Immutable suffixes of nouns. Spelling suffixes of various parts of speech

Spelling suffixes and endings

Prefixes and roots are morphemes common to all parts of speech of the Russian language. The same prefixes (not to mention roots) appear in nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. But each part of speech has its own suffixes and endings - and therefore, its own writing rules.

5.1 Spelling suffixes and endings of nouns.

To correctly spell a noun suffix, it is critical to determine the type of suffix; For unchangeable suffixes, write “as expected”; for alternating suffixes, remember and apply the appropriate verification method. The table below shows the suffixes of nouns whose spelling causes the greatest difficulty.

immutable suffixes suffixes with alternating letters
A). suffixes with vowel –I-: -in- ( height)-out- ( white) -in-stv- ( dignity) -search- ( monster); A). –ik-/ek-: if the vowel in the suffix is ​​“fluent”, ᴛ.ᴇ. disappears when the form of the word changes, this is the suffix –ek-; if it does not disappear - suffix -ik- (key - key, But padlock – padlock);
b). suffixes with vowel –E-: -ev-( lace)-enka- (village)-is- (surname)-There is- (freshness)-et- (poverty;) b). –its-/ets-: in words masculine the suffix is ​​written -ets-; in words feminine– its-; in neuter words – depending on the ending (if the ending has a stressed O, it’s written –ets-, if it’s an unstressed E, it’s written –its-) (handsome - beauty; gun - dress);
V). suffixes with vowel –O-: -ot- (height)-rel- (running around)-aries- (chatter)-onk- (fox)-awn- (courage). V). –ichk-/-echk-: in words formed from nouns starting with -ITSA, the suffix is ​​written –ichk-, in the rest -echk- (mustard - mustard, But seed - seed);
Attention! Nouns do not have suffixes with the letter A! G). –ink-/-enk-: in words denoting women, it is written –enk-; in all other respects – inc- ( straw - But refugee); d). -yshk-/-ushk-: in neuter words the suffix is ​​written -ishk-, in masculine and feminine words - -ushk- (seed – neighbor, beard); e). –chick-/-schik-: after letters D, T, Z, S, Zh the suffix is ​​written -chik-, in other cases - -schik- (carver, bookbinder, But mason)

Exception: first ness oh, beggar ness O; fuel ive oh mos ive O; for ink a, pa ink a, bah ink And

Exercise 51.Fill in the missing letters.

Forest..k, rain..k, translator..k, sparrow..k, son..k, little hand..k, book..k, Van..k, tiny..k, ladder..k, Ol..chka, bench..chka, saucer..chko, cup..chka, meaningless..tsa, butter..tse, free..tse, ma..ta͵ su..ta͵ heaviness, closeness, burning..ness, humanity, camaraderie, falling..on, blockage..nka, cherry..nka, pine..nka, owned..ts, capital..ts, book..tsa, frost..ts, story..ts, handsome..ts, commander..ts, favorite..ts, European..ts, blush..ts, armchair..ts, coat..ts, button..chka, scissors..chki, pawn..chka, morning..chka, time..chko, sugar...tsa, stirrup..chka, bead..nka, pea..nka, tender..nka, beg..nka, French..nka, protal..nka, high..on, thick..on, old..on, red..ta͵ straight..ta͵,, poverty, primacy, dignity, majority, chaos, confusion, fraud, excess,,,,,, binding..ik, cart..ik, copy..ik, mason..ik, defector..ik, story..ik, plumbing..ik, subscribe..ik, pack..ik.

Exercise 52. Fill in the missing letters.

Bead..nka, beg..nka, pea..nka, pash..nka, raisin..nka, pearl..on, melted..on, tender..nka, abrasion..on, almond..on, straw..nka, beggar..nka, Frenchwoman..nka, Circassian..nka, bathing..nka, cherry..nka, uncle..nka, soul..nka, tower..nka, crystal..k, hut..k, pea..k, friend..k, knife..k, gift..k, horn..k, finger..k, poor..ta͵ white..zna, blue..zna, curve..know, new..know, fast..on, higher..on, thick..on, sharp..ta͵ old..on, gray..on, red..ta͵ small..ta͵ naᴦ..ta͵ colorful..ta͵ straight..ta͵ blind..ta͵,,,,,, poverty..poverty, primacy, dignity..majority, equality, nonsense, pack..tnya, mischief..tnya, scam..swindle..swindle, excess, power, fuel, heat, cab, drum, drum, bell, puddle, seed, fox , plurality, students, loneliness, minority, seniority, eldership, inequality, youth, broadness, chatter..vnya , sand..nka,, blockage..nka, feather..shko, beard..shka, sun..shko, neighbor..shka, gazebo..shka, core..shko, broom. .tsa, plot..ts, build..tse, health..tse, letter..tso, owner..tsa,dress..tse, box..k.

  • - Spelling of suffixes that add additional shades of meaning to nouns

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  • 1. Immutable suffixes

    -chiv-review chiv oh, usid chiv th

    -liv-worries Liv oh, conscience Liv th

    -at-freckles at oh, cell at th

    -chat-steps chat oh, logs chat th

    -ist-rush ist oh, boom ist th

    -ech-cat ech oh, old man ech th

    -esk-enemy esk oh, baby esk th

    -ev - strictly ev oh, oh ev Ouch

    Remember: merciful ive oh, fool ive th

    2. Unstressed suffixes -ov-, -ovat-, -ovit-, -ev-, -evat-, -evit- after consonants

    Suffixes are written after hard consonants -ov-, -ovat-, -ovit-:circle ov oh dear ovat oh, gift ovi ty.

    After soft consonants, hissing and ts - - ev-, -evat-, -evit:intact ev oh son evat oh, glossy evit oh, red evat y.

    3. Suffixes -onk-, -enk-

    Suffix -onk- written after letters g, k, x: soft onk yay, wide onk oh, bad onk yy.

    IN other cases- suffix -enk-: fresh yenk yay, new yenk yay, white yenk th.

    4. Suffixes -insk-, -ensk-

    Suffix -insk- is written:

    1. In adjectives , educated from words ending in -in(-in- + -sk-): Elizabeth in — elizabeth insk yy.

    2. In adjectives formed from geographical names to -and(s) And -a(s): op. insk th (Op. And ), tals insk ii (Tuls s ), eln insk y (Yeln I ).

    Excl.: inz ensk yay, penz ensk yay, fresh ensk th

    In other cases the suffix is ​​written -ensk-: Kerch ensk oh, beggar ensk yy.

    In a word Kolomensky(from Kolomna) en- part of the root, suffix - -sk-.

    5. Writing consonants before the suffixes -at-, -chat-

    If sk this is a combination before the suffix -at- is replaced by sch : to sk a - to schat y.

    If noun stem ends in To , then when forming an adjective using the suffix -at- alternation occurs k//h: freckle - freckle hat oh, bruso To- timber hat y.

    In other cases stands out in adjectives suffix -chat- : logs chat oh, cage chat y.

    If noun stem ends in ts , then when forming an adjective before the suffix -chat- ts alternates with T : eyelash - eyelashes Tchat oh, skulls ts a - skulls Tchat y.

    6. Suffixes -k-, -sk-

    To choose between suffixes -k-, -sk-, it is necessary to determine:

    1) does this adjective have short form - ok?

    so we write suffix -k-:near To yy - near OK , knot To y - uz OK .

    2) No

    From what stem is this adjective formed?

    If from the base to k, c, h- we write the suffix - To- : poor thing To poor people To oh, no ts - German To oh, yeah h - weaver To yy.

    If from the base to other letters - suffix-sk- : Frenchman h - French sk yay, sconce T sconce Tsk yy.Excl.:Uzbek Tosk yay, Taji Tosk yy.

    → In adjectives formed from geographical names based on ts is written:

    -sk- , If before c costs consonant letter (except c): Constant ts a is constant tssk yy.

    -To-, If before c costs vowel letter: El e ts - ate ecTo yy.

    → If noun stem ends in With with a preceding consonant, That before suffix -sk- one With goes down: Reim With - frame sk yy.

    Compare: sailor Withsk th- basis on With, but before the letter With there is a vowel.

    If noun stem ends in ss , That before the suffix -sk- one With goes down: Ode ss a - ode Withsk yy.

    If the stem of a foreign word ends in sk , That before suffix - sk-first To goes down: Lady sk- lady Withsk yy.

    Russian geographical names on sk form adjectives without suffix-sk-: Min sk— min sk yy.

    Called the noun “bread of the tongue.” Indeed, without using this part of speech it is impossible to construct sentences. Objects, things, events and states, people and animals, feelings and emotions - we convey all this in speech using nouns.

    When writing words of this part of speech, you should follow the rules. The greatest difficulties are caused by endings and suffixes. How to correctly write noun suffixes will be discussed in the article.

    Suffixes with uniform spelling

    The correct spelling of many morphemes in the Russian language is subject to the morphological principle, that is, they are written uniformly in all words and word forms. Nouns also have such suffixes. You just need to learn them.

    These are suffixes such as IZN, OT, IN, OST, OTN, OVN and some others. Cheap, expensive, white; KINDNESS, REDNESS, SIMPLICITY; silence, depth; brevity, youth, pride; running, running; chatter and so on. Such suffixes are mainly characteristic of words formed from adjectives and verbal words.

    It is recommended to remember the spelling of words formed from verbs using the suffixes IV and EV, for example “fuel”, “mesivo”, “brew”, “lace” and others. No rule can be applied to them; they must be remembered or checked in a dictionary.

    Suffixes IK and EK

    The suffixes of the nouns IK and EK serve to form a diminutive form and sound the same when pronounced. They need to be written in accordance with very simple rule. If, when a word is declined, the vowel “runs away”, then this is the suffix EK, and if it remains, then this is the suffix IK. A classic example that schoolchildren love and easily remember is a lock and key. We bow the words and see:

    • zamochEK - zamochka (vowel “ran away”);
    • key - key (the vowel remained in place).

    When applying this rule, you must first correctly find the suffix in the word. For example, in the word “ball” there is a root BALL and the familiar suffix IR, in the word “pilot” there is a knee LET and a suffix CHIC, and in the word “boy” there is no suffix at all, but only a root and a zero ending. It is important to remember: there are no nouns with the suffix CHECK in the Russian language!

    • Conclusion. To choose IK or EK, you need to see whether the vowel appears in the form of oblique cases.

    Suffixes EC and IC

    The spelling of the noun suffixes EC and IC is similar to the previous paragraph of the rule. Here, too, with declension, the vowel drops out of the EC morpheme, but is retained in the IC morpheme. But there is one more nuance. EC is written in masculine words: well done, handsome, foreigner. Accordingly, IC will belong only to feminine words: beauty, snowstorm, lazy.

    Everything seems simple here. But what about neuter words, attentive readers will ask? Even their vowel does not fall out during declination. But here another principle works, and you need to pay attention to the emphasis. If the emphasis falls on the ending, we write EC: PALTETSO, letterTSO. If the base of the word is stressed, we write the suffix ITs: dressITse, nameITse, jamITse.

    • Conclusion. The EC and IC suffixes depend on the gender of the word. If you eat a neuter word, look at the stress.

    Suffixes ICHK and ECHK

    The noun suffixes ICHK and EChK are also found in affectionate and diminutive names for both animate and inanimate objects. It is very easy to distinguish from. ICHK is written in those words that are formed from forms with the suffix ITs: staircase - ladder, sister - sister, mill - mill. ECHK is used in all other words, including affectionately diminutive forms of proper names: kroshka - kroshechka, cat - cat, Olya - Olechka.

    • Note. The use of the names TanICHKa, ManICHKa and other similar ones is found in the works fiction, but is not standardized.

    You should also keep in mind that there is no suffix YACHK in Russian.

    • Conclusion. The spelling of the suffixes ECHK and ICHK depends on the presence of the suffix ITs at the base of the word from which the noun is derived

    Suffixes ONK and ENK

    Spelling the suffixes of nouns with the affectionate meaning ONK and ENK rarely causes difficulties, because they, as a rule, are clearly audible when pronounced. But let’s generalize: ONK should be written after a hard consonant, ENK - after a soft or hissing one. The braid is the braid, the birch is the birch, but the daughter is the daughter, the night is the night, Julia is Yulenka. Exceptions can be considered diminutive variants of the words “mom” and “dad”: only mamma and papa are permissible, despite the fact that the stem of these words ends in hard consonants. You also need to remember the spelling of words that do not obey the rule, “ZaINKA”, “PaINKa”, “BaINKi”. They are written in a special way and are dictionary.

    • Conclusion. The suffixes ONK and ENK depend on the softness/hardness of the preceding consonant.

    Combinations IN-K and ENK-K and suffixes INK and ENK

    Noun suffixes are also interesting because they can be difficult to identify correctly. Words have similar meanings but are formed using different suffixes. For example, the words “pea” and “snowflake” denote a diminutive form of an object, but the first is formed from the word “snow” using the morpheme INK, and the other is formed from the word pea-in-a by adding the suffix K.

    • The combination IN-K is written in words formed from feminine nouns with the suffix IN: ballerIN-Ka - from ballerIN, BusIN-Ka - from busIN.
    • The combination EH-K occurs in words formed from nouns ending in -NYA: cherry-Ka - from cherry, cherry-Ka - from cherry, and so on.

    The suffixes of the nouns INK and ENK are difficult to explain by any clear rule. ENK is found in words denoting female persons: beggar, nun, Frenchwoman and others. Accordingly, in words that do not have such a meaning, the suffix INK is written: gorlinka, smeshinka, zadorinka. If the suffix that causes doubt is in an unstressed position, it is better to check the dictionary.

    • Conclusion. The spelling of suffixes and combinations ENK (EN-K) and INK (IN-K) depends on the morphemic composition of the word or is regulated by the dictionary.

    The letters O-E in the suffixes of nouns in the position after sibilants sound the same, which is why this particular spelling causes the most difficulties, and it is with it that the most errors are associated. In fact, the rule is very simple.

    In the suffixes of nouns OK-EK, ONK-ENK, ONOK-ENOK and similar ones, O is written under stress, E is written without stress. Examples of stressed positions: riverONKa, MezhvezhONOK, circle. Unstressed suffixes: daughter, river and others.

    As you can see, O-E after hissing nouns in suffixes is very easy to distinguish!

    But there is one nuance (after all, the Russian language does not recognize rules without exceptions). This rule does not apply to words formed from verbs. In them, regardless of the place of stress, you should always write E (most often such suffixes are in the stressed position, which is why they are misleading). NochEVka - we write E, because from the verb "to spend the night", condensed - we write E, because from the verb "to thicken", stew - is explained in a similar way.

    • Conclusion. Suffixes of nouns after sibilants depend on the place of stress (with the exception of verbal words).

    Suffixes CHIC and SCHIK

    Noun suffixes cause difficulty in writing not only vowels, but also consonants. A striking example- sibilants in the suffixes of the nouns CHIC and SCHIK, which in oral speech often sound the same. Most often, these suffixes form words with the meaning of profession or occupation: “roofer”, “scout”, “layer”, etc. How to distinguish them?

    The suffix CHIK is written only after the letters D, T, Z, S, ZH: Breadwinner, Clerk, Defector. The SHCHIK morpheme is written after all other sounds: mason, recruiter, etc.

    It is noteworthy that the soft sign is never written before the suffix CHIC, and before SHCHIK is preserved only in one case - after L: sawyer, roofer, layout designer.

    • Conclusion. The choice of the suffix CHIC or SCHIK depends on the preceding consonant sound.

    N and NN in noun suffixes

    Double vowels occur in words of any part of speech, including nouns. How to determine how many N to write in the suffixes of this part of speech?

    • One N is written if the noun is formed without adding the suffix N from a word whose stem ended in one N: yuNost - from yuNy, gingerbread - from spicy, and so on.
    • Two N are written at the junction of morphemes, that is, if a noun is formed from a word with a base in N by adding another H: treason - from treason with the addition of NIK, tsennik - from tseN with the addition of NIK.
    • NN is also written if the noun is formed from an adjective or participle that already contains a double N. CONFIDENCE - from confident, restraint - restrained.
    • Conclusion. The spelling of one or two Hs in a noun depends on the morphemic composition of the word, as well as on the number of Hs in the word from which it is formed.

    Let's sum it up

    The suffixal method is the main way of word formation of nouns. This probably explains the richness and variety of suffixes in this part of speech. Here are such common morphemes as OST, EK, ONK, but there are also rare or obsolete suffixes, for example, YAD in the word “mokryad”, YSH in the word “foundling” or UN in the word “runner”.

    The difficulty is that all suffixes that form nouns require the use of a special rule, as well as knowledge of the morphemic composition of the word and the method of word formation. Therefore, when studying the spelling of nouns, you will have to turn to dictionaries very often.

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