Why swim in a dream? Why dream of swimming in water: a girl, a woman, a pregnant woman, a man - interpretation according to different dream books

Dream Interpretation Online Swim

To understand why you dream of swimming, you need to remember exactly the details of the dream and your own behavior in the water. Almost any dream book interprets swimming as a positive symbol. But there are some moments in a dream that warn of health problems, the machinations of two-faced friends or sudden changes in life.

If you dreamed of swimming, then the dreamer can be confident in his broad outlook and special sensitivity. Because not everyone has such dreams.

The main symbolic interpretation is to navigate well in any life situations.

When interpreting, it is also important to pay attention to your own efforts. If the process is easy, any endeavors will be successful and there will be no obstacles. And making incredible efforts to get to the shore means that achieving what you want will be very difficult.

Interpretation depending on bodies of water

If you swam in a dream

Almost any dream book understands swimming as an active process and the dreamer’s life situation. But not a single interpretation of what dreams of swimming can do without analyzing the reservoir and water quality. This determines which area of ​​the dreamer’s life you need to pay attention to first.

In general, water, according to Miller’s dream book, can mean a transition from one world to another. The psychotherapist justifies his interpretations by the fact that the child falls into environment from amniotic fluid. And the transition to existence after life should also feel like birth. Therefore, in some interpretations one can find such an explanation as “to drown - to die.”

The amount of water seen in a dream also matters. To find out what dreams of swimming mean, you need details and terrain. Interpretation, in this case, will be based on:

  • solving immediate problems;
  • further actions for the near future;
  • the main direction of life.

Swimming pool - changes in life

Swimming location is important

A swimming pool, like a bathtub, symbolizes changes that do not depend on the dreamer. And only he chooses the path that will either lead to what he wants faster, or this process will be long and painful.

The larger the pool you dream about, the more serious the changes will be. It is possible to change jobs, move, buy or sell a home, or have children.

If in a dream you happen to see a stranger swimming in a pool, it means that a new acquaintance will soon appear in the dreamer’s life, who will play an important role in a new project. Floating strangers in a muddy, but not dirty water– a meeting or party with a lot of alcohol.

Swimming in the pool yourself is a new circumstance that will greatly influence your future fate.

It is important to pay attention to the quality of the water in the pool.

Seeing a person swimming in a dirty pool in a dream means that the dreamer will observe someone's illness. If the person is unfamiliar, it is possible that the sleeping person will witness a car accident.

Swimming in dirty water yourself means illness. The worse the water quality, the more serious the disease. Swimming from dirty water to clean water means healing.

For a pregnant woman before giving birth, to see herself swimming in a pool in a dream means a quick happy birth if the water in it was clean. If it was cloudy, there will be complications.

In the sea or ocean

If you swam in the ocean

Seeing yourself floating in the sea or ocean is a good sign. If the water is calm and the process gives you a pleasant feeling, then you don’t have to use a dream book to understand why you dream of swimming. This is a sign that the dreamer feels like a fish in water in life..

Seething waves and an exhausting struggle with the elements indicate that the vicissitudes of life’s circumstances can drive the dreamer into a frenzy. To win and get to the shore means that the machinations of your competitors will be of no use to you, and the dreamer will survive all obstacles with special dignity.

Saving a floating person from a raging disaster means the birth of a child or an iconic person will appear in life.

Swimming alone with your lover is a problem in a relationship. It is quite possible that you will have to separate, like ships at sea.

Drowning or reaching the bottom is a bad omen. It may mean that the dreamer will have to hit rock bottom in life: relationships, work and housing will be lost. Pushing off from the bottom is an opportunity to start from scratch and restore social status.

In a mountain river

Mountain river

A mountain river in a dream symbolizes life's ups and downs and obstacles. This dream is very rare for people who lead a measured lifestyle. Most often, it appears in the dreams of pilots, fans of extreme sports and those involved in dangerous work.

The faster the river moves in a dream, the faster events in the dreamer’s life will change. This could be long business trips or travel, a string of significant events that follow one after another, or a difficult test consisting of several stages (for example, a very difficult competition for a new position).

Sailing a kayak and going through rapids - no tests can unsettle the dreamer.

To save a person who has fallen from a boat - you will have to make a decision that will affect someone’s fate.

For a woman to sail in the same boat with a man mountain river– unforeseen strange circumstances that will lead to a new long-term relationship.

Explanations of different dream books

It's good if you swam in clean water

Almost every dream book says that swimming in a dream is a good sign. If you see the water clean and transparent, the dream promises good physical and mental health. Dirty or cloudy water symbolizes illness or illness.

Actively moving means being the master of your own decisions.

Ancient Slavic dream book - fate for the next two weeks

The ancient Veles dream book says that swimming in a dream is an approximate interpretation of the near future (about two weeks). During this time, significant events may occur or important decisions may be made.

  • swimming in a muddy river means drunkenness;
  • swim in clean clear watergood health and joy;
  • seeing people swimming is a great feast;
  • standing knee-deep in a mountain river - resistance to an authoritative decision;
  • falling into the water means rash actions.

Miller's interpretation - connection of times

Everything that is connected with the flow, or movement of water, according to Miller, is the personification of time and the connection of generations. Coming out of the water means birth. Diving is death. This is a very rough comparison, which pure form practically not used, but this is the main focus of the psychotherapist.

  • swimming in calm, clear water is a pleasure;
  • watching people swim - a noisy party or a meeting of like-minded people;
  • fight the waves - litigation;
  • getting a drowned person out of the water is a significant meeting;
  • a foul odor from a pond is a serious illness.

The appearance of various kinds of reservoirs in a dream can symbolize the very near future and significant events in it. It is important to listen to your own feelings. In any case, muddy and dirty water, like the people in it, predict health problems (symbolize a hospital), and clean, calm water speaks of a favorable situation and pleasant changes.

Swimming in calm water - nothing will darken your joy;

Sailing on a fragile boat - your plans do not correspond to your capabilities;

Sea voyage - receiving an inheritance;

An accident in the water is a meeting with an insincere person who, pretending to be friendly, will try to use you for selfish interests;

Swimming or bathing gives you pleasure - success;

You suddenly begin to drown - you will be visited by a feeling of dissatisfaction;

For a girl - swimming with an athlete friend - soon someone will love you for your
easy temperament, and friends will turn a blind eye to your coquetry;

Swimming underwater means anxiety.

Also see Water, Sea, Land, Ocean, Raft.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

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Seeing Swimming in a dream

The course of daily affairs, relationships (depending on the nature of movement and place). Swimming with someone means separation from that person.

Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Book

What does the dream Swim mean?

If you swim in clean sea or lake water, sleep promises you good health. Good sign for those who are sick: get better soon. If the water around you is dirty, muddy, stormy - this means gossip, which will damage your reputation.

Imagine that you are swimming in clean, clear, fresh water.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

To see Swimming in a dream

Joy, success in business, profit // for worse, you will be drunk, the road is long, misfortune is in a hurry, anxiety;

You swim ashore - the end of work;

Swimming in muddy water means you will receive unpleasant news on the road;

In the rapids - danger, illness;

Swimming with someone means separation from him.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

What do dreams mean? Swimming

In clean water - life without worries; in muddy water - obstacles; drowning is a misfortune; in raging water - you will be even more active; to see people floating - your aspirations will come true; in running water - a difficult path in life

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream about Swimming

Swimming in a dream is a sign of anxiety or danger associated with receiving money or benefits.

Swimming across a body of water in a dream and successfully completing the swim means that you will achieve what you want.

If in a dream you turn back halfway, then in life your work will end in the fact that, having started it, for some reason you will not be able to complete it. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows an accident or even death to the one who was sailing.

Swimming naked in clear water in a dream is a sign of pleasures, pleasures, and pleasant meetings.

If you dream that you are swimming in a dream with your lover, then soon you will have to separate due to circumstances that do not depend on you.

Swimming in running water in a dream is a sign of obstacles in business and empty troubles.

If the water foams or swells in a dream, then serious trials await you.

See interpretation: water, sea, lake, boat, etc.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What does it mean to see Swimming in a dream?

Sailing on some kind of vessel on a river or lake - the dream foretells that you will experience annoyance and shame for the stinginess of your admirer; sailing on the sea - you will soon achieve an outstanding position in society and will endow others with benefits.

If you are sailing on a small boat on calm, clear water, this is a promise of a bright, unclouded feeling that will leave a mark on your soul for the rest of your life.

A dream in which your voyage is interrupted by an approaching storm is a harbinger of a thunderstorm thickening in the family atmosphere and ready to rain tears at any moment.

Sailing on a large ocean liner, making a pleasant trip, foretells troubles that may arise due to your thoughtless and careless statements about your colleagues. If in a dream you set off on a circumnavigation of the world, it means that in reality you will be completely satisfied with the results of your work and the progress of affairs in general.

To see people swimming and sunbathing on the beach in a dream - in reality you will be deceived in your expectations of happy love, because you will be abandoned by a friend who will betray you, flattered by another, more attractive person.

A dream in which you are swimming in a pool foretells that your soul will rush between two loved ones, not knowing which of them to give your heart to.

If you dream that you are swimming naked, unable to go ashore because of the men who have appeared there, in reality you will find yourself in a difficult situation when you will have to make a clear choice between your aspirations and duty towards loved ones.

Seeing men swimming naked portends annoying disappointments, which, in essence, should not be paid serious attention to. If in a dream you are scuba diving, then in reality you will lose hope of realizing your plan when the goal is already very close and achievable.

Interpretation of dreams from

The water element in a dream corresponds to the emotional and sensory perception of the world. Its purity reflects the true desires of the sleeper. The dream book associates what you dream of swimming in clear water with events that are controlled by feelings. Although some signs serve as warnings, overall this is a favorable symbol.

Miller's explanation

Interpreting what dreams of swimming in clear water mean, Miller’s dream book draws attention to the dreamer’s feelings and the moods caused by them.

If you dreamed of comfortable conditions where nothing interferes with games and fun, an interesting acquaintance will take place in reality. When one of the companions you happened to see in a dream is near and dear to you real life, there will be a short separation from this person.

Diving a lot in a dream happens to those who are actually alarmed about something.

What Freud says

Sigmund Freud explains in no less detail why you dream of swimming in clear water. In men's dreams, such an image reflects sexual life. The interpretation of the dream promises a fateful meeting that will bring extraordinary discoveries and eliminate the need for promiscuous relationships. The dream book promises the lady dreamer a dizzying date.

Curious people have to see themselves in the depths. This character trait sometimes creates problems for both others and themselves.

Choosing a swimsuit

The dream book contains an explanation of why you dream of swimming naked. If while swimming you feel like a part of nature, the plot speaks of harmony with yourself. What you dreamed about is a very favorable sign, a harbinger of the fulfillment of desires.

Dreamers who are too dependent in reality on their circle and its influence have to feel embarrassment when swimming naked. If you dreamed that you were wearing casual clothes instead of a swimsuit, the image indicates a lack of a sense of security and secrecy.

Features of water areas

The cleanliness of a reservoir is only one of various characteristics. Dream books consider various details of the dream and their meanings.

  • Seeing yourself in a clear river happens on the eve of a profitable marriage;
  • If the water was clear but not comfortable, the symbol means a hostile environment;
  • If the river was clear and icy, the dream will come true a little later;
  • What you see in a dream marks the beginning of a halcyon period;
  • If you dreamed of swimming, do not get too carried away with alcohol;
  • The symbol promises a successful and profitable completion of the business started;
  • For voluptuous natures, swimming for pleasure means carnal pleasures.


If in a dream you were lucky enough to plunge into the sea, in reality you can safely begin to fulfill a long-standing intention. Right now, circumstances are on your side.

If there are waves at sea, the sleeper will have to face difficulties, overcoming which will strengthen him and give him valuable experience.

Diving into the sea indicates harmony with yourself and the world around you. The dream book promises that good luck will accompany you.

Ocean Conquerors

If you had a chance to swim in the ocean in a dream, the dream book suggests remembering how calm it was.

What you dream of about swimming in a serene ocean foreshadows a period of stability and prosperity for the sleeper and his immediate circle.

Waves in the ocean symbolize new horizons. Bold ideas and brilliant prospects will not let you sit still.

Unusual water treatments

If in a dream you had to dive into an ice hole, the dream book happily notes that the dreamer is in excellent health.

If you dreamed of a night swim, it seems that someone else’s secret is weighing on you.

Swimming in clean water, but coming out of it dirty happens to those who often give up what they started halfway.

Dreams are sometimes like extravagant fantasies or incredible fairy tales in which unimaginable events occur - things that you wouldn’t imagine on purpose.

But sometimes quite adequate, simple and familiar events occur in dreams, and such dreams differ little from waking reality.

For example, in our dreams we can eat, communicate with relatives, or walk, run, or clean up the house. You never know how many more ordinary and simple actions there are!

But, however, despite their apparent simplicity and familiarity, such actions in dreams carry a very important, sacred and hidden meaning for the dreamer. After all, it’s worth understanding that dreams don’t just appear to us at night. And to regard them as a simple continuation or reflection of reality is not always correct.

Many people know how to swim and love it - this activity is pleasant, very useful, and does not require special effort. Some people love to splash in the sea and dive into foamy waves, some like rivers in cozy villages, some enjoy swimming pools, and some even practice professional swimming in the pool.

In reality, this is a fairly common action, but here’s what it means in dreams, and what dreams of swimming mean: interesting question, which is worth asking the interpreter. Such dreams are very deep and important, because water itself is an extremely serious symbol.

As a rule, it denotes life, especially its emotional component. And if the dreamer happened to swim in this water, then this indicates his future, without a doubt.

Exactly what kind of water it will be depends on what kind of water, in muddy and dirty water, in the sea or a stormy river, in a pool or lake, in water with dolphins, or in any other circumstances you had to swim.

It is the quality, type, characteristics of the environment in which you find yourself (namely water) that carries meaning. For example, “swimming” dreams can be like this:

  • You swam in dreams in clean, clear, good water.
  • Very cold water, or dived into an ice hole.
  • Swimmed in dirty water, in a puddle or swamp.
  • We found ourselves in muddy water or a blooming lake or river.
  • In a stormy river.
  • At sea in a storm, in the rain.
  • You are drowning in dreams in the sea, river, pool or lake.
  • Swimming in the blue sea.
  • In a calm, picturesque river.
  • In a small transparent lake.
  • In a public or sports pool.
  • Swimming with dolphins in your dreams.
  • You control a dolphin by swimming on its back.
  • Swim against the current.
  • Sailing with your loved one in a dream.
  • Swim forward in a dream, confidently and quickly.

There are quite a few scenarios of such “water” dreams, and they occupy a special place in dream books. Because you dream of water for a reason, and you need to pay due attention to these dreams.

But the main thing is not to miss or confuse the details, so as not to misinterpret what you dream about swimming, and not make a mistake in reality because of this.

Where are you sailing to?

Of course, the first thing that is worth remembering very carefully is the quality and type of water in which you had to splash in the dream.

But besides this, in such dreams it is also important what emotions you experienced while swimming, and in what mood you woke up, as well as the general atmosphere of the dream, its energy. If you felt anxiety or fear, disgust or discomfort while swimming in the water, this is unlikely to promise any more happiness.

On the contrary, if you woke up with a feeling of vague, causeless joy and anticipation of something beautiful, know that the dream foreshadows happy events. But still, to find out exactly what you dream about swimming, you should look into the interpreter.

1. As the dream book says, swimming in clean, clear water, pleasant and good, while experiencing pleasant emotions is a very favorable sign. In this case, the dreamer in reality expects happiness, a life without worries, illnesses, failures or bad events. This dream foretells all the best, have no doubt!

2. And such a dream in which you happened to swim in very cold, icy water, for example, in the winter sea, or dive into an ice hole - this promises a quick full recovery for a sick or unwell person.

And for a healthy person - just a surge of strength, energy, good health and life until old age. Just take care of yourself, this dream is not a reason to start unhealthy image life and neglect health!

3. As the dream book indicates, swimming in dirty water - for example, in a dirty puddle or swamp - is, as you can easily guess intuitively, not the most favorable sign. You should take care of your health, because now you are especially vulnerable and may get sick. To avoid illnesses, you just need to monitor your health more carefully.

4. Swimming in muddy water in dreams is also not very pleasant, for example, in a muddy river or even a bathtub. This is a warning - you are in danger of participating in some murky business, a dubious event or a dangerous adventure.

Try to avoid this, do not get involved in dubious activities, because later you may greatly regret it.

5. And such a dream in which you happened to swim in rough water, in a seething stream - a lot of work awaits you. And you have to spend a lot of effort on it, but it's worth it.

If you are not afraid of difficulties and work conscientiously, you will soon receive very rich fruits of your labors, and you will be proud of yourself.

6. As the dream book indicates, swimming in a storm, in the rain or in a thunderstorm is advice: show strength of character. Some situations or events will soon require you to have this valuable quality in reality.

7. Drowning in water while dreaming is a direct hint that you will soon fall in love. Literally “drown” in the ocean of new feelings and romance! Don't resist the bright feeling, enjoy it!

8. Swimming in a beautiful lake in your dreams is a sign of family happiness. A symbol that you will be focused on your own home and busy improving your family.

9. Swimming in the sea predicts a great future for the dreamer, a huge sea of ​​opportunities and prospects, as well as the fulfillment of desires. Don't miss your chances, act, now is the time!

10. It’s curious why you dream of swimming in a river - this dream very clearly advises you to trust your fate. Don’t be afraid of life, be calmer and feel the universal flow of which you are a part.

11. A swimming pool is a symbol of society, and swimming in it in dreams foreshadows success in social life and an excellent position in society. Pool with clean water in a dream also foretells a good reputation.

12. Swimming with dolphins is a great dream that foretells unconditional happiness in everything. Harmony in all areas of life, joy and fullness of every day.

13. Sailing in dreams on the back of a dolphin means being in complete control of your destiny.

14. If you were swimming against the current in your dreams, you will have to fight against circumstances and show perseverance in order to achieve your goal. Don't retreat!

15. If you swam in the water with your beloved one, know that great happiness and harmony in your relationship awaits your couple.

16. Swimming forward in a dream, confidently and swiftly, is a sign of the quick achievement of happiness, all goals, and the fulfillment of desires on your own.

Such “swimming” dreams more often speak of good things than promise adversity. In any case, believe in the best - and do not be afraid of difficulties, build your own destiny, achieve your goals, and do not expect your dreams to come true.
Author: Vasilina Serova