How to find a surname room. How to find a phone by last name

On the this moment Find the phone number by the Subscriber's name, if we are talking about a cellular operator, you can only in some cases. Since no operator gives such information without western reasonWith reality, the search will be long and quite complicated. But there are several options for action that facilitate the process. Consider them in more detail.

Find room mobile phone According to the name it may be necessary in different situations. Here are the most frequent:

  • the contact is randomly lost, but is very important for the subscriber, so it needs to be restored - the room can belong to a close or relative;
  • the search for a lost child or a person, over which the guardianship is issued for one reason or another;
  • the owner of the room may be wanted or be announced missing;
  • the subscriber is looking for a fraudster and wants to know its real contact details.

There may be other situations that force a person to search for someone else's phone number. But in each of them, you can not always find out any information. Consider in more detail everyone existing methods Search.

You can find a room:

  • by referring to the cellular operator or manager in the cabin;
  • through the database on the Internet;
  • on various Internet services;
  • through the directory of home phones;
  • search on social networks and search engines.

It should be remembered that any appeal to official sources should be undergoing good reasons. With ordinary access to the operator or in the communication salon, the subscriber will not be able to obtain the desired information if they do not provide arguments in favor of his search.

Search on social networks and search engines (Google, Yandex) allows you to find a lot of information about a person. In addition, many people point their mobile phone in social network profiles. And if a personal acquaintance with a person takes place, reapplying his number will not make problems. A similar principle works in cases where the missing or fraudster is not wanted. The latter never leave for themselves reliable information.

Through the directory of home phones

In this directory you can find topical information on all registered in the city. But it is easy to imagine what amount of data is stored on paper and how time consuming will be the search.

In addition to searching by the surname and name, the user can enter additional data on a person whose phone he is looking for, up to the address and year of birth.

Here is the first issuance of results when searching for Yandex:

When the subscriber's home telephone is found, it will be possible to call it to make sure that it is faithful, and thus find out the cell. It does not always work, to the same unfamiliar man no one will give personal information. Can happen and so that the subscriber's house has no stationary device because lately They refuse them.

During the search by directory, it is best to choose databases that contain the phones of one city or even the area. This is relevant not only for Moscow, but also for any major settlements.

If the search is carried out so, it is necessary to follow the relevance and frequency of updating the information provided on the service.


The databases or reference books of cell numbers that are presented on the network are not always relevant, moreover, no one gives warranty that the information presented in them is true. Such information directories cannot be rendered to a legitimate way if a person does not hold a position that has relevant powers. For example, when making law enforcement agencies, the operator is obliged to issue data on the subscriber, up to all the specified user information, if the request comes from the official structure.

In the network, many scams that offer to sell the database for a certain amount. Find a person with such reference books will not work. In addition, the subscriber can be responsible, as the information is mined by illegally through intermediaries.

Cellular operator and manager in cellular salon

When contacting a cellular salon, a person has the opportunity to get contact data by last name if there is a legal basis. List of grounds:

  • guardianship or family ties (parent and child);
  • search without missing (with a representative of the rule of law);
  • search for a fraudster or offender (with law enforcement representatives and official request).

In other cases, get the phone of contact by his name through the operator is impossible, since it violates confidentiality and contradicts the current legislation.

If a person comes to the salon with the representatives of the rule of law, that is, a police or other official person who has authority to request such information, the search is crowned with success.

Internet services

One of the most convenient services containing sufficient information is a certificate. No. On it, you can quickly search by choosing for the main parameter as a surname and other contact information. But you can find an exclusively home phone. If a person has a subscriber's home address, the task is simplified.

How to search by reference:

  • On the service page, select the letter from which the surname begins.

  • Mark the beginning of the name for more accurate search.

  • Select one of the options found to view information.

At the moment, the site is blocked by Roskomnadzor and is prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation.

There are a lot of such services, but none of them can be complete and does not guarantee the relevance of reference data.

Find a cell number of the subscriber is extremely difficult. And if it failed to find out through social networks, reference books and all kinds of services come to the rescue. However, without a legitimate basis, a person cannot figure out the contacts of another citizen without his consent. It may be prosecuted by law.

If you are tired of your operator

Guys, we know perfectly well that the operators increase prices and force subscribers to connect the services that the latners do not want to use. Fortunately, now there is a great opportunity to go to another operator with your number. There are virtual operators that provide very good tariffs and cool buns when transferring the number. One of them Tinkoff Mobile, who increasingly choose visitors to our site.


If you need to find a room stationary phone Man, try finding it in the telephone directory. If the name is quite common, then knowledge of the address of the wanted address can be facilitated. Unfortunately, subscribers often refuse to publish their data in phone books, and simply do not have.

Contact your telephone help operator. Not only the name and surname, but also the address of human accommodation will also be needed. Recently, reference GTS is reluctant to tell the number of subscribers' telephone, so it is not always an appeal can be successful.

Try to find a human phone number by last name and name. In any search engine, dial the existing data, perhaps the wanted is registered on social networks, blogs, on forums, sites on finding work, or published ads on special boards.

Ask your acquaintances about wanted. Maybe they have common friends and oni phoned you in search.

Contact phone databases. They can be downloaded to either to buy on the radio. The problem here can be that such databases are quickly outdated, so the number found may be blocked, or belong to another subscriber.

It is not necessary to use the base of the rooms that offer download for SMS. In most cases, you will not receive a paid service, or information about the human phone will be unreliable. Although, of course, you can try to find conscientious participants in the number search process, just do not forget to check the necessary information. Check reviews about the site.

If information is available on the place of study or the work of the wanted, then find its phone number by last name and name can be through the dean or personnel department. For example, you can introduce a bank employee and clarify the contact information of a person.

Hello, dear blog readers Website. Immediately make a reservation that the following methods for finding people through the Internet (through social networks, search engines, special sites with databases, etc.) do not guarantee that you will definitely find them - they give only a chance. However, due to the fact that this way to find a person can free not prepared person, suggests that it is worth using these recommendations to take advantage - and suddenly you are lucky ...

In general, it all depends on how much it really is to find someone. If you suddenly remembered a school friend and you had a fleeting desire to spend some time on his search via the Internet, the tools below will help you in this desire. In addition, not finding it, you do not even be upset if at the search stage do not change my mind to continue.

In case when find the right person you are very and very important, At the same time, with the conduct of search activities on the network, I advise you to apply to specialized public services that have all the full information on the population of our vast country (the census of the population is conducted and periodically updated).

Another thing is that, in contrast to Soviet times, personal information is now protected and simply get the address of the right person in the address bureau will not work, but this does not mean that it is not possible at all. Perhaps, and just below, I will bring the addresses and phones of government agencies, where to appeal, as well as I will describe a short procedure for working out there your application for the search for a person you need (by name and last name, date of birth and such information). Actually, let's consider everything in order (I wish you good luck in advance, because you will need it).

Search for people VKontakte (search in VK can be without registration)

If you bother with searching for a person you need through the official authorities mentioned above. independently implement it search via the Internet.

It is especially true when searching for young people of young and middle age, which, with a high probability, can light somewhere in the global network (register under their real name and name, specify the real mobile phone number, email, car number and the like things for which It will be possible to hook them and pull out).

The greatest probability of finding a person by name and surname, by phone number (mobile or urban), in the email address and other similar things are provided, of course, in (the number of users registered in it approaches the number of residents of Russia). You can read details and communicate in it in the article on the link (these skills you may need if the search is completed successfully and you will need to join the desired opponent in contact).

To search for people in contact there is a separate tool (the "People" tab from the top menu). But before starting, I still, because in case of successful search, you will want to quickly contact the found person, and this can be done only after authorization in the service. Itself, so to solve you.

If you still decided not to register VKontakte, then just go to the page "search for people" And enter the name and name of the desired subject.

If you are already registered, then on the same tab of the search for living subjects you, send by clicking on the top menu item "People". The essence does not change - the tab will open the same as the registration that without it.

Please note that in the given screenshot upon request of my last name and name, only two results issued, which is just wonderful, for it will not be necessary to view thousands of profiles or try to filter them. But it will not always be so. For example, for such a full contact, I found a hundred thousand people:

Here without additional conditions and filters no longer dootherwise it will be possible to spend years to study all profiles (and even in vain, for among these Ivanov real people With that surname, there is not much so much, for "Ivan Ivanov" is something like a universal pseudonym Smith, which is constantly used in Bourgeois films).

To narrow the circle of searching for a person you need in contact, it will be enough to use the toolor concentrated in the right column. For example, indicating the country and the city of residence, we have already significantly reduced the circle of suspects. True, it is worth it to be realized, because it is wrong, you are of the person who was looking for, you can filter and in the end not found. In some types of surnames makes sense to explicitly specify the floor.

When searching for classmates and fellow students, it will be possible to specify the school and university accordingly, in which they studied (indicating class, faculty, year of issue). This again sends unnecessary people From the list, provided that the person's desired indicated this information in his profile and did it correctly (not mistaken or did not distort it intends).

If you have information about the age of the human you wanted (and quite wonderful if you know his birthday), then also do not apply it to specify this (date of birth, you can specify in the drop-down menu of the lower filter "Optional") for narrowing the circle of searching in VKontakte. Age can be just in case to specify in the range not to miss.

If there is nothing so, you can try look for people on VKontakte website by Yandex or Google (Read about that, and even smarter). To do this, it will be enough to enter in their address bar of the following type of request:

Site: name surname

True, this method will work only for those user profiles that in the VK settings have not closed their data from indexing by search engines. By default, everything is open, but you can not find this information for search engines to close this information - you will not find them in this way (only directly from the site VKontakte).

If possible, increase the likelihood of a successful search due to the inclusion in the range of wanted known to you familiar and relatives of this person. Some of them can light up in the network and you, pulling for this thread, raise the whole tangle. By the way, fill in your page in contact, for some individuals do not respond to messages from those who have it empty (do not want to spend their time on empty troubles).

Also note that there are and abandoned VC pagesTherefore, the fact of finding the right subject does not mean that you can communicate with it. Please note that at the top of the personal page in VKontakte it is written when her owner last appeared here.

How to find a person by photography in VKontakte

How to do it? You can, of course, use, after selecting then on the results page, the profile of the sought person. But for this photo, which is wanted, must be added to the profile. of this personWhat is unlikely. However, there is another, more productive method.

You can simply leave an application for wanted in thematic group VCFocused on the search for people in a specific city or region. To do this, go through the corresponding left menu item in the "Group", as a result of which on the page you have opted at the top of the line where you can search for VKontakte's social network communities. In this line, you can drive something like "I am looking for you Moscow" and look at the result:

Go to the most popular communities and click on the button "Offer news":

After that, fill out the application for the search for the person you need to VK (with the attached photo) and click on the "Offer news" button. After the group moderators permit your news before the publication, you will see it on the main page of this group, as well as many thousands of those who subscribed to this community.

All this significantly increases the likelihood of successful search of people through VKontakteEven if you do not know their name, nor the surname, but only have a picture. Surely in the comments to your application, someone will unsubscribe with the assumption of the one who can be depicted on the photo (it all depends on the ratio of the number of subscribers in the group and densely population of the region to which this group of people belongs). A similar group can be found almost for any city of the CIS countries, because the VC is very unusually popular with the Russian-speaking audience.

How to find a person by last name and name online?

As you already understood, the Internet is well suited to search for information, and including people. Another thing is that there is no such unequivocal place (site), where you with one hundred percent probability of finding your visa. All is somewhat smeared, so to increase the likelihood of success, you will have to visit the many resources suitable for this purpose and try happiness there.

One pleasant moments is that no one will ask you on the network, and why are you looking for this particular person? Even if your intentions are not too clean, it will not affect the final result. And besides, it is free, and the process itself can be considered as a certain kind of entertainment (like soloing character or rebus).

Only here alone names and name may not be enough (especially in the case of their extreme prevalence). It will be desirable to have at least approximate information about the date of birth, place of residence, place of study, etc., for it significantly narrows the circle of searches and relive you from the routine viewing of all the answers to your request (and they can sometimes go to thousands).

If you can't find any specific person (not everyone indicates the real name and surname questionnaires), then try search for some of his acquaintances or relativeswhich then can well withdraw on it. It is possible that someone from them lit up on the network under its real name, pointed out the real address or phone number.

When a phone number is known, you can try to find a person or his relatives on special regional bases that are presented in an excess on the network both in the form of sites and in the form of files for download (there is also an option to buy them on some collaps or markets) . For such databases, you can do the reverse search, i.e. Enter the name, surname, place of residence and date of birth, having received the phone number of this person as a reward, so that you can contact him.

Let's just give list of specialized sites and serviceswho can help you by name and surname try finding people you need:

  1. Yandex People - Search through in popular social networks. On the one hand, it is convenient, for it is not necessary to search in each network separately, but on the other hand, many users in the settings close their profiles in socialki for indexing by search engines and Yandex such profiles will not be able to add to their base, and therefore they on found.

    But from this service it is quite possible to start, because if you find the right person according to the name here, then save a whole bunch of time. Well, if you do not find, you will have to go directly on Vkontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki and other networks.

  2. - the official website of the TV program "Wait for me". Here you can leave the application for the search yourself for free, and see the existing applications - suddenly this person is also looking for you.
  3. and - If you need to find a person and you know his name, name, patronymic, as well as place and time of study, then these social networks can be successfully used for this purpose, because Sutty, that's catalogs of graduates of schools and universities For several decades.
  4. - a paid site for the search for people alleged means of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. You can specify almost any installation data: last name and name, phone, car number, etc. What is the situation in fact it is difficult to say, because I did not try to file applications. If you used the services of the center, then unsubscribe in the comments to this article about the results - everything will be useful.
  5. poisk365.Ru is another paid site for finding people by last name and name. You will have to make an opinion about it again, if you decide to take advantage of its services.
  6. , ,, and other social. Networks - In each of them it will be possible to try to search for people by introducing well-known data Name (about there is a separate article with which I strongly advise you to get acquainted). Another question is that the user can use the name and surname, trying not to light much (which fully corresponds to the current situation).
  7. - Very popular with us, the messenger, who use everything - from Mala to Great. So we can try to use it for your own purposes - try to find a little man through him according to his name and surname (if it has not changed them when registering and filling the profile). The search field is located in the upper right corner of the Skype program window:

    Just enter the name and surname there, and if the results it turns out too much, then also the city of residence. To see more detailed information About the brow, click on it in the list, and then by his avatar on the page that opens. For many people found, you will find pictures in profiles, which will greatly facilitate the process of finding the person you need.

    If the object is found, click on the "Add contact list" button. Simultaneously this user Skype will go a message that you will type in the form. Try to explain to him who you are and why you get into contacts. By the way, the same Fint ears can be done in a less popular messenger called.

  8. - a site that helps find people missing in Moscow.

How to find a person by phone number

Sometimes it is necessary to find the installation data for anyone on the telephone number you have. In principle, for this you need telephone bases (preferably new and including mobile numbers). However, in free access in the network there is practically no (with the exception of those services that I will give below). You can try to contact the mobile operator and ask to ask the consent from the subscriber you need to provide his personal data.

However, there are more simple ways Find the man's installation data by his mobile phone number (either back - by last name and name to find out the phone number):

Search for people by photography

Probably, it is possible to assume the situation when you have no other data on a wanted subject, or this data do not give the necessary results (too common names, it has registered in social networks under fictional data that you have the installation data turned out to be incorrect, etc. ). In principle, there is only one chance - a search for your photos you have.

On the Internet there are a number of very large services ,. Mostly it is Google and more recently Yandex, but there are several other players in this market (for example,), which are discussed in the above article. How exactly the search is more than detail there is described, so I will not repeat: Wait - read.

The search can be conducted by inserting in the search bar of the URL address of the photograph posted on the network (for example, you found in one of the social networks, where there is no installation information you need, but you hope to find other profiles of this user in other societies where it will be more frank). Url can be copied by clicking on the photo in the browser with the right mouse button and selecting the Context menu item "Copy Image Address" (or other similar in meaning - depends on the browser you are.

Also, the photo in the address bar can be downloaded from your computer by pointing the path to it.

But you need to understand that the service will search exactly the same photo, not a specific person on it depicted. Although, but apparently, this is not applicable to big scales (in the size of the entire Internet) or applicable, but not yet fully implemented. It is possible that when you read this article such a functionality in Google Search photos will already appear.

Again, if you can't find someone, then try to search for someone from his acquaintances (relatives) who you know. It is possible that they are not so secretive (indicate their real installation data in social networks) and you can enter the subject's desired entity through them. In war, as they say, all means are good ...

How to find a person by email address

If you have only email (if you do not know, then read both the separator - curious information), it will also be possible to enter it into the search line of the most popular social networks (VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, my world and Sable) - If this address indicated someone from the users registered there, then you can see his profile and learn from there information available on it.

If, running through the socialists, you did not find anything, then try to insert email in the search string of Yandex or Google. It is possible that this user has its own website, a blog or it is registered on the forum, where it has indicated this email address. There will be quite legitimate in and getting in trust to obtain the desired installation data (but I did not say that).

You should not neglect the opportunity to write a message to the desired Subject - the benefit of his postal address you have. If you do not want to glow, you can. You can try using social engineering methods to pull out the data you need, promising something interesting. But here you need a talent or experience, for citizens have become pretty vigilant. What and call you - not always good when you can easily find through the network Those who you would not want to see or with whom never voluntarily wanted to communicate.

Also, search by email can be carried out, for example, in Skype, ICQ and others messenger.

Good luck in your searches! Do not forget to add this page to bookmarks - suddenly someone from your acquaintances it will also be needed.

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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From time to time, there is a need to find out the cell phone number by name and surname gift, without spending a precious time. This probability is truly available. A lot of services that will support you in search, are available on the Internet.


1. Use free telephone directory online, as a result of which you will be able to rapidly find out the cell phone number by name and surname. Say, suitable and comfortable sites are and Another gratuitous service - Its superiority is that the data is replenished there all a week, and you will be able to find out the cell phone number, even if it has been registered shortly.

2. Try to find out the cell phone number by name and surname gift via online search engines. You can apply to search only the name and surname of the person, however, the likelihood of finding the desired result is sufficiently low. Great adding place of residence, work or study. In this case, you can find, for example, a person's summary on one of the employment sites or his ads in which he left its cell phone number for feedback.

3. Perform a search through public networks. It is permissible, the superior one person filled his profile and data to contact him, and if you are lucky, so you will be able to easily and know a cell phone number by name and surname. However, it is much more efficient to try to detect the login of ICQ or Skype, which uses a person. When registering in these programs, in most cases the phone number is also indicated.

4. If you are the place of work or human study, contact his colleagues or classmates. Imagine otherly or a relative of a person and ask his room for communication. You can also try to contact your city's communication salons (canceled if you are right to know the operator who uses the subscriber). True, these institutions do not provide rooms and other information about subscribers for nothing, to find out the human phone is still allowed if there are significant reasons.

5. Use the Phone Search program if you need to find out the cell phone number by name and surname gift. Later Download Applications Complete rapid registration. Filling special fields with different data about a person, you will be able to rapidly recognize his cell phone number.

Dieuz often people face atmosphere when you need to determine operator by number phone . This is due to the fact that many operators provide different preferential tariffs that allow cheaply or gift to call inside their network. It is necessary to make sure to make sure that the operators include the same or another number, and at what tariff you can call it.


1. There are several methods to determine operator by phone. To begin with, use the support of the Internet: Go to one of the sites (say, or, which provide likelihood to calculate by number phone Not only operator , but also the area in which a certain subscriber number was registered.

2. Remember codes of the 3 most famous operators in Russia: MTS, Beeline and MegaFon. They are allocated much more codes than other Russians operator m, shared. It turns out, look at the DEF code number, that is, the first three digits. The MTS operator corresponds to the numbers in the intervals of 910-919 and 980-988. The Beeline operator is allowed to determine by these numbers: 903, 905, 909 and 960-964. If at the beginning of the number you see codes within 920-931 or the number 937, it means that this number belongs to the megaphone operator. Only seven three-digit codes are brought to all other operators, among which are the following: 901, 902, 904, 908, 950-952. Many codes belong to the GSM format. Such a situation appeared because the overwhelming number of subscribers uses this type of communication.

3. In addition, detect special programs on the Internet, allowing to determine operator and the region where a person is located by a mobile number phone . For example, Phone Wizard applications or DEF are allowed to detect the number of any user, to whatever the operators it does not belong.

4. You can also check the number phone On the Internet, using cellular operators databases. There you will find the most complete and accurate list of phone codes for all operator and region. This is extremely necessary for operators that use universal DEF codes. For example, Tele2 in the GSM network uses codes 908, 904, 950-952, and the SKYLINK operator in the CDMA network is code 901. Thus, the methods determine operator by number phone , abound. Choose particularly comfortable for you and invariably be aware of how you deal with what operator.

ICQ is one of the very first messengers that appeared together with the wide distribution of the Internet. This messenger, in the people called "ICQ", did not lose popularity and now - it is used for both dating and informal communication and work. So if you forgot your login or password from ICQ, it can be a rather critical atmosphere.


1. Fortunately, restore your login ICQ is quite primitive. This is allowed to make it easy on the site of the program Going to the site, immediately on the main page, on the right under the banner you will see the inscription "Forgot your password?" By clicking on the "Get" button at ease under it, you will find yourself on the page where you will be prompted to enter an email address that your ICQ number has been registered, and control numbers. Click on the "Next" button.

2. A mechanical letter will come to your email containing a link for a password metamorphosis. Easily in the letter will be indicated by your login. If you do not need to change the password, primitive enter the specified login and your dilapid password in the login window in the ICQ window. If you do not remember it, go through the link given in the letter and enter the newest password - thus you restore it, and login.

3. If the ICQ administrator is closely installed on your computer, you do not need to go to the main page of the program site. Run the messenger, and when the input window opens, it is easy under the window to enter the password, you will see the link "Forgot your password?". Later, how you pass through it, the page will open for the entry of your email address and the control numbers described above.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice
Please note that there are three fields in the messenger in the messenger window, where you can simulate or not to stap ticks: "Auto-connection", "Remember the password", "Do not memorize me upon exit." Tick \u200b\u200bin the first will allow you to mechanically enter the ICQ at the same time with the download of the computer, in the second - to save the password, so you do not have to remember it. However, firstly, all auto-passable programs slow down the computer's work, secondly, the checkbox in the "Remember password" field, you risk losing a password with a viral attack. Incidentally, for security reasons, it is recommended not to memorize the password mechanically, but to fix it anywhere in the right place, say, in notepad.

Commonly search robots themselves find new sites, provided that there are external references to them. But if after 4-8 weeks the site does not arise in the issuance of the search engine, it is worthwhile to add it to the search engine.

You will need

  • - access to the Internet.


1. Make sure your source is ready for indexing. That is, all site pages are required to be filled with content, optimized and have an index permission (not to be prohibited by the robots.txt file).

2. To facilitate the process of adding a site to the search program, pre-prepare a text document with data, often encountered when registering in search engines. It must contain the name of the site, the site URL, a short page content, email address, contact details.

3. Before registering the source, in that other search engine, read the recommendations for adding sites in the selected system and ensure that your actions have not violated their rules.

4. To add a gift to the search engines, go to the relevant links. After referring to that or another search engine (Yandex, Google, Aport, Yahoo, Mail Gogo, Bing), easily enter your details in the proposed fields and follow the instructions of the program.

5. For example, if you decide to add your site to the Yandex search engine, while moving on a special link, you will see the WebMaster window, the title of which will be "notifying about the new site". Enter the main page of your site in the window window and click the Add button. The remaining pages will be detected mechanically. At the same time, the HTTP standard protocol is allowed not to indicate. If access to the site has limitations and is carried out via HTTPS, specify the protocol obviously. For example:

6. Add a site to Yandex and Google webmasters services, offer them your site map. Thus, you will spend more complete source indexing. Register in the Google WebMaster service and the Yandex Webmasters Community, add your site there, and after that its card, using the following link: By the same thesis is allowed to register in the service of webmasters of MSN and Yahoo systems, adding their website and XML card there.

Video on the topic

The Skype number is used to activate the likelihood of acquiring calls in the program from fixed and cell phones. This number is attached to the closer account of the existing account and must be used in accordance with Skype agreements. By default, any service user has no personal number, and therefore can only be used by its own login in the call service.


1. Connecting Skype is made on the official service website. Its activation is paid, however, it permits to significantly reduce the spending on the connection when calling by long-distance and international communications. Moreover, the Skype number will allow you to save the user's availability independently from its location, and you will be able to respond to loudspeakers from your mobile phone and from a tablet computer or a laptop.

2. Go to the Skype formal site to implement a subscription to the service. Before you, you need to specify your own username and password in the system by entering the requested data. After that, you will be asked to prefer the country code and the place of your location at the current moment to assign the number. Choose a comfortable country for you, the phone code of which will be needed to specify the caller to your subscriber when trying to communicate.

3. After that, you will be prompted to set the area code code in which you are approximately. Having made a choice, you will need to specify from several options that number, the one you want for yourself. You can also manually come up with a numeric combination that will be your number to communicate. Press the Continue button to continue registration.

4. You may prefer one of the 2nd subscription options by paying 3 or 12 months using the number forward. Payment is made using PayPal or credit card. You can also pay the necessary amount through QIWI, Yandex.Money or Webmoney.

5. Make sure the purchase operation by specifying the required payment information. As soon as cash Will be translated into account, you will be able to take louds from abroad. To make a loud to this number, the subscriber will need to enter the initiation code of the country you specified, the code of the selected city and your Skype number. The purchase of Skype numbers is over and it will be displayed in the Skype program window when making calls.

The list of Skype numbers is currently missing Russia, and therefore you will have to prefer the number from a different country.

Helpful advice
Without connecting this service assigned Skype numbers does not exist, and all calls to your account Will be made according to your username (login) in the system.

Tip 6: How to find out the phone number by name and surname for free

There are environments when it is necessary to communicate with a person who is missing in the personal list of contacts. To do this, you can find out the phone number by name and surname gift one of several ways.

To find out the phone number by name and surname for nothing, it is pretty introducing them to one of the search engines of the Internet, say, Google or Yandex. Pay attention to links offered by the search engine and select those of them that will be especially informative for you. First, browse the sites of free and paid ads, as well as portals for finding a job. It is more often for each number of the needed person to detect exactly on them, from the fact that people often place ads and resumes in free access and at the same time indicate their contact details in them.

Continue learning the links received when searching. Find out the phone number by name and surname gift is allowed on online sources that provide work on the Internet. It can be the exchange of copywriters, sites and forums for freelancers, as well as novice merchants. Here people also traditionally fill in detail the contact details in their profile in order to attract customers and employers.

If the search engines did not provide you with appropriate help, try to register in one or several public networks, where it is also allowed to detect the necessary person and find out its mobile phone number by name and surname for nothing. Later registration, you will see a search string located at the top of the site. Enter the name and surname of the person, then press ENTER. Examine the search results. On this page you can also clarify your request and add other famous data about a person, say, place of his residence, work or study.

Try to detect in public networks of the nearest relatives or friends of the person you need. Contact them to notify you the number of his mobile phone. Distribute to communicate respectfully and explain how it is allowed in more detail for what reason you need this information.

If you need to find out the mobile phone number by the name and surname of a person, the one that got into trouble either committed a crime, contact law enforcement agencies. The law enforcement workers have access to databases of databases of different cities, and they can be fed quickly to contact those you are looking for.

Do not attempt to detect and download a database with phone numbers on the Internet. This information is harshly confidential and is not commonly placed in free access, which will continue to offer its people, rather than everyone, are fraudsters.

On the Internet there is a lot of ways to find out who called from an unfamiliar room. Look into the database mobile operator Not so simple, and all publicly available web archives are most likely designed by fraudsters. You will not find in them the right number, but only spend your time. We will tell about the safest and legal search methods that really work.

Find the owner of the phone number in Google

To use this method to search for an unknown phone number, you must at least be familiar with the syntax. If you simply enter the number in the search string, the system will give either references where such a combination of numbers is mentioned, or foreign information, in no way associated with your goal. To search for a specific number you need to use quotes.

Call an unfamiliar number

Perhaps the simple, but not the most obvious way to search for the owner of the phone - to call this number. If a voice mail uses, his name will most likely be called in the greeting text. If the phone belongs to any organization, you will probably answer an answering machine that will say the name of the company.

If you want to stay incognito, do not call your personal room. Call back from someone else's phone or computer. But be careful - it may be, and from your account will simply be removed.

Install the TrueCaller application

A special TrueCaller app will help to find and block an unknown number from which you called. The service collects a list of spam contacts, which is constantly updated by the community of 250 million users. By installing the application, you will find out all publicly available information about the desired subscriber. Program you can download for free for