How does Medvedev feel after the demon? Russians were worried about the long absence of Dmitry Medvedev

Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev- Russian statesman and politician, third president Russian Federation(2008 - 2012), Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation (since 2012), Chairman of the party " United Russia"(since 2012).

Origin, childhood, education of Dmitry Medvedev

Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev was born on September 14, 1965 in Leningrad. Dmitry Medvedev was the only child in a family that lived in the Kupchino district, a “dormitory area” of Leningrad, on Bela Kun Street.

Father - Anatoly Afanasyevich Medvedev(1926−2004) - was a professor at the Leningrad Technological Institute named after Lensovet. He is a descendant of peasants from the Kursk province.

Dmitry Medvedev's mother - Yulia Veniaminovna(maiden name - Shaposhnikova) - born on November 21, 1939, daughter of Veniamin Sergeevich Shaposhnikov and Melania Vasilyevna Kovaleva - philologist, taught at the Pedagogical Institute named after A. I. Herzen, later worked as a guide in Pavlovsk. On the maternal side, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev’s roots are from the Belgorod region. There is not much information about them; the biography of Dmitry Medvedev on Wikipedia only says that Sergei Ivanovich and Ekaterina Nikitichna Shaposhnikov, Vasily Alexandrovich and Anfiya Filippovna Kovalev come from Alekseevka, Belgorod region. However, “Interlocutor” wrote that Dmitry Medvedev’s grandfather Veniamin Shaposhnikov worked in the sanitary service at railway, and my grandmother, Melanya Vasilievna, was a housewife and sewed at home. Dmitry Anatolyevich’s mother has a twin sister, Elena (real name Serafima) Shaposhnikova. Aunt Medvedev lives in Voronezh and in the United States, where her son Artem, the prime minister’s cousin, bought her an apartment in Miami.

Dmitry Medvedev in childhood

Paternal grandfather - Afanasy Fedorovich Medvedev(1904−1994) was a party worker since 1933. Member of the Great Patriotic War, captain. Grandmother - Nadezhda Vasilievna Medvedeva She was a housewife and raised children: Svetlana and Anatoly.

Dmitry Medvedev visited high school No. 305, where he studied well, was a diligent student, even preferring playing outside to studying. After graduating from school, Dmitry Anatolyevich entered the Leningrad State University named after A. A. Zhdanov at the Faculty of Law. Having completed the basic course of study in 1987, Dmitry Medvedev became a graduate student. He completed his postgraduate studies in 1990.

Dmitry Medvedev and his class, 1979

While still at school, Dmitry Medvedev was involved in kayaking and went rowing to the school of labor reserves. During his student years, he was successfully involved in weightlifting. Short stature (Dmitry Medvedev’s height is 163 cm), as is known, can be convenient in this sport. Dmitry Anatolyevich even won university competitions in the barbell.

At the university, Medvedev joined the party and remained a member of the CPSU until August 1991. And another interesting moment from the life of Dmitry Anatolyevich: in a conversation with students at the University of the Pacific, the future third president of Russia shared his revelations. He said that while studying at the university, he received an increased scholarship of 50 rubles. and at the same time worked part-time as a janitor, receiving a salary of 120 rubles. per month.

Dmitry Medvedev (left) in his student years

Since 1988 (from 1988 to 1990 as a graduate student), Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev began his career - he taught civil and Roman law at the Faculty of Law of Leningrad State University, then St. Petersburg State University. He defended his PhD thesis on the topic: “Problems of implementing the civil legal personality of a state enterprise.” Dmitry Anatolyevich stopped teaching only in 1999 in connection with his move to Moscow.

Career of Dmitry Medvedev

While studying in graduate school and simultaneously working as a teacher, Dmitry Anatolyevich at the same time in 1990-1995 was an adviser to the chairman of the Leningrad City Council of People's Deputies Anatoly Sobchak, where his activities as a politician began. Then Dmitry Medvedev was appointed expert of the Committee on external relations City Hall of St. Petersburg, whose chairman was Vladimir Putin .

In the 90s, Dmitry Medvedev still had time for business. In 1993, he became a co-founder of Finzell CJSC and the owner of a 50% stake. In 1993-1998 - co-founder and head of the legal service "Ilim Pulp Enterprise", owner of a 20% stake. In 1994 he was a co-founder CJSC "Consulting firm "Balflot". According to some reports, in the first half of the 90s, Medvedev’s biography also included working as a lawyer in a St. Petersburg joint-stock insurance company "Rus".

In 1996, after Sobchak's defeat in the elections, Dmitry Medvedev stopped working at Smolny. Dmitry Medvedev's Moscow period began in November 1999, when he was appointed Deputy Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation ( Dmitry Kozak). This was facilitated by becoming the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

After leaving Boris Yeltsin, Medvedev worked as deputy head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation. Dmitry Anatolyevich headed the campaign headquarters of Vladimir Putin.

In the photo: Vladimir Putin (right) spoke at a press conference at his campaign headquarters. Second from right is the head of Vladimir Putin's election headquarters - Dmitry Medvedev, 2000. (Photo: Sergey Velichkin, Vladimir Rodionov/TASS)

The official biography of Dmitry Medvedev also contains a record of his work as Chairman of the Board of Directors OJSC Gazprom(2000 - 2001), deputy chairman in 2001 and again chairman since June 2002.

Since October 2003, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev became the head of the Russian Presidential Administration. Also in 2003, on November 12, he was appointed a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. In April 2004, Dmitry Anatolyevich received the status of a permanent member of the Russian Security Council.

Dmitry Medvedev (pictured left) was appointed head of the Russian Presidential Administration by decree of the President of the Russian Federation (Photo by the Kremlin press service/TASS); Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chief of Staff of the Presidential Administration Dmitry Medvedev (from left to right), 2003. (Photo: Vladimir Rodionov/TASS)

From November 14, 2005 to May 7, 2008, Dmitry Medvedev served as First Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government. From 2006 to 2008, he was also Chairman of the Presidium of the Council for the Implementation of Priority National Projects. In October 2007, Medvedev announced the completion of a project to connect everyone to the Internet Russian schools(59 thousand).

On December 10, 2007, the main news was that Vladimir Putin supported the candidacy Dmitry Medvedev for the post of President of the Russian Federation. “As for the candidacy of Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, I have known him very closely for more than 17 years, and I fully and completely support this candidacy,” said Vladimir Vladimirovich. The next day, Medvedev’s appeal to Putin was shown on TV “with a request to give agreement in principle to head the government of Russia after the election of a new president of our country.” On December 17, 2007, Dmitry Medvedev was nominated as a candidate for the post of President of Russia at the congress of the United Russia party. There was only one delegate against, and 478 people were in favor.

First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev at a press conference at his election headquarters. (Photo: Dmitry Astakhov/TASS)

Dmitry Medvedev went to the polls with the slogan “Together we will win.” Medvedev's election headquarters was headed by the head of the Presidential Administration and the future mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin. In his election promises, Dmitry Anatolyevich spoke about increasing the level and quality of life of the population, and about continuing work on priority national projects. “...the main thing for our country is the continuation of calm and stable development. What is needed is simply decades of stable development. What our country was deprived of in the twentieth century was decades of normal life and purposeful work,” said the future third president in a speech at the II All-Russian Civil Forum on January 22, 2008.

In the elections held on March 2, 2008, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev received 52,530,712 votes (70.28%). In his inaugural speech, Dmitry Anatolyevich stated that he considered the priority task in his new position to be “the further development of civil and economic freedoms, the creation of new civic opportunities.” He confirmed this course by signing his first decrees, which directly relate to the social sphere. In particular, one of the first documents was a federal law providing for the provision of housing at the expense of the federal budget to all veterans of the Great Patriotic War in need of improved housing conditions until May 2010.

Dmitry Medvedev taking the oath at the inauguration ceremony of the Russian President in the Grand Kremlin Palace, 2008. (Photo: Vladimir Rodionov/TASS)

During the presidency of Dmitry Medvedev, population growth stabilized and the percentage of large families increased. He continued Vladimir Putin’s policy in the field agriculture. It is difficult to consider the activities of President Medvedev in isolation from the work of the Prime Minister of those years, Putin; joint photos of representatives of the “tandem” were often published in the media. Together, Medvedev and Putin made working trips around the country, to its farthest corners, as they still do. So in 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev visited the island of Alexandra Land in the Franz Josef Land archipelago on March 29, where they talked with environmentalists and got acquainted with the results of cleaning the island from garbage.

Under President Medvedev, real incomes of the population increased by almost 20%, the average size of pensions doubled; more than a million families have improved living conditions thanks to the program maternity capital. Much has been done in the field of small business - Medvedev helped simplify the procedure for starting your own business, and also lifted some restrictions for entrepreneurs; Dmitry Anatolyevich himself called for “not to make business a nightmare.”

Computer technology, innovation, gadgets

The beginning was made of the creation of a powerful research center, which was supposed to become an analogue of the American Silicon Valley. In September 2010, Medvedev signed Federal law No. 244 “On the Skolkovo Innovation Center”, Dmitry Anatolyevich has repeatedly called this center a landmark and most important link in the modernization of Russia.

Dmitry Medvedev speaking at the opening of the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo (Photo: Dmitry Astakhov/TASS)

In general, Dmitry Medvedev devoted a lot of time to innovation, which was the subject of jokes about him, due to the president’s craving for modern gadgets, the development of the Internet, and presence on social networks. Photos of Dmitry Medvedev with smartphones and other devices were actively published in the news.

Today, in 2017, Dmitry Medvedev remains a lover of social networks, registered on Twitter, VKontakte, and publishes photos on the social network Instagram. For example, Medvedev used Instagram to congratulate him on Russia Day, posting a photo with four Russian flags against the backdrop of a coniferous forest.

Nickname of Dmitry Anatolyevich on Instagram - Damedvedev. By the summer of 2017, Medvedev had posted more than 500 photos there, which collected tens of thousands of “likes.” In particular, the photo of Medvedev and Putin dining on fish soup on Lake Ilmen received 170 thousand “likes.” Many of Medvedev’s posts on social networks immediately become news and appear in many media outlets.

Military conflict with Georgia

A difficult episode occurred in the biography of President Medvedev already in the first year of his presidency. On the night of August 7-8, 2008, shocking news came from the Caucasus - Georgian troops began intensive artillery shelling of the capital of South Ossetia, Tskhinvali, and surrounding areas. The tragedy continued when a few hours later the city was stormed by Georgian armored vehicles and infantry. As a result of the attack, more than ten servicemen of the Russian peacekeeping forces were killed and several dozen were wounded.

On the same day, the President of South Ossetia, Eduard Kokoity, reported numerous casualties among civilians in South Ossetia and accused the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili in the genocide of the Ossetian people.

Medvedev later noted: “Ultimately, for some time we still had hopes that this was still some kind of provocation that would not be completed. But at that moment, when the missile guns actually started working, the tanks started shooting, and I was informed about the death of our citizens, including peacekeepers, I did not hesitate for a minute and gave the order to defeat and respond.”

During this period, President Medvedev held negotiations with French President Nicolas Sarkozy, which ended with the adoption of a plan to resolve the armed conflict in Georgia. Dmitry Anatolyevich characterized the actions of the Georgian army in the zone of the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict as genocide and ethnic cleansing. He also compared the Georgian leadership to “thugs who smelled blood.”

French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (from left to right) at a meeting in the Kremlin. (Moscow, August 12, 2008)

The media showed a photo of a meeting in an official setting in the Kremlin on August 14, 2008 (at the end of active hostilities in Georgia) between Medvedev and the President of the Republic of Abkhazia Sergei Bagapsh and President of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity. During the meeting, Kokoity and Bagapsh signed six principles for resolving the Georgian-South Ossetian and Georgian-Abkhaz conflicts, previously developed by Medvedev and Sarkozy; The presidents of the unrecognized republics were informed that Russia would support any decision on the status of South Ossetia and Abkhazia that the peoples of these republics would make.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Abkhaz President Sergei Bagapsh and South Ossetian President Eduard Kokoity (from left) at a meeting in the Kremlin. (Photo: Dmitry Astakhov/TASS)

Foreign policy of Dmitry Medvedev

In 2009, Dmitry Medvedev held negotiations with Barack Obama during his official working visit to Moscow. Bilateral agreements were signed, including on the transit of American military cargo to Afghanistan through Russian territory, and guidelines for the reduction of strategic offensive weapons were outlined. On April 8, 2010, Russian President D. Medvedev and US President B. Obama in Prague signed the Treaty on the Reduction of Strategic Offensive Arms for a period of 10 years.

US President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (from left to right), Moscow. July 7, 2009 (Photo: Dmitry Astakhov/TASS)

November 28, 2009 Dmitry Medvedev, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko and President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev In Minsk, an agreement was signed on the creation of a single customs space on the territory of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan from January 1, 2010.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko and Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev (from left to right). Belarus. November 29, 2009

In April 2010, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev held negotiations with the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, as a result of which the Kharkov agreements were signed on the continued basing of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Crimea after 2017.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych (from left to right) (Photo: Dmitry Astakhov/TASS)

As Prime Minister. Criticism of D. Medvedev

On May 8, 2012, Dmitry Medvedev was appointed Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. As Prime Minister, he had to face a more severe economic crisis than during his presidency, and addressed to Dmitry Anatolyevich recent years There is a lot of criticism, in particular from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. In the summer of 2013, tens of thousands of people, taking to the streets as part of the all-Russian action launched by the communists for the resignation of the cabinet of ministers, openly expressed their disagreement with the course pursued by the highest executive body of power. In the fall of 2016, the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov noticed that there was nowhere to go further with Medvedev’s team.

In 2016, Dmitry Medvedev was remembered for several phrases that eventually gained great popularity and became Internet memes. Medvedev made it into the top ten memes of the year with his famous appeal to the residents of Crimea “There is no money, but you hold on.” And the prime minister’s proposal to rename “Americano” to “Rusiano” took 7th place in the Google search rankings.

I also remember how in the summer of 2016, Dmitry Anatolyevich, at the educational forum “Territory of Meanings,” advised a teacher from Dagestan, who complained about the low salaries of teachers in the republic, to go into business. “The most important thing is personal choice. I am often asked about this. Both for teachers and teachers, this is a calling. And if you want to earn money, there are a lot of great places where you can do it faster and better. The same business,” the Prime Minister said.

In 2017, the Anti-Corruption Foundation Alexey Navalny published an investigation dedicated to Dmitry Medvedev. The main topic is real estate objects (they were filmed by quadcopters from a bird's eye view) owned by funds and companies that, according to the authors of the publication, are associated with the Prime Minister. News about the film “He’s Not Dimon” became a notable phenomenon in the spring of 2017.

The prime minister himself called all the information presented dregs and nonsense.

In turn, a group of deputies from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation submitted a draft protocol order in connection with the accusations that appeared on the Internet. The document says that the information published by Navalny caused a wide public outcry, and the lack of any reaction to these “revelations” causes significant damage to the authority state power. In this regard, the Communists instruct the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption to conduct an audit of the publication “He’s Not Dimon for You.” At a meeting on April 5, the State Duma, by a majority vote, rejected the draft protocol order submitted by deputies of the Communist Party faction to conduct a parliamentary investigation of the materials on the real estate of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, set out in the investigation.

“I will not specifically comment on the absolutely false products of political crooks and would consider that the faction I respect Communist Party The Russian Federation should refrain from this,” Medvedev said, answering a question from a deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the State Duma. Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev called the FBK accusations “absolutely false products of political crooks.”

In April 2017, head of government Dmitry Medvedev reported on his income. According to the declaration, Medvedev’s income in 2016 decreased slightly and amounted to more than 8.5 million rubles.

In turn, the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov expressed the opinion that the composition of the government proposed by candidate Medvedev will not be able to implement the strategy of the President of the Russian Federation.

On May 8, the State Duma approved the appointment of Dmitry Medvedev to the post of Prime Minister. According to the voting results, Medvedev's candidacy was supported by 374 deputies with the required 226 votes. 56 parliamentarians spoke out against Medvedev, three did not take part in the vote, the news reported.

Personal life and hobbies of Dmitry Medvedev

Prime Minister's wife Svetlana Vladimirovna Medvedeva(surname before marriage - Linnik) was born on March 15, 1965 in Kronstadt, in the family of military sailor Vladimir Alekseevich Linnik and economist Larisa Ivanovna Linnik. After moving to Leningrad, Svetlana Linnik studied at the same school with Dmitry Medvedev. Svetlana Medvedeva graduated from LFEI, works in Moscow and organizes public events in St. Petersburg. Dmitry Medvedev’s wife heads the board of trustees “Spiritual and moral culture of the younger generation of Russia” and is the President of the Foundation for Socio-Cultural Initiatives.

Dmitry Medvedev with his wife Svetlana (Photo: Dmitry Astakhov/TASS)

The Medvedevs have a son, Ilya (b. 1995), who completed his studies at the Moscow State University in 2016. state institute international relations. The MK publication published a photo of the prime minister’s son and an interview with him. In it Ilya Medvedev says that the topic of his diploma is “ Joint stock companies in Russia and England, legal regulation" Medvedev's son also talks about his love for theater, football and fencing. But Ilya Medvedev admitted that he no longer dreams of a career in cinema after he starred in “Jumble” and saw it from the outside.

Dmitry Medvedev loves football and has been a Zenit fan since childhood. There are many photos of Medvedev wearing a Zenit scarf. Favorite rock band: Deep Purple. Also Dmitry Anatolyevich listens Linkin Park together with his son Ilya. Medvedev’s favorite bands include “Earthlings,” with many rock musicians, Russian and foreign, the prime minister met and took joint photos.

Dmitry Medvedev (second from left) with his wife Svetlana and Governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko (right) at the Champions League match: Zenit (St. Petersburg) - Shakhtar (Donetsk). (Photo: Ruslan Shamukov/TASS)

Dmitry Anatolyevich is interested in photography. I started taking photographs as a child using a Smena-8M camera. Already being president, Medvedev participated in a photo exhibition under open air“The World through the Eyes of Russians”, held in March 2010 on Tverskoy Boulevard in Moscow. Today Medvedev’s arsenal includes cameras from Leica, Nikon and Canon.

Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev during a visit to the State Museum-Reserve of Sergei Yesenin in the village of Konstantinovo. (Photo: Alexander Ryumin/TASS)

“Of course I like photographing people. But photographing people is not at all easy for me. After all, because of my work, it will look quite strange if at some point I run out with a camera and start photographing someone. I’m afraid people simply won’t understand me,” Medvedev said about his passion for photography.

Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev - President of the Russian Federation from 2008 to 2012, since May 2012 has headed the Government of the Russian Federation.

Childhood and youth of Dmitry Medvedev

Dmitry Medvedev was born into an intelligent Leningrad family.

His father, Anatoly Afanasyevich Medvedev, was a professor at the Leningrad Technological Institute. Lensoveta (currently St. Petersburg State Technological Institute), and my mother, Yulia Veniaminovna, taught at the Pedagogical Institute. Herzen, later worked as a guide in the suburban nature reserve Pavlovsk. Dmitry was the only child in the family.

Dmitry Medvedev spent his childhood in the residential area of ​​Leningrad - Kupchino. He attended school No. 305 on Budapest Street. Nina Pavlovna Eryukhina, Medvedev’s class teacher, recalled that Dmitry devoted all his time to studying, was fond of chemistry and often sat in the office, conducting various experiments, but he could rarely be seen on walks with classmates. By the way, Dmitry still keeps in touch with the teachers of his native school.

In 1979, Dmitry joined the ranks of the Komsomol, of which he remained a member until August 1991.

In 1982, Dmitry Medvedev graduated from school, after which he entered the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg state university, which in those years bore the unpronounceable name of the “Leningrad Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the State University named after. Zhdanov."

Nikolai Kropachev, at that time a graduate student at the Department of Criminal Law (in 2008 he became the rector of St. Petersburg State University), described the student Medvedev as follows: “Strong, good student. He was involved in sports, in particular weightlifting. One day I won something for my department. But in his main activities he was the same as everyone else. Just be more diligent."

By the way, in his youth the politician was fond of hard rock, his favorite bands were Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Dmitry also listened to domestic rock, in particular the group Chaif. In addition, as a student, Medvedev became the owner of a Smena-8M camera and became seriously interested in photography. Dmitry Medvedev did not serve in the army, but as a student he attended military training in Huhoyamäki (Karelia).

In 1987, Dmitry received a law degree, then continued his scientific career in graduate school. For the next three years, he worked on his Ph.D. dissertation on the topic “Problems of implementing the civil legal personality of a state-owned enterprise,” while simultaneously teaching at the department civil law at his alma mater, and also working part-time as a janitor for 120 rubles a month.

Political career of Dmitry Medvedev

When the elections to the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR took place in March 1989, Professor Anatoly Sobchak was among the deputies who stood. The future mayor of St. Petersburg was Medvedev’s supervisor, and the young graduate student helped his mentor as much as possible: he put up posters, agitated passers-by on the streets, and spoke at election rallies.

When Dmitry Medvedev defended his Ph.D. thesis in 1990, Sobchak, who already held the post of chairman of the Leningrad City Council, invited his ward to join the staff, saying that he would need “young and modern” people. The young man accepted the offer, becoming one of Sobchak’s advisers, while continuing his teaching activities at the department. It was at Sobchak's headquarters that Medvedev first met Vladimir Putin, who was also invited to work by Anatoly Alexandrovich.

When Anatoly Sobchak was elected mayor of Leningrad in 1991, Putin followed him and became vice mayor, while Dmitry Medvedev returned to teaching and also became freelance expert Committee for External Relations of the Administration of St. Petersburg under the leadership of Putin. As part of this position, he was sent to Sweden, where he completed an internship on local government issues.

In 1993, Dmitry became one of the co-founders of Finzell CJSC, where he owned half of the shares, as well as director of the pulp and paper corporation Ilim Pulp Enterprise for legal issues, and was later appointed Ilim’s representative on the Board of Directors of the Bratsk Timber Industry Complex.

In 1996, Dmitry Medvedev stopped collaborating with Smolny due to Sobchak’s loss to Vladimir Yakovlev in the gubernatorial elections. And in 1999, he was appointed to the position of Deputy Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation. As the editors of the site suggest, in connection with the appointment, he left teaching and moved to the capital.

After Boris Yeltsin left, Dmitry Anatolyevich became deputy head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation. In 2000, after Vladimir Putin won the presidential election, he took the post of First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration.

At the same time, he assumed the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gazprom (in 2001 he was listed as Deputy Chairman) and held this responsible position until 2008.

From the fall of 2003 to the fall of 2005, Dmitry Medvedev headed the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Also in 2003, he was appointed a member of the Russian Security Council.

From October 2005 to July 2008, Dmitry Medvedev was First Deputy Chairman of the Presidential Council for the Implementation of National Projects and demographic policy. At the end of 2005, he was appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation (reappointed to the position in September 2007).

From mid-2006, for two years, Medvedev was chairman of the presidium of the Council for the Implementation of National Projects.

Dmitry Medvedev's election campaign

In November 2005, Medvedev’s election campaign de facto started on central television channels; at the same time, Dmitry Anatolyevich’s election website was registered. A few months later, the politician began to be mentioned in the press as a favorite of Vladimir Putin.

In September 2006, Medvedev headed the International Board of Trustees of the capital's school of management Skolkovo. And six months later, at the beginning of 2007, Medvedev began to be called the main potential candidate for Russian presidents. According to analysts, even then 33% of voters in the first round and 54% in the second were ready to vote for him.

The active phase of the election campaign began in October 2007. A couple of months later, Putin supported Medvedev’s candidacy, after which at the United Russia congress, Dmitry Anatolyevich was officially nominated for the post of president.

While submitting documents to the Central Election Commission, Dmitry Medvedev announced that he would resign from the post of Gazprom’s Board of Directors if he became president.

Presidency of Dmitry Medvedev

On March 2, 2008, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev was elected the third President of the Russian Federation, ahead of his main rivals - Vladimir Zhirinovsky (LDPR), Gennady Zyuganov (KPRF) and Andrei Bogdanov (DPR) - with an overwhelming majority of 70.28% of the votes.

Two months after the official summing up of the results of the election campaign (May 7), Dmitry Medvedev’s inauguration took place. In his inaugural address, he spoke of the need to focus on civil and economic freedoms. The first decree that Medvedev signed in his new position was the Federal Law, which was supposed to provide free housing to veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

The beginning of Medvedev's presidency coincided with the beginning of the global financial crisis and the armed conflict with Georgia on the territory of South Ossetia, which became the most significant event in Medvedev's foreign policy.

Dmitry Medvedev about the conflict in South Ossetia (2013)

As Dmitry Anatolyevich himself admitted, the so-called “five-day” war came as a surprise to him. Some tension in relations between Russia and Georgia was felt at the beginning of 2008, but, according to the president, he “had no idea what ideas lived in Saakashvili’s fevered brain.”

The escalation of the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict occurred at the end of July - beginning of August; third month of Medvedev's presidency. On the night of August 7-8, the Minister of Defense called the president and told him about the start of hostilities by Georgian troops. When Anatoly Serdyukov reported the death of Russian peacekeepers, Medvedev ordered to open fire to kill. This was his personal decision, made without the participation of ministers. On the morning of the 8th, Russian aviation began shelling military targets located on Georgian territory.

On August 12, 2008, Dmitry Anatolyevich and French President Nicolas Sarkozy adopted a plan to resolve differences, which was signed a few days later by the presidents of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, as well as by Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili.

Despite the president's decisive actions at a critical moment, many analysts are inclined to believe that foreign policy Medvedev's tenure alternated between comparative successes and obvious failures. So, despite the initially well-developed relations between Medvedev and Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, who replaced Viktor Yushchenko, Ukraine never joined the Customs Union, and the situation with the “gas” relations between the countries worsened.

Medvedev's position on the Libyan issue caused great concern among the patriotic public. At his request, Russia abstained from voting on the resolution in the UN Security Council when its members were deciding the issue of a possible military operation in Libya to protect civilians from Gaddafi's troops.

Events in Libya have quarreled Putin and Medvedev

Dmitry Medvedev's efforts in the social sphere bore fruit: during his presidency, population growth stabilized, reaching its peak value in several decades, and the percentage of large families increased; real incomes of the population increased by almost 20%, the average size of pensions doubled; more than a million families have improved their living conditions thanks to the maternity capital program. Much has been done in the field of small business - Medvedev helped simplify the procedure for starting your own business, and also lifted some restrictions for entrepreneurs.

The beginning was made of the creation of a powerful research center, which was supposed to become an analogue of the American Silicon Valley. In September 2010, Medvedev signed Federal Law-244 “On the Skolkovo Innovation Center.” The working group of the Skolkovo project was led by Vladislav Surkov.

Dmitry Medvedev about Skolkovo

At the initiative of the president, in 2009-2011, a reform of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs was carried out, and law enforcement agencies were renamed “police”. Also, according to the Minister of Internal Affairs Rashid Nurgaliev, the level of social security and work efficiency of internal affairs employees has been increased.

With the support of Anatoly Serdyukov, the reform of the Armed Forces was also initiated, which consisted of optimizing the number of officers, optimizing the management system (transition from a 4-tier hierarchy to a 3-tier one) and the reform of military education.

Also, during Medvedev’s tenure, the presidential term was increased from 4 to 6 years, and that of the Duma from 4 to 5. In September 2010, Medvedev removed Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, who had exhausted the government’s credit, from his post. Subsequently, Sergei Sobyanin was appointed in his place.

In September 2011, it was announced that Vladimir Putin would nominate his candidacy for the 2012 presidential elections, and if he wins, Dmitry Medvedev will head the government.

Results of Dmitry Medvedev's presidency

Overall, Dmitry Medvedev's presidency has received mixed reviews. Thus, the famous publicist Dmitry Bykov reproached him for “hypertrophied attention to the tertiary,” many public figures criticized Medvedev for the lack of real power, while Alexei Kudrin, who was Minister of Finance until September 2011, stated that he “witnessed the development and adoption of many key decisions” by Medvedev personally.

Russian Internet users were especially warm towards Dmitry Medvedev. Thanks to his interest in technology and open character, the president has more than once become the hero of videos that quickly spread across the Internet. For example, a video in which Dmitry Medvedev dances to the song “American Boy” together with showman Garik Martirosyan has collected several million views.

Dmitry Medvedev dancing

Further activities of Dmitry Medvedev

After Vladimir Putin was elected president in the 2012 elections, Dmitry Medvedev headed the Government and became Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Under his leadership are outstanding political figures of Russia: First Deputy Igor Shuvalov, Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu, Minister of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev, Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov, Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky and others.

In May 2012, Dmitry Medvedev was appointed chairman of United Russia.

In 2016, Dmitry Medvedev headed the Government of the Russian Federation and the United Russia party, being one of the key politicians countries. He was elected as the main Program Commission, which was involved in developing the political course of the party. Oversaw economic issues, in particular, pricing and import substitution, solved problems in the field of healthcare and education. I visited Crimea several times on business trips, which was the reason for the note of protest from the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry.

Dmitry Medvedev: “There is no money, but you hold on”

At the beginning of 2017, the prime minister found himself at the center of a major corruption scandal. Opposition politician Alexei Navalny and employees of his Anti-Corruption Foundation posted a 50-minute video investigation on YouTube entitled “He’s not Dimon to you” (a reference to a quote from the prime minister’s press secretary Natalya Timakova), which alleged that Medvedev heads a multi-level corruption scheme based on on charitable foundations. A key place in the investigation was occupied by the Dar Foundation, headed by the prime minister’s classmate Ilya Eliseev. The film also allegedly showed Medvedev's mansions in Phesaco, his vineyard and castle in Tuscany, and two yachts "Photinia".

On March 26, thousands of Russians rallied, demanding answers from the government to the accusations outlined in the FBK film. The answer from Dmitry Anatolyevich came on April 19. “I will not specifically comment on the absolutely false products of political crooks,” he noted during a speech in the State Duma. On June 12, another wave of anti-corruption rallies awaited Russia.

Hobbies and personal life of Dmitry Medvedev

Dmitry Medvedev's wife is Svetlana Linnik, his school friend from parallel. According to Dmitry Anatolyevich, mutual sympathy between them arose during his school years, but only in his senior year did he pluck up the courage and confess his feelings to the girl.

After graduation, their paths diverged: Svetlana became a student at LEFI, Dmitry chose Leningrad State University; During their student years, they practically did not communicate, but a chance meeting reminded them of past feelings. In 1989, the lovers got married.

In August 1995, Dmitry and Svetlana became parents - the boy who was born was named Ilya. Medvedev Jr. grew up with a knack for exact sciences and was interested in football, saber fencing and computer technology. In 2007, he starred in several episodes of Boris Grachevsky's Yeralash. In 2012, Ilya entered MGIMO with 359 points out of a possible 400.

"Yeralash" with the son of Dmitry Medvedev

The Medvedev family loves animals. The couple have a cat and a Neva Masquerade cat - Dorofey and Milka, who have more than once become the heroes of news articles. Dmitry Medvedev is also the owner of four dogs: English setters Daniel and Jolie, a Central Asian shepherd whose name is unknown to the press, and a golden retriever Alba.

It is no secret that Dmitry Medvedev closely follows new technologies and is an active user of social networks. Medvedev got his first computer back in the early 80s; it was a Soviet computer M-6000. He is registered on Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Twitter and Instagram, and was one of the first among politicians to begin addressing the population through a video blog.

He is known as an ardent supporter Apple technology: in 2010, during the president’s visit to Silicon Valley, Steve Jobs presented him with the newly released iPhone 4, which was not yet sold in Russia; later the politician could be seen with an Apple “smart watch” on his hand. IN given time Medvedev actively advocates replacing foreign software domestic analogues.

From August 14 to 28, Dmitry Medvedev did not take part in public events. This is due to a sports injury, according to the government press center. According to Mikhail Buben, the prime minister did not disappear, he was at work in Moscow.

The fact that Dmitry Medvedev stopped appearing in public was noticed by society on the 23rd. The Cabinet of Ministers assured him: he is not on vacation, he is not sick - it’s just that there are no public appearances in the prime minister’s schedule.

The Kremlin told what really happened to Medvedev

So far, the official version of Dmitry Medvedev’s two-week absence is a sports injury. Allegedly because of her, he decided to cancel some important events. It has not yet been possible to find out what kind of injury this is. The Kremlin said that the prime minister is in constant contact with Vladimir Putin.

Dmitry Peskov knows nothing about the health status of Dmitry Medvedev. The Prime Minister, as you know, is an active user of social networks, but on his page there are no photographs or any information that could indicate what really happened to him, what kind of sport he started playing. When he was a student, he often kayaked, and during his presidential years he played badminton and did yoga.

Some experts believe that the disappearance of Dmitry Medvedev is connected with the new pension reform. Allegedly, the public turned against him, and they decided to temporarily “hide” him. In March last year, Dmitry Medvedev also disappeared, and this happened after the Anti-Corruption Foundation conducted an investigation, and a video “He’s not your Dimon” appeared on the Internet.

The disappearance of Dmitry Medvedev continues to be discussed. According to some reports, in fact, there were public events on the prime minister’s schedule, but either they were canceled or his presence at them was canceled. Some experts believe that most likely the official simply cannot comment on “thorny” topics - the very pension reform, the VAT increase, the volatility of the ruble, prices - and therefore decided to avoid them. Some say that he “went on a drinking binge,” others suggested that Dmitry Medvedev had a mini-stroke. The fact is that at the meeting on August 30, he really looked unwell, his face was swollen, and his speech was slow.

Journalists from the Project website reported that government employees have not been able to find Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev for nine days. Allegedly, meetings and meetings are scheduled; the prime minister did not go on vacation, but he does not appear in public. The press service explained this as an injury. The text has been updated.

The fact that employees of the Russian government are looking for their leader, Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Dmitry Medvedev, “Project” journalists wrote in the publication’s telegram channel. They cite three independent sources who confirm that the prime minister has not been seen at work for nine days.

Medvedev has many events planned on his schedule: this Tuesday he was supposed to meet with the Magadan governor and hold a meeting on the budget, and today he has a government meeting and another meeting on the budget, says a person familiar with the schedule of the head of government. None of these events took place.

Indeed, on the government website since August 14 there is no mention of Medvedev appearing in public. On this day he met with the acting governor Novosibirsk region Andrey Travnikov. Before that, I was in Kamchatka, where I held a number of meetings and conferences.

Previously, experts noted that the unpopular pension reform became the reason for a cabinet game between the State Duma, the government and the presidential administration. On August 22, interviewed political scientists who reported that Dmitry Medvedev’s attempt to distance himself from the adoption of the reform project may displease the president. According to expert Dmitry Ryabov, Medvedev tried to shift responsibility for the reform to deputies and Duma leader Vyacheslav Volodin. He himself did not come to the hearings, but instead of himself or at least Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova sent Labor Minister Maxim Topilin, a technical figure.

Journalists and Runet users noticed that the “missing” Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev even abandoned his favorite social networks, which he constantly updated. As noted by the media, the head of government stopped updating Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as early as August 11, 17 and 18.

Will Putin replace Medvedev with Kudrin?

Many also noticed that during Russian President Vladimir Putin’s vacation in Tuva, with him was the head of the Ministry of Defense Sergei Shoigu, the head of the FSB and the head of Tuva - but not “friend and partner” Dmitry Medvedev.

Earlier, we note, the head of the Cabinet led social media constantly, posting messages and photos, retweeting his government every few days. The press and social media users note that this “radio silence” coincided with his absence from the public space, which has been going on for more than a week.

Let us note that the disappearance of Dmitry Medvedev from TV screens, from social networks and even from meetings of ministries, government and other departments has become one of the most popular topics for discussion on social networks. At the same time, at first, representatives of the government press department stated that Medvedev had not disappeared anywhere, and then came out with a message about a “sports injury.” At the same time, despite the injury, the head of the Cabinet did not take any vacation or sick leave.

However, the press reported that more than 10 days later, Dmitry Medvedev “will take part in a meeting with deputy prime ministers.” “Medvedev will definitely try to “close the issue” with his disappearance by making a joke at a meeting or throwing out some phrase,” they are sure on social networks.

Let us add that in 2017, Dmitry Medvedev also disappeared from the public sphere - after which the president said that Medvedev “was not saved” and he fell ill during the flu season. But the Prime Minister let slip at the very first meeting that “he was not ill.”

It should be added that such a flair of secrecy has already led to the emergence of conspiracy theories on social networks, one of which is “Medvedev’s drinking binge,” which followed a furious discussion of the fact that the head of the Cabinet of Ministers allegedly “switched from red wine to vodka.” Naturally, officials and sources do not confirm such conspiracy theories.

But social networks cannot be stopped. Thus, telegram channel 338 published a humorous story about “a morning in Plyos,” where a man similar to Dmitry Medvedev “in shorts and an army pea coat” walked to a pond.

“Well, what for today? - Today there are 4 scheduled and a shooting for the protocol,” the dialogue sounds. "The man in shorts peers heavily into the surface of the water. He squints, thoughts, sensations, the future of Russia are flying through his head. His hand in his pocket feels for the glass, slightly raising the corners of his lips, without taking his eyes off the water, the man in his shorts pulls a piece of cool vodka from his pocket. The crack of the lid , closing his eyes in ecstasy, the man in his shorts drinks it in one gulp,” writes the sarcastic author.

“It’s difficult to describe the pain with which the security chief looks at him. Then he takes out his iPhone and asks: “Your beloved? - Yes!” The song of the Gaza Strip band “Home” starts playing from the phone speaker. The departing security chief takes out a Motorola walkie-talkie and says: “I didn’t have time, curfew until today,” he sneers.

“A man in shorts takes a comfortable position on a bench and looks into the distance with a small smile. They didn’t have time today, which means they have time to be with themselves for one more day,” this is how the sarcastic story ends.

It is worth adding that the author previously published a photograph of the Prime Minister during a meeting with the President of Russia in the Arctic - it caused a colossal information noise and questions “where did Dmitry Medvedev get such bruises under his eyes.” At the same time, experts responded that this could be a direct consequence of lack of sleep or a metabolic disorder corrected by medicine.

It is worth noting that sarcastic experts have already made comments that it was a “sports injury” that was chosen as the reason for Medvedev’s absence because it adds “brutality and masculinity” to the prime minister - they say, this is not a simple acute respiratory infection.

They spoke out different options— because Medvedev is so distancing himself from the discussion pension reform to the option with “pre-emptive stuffing”, from the opinion about a real sports injury. “Badminton, by the way, is very dangerous for injuries to the meniscus, not to mention alpine skiing,” noted supporters of the “injury really happened” version.

“Badminton-badminton... More like AngryBirds, and this is very dangerous - everyone knows who played),” they write in the Newsinfo telegram channel.

“Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, whose “disappearance” has been going on for about two weeks, did not take a vacation and did not register sick leave,” the authorities confirmed.

At the same time, Putin’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov noted that the head of state remains in touch and in contact with the prime minister (who continues to send telegrams and sign documents, but does not go out “in public” and did not come to the meetings and meetings he convened).

Finally, we note that the Nezygar telegram channel, citing its sources, reported on the operation that was carried out on the missing Medvedev. But media representatives called the reason for the disappearance of Dmitry Medvedev “an ordinary binge.”