Physiognomy. The meaning of wrinkles on a person's face

Characteristics of the forehead and fortune telling

Wrinkles on the forehead, like the lines on the palm, correspond to the planets and carry certain information that reflects the character and abilities of a person. The uppermost wrinkle is located at the edge of the hair and falls under the auspices of Saturn and protects children. Below it is the wrinkle of Jupiter, showing a predisposition to religiosity. Next comes the wrinkle of Mars - this one patronizes the military. Below is the wrinkle of the Sun, which is especially favorable to rulers. Even lower is the wrinkle of Venus - a feature of rulers. The Mercury wrinkle that follows it indicates susceptibility to illness and suffering.

Different schools have different divisions of wrinkles, including the one shown in the figure.

Five wrinkles of equal length in the middle of the forehead speak of great intelligence, directness and integrity both in the family and in the service. Such a person is an ascetic who sacrifices himself for the happiness of his neighbor.

The deep and smooth wrinkle of Saturn marks the sexy champion. If the wrinkles of Jupiter and Saturn are curved in the shape of a bow, then their owner is distinguished by ambition. If these two wrinkles are tortuous, then they belong to a dishonest person, a liar. The fracture in the center of Jupiter's wrinkle indicates great spiritual strength. Travelers are characterized by a single straight wrinkle. If the only wrinkle wriggles like a snake, such a person is strong in both soul and body. The versatility of interests and talents is indicated by two equal deep wrinkles above the eyebrows. If there are many small and fine wrinkles above the eyebrows, then this indicates poor health.

Rice. 36. Distribution of wrinkles on the forehead according to European astrological principles: 1 – Saturn line; 2 – line of Jupiter; 3 – line of Mars; 4 – line of Venus; 5 – line of the Sun; 6 – line of the Moon; 7 – line of Mercury

Above the right eye is the line of the Sun, above the left - the Moon, and above the nose - Mercury.

Each of these lines from the right to the left side is divided into 60 equal parts, which is a year; the middle above the nose shows half of that number or years. When these lines are long, straight, and not intersected by extraneous lines, warts and spots, they show the following:

Saturn line: is responsible for house-building, indicates people skilled in crafts.

Jupiter line: indicates learning and wealth.

Mars line: belligerence, a disposition towards medicine and bloodshed.

Venus Line: disposition to music, panache, fun and pleasure.

Sun Line: predicts happiness, wealth and nobility.

Moon Line: love of travel, trade, animal hunting, etc.

Mercury line: love of science, eloquence, merchants, brokerage and litigation.

If these lines are short, crooked, crossed, spotted or warts, then they mean misfortune. Bent lines show variable temperament, the same means if these lines separate or diverge.

A curved or round line of Saturn shows an angry and unhappy person; a slingshot in it threatens misfortune, and such a person is more harmful than useful.

When branches up and down from the Jupiter line are visible, a person is in danger from water and this trait shows instability of character.

Chinese forehead

Chinese physiognomists placed the forehead in the upper zone of the face. When analyzing this site, a physiognomist can probably tell at first glance more about a person’s fate than about his character. According to the Chinese, the history of a person’s life over a period of 15 to 30 years is inscribed on the forehead.

Ideally, the bony structure of the forehead should be wide, but it should not protrude excessively. The areas on both sides of the forehead should slope down without the effect of sharp breaks. The skin should be fairly tight and have a healthy shine.

Among Chinese physiognomists, as to some extent in the West, the forehead is believed to indicate mental ability. However, the physiognomist must be careful when analyzing the “mighty” forehead. As with the Five Essential Features, a powerful forehead should be well balanced and in proportion to the other facial features.

If the forehead is so large that it protrudes excessively, then this can mean both genius and idiocy. Such cases can only be assessed in combination with other facial features.

Chinese physiognomists give the following characteristics of a person depending on the shape of the forehead.

If forehead narrow and low leaning back indicates a weak mind.

The forehead extends far in width and height(Fig. 37 d) – great mind.

Low forehead(Fig. 37a) - an energetic, cruel nature, prone to crime, replete with base instincts.

The forehead is wide and convex at the corners(Fig. 37b) – rich imagination, sick imagination.

The forehead is steep, convex in the middle- serious mind.

Crescent forehead(Fig. 37c) - a narrow-minded, routine nature, moderate in qualities, with hidden shortcomings.

Rice. 37. Forehead shapes according to the Chinese school of physiognomy

Rice. 38. Forehead shapes according to the Japanese school of physiognomy

According to the Japanese school of physiognomy forehead shaped like an inverted pyramid(Fig. 38, No. 2) - a melancholy-cunning nature, deceitful and stupid, selfish, prone to debauchery.

The forehead is straight and slightly wide– straightforwardness, kindness and close-mindedness.

The forehead is quadrangular(Fig. 38, No. 4) – generosity.

Strongly developed forehead- broad, observant mind.

Forehead too big- laziness, immobility.

The forehead is too prominent(Fig. 38, No. 3) – an evil, narrow-minded, worldly-practical nature.

Forehead is too flat– soft disposition, and sometimes limited mind.

Forehead too wide– hot, quick-tempered nature, arrogance.

Forehead is too small– mobility (usually poverty of spiritual strength).

Forehead with convex musical bumps(Fig. 38, No. 7) – musical talent and richness of the inner world.

Small, short forehead– dishonesty.

The forehead as perceived by Europeans

Forehead smooth, without wrinkles- carefree, cheerful disposition.

Forehead with horizontal wrinkles close to the eyebrows,- deep mind.

Forehead with horizontal wrinkles close to the hairline,- cruelty, pride.

Forehead with deep wrinkles in the form of folds– mediocre mind, laziness.

A forehead with wrinkles radiating in all directions,- eccentricity, originality.

Forehead with perpendicular wrinkles towards the base of the nose- deep mind.

Forehead with horizontal, parallel and subtle wrinkles– calm mind, honesty.

Forehead with perpendicular wrinkles– great intelligence, energy, pride, ambition.

Forehead with deep zigzag wrinkles- failure in business.

The forehead is low, bony, with deep zigzag wrinkles- shamelessness and all kinds of vices.

Forehead with deep and irregular wrinkles in all directions– impetuous mind, harshness, quarrelsomeness and rudeness.

Some people reach maturity in their twenties, others in their thirties. As physiognomists believe, it depends on the fate of the person. Typically, intellectual maturity develops with experience. Than with a large number problems we encounter, the more intensely we are forced to develop and use our abilities to solve them. In this process, marks and lines appear on the face, well known to face readers as wrinkles.

In physiognomy, it is believed that the lines between the forehead and chin reflect the fate of a person. Some lines may be clearly defined, others only slightly.

Rice. 39. Location of wrinkles

People who have a tougher life tend to have deeper wrinkles. But that's all: the philtrum is not a hard and fast rule, as many young people develop deep wrinkles prematurely. When studying a face, analysis of these phenomena can reveal a lot about the character and fate of a person.

Of course, there are a large number of different lines on each part of the face. We will explore only the main ones here. For example, from one to six lines usually run across the forehead (Fig. 39a).

Irregular lines - thin, short, wavy and scattered on the forehead (Fig. 39b) - characterize lack of concentration, poor health and helplessness of a person in life. Such people are prone to evil deeds. Even if such a person rises to a high position, his mind will still be marked by suspicion. If these lines are very deep, then this may indicate premature death.

Irregular lines, but rough and more clearly expressed and also scattered on the forehead (Fig. 39c), indicate the collapse of plans, gloominess and inability to achieve intended goals. Such people also suffer greatly from domestic troubles.

A single horizontal line passing through the middle of the forehead (Fig. 39 d) is a sign of a beautiful and noble life. Such a person is likely to be successful in all his endeavors, and especially at a young age. However, if the line is located too close to the eyebrows, that is, “too low,” then this may indicate early unhappiness in life.

Two or three lines crossing the forehead (Fig. 39e) are considered good sign. A forehead with two lines is very common among successful and resourceful people. A forehead with three lines indicates a high degree of artistry and literary talent.

If three lines on the forehead intersect in the middle with a short perpendicular line (Fig. 39e), then this is a sign of nobility, especially favorable fate, long life and high position associated with power.

Three long lines without breaks running across the forehead, forming a large arc (Fig. 39g), indicate a person of great popularity.

Such a person is highly respected and has a wide circle of friends. People of this type live a relatively calm life, without much adversity.

Lines of unusual shape crossing the forehead (Fig. 39h) indicate that the person will early occupy a prominent position. However, if other facial features are weak, then this means a life full of hardships.

Rare diamond-shaped lines (Fig. 39i) indicate long life and great fame. This is often found among writers, artists, musicians and other creative individuals.

Hairline according to Chinese standards

The forehead should be considered based on its shape, width, height (from hairline to eyebrows), wrinkles, hairline (front and on both sides), shine. There should be no distortion on the forehead, either from birth defects or other causes. An uneven forehead on the left side indicates the loss of a father in early age, on the right - for the loss of a mother.

When determining the width and height of the forehead, a line is drawn one inch above the eyebrows (Fig. 39a). Measurement is taken from the bottom right hairline across the front of the forehead to the bottom left hairline. In most cases, the length of this line is from 12.5 to 20 cm. Of course, there are narrower and wider foreheads, but they are considered “abnormal”.

Ideally, the width of the front of the forehead ranges from 7.5 to 10 cm (Fig. 39b). Then there is a slope to the temples on both sides of the face. The slope should be smooth and soft. Individuals with such foreheads are capable of achieving success and prosperity.

If there is a sudden “break” in the slope, then this indicates poverty and unhappiness. A wide forehead with a high hairline and plenty of meat on the bones indicates intelligence and prominence.

Conversely, a narrow forehead with a low hairline indicates mediocrity.

How general rule, the hairline should be 5–8.7 cm from the eyebrows, but should not excessively exceed the length of the nose or the lower zone (Fig. 39c). Moreover, this length only matches the natural hairline and not the hairline created by cosmetics, wigs or plastic surgery.

Many individuals begin to lose hair and become bald at a young age. But this receding line should not be considered part of the forehead.

Horizontally, the ideal forehead should have a length of 15 to 16.5 cm.

Thus, the standard for a good forehead is an open, hairless area of ​​12.5 to 20 cm in length and 6.2 to 15 cm in width.

The hairline is closely related to the shape of the forehead. If the forehead is angular, then the hairline will be the same (Fig. 39 d). A person with this type of forehead will likely be practical, gifted, and sociable.

He has a disciplined, practical mind.

However, he has no artistic streak. A woman with such a forehead prefers a business or professional career rather than housework.

An angular forehead in which both lateral hairlines converge, making the upper hairline much shorter than the previous type, indicates that the person has an unhappy family background. Such a person submits to outside pressure and may be under constant stress.

In such cases, a person should try to correct this negative situation by taking a more confident and courageous position (Fig. 39e).

An M-shaped hairline (Fig. 39e) is a sign of artistic temperament and great sensitivity.

Such people are able to excel as artists, musicians, writers and scientists. By giving free rein to his passion, such a person may discover incongruous anger and joy.

He is also indifferent to the future, has no business acumen, and prefers a bohemian lifestyle.

Women with a hairline similar to the M-shape, but much smaller and more pointed (Fig. 39g), belong to the chaste and virtuous type. They are sensual and value consistency in relationships. They also love household chores.

Women often have a round hairline (Fig. 39h). This indicates a liberated spirit and an independent thinking mind. Angular hairlines can be found on enterprising women and female employees. Such women are always ready to compete with men on equal terms.

An uneven hairline, with frayed edges (Fig. 39i), forming a jagged outline, indicates a difficult childhood and a neurotic personality in later years. Often such a person is gloomy and rude and rebels against society.

Most people with a jagged hairline have low intelligence. But again a word of caution is necessary. This conclusion does not apply to people who have a well-shaped forehead, wide and fairly even, despite an irregular hairline.

Facts from history show that many rebellious people, despite their jagged hairline, had high intelligence.

Rice. 40. Zones of distribution of abilities among irregularities of the forehead and skull according to European phrenology

1 – physical love;

2 – instinct to preserve the species;

3 – kindness;

4 – spirit of contradiction;

5 – cunning;

6 – tendency to steal;

7 – pride;

8 – ambition;

9 – caution;

10 – tameability;

11 – terrain instinct;

12 – memory for faces;

13 – memory of words;

14 – ability for articulate speech;

15 – feeling that determines the relationship of sounds;

16 – feeling that determines the ratio of numbers;

17 – mechanical instinct;

18 – metaphysical mind;

19 – poetic talent;

20 – imitation;

21 – tendency to religiosity;

22 – steadfastness

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Incredible facts

Like other features of your appearance, your forehead can tell a lot about your personality.

High forehead often associated with high intelligence and nobility, and small forehead is one of the most desirable features for women as it improves facial proportions. But few people know that the shape and size of the forehead have more than just aesthetic significance.

Guessing a person's character by the shape and wrinkles on the forehead is called metoposcopy.

Forehead line reading is believed to have originated in ancient China and is still used in Asian culture to interpret key personality traits.

From the East the art of metoposcopy came to Ancient Greece. Moreover, the famous philosopher Aristotle was an ardent supporter of this doctrine, believing that a person’s forehead can accurately analyze a person’s character, and Hippocrates believed that the forehead can also tell about a person’s illnesses.

Here are the main types of foreheads and their meaning.

Types of foreheads and their meaning

In physiognomy, the forehead can be divided into three areas, each of which has its own meaning:

    Upper forehead is a symbol of analytical abilities. Men tend to have higher foreheads than women and often have a more developed analytical mind. This part of the forehead also represents your relationship with your father and the development of your career.

    Middle forehead represents memory. The middle of the forehead in men is often not as developed as in women, which is why women have better memory.

    Lower forehead(brow ridge) symbolizes observational abilities. In men, this part is usually more prominent, which indicates greater observation, although there are exceptions. This area also represents a person's vanity and capacity for compassion.

Wide or narrow forehead

  • Wide forehead

In physiognomy, a wide forehead is a symbol of generosity. People with a broad forehead are open-minded, intelligent, witty, maintain good relationships with others and achieve certain heights in their careers.

However, although they know how to get along with others, they can sometimes be deaf to the advice of others and impractical in their work.

As for personal relationships, people with broad relationships find it difficult to remain faithful to one partner. However, if you need a loyal ally in your work, it is best to choose a person with a broad forehead, as he has great patience and outstanding abilities.

High and wide forehead reveals an intelligent, talented and adaptable person who can succeed in any chosen field. If the forehead is full and shiny, then both wealth and high position await the person, even if other facial features are not expressed.

  • Narrow forehead

People with narrow foreheads tend to be gentle and reserved. They are sincere, responsible in their work, but do not have sharp mind or persistence, and may give up due to small setbacks.

On the other hand, they are friendly, outgoing, and easy to get along with. It is believed that the narrower the forehead, the more childish a person is endowed with. Those with a narrow forehead easily lose their self-control, as they tend to give in to their feelings.

When communicating with others, they do not try to dominate, but prefer to live and work in a calm atmosphere.

In love, they almost never take the lead role, they love sincerely and, having started a relationship, maintain love until old age, enjoying a happy family life.

Rounded or sloping forehead

  • Rounded forehead

This type of forehead projects from the front and sides and appears higher and fuller than usual. People with a prominent and round forehead are smart, act quickly and do well in any task.

However, women with rounded foreheads can be impulsive, which can affect marriage and relationships, so they are advised to choose patient partners as life partners.

  • Sloping forehead

The forehead often represents a person's luck in the first half of life. People with sloping foreheads tend to face many difficulties in childhood and adolescence. They often lack courage and assertiveness.

In women, a sloping forehead often indicates a lack of care from parents and relatives, which is why they have to achieve a lot through hard work from the very beginning. early years, often experiencing all the vicissitudes of fate in his personal life.

If the remaining facial features are balanced, then they can expect a calm and happy second half of life.


The hairline can also tell a lot about a person's mental abilities, wisdom and personality.

A straight hairline represents the logical mind. Such a person approaches any issue from a practical point of view and believes that problems can only be solved rationally.

They often succeed in business, successfully build a career and achieve success and prosperity. However, their senses are very poorly developed, they lack imagination and creative abilities.

Sometimes a straight hairline can be short and indicates a person's irritable and hot-tempered nature. He has an intractable character and rarely changes his views. Such people often have an unhappy childhood, which is why they crave love and warmth throughout their lives. However love relationship bring them a lot of grief.

2. Rounded hairline

A rounded hairline often belongs to kind, responsible and loyal people who love to help others. Such people also often receive help and protection from others, enjoying a long and happy life, good social status and a certain amount of well-being.

Men with a rounded hairline have a good disposition, but can be weak. Women with this type of hair growth may find it difficult to get married due to their independent nature.

3. M-shaped hairline

The M-shaped hairline belongs to versatile, successful people who easily endure difficulties and can build a career out of nothing. They are talented and smart in small things, quick-witted in their youth, can devote themselves to art and literature, and have a unique perspective in specialized fields.

Moreover, the wider the arcs on both sides of the hairline, the greater luck and creativity this promises its owner. If the arcs are narrow, then the person rather wants to seem talented without having sufficient abilities.

4. Uneven or zigzag hairline

A W-shaped hairline belongs to obstinate and unyielding people. In their youth they may be haunted by failures.

However, if the forehead is high and wide, this promises them success in their chosen field. Women with uneven hairlines often have unsuccessful marriages and are advised to look for a husband 10 years older or younger than themselves.

5. Widow's Mountain

If the hair grows in a triangular protrusion on the forehead, then such a person is considered to be hot-tempered, persistent, with a developed spirit of competition, inquisitive, courageous and decisive.

He has to achieve everything in life through his own labor in order to gain some kind of wealth. In men, "widow's mountain" can indicate the absence of a father and early maturation. For women, this can also indicate the loss of a father, as well as marriage to a much older man.

Wrinkles on the forehead

In Chinese physiognomy, the type, location and number of wrinkles on the forehead indicate good luck and career.

No wrinkles speaks of sincerity, luck and help from other people.

Too many wrinkles may indicate a difficult life full of adversity, when you have to achieve everything with your own labor. It is best when there are no more than three clear and thin furrows on the forehead.

The early appearance of wrinkles in a woman may hint at an unsuccessful marriage, and for men - early start careers.

Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead

In general, three horizontal grooves on the forehead can be distinguished:

    Upper– the sky line symbolizes career and father

    Average– the male line represents luck and brothers or sisters

    Lower– the earth line indicates prosperity, mother, family and savings.

If any line is broken or unclear, problems should be expected in that area.

Three lines (wrinkles) on the forehead of the same length

Three lines of equal length indicate a stable career and family and receiving help from other people.

Most often they belong to caring, loyal and intelligent people. They are usually more active, are not afraid to act and speak, and are lucky. They are also reliable and know how to control their emotions.

Three lines (wrinkles) on the forehead of different lengths

    More short line the sky often promises a lack of support from superiors and older people.

    A short male line indicates poor relationships with colleagues and a small number of abilities.

    At the same time, if the earth line is shorter, this indicates an unstable family life.

A broken line of sky, person or earth foreshadows separation from father, brothers/sisters or mother.

In general, people with intermittent forehead wrinkles tend to fluctuate and change frequently, prone to extremes, which leads to unstable performance. Fortunately, with age they change for the better and are able to find happiness.

Two lines on the forehead

The presence of two lines on the upper part of the forehead indicates that the person has no responsibility towards the family and is not very caring towards children.

If two lines are located at the bottom of the forehead, this indicates that the person does not like to obey, and also hints at a lack of initiative and respect for parents.

One line on the forehead

Those with only the sky line are lucky in their careers, often receive help from other people, may inherit their father's strength, but in general their luck is unstable.

One male line means that a person receives the support of friends and brothers/sisters, knows how to act decisively, is reliable, firm and indomitable.

If a person has one earth line, then this indicates good relations with mother or big savings. Men with a clear ground line often marry beautiful women.

Other types of horizontal lines:

Curved line on forehead may indicate the danger of accidents such as floods or traffic accidents.

T ri or four lines in the shape of a crescent belong to the prudent, very patient, scrupulous, popular, healthy people who are promised a long life. They can take a high position in politics or military affairs.

If the ends of the line are raised to the top, then such a person is distinguished by his intelligence, ability to learn, and positive attitude. He is often hardworking and commands the respect of others.

Vertical lines (wrinkles) on the forehead

Three vertical wrinkles on the forehead are a symbol of longevity. This kind of people always cope with any illness and live to an old age.

Men with three vertical lines build a successful career, but they may be unlucky with their wife, who may either get sick or tend to often sort things out.

Women with three vertical wrinkles are also capable, but they may have bad relationship with my spouse. If the lines are too long, it indicates unexpected problems and disappointments.

Three vertical lines in the middle of the forehead are a favorable sign and are found among kind, grateful people who gain high status and reputation through hard work.

Two parallel vertical lines on the forehead found among those who are always able to hear someone else’s point of view.

Such a person perfectly understands the feelings of others. It also speaks volumes about the acting talent. If the wrinkles slope inward or curve outward, this indicates a self-centered nature of the person. His personal relationships are not going so well.

People with one vertical wrinkle on the forehead stubborn and persistent, never give up until they reach their goal, demanding of themselves and others, but can achieve a lot.

Women with one vertical wrinkle on their forehead can sometimes be too assertive, which can harm marriages and relationships.

The vertical line at the midline of the forehead is often invisible until the person frowns. People with only one wrinkle here are straightforward, frank and ruthless, which can lead to various problems. They may have a weak connection with their family and spouse, they are forced to work long hours or move far away from their home.

Stop worrying about folds and wrinkles on your ! These are badges of honor for a life well lived. Remember: you can definitely read this or that fold. The deeper and more noticeable it is, the more pronounced the quality associated with it. Thus, deep folds are more important than shallow ones. Do not forget that the folds on the left side of the face are responsible for the personal life of their owner, and the folds and wrinkles on the right relate to issues and social life.

Folds of concentration

  • Excessive demands on yourself
  • Focus on extreme precision

These folds mean that you are over-disciplining yourself in both your personal and professional life. You are too hard on yourself, demanding more from yourself than you could demand from anyone else. Whether you want it or not, you grab yourself by the collar and force yourself to do the job.

Perfectionist folds

(many folds between the eyebrows)

  • Perfectionist
  • You want everything to be in its place

If you have more than two vertical folds between your eyebrows, you tend to be a perfectionist. You believe that everything has its place and everything should be in its place. You need to relax a little and enjoy life more, without making it difficult for yourself. Perhaps you should ask yourself, “Do I really need to be perfect?”

Sage folds

  • Inner Wisdom

These folds indicate a strong connection between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which allows you to gain deeper insight into things. You reason logically and at the same time intuitively Feel the correctness of these reasonings. You know how to instantly penetrate into the deep meaning, not limiting yourself to superficial knowledge.

Folds of mental development

  • Developed mental abilities
  • Possibly a brilliant mind

If you have at least three horizontal wrinkles on your forehead, you have worked hard to develop your mental abilities. The deeper and longer the wrinkles, the smarter you are. These wrinkles could also be called the folds of genius, because if they cross the entire forehead, it indicates your brilliant abilities in your field. If there are many “broken” wrinkles, this indicates the presence of many intellectual interests.

Folds of mental stress

  • Concentration of thinking

These folds indicate that, with great effort, you have reached extreme concentration at certain moments. They are formed as a result of maximum mental stress.

Fold of Purpose

(deep vertical crease between eyebrows)

  • Self-discipline
  • You crush everything in your path

This fold indicates severe self-discipline and, possibly, self-sacrifice. You don't let anything get in your way. Once the goal has been set and the movement towards it has begun, it is almost impossible to stop you! You focus like a laser beam on the details and the correctness of your actions. You need to be gentle with yourself.

Folds of responsibility

(many small wrinkles on the bridge of the nose)

  • Great responsibility

You are too responsible and set yourself the most difficult tasks. As a child, you may have been told many times that you need to be responsible, and as a result, you have become accustomed to taking on too much.

The fold of psychological exhaustion

(deep horizontal crease on the bridge of the nose)

  • Excessive responsibility

You are so responsible that you force yourself to continue what you have started even when it does not bring you either emotional satisfaction or mental stimulation. This fold indicates that you have reached a stage where you need to find something to do that will bring more joy into your life, even if we're talking about just about some hobby.

Folds of a broad mind

  • Put things into perspective

You have learned to see things from a broader perspective and have a better understanding of the relationships between them. You know a lot, notice a lot and are not nearly as naive as you were in your youth. You realize that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't true.

Folds of Courage

  • Medals for courage

You have had difficult episodes in your life when you had to strain all your internal resources. These folds are like medals for courage. On the left side, they indicate courage in solving personal problems. On the right, they indicate courage shown in solving professional or other external problems.

Folds of a joker

  • Eloquence by nature
  • Sociability

You naturally have a wonderful gift of eloquence and love to talk. You are a jokester and never mince words. The crease appears more forcefully when you smile, and you do it easily and often.

Folds of disappointment

  • Emotional disappointment

You have experienced severe emotional disappointments. The deeper the folds, the greater the disappointment. If the fold is only on the left side, read it as a disappointment in your personal life; on the right is a trace of disappointment in work or social life.

Folds of Sorrow

  • Have experienced severe emotional pain or loss

You have experienced severe emotional trauma, which was accompanied by great suffering. The fold on the left side indicates suffering in your personal life, associated, for example, with the loss of a loved one. If the crease is on the right side, it may indicate an injury in your professional life. Because your experiences of suffering have opened your heart to others, you treat others with compassion and sincerely empathize with their suffering. ; The deeper the folds, the stronger the pain experienced.

Forced smile crease

  • Hiding negative feelings
  • Deprived of emotional support

Your happy appearance may not reflect your true feelings. You may be trying to cover up your real emotions too often. Your problem is that many people do not know how to see the need for moral support behind your smile and you find yourself deprived of it.

Merry Man's Folds
  • Craftiness
  • evil jokes

You are sociable, playful, crafty. You like to tease people for fun. But yours.

Support pleats

(there are dimples on the cheeks that look like folds)

  • Inspiring others
  • Provide support

You are respected and idolized for uplifting those around you and helping them feel better about themselves. Since others constantly expect moral support and praise from you, your silence often indicates a serious problem louder than any curses.

Libido folds

(vertical ridges under the nose)

  • Divide the whole world into male and female halves

The more pronounced these lines are, the more inclined you are to divide the world around us into the male and female halves, giving them corresponding roles.. The wider these folds are spaced, the stronger your sex drive and the stronger your need for physical love.

Folds of a disaster survivor

  • Survived the disaster
  • Immense vitality

These wrinkles show how difficult life circumstances have helped you develop extraordinary strength of character. You were in a state of disaster and fell, it seemed, into a bottomless abyss, but you found the strength to return to normal life. You have huge reserves vital energy and strengths of character you never knew you had. Now you are not afraid of any trials, because you know how to cope with them.

Fold of Desirability

(arch on the chin)

  • Do you want to be liked?

You may need validation of your sense of self-worth from external sources. It is important for you to realize that at least one person likes you. Lack of attention, praise and love could lead you to value yourself lower than you deserve. Don't worry. People with low self-esteem are liked more by others than people who are narcissistic.

Heart fold

  • Heart problems
  • Excessive demands on yourself

You may be overly demanding of yourself. By working too much and torturing yourself, you are putting your heart at risk - ask any doctor. You need to take more care of yourself and your health. Eat better, exercise, get more rest, find opportunities to fill your life with joy, love, and peace of mind. Learn to measure your success by your ability to remain yourself in any situation, and not by outstanding results and achievements.

Folds of mystery

(deepening in the corners of the mouth)

  • Mental trauma
  • Closedness in some matters

Each person develops wrinkles on the forehead with age, what these cosmetic defects indicate, the state of health, or maybe a physiognomist, can answer. Folds and depressions in this area for a long time observed by specialists - physiognomists. They are able to tell about a person’s character and habits by assessing the condition of his face .

This problem occurs in both women and men, so it is interesting to know what significance such wrinkles have from the science of psychoanalysis.

Causes of manifestation

This age-related change on the face may be associated with a natural reaction to aging; it can be stopped either independently, through the use of creams and masks, or internal treatment.

Human health problems

The folds determine the symptoms of most diseases, of which their owner is not even aware. For example, wrinkles on the forehead, the meaning of which indicates a liver problem, can easily smooth out after treatment.

  1. Wrinkles between the eyebrows on the face can mean problems with genitourinary system, intestines, or is it a signal of a diseased liver.
  2. A transverse wrinkle on the bridge of the nose means frequent headaches; the deeper the folds, the stronger and more often the pain is felt. Wrinkles that are interrupted signal reduced systems: nervous and autonomic. The person is prone to apathy.
  3. Vertical wrinkles on the forehead, the meaning of which indicates problems with the digestive system. Cardiac arrhythmia should also be considered. People who have had a heart attack have a pronounced vertical wrinkle between the eyebrows. But these wrinkles can also appear simply because of a gloomy facial expression.
  4. A horizontal wrinkle on the bridge of the nose means spinal disease. Most often this is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

Character by wrinkles

In addition to the very presence of folds on the forehead, their location and direction are important. Physiognomy will tell you what the wrinkles on the face of a man or woman mean. They determine not only deviations in health, but also characterize human temperament.

  • When several wrinkles come from one origin, a person has a complex character. He is confident in his abilities and slowly moves towards his goal. But in critical situations, he can take risks and quickly direct himself in the right direction.
  • When there are several identical lines on the forehead, the person is too self-confident and assertive. He relies only on himself.
  • The fold in the center of the forehead from the nose speaks of a balanced person, with willpower and courage. Internally, such people are very calm.
  • Line-arcs that converge in one place will tell about the strategist and diplomat. Thanks to his oratory he can lead people.
  • Folds that do not meet on the nose will indicate the presence of good logic. The owner of such wrinkles does not tolerate lies and has a good understanding of people. He has few friends, as he chooses them carefully.
  • Solid horizontal wrinkles across the entire forehead indicate the good nature and decency of its owner.
  • If there are no wrinkles, then the person is calm and honest with himself and others.
  • The location of wrinkles above the eyebrow indicates the person’s loyalty.

Signs associated with lines on the forehead

According to physiognomists, the lines on a person’s forehead tell about his fate, past and future.

For example, at the age of 35-40, a deep wrinkle between the eyebrows is undesirable; according to physiognomy, it means a difficult fate for a person. A lot of worries and unfaithful friends await him.

  1. The appearance of horizontal lines on the frontal part can be considered a good sign. Scientists are confident that if a person has several horizontal folds, then he will be successful and lucky in his endeavors and existing affairs.
  2. Long horizontal folds will indicate that their owner will be popular and respected in his circle in the future. This person depends on society, which perceives him positively, so his whole life is played “for the public.” But thanks to society, significant success can be achieved.
  3. Vertical deep wrinkles that are located in the center of the forehead are not very good sign for their owner. Physiognomists consider such a wrinkle to be a “hanging arrow” that attracts misfortune, bad news and brings health problems. The owners of such lines on the forehead, most often, are not able to organize their lives, find a soul mate or achieve mutual understanding with loved ones. Those who have already gotten married will not stay in a serious relationship for long due to frequent quarrels. Numerous studies have shown that those people who have a high position in business or political sphere have wrinkles like “hanging arrow”.
  4. Small wrinkles between the eyebrows, which are parallel to each other, indicate great achievements in the cultural and political sphere. A person with small lines on the frontal part is considered a leader, he learns quickly, understands everything and can become a specialist in any matter. They have a number of necessary skills and life luck in order to achieve high altitudes. The main thing is that you cannot deviate from your plans.
  5. If the wrinkles are equal to each other, then their owner’s fate is without flaws and irregularities, they think positively and achieve their goals. Curves in wrinkles can signal disorders, often psychological. Such a person is cruel, unprincipled and can even commit crime for the sake of his desires.
  6. A vertical wrinkle on the bridge of the nose with a horizontal intersecting line means and speaks of the nobility of their owner, his career will be connected with politics, and he will make a good leader. Power and submission are achievable through drive and willpower.
  7. A single horizontal long wrinkle is also a favorable sign. Its owner has a good imagination, he is ideological and does not take everything to heart, and in the future he may be offered a dream job.
  8. Diamond-shaped wrinkles are for long-lived people. It is not necessary that the whole life will be filled with good moments, but a person will live it brightly.
  9. Lines in the form of branches, which are practically invisible, will tell about their owner as cruel and stubborn. The man is very vindictive.
  10. Lines that do not connect with each other will indicate punctuality and practicality. He understands people well and treats them with distrust.

Prevention of wrinkles

In order not to wait for explanations of what the folds between the eyebrows mean and not to follow them, you need to start fighting this defect!

First method. Can be performed during work or ordinary household chores: relax the forehead, place a paper strip on it, smeared on both sides with a softening gel or cream, fasten and fix it. Choose a paper strip wider than the bandage. In the early stages, this procedure is done once a day for an hour, for deep wrinkles - 2 times a day.

If you use this method often, wrinkles will even out and soon disappear. This preventative measure allows you to relax, tense and control the muscles that gather the skin into folds.

Second method. To train the facial muscles that form the skin folds above the eyebrows, you should look up and slowly look down. In this case, you should not wrinkle your forehead; in the first stages, you can help with your palm. It is allowed to repeat such manipulations at any convenient time.

The appearance of wrinkles is a natural process, inevitable. Their occurrence is due to age-related changes, hormonal imbalances, and stressful situations. Both men and women are concerned about the question of how to get rid of them, but few people think that wrinkles can become a signal of unfavorable changes in the body, signaling serious problems. This article examines what folds on the forehead can mean and indicate.

What causes folds on the forehead

Wrinkles are transverse and longitudinal folds on the forehead, which arise under the influence of many external and internal factors. The reasons for the appearance may be the following influences:

  1. Adverse conditions environment: elevated temperature air, its pollution, insufficient humidity air. That is why during hot periods it is recommended to use protective creams and install household humidifiers at home.
  2. Genetics is the most common problem and is caused by the structure of muscle tissue. In this case, wrinkles appear at an early age.
  3. Diseases of various types. Particular influence have an effect on the skin condition viral diseases, diseases thyroid gland that disrupt basic metabolic processes.
  4. Changes in diet, lack of vitamins, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, fat.
  5. Addiction to bad habits. Scientists have proven that smoking and drinking alcohol contribute to premature aging.
  6. Mimic individual characteristics, for example, the habit of wrinkled nose, frowning eyebrows.
  7. Incorrect skin care procedures, use of low-quality, inappropriate cosmetics.
  8. Stressful situations, tense external environment, sleep disturbances, difficult work schedule.

Pay attention! A healthy lifestyle plays great value in preserving natural state skin, since the main reason for the changes is non-compliance with the principles of nutrition, sleep, and lack of clean fresh air.

When are wrinkles diagnosed?

Diagnosis of facial muscles by the presence of wrinkles appeared a long time ago. The first mention refers to ancient China, in which the “Treatise” was released Yellow Emperor about the internal." Much later, Hippocrates and Aristotle used this information when carrying out medical practice, based on the location of wrinkles on the face. Scientists argued that the location of the folds can also speak about a person’s character and predispositions.

Modern medical practice also uses the knowledge gained by its predecessors. In addition, research has made it possible to obtain the dependence of the number of wrinkles and their type on possible diseases, pathologies. This largely determines further treatment.

What do wrinkles on the forehead mean?

In order to competently solve the problem, you need to find out what wrinkles on the forehead mean. Activities for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention depend on this. Only a specialized doctor can tell about the state of health solely by the location of the skin folds. Each type speaks of a separate disease or problem. What do wrinkles on the forehead mean and what information do they carry?

Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead

A deep horizontal mark may be a sign of problems in the area nervous system, lack of sleep, frequent stressful situations. The most common location is the eyebrow, eyebrow. This type Wrinkles often indicate a depressive predisposition and neurotic disorders.

The number of folds can also say a lot. A large number of them can indicate disturbances in the functioning of the spine, as a result of which a person often experiences headaches, dizziness, and malaise.

The meaning of vertical wrinkles on the forehead

The transverse deep layer and fold symbolize problems in the area of ​​digestion, gastrointestinal tract. Representatives of this category should be given special attention principles proper nutrition. The main condition is regularity of meals. Experts recommend eliminating fatty, spicy foods rich in unhealthy fats and carbohydrates from your diet.

Important! Another reason is violations in the sphere cardiovascular system. In this case, problems with heart rhythm and arrhythmia are observed. The way out of this situation is simple - consult a cardiologist and undergo a comprehensive medical examination.

The appearance of vertical wrinkles can be caused by serious illnesses or heart attacks. A specialist is able to find out the exact cause, whether it is a sign of illness or a common manifestation of age-related changes. Vertical wrinkles on the forehead are easy to treat cosmetically.

Wrinkles on the forehead in men

Both men and women, of all ages, regardless of lifestyle, are prone to the appearance of wrinkles. But girls spend more time taking care of themselves and carry out home treatments. Wrinkles on a man’s face speak more about habits and character than about diseases and pathologies. What you can understand:

  1. A horizontal wrinkle located across the entire width of the forehead indicates a man’s high intellectual abilities, his determination, and obtaining the desired results. Such a man is persistent, brings goals and objectives to completion, and achieves success in his endeavors.
  2. Two horizontal wrinkles represent harmony with yourself and the world around you. Men with this symbol are distinguished by success in their careers and in terms of relationships. The clarity of the lines speaks of initiative, and at the same time constancy, especially in terms of family life.
  3. Many horizontal wrinkles, continuous or interrupted, are a sign of intelligence. A man is distinguished by improved memory, a penchant for analysis and analysis, approaches problems in an unconventional way, and finds a solution. In addition, representatives are distinguished by their hard work.

You should know! Along with high intelligence, representatives of this category have a subtle mental organization and are susceptible to stress and anxiety.

  1. Wavy wrinkles that have a curved shape and different locations indicate normal age-related changes. They are typical after fifty years of age and appear even with a calm and measured lifestyle.
  2. A lot of small wrinkles warn a man, telling him about a tendency to mental illness, exposure to stressful situations, and unnecessary worries. Avoiding the problem is not the answer. It is necessary to contact a specialist so that the current stressful state does not turn into a depressive state, which will be more difficult to get rid of.
  3. The absence of wrinkles is also a symptom that can indicate both positive and negative qualities men, the state of his body. Representatives of this category look young compared to their peers, but often their thinking lacks wisdom, knowledge, and skills.

Important! The best way To find out whether the folds on the forehead convey any information to their representative, contact a specialist.


Diagnostics of folds implies a study that allows you to independently analyze and identify some correspondences. To do this you need to follow the instructions:

  • Divide the face conditionally into three parts - zones. The appearance of wrinkles in each zone indicates a character trait;
  • The first zone, located from the eyebrows to the hairline, speaks of mental abilities and intelligence;
  • The second, starting from the tip of the nose and ending at the border of the first, symbolizes fortitude, a tendency to self-control;
  • The third, from the tip of the chin to the tip of the nose, represents achievements and successes, both in your personal life and in your career.

Diagnostics will allow you to identify the problem and select preventive measures.

Prevention measures

It is quite difficult to get rid of wrinkles completely, especially in a neglected state. Cosmetic procedures do not give a complete result, they only smooth out and have a visible effect. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend using preventive measures:

  1. Normalize your diet, make your diet complete and rich. The daily menu should include natural plant foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. It is also necessary to ensure a sufficient level of water consumption.
  2. It is recommended to take a biochemical blood test in order to identify what element the body is missing and select a vitamin complex.
  3. Realize home care, including daily cleansing, peelings, masks, moisturizing and nourishing treatments.
  4. Use protective creams according to the weather. In summer - sun protection, in winter - nutritious.

The appearance of wrinkles does not always indicate illness; often it is only a warning. It is necessary to review the daily routine, make adjustments, join healthy image life.
