How to configure autorun programs in windows xp. Windows XP, disabling autorun

» How to debug Windows XP startup?

How to debug Windows XP startup?

When you start your computer, along with the operating system, many programs are launched that are not used. Their startup affects the startup time of other applications, which reduces the efficiency of the system as a whole. To eliminate such problems, it is necessary to configure the system. It is important to avoid overloading Windows XP.
 Some programs are loaded by default. It is enough to install them so that they are registered in the automatic start list. Others are registered each time they are launched, even if the user has excluded them from being launched automatically. Thus, startup applications change, so it is important to check whether the list of allowed programs has changed.
 Access via the "msconfig" command Debugging Windows XP begins by calling the "msconfig" command. To display the system setup menu, you must do the following:

  • Go to the Start menu.
  • Select the “Run” tab.
  • In the presented window, enter the “msconfig” command.
  • Click “OK” or the “Enter” key.

As a result, a window called “System Settings” will open. Here you need to go to the “Startup” tab and uncheck the boxes next to programs that you would not like to run with Windows XP. After completing the settings, click the “Apply” and “OK” button.

The system will display a window where the user chooses whether to restart the computer immediately or exit settings without rebooting. In the second case, the changes will not take effect; the configuration will change only when Windows XP reboots.

Important: startup often determines performance operating system. If, unknowingly, they are excluded from the list of utilities allowed to run important applications, then the computer may not start or may boot with errors. In some cases, this leads to serious consequences. If the purpose of the program is not known, it is better to leave it among the default downloads along with Windows XP.

Programs located directly in the “Windows” folder should not be disabled (unless, of course, they were installed there deliberately, which is not recommended). The same applies to utilities installed in the “System” folder. The path to the location of the programs is reflected to the right of the name.

Utility for setting up startup

Autoloading is not the only optimization stage. To adapt the operation of the operating system comprehensively, we use special programs. One of the most popular is CCleaner. This way you can eliminate the use of the “msconfig” command. Experts recommend debugging Windows XP using this utility. This approach is not only convenient, but also practical. To prevent startup from launching unnecessary programs, launch CCleaner and perform the following actions:

  1. go to the “Service” tab;
  2. in the next window, select the “Startup” tab.

The user is presented with a list of programs that have ever been loaded by default or in at the moment run along with the operating system. To change the settings, just select the utility. After clicking, the line on which the selected application is located will turn blue.

To enable or disable an application, you need to click the corresponding buttons located to the right of the list of available programs window. Windows XP automatically downloads only those software that are marked bright black in the automatic download section of CCleaner.

A pale gray inscription indicates that the program is inactive, so it does not start along with the operating system. In addition, disabled utilities can be excluded from the list displayed in the CCleaner tab. To do this, select the inactive application, highlighting it in blue, and click the “Delete” button.

If such a manipulation is performed with an active label, autoloading will not be disabled, but the utility will be removed from the list of displayed programs. Then, in order to still disable automatic downloading, you will have to manually launch the program whose name has been deleted. Windows XP Explorer is used for this.

Standard method

If you don’t want to install additional utilities, you can disable the annoying program by launching it directly. The fact that most utilities are running is displayed in the Quick Launch panel. Autoloading is mostly disabled in the general settings - each utility is run on specific projects, so the menu layout is individual.

By unchecking the box next to “boot with the operating system” or “boot with Windows XP”, you should save the settings and close the program. The next time you turn on the computer, the utility will not load. This way the system is optimized and the speed of its operation increases significantly.

Today almost any installed program adds itself to startup. That is, it starts when you turn on your computer or laptop. What's wrong with that? It's simple: the more of them there are, the slower your PC or laptop will turn on. And in case of shortage RAM it will glitch and slow down. Accordingly, in order to prevent this, and at the same time optimize the operation of your computer, you need to disable autorun of programs in Windows. Not necessarily all of them - it is enough to remove only the unnecessary ones and those that you rarely use.

How to disable autorun programs in Windows XP

  1. Open “Start” and select “Run”.
  2. In the window that appears, write msconfig and press Enter.
  3. In the new window, go to the “Startup” tab and uncheck unnecessary items.

This is how easy it is to remove unnecessary programs from startup. After changing the settings and clicking the “OK” button, the system will ask you to restart your PC or laptop. This is not necessary, but it is advisable.

If, after restarting your computer, you find that some software is missing, you can always open this window again and check the necessary boxes.

How to remove startup programs in Windows 7

The same method works on the “seven”. Only he is a little different.

What startup programs can be disabled? Preferably only those that you know. If the name of the program is unfamiliar to you, it is better not to touch it. Some of them are service ones and are needed for the normal operation of a computer or laptop. And if you turn them off, the consequences can be unpredictable.

To do this, go to Start - All Programs - Startup.

This is where the software that is loaded when you turn on the computer is displayed (but the list will most likely be incomplete). And to remove it from startup, just delete the unnecessary items (i.e. right-click – Delete).

Startup management in Windows 8 and 10 operating systems is carried out through the device manager

Accordingly, to disable autorun programs in Windows 10 or 8:

  1. Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc keys.
  2. Click More Details.
  3. Go to the "Startup" tab (or "Startup" if you have the English version).

Finally, as promised, I will give universal tips on how to set up autoloading in any version of Windows. This is done using additional software.

For example, you can clean startup using CCleaner. This is an excellent software that removes various junk and optimizes the operation of your computer. So, to prevent programs from starting automatically when you turn on your laptop or PC:

  1. Launch CCleaner.
  2. Go to the "Service" tab.

The software that is loaded along with the OS is displayed here. Select the desired item and click the “Turn off” button (or double-click on it).

You can also go to other tabs - for example, Google Chrome. All plugins (extensions) enabled in your browser are displayed here and, if necessary, you can disable unnecessary ones.

You can also remove unnecessary programs from startup in Windows using the excellent Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​utility, which is designed to optimize PC performance. To do this:

  1. Launch it.
  2. Go to the "Tools" tab.
  3. Select Autorun.

And then everything is simple: select the necessary items and uncheck them. If necessary, you can click on the line “Show additional. elements”, after which the list of applications will increase several times. But remember, only turn off what you know.

Many of them blatantly, without the user’s permission, interfere with startup and can automatically start again when you turn on the computer, even after performing the above-described manipulations. In this case, you need to go to the software settings and uncheck the corresponding box.

To make it clearer, I will show how this is done using the example of the famous Skype messenger.

Ready. Skype will no longer open when you turn on your PC, and you don’t need to go into Windows settings or use additional software to do this. In the same way, you can disable autorun of any program.

True, this procedure will be slightly different. The required point can be located anywhere and called differently, but the essence is approximately the same.

Why do computers, if left uncontrolled, take a long time to perform their functions? There are a number of reasons, one of which is a large number of unnecessary programs. Each application strives to capture the user's attention by adding it to autorun. What does it mean? Every time a number of programs start when Windows XP starts. Together, they load memory and prevent the system from performing current tasks quickly. At the same time, not all of these programs are really necessary for normal operation. Therefore, there are ways to edit autorun.

Removing applications

For example, to prevent some programs from starting when Windows XP starts, there is a special setting in the Start menu. Open Start and find the special Run item there.

After this, the program execution window will open, write the msconfig command in the field of this window, as shown below:

Enter the command in the field

Once the OK button is clicked, the setting will open:

Checkmarks show active download programs

This setting helps solve the startup issue once and for all. Opposite each of the programs there is a special checkbox. It means that it starts when the system starts. Now you need to decide which program is needed to run, and which one can be turned off. If you don’t understand from the name what kind of application it is, you can look along the path to the folders. Usually the main folder has the name of the application.

It is strongly recommended not to prohibit the launch of programs that work with viruses. These can be various defenders and antiviruses. It is extremely necessary for them to always work in order to protect the computer from malicious software for the longest possible time. software. After everything necessary programs defined, and unnecessary ones are closed, you need to click on the Apply button. The system will then prompt you to reboot.

Everything is done, now when you reboot the Windows XP system, a list of only those programs that are really necessary for work will start. What does this give? Such a policy frees up a large amount of resources. After all, the computer slows down not for the reason that it becomes old. Even the most ancient machines can easily provide Internet access and play movies if they do not bother with other applications.

Reverting changes

If, when changing the list of startup programs, you happen to delete the necessary applications for Windows XP, then do not panic. To solve the problem, just go back to the startup settings and restore the unchecked boxes. You can also organize self-testing. See in practice which applications really help in carrying out daily activities. Often these are keyboard layout switches, download managers, messaging and the like.

Try disabling some of them, run them for a while and determine if you are suffering from the lack of such applications in Windows XP. If there really is a need, then you need to leave these tools for comfortable work. If there is no difference, then you urgently need to throw these elements out of Windows XP startup. Only a well-balanced set of utilities can make your computer work as efficiently as possible. The user does not have to for a long time update your hardware thanks to the competent formulation of the autostart issue. And this saves not only money, but also human time.

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After some time, the computer begins to take longer to boot and think when turned on. It may seem to you that the problem is due to viruses (sometimes this is true), but most often the reason lies in the fact that many programs, after installation, register themselves in startup, and over time there are more and more of them.
There are ways to remove programs from startup, but in this article we’ll look at the standard method, using Windows itself.

By itself, this service does not exist. It is included and is part of a service called "System Configuration", which is located in the folder


with name msconfig.exe.

You can enter autoload either this way or using an easier method.

You can open startup using the command msconfig.exe or just msconfig, which must be entered into the "Run" () menu item.

I remind you that you can call it with a keyboard shortcut win+r, and then enter in the field msconfig

In the window that opens, go to the tab

and uncheck the programs you don’t need in order to disable their startup when you turn on windows.
Their names and paths are listed in the columns, so I think you can’t go wrong when turning them off.
But in any case, if you removed the wrong application from startup and want to return it, you can do the same procedure and check the box again. They are saved at the end of the list.
After making changes and pressing buttons Apply And OK A window will appear asking you to reboot. It's better to agree with him.

is in the thread:


On the right side you can see a list of downloaded applications:

After using the operating system for a long time, we may notice that the startup time has increased significantly. This happens by various reasons, also due to the large number of programs that start automatically along with Windows.

Various antiviruses, driver management software, keyboard layout switches and software are most often included in startup. cloud services. They do this on their own, without our participation. In addition, some careless developers add this function to their software. As a result, we end up with long loading times and waste our time waiting.

However, the option to automatically launch programs has its advantages. We can open the necessary software immediately after the system starts, for example, a browser, a text editor, or run custom scripts and scenarios.

Many programs have a built-in autorun setting. This is the easiest way to enable this feature.

If such a setting is missing, and we need to remove or, conversely, add software to startup, then we will have to use the appropriate capabilities of the operating system or third-party software.

Method 1: Third party software

Programs designed to maintain the operating system, among other things, have a startup editing function. For example, Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​and CCleaner.

  1. Auslogics BoostSpeed.
  2. CCleaner.

    This software only works with an existing list, to which it is impossible to add your own element.

Method 2: System Functions

operating room Windows system XP has in its arsenal a set of tools for editing program startup parameters.


Autoloading programs in Windows XP has both its pros and cons. The information provided in this article will help you use the function in a way that saves time when working with your computer.