Instructions for using protective equipment in electrical installations



by order of the Russian Ministry of Energy


SO 153-34.03.603-2003

Moscow 2003

The instructions contain a classification and list of protective equipment for work in electrical installations, requirements for their testing, content and use.

The Instructions contain standards and methods for operational, acceptance and type testing of protective equipment, procedures and standards for equipping electrical installations and production teams with protective equipment.

For managers, specialists and workers organizing and (or) performing work in electrical installations, as well as specialists involved in the development of protective equipment.


This edition of the “Instructions for the use and testing of protective equipment used in electrical installations” (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions) has been amended and supplemented to take into account the process of introducing modern protective equipment, the changing requirements of standards for specific types of protective equipment, as well as the results of an analysis of the experience of their operation and tests.

The sections devoted to specific means of protection have been reworked, taking into account the updated range of products. In particular, significant changes have been made to the sections devoted to indicators and voltage alarms, and the standards for electrical testing of the working parts of indicators have been adjusted.

The section “Portable grounding” has been significantly revised. The requirements for portable grounding wires and the methodology for selecting their sections in operation have been clarified and brought closer to the requirements of European countries and brought into compliance with current Russian standards. A number of requirements for portable grounding rods have been clarified in connection with the trend of using grounding installation methods in electrical distribution networks without lifting personnel onto supports air lines power transmission

The list of protective equipment includes kits for protection against electric arcs, the range of protective equipment for the face, eyes, and respiratory organs has been expanded, stationary voltage alarms, ladders and insulating fiberglass stepladders have been introduced. At the same time, a number of products that were not found wide application(cable damage indicator, device for determining the voltage difference in transit).

The order of construction and presentation of the Instructions, if possible, has been preserved according to the 9th edition. "Rules for the use and testing of protective equipment used in electrical installations, technical requirements to them”, with the exception that all standards and terms of operational electrical tests are excluded from the main text and are given only in appendices.

The list of applications as a whole has been shortened, but has been supplemented with a list of those used in the preparation of the Instructions regulatory documents and state standards.

With the release of this edition of the Instructions, the 9th edition of the “Rules for the use and testing of protective equipment used in electrical installations, technical requirements for them” (Moscow: Glavgosenergonadzor, 1993) becomes invalid.

The instructions were developed by Elektrotekhnika&Composites LLC (Elektrokom ®), SKTB VKT - a branch of Mosenergo OJSC with the active participation of specialists from Gosenergonadzor of the Ministry of Energy Russian Federation, Department of the General Inspectorate for the Operation of Power Plants and Networks of RAO UES of Russia. During the development, numerous comments and suggestions from users of the Instructions were taken into account.

All comments and suggestions regarding this edition of the Instructions should be sent to Gosenergonadzor of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation (103074, Moscow, Kitaigorodsky Ave., 7), Department of the General Inspectorate for the Operation of Power Plants and Networks of RAO UES of Russia (Moscow, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]) or directly to the developers: SKTB VKT Mosenergo, (115432, Moscow, 2nd Kozhukhovsky pr. 29), LLC "Electrical Engineering & Composites" (111250, Moscow, Aviamotornaya, 53, [email protected]).



1.1.1. This Instruction applies to protective equipment used in electrical installations of organizations, regardless of ownership and legal forms, individual entrepreneurs, as well as citizen-owners of electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V and establishes the classification and list of protective equipment, the volume, methods and test standards, the procedure for their use and maintenance, as well as the standards for equipping electrical installations and production teams with protective equipment.

1.1.2. The main terms and their definitions adopted in the Instructions are given in Table 1.1.

Instructions for labor protection at workplaces must be brought in accordance with these Instructions.

1.1.3. The protective equipment used in electrical installations must meet the requirements of the relevant state standard and these Instructions.

1.1.4. When working in electrical installations the following are used:

Means of protection against damage electric shock(electrical protective equipment);

Means of protection against high-tension electric fields, collective and individual (in electrical installations with voltages of 330 kV and above);

Means personal protection(PPE) in accordance with the state standard (protection for the head, eyes and face, hands, respiratory organs, against falling from a height, special protective clothing).

Table 1.1



Worker protection means

A product designed to prevent or reduce worker exposure to hazardous and (or) harmful production factors

Collective protective equipment

A means of protection that is structurally and (or) functionally connected with the production process, production equipment, premises, building, structure, production site

Personal protective equipment

Protective equipment used by one person

Electrical protective agent

Electrical shock protection equipment designed to ensure electrical safety

Basic insulating electrical protective agent

An insulating electrical protective agent, the insulation of which can withstand the operating voltage of the electrical installation for a long time and which allows you to work on live parts that are energized

Additional insulating electrical protective agent

An insulating electrical protective device, which in itself cannot provide protection against electric shock at a given voltage, but complements the main protective device, and also serves to protect against touch voltage and step voltage

Touch voltage

Voltage between two conductive parts or between a conductive part and ground when simultaneously touched by a person

Step voltage

Voltage between two points on the surface of the earth, at a distance of 1 m from one another, which is taken to be equal to the length of a person’s step

Safe distance

The smallest permissible distance between the worker and the source of danger necessary to ensure the safety of the worker

Voltage indicator

A device for determining the presence or absence of voltage on live parts of electrical installations

Voltage indicator

A device for warning personnel about being in a potentially dangerous area due to approaching live parts that are energized at a dangerous distance or for a preliminary (approximate) assessment of the presence of voltage on live parts of electrical installations at distances between them and the worker that significantly exceed safe ones

Work without stress relief

Work performed by touching live parts that are energized (active or live), or at distances from these live parts that are less than permissible

Zone of influence electric field

Space in which the electric field strength of industrial frequency exceeds 5 kV/m

Safety poster (sign)

Colorographic image of a certain geometric shape using signal and contrasting colors, graphic symbols and (or) explanatory inscriptions, intended to warn people about immediate or possible danger, prohibit, order or permit certain actions, as well as for information about the location of objects and means, the use of which eliminates or reduces the impact of hazardous and (or) harmful factors

Undistorted electric field strength

The electric field strength, not distorted by the presence of a person and a measuring device, determined in the area where a person will be located during work

Shielding device

A means of collective protection that reduces the electric field strength at workplaces in electrical installations under voltage

1.1.5. Electrical protective equipment includes:

Insulating pliers;

Voltage indicators;

Individual and stationary voltage indicators;

Devices and devices to ensure the safety of work during measurements and tests in electrical installations (voltage indicators for checking phase coincidence, electrical clamps, devices for piercing cables);

Dielectric gloves, galoshes, boots;

Dielectric carpets and insulating supports;

Protective fences (boards and screens);

Insulating linings and caps;

Hand-held isolating tool;

Portable grounding;

Safety posters and signs;

Special protective equipment, insulating devices and devices for work under voltage in electrical installations with voltages of 110 kV and above;

Flexible insulating coatings and linings for live work in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V;

Insulating fiberglass ladders and stepladders.

1.1.6. Insulating electrical protective equipment is divided into basic and additional.

The main insulating electrical protective equipment for electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V include:

Insulating rods of all types;

Insulating pliers;

Voltage indicators;

Devices and devices to ensure the safety of work during measurements and tests in electrical installations (voltage indicators for checking phase coincidence, electrical clamps, devices for puncturing cables, etc.);

Special protective equipment, insulating devices and devices for work under voltage in electrical installations with voltages of 110 kV and above (except for rods for transferring and potential equalization).

Additional insulating electrical protective equipment for electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V include:

Dielectric gloves and boots;

Insulating caps and linings;

Bars for transferring and leveling potential;

Insulating fiberglass ladders and stepladders.

The main insulating electrical protective equipment for electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V include:

Insulating rods of all types;

Insulating pliers;

Voltage indicators;

Electrical clamps;

Dielectric gloves;

Hand-held isolating tool.

Additional insulating electrical protective equipment for electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V include:

Dielectric galoshes;

Dielectric carpets and insulating supports;

Insulating caps, coverings and linings;

Insulating fiberglass ladders and stepladders.

1.1.7. The means of protection against high-intensity electric fields include individual shielding kits for work on the potential of an overhead power line (OHT) wire and on the ground potential in an open switchgear (OSD) and on an overhead line, as well as removable and portable shielding devices and safety posters.

1.1.8. Except transferred funds protection in electrical installations, the following personal protective equipment is used:

Head protection (protective helmets);

Eye and face protection (goggles and protective shields);

Respiratory protection equipment (gas masks and respirators);

Hand protection (mittens);

Means of protection against falls from a height (safety belts and safety ropes);

Special protective clothing (electric arc protection kits).

1.1.9. Selecting the necessary electrical protective equipment, means of protection against high-intensity electric fields and personal protective equipment are regulated by this Instruction, Interindustry rules for labor protection (safety rules) during the operation of electrical installations, sanitary standards and rules for performing work under conditions of exposure to electric fields of industrial frequency, guidelines for protecting personnel from exposure electric field and other relevant regulatory and technical documents, taking into account local conditions.

When choosing specific types of PPE, you should use the appropriate catalogs and recommendations for their use.

1.1.10. When using basic insulating electrical protective equipment, it is sufficient to use one additional one, except in special cases.

If necessary, protect the worker from step voltage dielectric boots or galoshes can be used without basic protective equipment.

GOST 7.11-2004 System of standards for information, library and publishing. Bibliographic record. Abbreviation of words and phrases in foreign European languages

GOST 7.11-2004 System of standards for information, library and publishing. Bibliographic record. Abbreviation of words and phrases in foreign European languages

Standard designation: GOST 7.11-2004 Standard status: valid Russian title: System of standards for information, library and publishing. Bibliographic record. Abbreviation of words and phrases in foreign European languages ​​English title: System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic description and references. Rules for the abbreviation of words and word combinations in foreign European languages ​​Effective date: 09/01/2005 Scope and conditions of application: This standard defines the rules for the abbreviation of words and word combinations in foreign European languages ​​in bibliographic descriptions of documents for catalogs and card files, information publications, as well as for book and article lists of literature and bibliographic references; rules for using abbreviations; a list of abbreviations of words (phrases) most often found in the bibliographic description and the conditions for their use. To abbreviate titles and words in publication titles, GOST 7.88 is used.
The abbreviations of words and phrases established by the standard are recommended to be used in annotations and abstracts.
The standard provides for abbreviations of words and phrases in languages ​​using Latin, Cyrillic and greek alphabets. Abbreviation of words in Russian is according to GOST 7.12. Features of abbreviations of words and phrases for the languages ​​of the CIS countries are regulated by national standards.
The standard is intended for libraries, scientific and technical information bodies, publishing houses, editorial offices and other institutions conducting bibliographic work. Replaces: GOST 7.11-78

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SO 153-34.03.603-2003

The instructions contain a classification and list of protective equipment for work in electrical installations, requirements for testing, content and use.
The Instructions provide standards and methods for operational, acceptance and type testing of protective equipment, and provide the procedure and standards for equipping electrical installations and production teams with protective equipment.
For managers, specialists and workers organizing and (or) performing work in electrical installations, as well as specialists involved in the development of protective equipment.


This edition of the “Instructions for the use and testing of protective equipment used in electrical installations” (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions) has been amended and supplemented to take into account the process of introducing modern protective equipment, the changing requirements of standards for specific types of protective equipment, as well as the results of an analysis of the experience of their operation and tests.
The sections devoted to specific means of protection have been reworked, taking into account the updated range of products. In particular, significant changes have been made to the sections devoted to indicators and voltage alarms, and the standards for electrical testing of the working parts of indicators have been adjusted.
The section “Portable grounding” has been significantly revised. The requirements for portable grounding wires and the methodology for selecting their cross-sections in operation have been clarified and brought closer to the requirements of European countries and brought into compliance with current Russian standards. A number of requirements for portable grounding rods have been clarified in connection with the trend of using methods for installing grounding connections in electrical distribution networks without lifting personnel onto the supports of overhead power lines.
The list of protective equipment includes kits for protection against electric arcs, the range of protective equipment for the face, eyes, and respiratory organs has been expanded, stationary voltage alarms, ladders and insulating fiberglass stepladders have been introduced. At the same time, a number of products that are not widely used (cable damage indicator, device for determining the voltage difference in transit) are excluded from the list.
The order of construction and presentation of the Instructions, if possible, has been preserved according to the 9th edition. "Rules for the application and testing of protective equipment used in electrical installations, technical requirements for them", with the exception that all standards and terms of operational electrical tests are excluded from the main text and are given only in the appendices.
The list of annexes has been generally shortened, but has been supplemented with a list of regulatory documents and state standards used in the preparation of the Instructions.
With the release of this edition of the Instructions, the 9th edition of the “Rules for the use and testing of protective equipment used in electrical installations, technical requirements for them” (Moscow: Glavgosenergonadzor, 1993) becomes invalid.
The instructions were developed by Elektrotekhnika & Composites LLC (Elektrokom), SKTB VKT - a branch of Mosenergo OJSC with the active participation of specialists from the State Energy Supervision Service of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Department of the General Inspectorate for the Operation of Power Plants and Networks of RAO UES of Russia. During the development, numerous comments and suggestions from users of the Instructions were taken into account.
All comments and suggestions regarding this edition of the Instructions should be sent to Gosenergonadzor of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation (103074, Moscow, Kitaygorodsky Ave., 7), Department of the General Inspectorate for the Operation of Power Plants and Networks of RAO UES of Russia (Moscow, e-mail: otb@rao,, [email protected]) or directly to the developers: SKTB VKT Mosenergo, (115432, Moscow, 2nd Kozhukhovsky pr. 29), LLC "Electrical Engineering & Composites" (111250, Moscow, Aviamotornaya, 53, [email protected]).



1.1.1. This Instruction applies to protective equipment used in electrical installations of organizations, regardless of ownership and organizational and legal forms, individual entrepreneurs, as well as citizens - owners of electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V and establishes the classification and list of protective equipment, scope, methods and test standards, the procedure for using and maintaining them, as well as the standards for equipping electrical installations and production teams with protective equipment.
1.1.2. The main terms and their definitions adopted in the Instructions are given in Table 1.1.
Instructions for labor protection at workplaces must be brought in accordance with these Instructions.
1.1.3. The protective equipment used in electrical installations must meet the requirements corresponding to the state standard and these Instructions.
1.1.4. When working in electrical installations the following are used:
- means of protection against electric shock (electrical protective equipment);
- means of protection against high-tension electric fields, collective and individual (in electrical installations with voltages of 330 kV and above);
- personal protective equipment (PPE) in accordance with state standard(protection for the head, eyes and face, hands, respiratory organs, against falling from a height, special protective clothing).




Worker protection means

A product designed to prevent or reduce worker exposure to hazardous and (or) harmful production factors

Collective protective equipment

A means of protection that is structurally and (or) functionally connected with the production process, production equipment, premises, building, structure, production site

Personal protective equipment

Protective equipment used by one person

Electrical protective agent

Electrical shock protection equipment designed to ensure electrical safety

Basic insulating electrical protective agent

An insulating electrical protective agent, the insulation of which can withstand the operating voltage of the electrical installation for a long time and which allows you to work on live parts that are energized

Additional insulating electrical protective agent

An insulating electrical protective device, which in itself cannot provide protection against electric shock at a given voltage, but complements the main protective device, and also serves to protect against touch voltage and step voltage

Touch voltage

Voltage between two conductive parts or between a conductive part and ground when simultaneously touched by a person

Step voltage

Voltage between two points on the surface of the earth, at a distance of 1 m from one another, which is taken to be equal to the length of a person’s step

Safe distance

The smallest permissible distance between the worker and the source of danger necessary to ensure the safety of the worker

Voltage indicator

A device for determining the presence or absence of voltage on live parts of electrical installations

Voltage indicator

A device for warning personnel about being in a potentially dangerous area due to approaching live parts that are energized at a dangerous distance or for a preliminary (approximate) assessment of the presence of voltage on live parts of electrical installations at distances between them and the worker that significantly exceed safe ones

Work without stress relief

Work performed by touching live parts that are energized (active or live), or at distances from these live parts that are less than permissible

Electric field influence zone

Space in which the electric field strength of industrial frequency exceeds 5 kV/m

Safety poster (sign)

A colorographic image of a certain geometric shape using signal and contrasting colors, graphic symbols and (or) explanatory inscriptions, intended to warn people about immediate or possible danger, prohibit, order or permit certain actions, as well as for information about the location of objects and means, use which eliminates or reduces the impact of hazardous and (or) harmful factors

Undistorted electric field strength

The strength of the electric field, not distorted by the presence of a person and measuring instrument, determined in the area where a person will be in the process of work

Shielding device

A means of collective protection that reduces the electric field strength at workplaces in electrical installations under voltage

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