Diet for gallstones, what can you eat for cholecystitis? Dried fruit compote.

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Inflammatory processes gastrointestinal tract(GIT) are often associated with limiting sour foods, but is it possible to eat tomatoes with pancreatitis and cholecystitis and in what form, at what stage of the disease? These diseases usually involve a diet with exclusion fatty foods. In any case, tomatoes are not the most dangerous products for these diseases, and rarely does anyone seriously adhere to the most stringent forms of prescriptions “at home.” However, according to the regulations – can you eat tomatoes or not?

The official source of information on dietary nutrition is government recommendations for medical institutions. According to these recommendations, any patient should receive 10 g of cucumbers/tomatoes and 3-5 g of tomato puree within daily norm. These general indicators do not differ depending on the diseases and types of recommended diets and apply equally to diets with increased chemical and mechanical sparing.

Diet No. 5, which is prescribed for pancreatitis and cholecystitis, belongs to this type. This selection of diet provides support for the inflamed pancreas and reduces the excitability of the gallbladder.

The general principles of diet No. 5 imply:

  • Small meals 5-6 times a day.
  • Gentle cooking methods: steamed, pureed, boiled, baked.

  • High protein content (120 g), no more than 60–80 g of fat, 300–350 g of carbohydrates.
  • Avoiding foods that are too cold.
  • Exclusion of meat and fish broths and fatty red meat.

Of the vegetables, only cabbage can be restricted; tomatoes are allowed taking into account the 2nd point of this list, that is, the method of preparation for consumption.

Pancreatic enzymes are primarily responsible for the digestion of fats, but also for the breakdown of other types of food. With inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), the production of enzymes is difficult, and the load on this organ is increased. With prolonged inflammation and lack of treatment, death is possible due to the death of pancreatic tissue. Therefore, especially in acute, but also in chronic cases of the disease, it is better to adhere to the instructions. If we are not talking about leaving acute pancreatitis and there is no question about gentle purees, then tomatoes in the diet can be treated calmly, based on the body’s reaction to the digestion of fiber and sour. The same applies to the gallbladder.

For these diseases, general dietary principles during recovery from the acute stage include a gradual increase in load:

  1. In the acute stage of pancreatic inflammation, fasting is required for up to five days, so there is simply no question of tomatoes.
  2. Then the food goes to soups and mashed boiled products of carbohydrate origin, that is, cereals, fruits and vegetable purees, which should not be sour (if apples, then baked, and so on).
  3. Then steamed proteins (animal products) are introduced.
  4. Lastly and gradually introduced vegetable oils.

With all this, seasonings and salt are limited.

Tomatoes can be included in vegetable purees, but since tomatoes can be quite sour, sometimes unripe or hard, and also contain rough skin, you should, if possible, exclude these factors when consuming them, bringing these fruits to a “gentle” diet regimen.

In any case, all vegetables are boiled or steamed to prevent diarrhea.

Cases when tomatoes or products based on them are not recommended for pancreatic and biliary diseases, except for the acute stage of the disease, suggest that:

  1. You should not eat sour and unripe tomatoes uncooked.
  2. You should not leave the skins of tomatoes, either fresh or cooked.
  3. You should not eat tomatoes in canned form or with the addition of vinegars, as well as “essential” roots (for example, parsley and celery) and fresh onions.
  • food allergies, since tomatoes are high in histamine;
  • colitis and other diseases of the intestinal mucosa;

  • gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), the main symptom of which is heartburn, since in this case foods that reduce pressure in the lower esophageal sphincter, including tomatoes, are not recommended.

In addition, tomatoes contain substances that increase serotonin - in fairly large quantities, so that sometimes they are not recommended for concomitant intestinal oncologies (associated with excessive production of such hormones).

In terms of composition, a standard tomato does not present anything suspicious and in fact contains, in addition to water, vitamins A, E, C, group B, nicotinic acid, organic acids, dietary fiber, pectin substances, carotenoids, and lycopene, which has recently become popular for its record antioxidant and anticarcinogenic activity. (an indicator of which is usually the red color of the fruit).

Tomatoes are especially rich in histamine, potassium, “anti-cancer” lycopene and folic acid– in dietary recommendations they fall into the top ten in these categories.

The most active factors affecting the gastrointestinal tract in general are:

  • coarse, and therefore difficult to digest, elements of the fruit - primarily the skin;
  • acid (due to the high – up to 25 mg per 100 g – content of ascorbic acid);
  • cooking features that involve the addition of vinegar or oils, that is, fats (salads, lecho, soups, pickles, etc.).

From this list, the roughness of food leads to increased peristalsis and gas formation, which has a negative effect on diseases of the intestinal mucosa, and the acidity of the fruit is harmful for stomach problems. Tomato sauces are food products stimulating gastric secretion. Tomatoes also reduce the tone of the esophageal sphincter and can increase reflux syndrome, irritate the esophagus and provoke heartburn.

For the functioning of the gallbladder and pancreas, the form of preparation and the presence of fiber from this list are most relevant. If we are talking about a ripe tomato without skin, without adding oils, then in the chronic course of both diseases, consumption in this form will not give any negative consequences and is generally allowed.

Sample recipes with tomatoes for non-acute pancreatitis and cholecystitis

The general principles of mechanical and chemical sparing for tomatoes mean that the fruit must be peeled and prepared as a puree or paste. Tomato puree should be boiled.

Sample recipes with tomatoes that show what strict adherence to a diet for pancreatitis and cholecystitis would look like could be as follows:

  1. Lean white or red meat, preferably veal, is boiled or blanched (quickly scalded or doused with boiling water) until half cooked, then poured with tomato and simmered until the meat reaches a soft consistency for one to two hours (depending on the size of the piece).
  2. A chicken breast or a piece of veal or rabbit is pre-blanched or boiled until tender, poured with tomato sauce and baked in the oven until glossy. It is possible to add cereals and potatoes, excluding cabbage.

You should know that tomatoes, especially small ones like cherry tomatoes, are sometimes used to make a powder that replaces sugar in healthy versions of products, including confectionery ones. Tomato powders can also be used for pancreatitis and cholecystitis and are generally recommended in therapeutic dietetics.

Tomato juice can be used in diluted form, but it can cause fluid retention in the body.

Thus, if a person is not hospitalized for acute conditions pancreas or gall bladder, tomatoes cannot harm it. For additional and strict care of these organs during non-acute stages of both diseases, you should eat tomatoes without frying, adding onions and aromatic herbs, without preservation and after removing the skin. Eating tomatoes by themselves will not cause any aggravation, but in general these measures will reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract.


Tomatoes for cholecystitis are included in the list healthy vegetables. Doctors' recommendations for eating tomatoes during illness are due to the rich content of vitamins, minerals, natural sugars and dietary fiber in vegetables. Plant fiber Vegetables help remove cholesterol from the body, which plays a significant role in the formation of gallstones. Tomatoes have a powerful choleretic effect, thin the blood, cleanse the walls of blood vessels, suppress appetite, and help normalize salt metabolism. Low calorie tomatoes makes them a valuable dietary product.

A patient with cholecystitis needs to balance the daily menu as much as possible, in sufficient quantity it should contain protein foods, freshly squeezed juices, as well as foods rich in plant fiber: vegetables, fruits, wholemeal bread. Vegetables like fresh cucumbers, carrots, potatoes, beets, zucchini, cabbage, and eggplants should also be included in the daily diet.

Eating for health benefits

It is better to eat tomatoes for cholecystitis in fresh. A variety of salads containing vegetables will benefit the patient. For example, you can cook fresh cucumbers and tomatoes in combination with herbs. The salad is very popular and very simple, while containing a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It is advisable to use vegetable oils as a dressing, including olive, flaxseed, corn and sunflower. They will help you get the maximum benefit for your body. It is advisable to eat tomatoes separately from foods containing starch (bread, potatoes). This is fraught with the formation of stones.

When creating a menu, do not forget about natural fruit and vegetable juices. Is it possible to drink tomato juice if you are sick? Tomato juice is allowed for consumption. Tomato juice is famous for its high content of pectin, which reduces total cholesterol. It is quite thick, invigorating, gives a feeling of satiety, and perfectly tones. If you prepare the drink yourself, flavor it with quality olive oil, add a little fresh parsley, you get a wonderful complete dish. A real salvation for those who are temporarily or permanently on a diet.

The benefits of freshly squeezed vegetable juice will increase if you drink it warm without adding flavor enhancers such as salt and sugar. Any cold food in chronic cholecystitis can provoke spasm of the biliary tract and cause extremely unpleasant painful sensations.

Tomato juice should not be drunk during an exacerbation of the disease.

Chefs have numerous recipes for main dishes that include tomatoes.

The most preferred heat treatment methods:

Patients with cholecystitis are allowed a variety of vegetable soups based on low-fat broth. For example, an unusual soup with Brussels sprouts, tomatoes and wheat croutons. They are sent to the pre-prepared meat broth Brussels sprouts and tomato pulp. The soup is kept on fire for several minutes. Crackers and fresh herbs are added to the finished dish.

Nutritionists allow baked tomatoes in the oven. They can be baked in slices or whole. It is recommended to add vegetable oil only to prepared vegetables and not to heat it. Otherwise it will lose its healing properties. Sour cream works well as a dressing; it will soften the effect of organic acids.

Caution when using

During periods of exacerbation of diseases, it is allowed to eat no more than 200–300 g of these vegetables per day.

A patient with cholecystitis should exclude from the diet:

  1. Tomatoes in tomato paste and ketchup.
  2. Pickled, salted, canned tomatoes due to the high content of vinegar and salt.
  3. Green tomatoes are eaten raw because they contain solanine.

Food on the diet table can increase appetite and bring pleasure. This is especially important during illness. At correct use In food and in moderation, tomatoes will help diversify your daily diet and will only bring benefits.

Diet for cholecystitis: rules and sample menu

Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the walls of the gallbladder, which occurs both in older people and among patients of other age groups. One of the main aspects of treating the disease is therapeutic nutrition. Therefore, it is useful for patients with cholecystitis to know the basic principles of the diet for cholecystitis and sample menu for a week.

Diet rules

At chronic inflammation gallbladder, it is important to eat small and regularly. There should be 5-6 meals per day. You need to eat at the same time in small portions. Thanks to these measures, bile will be produced at the right time and in sufficient quantity. Too cold and too hot can cause spasm of the bile ducts, so food should be consumed warm.

You will have to exclude the following foods and drinks from your diet:

  • strong coffee and tea;
  • alcohol;
  • carbonated drinks, including mineral water with gas;
  • chocolate;
  • everything that can irritate the digestive tract - spicy, salty, smoked;
  • any canned food and marinades;
  • products with food additives(dyes, flavor enhancers, etc.).

You should limit your consumption of animal fats, sweets and baked goods. So, it's better to refuse butter, lard, lamb, pork, fatty fish and poultry (goose, duck meat).

The above rules can significantly reduce the frequency of attacks of chronic cholecystitis. During periods of exacerbation of the disease, as well as when diagnosing acute cholecystitis, in addition to diet, it is necessary to use drug treatment, and sometimes more radical methods. You can learn about how cholecystitis is treated depending on its form in the article: Features of the treatment of acute and chronic cholecystitis using various methods.

The menu for chronic cholecystitis can include:

  • various soups;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • vegetable oil (small quantity);
  • fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt);
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • natural juices, compotes from fruits, berries and dried fruits;
  • pasta and cereals;
  • bread in the form of crackers, preferably rye or with bran.

It is useful to cook vegetable and cereal soups in vegetable, weak meat or fish broth. Meat products can include beef, veal, rabbit, and chicken, but before cooking, all films and visible fat must be removed from the meat. It is recommended to cook buckwheat, rice and oatmeal more often from cereals.

Cooking methods

To ensure that dishes retain the greatest amount of useful substances and do not irritate the gallbladder, they should be prepared correctly. It is better to boil and steam foods. You can bake food in the oven and stew it, but do not add oil or fat. The diet for calculous cholecystitis has its own characteristics. Information about this can be obtained from the video at the end of the article.

Sample menu for 7 days

As a diet for cholecystitis, you can use the sample menu described below.


  1. Breakfast - cottage cheese casserole with raisins (150 g), slightly sweetened weak coffee with milk.
  2. Second breakfast - fruit salad of apples and pears with honey and walnuts.
  3. Lunch – buckwheat porridge with steamed chicken cutlet, seaweed, dried apricot compote.
  4. Afternoon snack – baked apple and berry jelly.
  5. Dinner - vinaigrette, egg white omelette with parsley or dill.
  1. Breakfast - oatmeal porridge with a piece of boiled veal, rose hip decoction.
  2. Second breakfast – low-fat cottage cheese with 1 banana.
  3. Lunch – soup with pearl barley and vegetables, 1 pepper stuffed with rice and ground beef, dried apple compote.
  4. Afternoon snack – tomato and cucumber salad with herbs, seasoned with a teaspoon of olive oil.
  5. Dinner – milk rice soup with savory cookies (3 pcs.).
  1. Breakfast – semolina porridge with apple jam, tea with milk.
  2. Second breakfast - a protein omelet with herbs and a slice of bran bread.
  3. Lunch – mashed potatoes with a piece stewed fish, tomato salad with herbs and sunflower oil.
  4. Afternoon snack – a cup of non-acidic kefir, wheat crackers.
  5. Dinner – pilaf of rice and dried fruits, rosehip decoction.
  1. Breakfast: lazy curd dumplings, currant jelly.
  2. 2nd breakfast – tomato stuffed with apples, weak tea.
  3. Lunch – pureed vegetable soup with olive oil and herbs, pear compote, a piece of boiled chicken.
  4. Afternoon snack – carrot salad with apple, honey and raisins.
  5. Dinner – pasta with grated cheese, a glass of warm milk.
  1. Breakfast – milk soup with noodles, 1 dried bagel, weak tea.
  2. 2nd breakfast – vegetable casserole, fruit compote.
  3. Lunch – vegetarian beetroot soup, boiled beef, prune compote.
  4. Afternoon snack – salad of tomato and Adyghe cheese.
  5. Dinner – fish stewed with zucchini, fermented baked milk.
  1. Breakfast – millet porridge, chicken meatballs, tea with milk.
  2. 2nd breakfast – baked pumpkin, cranberry juice.
  3. Dinner - stewed cabbage with a portion of veal souffle, toasted wheat bread.
  4. Afternoon snack - unsweetened cookies, tea, 2 pieces of low-fat cheese.
  5. Dinner - vegetable stew with rye bread, kefir.


  1. Breakfast - puff pastry and chicken casserole, coffee with milk (not strong).
  2. 2nd breakfast – tea and 100 g of dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes).
  3. Lunch – pilaf with beef (without pepper), cucumber and cabbage salad with dill, compote.
  4. Afternoon snack – a sandwich of grain bread and cottage cheese with parsley, tea.
  5. Dinner – rice porridge with pumpkin and milk.

The specified menu for cholecystitis for a week can be combined in different ways, replacing some dishes with others. This will help make food not only healthy, but tasty and varied.

Advice: to create your own individual menu, contact a specialist nutritionist.

Recipes for some dishes

Here are a few recipes for dishes that you can use to easily and quickly prepare delicious food.

Stuffed peppers in tomato juice


  • 6 large bell peppers,
  • 0.5 kg beef or chicken breast,
  • tomato juice (1 glass),
  • boiled rice (3 tablespoons),
  • carrots (1-2 pcs.),
  • onions (2 pcs.).

You need to cut off the bottoms of the peppers, remove the seeds and rinse thoroughly outside and inside. Grind the meat in a meat grinder. Simmer chopped onion with grated carrots with a small amount water, mix with rice and minced meat. Stuff the peppers with the resulting mixture, place them in a high frying pan and pour tomato juice. When the liquid boils, reduce the heat and simmer the dish for 50-60 minutes. You can also stew the peppers in the oven.

Vegetable puree soup

The recipe for this dish for cholecystitis can be modified by changing the composition, quantity and ratio of vegetables.


  • potatoes (5 pcs.),
  • zucchini (300 g),
  • carrots (2 pcs.),
  • eggplants (2 pcs.),
  • onion (1 pc.),
  • olive oil (2 tablespoons),
  • fresh herbs (dill, parsley),
  • sweet pepper (2 pcs.).

All vegetables should be washed, peeled and cut into small pieces. First, place the potatoes in boiling water, after 10 minutes add all the remaining vegetables, except zucchini, add them 5-10 minutes before the dish is ready. When the zucchini also becomes soft, add salt to the soup, cool slightly and puree using a blender. You can also strain the vegetables through a metal sieve. Season with oil and add chopped herbs.

Baked apples


  • cottage cheese (100 g),
  • apples (4 large),
  • egg,
  • sugar (2 tablespoons),
  • crushed walnuts.

The apples must be washed and the cores removed with a knife. Grind the egg yolk with sugar, mix with cottage cheese, add nuts to the mixture. Stuff each apple and sprinkle cinnamon on top.

Moisten a baking sheet with water, place apples on it and bake them for 15-20 minutes. This dish can be used as a dessert for cholecystitis: stuffed baked apples will taste as good as a sweet cake. To make them even healthier, you can replace sugar with honey and add raisins.

But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause?

Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder, which often occurs from poor, unregulated, unbalanced nutrition. That is why an important part of therapy is diet, without which it is almost impossible to recover completely.

If you have cholecystitis, you need to balance your diet.

Diet rules

During a diet for cholecystitis, it is necessary to monitor the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is necessary to adhere to diet No. 5 in the chronic stage, and 5A during an attack. BZHU standards:

  • amount of carbohydrates 300−350 g;
  • amount of proteins 85−90 g (equally of plant and animal origin);
  • the amount of fat is 70−80 g, where 30 g is vegetable.

The calorie content of food depends on the patient's weight. Fiber is useful. Meals should be divided into up to 6 times a day; portions should be minimal. Starts while eating chemical reactions which promote the flow of bile. Equally important is the diet. It is useful to arrange meals at the same time, which improves the functioning of the gallbladder.

Alcohol in any form and in any quantity is harmful for this disease.

Alcohol has a detrimental effect even on healthy body, and in the presence of malfunctions, especially in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, its negative effect increases significantly. So drink alcoholic drinks Patients with cholecystitis are prohibited. Firstly, alcohol is often drunk chilled, which is undesirable in case of illness, since cold has a negative effect on the organ. Secondly, alcohol can provoke the formation cholelithiasis. One such drink can cause hepatic colic.

The amount of salt in the patient’s diet must be limited, as it retains water in the tissues, causing bile to thicken and making it difficult to remove. Drinking plenty of fluids, especially clean water, promotes the outflow of urine, which improves kidney function. The norms exceed 2000−2500 ml.

When you are sick, food should be eaten warm; too cold or too hot is harmful to the organ. The food temperature should be in the range of 15−60 C. Preference should be given to easily digestible fats and foods that contain a lot of magnesium salts. The latter improve the flow of bile and reduce spasms. This includes buckwheat, vegetables and fruits.

Methods of cooking: boiling, steaming, sometimes baking is allowed. Fried food is prohibited, as this method of preparation produces harmful substances, which are dangerous for a patient with cholecystitis.

Rules for eating

A positive attitude is required.

There is no need to force food into yourself just because it is healthy. Food should be enjoyable and the diet should be as varied as possible. If food is consumed “because I don’t want to,” it affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, especially the production of bile. Lack of appetite is not uncommon, but you still need to eat some food. Therefore, a positive attitude is important.

Prohibited Products

The prohibition of certain substances in cholecystitis is due to their strong choleretic effect, which makes the organ too heavily loaded. At the same time, the digestive organs work at an accelerated pace, which not only overloads the organ, but also adversely affects the body.

Some foods cause stagnation in tissues, which can cause stones to form in the organ. It is better to avoid foods that promote fermentation processes in the gastrointestinal tract, cause a large amount of gastric juice, and act as a liver irritant. Foods that are not recommended for organ inflammation:

  • salted, canned, smoked fish, its fatty varieties;
  • fresh pastries made from yeast or puff pastry, bread, fried pies;
  • hard-boiled or scrambled eggs, yolks are allowed no more than twice a week;
  • broth with fish, meat or mushrooms;
  • legumes of all types, as they cause bloating, gas formation, linger for a long time in the lower parts of the digestive system, which contributes to stagnant processes in the bladder;
  • meat and poultry of fatty varieties;
  • sausage, smoked meat;
  • sorrel, onion feathers, any mushrooms, spinach, radishes;
  • high fat milk;
  • salo;
  • marinade, especially spicy;
  • chocolate, coffee and products that contain caffeine;
  • spices and hot seasonings.
Any smoked or canned foods are prohibited.

You should completely stop drinking alcohol.
Sick people should not eat grapefruit. Grapefruit irritates the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, causing increased appetite. At the same time, healing infusions from grapefruit, on the contrary, improve the functioning of the organ. You should ask your doctor whether you should consume grapefruit. It is forbidden to eat ice cream, as cold has a bad effect on inflammation.

What is allowed to eat?

A proper diet for cholecystitis promotes a speedy recovery. The dietary table relieves the load on the gallbladder, stomach, intestines, liver, etc. Kefir, milk, cottage cheese, and yogurt have a beneficial effect. It is beneficial for the digestive system to eat poultry and low-fat fish; a positive effect is observed from seafood (shrimp, squid).

Every day you need to include berries, vegetables and fruits in your diet, since fiber is the main part of the diet. Suitable: cucumbers, zucchini, radish, pumpkin, eggplant, potatoes, beets, carrots, bell pepper etc.

The diet for cholecystitis includes eating no more than 2 eggs per week (omelet or soft-boiled). It is beneficial to eat a little butter every day. Vegetable oil, especially olive oil, has an even more positive effect. It should be remembered that vegetable oils should be consumed exclusively cold.

For patients with cholecystitis, it is useful to eat cereal porridge, but not millet cereal. It is allowed to eat pumpkin, including seeds. Bananas and pomegranates are useful fruits. The bread should be a little stale.

Pies, dumplings and dumplings must be prepared from uneatable dough. Soups are prepared only on vegetable broth, you need to eat them in the form of puree. It is recommended to consume milk soup, pea, fruit or lean soup, cabbage soup.

Drinks that are recommended include jelly, weak tea with lemon, compotes, juices, and coffee drink with milk. Sugar should not be added to juice or coffee. A decoction of rose hips and ginger roots has a beneficial effect. It is also good to eat corn silk in a decoction. For this stigma, it is better to buy it at the pharmacy. There are different recipes for making corn silk, but the simplest one is: 1 tbsp. Steam a spoonful of herbs with a glass of boiling water and drink 10 g 5 times a day.

Berries, vegetables and fruits should be included in the diet daily, but legumes should be excluded.

Diet for acute cholecystitis

The diet for cholecystitis during an exacerbation period is that for the first days the patient is allowed to eat exclusively in ground form. After improvements appear, food need not be chopped, except for fibrous meat. During this period, it is necessary to completely eliminate salt, fried, spicy, fatty and other unhealthy foods.

At this time, you need to even more carefully monitor the balance of incoming proteins, fats and carbohydrates, minerals and useful vitamins. Eggs should be completely excluded; sometimes you can eat a little steamed omelet.

During the first days, the patient can only drink about 2000 ml per day in small portions. Herbal decoctions and still mineral water are allowed. After this, food is introduced little by little in the form of puree. After an attack, the diet for cholecystitis is followed for another 3 months.

The need to follow a diet

Without proper nutrition It is difficult, sometimes impossible, to cope with cholecystitis. Dietary products reduce inflammatory process in the presence of cholecystitis, it affects the functioning of the entire digestive system.

Also, with such a diet you can fight obesity, which is often the main cause of the development of the inflammatory process in the gallbladder. Such nutrition normalizes the microflora in the intestines, improves the protective capabilities of the immune system and prevents negative consequences cholecystitis.

Consequences of not following the diet

If the patient does not want to adhere to the correct diet, he must understand that this can cause the following negative processes:

  • abscesses;
  • hepatic colic;
  • obstructive jaundice;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gangrene in the bladder;
  • stones;
  • dropsy;
  • organ perforation;
  • diffuse type peritonitis;
  • suppuration in the organ.

All these complications are most often treated only surgically.


When the gallbladder becomes inflamed, doctors diagnose cholecystitis. Since the root cause of the disease is overeating, gross errors in eating, chronic constipation, then strict dietary food In the treatment of this pathology, it is even more important than drugs.

What should be the diet for cholecystitis?

There are acalculous and calculous cholecystitis. The first form of the disease, when the walls of the gallbladder become inflamed, affects women more often. In the second case, the pathology is caused by stones blocking the ducts through which bile is excreted. Both forms have many similar symptoms. With acalculous cholecystitis, the patient experiences mild pain in the hypochondrium on the right shortly after eating. In addition to this symptom, belching, nausea, flatulence, and constipation are often observed. With calculous cholecystitis, a characteristic symptom is acute pain in the form of attacks (colic).

The therapeutic diet for cholecystitis - acute and chronic - is largely similar. However, during an exacerbation, the diet has its own characteristics. It is important not to burden diseased organs with food loads. You should eat fractionally, not 3 times, as is customary, but 5-7 times a day. You must eat strictly according to a fixed schedule, at regular intervals. You should swallow food in very small portions, chewing thoroughly.

What can you eat if you have an inflamed gallbladder? It is necessary to think through a detailed diet so that the body receives more proteins than fats and carbohydrates. Food should be boiled, stewed and steamed. Instead of rich first courses, you should prepare lean cabbage soup and vegetable soups. The diet for inflammation of the gallbladder involves eating only warm food.

It is necessary to prepare dishes using only natural products. You will have to give up everything that is difficult to digest and causes flatulence. The diet for cholecystitis, especially during its severe exacerbation, prohibits fatty, fried, hot, spicy, smoked, and sour foods. It is recommended to drink more liquids, their approximate volume is 2-2.5 liters. The best is plain water or mineral water like “Essentuki”, fresh juices.

What can you eat

It is wrong to believe that a person with such a diagnosis is doomed to a meager daily diet. Selection of useful delicious products and the dishes are very wide. Here's what you can eat for cholecystitis, when the disease does not enter a period of exacerbation:

  • vegetable salads;
  • lean cabbage soup, light vegetable and milk soups;
  • porridges and casseroles;
  • lean chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef;
  • diet sausages, frankfurters;
  • boiled and stewed fish;
  • omelette (no more than 2 times a week);
  • yogurt, kefir, yogurt, skim milk, cottage cheese, unleavened cheeses;
  • dried bran bread, biscuits;
  • fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots;
  • settled beet juice;
  • dishes based on potatoes, beets, eggplants, zucchini;
  • dill, parsley, lettuce;
  • sweet fruits (especially pears), berries;
  • non-acidic juices, jelly, compotes, rosehip infusion;
  • weak tea, coffee, preferably with milk;
  • honey (1 teaspoon per day), marmalade, jam, marshmallows, marshmallows.

What not to eat

Treatment of calculous and acalculous cholecystitis cannot be effective if the patient allows himself to eat and drink things that exacerbate the inflammatory process. The diet for cholecystitis, especially during exacerbation, strictly prohibits:

  • strong alcohol (with the exception of dry red wine in very small doses);
  • any fatty first courses;
  • pork, lamb, goose, forest game;
  • offal;
  • smoked meats, canned food, marinades;
  • French fries, pasties, pies;
  • fatty fish, caviar;
  • peas, beans, beans;
  • sorrel, radish, radish;
  • garlic, horseradish, onion, mustard, vinegar;
  • any mushrooms;
  • sour fruits, berries;
  • strong coffee, carbonated drinks, beer;
  • cocoa, chocolate, cakes with rich cream, ice cream;
  • fresh bread, sweet products.

Diet for exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis

It is important to remove the usual loads from the gallbladder, intestines and stomach. This is the main goal of the diet. Immediately, as soon as the condition worsens, it is necessary to switch to a drinking regime. The diet for chronic cholecystitis during an exacerbation period boils down to the fact that in the first days the patient should drink only weak sweetened tea, compotes, non-acidic juices, still mineral water, and in a warm form. When the pain begins to subside, you can give rice broth, pureed oatmeal, and jelly.

It is important to remember: the diet for cholecystitis during an exacerbation should be very gentle. As your health improves, your diet is replenished with lean meat and fish soup. You can give low-fat cottage cheese. About a week later, the diet for cholecystitis during an exacerbation period allows for the removal of many restrictions. You can gradually add new dishes, products, even wheat crackers. If the rules of diet treatment are strictly followed, after about a month the period of exacerbation ends and a return to the previous diet occurs.

Sample menu for cholecystitis in the acute stage

There are no particularly strict recipes. It is necessary to strive to ensure that the diet during exacerbation of cholecystitis is natural, easily digestible and varied. When preparing a diet, you can be guided by the following schemes:

Option A:

  • 1st breakfast: oatmeal, pear, compote;
  • 2nd breakfast: cottage cheese and banana puree;
  • lunch: vegetable soup, a piece of boiled chicken, jelly;
  • afternoon snack: apple and carrot salad with honey;
  • dinner: boiled pasta with grated cheese, tea with biscuits.

Option B:

  • 1st breakfast: dumplings with potatoes, rosehip infusion;
  • 2nd breakfast: beet salad;
  • lunch: milk soup, stuffed peppers with buckwheat porridge, apple juice;
  • afternoon snack: vinaigrette;
  • dinner: omelet, kefir.


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