This simple self-massage triggers self-healing mechanisms!!! Self-massage for weight loss at home Benefits and indications.

Bamboo massage is a relatively new massage technique using bamboo sticks.

It appeared on Russian territory only a few years ago, so many have not even heard of such a procedure.

Bamboo massage is very popular in Asian countries. This is especially true for resort and tourist countries such as Indonesia, China, Japan and Thailand. In these republics, bamboo massage has been practiced for many hundreds of years.

The history of the invention of Creole massage with bamboo sticks

Massage with bamboo sticks was used by the ancient tribes of Africa and America. With the help of sticks of this plant, people relieved fatigue, toned muscles and restored the body.

This type of massage became more widespread in Japan. It was used primarily for samurai after long battles and minor damage. Such procedures help to quickly regain strength.

The history of Creole massage with bamboo sticks began on the island of Mauritius, which is located in the Indian Ocean.

According to research, this type of massage began to be practiced by the local population more than 5,000 years ago.

At that time, the territory of Mauritius was inhabited by Creoles. This is a special race that appeared as a result of mixed marriages of people with European appearance and Africans.

In Russia, Creole massage appeared recently, but historians claim that it is still Ancient Rus' Bamboo wood was used to create bath brooms.

Impact on the human body

This type of massage helps improve blood circulation, stimulates collagen production, makes the skin firmer and more elastic, restores metabolism, and improves lymph flow.

Rubbing and exposure to bamboo objects improves the delivery of oxygen to tissues, resulting in rejuvenation and restoration of the body.

This type of massage perfectly corrects body contours and eliminates cellulite.

Effect of bamboo massage:

  1. Activation of metabolic processes.
  2. Improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Bamboo fibers contain silicic acid. Upon contact with the skin, it is released and has a beneficial effect on the skin, which manifests itself in faster healing of wounds and smoothing of the skin.

Types of massage

Bamboo brooms

Massage with bamboo brooms involves the use of an abundance of thin bamboo sticks, which are tied into a bundle.

The length of each twig is approximately 30 centimeters. This procedure is very popular in Thailand, which is why it is called Thai massage.

Bamboo sticks

Chinese massage involves using bamboo sticks. During the procedure, the sticks are rhythmically tapped on the human body.

Bamboo stick massage involves the use of bamboo sticks that are 35 to 40 centimeters long and approximately 3 to 4 centimeters in diameter.

Bamboo massage sticks are filled with sand or grain. Filling is mandatory. This makes the wand heavier and also creates a unique sound effect that also relaxes and calms the person.

Massage technique

This procedure is aimed at healing and relaxation, so it is carried out in a separate room with soft music. Sounds and melodies are selected based on the type of massage.

The main goal of preparing for the procedure is to completely relax the person, so before it the massage therapist warms up the body to a slight hyperemia, which is manifested by redness on the person’s skin. Hyperemia occurs due to blood overflow in the vessels.

The first stage of the procedure is very calm. The masseur kneads the body with vibration and stroking movements. Then massage oil is applied.

It is selected based on the purpose of the procedure. The use of oil helps to ensure a sliding effect, so the skin is not injured from the effects of bamboo products.

The massage starts from the feet. Initially, the massage therapist performs light blows with sticks at a speed of approximately 100 beats per minute. The blows are not felt as pain, because they are applied tangentially, so the person only feels vibration.

Then the sticks are rolled over the person’s body, twisting and squeezing movements are made. This technique helps to maximize the impact on the muscles.

If the procedure is aimed at eliminating cellulite, then special attention focuses on working out the buttocks, thighs and legs.

When massaging the abdomen, it is worth remembering that it should only be performed on an empty stomach. Tapping is done strictly clockwise. Then rolling and kneading techniques are performed on the stomach.

Neck massage is done without the help of a massage therapist. A person needs to lie on his back, put a bamboo stick under his neck and make rotating movements with his head. Using sticks on the neck and cervical vertebrae while lying on your stomach is strictly prohibited.

Massage with bamboo brooms is best done after visiting a bathhouse or sauna, when the skin has steamed. The protocol for performing a massage with bamboo brooms involves preheating the twigs with hot air.

The technique is very similar to steaming in a Russian bath. The masseur applies painless blows to the human body using patting movements.

The frequency of the clapping changes periodically. This is done to make the effect of the oil more effective and to relax the person.

After this, the massage therapist performs stroking movements, thereby massaging the main points on the human body.

On average, it will take at least 15 sessions to show the effect. The procedure is allowed to be carried out every day.

Oil selection

Base oil is an integral part of massage. Add 2-3 drops of essential oil to it. In its purest form essential oil never used for massage.

Many people believe that all oils are the same, but this is not true. They differ not only in the manufacturing method. Each oil has its own benefits and indications for use.

This is how using geranium oil helps calm nervous system, and grapefruit actively fights excess weight and cellulite. Orange or tangerine oil accelerates blood circulation and improves skin elasticity.

To get rid of extra pounds, cedar, lemon, cypress, clove and lavender oils are used. Juniper oil is an excellent detoxifier.

Indications and contraindications

Direct indications for this species no massage. It is used for fatigue and muscle tone. Recommended for the treatment of obesity.

It is worth remembering that this procedure is contraindicated in the presence of diseases such as:

  • Dermatological diseases.
  • Human immunodeficiency virus.

Today, the beauty industry is overflowing with all kinds of services that help not only maintain appearance. There are many wellness procedures aimed at achieving a state of health. These rightfully include Creole massage. It is somewhat similar to other techniques, but at the same time it is significantly different.

What is massage done?

The tools used to perform the procedure are bamboo sticks. In Asia, they symbolize longevity and health. The sticks have a smooth surface on the outside, but on the inside they are hollow on one side and filled with grain or sand on the other. The diameter of the instrument is three centimeters and the length is thirty-five centimeters.

History of origin

This type of massage was first performed in the Indian Ocean, on the Mascarene archipelago. Its immediate homeland is considered to be the island of Mauritius, where it has been known for many centuries. The name comes from the local residents - Creoles. In Russia, Creole massage remains a new phenomenon. Therefore, to this day it is considered an exotic species. Not every beauty salon offers this procedure to its clients.

Bamboo is a completely extraordinary plant, endowed with healing properties since ancient times.

It is believed that bamboo sticks restore energy balance and promote overall strengthening of the body.

With the help of massage using this equipment, it is possible to improve the overall well-being of the body, relieve stress, improve immunity and mood.

The main thing is to do right choice before purchasing, which we will try to help you with in this article.

Bamboo is a natural antiseptic that relieves inflammation and promotes rapid tissue regeneration.

The plant has mass beneficial properties. It is rich in silicic acid, which smoothes the skin and heals it.

The bamboo plant contains antioxidants, fiber, protein, polyose, phenolic acid, lactone and flavones. Thanks to such a variety of elements, bamboo tones, improves heart function, and relieves spasms of muscle fibers.

It is also a wonderful helper for depression, bamboo restores strength and stimulates the nervous system.

Bamboo symbolizes energy, beauty, strength, grace, adaptability and resilience. Bamboo sticks used for massage perfectly fit the curves of the human body; they are durable, but at the same time quite flexible.

Techniques performed with bamboo sticks:

  • Stroking. Relaxation of body and soul, stress relief.
  • Trituration. Muscle fiber tone.
  • Pressing. Elasticity of the skin, improved blood flow.
  • Pat. Breakdown of subcutaneous fat.
  • Rolling out. Treatment of diseases internal organs and systems, restoring the normal functioning of the body.
  • Stretching. Improving the transfer of oxygen and microelements to every cell of the body, filling muscle fibers with useful substances.
  • Screwing in and out. Relieving pain and tension.

How to choose the right bamboo sticks for massage

Correctly chosen bamboo sticks are the key to success. Sticks of varying lengths and cross-sectional diameters are suitable for each area of ​​the body. A total of six bamboo sticks may be needed for a massage.

  • Standard sticks for the back, buttocks and thighs stick sizes: length 40 cm, diameter 35 mm.
  • Narrow sticks for feet and hands: length 18 cm, diameter 30 mm.
  • Wide sticks for: length 40 cm, diameter 60 mm.

Inside, each of them is half filled with sand or fine grain, the second part is hollow. This is necessary to create a characteristic rhythmic sound during the session. The sticks should have optimal weight and fit comfortably in the palm of the massage therapist.

It is better to purchase bamboo sticks from a trusted spa or a specialized store. It is important to check whether the seller has certificates and licenses confirming the high quality of the raw materials.

Buy bamboo sticks for massage: price

The cost of bamboo sticks and other natural massage devices may vary between massage parlors. Average prices in Moscow and others major cities Russia:

  • Set of 2 bamboo standard sticks: 1400 – 1700 rubles.
  • Samurai broom made of bamboo rods: 1200 rubles.
  • Set of one wide bamboo stick for squeezing: 990 rubles.

Many salons prefer to create sets from different bamboo sticks, ensuring the versatility of such a set. C The price of the set varies from 2500 to 4000 rubles; it can include several types of sticks.

Bamboo sticks are suitable for samurai, Brazilian and massage.

Benefits of massage with bamboo sticks

Massage with bamboo sticks was invented by the Mauritanians who lived on the shores of the Indian Ocean. These people attached great importance to the beauty of the human body, slimness and health.

It was the Mauritanians who concluded that bamboo sticks are good at working out fatty tissues, giving the skin firmness, elasticity, and toning muscles.

Massage with bamboo sticks (or Creole massage), using vibration techniques, relieves hypertension, improves blood flow and the functioning of the lymphatic system, and promotes the removal of toxic substances. The procedure is indicated for overweight, in the presence of orange peel.

The result of a massage course is noticeable with the naked eye:

  • the skin becomes smooth, elastic, cellulite disappears;
  • the circumference of the hips, waist, and abdomen decreases;
  • the gluteal muscles become toned;
  • the body returns to normal after stress and fatigue;
  • prevention;
  • the functioning of the heart muscle and blood vessels improves;
  • metabolism accelerates.

This effect is due to the fact that during the entire forty minutes the muscles continue to work, the blood vessels narrow and dilate. At the same time, mental stress is relieved, bad thoughts go away, and a person’s emotional state improves.

For muscle pain, essential oil is additionally used: fir - for acute pain, peach - for hypotension, lavender - for cramps, lemon and pine - for muscle rigidity.


Bamboo sticks work the skin and muscles, but do not bring any discomfort or pain. These devices can be used on the feet and palms.

You can complete the procedure with a chocolate or clay wrap to enhance the effect and quickly achieve the desired results.

No doctor or medicine will help if your internal self-healing mechanisms don't work. To launch your internal first aid kit, you must always influence the body in the right way. Of course, you need to stick to the regime, eat well, and be a little nervous. But in the East, massage is considered a key aspect in maintaining one’s health.

But even better is self-massage, the methods and techniques of which were developed during many years of practice.

Self-massage with a stick is the launch of self-healing mechanisms; this technique is especially suitable for those who are limited in time. All you need is a smooth stick approximately 70–90 cm long and 2–3 cm in diameter. A gymnastics stick will also work. Editorial “So Simple!” will tell you how to do this massage correctly. You will be pleased with the effect after several sessions!

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Self-massage at home

Self-massage of the cervical spine

Self-massage of the back and buttocks

You can do it using the same principle. Rubbing with a stick until you feel pleasant, light heat and skin redness. It is also very useful to roll a stick with your foot: it removes heaviness in the legs, calms the nervous system, improves work circulatory system. The described exercises can be modified and improved during implementation. Do it daily to feel more energetic and less sick.

Using the example of this woman, you can see one of the options for self-massage using a stick.

Self-massage- This effective remedy in the fight for normal weight, which allows you to activate redox processes in tissues, more effectively remove decay products, improve blood flow and lymph flow.

You need to know the basics of self-massage and use its techniques. It is necessary to allocate additional time for self-massage, but it will not be wasted: weight loss will be more effective, and your body will be activated and tuned to health.

It should be noted that for self-massage there are the same contraindications as for massage and any physiotherapeutic procedures, therefore, if you are not completely healthy, you should consult a doctor.

Self-massage using a gymnastic stick

A gymnastic stick can be a good help when performing gymnastic exercises and self-massage. A wooden handle for a shovel, a rake, etc. may well serve as a replacement for a gymnastic stick. It is advisable to have several stick massagers of different lengths and diameters. This stick is suitable both for performing static gymnastics exercises and for performing dynamic elements. Many exercises can be performed much more effectively if you have a gymnastic stick in your hands. For example, simulating lifting a barbell is performed more realistically with such a stick representing a bar.

A gymnastic stick will help you perform self-massage. The movements of the stick are rotational with translational movement, or only linear with pressing without rotation, or only pressing. The gymnastic stick allows you to conveniently perform self-massage of the back, neck, lower back, sacrum, buttocks and hip joints, legs and arms, and the front surface of the torso.

Brush self-massage

Your arsenal should include brush self-massage, performed using a special massage brush, which can be purchased at the Health Products salon. Instead of special massage brushes, household brushes can be used: Chinese bath brushes (made of natural bristles, on a wooden base and with wooden handles) in a set, brushes for washing dishes, for cleaning clothes or for cleaning surfaces whose bristles satisfy you in terms of hardness. This brush should only be used for massage and should be disinfected periodically.

A wellness massage is carried out gently, starting from light movements and moving to more intense ones; your skin should not suffer.

The main massage technique is stroking; rubbing is also used. If necessary, light kneading and slight vibration techniques are used.

The massaging movement of the brush can be linear, spiral or circular.

The procedure for general health brush self-massage

When performing brush self-massage, it is necessary to carry out movements taking into account the direction of lymph flow, moving the brush to the nearest lymph nodes.

There are several techniques for this massage. Here is one of the options for the sequence of effects of brush massage on individual parts of the body.

Massage your feet first: first their bottom (plantar parts), and then their upper and side parts, as well as the Achilles tendons. Then massage your legs to your knees.

Massage your hands: first the palms and fingers from the inside, then the back of the hand and the back of the fingers, then the side of the palm and wrist. Then you should massage your forearms to your elbows.

Massage the hip joints, and then the lower back, sacrum and buttocks, then the lower back.

The complex ends with self-massage of the scalp and then the face. And after that you will feel vigorous and young.

Tongue brush massage

Eastern medicine recommends massaging your tongue with a special brush. We can also use a regular toothbrush. It is advisable that it be a separate brush, different from the one you use to brush your teeth. Moreover, the tongue brush, in terms of size, shape and characteristics of the bristles, should be maximally suitable for the purposes of cleaning and massaging the tongue, so as not to cause discomfort. The bristles should be relatively soft.

Tongue massage has not only hygienic significance, since it has biologically active zones associated with internal organs.

A light tongue massage cleans its surface of plaque, which improves performance. gastrointestinal tract and other organs. Plaques on the tongue contain toxins that poison the body. The appearance of toxin deposits indicates poor nutrition, and also about chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract. In addition to cleaning the tongue, it is necessary to identify existing diseases, treat yourself and organize proper nutrition. By the way, cleaning the tongue also promotes healing.

Light tongue massage and cleaning is a good healing procedure that should be performed on average two to three times a day, but can be done once. Still, it's better than nothing.

The procedure for cleaning and massaging the tongue can be combined with brushing your teeth. The brush should not be very hard and clean. Apply the paste to the brush. After applying most of the paste to the teeth, it is necessary to make light massage and cleansing movements with a brush from the base of the tongue to its tip. But you won't be able to do it right away. Your gag reflex will interfere. Therefore, you will have to accustom your body gradually. You should start from the bottom of the tongue, and then gradually move the massage start line higher and higher, closer to the base of the tongue. The more of the language you can handle, the better. But there's no need to rush.

In stores of medical equipment and health products, you can purchase a special “Lingua” massager for cleaning and massaging the tongue and use it for the specified purposes, if you like it better.

Massage with flexible roller massagers

An excellent convenient massage device, known since ancient times, is a roller massager. A chain of interconnected round or star-shaped wooden rollers is the entire structure. Birch, oak, beech and hornbeam are usually used to make rollers. Currently, our domestic massagers are supplied to sports stores in Europe, and there they are in great demand as environmentally friendly and high-quality. So why do we forget about such an excellent health booster? You should definitely choose and purchase the massager you like. Or better yet, two - with round and toothed rollers. When purchasing a massager, pay attention to the material of the rollers, the quality of their processing, the absence of cracks and burrs, and the quality of the ligaments.

Self-massage with roller massagers is best done one at a time: first with a massager with round rollers, then with a massager with toothed rollers, and then again with a massager with round rollers.

First, you need to rub with a massager in stationary positions, and finish the self-massage session with active movements coordinated with counter massage movements by the massager. Moreover, massage with movements can be performed to music that invigorates you.

It is most convenient to treat the neck, back and lower back with such massagers, so start your massage session by treating the body from behind. A roller massager with smooth round rollers is used to massage the back of the head.

Then massage your buttocks and legs. After which the arms, side and front parts of the body are massaged: hips, abdomen, sides of the chest, front chest and shoulders. It is enough to carry out a massage with active movements by massaging yourself from behind.

Do not massage the inner surfaces of the bends of the knee and elbow joints.

You can perform a combination of brush and roller massage, which is also very useful.

Manual self-massage

The technique of self-massage is somewhat different from the technique of massage, because giving yourself a massage is not as convenient as it is for another person. The main difference between self-massage and massage is limited opportunity use for massage movements of two hands. The one-handed technique is most often used. And only when it is possible and convenient, massage movements are more effectively performed with two hands.

When the massage is carried out with one hand, the other at this time performs a fixing function or is itself subject to massage.

Directions of movements during self-massage

For general and partial self-massage using classical techniques, you should know the directions of massage movements, taking into account the direction of lymph flow.

Lymph nodes cannot be massaged.

The massaging hand moves in the direction of the lymph flow to the nearest lymph node.

The neck is massaged downwards, towards the supraclavicular lymph nodes.

The chest in front is massaged towards the axillary lymph nodes.

The upper back is massaged towards the axillary lymph nodes.

The lumbar and sacral areas are massaged towards the inguinal lymph nodes.

Hands are massaged towards the elbow and axillary lymph nodes.

The legs are massaged towards the popliteal and inguinal lymph nodes.

Features of self-massage of individual body parts

When performing self-massage, you need to take a position that allows you to relax the part of the body being massaged as much as possible. Then, one by one (according to the self-massage plan), parts of the body are massaged from the periphery to the center, taking into account the direction of the massaging movements. Next, we will tell you how it is more convenient to independently massage individual parts of the body, while giving detailed descriptions massage techniques, allowing you to understand their essence without illustrations.

The first time, practicing a massage technique as described, you should act slowly, without effort. The mastered technique can already be used as a working technique.

Self-massage of the torso from the front

SELF-CHEST MASSAGE can be performed in a sitting, standing or lying position, and in the latter case maximum preliminary relaxation of the body can be achieved. Self-massage of the breast affects the front of the chest, the pectoralis major muscles and the intercostal spaces, which also contain muscles. First, stroking is performed. Each hand strokes the corresponding far side of the chest. To relax the corresponding muscles, the head should be tilted towards the massaged side of the chest. The massaging hand should be pressed tightly to the surface of the body. In this case, four fingers are brought together, and the first finger is moved to the side. Massage movements are carried out linearly or in zigzags towards the armpit, covering the entire half of the chest. Then the other half of the breast is massaged with the other hand. Next, you should knead the pectoral muscle, bypassing mammary glands and nipples. This technique is implemented with one hand, hands change. This effect can be carried out with five fingers, located in the same way as in the previous technique, or with the base of the palm, or with the pads of four fingers, or with the phalanges of bent fingers. Squeezing the pectoral muscle is done with one hand, changing hands. The direction of reception is along the lines above the nipple, along two spaced lines below the nipple. The nipple itself is bypassed, and in women, the mammary gland is also treated. The massage movement is reminiscent of squeezing juice from fruit, only this leads to an accelerated flow of blood and lymph through the massaged area and beyond, which has a tonic effect on the body. Therefore, this technique should be used to increase the tone of the body when necessary according to indications. Squeezing can be done with the edge of the palm with the fingers slightly bent, or with the first finger brought together with the second, with the palm moving along the body. It is also possible to squeeze with weights, when the second hand creates additional pressure on the tissue. Rubbing the sternum is carried out with the heel of the palm or with fingers clenched into a fist. The massage movements are circular, moving along the sternum from bottom to top. Next, massage is carried out in the direction from bottom to top and slightly to the side of the sternum with four slightly spread fingers, rigidly directed at an angle to the massaged surface of the body. Rubbing the intercostal spaces is done from the sternum towards the armpit with one hand, using the pads of slightly bent fingers. Then the hand changes. Each hand massages a different side of the breast. The second hand can be used for weights. Linear movements are most convenient, although small circular or spiral movements are possible at lower speeds. Rubbing is carried out from the lower ribs to the upper. Next, the periclavicular areas are rubbed with the pads of four fingers. Rubbing the hypochondrium from the xiphoid process to the side is carried out with one hand. In this case, the hand is turned with the palm facing chest, first finger up. The hand slides along the ribs with the palm, and four slightly bent fingers massage the hypochondrium. Hands alternate. After which shaking is carried out. Alternately, fingers cover the relaxed pectoral muscles and shaking movements are made with the first and fifth fingers, causing the muscle to move. After each appointment, stroking is performed, which completes the entire cycle of self-massage of the breast.

SELF-MASSAGE OF THE ABDOMEN is best performed in a lying position, since in this case the abdominal muscles are easier to relax (especially if you bend your knees). In some cases, when it is not possible to lie down, you can perform self-massage while sitting. Self-massage of the abdomen uses stroking, kneading, rubbing and shaking. First, light, gentle strokes are performed to relax the abdominal muscles. Stroking is performed clockwise. Stroking the edges of the hypochondrium is done either with the palm of the hand or with the back of the fingers clenched into a fist. The abdomen is massaged with the palm of the left hand; the right hand can be used for weighting with repeated, more intense stroking. Left hand placed on the stomach below and to the right. Next, a movement is made up to the right hypochondrium, to the left hypochondrium, to the left and down to the groin, then to the original position, i.e. Circular movements are performed in a clockwise direction. Kneading is done with the pads of four fingers or their reverse side, or the base of the palm, rotated from the base of the first finger to the base of the fifth finger. It is possible to knead the abdominal wall with the fist of one hand, and use the palm of the other hand to hold the fold of skin pushed forward by the fist. The pads of four vertically located fingers of two hands make a counter movement on a short distance with pressure, resulting in tissue displacement (the abdomen is traversed in a circle in a clockwise direction). The abdominal muscles are also kneaded in a circle from the hypochondrium, using two hands. With one hand they grab the muscles, and with the other they knead them, gradually moving in the direction of the massage.

SELF-MASSAGE OF THE NECK can be performed in a sitting or standing position, as is more convenient for you in certain conditions. Self-massage of the neck is carried out first from the back, and then the front of the neck is massaged. But since we are here analyzing self-massage of the body from the front, we will present precisely the technique of self-massage of the neck from the front - here, and self-massage of the neck from the back - further, when analyzing the technique of self-massage of the body from the back. Stroking the neck with the fingers of each hand (the hand covers the neck with four fingers with the first finger set aside) in the direction from top to bottom. This action precedes the cycle of self-massage of the neck from the front. Self-massage of the neck in front begins with rubbing the submandibular areas. It is convenient to carry out these movements with the base of the palm and the first finger in a circle with one hand on the corresponding side of the neck, then the hand changes. Next, the outer areas from the edge of the jaw towards the chest are massaged by rubbing with circular movements of the pads of the first and second fingers, which can be done with one hand covering the neck or alternately on each side, changing hands, with the pads of the first and second fingers bent with a rigid fork. In this case, the hand is gathered into a fist, but the first and second fingers are bent like a fork, and the remaining three fingers remain loosely gathered into a fist. Next, kneading is performed alternately with one hand on each side of the neck. The massaging brush covers the front of the neck so that the first finger is on one side of the neck, and the other two (three) fingers are on the other side of the neck. The first finger is supporting and auxiliary for moving along the neck, and the other two (three) fingers (second, third and fourth) are massaging. These fingers perform circular kneading, while the hand moves from the top of the neck to the chest. Then the neck is massaged with the other hand. The remaining fingers do not participate in the massage and are in a free, relaxed state. After this, circular rubbing with four fingers is possible, making movements towards the fifth finger. Self-massage of the neck is carried out on each side with the appropriate hand in two stages alternately. Progress along the neck is directed from top to bottom. Self-massage of the neck in front should be completed with stroking movements of five fingers covering the neck. The massage is performed with each hand in the direction from top to bottom.

Self-massage of the torso from behind

SELF-MASSAGE OF THE BACK NECK is carried out in a sitting or standing position. Stroking can be done with one or two hands. It is necessary to press your palms tightly, performing stroking movements with them from the lower scalp down to the back and sideways to the shoulder joints. Rubbing can be done with the pads of the four fingers of one or two hands. Massaging movements are circular. Moving the hands along the spine from head to back and from one ear to the other ear along the occipital bone. It is more convenient to perform squeezing with the edges of your palms. It is convenient to knead the neck muscles by pinching the pads of five fingers, using each hand to massage one half of the neck. Usually, a different massaging hand is used to massage this half of the neck. In addition to simple pinching, you can displace the muscle with some crushing motion. Self-massage on each side of the neck can be performed with the same hand, using the phalanges of four fingers resting on the palm.

SELF-MASSAGE OF THE BACK is convenient to perform in a sitting position. It is more convenient to take a pose with a forward bend and cross your legs.

The following self-massage techniques are performed. Stroking is done with the backs of the hands in the direction from bottom to top towards the shoulder blades, and the hands move alternately back and forth (when one hand moves up, the other makes a return movement to its original lower position). It is more convenient to perform squeezing by grasping the tissue between the first and second fingers of the hand (the tissue is pressed with the first finger to the inner edge of the hand). It is better to knead with your fists, using the backs of your fingers. The massage is carried out with both hands in the direction from bottom to top. Massage movements are performed in a circle, moving upward after treating each area. This is how a massage is performed from the lower back to the shoulder blades.

It is more convenient to massage the upper back this way. Stroking is best done with the palm and the inner surface of the fingers. It is more convenient to rub with fists, using their different sides. Kneading should be done with five fingers resting on the base of the palm (four fingers close together and the fifth finger abducted).

The lateral surfaces of the back are massaged using stroking with the fingers of two hands alternately on each side; rubbing with fists, their inner surface at the first and second fingers; kneading with four fingers rigidly bent in a circle. Promotion during massage from bottom to top.

SELF-MASSAGE OF THE LUMBER can be performed in a lying, sitting or standing position, and in the latter case it is advisable to tilt the torso back and make rocking movements with the pelvis back and forth. When self-massaging the lower back, the following massage movements are used. Stroking is performed with the palm and back surfaces of the hands from the spine to the sides, moving the hands upward from the buttocks. Rubbing can be done with the pads of the four fingers or the bases of the palms. The movements are circular, moving along the spine from bottom to top and to the sides from it. It is possible to rub the back of the hand with weights produced by the other hand. It is also possible to rub the fist, its back side and the ridges of the joints. Kneading can be done using plucking techniques performed with two or five fingers.

Self-massage of the head

The head can be massaged while sitting or standing. The directions of massaging movements are maintained from the back from the crown to the neck and ears, from the front from the crown to the eyebrows and ears. It is better to first massage the sides of the head, then the front (frontal) part and then the back (occipital) part. Stroking the head is carried out with the pads of four fingers alternately with each hand, as well as with the palms, covering symmetrical areas of the head. Rubbing is performed with linear, circular or spiral movements of the pads of all fingers with pressure, displacement and stretching of the tissues. Kneading is carried out using the bases of the palms with pressure and tissue displacement. Pressing with the bases of the palms simultaneously from two opposite sides is carried out rhythmically at a certain chosen tempo. You can also use your fingers clenched into a fist or the pads of all your fingers. Tapping is performed rhythmically with the pads of the four fingers of each hand.

Self-massage of hands

SELF-MASSAGE OF THE FINGERS - rubbing the fingers during self-massage is performed in a spiral with the base of the palm of the other hand, in different directions with the edge of the palm, in a circle and linearly with forceps from the second and third fingers, in a circle with the pad of the thumb along the back of the fingers. Rubbing your fingers hand in hand can be done in movements reminiscent of an attempt to warm your hands when freezing. It is also advisable to carry out passive and active finger movements.

SELF-MASSAGE OF THE BRUSH - stroking the hand is carried out alternately hand in hand. The technique is carried out in the direction from the beginning of the fingers to the wrist along the palm and back of the hand. Squeezing with the edge of the palm on the back of the hand is carried out in the same direction. Rubbing the interosseous spaces on the back of the hand is carried out with linear and circular translational movements in the indicated direction of the pads of the four fingers of the other hand. The palm is rubbed with the pads of the four fingers of the other hand. The trajectories of finger movement during massage are circular, spiral or linear. The movement of the massaging hand along the massaged palm is progressive. It is possible to rub the fist of the other hand with a comb using similar movements. Kneading the palm is carried out in a circular manner using the ridges of the fist, the pads of the first or four fingers of the other hand. It is convenient to squeeze the palm with the edge of the other palm.

SELF-MASSAGE OF THE WRIST JOINT - stroking the wrist joint of the hand is performed with circular movements of the pads of four fingers or the base of the palm of the other hand. Rubbing the wrist joint is carried out with the base of the palm of the other hand, with the pads of the first or four fingers, or with forceps from the first and other four fingers. Depending on the rubbing option used, linear or circular movements are carried out. Active and passive movements in the wrist joint complement the massaging movements.

SELF-MASSAGE OF THE FOREARM - stroking the forearm of one hand is more convenient to perform with the palm of the other hand in a movement with force from the wrist to the elbow. Kneading is carried out with the pads of five fingers, phalanges of fingers clenched into a fist, the pad of the first finger supported by the other four fingers, and forceps from the first and four other fingers. Squeezing is carried out along the areas of the muscles of the forearm with the tubercle of the bent first finger pressed to the second finger, while moving the massaging hand perpendicular to the forearm being massaged along the forearm of the massaged hand in the direction from the wrist to the elbow. Next, shake the muscles of the forearm and final stroking.

SELF-MASSAGE OF THE ELBOW JOINT - the elbow joint is massaged using rubbing techniques of varying intensity, carried out in various ways. You can use the edge of the palm, the pads of four fingers, tongs from the first and other four fingers, as well as the pad of the first finger for rubbing. The rubbing movements are circular and linear. Around the joint, you can also knead the muscles of the shoulder and forearm, using the kneading movements of the pads of the five fingers. Next, you should carry out passive and active movements of the arm in the elbow joint.

SELF-MASSAGE OF THE SHOULDER - first massage the outer and inner lateral surfaces of the shoulder. Stroking the shoulder is carried out with a transverse embrace of the massaging hand so that four fingers massage the outer part of the arm, and the first finger massages the inside of the shoulder. The direction of movement of the massaging hand is from the elbow to the shoulder joint and armpit of the other hand. Do not massage the inside of the shoulder with force due to proximity blood vessels and nerves in this area. Squeezing the shoulder muscles is carried out with five fingers of the massaging hand pressed against each other. Kneading the shoulder muscles is carried out by pulling them back and grabbing them with five fingers, with the first finger moving with kneading movements towards the other four. In addition, kneading can be carried out with the edge of the palm or the phalanges of four fingers clenched into a fist. Next, shake the shoulder muscles. Then the back surface of the shoulder is massaged in the direction from the elbow joint to the shoulder joint using stroking, rubbing, kneading, squeezing and shaking techniques.

SELF-MASSAGE OF THE SHOULDER JOINT - linear and circular rubbing is carried out using the pads of four fingers, as well as the pad of the first finger. During the massage, move upward from the armpit to the shoulder girdle, and then down to the round and broad dorsi muscles. Kneading is carried out in the same direction, using alternate movements of the pads of the first finger or the other four, while the fingers not involved in the massage are used as support ones. Between kneading techniques, the back and shoulder muscles are shaken to relieve tension.

Self-massage of feet

SELF-MASSAGE OF THE TOES - performed one at a time, usually starting from the fifth and moving to the first toe. Each finger is massaged from the nail to the base of the finger using circular rubbing movements. Then, transverse rubbing of all toes is performed at once with the pads of the four fingers of the massaging hand in the direction from the fifth toe to the first. Separately, the finger joints are treated with linear and circular rubbing using the fingertips. Then, with a massaging hand, forced movements of the toes are performed, starting with the fifth.

SELF-MASSAGE OF THE FOOT LIFT - is performed by rubbing movements of the first fingers of two hands, while the four fingers of each hand cover the sole from below, and the foot rests on the heel with the foot abducted at an upward angle. Massaging movements of the fingers are linear and circular. Another option for self-massage of the instep of the foot, when the left instep is massaged with the left hand, and the right instep with the right, using the pads of four fingers, which perform linear, circular and spiral rubbing massaging movements. When self-massaging the instep of the foot, rubbing with weights can also be performed with the second hand.

SELF-MASSAGE OF THE ANKLE JOINT - stroking is best done with the palms and fingertips of both hands. Rubbing the joint can be done with the pads of the four fingers of both hands or with forceps from the first two fingers. Massaging movements are carried out in a circular, spiral and partially linear manner. Then passive movements of the foot are performed using two hands, and then active movements of the foot at the ankle joint.

SELF-MASSAGE OF THE SOLE - for ease of massage, you need to bend the note at the knee and place it with the lower part of the shin on the knee of the other leg. The massage is carried out with one hand, and the other hand is lowered onto the knee of the massaged leg to fix it. Rubbing is best done with circular or linear movements of the pads of four fingers or the ridges of a fist. In addition, it is possible to rock the sole with the ridges of the fist. The sole is massaged in the direction from the toes to the heel.

SELF-MASSAGE OF THE HEEL - the starting position of the foot is the same as in the previous case. The heel is massaged from the instep of the foot on the sole to the Achilles tendon. Rubbing the heel is best done with the comb of a fist, hard tongs of five fingers (the first finger is apart, and the other four are together), with the pads of four fingers folded rigidly together (the first from above is non-working). It is better to perform circular rubbings with your fist, and linear ones with tongs and pads. When massaging the heel, it is also possible to tap with a fist, using various parts of it. Tapping the heel on the floor or some other surface is also possible. The tappings should be so strong that they provide a massage effect, but do not cause injury. Don't get carried away by the force of the blow, although at first it may seem to you that strong tapping is more effective. It is enough to lift your foot onto your toes and then lower it onto your heel. Movements must be performed rhythmically at a certain pace.

SELF-MASSAGE OF THE ACHILLES TENDON is carried out in a sitting position, when the leg is bent and placed at an angle on the sole. Another version of the pose is the same as when massaging the sole. The direction of the Achilles tendon massage is from the heel to the calf muscle. Stroking is performed with the pads of the five fingers and various parts fist. The main massage movements are rubbing. Linear rubbing is performed with the pads of five fingers or tongs of the fingers (the first and four together). The first and four remaining fingers are on opposite sides of the tendon. It is better to perform circular rubbing in turn with the first finger and four others. Spiral rubbing should be done using the ridges of your fist. Gentle kneading movements performed with five fingers are also possible.

SELF-MASSAGE OF THE SHIN is more convenient to perform in a sitting position. In one position, the massaged leg rests its heel on the surface of the floor or sofa, being bent at the knee. In another case, the lower part of the shin of the massaged leg, bent at the knee and turned at the hip, is placed on the thigh of the other leg close to the knee. In the third position, sitting on a low chair, the leg is bent at a right angle and the sole of the foot is rested on the floor. The direction of the massage is maintained from the bottom of the leg to its top. It is more convenient to stroke with two hands, using the palms and pads of the four fingers of each hand, and the first is used as a support when moving along the shin. Kneading is performed in a single or double way. Shaking calf muscle carried out with one hand towards the popliteal fossa. Squeezing the calf muscle is carried out alternately on each side. different hands. The front shin is massaged by stroking the phalanges of the fingers, the edge of the palm is used to squeeze the anterior tibial muscles, and kneading is performed using forceps.

SELF-MASSAGE OF THE KNEE JOINT is more convenient to carry out while sitting on the edge of the sofa and straightening the massaged leg along its edge surface, while resting the other leg on the floor. If it is necessary to massage the other leg, the pose changes to symmetrical by turning the body and changing legs. It is better to apply stroking in a circular manner, using each hand in turn to massage the corresponding side of the joint.

Rubbing can be done with the heels of the palms, the pads of the fingers, or finger pliers, alternating hands while massaging each side of the joint. Massaging movements are more often circular, and, if necessary, linear. Active repeated movements in the knee joint complement the massage. With such movements, you must try to bring the thigh as close to the chest as possible (from 3 to 10 times), additional movements of the hands are possible with grabbing the shins and pressing the thighs to the chest. This will be harder for you, so the number of repetitions of the exercises should be less.

SELF-MASSAGE OF THE HIPS - take a sitting position so that your back has stable support and your feet rest on the floor. Massaging hands should have access to both the front and back surfaces of the thigh. Stroking is performed with palms and fingers away from the knee to the groin. Rubbing is best done with the ridges of your fists. Kneading is carried out by covering the thigh muscles with five fingers of the massaging hand, moving it along the thigh from the knee to the groin, resting on the palm. Kneading movements of the fingers can be linear or spiral. Total surface The hips are worked in parts. The technique of kneading with weights with the other hand can be used. When squeezing, the hand of the massaging hand is located across the thigh, and its movement occurs in the direction from the knee to the groin. Each hand massages its side of the thigh. When massaging the thigh, it is convenient to use percussive techniques: chopped with the edges of the palms, beating with fists and patting with palms. When self-massaging the thigh, shaking the thigh muscles should also be used.

SELF-MASSAGE OF THE HIP JOINTS is more convenient to perform in a standing position. Stroking is best done with circular movements of the palms and the pads of four fingers. Rubbing is done around hip joint in a circular manner with the bases of the palms, the ridges of the knuckles of the fingers gathered into a fist, and the pads of the four fingers. Linear rubbing with stroke-like movements of the ridges of the fingers, collected into a fist, as well as with the pads of four fingers, collected into a rigid fork-rake, is also possible. Kneading is carried out using the ridges of the fists, the base of the palms or the pads of the fingers. Shaking the tissues over the joints is done using a five-finger grip with a shaking motion.

SELF-MASSAGE OF THE BUTTOCKS - it is more convenient to perform it in a standing position. You can massage both buttocks at the same time with both hands. You can also massage your buttocks one at a time, which can improve the relaxation of the massaged muscle. To relax one muscle, you should focus on the other leg. The massaged leg should be moved to the side, slightly bent at the knee. Stroking is performed with the palms in the direction from the hip up to the lower back. Rubbing is carried out with the pads of four fingers, palms (base and back), and fist (from the side of the bent fingers). The direction of the massage movements is linear or circular, moving in the direction from the tailbone to the lower back. Kneading should be carried out from the bottom up along the areas with fists, using their different parts, as is more convenient and effective. It is better to squeeze using the heel of your palm. Shaking is carried out with a grip gluteal muscles five fingers of the hand with a gradual movement of the hand from bottom to top.

All types of self-massage will help in the fight to normalize weight and for good physical well-being.