Presentation: Let's go on a sea voyage, friends. Presentation on the topic "sea travel around the islands - knowledge"

Lyudmila Shishova
Graduation script “Sea voyage to the Land of Knowledge”

"Sea voyage to the land of Knowledge"

Speech therapy group "BEE"

VED: The hall is solemnly and beautifully decorated.

Today is graduation, farewell ball!

What a wonderful, and a little sad holiday

Today he gathered us in this hall.

Beautiful because the children have grown up

They are in a hurry to go on a long voyage.

And sad because the years have flown by

And we cannot avoid parting.

We will admire the graduates,

Our issue is the best - 2015!

VED: Today the ship “Happy Childhood” departs from the “Kindergarten” pier and heads to the “Land of Knowledge”. The ship’s passengers are graduates of our kindergarten. We ask all mourners to prepare to meet the graduates. Graduates of 2015 arrive at the port.

Children with balloons enter to the song “BAL +YA”

Children read poetry:

1. The holiday is very important for us today,

Graduation day is coming.

It's a pity that we are leaving kindergarten,

School is waiting for us in the fall

2. Our garden is a magical ocean,

We went sailing for five years,

We know it was given for luck,

And we always loved him!

Spanish general song "BEFORE" DATE,KINDERGARTEN» (m. S. Randa, lyrics by A. Kasatkina)

VED: Attention! The departure of the ship “Happy Childhood” to the “Land of Knowledge” is cancelled!

CHILDREN: How can that be?

VED: You can’t go on such a trip without a captain!

Dev: Where is our captain?

Boy: I'll be the Captain! (puts on his cap)

Boy: And I will be the Boatswain! (puts on binoculars)

Spanish song "CAPTAIN" Andrey and Dima (m. and lyrics by Z. Root)

Captain: Fair winds rise quickly

And all sails, quickly set sails

Attention, crew, raise anchors!

The ship is ready to sail -

Everyone take your seats!

(ringing bell)

Children stand in pairs to dance

Spanish dance “Naughty Sailors”

Captain: We'll go around the entire planet,

We will find the Land of Knowledge.

And if you want to join us -

Then join our team.

Let's all get on board

And the ship will set sail.

Whistle everyone up!

Boatswain: All hands on deck! ( blows the whistle)

Captain Raise anchor! Full speed ahead!

Time doesn't wait.

And to make it more fun

Sing everything together more friendly.

Spanish general song “OUR SHIP IS SAILING AWAY”(m, lyrics by L. Olifirova)

(seagulls cry)

Captain: Bosun! What's ahead?

Bosun: Everything is calm! Complete calm!

1 child Guys, do you hear the seagulls screaming?

2 children This is a good omen.

So the island is nearby somewhere.

3 child A white-winged bird soars proudly over the sea

She's not afraid of boundaries

Bravely fight with the wind.

4reb. Seagull is a beautiful bird

Very beautiful flight

I wish I could learn

Also love the firmament.

5reb. Free birds fly over the sea

Maybe they know the treasured road?

6reb. Let's swim forward after them

And we will find the Island of Knowledge faster.

Captain: Full speed ahead for the seagulls!

Boatswain: Yes - full speed ahead!

Spanish dance "SEAGULL"(m. A. Varlamov, lyrics by R. Panina)

Captain: Here we are on the island.

Reb. : But it doesn’t look like the Land of Knowledge at all

Ved: Our ship moored to Island of Babies.

Short little kids live here.

Just very recently

You were kids

And by the hand, with tears,

Your mothers took you to kindergarten.

EDIT: Our dear graduates, the children of the Teremok group came to congratulate you.

Greet them with applause.

(to the music the kids enter the hall like a train)

Children read poetry:

1 KID: Hello, kids,

Girls and boys!

2BAD: We all gathered for your graduation,

But they didn’t let everyone in, but we broke through.

3 KID: We put on our suits and washed our cheeks,

They became beautiful and hurried to you.

4 KID: We guys, kids, came to congratulate you all.

5 KID: To become big, we must eat porridge.

6 KID: We looked at you now, have you already eaten a lot of porridge?

7 KID: But we’ve grown up too, our mothers didn’t bring us here,

We ourselves came with our feet!

8 KID: We ask you from the bottom of our hearts to study like this at school,

To you kindergarten was always happy.

9 KID: And we also ask you - don’t forget us,

Visit your favorite kindergarten more often!


Spanish dance "PLATES"

They're leaving

Captain: The blue sea is waiting for us.

Get to your places! Full speed ahead!

Boatswain, what can you see?

Boatswain: I see an island right ahead! (looks through binoculars)

In the distance, someone is making signs. Maybe you need our help?

Captain: Well, now we’ll figure it out. Moor!

Boatswain: There is mooring.

(2 pirates enter to the music - One and Two)

Pirates sing a song:

1. They say that there are pirates only in books for children,

You see, guys, they are telling you lies,

PR: Olya-la-olya-la, we are pirates from a ship,

Olya-la-olya-la, e-ha!

Deuce: This thin, like a knitting needle, our one-eyed pirate,

He is called the unit and scares everyone.

Unit: Oh-lyu-lyu, oh-lyu-lyu, I love children,

Oh-lu-lu, oh-lu-lyu, e-ha!

Two: We live steadfastly among the people and they cannot do without us,

10 years, go ahead, without a bad mark, you try, study.

Unit: Oh-ra-ra, oh-ra-ra, kids love twos,

Oh-rah-rah, oh-rah-rah, e-ha!

1st Pirate: - Everyone stay put! This is a robbery!

All the little ones, let's swim!

VED: Wait, wait! Let's figure it out. You must have confused us with someone else. ?We are sailing to the Island of Knowledge!

2nd Pirate: -Oh-oh, we're daydreaming. The journey is over. And no talking! You will not sail anywhere until you solve our difficult puzzles. All eyes on the screen:

(A video appears on the screen - a presentation of the tasks, and the Pirates accompany it with words.)

Problem 1: Once a pirate’s neighbor came to see him for lunch.

They sat down to the barrel and ate 5 herrings,

2 Task: Here on the river bank the sailors lived together

Daughter, son, father and mother, who managed to count them?

3 Problem: Seryozhka plopped into the water, and after him Alyoshka, and after him Marinka, and after him Irinka, and then Marat dived. How many guys are swimming?

1 Pirate: Well, you completed this task. And now a new task:

School Riddles:

1-Every student must take with him to school….

2-The letters are all from “A” to “Z” on the pages….

3-To write with pens, we will prepare...

4-Who will color our album? Well, of course….

5-So that he doesn’t suddenly disappear, we’ll put him in...

2 Pirate: Well, can you sing songs?

VED: Of course we can! Listen to the song about fun counting.

Spanish song "FUNNY COUNT" Danil Drynkin (m, lyrics by K. Makarova)

Spanish song "GOING TO SCHOOL" Natasha and Veronica (m. lyrics by K. Makarova)

1 Pirate: Wonderful song. So be it, sail to your Land of Knowledge and have a happy journey!

Captain: Now full speed ahead!

Boatswain: That's right, captain. Full speed ahead!

Captain: Boatswain, what can you see?

Boatswain: I see an island right ahead!

I hear very contagious laughter! This is Two-Bit Island

(Loud infectious children's laughter sounds)

Vedas: To the island of smiles, giggles, joys,

Hurry, I invite everyone guys.

Don't linger for a minute

Otherwise you will miss the miracle - jokes!

1. Joke - “How Kirill spoke”

Leading child: Student Petrov Kirill killed everyone today:

He began to imitate animals - crowing and squealing.

The teacher came to class.

Teacher: Who will go to the board now?

Leading child: And Kirill Petrov.

Kirill: Ku-ku! Woof-woof-woof! Ku-ka-re-ku!

Teacher: I don’t understand who is screaming there?

Kirill: Moo!

Teacher: Is that you, Kirill Petrov?

Are you not well today?

Maybe you need a doctor?

Leading child: And Kirill on this.

Kirill: Be-e!

Teacher: Hand me your diary!

Leading child: And Kirill.

Kirill: Tweet-chirp! Meow! Meow! Kwa! Kwa! Kwa!

Teacher: That's it!

Leading child: The teacher said.

Teacher: Two!

Kirill: Oh! For what?

Leading child: Kirill cried.

CHILDREN. He spoke again!

2. Joke - “Sign”

We were relaxing at the seaside,

And then they were thrown into the wave,

Before leaving home,

A coin for the whole family.

Mom explained to me:

“There is one sign, dear!

To come back again

Let’s treat the sea now!”

I remembered that sign!

And I'll tell you a secret:

I put candy in the cabinet,

To return to this group!

What should the kindergarten treat me with?

To stay in it some more?

“Oh, son,” said my mother, “

Well, how stubborn you are!

Put at least a kilo of sweets,

But you are already 7 years old.

Gotta get ready for school

Leave kindergarten.

Okay, okay, I understand

I'm slowly getting used to it.

There is candy in the cabinet.

What if the sign works?

Spanish song “WE WILL GO TO SCHOOL SOON” Polina Zataeva

Spanish common song “SASHKA AND NATASHKA”(author: M. Tarakanova-Semelik, N. Mironenko)

VED: In our group there is a boy, not a fighter, not a naughty boy.

He respects girls - he never offends them.

He has a lot of advantages, almost no disadvantages,

It doesn't cost him anything to bring you a smile

All the girls say - “This boy is just a treasure!”

And that’s why we’ll sing a song about him now.

Spanish song "Pretty Boy"(Snezhana)

Captain. There is no way for us to sail past the big island,

After all, the sounds of music are coming from there, friends.

This Musical Island, song and dance.

Melodic sounds live here, and children dance and sing here!

Spanish song "Tinker Ding Kindergarten"(Polina Butorina)

VED: We all love to dance,

We know a lot of dances!

And now a fun dance

Let's start together!

Spanish general dance "POLKA"

REB: Our parents don’t take their eyes off us:

We are not only singers and dancers!

We surprise you all evening:

And now the orchestra will play for you,

We are musicians, orchestra players!

What's there? – sheer talent!


Vedas: The distance of the sea is immense,

I notice an island in the sea.

It was not easy to get here,

Friends, this is the same... Island of Knowledge

Who is waiting for us there, friends?

The Queen of Knowledge comes out

Queen of Knowledge: Hello, dear guys and guests! I carefully watched your adventures and see that you have grown up to be kind, brave, smart and well-mannered children and you deserve to become schoolchildren. And for you, future schoolchildren and excellent students, I have prepared gifts. Here is my magic briefcase - a chest, but there is a lock on it.

It will open when you can compose and guess my words.

Host: Can we do it, guys? You have already made sure that the children are ready to go to school, because they showed how much of their talents and skills today! But are our parents ready to go to 1st grade with their children? Let's check, ask the parents to help the Queen of Knowledge, and the children will carefully observe and check the parents.

Game with parents “Guess and make up the word”

(call 4 parents, put ribbons with letters on them - back and forth, explain the task - not only solve the riddles, but also formulate the answer. Letters: N - L; A - O; E - I;

Sh–P. The Queen of Knowledge asks questions - riddles:

1. There is a fish, and there is a tool.../saw/

2. Little horse.../pony/

3. Sometimes it’s sea foam, sometimes it’s for shaving.../foam/

4. What can’t you hide in a bag? /sew/

5. There is a football field, and there is a wheat field.../field/

6. A tree from whose flowers aromatic tea is brewed.../linden/

7. Wheel rim…/tire/

Presenter: Well done! We completed the task! We can safely let you go to 1st grade with our children! (parents sit down)

Spanish song “ONLY TO SCHOOL” Vanya Rogov (m. lyrics by E. Gomonova)

VED: We will dance the parting waltz for you,

And in our dance we will grow up now,

Look, our boys are gentlemen,

And the girls, ladies, what manners!

What a pity that the waltz in this hall is a farewell one,

It is gentle, airy and very sad.

Spanish dance “FAREWELL WALTZ”

Spanish general song “WE THANK EVERYONE”(m. I. Smirnova, lyrics by Yu. Sukhova)

1 Ved:B bon voyage, good morning, kids,

In the brightest lucky hour!

Let from every book you read

The clear sun is shining for you.

2 Vedas: We wish you to learn with ease,

Move from class to class,

But also my favorite kindergarten...

Together: We ask you not to forget!

Spanish general dance “Parting”

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Abstract for the presentation

A presentation on the topic “Sea voyage around the islands - Knowledge” helps to repeat the main information acquired by schoolchildren, improve logical thinking, the ability to compare, follow, draw conclusions, cultivate a desire to learn, and learn new things.

  1. Let's check
  2. Letters
  3. Sea animals


    pptx (powerpoint)

    Number of slides

    Shumailova L. N.






    • To conduct a lesson by a teacher

Slide 1

Prepared by: Shumailova L.N., preschool teacher of the State Institution “Dzhaltyrskaya Secondary School No. 2”

Slide 2

"School is a ship, and Knowledge is a sea"

Slide 3

The wind pushes our sail.

There's a dolphin playing overboard
Frolicking in the transparent depths.

Slide 4

Let's check

Jumping in a forest clearing

Slide 5

Grandma came from the market
She brought large apples,
And Natasha and Andryusha
I gave these apples.
How many apples do the grandchildren have?
Count the children yourself.

let's check

Slide 6

Slide 7

Slide 8

Slide 9

Slide 10

  • This letter is wide and looks like a beetle.
  • She was so round that she could roll away
  • Look at this letter: it’s just like the number three.

Here's an axe.
The log is nearby.
It turned out exactly what we needed.

Holding hands
We stood up and what we looked like.
On a letter, like on a ladder,
I sit and sing songs.

Slide 11

Slide 12



Slide 13



Slide 14


  • Slide 15


  • Slide 16


  • Slide 17

    Korney Chukovsky "The Cluttering Fly"

    Korney Chukovsky "The clattering fly"

    Slide 18

    Slide 19

    Slide 20

    Slide 21

    Slide 22

    Slide 23

    View all slides


    Prepared by: Shumailova L. N.

    Preschool teacher

    State Institution "Dzhaltyrskaya Secondary School No. 2"

    Akmola region,

    Astrakhan district,

    With. Zhaltyr

    "School ship,

    And knowledge is a sea"

    Farewell to O "B" class.




    Lesson progress

    Teacher's opening speech


    1 Child: �

    Ship's bottles

    The cheerful bell will ring,

    On the first day of September

    And until the summer

    Leaves, goes to the seas.

    And in the fog and in the storm,

    And behind the school window

    Clouds are floating

    From call to call.

    2 Child:

    The team will become related

    Storming distant countries.

    We will hear you always and everywhere.

    If you call

    Captains will come to help.

    Be calm, comrade,

    We won't leave you in trouble.

    3 Child

    4 Child

    More important than presidents

    Name the kings,

    Captains are in front of you

    Those paper ships.

    5 Child

    Here are the dads smiling, and the moms

    6 Child

    They will not be afraid of squall and fire.

    Resistant paper armor.

    7 Child

    The ship captains are leaving.


    Give it up!


    - There are ends to be given!

    Teacher :


    The wind pushes our sail.

    The ship glides on a gentle wave.

    There's a dolphin playing overboard,

    Frolicking in the transparent depths.


    Jumping in a forest clearing

    Four bunnies and three ducklings running around.

    How many bunnies and ducklings are there in a forest clearing?

    Grandma came from the market

    She brought large apples,

    And Natasha and Andryusha

    I gave these apples.

    How many apples do the grandchildren have?

    Count the children yourself.

    Island "Math"

    Solve examples;

    Composition of the number 10; 3. Place the signs >,<, =.


    Dance "Sailors" music and words by Oleg Gazmanov.



    There is no angle in this letter - it is so round.

    Hold hands

    We stood up and...we looked alike.

    On a letter, like on a ladder,

    I sit and sing songs.


    Literacy Island

    What are words made of?

    Which letters have no sounds?

    Read the sentences.



    Fly, Fly-Tsokotuha,

    Gilded belly!

    A fly walked across the field,

    The fly found the money.

    A fly went to the market

    And I bought a samovar:

    "Come on, cockroaches,

    I’ll treat you to tea!”

    The cockroaches came running

    All glasses were drunk.

    And the insects -

    Three cups each

    With milk

    And a credel:

    Today the Fly-Tsokotuha

    Birthday girl!

    In a noisy music hall

    Among the fun and deception

    I sit terribly alone.

    Near the table opposite

    You're sitting half-turned

    All in the rays of the night light.

    It just happened suddenly,

    That the words fell from my lips

    And, forgetting my crazy dream,

    I wish I had one like that!

    Leading: Suddenly some old man

    Our Fly in the corner -

    Dragged –

    He wants to kill the poor thing

    Destroy the clatter!

    Fly: Guests, help,

    Kill the villain

    And I fed you

    And I gave you something to drink!

    Leading: But the worm beetles got scared,

    But the villain is not joking,

    And she drinks her blood.

    The fly screams and strains:


    Spider:“Ha ha ha!”


    Komarik: Fly I will save you.

    Everything that concerns you

    Everything that concerns me

    Everything that concerns us

    Everything that concerns us

    It's just beginning!


    Children: Animals

    What are these animals called?

    Why are they wild?

    What do animals eat?

    Look at the sky:

    Who lives in the air?

    What do birds eat?


    Across the seas and oceans

    I plotted the course on the map.

    From two chairs and pillows

    I built a yacht.

    My beloved brother will be a cabin boy,

    The dog will pass for a navigator.

    Get out of the souvenir shop

    Let's go on a hike.


    There is no easy road in life

    and walking according to fate,

    Despite all the worries

    Hold on tighter in the saddle,

    Stay in the saddle.

    There will be many adventures

    The path through the mountains is difficult.

    Strong wind, smell of storm,

    But we can't turn our way

    after the mountains, there will be deserts.

    Sun, heat, end of water,

    But on land and sea

    May you always be on horseback.


    On an airplane, on a boat,

    On a camel and an elephant,

    Stay human.

    Be confident.

    You can jump over the abyss

    If a dream awaits you.

    Know the road only to the brave.

    Always submits.


    A word from the administration.

    A word to the parents.

    Prepared by: Shumailova L. N.

    Preschool teacher

    State Institution "Dzhaltyrskaya Secondary School No. 2"

    Akmola region,

    Astrakhan district,

    With. Zhaltyr

    "School ship,

    And knowledge is a sea"

    Farewell to O "B" class.


    - repeat the basic information received by children;

    Develop logical thinking, the ability to compare, observe, and draw conclusions;

    Cultivate a desire to learn, to learn new things.

    Equipment: multimedia presentation, task cards, pencils.

    Lesson progress

    Teacher's opening speech

    Dear guys! A year ago you came to preschool class. Just as travelers make discoveries while traveling, you learned something new and interesting every day. And today we will set off on a long voyage to the Islands of Knowledge. Look at your desks. They stand like ships in a roadstead, ready to set sail with their captains. And the captains of these school ships are you, dear guys.

    Attention! School ship captains, prepare to sail! (bell rings)

    1 Child: �

    Ship's bottles

    The cheerful bell will ring,

    The doors will slam like raised anchors.

    On the first day of September

    The school is setting sail.

    And until the summer

    Leaves, goes to the seas.

    You are sitting at your desk, captain,

    And in the fog and in the storm,

    And behind the school window

    Clouds are floating

    From call to call.

    2 Child:

    The team will become related

    Storming distant countries.

    We will hear you always and everywhere.

    If you call

    Captains will come to help.

    Be calm, comrade,

    We won't leave you in trouble.

    3 Child

    No navigation, no compass, no map

    Along city streets, among fields

    White squadrons float, swaying

    Boyish paper ships.

    4 Child

    More important than presidents

    Name the kings,

    Captains are in front of you

    Those paper ships.

    5 Child

    Here we stand, snub-nosed and stubborn,

    Countries open to any winds,

    Here are the dads smiling, and the moms

    Already a little sad now.

    6 Child

    But captains are unfamiliar with sadness,

    They will not be afraid of squall and fire.

    And waves of all latitudes will be cut by his chest

    Resistant paper armor.

    7 Child

    Sail, ship, taking desperate risks,

    It's whiter in the dazzling sun.

    Into a big life, anxious, masculine

    The ship captains are leaving.

    Teacher: So guys, our ship is setting sail.

    Give it up!


    - There are ends to be given!

    Teacher :

    The weather is great, the sea is calm. Breathing is normal. The mood is wonderful. Let's hit the road. But what is it? Our ship won't start. And for it to start we need:

    Name the neighbors of the numbers 9, 7, 5, 3.

    Say the next number 2, 10, 4.

    Say the previous number: 6, 8.

    Teacher: Well done! We hit the road to the island "Mathematics"

    The wind pushes our sail.

    The ship glides on a gentle wave.

    There's a dolphin playing overboard,

    Frolicking in the transparent depths.

    Guys! Dolphins love to solve problems.


    Jumping in a forest clearing

    Four bunnies and three ducklings running around.

    How many bunnies and ducklings are there in a forest clearing?

    Grandma came from the market

    She brought large apples,

    And Natasha and Andryusha

    I gave these apples.

    How many apples do the grandchildren have?

    Count the children yourself.

    Based on the picture, create and solve a problem.

    Island "Math"

    So we ended up on the island of “Mathematicians”. Queen Mathematics lives on the island.

    She asks you to complete a task. (On cards.)

    Solve examples;

    Composition of the number 10; 3. Place the signs >,<, =.

    Teacher: Our journey continues, and let us rest a little.

    Dance "Sailors" music and words by Oleg Gazmanov.

    Teacher: We continue swimming. Dolphins tells us that near the island to which we are sailing, a huge octopus is waiting. He won't let us near the island unless we solve the riddle.


    This letter is wide and looks like a beetle. (AND)

    There is no angle in this letter - it is so round.

    She was so round that she could have rolled away. (ABOUT)

    Look at this letter: it’s just like the number three. (3)

    Here's an axe. The log is nearby. We got what we needed:

    The result is the letter Y - we all should know it.

    Hold hands

    We stood up and...we looked alike.

    On a letter, like on a ladder,

    I sit and sing songs.

    Teacher: Well done! The octopus is happy with you.

    Literacy Island

    On the island of “Literacy Education” lives King Sentence and the king’s subjects are words. The King wants to know what we know about the inhabitants of the island "Learning to Literacy"

    What are words made of?

    What two groups are sounds divided into?

    Which letters have no sounds?

    Read the sentences.

    A huge axis-mi-leg pri-ta-il-sya at the bottom in anticipation of prey.

    2. Ve-se-ly-e del-fi-ny res-vyat-sya among the vo-do-ros-lei.

    3. A mustache lan-gust for-ta-il-sya among ko-ral-fishes and cray-co-wines.

    4. Whale is the largest sea animal. He dives to great depths.

    Teacher: The inhabitants of the island release us, and we can sail on. But a shark swims to the island. She will not let us sail from the island if we do not complete her creative task.

    Dramatization of the fairy tale “The Tsokotukha Fly”


    Fly, Fly-Tsokotuha,

    Gilded belly!

    A fly walked across the field,

    The fly found the money.

    A fly went to the market

    And I bought a samovar:

    "Come on, cockroaches,

    I’ll treat you to tea!”

    The cockroaches came running

    All glasses were drunk.

    And the insects -

    Three cups each

    With milk

    And a credel:

    Today the Fly-Tsokotuha

    Birthday girl!

    A fly comes out into the middle of the class, puts the samovar on the table: “Come, dears, I’ll treat you to tea.”

    A spider sits on the sidelines at a table, singing “Oh, what a woman”

    In a noisy music hall

    Among the fun and deception

    I sit terribly alone.

    Near the table opposite

    You're sitting half-turned

    All in the rays of the night light.

    It just happened suddenly,

    That the words fell from my lips

    And, forgetting my crazy dream,

    Oh, what a fly, a clattering fly,

    I wish I had one like that!

    Leading: Suddenly some old man

    Our Fly in the corner -

    Dragged –

    He wants to kill the poor thing

    Destroy the clatter!

    The spider drags the fly towards him and places him on his chair. The fly asks for help.

    Fly: Guests, help,

    Kill the villain

    And I fed you

    And I gave you something to drink!

    Leading: But the worm beetles got scared,

    They fled across the meadows and crevices.

    But the villain is not joking,

    He twists the fly's arms and legs with ropes,

    Sharp teeth pierce into the very heart

    And she drinks her blood.

    The fly screams and strains:


    The spider ties up the fly, laughing maliciously, then walks around the fly, happy.

    Spider:“Ha ha ha!”

    Leading: Suddenly a small Komarik flies from somewhere.

    The mosquito sits down next to the fly on one knee on the other side of the spider. A fly and a mosquito stretch out their hands to each other.

    Komarik: Fly I will save you.

    To the music of "Mortal Kombat" Spider and Mosquito fight. The spider, defeated, crawls away. The mosquito unties the fly. Mosquito and Fly stand next to each other and look at each other.

    Mosquito, Spider, Fly and the presenter turn to the audience and sing:

    Everything that concerns you

    Everything that concerns me

    Everything is just beginning, it's just beginning!

    Everything that concerns us

    Everything that concerns us

    It's just beginning!

    (Make “twist” movements)

    All the guys join hands and bow.

    Teacher: The shark is very happy for you. She is sailing away. And we can safely hit the road.

    Guys! We are approaching the island. I wonder who lives on this island?

    Children: Animals

    What are these animals called?

    Why are they wild?

    What do animals eat?

    Look at the sky:

    Who lives in the air?

    How do birds differ from animals?

    What are the birds that fly away for the winter called?

    What are the names of the birds that stay with us for the winter?

    What do birds eat?

    Who needs insects on earth?

    What happens if insects disappear? (children's answers)

    Insects will disappear, all the birds on which the insects fed will disappear. There will be no birds, trees will die because pests will eat them. There will be no trees, there will be nowhere for animals to live. All the small streams will dry up, the rivers will become shallow and disappear. There will be no water on earth, there will be a desert, and people will perish. Animals, birds, insects cannot live without plants, and plants cannot live without insects, birds, animals. Insects pollinate plants, birds and animals help spread their seeds across the earth.

    Teacher: Guys, it's time for us to go home. But look! Our ship was surrounded by mermaids. The mermaids are bored and want us to sing for them.

    Performing a song. "Be Always"

    Across the seas and oceans

    I plotted the course on the map.

    From two chairs and pillows

    I built a yacht.

    My beloved brother will be a cabin boy,

    The dog will pass for a navigator.

    Get out of the souvenir shop

    Let's go on a hike.


    There is no easy road in life

    and walking according to fate,

    Despite all the worries

    Hold on tighter in the saddle,

    Stay in the saddle.

    There will be many adventures

    The path through the mountains is difficult.

    Strong wind, smell of storm,

    But we can't turn our way

    after the mountains, there will be deserts.

    Sun, heat, end of water,

    But on land and sea

    May you always be on horseback.


    On an airplane, on a boat,

    On a camel and an elephant,

    Stay human.

    Be confident.

    You can jump over the abyss

    If a dream awaits you.

    Know the road only to the brave.

    Always submits.

    Teacher: So we returned home. To school.

    Word from the class teacher.

    A word from the administration.

    A word to the parents.

    Presentation of diplomas and gifts.

    Download abstract

    "Sea voyage to the COUNTRY OF KNOWLEDGE"

    Hello adults!

    Hello children!

    Today is an unusual day in the world -

    Music everywhere, smiles and laughter -

    The school opened its doors to everyone.

    Dear guys! Dear parents! The long-awaited day has come - September 1st. I congratulate everyone present on this significant day. This day is very important: you guys have come to school. The school will become a second home for you, here you will learn to write, read, count, solve problems, love and take care of nature, and find many new friends. Good luck to you, success. And parents need a lot of patience.
    On this day and at this hour
    I'm very glad to see you.
    Over the fields, over the mountains
    There is a magical country
    There are many different tests in it,
    And it is full of miracles.
    We will travel along it
    Many days.
    And it’s called “Land of Knowledge”

    The country we are going to now is special. In it you will receive extraordinary gifts. But these are not cakes and sweets, but knowledge, and what is most important is to receive it every day. I wish you to be kind, honest and hardworking.Only schoolchildren can travel in this country. Who are the schoolchildren?are you ready to become disciples? To do this you must overcome trials.

    Guys, what can you travel with? (by plane, by train, by car, on foot).
    Guys, I suggest you complete the task.

      Connect the numbers in order and find out what we will take on our journey.

    So Let's go on our first voyage on this wonderful boat. I will be the captain of the ship - your teacher. What is a ship without a crew? I will need helpers. When swimming, you need to assemble a team. They are seated in their wardrooms (according to the colors of the Russian flag)

    Conversation about Russia (why are there different colors and what do they mean together)

    So, friends, our ship is setting sail. We are setting sail to the Land of Knowledge.

    We are looking at the travel map.

    1 sea of ​​trials : What will we take with us to the COUNTRY OF KNOWLEDGE.

    you need to pack your luggage to set off on your next journey with friends. What to take? I will ask questions, and you will answer in chorus “yes” or “no.” Let's begin!

    If you go to school, you take with you in your briefcase:

    In a squared notebook?

    New slingshot?

    Broom for cleaning?

    Diary for A?

    Album and paints?

    Carnival masks?

    ABC in pictures?

    Torn boots?

    Markers and pen?

    A bunch of carnations?

    Colored pencils?

    Air mattresses?

    Eraser and ruler?

    A canary in a cage?

    An album to draw on?

    Chewing gum to chew?

    Covered textbooks?

    Plates, forks, spoons?

    A sofa to lie on?

    Cardboard to cut out?

    Well done! You did a great job - you crossed the sea!

    And our school ship continues its journey. And ahead I see land! ThisGramoteev Island, but first you need to overcomeShore of Friendship.

    Of course there will be storms and snowstorms

    There will be cloudy days

    But together we will overcome

    All the troubles and rains,

    Because it helps

    Friendship is always true

    Every cabin boy knows this

    If we are together, it’s not a problem.

    Turn everyone towards each other

    And shake hands with a friend.

    Raise your hands all up,

    And move the top.

    Let's shout cheerfully: "Hurray!"

    It's time to start the games!

    School riddles

    1A girl who loves her grandmother very much and often brings her gifts. (Little Red Riding Hood )

    2A good doctor who treats animals. (Doctor Aibolit )

    3An animal that helped its owner become a rich marquis. (Puss in Boots )

    4A man, moderately well-fed, in the prime of his life, loving everything sweet. (Carlson )

      There is a patter of feet in the corridor, calling us all...(bell);

      Who walks with a bag of books to school in the morning... (student);

      The school and spacious... (classroom) greeted you today;

      If you know everything, you will get at school... (five);

    We quickly return to the ship. Clouds appeared. It's about to start raining! Let's listen to him.

    GAME “Rain”

    1st row - claps hands;
    2nd row - stomping feet;
    3rd row - rustles with palms.

    We are sailing away from the island. The sun is shining again.

    We continue our journey and we arrived atZadach Island

    1 Stump has 2 mushrooms

    And under the tree - three.

    How many mushrooms will there be?

    Well, tell everyone! (5)

    In the clearing, by the stump,

    The hedgehog saw two fungi

    He found another one.

    Who has the answer ready?

    How many fungi did the hedgehog find? (3)

    The apples in the garden are ripe.

    We managed to taste them:

    Five rosy liquids,

    Three with sourness.

    How many are there?

    One birch grew

    It has 8 branches.

    There's an orange on each one.

    How many oranges were there on the birch tree? (0)

    2 connect the drawing by dots

    The ship continues its journey and we have a new oneisland Let's play.

    Physics minute of Chung-chang

    Well, finally we have reached the magical land of Knowledge.From now on, you are considered 1st grade students.


    (presentation of MEDALS)

    In this magical land there is a wonderfulDesire Coast . Everyone's desires and dreams are different. For them to come true, they must be written on a piece of paper, placed in a bottle, sealed and thrown far into the sea. Parents write notes of wishes and an oath is pronounced. We seal everything in a bottle.

    first grader's oath.

      To become literate and smart,

      We swear! )

      Parents' oath

    I swear (be I the mother or be I the father)

    Always say “Well done” to your child!

    I swear I will not “build” my child’s education,

    I swear to master a foreign language with him.

    I swear I won’t scold him for getting bad marks.

    And help him do his homework.

    And if I break my oath,

    Then I give away my last tooth,

    Then I promise my child

    Feed daily with boiled condensed milk!

    Then I will be an ideal parent

    And I will never forget my oath!

      I swear!

    The students took an oath, the parents too, now it remains for me, your teacher, to take an oath. This is my teacher's oath:

    Teacher's oath:

      This is how I will teach your children,
      So that they can learn a lot.

      Do not offend your students
      Boys, girls - help everyone.

      Don't have favorites in the class,
      Children are equally loved.

    During the trip, all the guys get a chocolate bar. Gifts from sponsors.


    draw a smiley face on the starfish and paste it on your sheet.

    Dear guys, I hope you enjoyed our trip. You are students, I want to make the school a second home for you: kind, smart, warm.

    first grader's oath.

      Always come to class for the first lesson
      Even before the bell rings.

      Be active and relevant in class,
      Remember and learn everything you need.

      To become literate and smart,
      We will learn to read and write.

      Textbooks, books, pencil cases and notebooks
      Always keep in perfect order.

      Become good friends, become faithful,
      Help each other in everything and always. (We swear! )

    "Sea voyage to the COUNTRY OF KNOWLEDGE"

    Hello adults!

    Hello children!

    Today is an unusual day in the world -

    Music everywhere, smiles and laughter -

    The school opened its doors to everyone.

    Dear guys! Dear parents! The long-awaited day has come - September 1st. I congratulate everyone present on this significant day. This day is very important: you guys have come to school. The school will become a second home for you, here you will learn to write, read, count, solve problems, love and take care of nature, and find many new friends. Good luck to you, success. And parents need a lot of patience.
    On this day and at this hour
    I'm very glad to see you.
    Over the fields, over the mountains
    There is a magical country
    There are many different tests in it,
    And it is full of miracles.
    We will travel along it
    Many days.
    And it’s called “Land of Knowledge”

    The country we are going to now is special. In it you will receive extraordinary gifts. But these are not cakes and sweets, but knowledge, and what is most important is to receive it every day. I wish you to be kind, honest and hardworking. Only schoolchildren can travel in this country. Who are the schoolchildren? are you ready to become disciples? To do this you must overcome trials.

    Guys, what can you travel with? (by plane, by train, by car, on foot).
    Guys, I suggest you complete the task.

      Connect the numbers in order and find out what we will take on our journey.

    So Let's go on our first voyage on this wonderful boat. I will be the captain of the ship - your teacher. What is a ship without a crew? I will need helpers. When swimming, you need to assemble a team. They are seated in their wardrooms (according to the colors of the Russian flag)

    Conversation about Russia(why are there different colors and what do they mean together)

    So, friends, our ship is setting sail. We are setting sail to the Land of Knowledge.

    We are looking at the travel map.

    1 sea of ​​trials : What will we take with us to the COUNTRY OF KNOWLEDGE.

    you need to pack your luggage to set off on your next journey with friends. What to take? I will ask questions, and you will answer in chorus “yes” or “no.” Let's begin!

    If you go to school, you take with you in your briefcase:

    In a squared notebook?

    New slingshot?

    Broom for cleaning?

    Diary for A?

    Album and paints?

    Carnival masks?

    ABC in pictures?

    Torn boots?

    Markers and pen?

    A bunch of carnations?

    Colored pencils?

    Air mattresses?

    Eraser and ruler?

    A canary in a cage?

    An album to draw on?

    Chewing gum to chew?

    Covered textbooks?

    Plates, forks, spoons?

    A sofa to lie on?

    Cardboard to cut out?

    Well done! You did a great job - you crossed the sea!

    And our school ship continues its journey. And ahead I see land! This Gramoteev Island, but first you need to overcome Shore of Friendship.

    Of course there will be storms and snowstorms

    There will be cloudy days

    But together we will overcome

    All the troubles and rains,

    Because it helps

    Friendship is always true

    Every cabin boy knows this

    If we are together, it’s not a problem.

    Turn everyone towards each other

    And shake hands with a friend.

    Raise your hands all up,

    And move the top.

    Let's shout cheerfully: "Hurray!"

    It's time to start the games!

    School riddles

    1A girl who loves her grandmother very much and often brings her gifts. ( Little Red Riding Hood)

    2A good doctor who treats animals. ( Doctor Aibolit)

    3An animal that helped its owner become a rich marquis. ( Puss in Boots)

    4A man, moderately well-fed, in the prime of his life, loving everything sweet. ( Carlson)

      There is a patter of feet in the corridor, calling us all...(bell);

      Who walks with a bag of books to school in the morning... (student);

      The school and spacious... (classroom) greeted you today;

      If you know everything, you will get at school... (five);

    We quickly return to the ship. Clouds appeared. It's about to start raining! Let's listen to him.

    GAME “Rain”

    1st row - claps hands;
    2nd row - stomping feet;
    3rd row - rustling with palms.

    We are sailing away from the island. The sun is shining again.

    We continue our journey and we arrived at Zadach Island

    1 Stump has 2 mushrooms

    And under the tree - three.

    How many mushrooms will there be?

    Well, tell everyone! (5)

    In the clearing, by the stump,

    He found another one.

    Who has the answer?

    How many fungi did the hedgehog find? (3)

    The apples in the garden are ripe.

    We managed to taste them:

    Five rosy liquids,

    Three with sourness.

    How many are there?

    One birch grew

    It has 8 branches.

    There's an orange on each one.

    How many oranges were there on the birch tree? (0)

    2 connect the drawing by dots

    The ship continues its journey and we have a new one island Let's play.

    Physics minute of Chung-chang

    Well, finally we have reached the magical land of Knowledge. From now on, you are considered 1st grade students.


    (presentation of MEDALS)

    In this magical land there is a wonderful Desire Coast. Everyone's desires and dreams are different. For them to come true, they must be written on a piece of paper, placed in a bottle, sealed and thrown far into the sea. Parents write notes of wishes and an oath is pronounced. We seal everything in a bottle.

    first grader's oath.

      To become literate and smart,

      We swear!)

      Parents' oath

    I swear (be I the mother or be I the father)

    Always say “Well done” to your child!

    I swear I will not “build” my child’s education,

    I swear to master a foreign language with him.

    I swear I won’t scold him for getting bad marks.

    And help him do his homework.

    And if I break my oath,

    Then I give away my last tooth,

    Then I promise my child

    Feed daily with boiled condensed milk!

    Then I will be an ideal parent

    And I will never forget my oath!

    The students took an oath, the parents too, now it remains for me, your teacher, to take an oath. This is my teacher's oath:

    Teacher's oath:

      This is how I will teach your children,
      So that they can learn a lot.

      Do not offend your students
      Boys, girls - help everyone.

      Don't have favorites in the class,
      Children are equally loved.

    During the trip, all the guys receive a chocolate bar. Gifts from sponsors.


    draw a smiley face on the starfish and paste it on your sheet.

    Dear guys, I hope you enjoyed our trip. You are students, I want to make the school a second home for you: kind, smart, warm.

    first grader's oath.

      Always come to class for the first lesson
      Even before the bell rings.

      Be active and relevant in class,
      Remember and learn everything you need.

      To become literate and smart,
      We will learn to read and write.

      Textbooks, books, pencil cases and notebooks
      Always keep in perfect order.

      Become good friends, become faithful,
      Help each other in everything and always. ( We swear!)