Can there be diathesis from a banana. Allergies to bananas, symptoms, treatment

Allergy is considered one of the most common diseases of early childhood. it associated with the formation of immunitySince in the first years of life, it is actively formed and adapts to the diet.

At the moment, despite the prevalence of the problem, the mechanisms of occurrence and leakage of allergies poorly studied.

Although in most cases it is easily corrected and removing the symptoms, but it is very important not to miss the moment and prevent transition to heavier forms. We will talk about allergies to bananas in the article.

Is it?

Can bananas cause allergies in children and babies on breastfeeding?

Allergies to bananas meets not so often In infants with breastfeeding (GW) and children up to the year, but however, it is still possible.

It is possible both on the fruit itself and on chemicalswhich are processed by all fruits during the sale.

Individual intolerance to bananas and the subsequent allergic reaction is associated with responding to the immune system kid on fruit proteins as foreign substances.

The body begins, protecting, to produce a large amount of histamine, which in turn leads to the onset of all manifestations of an allergic reaction.

To identify the causal allergen helps the maintenance of a food diary, where they are written over the hours of those products and drinks that were used during the day.

This allows analyze and distribute Toddler's body reaction on various types of ingredients.

Allergies on what other products can be accompanied?

To one of the most allergenic products Believe:

  • fruits having a bright color, such as orange, yellow, red. For example, lemons, tangerines, pepper;
  • chicken eggs, all types of dairy products;
  • sweet: honey, cocoa, chocolate;
  • coffee, peanuts, cashews, mushrooms, seafood;
  • canned food, salinity, acute and peppering food;
  • sauces, ketchups, mayonnaise;
  • chips, smoked, sausage, sausage, fat, etc.

If the symptoms of allergic reaction appear in infants and babies, nursing mommy and the baby must completely eliminate these products from their diet.

How is the allergies to bananas in children? Symptoms:

  • changes in skin, redness with various degrees of localization and severity, often on chin, cheeks or in the corners of the mouth;
  • rash of different shapes on other parts of the body;
  • itching and peeling of the skin;
  • changes in the behavior of the baby - anxiety, crying, difficulty with falling asleep;
  • disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract: diarrhea, vomiting, spasms;
  • the emergence of an allergic incessant runny nose.


Creams, which are used in allergic reactions in kids are divided into two types: hormonal and non-coronal. The reception must only be prescribed to the doctor.

  • hormonal creams ("Advantan", "Elokom") have high efficiency and act very quickly, but at the same time they have a number of side effects;
  • non-immune antihistamine creams ("Fenidist", "Sentol") are most safe as possible, but the result comes not so quickly, since their composition is characterized by a soft and gentle effect on the skin.

    In the presence of depressions, dryness and peeling of the skin, it is important that the creams are also with moisturizing, nutrient and antibacterial properties.

    Also, non-flame creams are with an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect.

  1. In case of violations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract sorbents should be applied, i.e. such substances that absorb all poices and toxins, neutralize and neutralize their action, and then derived by an excretory system from the body. From birth, such drugs as "Polysorb", "Enterosgel", "Smekt" can be used.
  2. Also possible the use of antihistamine drugs Such as: "Supratin", "Zirtek", "Claritin". They suppress the development of histamine, which provokes unwanted symptoms in response to the reception of unacceptable products. Before use, a doctor's consultation is needed, as restrictions on age and the drug may be unsuitable for treatment.
  3. To restore gentle and faster intestinal microflora you also need to drink probiotics - These are useful living microorganisms that falling inside carefully restore the inner medium of the gastrointestinal tract.

    They are also good in that when regular use can serve as an excellent prevention of allergy from the kid.

    These include: "Linex", "Bifidbacterin", "Baptiform Baby", "Biogo".

Although the means for allergies in the kids passed a huge number of safety checks and proved their effectivenessMany parents make a choice in favor of natural folk agents.

These include infusions from a series, laurel sheet. Of these, you can make various compresses and bulls, use when bathing a child, but of course it is impossible to give inside the baby.

It is also very important to test the reaction. A small amount of means to apply to an intact skin area and wait for some time if the reaction is not, then this means can be used.

  1. The most basic of course declement from the diet, this product in a nursing motley.
  2. Turn to the doctor For detailed advice and appointment of treatment.
  3. If the allergy has arisen, then it is necessary to use histamine preparations. These drugs block the action of histamine, which causes nonspecific reactions.
  4. Itching and peelingwhich cause strong anxiety and discomfort at the baby, removed by rubbing various creams and sprinkles, and also well help the baths on the brave of herbs and various bums.
  5. To help the body quickly bring toxins, slags and poisons to help go sorbents.
  6. Well, to restore immune status and microflora of the intestinal tract should be put the course of useful probiotics.
  7. Provide full drinking modeSo that the body has enough fluid to remove harmful poisoning substances.

Thus, it is necessary to treat allergies, so that it does not flow into heavier forms Such as chronic bronchitis, asthma, psoriasis, eczema, rhinitis.

In most cases, with timely detection and refusal of allergen, subject to the formation of immune, enzyme and digestive systems, allergy symptoms are approaching.

It is also important to show precautions, for example new products to enter gradually, examining the reaction of the body on them. Follow the quality of the surrounding baby objects - toys should be made of safe material, hygienic tools necessarily hypoallergenic.

About how to help the child when attacking food allergies, you can learn from the video:

I am convincingly please do not engage in self-medication. Sign up for a doctor!

Allergies to bananas refers to rare types of intolerance, but it can be both in the infants and adults.

Exotic fruits are a delicious way to drink your body with vitamins and energy, but sometimes they have to refuse.

The most common cause of this is an allergic reaction to fruit, especially often it is noted for citrus fruits.

  1. Can be allergic to bananas;
  2. General symptoms of the disease;
  3. Symptoms in infants;
  4. The child has;
  5. In adults;
  6. Treatment - common events;
  7. Pigeon treatment;
  8. Child;
  9. Adult;
  10. Can there be bananas with other types of allergies;
  11. Disease prevention;
  12. Let's sum up.

Can be allergic to bananas

Allergic reaction to bananas occurs due to the reacting of the immune system on the fruit proteins as foreign substances.

The body begins to produce in large quantities of histamine and other inflammation mediators, they, in turn, lead to the development of the chain of all manifestations of the disease.

If a person has a true allergic intolerance of yellow sweet fruits, then usually the symptoms of pathology appear no matter how much the product is abruptly.

This is especially true for young children - bananas are recommended to be administered in a small amount in the diet only closer to the year of the child.

Symptoms resembling an allergic reaction when used by bananas may occur completely to other reasons.

They include their group:

  • Reaction to serotonin. Banana is a fruit containing a large number of serotonin. The oversupply of this substance often leads to the appearance of rashes on the skin. Serotonin contains such products like nuts, persimmon, pineapples. Therefore, these vegetable products are with bananas and with each other are not recommended.
  • Influence of chemicals. Any exotic fruits transported to long distances are treated with chemicals to extend their shelf life. Bananas are no exception and therefore chemical components can hit the pulp from the skin of the fetus, which causes the reaction of intolerance.
  • Dysfunction of digestive organs. Chronic diseases of the liver, stomach, pancreas in adults often become the main reason for the appearance of allergies for different types of products. Therefore, if the bananas were perfectly transferred and did not cause self-election deterioration, it is necessary to do not only with anti-allergic treatment, but also to improve the functioning of the internal organs.

To find out exactly what an allergy is caused only after comprehensive diagnosis, it includes and determining the type of allergen.

Symptoms of allergy on bananas

Banana allergies are manifested by symptoms for intolerance for intolerance.

Most people after drinking fruit are experiencing the following changes in their health:

  • It appears the mouth of the oral cavity, it is usually affected by a solid sky, but sometimes discomfort applies to lips and throat.
  • Disorders of the functioning of the digestive organs. It manifests itself with colic in the abdomen, excess gas formation, discharged chair, nausea.
  • Respiratory disorders - multiple sneezing, the formation of a large amount of mucus, tearing.
  • Rash on the skin. Pimples, finely purified rashes, areas of redness can spread both throughout the body and localized on a limited area of \u200b\u200bthe body, so, for example, near the mouth, on the stomach. Skin it is noted, having a different degree of severity.

In severe cases, a man who has eaten a banana may be swelling. There are such signs of its development as an increasing puffiness of the lips, language, eyelid, difficulty breathing.

The absence of treatment leads to the emergence of a chunk, which must be bought by medicines immediately.

With the intolerance of bananas, the probability of anaphylactic shock is also not excluded, it is possible to suspect it by dizziness, twilight consciousness, headache, fainting.

With such symptoms, it is also impossible to postpone drug therapy.

In infants

The flesh of bananas for young children is an excellent delicacy. Parents are not afraid to give this fruit to breasts, as it is difficult to be in favor.

But the danger can tide on the other side and this is an allergic reaction.

Symptoms of the disease may appear in children of the first months of life on breastfeeding.

Allergic to bananas is explained by the fact that this fruit is included in the diet of a nursing mother.

The use of a banana in children up to a year often causes changes in skin.

This is usually manifested by redness of the cheeks, their dryness, in some kids becomes red chin and pink redness and pimples around the mouth appear.

The rash of different shapes can be localized in other parts of the body.

Allergies in kids leads to itching, a little child responds to him with anxiety, crying, bad sleep.

The child has

In children after the year, an allergic reaction to the flesh of bananas appears:

  • Nausea, colic and spasms in the abdomen, diarrhea.
  • Skin rashes with itch, they can over time to move to the field.
  • Durable, incessant under the influence of drugs with a runny nose.

Respiratory disorders often in children are observed when inhaling the smell of fruit.

The child begins to sneeze, his breathing is disturbed, possibly the appearance of red spots.

Often parents note that an allergic reaction occurs when using a banana.

And this is most likely due to the processing of the peel of the fetus by chemicals or with the cultivation of these fruits with pesticides.

In adults

Lovers of bananas are a lot among adults, but not all of them can afford to eat this useful delicacy.

Most often, the intolerance to the yellow fruit in older people occurs with violations of the liver, pancreas.

Slaxation of the body, violation of the exchange processes, the pathological change in the functions of the organs leads to the fact that innocent substances begin to be perceived by the body as a source of threats to health.

And this is manifested by allergies to those products that have not previously caused any negative changes.

To suspect allergies to bananas, an adult can according to such symptoms as:

  • Overflow, itching and burning heaven, lips, tongue, throat.
  • Skin rash. The rash can be finely purified or in the form of urticaria, her appearance is accompanied by itching.
  • Poles in the abdomen, strong meteorism, discharged chair, nausea.

Swing swelling is manifested by an amplifying edema of the eyes, nose, lips. Against the background of these changes, difficulty breathing and a suffocation of suffocation occurs.


Treatment begins with a complete elimination of contact with an allergen. That is, it should not only abandon the use of a banana, but also not to keep it in the house.

If the reaction to the fruit is manifested by severe symptoms, the doctor is selected antiallergic treatment.

It includes not only the reception of antihistamine, but also the use of immunomodulatory funds, enterosorbents, vitamins.

Such an integrated approach allows you to derive all the products toxic to it for it, interrupts the production of inflammation mediators, strengthens the work of immunity and eliminates all the symptoms of the disease.

Treatment with allergies for bananas in infants

The first year of life requires a special approach to the choice of methods and means for its treatment.

Antihistamines and any other drugs are appointed only with the approval of the doctor, the dosage should be correctly chosen correctly.

Used in the treatment of allergies in children up to a year, such drugs as phenyatil in drops and gel, Zirtek.

With the appearance of rashes on the body, you can kid bathe in a brave of a turn or chamomile.

These plants have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties.

When reddening the cheeks and their dryness is used to lubricate cream Bepanten.

To accelerate the removal from the digestive system of allergens, the infantosorbents can be produced - polyfepan, carbon activated, smect.

All medicines are given strictly in the age dosage.

With pronounced symptoms of food allergies, it is necessary throughout the period of treatment to adhere to a hypoallergenic diet.

New products are entered only after the disappearance of all the symptoms and gradually.

For the appointment of medication treatment, the infant must always contact the doctor.

Parents should remember that without special education you can confuse the disease similar in symptoms and then anti-allergic treatment can only bring harm.

Treatment of the child

If allergies to bananas first emerged in a child of preschool and school age, it is necessary to eliminate diseases that could affect the development of intolerance.

Their group includes frequent respiratory diseases, infection with helminths.

If these ailments are revealed, in addition to the reception of antihistamines, an appropriate disease will be obtained by the course of therapy.

A child with allergies must be observed a diet for children with allergies. The work of immunity and digestive organs improves with only fresh, useful and natural products.

In adult

The treatment of an adult with an allergic reaction to bananas provides for comprehensive treatment consisting of antihistamines, enterosorbents, a complex of vitamins.

It is necessary to take care of the exacerbation of chronic diseases, if any.

It is noted that people experiencing constant stress are susceptible to allergies, which means it does not hurt and strengthen the nervous system.

Well helps from allergic diseases cleansing the body, adults can well eat unloading days two or three times a week.

In addition to major drug treatment, the recipes of traditional medicine can also be used.

Herbs collection. Beekeeping products, mumia, egg shell - all this base for antiallergic compositions, naturally always need to take into account the tolerance of all funds used.

Can there be bananas with other types of allergies

Due to the similarity of protein complexes in some food, cross allergies are noted.

If there is intolerance to papaya, avocado, kiwi, chestnut, tomatoes, then the occurrence and allergies on bananas are quite likely.

Also the similarity of the protein structures of the products listed is noted with artificial latex material.

Prevention of the disease

In order not to cause a sharp allergic reaction to bananas in kids up to a year, it is necessary to accustom to this food product gradually.

The first time the banana gives to try approximately 9 months of the life of the crumbs and the volume of the fruit should be minimal.

The second time you can make a fool of the banana in two or three days, the number increases gradually.

It should not be started to teach a child to new products at the moment of respiratory, infectious and colds, when the temperature is increased or the teeth are cut.

The prevention of the occurrence of allergies is also considered to rinse a whole banana under a large number of running water before use.

This procedure removes some of the chemicals and decreases the likelihood of their falling into the flesh.

Allergic reaction does not develop if the bananas are heat treatment.

It is noticed that it does not cause any symptoms of the disease Banana Cupcake.


Allergies to bananas compared to other exotic fruits arises much less frequently.

And if, after using this fetus, certain changes appeared in well-being, it is necessary to pay attention to this, but not to exclude the probability of intolerance to other foods.

Article assessment:

estimates, average:

Allergies (from someone else's impact) is the hyperreacation of the body's immune system on the re-exposure of an alien substance that has previously sensitized the body.

Allergens can act a variety of substances: food, dust, animal wool, plant pollen, household chemicals, medicines, etc. Children most often develops food allergies.

The main signs of allergyization are: rhinitis, tearing and hyperemia of eye conjunctiva, chihannia, rash, swelling (up to generalized), in some cases increase body temperature to subfebrile, and sometimes febrile numbers. In some cases, the phenomena of the incorrect reaction of immunity imitate influenza or ORVI. In this case, a specialist consultation can help.

For the state of Baby, up to the year you need to carefully observe. Even with non-bright allergic manifestations, the infants should take action without delay. In order not to bring the condition of crumb to severe or irreparable forms.

Banana, like an allergen for a children's body

Banana leads to sensitization is not so often, this is the food of the average degree of allergenicity. Most often, allergic in the child does not cause the product itself, but chemicals used in its cultivation, or processing.

And, nevertheless, any product can potentially become an allergen, and cause an unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous symptoms, including a banana. Especially if you overdo it with its number. The body of a small child is a fragile system, which only adapts to the hard outer world, including food products. The consequences in children are developing enough after the use of the product. In severe cases, these consequences may appear even after a simple touch to banana peel.

Bananas can cause a cross reaction, that is, allergies will cause not only these exotic "guests" from warm countries, but also, for example, kiwi, peach, watermelon or avocado.

Bananas are considered one of the most useful products, largely due to the large content of serotonin. However, it is precisely this chemical compound that can lead to hypereaction and cause the symptoms described above. Therefore, it is not worth overdoing the use of bananas. Especially if the Toddler menu is rich and other serotonin-containing products (persimmon, nuts, pineapple). Or your baby is sweet tooth and is fond of chocolate. In some cases, the reaction causes protein in its composition, namely chitinase (special enzyme).

It happens that the child's body responds to an excessive amount of the product (that is, when overeating). But more often to chemistry with the help of which the "ripening" of this fetus is ensured. Bring ripe fruit is problematic, so they are collected by green, not as beautiful, ripe and sweet.

And only at the place of sale "bring" to familiar yellow color using chemicals in which there is nothing useful for the body. Fortunately, the allergic reaction develops in children less violently than adults. Most often it is skin rash, redness and itching. In more severe cases, the child opens vomiting, diarrhea, cutting pain and nausea appears. Manifestations of the improper reaction of the immune system manifests itself several hours after meals. Over time, the child can "develop", and calmly eat this delicious and useful product.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction

In children, allergic manifestations are the same as in adults:

  • rash;
  • lip swelling, language;
  • sweep quinque.

The phenomena of dyspepsia (nausea, diarrhea, vomiting) in children are much less common than adults.

The most severe form of the reaction to the allergen in infants - the acute development of the reaction, accompanied by an edema, including larynx and choking. This situation is dangerous for the life and health of crumbs, and needs immediate medical intervention. This means you need to immediately cause ambulance.

The intolerance of the product and its difference from the allergic reaction

If the allergies in children may well pass with age, then the intolerance of the product, as such remains with a person for life. This phenomenon is more unpleasant. The main symptoms at the same time are:

  • strong meteorism and bloating;
  • pain in the abdominal area (abdominal area);
  • chair disorders (diarrhea);

Such a state may develop even a few days after the use of a banana puree. In some cases, the symptoms indicated above are joined:

  • rash;
  • headache.

In this case, chitinase is perceived by the body as an alien protein aggressor. With which the immune system begins to fight, as with a foreign body.

Allergy - what to do?

If the child has such symptoms such as rash, runny nose, frequent sneezing or other signs of hyperreaction, must be advised to the doctor.

To clarify the product that caused an adequate response of the body, use laboratory diagnostics methods:

  • blood test for specific immunoglobulin;
  • allergothes.

Allergotes are carried out by applying the scarifier to the scarifier's scarifier of the forearm of a specialist containing allergen. If the symptoms of pathology appear at the place of allergen (redness of the skin and itch), allergies are confirmed. In this case, the doctor eliminates the baby from the diet, this product in this case is a banana. If the allergy is strong, prescribe angitistamins and enterosorbents. Small kids (up to 3 years old) are prescribed by the smect, older babies (3-10 years old) - enterosgel.

In order not to cause an acute reaction in infants, the banana must be correctly in the diet. It is believed to give a crumb banana at the age of 8 months. The fruit itself is triturated in mashed potatoes and give a quarter of a teaspoon, if there is no reaction, the next day you can give the floor of a teaspoon. So gradually the number is adjusted to the age norm of fruit consumption. Sometimes moms believe that this useful fruit is the best fruit to start dust, as it is soft and gentle. And give baby to him in 4 months. This is better not to do. Since the gastrointestinal tract of the crumbs is not ready for digesting this product.

If you have noticed your crumbs the first symptoms of pathology: rash or he became restless and crying, it means that it has not yet come to eat bananas.

Preventive measures

First, under the age of a year it is better to buy a banana puree in the form of a special baby food.

Secondly, you need to properly drive the lord (small doses, and one product at a time).

Third, abide by the measure when feeding the baby and take into account other products that the child eats and his moms (if breastfeeding baby continues).

Fourthly, an allergy to any food product is developing, it is necessary to consult with a pediatrician and an allergist. They will determine the hypoallergenic composition of the diet for the next 3-4 weeks. Children stop giving eggs, yellow and red fruits.

Fifth, according to the indications, symptomatic therapy is prescribed, drugs cleansing organism from allergens, in some cases corticosteroids.

Do babies, babies and teenagers more fruit or fear intolerance? When the food allergies on bananas in children, symptoms may include redness, itching, tongue edema or mouth. Parents who have noticed these signs from the child should be told with a pediatrician. Mama is recommended to carefully treat the injury in the diet of infants.

Symptoms of allergy on bananas in young children

Overseas fruit with a gentle pulp give babies from 5.5-6 months of life, starting with a quarter of a teaspoon. But the danger to the child lies in the possibility of the appearance of an allergic reaction even on a small amount of product. The immune system reacts to some substances as part of a banana, considering them alien for the body. The contact of such compounds on the skin or in the intestines of the baby prompts the cells to produce an inflammation mediator - histamine. This process "launches" a chain of adverse changes in the body.

Allergenic properties of bananas are considered average. On the recommendation of the pediatrician, a small amount of fresh fruit puree is administered by 6-8 months of the child's life. Food allergy on bananas in infants is difficult to recognize, because the baby cannot tell about his well-being. Therefore, my mother needs to triple the vigilance and carefully refer to changes in the state of the kid.

A newborn baby, which is in breastfeeding, responds to the inclusion of a banana in the mum diet. Allergy symptoms are the same as when using the fruit for the baby's nutrition.

Symptoms of food allergies in infants are manifested by dry, redness and shallow rash on cheeks, chin, around lips. Rash on the skin arise in the form of acne, abundant finely purified rash. The redness area extends to the stomach and hands. Violation of the functions of digestive organs is manifested in ordinary for infants, but more intense, colic in the stomach. The baby reacts to cry, behaves restlessly during wakefulness, sleeps badly.

Allergy to the flesh of a banana in a child after a year is often accompanied by excess gas formation and a liquid chair. Rash can be localized on hand and legs. Over time, the ailment is manifested by vasomotor rhinitis, eczema. Changes from respiratory and leather organs are observed even when inhaling the smell of a banana. Children in such cases begin to sneeze, are covered with red spots.

By summarizing the above symptoms of allergy on bananas in children:

  1. Respiratory organs - nasal congestion, multiple chihannia, strong runny nose, difficult breathing, shortness of breath.
  2. Leather - rash, urticaria, swelling of different parts of the body, swelling quinque.
  3. Razchnost or vomiting, reinforced peristalistic, diarrhea.
  4. Eyes - tear.
  5. NS - dizziness, fainting.

Danger of allergic reaction to bananas

The most difficult consequences of allergies make themselves to know the difficulty of breathing, dizziness and faint. With the swelling of the quinque, there is a strong swelling of the face or its part, limb. In medicine at this state, the name "Giant Upkivnica" was entrusted.

The reasons for swelling swells are the same as when the "ordinary" allergic urticaria appears, the subcutaneous fiber is involved in the process. There is a swelling on the lips, mucous membranes, cheeks. The distribution of the process on the larynx causes difficulty breathing, a strong cough, redness of the face.

If you do not immediately provide medical care in the swelling of the quinque and anaphylactic shock, then death may occur as a result of hypoxia. With severe symptoms, it is impossible to postpone medication to the child. Before the arrival of the urgent, the antihistamine preparations "Supratin" or "phenyatil" are given.

Causes of allergy on bananas

Signs of intolerance to bananas are often combined with the same reaction to avocado, kiwi, persimmon, pineapples, tomatoes. The similarity of the chemical composition of fruits and vegetables is the cause of the development of cross-allergies. However, similar states appear as a result of pollution of food by chemicals, as well as for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Comprehensive diagnosis in a medical facility will allow the doctor to determine the true cause of malaise.

Heavy allergies to bananas in a child appears after exposure to its organism of synthetic chemicals. All manufacturers have repeatedly treated agricultural plants and collected fruits. The traditional list of agrochemicals - pesticides, fertilizers - still complements "Banana Gas".

A characteristic feature of artificial ripening is well distinguishable faces on the surface of the peel characteristic of green fruits.

Many tropical fruits intended for export are harvested by green, which makes it easier to transport and storage. Bananas before implementing in the trading network are treated with a mixture of gaseous nitrogen and ethylene. With skin, extraneous chemical compounds fall on the flesh, hands and face of mom, child. Therefore, you need to wash bananas before cleaning from the peel.

An integrated approach to the prevention and treatment of allergies on bananas:

  • exclusion of the product from the diet of the child, an antiallergic diet;
  • decrease in the development of a mediator of inflammation using antihistamine drugs "Zirtek", "Phenistil" (in the acute period);
  • purification of intestines from toxins due to reception of polyfepan enterosorbents, "smect";
  • cleansing skin from rashes with compresses and baths with a series, sea salt, chamomile;
  • normalization of the work of the immune system when taking vitamins and microelements (in a subacute period).

It should not be overlooked another factor affecting the well-being of children and adults. This is the state of the gastrointestinal organs, the dysfunction of which makes the digestion and suction of nutrients. Therefore, it is necessary to examine that, if necessary, to do the treatment of internal organs.

Aged from birth to three years, one of the common diseases was exudative. This disease arises as a result of active actions of allergens. Allergens can act a variety of substances, such as pollen plants, dust, animal wool and much more. Exudative is the body's reaction to food products.

Causes of diatela

The predisposition to the diathesis can be laid before the birth of the kid himself. There are several main factors provoking the disease:

Effect of Environment;
problems during pregnancy, toxicosis;
consumption of alcoholic beverages, smoking of the future or nursing mother;
the use of drugs during pregnancy;
Excessive use of high-caliped food nursing or pregnant woman.
After birth, the main reason for the occurrence of diathesis is lack of balanced, reasonable food, both in the child and in a nursing mother.

Peace consequences

Diathesis In essence, it is not a disease. This is the predisposition of the body to various diseases, which subsequently can lead to another more serious, such as eczema, rhinitis, bronchial asthma. Therefore, the main task will prevent the development of diathesis.

Methods of fighting diathesis

Drug treatment diatse

Treatment with medical preparations is aimed at decreasing itching, redness, irritation. Sedable preparations and vitamins should be applied only with approval of the doctor.

Local treatment diatse

Diathesis prescribed local treatment - ointment, baths, lotions. For risers and baths, oak bark brands, a turn, cleanliness. A weak manganese solution removes itching and soothes the child's skin. A good effect is achieved as a result of wiping the body of a child with a decoction of a laurel sheet.

Proper nutrition for diathesis

Proper and reasonable nutrition The main way to solve the problem. It is important both in preventive purposes and when aggravating the disease.

From two months, a child on breast or artificial nutrition, begin to introduce additional lures. It is important to comply with some rules to avoid negative diatela manifestations.

A week can be added no more than one new product. In case the body does not adopt a new bait, it should be canceled. You can return to this product in three months, if there is no detection exacerbation.

Support, offered at the end of feeding, while taking the main food.

An increase in the dose of the new product should be gradually.

As a new product, try to use juices, puree, porridge from special children's food stores. They are designed for young children and are subject to careful processing.

These rules allow the kid's body to gradually get used to new products, which makes it possible to avoid diathesis.

Product classification

For children suffering from diathesis, make up a special menu. The dietary menu includes products less often cause a negative reaction of the body. However, the individual features of each organism should be taken into account and by cautiously administering products, to make their own individual menu.

It is recommended not to include in diet with diathesis:
Fatty varieties of fish, caviar, seafood;
Egg, poultry meat, veal, smoked foods, canned goods;
All milk products, cheeses;
Vegetables, berries and red-yellow fruits, citrus fruits;
Honey, mushrooms, nuts, sweet and flour, spices and spices.
Use the following products with caution:
Sudak, Heck, fatty pork, turkey, lamb;
Green pepper, potatoes, legumes, peas, herbs champs;
Bananas, peaches, apricots, watermelons, cranberries;
Grass, buckwheat, corn.

Recommended products during diathesis:
Cod, sea bass;
Low-fat pork, rabbit, offal;
Kefir, ryazhenka, butter;
Cabbage, zucchini, greens, cucumbers, trouser, turnip;
Green apples, pears, currants, gooseberry;
Rice, oatmeal and pearl cereal, vegetable oils, loaf.

Diet menu

When compiling menu with diathesis for a child, pay attention to the following points:
With thermal processing, many products reduce their allergenic properties. Purified potatoes are recommended to soak a few hours in water. The presence of lactic acid in ferocular products contributes to the absorption of calcium, which in turn reduces the manifestation of diathesis. In the case of complete intolerance of milk, it should be replaced by nutritional mixtures based on vegetable soy protein (soybean milk). Cottage cheese in this case should be used with caution.

Juices and puree based on fruits and berries begin to give a few drops from 2 to a month. To do this, you can use apples of green varieties, pears, currants, peaches, bananas.

Egg yolk offering the baby in the second half, starting with the sixth part of the yolk.

Vegetable puree is prepared from one vegetable, such as a zucchini or cabbage, gradually adding one vegetable one. You can give the trouser other varieties of cabbage, turnip. Puree give from a teaspoon, bringing up to 150 grams a week. In a vegetable puree, gradually begin to enter vegetable oil. Oil helps to reduce allergies and manifestation of skin diathesis.

Porridge is given from 4 months of age. Used oat and buckwheat croup are usually boiled. Do not recommend giving manna and rice. If the child does not tolerate milk, porridge is booed on wrames from vegetables or fruits. Crupe pre-soaked.

In connection with the disadvantage of the protein, in the first half of the year, meat is added to the child's menu. Use beef meat, rabbit, young lamb. The meat is twice digest, puffed broth, put meat into boiling water and boil until readiness. During cooking, extractive substances are evaporated. Children with exudative fish, mushroom and meat broths are contraindicated.

In half a year old, the child add kefir.

From drinks offer stubborn tea, compote from apples, pears, dried fruits.

An exemplary diet of a child 2 months, breastfeeded and patient with exudative diathesis

6 ch
Children's mixture - 10 ml,
Milk breast - 140 ml.

9 h 30 min
Children's mixture - 20 ml,
Milk breast - 130 ml.

13 C.
Children's mixture - 20 ml,
Milk breast - 110 ml, apple puree - 20 g.

16 h 30 min
Children's mixture - 20 ml,
Milk breast - 130 ml.

19 ch
Children's mixture - 20 ml,
breast milk - 110 ml,
Apple juice - 20 ml.

22 ft30 min
Children's mixture - 10 ml,
Milk breast - 140 ml.


An exemplary diet of a child of 8 months, patient with exudative diathesis

6 ch
Breast milk - 200 ml,
Apple juice - 40 ml.

10 ch
Oatmeal porridge on 1/2 milk without sugar - 200 g,
Puree Apple - 40 g.

14 ch
Vegetable soup - 30 ml,
Puree vegetable from zucchini with potatoes - 150 g,
Mashed meat - 50 g,
Apple juice - 30 ml.

18 ch
Puree vegetable cabbage with potatoes - 200 g,
Puree apple - 30 g

22 ch
Milk breast - 200 ml.

A few more tips

Individual meals for diathesis, plays an important role. It is necessary to identify poorly portable products. For this purpose, they recommend leading a personal diary of the baby. The diary indicates which products were included in the menu and the reaction of the body to these changes. Watching the physical and emotional state of your child will allow you to highlight the group of allergens - products and make a suitable menu.

Hello, dear readers! Today's article is devoted to the topic - allergies to bananas in children.

This type of intolerance is considered extremely rare. However, it may appear, both in the baby and the child of school age.

And during not medical care is capable of leading to very serious consequences.

We invite you to get acquainted with useful information and important advice that will help avoid trouble.

Is there allergies to bananas

Many parents often ask if a banana can cause an allergy from a child? Yes maybe. But such cases occur quite rarely.

The main cause of the ailment is considered to be fruit proteins. The baby's immunity responds to them, as for alien components.

Another non-fastened organism begins to allocate a large amount of histamine, thereby causing a number of symptoms.

However, if the baby has congenital allergies to bananas and all yellow fruits, then the signs of the disease may arise from any number of food intake at a time.

It is necessary to use fruit with great care, because bananas refer to the group of fruits with an average level of allergenicity.

First of all it concerns the children. It is preferably not used to begin to introduce a yellow fruit in the ration of the crumbs.

The manifestations of the allergic reaction may occur because of the large content of serotonin in the banana.

Surplus this substance in the body can lead to a skin rash at the baby. Persimm, citrus, nuts, seeds and pineapples, like Banana rich in Serotonin. Do not use these products with each other.

Allergies can cause chemical components. Any fruit brought from exotic countries is chemical processing.

Thus, the expiration date of the product is extended. Bananas are among the fruits such. Through the treated skirt, chemicals can get to the flesh itself and cause a disease.


The symptoms of allergies on the banana are identical to the manifestations of any.

The use of the fetus causes a number of basic signs:

  • a sense of discomfort in the mouth;
  • colic, excessive gas formation;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • frequent sneezing;
  • tear;
  • rashes throughout the body (more often in the mouth and abdomen);

In particularly severe cases, it is not excluded. In the presence of this symptom, the breath of the patient becomes very difficult, swelling the eyelids, tongue and lips. Such symptoms are very dangerous for the life of the child.

The lack of medical care can lead to suffocation. It is necessary to stop this feature with urgency drugs.

Bananas intolerance can lead to anaphylaxis. It can be recognized by severe dizziness, foggy consciousness, fainting and headaches.

If there are the above symptoms, it is also necessary to provide immediate assistance to the victim.

Signs of allergies may occur in newborn babies on breastfeeding. This is due to the fact that a nursing mother eats a banana.

Babes up to a year who have tried yellow fruit can suffer from skin rashes. Usually this symptom is manifested in the form of peeling and red cheeks.

There are no rare cases when the baby's chin blues, and the pinking pies appear around the mouth.

The rash may appear not only on the face of the baby, but also throughout the body. This sign is capable of delivering to the crumb of great inconvenience in the form of itching.

Recognize the presence of problems in a small child can be in its restless behavior, bad sleep and frequent crying.

But the kids after the year of life are most often tormented from strong nausea, spasms in the stomach and liquid chair.

Skin disorders are usually converted to an area. It has an incessant character.

The smell of fruit is also able to cause some disorders from children. The patient begins to often sneeze, his breathing becomes heavy. Not rare cases when red spots appear on the skin.

The presence of several symptoms from the list should alert each parent. To find out if children have allergies to bananas, you need to contact a specialist.

We assist the patient

Babies up to one year have not yet formed immunity and need specially selected therapy.

All drugs that help get rid of allergies should be appointed only with the permission of the doctor. It is also selected the necessary dosage.

Most often, gels are used for the treatment of allergic manifestations. Tankers such as zirtek and phenyatil is an excellent example of this.

With a rash on the body, herbs are well coped with anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic qualities.

Often, the doctor appoints a swimming in chamomile decractions or a series.

Bepanten cream helps to get rid of dryness and redness of the cheeks.

In order to bring allergens from the digestive system, the doctor prescribes enterosorbents. The most popular and good preparations are fragrance, polyfepan and activated carbon.

Any tool applies based on the age dosage.

In the presence of heavy symptoms, experts are recommended to follow. While all signs will not disappear, new products can not be given to the baby. And to enter them into the diet must be gradually.

Allergy to a banana in a child of school age most often indicates the presence of other diseases.

It is necessary to identify them and exclude. Possible ailments are infected with helminths and respiratory diseases.

In addition to treating allergies with antihistamine drugs, the doctor prescribes a suitable course of therapy for detected diseases.

Carefully monitor what your child consumes. It is imperative to observe the diet with allergies.

So that the immunity and digestive organs worked, as best as possible, let's crumbling, fresh and natural products.

Each parent is obliged to remember that self-treatment may worsen the state of your child and make tremendous harm. Noticing strange symptoms, immediately refer to specialized help.

Preventive measures

To teach the Banana kids until the year of life should be gradually. This will help to avoid the occurrence of an allergic reaction.

Entering a new product follows no earlier than 9 months of child's life. At the first time the size of the fruit should be as small as possible.

The second banana lore can be carried out 3 days after the first time. Fetal size can be slightly increased.

It is forbidden to introduce new products when the child has increased temperatures, teeth are cut or there are colds, respiratory, infectious diseases.

Before giving a child to a banana, rinse it with plenty of water. Thus, you can wash some part of the chemical components from the peel and reduce the risk of entering them into the pulp of the fetus.

With thermal processing of fruit, allergies do not occur. Instead of fruit, you can give a child a banana cupcake. It does not cause a disease and is very useful delicacy.

It is important to remember

  1. Allergies to bananas happens, but quite rare.
  2. Timely appeal to the specialist will help avoid negative consequences.
  3. Preventive measures - the main way to prevent an allergic reaction.

See you in the next article!

Parents in pursuit of health for their children are ready to use all methods, but begin, as a rule, with healthy nutrition. A large number of diverse fruits in the diet helps to receive all the necessary microelements and vitamins of food, and thanks to the tissue - to maintain the health of the digestive system. Apples, pears already familiar to us bananas - permanent guests on any table. But will there be a chase for health with the shortest way to the hospital? How to protect yourself from the abyss of our century - allergies?

Can be allergic to bananas in a child?

The natural latitudes of the habitat of bananas are the tropics of Southeast Asia, but on the shelves of our stores they have long been familiar. The popularity of bananas as a food product flows from its caloric content (about 90kkal in 100g products), the presence of trace elements (potassium), fiber, pleasant taste and soft fibers in it. The banana is suitable for a snack of an adult person who wants to support the heart and the digestive system in the norm (the need of heart need in potassium is replenished, minimizes the appearance of constipation). It is also used in babams for infants, since it is easily absorbed, is a hypoallergenic product and, as a rule, does not cause any unpleasant sensations in a child. But is there an allergies to bananas in children at all?

Unfortunately, yes, it happens. Over the past two decades, cases of manifestations of allergies for bananas (according to the international classification of diseases - T78.1) have been extremely much more frequent. This phenomenon is associated with several factors:

  • processing of bananas by chemicals to accelerate growth and ripening are uncontrolled, and these substances are strong allergens;
  • general reduction in the immunity of the child due to the state of the environment;
  • violation of the norms of dust, as a result of which allergies to bananas may arise as an addition to the sensitivity to another product.

Important! To identify whether it can be allergic to a banana in a child in advance, without "field research", it is impossible: Allergotes hold a child after a year.

Allergies or intolerance: why does children have, how to distinguish and reveal?

Allergies to bananas in children symptoms can have a variety of. In addition, the kid's body can react differently to the same product at different ages, depending on combinations with other products. Especially young mothers are to learn to distinguish a single problem with the perception of food from system manifestations. Such knowledge will help the child on breastfeeding to avoid the use of frequently unnecessary antihistamine drugs, choose the right meal from an early age.

How to distinguish one from the other, consider the symptoms in the table:

Important! If you doubt exactly what happens with your child is an allergic reaction or intolerance, then call an ambulance. Do not appoint independently drug treatment!

In the norms of administration, the feeding does not accidentally have a recommendation for the introduction of one new product within 2-3 days. It is important here that the new should be in the only quantity. Such precautions will help avoid allergic allergens.

When "checking" for the presence of allergies, remember that even a small amount of product (1-2 teaspoons of a banana) to see the correct sign of a painful reaction. The time of manifestation of the reaction is from 10 minutes before half an hour. In case of acute allergic reaction, keep antihistamines and telephone at hand.

Symptoms of reaction and signs of complications for allergies to banana

Since the allergen can serve both the banana himself and the substances he was processed, then complications may differ in nature.

  • highland swelling;
  • swelling quinque;
  • anaphylactic shock.

Chemicals reaction:

  • sharp increase in temperature;
  • convulsions;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • anaphylactic shock.

We are talking about complications, not typical symptoms! They should be remembered if your child still has allergies to bananas. A vulnerable child will most likely be to drugs with a banana taste, yoghurts, cookies, banana juices. Such products are better excluded from the diet to adolescence. Due to hormonal changes, the children's body can "develop" their problem.


Allergy treatment is generally situational character: there are symptoms - we will serve. It is not possible to talk about full cure from allergies. Although in recent times, more and more doctors are inclined to think that probiotics are suitable for the successful effect of treating allergies. Since allergic - the failure of the body's immune system, then this system should additionally strengthen. Probiotics are a complex of bacteria that live in a person, and we produce substances that stimulate the immune system. When their number in the body decreases, a person is more at risk to catch any illness, including allergies.

Important! Before the beginning of treatment, allergies should be handed over to the analysis of blood from veins (the presence of antibodies) and make skin samples.

To remove the manifestations of allergies for 2-3 days, it is worth using antihistamines (for children it is better to take in the form of syrups, for example, "Eden"), skin manifestations are treated with ointments and gels (for example, "phenyatila").

Natural elimination (cleansing the body from allergens) can take up to 2-3 days. In addition to the reception of antihistamine drugs, a dose of drink should be increased (acceleration of allergen withdrawal, minimizing side effects from reception of drugs).

Kids often turn itching on the worst manifestation of allergies, because constantly combing inflamed areas, hennaments may occur. For the treatment of skin manifestations of an unhealthy reaction to banana, some folk methods are suitable:

  1. Squeezing and washing with infusion of a turn, chamomile, calendula. Herbal collection pour boiling water for 3-4 hours, strain.
  2. Compresses from cabbage sheet. The softened or crushed leaf of the white cabbage attach to the place of irritation, impose a towel or bandage from above, keep at least 15 minutes.

Mandatory measures for the period of removal of allergy symptoms - diet. Among food should not appear sharp, smoked, products of bright colors (speaking and about citrus, and sweets). Also eliminate carbonated drinks, factory juices.


In the case of infants (feeding predominantly, breastfeeding, and not by attaching or mixtures), prevention begins with the health and nutrition of the mother. Women during pregnancy should use all available products, but in reasonable quantities. Keep the same approach and during breastfeeding. The only nuance here is this: eat everything, but enter the products in your diet separately. Mom must be between meals at least three hours, eat one or two kinds of products at once. So you will be able to see how reacting to the eaten baby, already to 2 monthly age the child and most fully eat, and not starve, and know about the presence or absence of allergic reactions at the kid.

The second rule concerns the valum. They are introduced from 6 months according to a specific scheme, with the order of products. Breaking a child early nutritional norms is harmful not only because of the possibility of obtaining food allergies, but also with a light-up to the overall ability of the digestive system to absorb products. At best, a late product will be "transit", about the diversity of the worst defaults.

The third important point is the time of year and the place of your residence. The child of the first year of life is worth using those products that are familiar to His ancestors. You can violate the rule and give in to the desire to diversify the diet, but at the same time remember that fruits treated with chemicals are sold in winter. At this time of the year, bananas are better replaced with puree from domestic apples.

The fourth moment is a common up. Everyday walks in the fresh air, the cleanliness in the house does not allow the use of hard chemistry to strengthen the child's body and be more confident that he is not allergy.

In the first years of life, the immune system of infants is at the formation stage and the reaction to the products prompted into the ration can be ambiguous. Food allergies - the most common phenomenon in children under 1 year. Can be allergic to a banana in infants? Inadequate reaction, according to statistics, manifests everything in 2% of the children. This fruit is considered hypoallergenic and very nutritious.

Pediatricians are recommended to put this fruit in their babies, but exceptionally small doses, tracking the reaction. After all, manifestations can be spontaneous, sudden and bright. Mama is important in time to understand that this is really allergic to banana to take measures to eliminate manifestations. Often the reaction arises cross and very different fruit. But it is a special danger of overeating, a joint combination of berries and fruits. It can lead to a rapid reaction, serious complications.

Could be allergic to babbies on bananas

Rarely, but allergies to bananas in infants with breastfeeding still happens. More often - on chemicals that produce manufacturers This fruit is treated to increase the duration of storage time.

The percentage of allergens in the banana is insignificant. It is unlikely that you can expect a rapid reaction, giving a child a fruit no more than 1C.L. per day. But, many mothers love to throw their children. Bruise of fruit for imperfect immunity kid at all is not susceptible. A splash of the reaction can be rapid with rebirth into the disease - an allergic rhinitis that can accompany the child throughout his life.

Use of exotic fruit

Banana - delicious delicacy. In the composition - pectin and trace elements, without which the formation of the musculoskeletal system and the activation of the functions of the brain in crumbs is not accomplished. The product is a calorie, nutritious, indispensable to the health of the child. But still considered exotic, it is capable of carrying fluid from the body, and thicken blood. This means that when both in children and adult age in varicose and inclination for thrombosis, it should not be taken.

The banana is useful and contains serotonin, but this is a chemical compound, as well as a special enzyme - chitinase as part of the accumulation of which in the body, i.e. Overbinding just causes negativism from the immune system.

Causes of allergic reaction to banana

Allergies directly on the banana is rare. But other additional factors can provoke the reaction:

  • chronic course of infection in the body;
  • stress;
  • heredity;
  • liver disease, pancreas;
  • violation of gas exchange;
  • splitting of the intestine.

Systems (digestive, immune, enzyme) in infants are far from perfect. The body is unable to perceive the banana getting adequately. Full digestibility as a result, of course, does not happen. Therefore, to the question: can be allergic to infant to bananas, the answer is yes.

Danger for infants

The consequences and complications of the newborn after the eaten fruit are exotic:

  • swelling quinque;
  • dizziness;
  • convulsions;
  • pre-corrupt state;
  • dyspnea.

If you do not treat allergies on time, then it is possible to transition to a difficult form with the development of serious diseases - chronic rhinitis, psoriasis, asthma, eczema, bronchitis.

It is the swelling of the larynx with the involvement in the subcutaneous fiber process looks on the skin as an ordinary urticaria. But during the periods of attacks, the appearance of a strong clogging cough, signs of choking, difficulty breathing, everything can end with anaphylactic shock, hypoxy, fatal outcome. Mama needs to be vigilant.

You may even cause heavy consequences in infants, if not to feed, but only trite to give to the banana, inhale smells of the peel. Also, any modifications on the skin must be carefully tracked in children up to a year.

ATTENTION! Rash on the skin with allergies usually itches. If the kid will constantly break the areas of lesion, then a bacterial infection can join, aggravate the situation with the appearance of mine dumplings on the body.

With the advent of such signs, the challenge of ambulance must be immediate. Before the arrival of doctors, you need to give to the baby, give suprastin, phenyatil, how safe, but effective antihistamines.

  • watermelons;
  • kiwi;
  • peaches;
  • persimmon;
  • pineapples;
  • avocado;
  • tomatoes;
  • walnuts;
  • citrus;
  • chocolate.

The baby is enough to eat 2-3 types of product dispossely so that the reaction appears instantly.

IMPORTANT! Serotonin leads to allergies, namely its accumulation in the body. It is impossible to overflow the crumb of exotic products.

Introduction to the diet should be gradually minor doses. Tracking the reaction is carried out constantly. Mamams are recommended to start a diary, record, after which eaten product has blushed cheeks or other unpleasant signs appeared.

Prohibited products

It is likely that about the child's nutrition, you must first consult with an allergist, a pediatrician. Each organism is individual. If one babies feel great after an eaten one banana, then for others it can pour out serious health problems.

The banana is not considered a prohibited product, and it is possible to give it to children, but only in limited quantities. More often, the fruit becomes cross if it is used after such products that for children under 1 should be under full ban: seafood, smoked, nuts, ketchup, mushrooms, melons, watermelons, peaches, fish, fried and sharp dishes. The most allergenic products are considered to be honey, meat, canned food, berries, cereals.

How does an allergic reaction to the banana manifest?

Allergy to banana is not much different from the food. But it is difficult to identify it, because the baby can not tell himself about his feelings. Basic symptoms:

  • melkotochny rash (acne) by the type of urticaria on the chin, cheeks, around the mouth;
  • dry, itching, redness of the skin;
  • colic in stomach;
  • reinforced gas formation;
  • liquid chair;
  • nasal congestion from breathing the smell of a banana;
  • runny nose;
  • sneezing;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • dry cough;
  • strengthening peristaltics;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • anxiety;
  • irritability.

REFERENCE! The swelling of the larynx can manifest themselves on the growing, lead to a quinque edema, which attacks choking. When such signs appear, medical care should be immediately rendered.

Signs of allergies in infantry for fruit luch

Banana is accepted for an alien on the part of the immune system when entering the body. Histami generation begins, as an inflammatory mediator with the launch of adverse reactions on the chain. Introduction of a fruit in the babies kid may turn around:

  • dry skin cover;
  • the appearance of shallow rash on the chin, cheeks;
  • colic in the stomach;
  • cry constant;
  • sleep impairment.

On a note! Symptoms are similar to those if used banana in nutrition Mom itself. The introduction of new products, in particular a banana, must be carried out under careful control.

Symptoms in the kid when the banana is turned on in the mum diet

Breast milk is the best thing that may be in food baby up to 1 year. After all, it contains many nutritional components. But, if the mother will eat bananas throughout the day, saturated with serotonin, then some necessarily part of the allergens will fall into the child's body. Symptoms are usually manifested 2 hours after feeding:

  • edema of the tongue, lips;
  • itching, burning;
  • rash on face, stomach;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • flatulence;
  • headache;
  • permanent sneezing;
  • rhinestone by the type of rhinitis.

So the body perceives chitinase as part of a banana. This protein is an aggressor with which the immune system begins to enter into an active struggle.

REFERENCE! Dangerous symptoms of allergies in infants - dizziness, sharp refusal of food, strong cough, pressure reduction, weakness. Symptoms can grow into anaphylactic shock. If they become alarming, then urgently seem like doctors.

How to determine what is allergic?

Fortunately, the turbulent allergic reaction to the banana in kids rarely occurs. Usually - this is a rash point, inflammation on the body with gradual spread on face, belly, buttocks.

To identify an allergenic product means preferred by a hypoallergenic diet, i.e. Start excluding from the diet first high-caliped, then medium allergenic products.

Of course, independently recognize the provoking factors of allergies are difficult. It is better to pass tests, and pass the survey. To identify true allergen for only doctors - allergists.

IMPORTANT! The response to the allergen is very similar to food poisoning. Banana is a pseudo-allergen and can cause indignation of the body, but only in case of accumulation in it serotonin.

If the bananas are completely excluded from the menu, the baby passed the course treatment with antihistamine preparations, but the allergy is still present, then the reason is likely to lift in the body, namely internal diseases. You need to show the child to doctors.

How to cure pathology?

The first condition for eliminating allergies is to identify and exclude an allergen from the diet. Treatment - comprehensive, symptomatic: medicines, bums, decoctions, folk remedies. It is important to quickly remove the surplus of carcinogenic harmful substances from the body, so you need to want a kid more often with clean water.

An expert should be engaged in the appointment, since many breastfish medicines are prohibited.

IMPORTANT! Moms should understand that improper treatment can lead to complications. Self-treatment of infants is unacceptable.

If allergens in the body led to the development of spasm in bronchi, rhinitis, shortness of breath, conjunctivitis, then treat homes are dangerous and useless. These are symptoms that are not tolerating an ambulance and urgent appeal to doctors.


  • drops (zirtek, phenyatil);
  • mazi (Histan, Bepanten, La Cree) to eliminate itching, edema, blunders on the body;
  • sorbents (smecta polyfepan, sorbex, atoxyl) for the normalization of acid-alkaline balance in the digestive system, the removal of chemical compounds from the body;
  • probiotics in order to normalize intestinal microflora, immune status.

Folk remedies

Recipes of traditional medicine for infants should be used with caution. Do not get involved. Some herbs are able to cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, you can use decoctions only for outdoor use - for applying to affected places and for bathing. But before use, it is necessary to make a sample, i.e. Rip a little baby on the elbow fold. If the reaction did not happen, it means that this grass can be applied.

Prevention of allergy to banana

  • gradually introduce bananas in the diet of kids and no earlier than from 9 months, starting with a minimum dose (1h.l.);
  • do not introduce new products in the diet, if the child has increased the temperature, the teeth are cut;
  • carefully treat bananas, if an allergic response to tomatoes, avocado, kiwi has already been noted in the child;
  • termically handle bananas, hiding with boiling water before use to wash off a significant part of allergens from the peel;
  • prevent overeating with babies with different fruits;
  • more often wash toys, it is desirable to give the kids in hand only products from hypoallergenic safe materials;
  • track the reaction, not bringing to rapid bursts in the form of unpleasant symptoms;
  • if there are frequent joins after feeding, then it is worth seeing a pediatrician if the rash of any kind on the body is an allergist, a dermatologist.

How to eat Mom Allergy with breastfeeding

Of course, with the reactions of the baby on the products, preferred meals for mom during lactation - hypoallergenic.

How to choose bananas?

Features of choice:

  1. You can not buy green fruits. They will not like such fruits to the child such fruits.
  2. Dark spots on the banana indicate incorrect transportation and storage.
  3. Check the peel to the touch, if it lipnets, then the bananas can not be taken.


The main reason for the intolerance of a banana in children - a protein perceived by immunity for an alien object. Also, fermentation processes, an allergic response in the body can provoke amino acids, namely, their transformation into serotonin, the accumulation of which in a combination with chemicals, which is treated with fruit to accelerate maturation, fraught. As a result, the body begins to resist, produce serotonin in a huge amount. This can serve as an impetus for the appearance of unpleasant symptoms at the kid.

During the lactation, women are forced to adhere to strict restrictions on the use of their favorite products, and fruits are no exception. Bananas are one of the most delicious, as well as useful during pregnancy fruits. However, nursing women often concerned the question: can it be used with breastfeeding bananas?

Due to the fact that everything eaten by the mother enters the child's body through milk, he can manifest an allergic response to a particular product. And bananas can not only cause allergies, but also affect the increase in intestinal colic in the baby.

In the event that during pregnancy, a woman used bananas, the risk of an allergic reaction to this fruit in a child is reduced when feeding with milk. However, even in this case, there are no bananas in large quantities in the first month of lactation.

The benefits of bananas

It has been proven that this exotic fruit has a positive effect on the various processes occurring in the human body, thanks to a variety of useful properties.

Regular use of these fruits will help:

This exotic fruit contains many nutrients, vitamins and minerals, so it plays an important role in the development of an infant.

How not to harm the baby

Bananas are not allergens, but due to the invisibility of the children's body, they often cause allergic reactions. In order for their use did not lead to unpleasant consequences, bananas need to be administered into a diet, observing certain norms. Immediately after delivery, one such fruit can be served with an interval of 3 days. Such a gap is recommended to determine the reaction of the child into sweet fruit. It is also recommended to eat it in the morning or in the first half of the day so that the baby is under the supervision.

In the event that the baby has diarrhea or, on the contrary, constipation, as well as rash or itching, it is required to refuse fruit for a month. After the symptoms of the allergic reaction are completely digging, you can again enter the mums of the bananas, starting with small pieces. The manifestation of non-delicate rash or the change of the chair in the kid is permissible, since its body will be able to adapt to an unfamiliar product only after 3-4 of its use in the interval of 3 days.

If the baby did not have a deterioration in well-being, a woman can safely have this yellow fruit, slowly increasing his amount without fear of his child's health.

There is an exotic fruit to women who did not use it during pregnancy, it is recommended extremely gently, since the infant's body in this case will be at all prepared for digesting the new substances that it will receive when feeding. In such a situation, the mother should simply stand with the addition of bananas in its diet in the first month of life the infants.

How best to eat bananas

You can use them during lactation in any condition, except dried, as well as complement bananas desserts, dishes, drinks. However, do not forget about those products that recommend excluding from the diet during breastfeeding. Bananas are in no way able to reduce the harm that these products can cause the baby.

Thus, bananas can be combined with the following products:

It should be noted that each combination of bananas with any of the products in the Mother menu must be administered with caution, permanently watching the child's well-being.

If an allergy appeared, it is necessary to refuse a new product for about a month, but only then to make a re-attempt.

Despite the fact that bananas are very useful for both mom and baby, during breast feeding, they should be used with caution. But if the baby moves well to the appearance of new substances in milk from any products, the woman should not refuse himself the pleasure of the ripe fruit, because:

  • Thanks to the nutritional value and long-term maintenance of blood sugar, it will greatly eliminate hunger during a long walk with Croha.
  • Calories will give the body a sense of vigor and energetic.