 g of compote, a portion of bread, lean crackers.
  5. Dinner: 150 g of baked potatoes, 100 g of steamed fish, cabbage and carrot cutlet, 1 cup of tea with lemon.
  6. Light snack before bed: 250 ml low-fat yogurt.

Chronic cholecystitis and cholelithiasis require long-term treatment. The usual duration of the diet according to table No. 5 is 2 years.

Sample menu for acute cholelithiasis (table No. 5-a).

  1. Breakfast: 150 g of semolina in water with added milk, 100 g of boiled quail proteins, 250 ml of tea with lemon.
  2. Lunch: 150 g lean buckwheat, 100 g steamed kolet, 150 ml non-carbonated mineral water.
  3. Lunch: 150 g rice soup, 100 g chopped cooked chicken, 100 g milk jelly, a cup of tea.
  4. Afternoon snack: 250 ml of rosehip infusion with a slice of stale bread.
  5. Dinner: 150 g of vegetable puree (carrots, potatoes, pumpkin), 100 g of steamed pollock, weak tea.
  6. Light snack a couple of hours before bedtime: 200 ml of low-fat yogurt.

In case of relapse, the diet is followed for 10-14 days, then they switch to the menu corresponding to table No. 5.


Therapeutic nutrition for cholelithiasis or calculous cholecystitis and the calorie content of food should be selected with the help of a nutritionist and attending physician. This is due to the fact that some approved products for cholelithiasis are not always safe for concomitant diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus, thyroiditis. Doctors also recommend following basic diet rules throughout your life. This will help stop gallstone cholecystitis, avoid complications of cholecystitis and cholelithiasis.

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