Book hospital in kindergarten. Social work at school

« Knizhkinahospital»

(joint event of parents, children and teacher)

Purpose of the event:

Involve parents in instilling a love of books in their children.

Teach children to treat books with care: do not tear, do not draw on books, and, as necessary, glue them on yourself or with the help of elders.

Educator: “A book is a child’s best friend,

Everyone is talking about it"

A teacher's story about the meaning of a book for a person.

Invite parents and children to remember proverbs and sayings about books.

“A book decorates in happiness, and consoles in misfortune.”

“A book is like water – it will find its way everywhere.”

“A book is not beautiful in its writing, but in its intelligence.”

“From time immemorial, a book has raised a person.”

« Good book shines brighter than a star."

“One good book is better than many treasures.”


Guys, guess who I'm going to tell you about now:

“This boy wore a bright blue hat, canary yellow pants and an orange shirt with a green tie. Dressed up as such a parrot, he wandered around the city all day long and composed various fables.”

Yes, this is Dunno. He was nicknamed that because he knew nothing and did not like to study. Are there any Dunno among you? We'll check this now. I will read poems, and you will continue.

Game " Guess the piece»

And the chanterelles

We took matches

Let's go to the blue sea,

The blue sea has been lit.

The sea is on fire,

Ran out of the sea... (whale).

K. Chukovsky “Confusion”.

Sister is angry with brother:

Her name is Marina

And he stands in the middle of the yard,

Shouts: “Where are you...” (raspberry).

A. Barto “The Letter R”.

The little son came to his father,

And the little one asked:

What is good

And what is... (bad).

V. Mayakovsky “What is good and what is bad”

"Find out the fairy tale"

And the road is far,

And the basket is not easy,

I would like to sit on a tree stump,

I would like to eat a pie. (Masha and the Bear)

Oh you, Petya-simplicity,

I messed up a little!

You didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window. (Golden comb cockerel)

There is no river, no pond,

Where can I drink water?

Very tasty water

In the hoof hole. (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

The beautiful maiden is sad

She doesn't like spring.

It's hard for her in the sun,

The poor thing is shedding tears. (Snow Maiden)

He left his grandmother

He left his grandfather.

Guess without a hint

What fairy tale is he from? (Kolobok)

The little goats opened the door...

And everyone disappeared somewhere. (Wolf and seven kids)

“Who was here and forgot what?”

ABC (A. Tolstoy “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio.”

Korob (Russian folk tale “Mashenka and the Bear”).

Turnip (Russian folk tale "Turnip").

Little Red Riding Hood (C.Perrault “Little Red Riding Hood”).

Shoe (C.Perrault “Cinderella”).

Coin, samovar (C. Perrault “Puss in Boots”).

Boot (C.Perrault “Puss in Boots”).

Balloon (A. Milk “Winnie the Pooh”).

Jar of jam (Lindgren “Kid and Carlson”).

Pea (H.H. Andersen “The Princess and the Pea”).


Guys, books come not only with poems and fairy tales. From books you can learn a lot of interesting things about nature, plants and animals, various countries, seas, oceans, islands and everything that interests you. To find your way to the land of books, you need to know the rules for handling books. How many of you know how to handle books?


Take the book with clean hands.

Turn the pages carefully.

Leave a bookmark in the book and leave the pages unwrapped.

The book must have a cover.

Do not eat while reading.

- Do not leave the book unfolded.

Now we can go to the land of books.

There are books prepared in advance on the tables. Children and their parents look at them, name the authors, and remember the titles.

An old, torn and crumpled book catches your eye. The situation is played out " Got sickbook».


What happened to this book?

The boy tore it up.

The book needs help.

How can we help the book?

Right. We can straighten the pages, glue the book and even make a new cover. Let's all help this and other books together.

Parents and children glue books together.

Lyubov Narozhnaya
Summary of the lesson “Knizhkina Hospital”

Target: introduce the basic elements of a book, teach how to find the main elements of a book, develop a caring attitude towards books, teach how to repair them. Develop emotional responsiveness, attention, mental operations.

The children stand in a semicircle.

Guys, listen and guess riddle:

What kind of good friends live in my house?

They are on the shelves in the closet

In thick and thin bindings,

Friends tell me

What's happening on earth.

What is this riddle about?

Do you have books at home?

Guys, why do you think we need books?

From books we learn a lot of new, interesting, and useful things. You can find the answer to any question in books, and for good reason They say: “The book is a source of knowledge”.

Guys, what proverbs and sayings do you know about books?

Children read proverbs and sayings.

A good book is your best friend.

He who reads a lot knows a lot.

The book will help you in your work and help you out in trouble.

Books are our best friends.

Books don't tell, but they tell the truth.

A house without a book is a day without sun.

A book is a window into big world.

Reading a book is like flying on wings.

A book is your friend, without it it’s like having no hands.

Well done guys, you remembered a lot of good proverbs and sayings.

Guys, where do the books live in our group? That's right, in book corner. Let's go to our books.

Let's approach book corner.

Look, in my opinion, at bookish all is not well in the corner. Does anything surprise you?

There are old, torn, and written books on the table.

This morning we received this in our group: letter: “Hello, dear guys! We, the books, wrote this letter to you. It just so happened that we were once new, beautiful, just a sight for sore eyes! Now look at us! What happened to us? We have become old, not beautiful, torn. We really want to be the same, beautiful. We hope that you will help us, that you will be able to cure us and put us in order. With respect to you - books"

Guys, why do you think books have become like this?

How can we help sick books?

That's right, guys.

In our group for torn books opened a hospital.

We must put them all in order,

Save poor books from destruction.

Imagine that you and I have become doctors (I put on hats).

There is only one task ahead us:

Heal the sick to become healthy,

So that good children read them for a long time.

But in order to heal sick books, you need to know what hurts them. Let's take a look at how the book is organized. A good reader should know the names of the parts of the book.

I show the children the cards.

Guys, the main elements of the book are written on these tablets. Let's read and show the elements of the book.

The children read the signs, I show and explain.

The cover protects the book from damage and gives it an elegant look. She will tell you who the author of the book is and what it is called.

The text of the book is printed on the pages. How more pages, the thicker the book.

Drawings and pictures in books are also called illustrations. A book with illustrations is more interesting to read.

The spine is the main part of the book. It holds all the pages and cover of the book together.

So what parts do books consist of?

And now it's time to cure our books, giving them a diagnosis.

If the book got sick, pages fell out,

She will always be cured « Knizhkina hospital» .

Careful doctors - kind kids -

The pages will be glued together without a trace!

Be healthy book!

Let's take a look at our sick.

Which you will treat the book, Yura? What will you do?

And you, Tanyusha?

This is how all the children tell us what they will do. Then they do the work.

Well done, guys! You did a good job helping the books, I think they are grateful to you.

Tell me, guys, how should we treat books so that they don’t hurt? (carefully, neatly).

Let's remember the rules of caring for books.

1. Don't tear books.

2. Do not draw or write on the pages.

3. Do not fold the pages.

4. Do not pick up books with dirty hands.

Well done, guys! I think you always follow these rules.

Who's with walks everywhere with a book,

Who knows how to be friends with her,

This book will help

Study, work, make friends!

The event is prepared GBOU Istra boarding school. Title - Project " Knizhkina hospital" Topic - " Be healthy, book!».

Project “Knizhkina Hospital”

“Be healthy, book!”

Project " Knizhkina hospital"Very timely and relevant.

The main thing in the project is that students will be able to improve the level of their book culture and will empathize. It's possible that children the book will be perceived as a living creature that gives them smart thoughts, entertains them, without demanding anything in return. At the same time, these silent creatures also need care and care. Participating in the Knizhkina Hospital project children will be able to show kindness, responsiveness and talent. By constantly working with children, captivate them with something new, truly useful, and the children will willingly respond and get involved in the work with desire and interest. As they work, the children will feel the importance of their work and will independently come to the conclusion: books must be protected!

Goals and objectives:

  • Forming in children a caring attitude towards objects, including books
  • Creating a situation of success for every child
  • Training in practical skills for book repair
  • Do something important and useful
  • Teach book skills
  • Teamwork training
  • Raising the level of culture
  • Cultivating Empathy

Exhibitions of books by “sick” and “recovered” people

Book exhibitions have a great emotional impact on children. They show old, damaged books. The librarian tells fabulous stories about “sick” books. Children perceive stories emotionally, have compassion for “sick” books, and try to repair them as soon as possible.

Story:“When night and weekends come (when the library is closed), the “sick” books begin to cry and complain to each other about their fate: they can no longer stand on the shelf on their own, or travel in readers’ briefcases; the torn, wrinkled pages hurt them. The books are crying and waiting for help from you guys.

Safety briefing.

Before starting work, safety training is mandatory.

Rules for preparing the workplace before starting classes

1. Place an oilcloth and a work board on the desk.

2. Prepare necessary materials and tools for work.

3. Prepare a cloth or napkin for your hands.

Rules for cleaning your workplace

1. Place materials and tools in a box.

2. Collect scraps of material and debris from the table and floor.

3. Wipe the instruments and desk with a cloth.

5. Dry your hands thoroughly with a cloth and wash them with soap.

6. Put away all accessories.

Rules for safe work with scissors

1. Keep your work area tidy.

2. Before work, check the serviceability of the tools.

3. Do not use loose scissors.

4. Work only with a serviceable tool: well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.

5. Use scissors only in your own workplace.

6. Watch the movement of the blades while working.

7. Place the scissors with the rings facing you.

8. Feed the scissors rings forward.

9. Don't leave scissors open.

10. Store scissors in a case with the blades facing down.

11. Don't play with scissors, don't bring scissors to your face.

12. Use scissors as intended.

Rules for safe work with glue

1. When working with glue, use a brush if necessary.

2. Take the amount of glue that is required to complete the job at this stage.

3. Remove excess glue with a soft cloth or napkin, gently pressing it.

4. Wash your brush and hands well with soap after work.

Role-playing game “Book Hospital”

Distribution of roles: " Chief physician" - the head of the library runs the library, "doctors" ("surgeons", "resuscitators", "cosmetologists"), "nurses", "nurses" repair books, "orderlies" perform unskilled work (bring books, put press, arrange the “cured” books.

Selection of “patients”: “ Medical commission“selects “patients”, books that will be “treated” first.

Establishing diagnoses and choosing a method of “treatment”: erase inscriptions, glue pages, repair the cover, etc.

Selection of tools and medicines: glue, tape, paper, eraser, etc.

Tools for curing books

1. White paper

2. Colored paper

3. Cardboard

4. Eraser

6. Brush

7. Scissors

8. Ruler

9. Simple pencil

10. Colored pencils

11. Paints

Symptoms of the disease:

  • The binding has dried out and come unglued
  • The cover came off
  • Pages fell out
  • Pages covered with writing
  • Corners of pages are curled

Treatment is prescribed for sick patients:

  • Straighten curled pages;
  • Erase pencil marks with an eraser;
  • Tape the pages
  • Glue the roots with colored paper (or tape);
  • Update covers.

Choose correct treatment and heal the book!

Chief physician of the “book hospital”

Head of the library _____________________/I.A. Borisenko/

Letter from “sick” books:

“Dear students! We live in the library of a boarding school in the village of Sokolniki. For many years now, schoolchildren have been taking us off the shelf to read. And because of this we have grown old, but once we were young, beautiful, new, just a sight for sore eyes! And now what has become of us? Just look: our covers are torn, the pages are hand-drawn. We have become ugly, old, ragged... We really want to be the same and for the children to love us and treat us carefully. We hope that there will be good students who can “cure” us and put us in order.

With respect to you - Books"

Direct book repair work

By repairing books, children become interested in a new, truly useful activity and engage in work with desire and interest. During the course of their work, the children will feel the importance of their work and will independently come to the conclusion: books must be protected!

“Knizhkina Hospital” for the children is both a game, and work, and new knowledge. And a little activity - repairing books - turns into a very interesting business!!!”

Exhibition of repaired books.

Topic: Book repair. Knizhkina hospital.

Integration of educational areas:“Cognition”, “Socialization”, “Reading” fiction", "Artistic work"


Educational: teach students simple repairs books;

Educational: develop logical thinking, coordination of movements, repeat the rules of working with tools.

Educational: to cultivate a caring attitude towards the book, respect for the work of the people publishing the book

Equipment: finished product, book, table with work rules, product drawing, book for work, parchment, album sheets or notebooks, pencil, ruler, glue, brushes, scissors.

Demo material: film for children “How a Book is Born”

Methodical techniques: game situation, conversation-dialogue, physical exercise, productive activity children, analysis and summing up.

GCD move.

Organizational moment.

Hello guys!

First, let's check if everything is ready for class. You should have parchment and album sheets on your desk. Glue, pencil. Ruler, scissors.

Presentation of new material.

Today you and I will be doing something….however, now you yourself will tell me what we will be doing.

To do this, I will tell you riddles, and if you guess them, you will find out the topic of our extracurricular activity.

I know everything, I want everything,

And I myself am always silent.

To make friends with me

You need to learn to read and write.

She speaks silently

And it’s understandable and not boring.

You talk to her more often -

You will become four times smarter.

What are these riddles about? (about books)

That's right, guys, about books.

Today we are visiting books. Look how pathetic our books look. They need our help. How can we help our books? (glue up torn sheets)


Today we will repair books and turn our classroom into a book hospital.

We will all be doctors, and the patients will be books.

Introductory conversation.

Guys, why do books need to be treated? (so that they serve people for a long time)

What benefit has the book received? (give knowledge)

Since the first printing press appeared, more and more books have been published. Large printing houses produce tens of thousands of books in one day. Each book goes through a number of workshops: typesetting, layout, printing, binding. And now the book is ready! (book showing)

Our government makes sure that citizens read more. After all, our country is considered the most reading country in the world. How many bookstores and libraries are there in our country? But this does not mean that we should tear up and throw away books. Now I will read you a poem called “A Good Book” by A. Yemtsov

Allah read the book

With passion, without haste.

And on the book she wrote:

"This book is good."

And then looking at Alla,

Nadya wrote in pen:

"There's something in this book

“I advise everyone to read it.”

And then Seryozha and Mishka

Seen with a book under his arm:

"Read 10 times

This book is top class!

Wrote all the paper

Books are true friends

Like this sad story in our book!

Yes, not only this book has such a fate

First book.

Look what I've become, don't you recognize me? I've grown old and sick. Who will cure me?

Second book.

Who will cure me? Who will help me?

Third book.

I was new and good. And what I have become, look at me. Who will cure me? Who will help me?

Guys, let's help the books! (yes) Then let's get to work! (showing the book)

Look and tell me what material the book is made of? (cardboard, sheets of paper, binding fabric)

What parts does the book consist of? (binding cover, endpaper, title page, block edge, spine)

What is the book held together with? (glue and thread)

Look at the main diseases of the books and how to treat them.

Sealing the tear

We measure the length of the tear, cut out a strip of parchment and glue it to the place of the break. What did we use parchment for? (so that the letters are visible)

Sealing the tear along the spine.

First you need to measure the length of the book. Cut a strip of the same length from landscape paper. Next, fold the strip in half and glue it along the torn spine, so that this strip does not cover the letters.

Gluing corners and lids.

Measure the angle of the break, place the part along the break so that one of the corners is right, cut it out and glue it. Now we measure the length of the lid and mark the part (strip), cut it out, bend it in half and try it on. The strip should not cover the letters and glue it on.

Pasting pages.

Coat the page with glue on the correct side and glue it to the spine.

Safety instructions.

Before we get started, let’s review the rules for working with scissors.

    Do not hold the scissors with the ends up.

    Do not leave scissors open.

    Pass the scissors only closed and with the rings towards your friend.

    When working, watch the fingers of your left hand.

    The marking line must remain on the parts being cut out.

    When cutting out a circle, turn the paper clockwise.

    Don’t put a lot of glue on the brush, apply thin layers of glue over the entire surface.

Practical work.

You can start working. (monitor safety precautions, order, individual assistance)

Bottom line.

Look how many books we cured, they are all very grateful to us.

Guys, how should we treat books so that they are clean and new? (carefully)

Well done everyone. The lesson is over.

The book is true and good friend every person. It’s hard to imagine childhood without “Kolobok” and “Little Red Riding Hood”. The book makes a person kinder, teaches the correct attitude towards life, the world around us and people. Therefore, we adults must teach children to treat books with care. To this end, in our kindergarten The day of good deeds at the Knizhkina Hospital passed. We explained to the children that it is we, the readers, who are responsible for the “health” of the book. It is we who must take care of the book, worry about extending its life - gluing the pages, the cover, it is our duty to treat books with respect and love. Our children approached the “treatment” of books with great interest and responsibility. Even the kids responded to this event with understanding. The children took the torn books and went to the “Knizhkina Hospital” to treat them. The doctors were children from the preparatory group.

Our books are sick

Oh, trouble, what should we do?

They were spoiled by the boys

The brats will be ashamed!

We collected the books together

They put them on the table

We urgently need to treat them

There will be no need to talk

Let's paste this book

And we’ll collect the pages

Let's put this book out

And iron it with an iron

Our books have been healed!

We are great guys!

Boys aren't scary now

Hooligans, tomboys.

We think that the children remembered the day of good deeds and they learned that books are useful and necessary for people.