I will demonstrate topic machines simple. Methodological development of an English lesson on the topic "Machines and work" (3rd year)

Of course, depending on the gun. Some are a lot more simple than others. All are “simply” machines, but not all are “Simple” machines.

A matchlock, from the 1600’s was simple, very simple, and a modern electric gatling gun, not so simple.

Col. Colt literally went broke because his first revolver, the Paterson Colt was not simple enough.

He built a large supply of revolving guns, on credit, then tried to sell them to the U.S. Army, who rejected the gun as being too fragile and too complex for use in the field.

The existing muzzle-loading pistols only had 3 moving parts, all simple to get to and to repair.

The Paterson had no trigger guard. Rather, the trigger was recessed in the frame, and when the hammer was cocked, the trigger was pushed out where it could be squeezed.

Also you had a revolving cylinder, and linkage with the hammer to move the cylinder and to index the next chamber with the barrel.

And there was added linkage from the hammer, to push the trigger out into firing position and retract it afterwards.

It had well over double the number of moving parts of a single-shot, requiring more parts inventory in the field, and repairs only by a skilled armorer, when something quit working, plus the possibility of powder fouling or mud jamming the cylinder. A very few initial guns were bought as a trial, then the design was rejected completely.

So, he couldn’t sell his guns to the U.S. Army, and worse than THAT, they acquired a stink that kept them from selling in the civilian market.

Since they weren't good enough for the Army, why would anyone else want one?

That was until The Republic Of Texas came along.

Until that time, Colt Patent Firearms was nearly done for… they were already entering bankruptcy proceedings. `

Texas put in a large order, pretty much emptying that warehouse full of guns that nobody wanted except Sam Colt’s creditors.

The first thing was that the immediate money from that order saved Colt from bankruptcy by the skin of his teeth.

The next, more important thing was that The Texas Army, Texas Navy, and (especially) The Texas Rangers used them, which created the civilian market that the U.S. Army had destroyed for him.

In The Battle Of The Bay Of Campeche, the Texas Navy defeated the Mexican Navy, and as a nod to The Republic Of Texas, Colt produced the model 1851 Navy with an engraved cylinder standard, depicting this naval battle.

In addition, to creating a market, the Rangers found a few design flaws, so Captain John Coffee Hays and Capt. Samuel Walker ( The Walker Colt) went to Connecticut with plans for design changes.

The result was The Colt Patterson #5 Holster model, marketed by Colt as “The Texas Paterson”.

The original concept was that the Paterson was an infantry weapon. When you fired your five shots, you could lay flat on the ground, partially disassemble it for reloading, then re-assemble and go on fighting.

The most important use of Colt Revolvers was by The Texas Rangers, who often had to fight Indians on horseback.

To reload the gun, you had to remove the barrel wedge, then remove the barrel, then stuff powder and ball into each chamber with a special supplied tool, then follow those steps in reverse.

If the cylinder, barrel, or barrel wedge fell out of your hands, the gun was useless.

Most Rangers got around that by wearing a sash around their waist and sticking loose parts in there while they just switched in a spare loaded cylinder.

That was in addition to carrying two revolvers, so they had a better chance of getting through an encounter without having to actually stuff powder and balls into the chambers to reload.

So the two most major changes the went to Sam Colt with was to increase caliber from .28 to .36 and produce a different shape on the grip.

Then two years later, Captain Hayes campaigned for the addition of a loading lever, and a capping port in the rear, so no disassembly was required to reload on the back of a galloping horse. Colt made the change to the Texas Paterson.

The Comanche sometimes wore breastplates made of 18-inch lengths of reeds packed in dried mud, and this would often stop a light little .28 caliber ball.

Captain John Coffee Hayes (Called “Devil Jack” by local Indians) first introduced The Comanche to Colt Patent Firearms at The Battle Of Enchanted Rock, in 1841.

He was a surveyor by trade, and climbed to the top of the highest feature in the area, (Enchanted Rock) to have a good look at the lay of the land.

Unfortunately, Enchanted Rock was sacred to both the Comanche and Tonkawa tribes, who believed that evil spirits lived there and are rumored to have made human sacrifices at the base of the rock to keep from getting on the bad side of the spirits. The Comanches caught him alone up there.

In a 3-hour solo battle, he killed them until they took refuge in caves at the base of the rock.

How many of them he killed, before they hid from him, depends on whom you ask, but the lowest count is 15.

Enchanted Rock was already believed by them to be home to evil spirits, and they became convinced that those spirits were on the side of Hays, or that he was actually one OF them.

He had two Texas Patersons, a rifle and a Bowie Knife with him.

Standard Indian tactic was to goad a Ranger into shooting OR shooting AT three of them in quick succession, then charging in for a kill before any reloading of his two pistols and a rifle could happen.

That’s how it worked with two single-shot pistols and a single-shot rifle.

Enchanted Rock was their first exposure to someone who could fire 11 shots without reloading.

At one point, he killed a couple of them climbing up after him with his Bowie Knife, another piece of standard equipment for Rangers.

M.V. Rudakova (Irkutsk)

Methodological development classes on the topic “Machines and Work”


This lesson is conducted while studying the topic: “Machines and work” with studentsIIIcourse (1 semester) in specialty110809 “Mechanization agriculture " The lesson is developed according to the textbook Bgashev V.N., Dolmatovskaya E.Yu. English for mechanical engineering students.Students have already completed the basic stage of training in the discipline, and already have sufficient knowledge of lexical and grammatical material to study a professional English language program. The lesson is intended for the advanced stage of training in English language and ensures a communicative professional orientation of training. On this topic, students have already studied the basic lexical and grammatical material, so the type of lesson issystematization and generalization of knowledge. All stages of the lesson are built on uniform methodological principles, develop the main types of foreign language speech activity, and form intercultural competencies of future specialists. The lesson uses communicative learning technology and collaborative learning technology, as well as critical thinking technology. To achieve this goal, cognitive methods of motivation, volitional methods (self-esteem and correction, reflection of behavior), as well as the method brainstorming. At the project construction stage, students are asked to use a mental map as a technique. Special attention was devoted to the study of the lexical aspect, since the student must be able to translate professional texts and communicate on professional topics; independently improve and replenish your vocabulary.

All stages of the lesson contribute to the development of speech, language and professional competence and the achievement of educational and educational goals.The subject of assessment is the skills and knowledge provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard for the disciplineEnglish language aimed at developing general and professional competencies.

Lesson topic:"Machines and Work"

Purpose of the lesson: create conditions for the development of communicative competence.

Lesson objectives:educational: to form lexical speaking skills, develop semantic reading skills (viewing, searching, studying); developing: develop memory, attention, thinking, logical thinking and linguistic guesswork, teach analysis, generalization, grouping); educational; cultivate cognitive interest in learning a foreign language, develop group work skills.

Formed competencies: OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show sustained interest in it.

OK 3. Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and take responsibility for them.

OK 4. Search and use information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

OK 5. Master information culture, analyze and evaluate information using information and communication technologies.

OK 6. Work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, and consumers.

Type of lesson: systematization and generalization of knowledge.

Interdisciplinary connections: Russian language, physics, mechanics, machines, mechanisms.

Lesson equipment: textbook, projector, computer, screen, presentation, handouts, Whatman sheets, markers, magnets.

Forms of work: individual, group, frontal

Stages of the lesson. Forms of work

Contents of the lesson. Possible methods and techniques of implementation

Main types educational activities

UUDs being formed at this stage

Teacher activities

Student activities

    Stage of motivation of educational activities

Organizational moment

(2 min.)

T. Good morning, students! I'm glad to see you. It is really fine day today, isn’t it? How are you today? What about the weather today? Is it fine? Let`s start our lesson.

The teacher welcomes students and checks their readiness for class.

Students engage in foreign language communication, responding to the teacher’s remarks, according to the communicative task.

Personal: adequate motivation for educational activities; formation of motivation to learn a foreign language; developing a positive attitude towards learning a foreign language.

Regulatory: self-assessment of readiness for the lesson.

Communicative: listen and respond to the cue appropriately to the speech situation.

Lexico-phonetic exercise

(7 min.)

Electricity, effort, motion, distance, rate, weight, horsepower, watt, kilowatt, force, work wind, water, steam, petroleum, prime mover, windmill, turbine, generator, steam engine, internal combustion engine, electric motor

The teacher invites students to pronounce words to develop pronunciation skills.

Students pronounce words which they can later use in their speech, working on pronunciation. Correlate the graphic and sound images of English words.

Regulatory: carry out self-control of correct pronunciation.

Cognitive: extract the necessary information from what you listen to.

Speech immersion

(7 min.)

T. Thank you! Great! Now, students look at the screen, here you can see the car. Let`s try to name the parts of this car and describe them using the model: This is/these are… . N+ is/are made of…

For example: this is a windscreen. The windscreen is made of glass.( Application 1 )

The teacher organizes immersion in a foreign language environment, consolidates the skills of using familiar lexical units and grammatical models.

Students, using previously studied lexical units, describe a car, naming the parts of the car and the materials from which they are made.

Communicative: listen and consciously perceive the speech of other students, correct incorrect answers.

Introduction to the topic of the lesson, communication of goals

(2 min.)

T. Students, as you know a machine is a device that transmits and changes force or motion into work. A machine can be very simple or very complex. Terms like work, force, and power are closely connected with machines. I think you`ll try to guess what our lesson will be about. Well, what shall we do today? Yes, you`re right, we`ll speak about machines and work. We must give the definitions of the words - work, force, power and connect them with “work” and “machines”. Is the topic interesting for you?

The teacher gives students the opportunity to independently determine the topic of the lesson, goals and what is needed for this.

Students independently determine the topic and goals of the lesson using supporting vocabulary.

Cognitive: be able to adequately, consciously and voluntarily construct a speech utterance in oral speech.

Regulatory: determine the purpose of educational activities with the help of the teacher; plan your actions to implement tasks.

II. Stage of updating basic knowledge

Lexical work

(10 min.)

T. 1) To begin with I propose you to divide the following words into three groups, those which describe: 1)basic terms of physics and mechanics; 2)energy sources; 3)mechanisms, machines. ( Application 2)

2) The following verbs are often related with basic terms of physics and mechanics. Now, students try to make up word combinations using these verbs: to produce, to transform, to supply, to result in, to exert, to set, to perform, to result from, to measure…in. Model: to transmit motion/force( Application 2)

The teacher activates familiar vocabulary and corrects students’ answers as necessary.

Students independently complete tasks using previously learned lexical units. Enter your answers into the table. Checking and correcting the completed task.

Communicative: conscious construction of speech statements, reflection.

Regulatory: study of the conditions of the educational task, discussion of solutions.

Cognitive: argumentation of your point of view.

Speaking, predicting

(4 min.)

T. Look at the screen, here you can see the terms. The task is to match each one with its correct definition.

(Appendix 3)

The teacher checks the correctness of the assignment.

Students select the corresponding definition for each term.


Cognitive: be able to analyze information.

III. Stage independent work with self-test according to the sample

Semantic reading

(14 min.)

T. Well done. Let`s continue our lesson. Read the text “Machines and work”, try to focus on its essential facts, and choose the most suitable heading below for each paragraph: 1) Prime movers 2) Definition of “machine” 3) The relationship between “work” and “force” "4) Power and its measures.

You should also find the definitions of basic terms connected with “machines” and “work”. Text A is on page 192 .

The teacher informs students about the algorithm for working on reading.

Students read the text with an understanding of the main content, match headings to paragraphs, and find definitions of basic concepts related to “work” and “machines.”

Logical: develop the ability to focus, guess and logic.

Regulatory: improve semantic reading skills using lesson vocabulary.

Cognitive: develop meaningful reading; search and select the necessary information; be able to structure knowledge.

Self-test and self-assessment

(5 min.)

T. Time is running. Let`s check your tasks.

The teacher controls how students argue their point of view and corrects their answers.

Students discuss the text they read and define basic concepts related to “work” and “machines.”

Regulatory: be able to correctly evaluate the results of your work and classmates.

Communicative: be able to listen to each other to perceive the necessary information and maintain a conversation.

Speaking. Group work

(12 min.)

T. Well, let`s go on. Now, students, we`ll have a group work. I will give you some questions about the text and you should answer them.( Application 4)

The teacher divides the students into two groups and gives questions for discussion.

Students are divided into two groups and ask questions about the text they read. Discuss questions and answers to them. Use ready-made speech materials to formulate answers.

Communicative: participate in the work of the group, exercise mutual control and mutual assistance; be active in interaction to solve common problems.

Cognitive: be able to compare and select information from the text, consciously construct a speech statement orally.

Personal: develop cooperation skills and take initiative.

IV. Project construction stage

Reading in order to extract special information (work in groups)

(15 min.)

T. Students, your task is to give a short report about “Machine, Work, Power”.

The teacher sets the task for the groups to prepare the message “Machine, work, force” using an active dictionary that was compiled during lexical work at the stage of updating basic knowledge. The teacher offers students a piece of Whatman paper to write their message on.

Students create a mind map using information from the text and a table (Appendix 2), They decide who will talk about what.

Communicative: participation in the work of the group: distribution of responsibilities, planning one’s part of the work, mutual control, mutual assistance; Formulation of your thoughts taking into account the educational task.

Cognitive: ability to analyze, group facts, build logical reasoning; the ability to highlight the main facts, omitting the secondary ones.

Personal: show initiative and independence, strive to improve one’s own speech culture.

Regulatory: accept and save learning task, compare the results of your work with the results of others.

V. Stage of verification of the implementation of the constructed project

Project verification

(8 min.)

T. So, it`s time to begin to represent your projects.

The teacher determines the level of mastery of the necessary knowledge.

Students talk about the basic concepts of physics and mechanics, mechanisms and energy sources and show their relationship with machines and work. They accompany their messages with a demonstration of the project on a piece of Whatman paper (Mind Map).

Cognitive: the ability to consciously construct a speech utterance in oral form, improve speech skills.

Communicative: form your own opinion and position; argue your point of view; participate in the work of the group.

IV. Stage of reflection of educational activities in the classroom

Summing up the work

(1.5 min.)

T. Now we come to the end of the lesson. Do you remember the topic? What did we study today? What was new for you? Let’s review the new vocabularies in chain.

The teacher asks questions. Gives grades for the lesson, comments, motivates for further successful work.

Students answer the teacher's questions and express their opinions.

Regulatory: the ability to control one’s activities based on results, the ability to adequately understand the assessment of the teacher and classmates.

Personal: the ability to evaluate one’s activities; show a desire to improve your own speech culture as a whole.


(1.5 min.)

T. Do you like our lesson? Are you in a good mood at the end of the lesson? Do you like your work today?

The teacher invites students to express their opinions about the lesson.

Students construct statements expressing opinions and answer questions from the teacher. Master forms of personal reflection. ( Appendix5)


(1 min.)

T. Your homework is the ex.26, p.203. You should fill the table.

The teacher explains what needs to be done during homework.

Students write down their homework.


English language lesson in the third year on the topic"Machines and Work" (Machines and Work) is the activity of systematizing and summarizing knowledge on a given topic.

At the organizational stage, the teacher creates a general positive mood for the upcoming lesson and helps students organize their own learning space. At this lesson, the principles of personality-oriented, developmental learning are implemented, self-assessment and mutual assessment are carried out by students. The teacher’s activities are largely represented in the form of organizing work and helping students in various learning situations.

At the main stages of the lesson, systemic activity and communicative approaches are used. When summing up and reflecting, a discussion of students’ activities in the lesson, self- and mutual assessment of the results of work is provided, through which students master the skills of analysis, evaluation of their own work and others, the ability to participate in dialogue, and speak respectfully about the activities of others.

During the lesson (along with educational ones), life-practical problems were also solved, and life experience students in order to develop their cognitive activity and independence.

List of used literature

    Bgashev V.N., Dolmatovskaya E.Yu. English for mechanical engineering students. M.: Astrel AST, 2013. 381 p.

    Dubinina V.G.. Personality//English language. Everything for the teacher. 2014. No. 1. P.14-20.

    Internet resources - Wikipedia. free encyclopedia.

    Chernukhina A.E. English-Russian technical dictionary. M.:ONIX, 1997. 1026 p.

Appendix 1

Let`s try to name the parts of this car and describe them using the model: This is/these are… . N+ is/are made of…

For example: this is a windscreen. The windscreen is made of glass

    Bonnet – hood

    Wing mirror – side mirror

    Windscreen – windshield

    Rear-view mirror – rear view mirror

    Windscreen wiper - "street cleaner"

    Door - door

    Boot - trunk

    Tire – tire

    Wheel - wheel

    Headlight – headlight

    Bumper – bumper

    License plate license platesign

    Indicator – direction indicator

Appendix 2

1)Divide the following words into three groups, those which describe: 1)basic terms of physics and mechanics; 2)energy sources;

3)mechanisms, machines:

Electricity, effort, motion, distance, rate, weight, horsepower, watt, kilowatt, force, work wind, water, steam,

petroleum, prime mover, windmill, turbine, generator, steam engine, internal combustion engine, electric motor

2)The following verbs are often related with basic terms of physics and mechanics. Try to make up word combinations using these verbs: to produce, to transform, to supply, to result in, to exert, to set, to perform, to result from, to measure...in. Model: to transmit motion/force.

Active vocabulary


Nouns and combinations with the nouns

Verb combinations

1. Basic terms of physics and mechanics












to produce electricity

to exert effort

to set in motion

to result in motion

to hold up the weight

to exert force

to produce work

to perform work

to result from

2.Energy sources





3. Mechanisms and machines

Prime mover




steam engine

internal combustion engine

electric motor

Appendix 3

Match the term with its correct definition:


the rate at which work is performed.

Prime mover

a device that uses force to accomplish something.


an effort that results in motion or physical change.


a machine whose input is natural source of energy.


a combination of the force and the distance through which it is exerted.

Appendix 4

Questions for the first group:

    What is a simple definition of a machine? What is more technical

definition? What does this definition imply?

    Describe some very simple machines. Name some complex machines.

    What do we call machines whose is a natural source of energy? What natural

sources of energy do you know and what machines use them?

    Why aren`t electric motors prime movers?

Questions for the second group:

    What is force? Give some examples of force.

    What is work? How can work be expressed mathematically?

Give an example.

    What is power?

    How is the rate of doing work usually given in the English-

Speaking countries? Why was the term invented?

    In what terms is power measured in the metric system?

Appendix 5

Six simple machines for transforming energy into work.


An inclined plane consists of a sloping surface; it is used for raising heavy bodies. The plane offers a in that the force required to move an object up the incline is less than the being raised (discounting ). The steeper the slope, or incline, the more nearly the required force approaches the actual weight. Expressed mathematically, the force F required to move a block D up an inclined plane without friction is equal to its weight W times the sine of the angle the inclined plane makes with the horizontal (θ). The equation is F = W sin θ.

In this representation of an inclined plane, D represents a block to be moved up the plane, F represents the force required to move the block, and W represents the weight of the block. Expressed mathematically, and assuming the plane to be without friction, F = W sin θ. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

The principle of the inclined plane is used widely—for example, in ramps and switchback roads, where a small force acting for a distance along a slope can do a large amount of work.


A lever is a bar or board that rests on a support called a fulcrum. A downward force exerted on one end of the lever can be transferred and increased in an upward direction at the other end, allowing a small force to lift a heavy weight.

Two examples of levers(Left) A crowbar, supported and turning freely on a fulcrum f, multiplies a downward force F applied at point a such that it can overcome the load P exerted by the mass of the rock at point b. If, for example, the length af is five times bf, the force F will be multiplied five times. (Right) A nutcracker is essentially two levers connected by a pin joint at a fulcrum f. If af is three times bf, the force F exerted by hand at point a will be multiplied three times at b easily overcoming the compressive strength P of the nutshell. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

All early people used the lever in some form, for example, for moving heavy stones or as digging sticks for land cultivation. The principle of the lever was used in the swape, or , a long lever pivoted near one end with a platform or water container hanging from the short arm and counterweights attached to the long arm. A man could lift several times his own weight by pulling down on the long arm. This device is said to have been used in Egypt and India for raising water and lifting soldiers over battlements as early as 1500 bce .

Shadoof, central Anatolia, Turkey. Noumenon


A wedge is an object that tapers to a thin edge. Pushing the wedge in one direction creates a force in a sideways direction. It is usually made of metal or wood and is used for splitting, lifting, or tightening, as in securing a hammer head onto its handle.

The wedge was used in prehistoric times to split logs and rocks; an is also a wedge, as are the teeth on a saw. In terms of its mechanical function, the screw may be thought of as a wedge wrapped around a cylinder.


A wheel and axle is made up of a circular frame (the wheel) that revolves on a shaft or rod (the axle). In its earliest form it was probably used for raising weights or water buckets from wells.

Its principle of operation is best explained by way of a device with a large and a small gear attached to the same shaft. The tendency of a force, F, applied at the radius R on the large gear to turn the shaft is sufficient to overcome the larger force W at the radius r on the small gear. The force amplification, or , is equal to the ratio of the two forces ( W:F) and also equal to the ratio of the radii of the two gears ( R:r).

Two wheel and axle arrangements(A) With a large gear and a small gear attached to the same shaft, or axle, a force F applied at the radius R on the large gear is sufficient to overcome the larger force W at the radius r on the small gear, turning the axle. (B) In a drum and rope arrangement capable of raising weights, a large drum of radius R can be used to turn a small drum. An increase in mechanical advantage can be obtained by using the large drum to turn a small drum with two radii as well as a pulley block. When a force F is applied to the rope wrapped around the large drum, the rope wrapped around the small two-radius drum winds off of d (radius r 1) and onto D (radius r 2). The force W on the radius of the pulley block P is easily overcome, and the attached weight is lifted. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

If the large and small gears are replaced with large- and small-diameter drums that are wrapped with ropes, the wheel and axle becomes capable of raising weights. The weight being lifted is attached to the rope on the small drum, and the operator pulls the rope on the large drum. In this arrangement the mechanical advantage is the radius of the large drum divided by the radius of the small drum. An increase in the mechanical advantage can be obtained by using a small drum with two radii, r 1 and r 2, and a pulley block. When a force is applied to the large drum, the rope on the small drum winds onto D and off of d.

A measure of the force amplification available with the pulley-and-rope system is the velocity ratio, or the ratio of the at which the force is applied to the rope ( V F) to the velocity at which the weight is raised ( V W). This ratio is equal to twice the radius of the large drum divided by the difference in the radii of the smaller drums D and d. Expressed mathematically, the equation is V F /V W = 2R/(r 2 - r 1). The actual mechanical advantage W/F is less than this velocity ratio, depending on friction. A very large mechanical advantage may be obtained with this arrangement by making the two smaller drums D and d of nearly equal radius.

What do a bicycle and a car have in common? They both move using the simple machine wheel and axle. In this lesson, students learn about how this simple machine works, and will identify objects that use a wheel and axle.

Download lesson plan

Materials and preparation

Related books and/or media

Key terms

  • simple machine
  • wheel

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to explain how the wheel and axle work as a simple machine. Students will be able to identify objects which use the wheel and axle.

Explicit Instruction/Teacher modeling

(15 minutes)
  • Distribute small toy cars that have wheels joined by axles to groups of students. Kick-start a discussion with some questions about the toy car mechanics, such as: How do these toy cars move? How are the wheels on each side of the car joined to each other?
  • Have a student volunteer point to the rod that holds the two wheels together. Explain that the bar that joins two wheels is called an axle.
  • Tell students that they will be learning about wheels and axles.
  • Hold up the doorknob, explaining that it is an everyday example of a wheel and axle.
  • Challenge the students to help you identify the wheel and axle in the doorknob. Listen as different students call out their guesses.
  • After some speculation, tell students that the knob that turns is the wheel. The inner rod that is attached to the knob is the axle.
  • Demonstrate how the wheel and axle works by turning the knob (wheel). That turns the inner rod (axle) and moves the latch, to open the door.

Guided Practice

(15 minutes)
  • To consolidate student thinking, set up activity stations with play dough and a rolling pin.
  • Let students practice flattening the dough with the pin.
  • Guide them to express these understandings: The rolling pin is a wheel and axle. When you push on the handles (the axle) the wheel turns and flattens out the dough.
  • Challenge students to think of other common machines that have one wheel like the rolling pin. Great examples include a wheelbarrow, a top, and a playground merry-go-round.

Independent working time

(15 minutes)
  • Pass out a copy of the Wheel and Axle worksheet to each student to complete independently.
  • Walk around the classroom to offer support to students who get stuck.


  • Enrichment: Have students who need more of a challenge read a history of other simple machines, and fill out an accompanying word search.
  • Support: Put students who need more support into pairs to complete the Wheel and Axle worksheet.


(10 minutes)
  • Collect the worksheets that the students have filled out, and correct them using the Wheel and Axle answer sheet.

Review and closing

(5 minutes)
  • In summary, remind students that the rolling pin is a wheel and axle. When you push on the handles (the axle) the wheel turns and flattens out the dough.
  • Challenge students to think of other common machines that have one wheel like the rolling pin, such as a wheelbarrow, top, and merry-go-round.
  • Remind your class that the wheel and axle is only one of six common simple machines that help things move. For homework or additional independent work, consider encouraging students to learn more about other kinds of simple machines.

Or. However, some of the most important and useful machines are quite simple. In fact, scientists even call them simple machines!

So what is a simple machine? Is it a machine that does a simple , such as addition or ? Maybe it"s just a machine that"s really easy to operate, like an old television remote control? Or could it be any machine that makes life easier?

While simple machines do make our lives easier, they"re much older than either television remotes or calculators. Simple machines are some of the first machines ever created.

Since the earliest human beings walked on Earth, they looked for ways to make the of everyday life easier to accomplish. Over time, they did this by inventing what has become known as the six simple machines.

Wedges are moving inclined planes used to lift or separate. Wedges are usually used to cut, tear, or break an object into pieces. Common wedges include knives, axes, saws, scissors, and shovels. However, wedges can also be used to hold things in place, such as in the case of staples, nails, shims, or doorstops.

A is a twisted version of an inclined plane. It allows movement to be translated into an up or down motion that takes up less space. Screws can also help hold things together. Common examples of screws include jar lids, drills, light bulbs, and bottle caps.

These six simple machines are all around us. Often more machines, also called machines, consist of one or more of the simple machines put together. Can you imagine how much easier life became after the invention of these simple machines?