Norms of natural loss of sunflower during transportation. Example solution



On approval of norms for the natural loss of vegetable oils and drying oils during draining

USSR State Committee for Logistics and Technical Supply


To approve and put into effect from October 1, 1987, presented by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the USSR and agreed upon with the Ministry of Finance of the USSR:

a) the rate of natural loss of vegetable oils during overhead discharge from railway tanks at enterprises of the USSR Ministry of Chemical Industry;

b) norms of natural loss of drying oils when draining from metal barrels, drums and flasks;

c) norms of natural loss of drying oils when draining from tanks.

With the entry into force of this resolution, from October 1, 1987, the current norms for the natural loss of vegetable oils when discharged from railway tanks and drying oils when discharged from metal barrels, drums, flasks and tanks are not to be applied.

The rate of natural loss of vegetable oils during overhead discharge from railway tanks at enterprises of the USSR Ministry of Chemical Industry

Notes: 1. The rate of natural loss is a limit and is applied in the event of an actual shortage.

2. The rate of natural loss is the same for everyone climatic zones and does not depend on the time of year.

3. In the case of using other methods of pumping vegetable oils from tanks, the norms of natural loss established by Decree of the USSR State Supply Committee dated August 23, 1985 N 92 are applied.

Norms of natural loss of drying oils when draining from metal barrels, drums and flasks

2. The rates of natural decline are the same for all climatic zones and do not depend on the time of year.

Norms of natural loss of drying oils when draining from tanks

Product name

Rate of natural loss as a percentage of net weight


Notes: 1. The norms of natural loss are maximum and are applied in the event of an actual shortage of products.

2. When calculating the norms of natural decline, the autumn-winter period is considered to be the time from October 1 to March 31, and the spring-summer period - from April 1 to September 30.

3. The distribution of the territory of the USSR by climatic zones for the application of natural loss norms is given in the table to these norms.

Table. Distribution of the territory of the USSR by climatic zones for the application of norms for the natural loss of drying oils when draining from tanks

to the norms of natural loss of drying oils
when draining from tanks,

Republics, territories, regions included in the zone

Union republics: Azerbaijan SSR, Armenian SSR, Georgian SSR, Kirghiz SSR, Moldavian SSR, Tajik SSR, Turkmen SSR, Uzbek SSR, Kazakh SSR (with the exception of North Kazakhstan, Pavlodar, Kokchetav regions) Autonomous republics: Dagestan ASSR, Kabardino-Balkarian ASSR, Kalmyk ASSR, North Ossetian ASSR, Checheno-Ingush ASSR Regions: Krasnodar, Stavropol Regions: RSFSR - Astrakhan, Rostov, Volgograd. Ukrainian SSR - Odessa, Kherson, Zaporozhye, Donetsk, Nikolaev, Crimean


The entire Asian part of the RSFSR (with the exception of the Primorsky Territory and the Sakhalin Region) Autonomous republics: Karelian ASSR, Komi ASSR, Udmurt ASSR Regions: RSFSR - Vologda, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Sverdlovsk, Arkhangelsk, Kirov, Perm, Murmansk Autonomous okrugs: Yamalo-Nenets, Komi-Permyat

Union, autonomous republics, territories and regions not included in the southern and northern zones

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Chapter 9. Norms of natural loss during storage butter, packed in monoliths in parchment and liner bags made of polymer materials

Norms of natural loss during storage of butter packed in monoliths in parchment and liner bags made of polymer materials in table 56.

Table 56

Norms of natural loss during storage of butter packed in monoliths in parchment and liner bags made of polymer materials

Note: defrosting of butter after freezing is carried out at an air temperature of (20±2) °C and a relative air humidity of 85–90% until a temperature of 8–10 °C is established in the center of the monolith. (Temperature measurement at a depth of 8–10 cm from the surface of the monolith.)

The natural loss of butter (U s.m.) is determined by the following formula:

Where M s.m.z. – mass of butter stored for storage, kg;

M s.m.x. – mass of butter after storage, kg.

The calculated norms of natural loss do not include the consumption of products for organoleptic evaluation and sampling for testing during storage.

The allowance rates for the standard weight of all types of butter for natural loss during transportation, sampling and storage are in Table 57.

Table 57

Norms of allowance to the standard weight of all types of butter for natural loss during transportation, sampling and storage

Note: control of the net mass of butter monoliths is carried out on scales with a carrying capacity of 50 kg and a division value of no more than 10 g.

When distributing butter from dairy industry enterprises directly to the distribution network, bypassing wholesale centers, payments for these products are made based on the actual weight of the butter (including a surcharge).

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Norms of natural loss in warehouses

Commodity losses during storage and sales

Product losses during transportation

Review questions

1. What is called natural loss of products?

2. What determines the amount of natural loss?

The amount of commodity losses due to natural loss during transportation is determined based on the mass of goods (net) accepted for transportation and the rate of natural loss.

Natural loss is not accrued for goods received and released without excess weight of the sender (using a stencil), without opening the container; for goods sold in transit; for piece goods and goods written off as a result of battle, scrap, damage.

The rates of natural loss during storage and sale depend on various factors: the climate zone (first, second), types and groups of goods, time of year, storage conditions, etc. Shortages are identified during the inventory process.

The amount of these losses depends on the rate of natural loss, the cost (weight) of goods sold (dispensed) during the period between inventories. In this case, the sales price is used.

Commodity losses due to natural loss during storage and sales are written off based on established standards, but not more than the identified amount of the shortage. The standards do not apply to goods accepted and released without weighing (by counting units or by weight indicated on the container), as well as to goods written off according to acts due to breakage, scrap, damage, or reduction in the quality of the goods. Norms of natural loss are also not applied to goods that were not actually stored in the pantry, but were taken into account in the general turnover of the pantry.

In warehouses, natural loss rates depend on the shelf life of goods, climatic zones, fresh fruits and vegetables - depending on the time of year. When calculating natural loss in storerooms, it became necessary to determine the shelf life of goods, as well as to correctly calculate and select the applicable rate of natural loss. For most product groups, natural loss rates are set as a percentage based on the storage of goods for a month. If they are stored in a warehouse for a month, then the norms for the entire storage period are the sum of the norms established for the first month of storage and the norms for subsequent months of storage. During the incomplete subsequent month of storage, losses are calculated at 1/30 of the monthly norm for each day of storage.

1. In a warehouse located in the second zone, frozen pork in the amount of 300 kg was stored for 15 days. The rate of natural loss of pork is set at 0.06% during 3-day storage for the second zone. For each subsequent day of storage up to 10 days, the norm increases by 0.01%; after 10 days, the norm increases by 0.005%.

We calculate the rate of loss during storage period:

3 days - 0.06%;

10 days - 0.06 + (7 x 0.01) = 0.13%;

15 days - 0.13 + (5 x 0.005) = 0.155%.

Finding the size of the loss:

X=---- = 0.465 kg.

2. Frozen unglazed pike perch is stored in the warehouse for 10 days. The warehouse is located in the first zone. Determine the rate of natural loss.

The rate of loss in the first 7 days is 0.05%, in the next day the rate increases by 0.002%.

We calculate the rate of loss: 7 days - 0.05%;

15 days - 0.05% + (3x0.002%) = 0.056%.

3. Find the norms of loss during storage vegetable oil in a warehouse located in the first zone for 26 days (the oil was stored in an amount of 500 kg).

The norms of natural loss for the first zone during storage from 15 to 30 days are 0.03%, which corresponds to 0.15 kg.

4. At the warehouse located in the first zone, the remains of chilled chicken were removed as of 08/01/01. The previous inventory was carried out on 04/05/01.

Receipt and release of chickens based on data accounting for the entire inventory period were determined in the following quantities:

The inventory period is 116 days. Average daily balance 38000/116 = 327 kg. One-day turnover 35500/116 = 306 kg. Average shelf life 327/306 = 1 day. The rate of natural loss for chickens is set for the first zone at 0.15%.

The maximum natural loss of chickens with a turnover of 35,500 kg will be 53.4 kg.



On approval of norms of natural loss individual species
products and goods during transportation and storage

1. To approve and put into effect from June 1, 1982, revised by the Ministry of Railways, the Ministry of River Fleet of the RSFSR, the Ministry of Food Industry of the USSR and the Ministry of Light Industry of the USSR and agreed with the Ministry of Finance of the USSR:

a) norms of natural loss of cargo weight when transported by river transport in accordance with Appendix No. 1;

b) norms of natural loss of certain types of products and lemons during transportation by rail in accordance with Appendices No. 2 and No. 3;

c) norms of natural loss of sunflower seeds during storage at oil and fat industry enterprises in accordance with Appendix No. 4;

d) norms of natural loss of mustard powder when stored in closed warehouses in accordance with Appendix No. 5;

e) norms of natural loss of fresh root chicory during long-term storage in piles in accordance with Appendix No. 6;

f) norms of natural loss of fresh root chicory during transportation by road in accordance with Appendix No. 7;

g) a list of certain types of products for which the norms of natural loss during rail transportation are abolished, in accordance with Appendix No. 8.

2. The norms of natural loss specified in Appendices No. 1-7 are maximum and are applied in the event of an actual shortage.

3. In connection with this resolution, from June 1, 1982, do not apply the currently valid norms of natural loss for products listed in Appendices No. 1-8 to this resolution.

Appendix No. 1. Norms of natural loss of cargo weight during transportation by river transport

tariff nomenclature

Groups 01, 02

Grain, seeds

No longer in force on May 1, 1986 - ..

Group 04

Vegetables, potatoes, sugar beets, fresh melons

Fresh tomatoes (if traveling for up to 5 days inclusive)

1.5 for the entire period

Fresh tomatoes (if traveling for more than 5 days)

0.3 for every day

Fresh cabbage, onion and garlic

The remaining vegetables are fresh (potatoes, melons, etc.)

Group 05

Fresh fruits and berries, nuts

Fresh fruits and berries

Nuts and fruit seed kernels

Group 07

Other agricultural products

Licorice root

Bodyaga, soap root

Other medicinal plants

Group 13

Pulp, paper, cardboard and products made from them

Pulp and paper pulp:

Group 14

Iron and manganese ore

Group 15

Non-ferrous metal ores

Group 17

Group 18

Peat and peat products

Any peat

Group 19

Oil shale

Oil shale

Groups 23, 24

Mineral construction materials. Ash. Construction slag, except granulated. Industrial mineral raw materials. Molding and abrasive materials

Mineral building materials in pieces

Mineral construction materials in a crushed state without containers

Mineral construction materials in a crushed state in containers

Construction ash and slag, except granulated

Group 28

Granulated slags

Group 31


Group 35

Metallurgical slags for remelting

Group 44

Chemical and mineral fertilizers

Ash and slag as fertilizers

Group 45

Chemical-pharmaceutical and perfumery products
cosmetic industry. Soap

Group 46

Rubber, rubber and products made from them. Soot

Group 47

Natural and synthetic resins. Synthetic fibers. Plastics and plastic products. Glue

Group 48

Products of the coke and wood chemical industries

Group 49

Acids, alkalis and other chemical products

Dry paints and dyes:

Magnesia and other technical raw materials:

Group 50

Products of the flour and cereal industry

Resolution of the USSR State Supply Committee dated March 25, 1986 N 38..

Group 51

Products of the baking, pasta, confectionery, starch and syrup industries. Food concentrates. Tobacco products

Lost force on May 1, 1986 - Resolution of the USSR State Supply Committee dated March 25, 1986 N 38..

Group 54

Compound feed. Cake

Lost force on May 1, 1986 - Resolution of the USSR State Supply Committee dated March 25, 1986 N 38..

Group 55

Products of the dairy, butter and cheese-making industries. Eggs

Vegetable oil in wooden barrels during the period:



Vegetable oil in tanks and iron barrels

Sour cream, curdled milk

Other cargoes of this group (except animal oil)

Group 56

Butter and meat products

Meat and poultry (paired)

Meat and poultry (frozen)

Lard, except raw

Guts are raw

Other cargoes of this group (except for dry intestines, sinews, horns and hooves)

Group 57

Fish and fish products

Fresh fish

Dried fish

Frozen fish, fish caviar

Salted fish

Other cargo in this group

Group 58

Canned food

Lost force on May 1, 1986 - Resolution of the USSR State Supply Committee dated March 25, 1986 N 38..

Group 59

Alcohol, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks

Kvass, beer, porter (in barrels)

Alcohol in tanks

Group 60

Other products of the food, meat, dairy and fishing industries

Water, ice

Group 63

Fabrics, knitwear and garments

Group 65

Products of the fur, leather and footwear industries

Group 69

Household items and waste materials

Name of cargo by groups
tariff nomenclature

Norms of natural loss as a percentage of cargo weight

Group 02

Flax and hemp seeds in containers

Group 07

Tresta and flax straw without containers (in sheaves)

Skins are raw and wet-salted

Group 13

Wood pulp, raw cellulose

Group 23

Group 51

Mustard powder

Group 53

Appendix No. 3. Norms of natural loss of fresh lemons during rail transportation

Name of cargo

Duration of transportation in days

Norms of natural loss as a percentage of cargo weight

by net weight

by gross weight

Fresh lemons

Note. Natural loss rates are applied based on gross weight upon receipt of cargo from railway, and by net weight - in settlements between the consignee and the consignor.

Appendix No. 4. Norms of natural loss of sunflower seeds during storage at oil and fat industry enterprises

Shelf life

Norms of natural loss as a percentage of the original weight during storage

in elevators

in bulk warehouses

Up to 3 months

Up to 6 months

Up to 9 months

Note. When storing sunflower seeds for up to 3 months, natural loss rates are applied based on the actual number of days of storage, and when storing up to 6 months and up to 9 months - based on the actual number of months of storage.

Appendix No. 5. Norms of natural loss of mustard powder when stored in closed warehouses

Product name

Shelf life

Norms of natural loss as a percentage of the initial mass in terms of dry matter

Mustard powder

up to one month

for each subsequent month

Appendix No. 6. Norms of natural loss of fresh root chicory during long-term storage in piles

Name of the month

Norms of natural loss per month as a percentage of net weight

Appendix No. 7. Norms of natural loss of fresh root chicory during transportation by road

Transportation distance

Norms of natural loss as a percentage of net weight

up to 25 km

Appendix No. 8. List of certain types of products for which the norms of natural loss during rail transportation are canceled

Product name

Tariff group number

Parquet and parquet products

Wooden container

Coal tar in metal barrels

Products made from plastics and synthetic resins

Synthetic and natural resins in metal barrels

All kinds of acids (except fatty acids) in metal barrels

Other chemical products (except stearin, paraffin and stearin candles) in metal barrels

Natural drying oil, lard in metal barrels

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