The project is the city I was in. Project “Hometown (village)

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 43 “Golden Cockerel”»

Creative project

“A city where you want to live! »


“There is no way for a person to live

How can you not live without your homeland?

without a heart."

K. Paustovsky

Teacher of the senior group "Bees"

Kovaleva Svetlana Fedorovna

Essentuki, 2016

Subject:“A city where you want to live! "

Project type: creative and exploratory.

Participants: children preparatory group, parents of pupils, preparatory group teachers, music director.

Project goal: to cultivate a sense of pride, respect and love for the native land and for one’s small Motherland through acquaintance with the sights and resorts of the city, with famous people who glorified our city.


Expand your understanding of the history of your hometown;

To familiarize preschoolers with the historical, cultural, geographical, natural and ecological uniqueness of their native region;

Develop a caring attitude towards the city, its attractions, cultural values, and nature;

Cultivate a sense of pride for your fellow countrymen, an emotional and value-based attitude towards the region.

Expected result:

Children should know and name their city, hometown enterprises and their significance; symbols of the city, attractions, climatic conditions; flora and fauna;

Children should develop a sense of pride in their city and a desire to keep it clean and beautiful.

Project implementation timeframe:

2015-2016 academic year.

The work of a teacher in preparation for the project:

Consultations “Citizenship education through getting to know the history of your hometown

Selection teaching aids, demonstration material, methodological literature, books on the topic of the project;

Historical documents, photographs;

Booklets, postcard sets

The role of parents in the implementation of the project:

Collecting material, purchasing books and equipment for setting up a local history corner in the group;

Albums and illustrations.


Fostering citizenship, love for the environment, the Motherland, and family is one of the fundamental principles of state policy in the field of education, enshrined in the Law. Russian Federation"About Education". Currently, patriotic education is becoming an independent and important link. Russian education. Its tasks are put forward by life itself and are recognized as relevant by both the state and society.

Patriotism is love and affection for the Motherland, devotion to it, responsibility for it, the desire to work for its benefit, to protect and increase wealth.

The foundations of patriotism begin to form in preschool age. Patriotic education of preschool children includes the transfer of knowledge to them, the formation of attitudes based on it, and the organization of accessible activities. The foundation of patriotism is rightfully considered to be the purposeful familiarization of children with their native land.

Love for the Fatherland begins with love for one’s small homeland - the place where a person was born. To raise patriots of your city, you need to know it. The basic stage of developing love for the Motherland in children is their accumulation of social experience of life in their city, assimilation of the norms of behavior and relationships accepted in it, and introduction to the world of its culture.

To successfully work with children to familiarize themselves with the city where they live, it is necessary to use the project method.

Work on the project is carried out in several stages: preparatory, main and final.

Stage 1 – preparatory.

Completion deadlines

Parents meeting

Arouse parents' interest in the project

September 2015

Consultation for parents “Citizenship education through learning about the history of your hometown”

To encourage moms and dads to want to participate in the creation of the album “My Hometown”

September 2015

Questioning and diagnostics of children

Identify the level of knowledge of children and parents about why the city and the street on which they live are named so.

September 2015

Round table for parents based on the results of surveys, diagnostics, conversations on the problem.

Maintain interest among parents and children in the project.

October 2015

Maintain parents' interest in the project.

October 2015

Selection of teaching aids, demonstration material, methodological literature, books on the topic of the project.

Maintain interest among children and parents in the project.

September – October 2015

Stage 2 is the main one.

Completion deadlines

Collection of photographs, illustrations, books, calendars, postcards with views of the city.

Introduce children to the project; encourage you to collect as much information as possible about your city through photographs of the city, books, and learning poetry.

October – December 2015

Musical lesson “Tour of the city”.

Develop interest in your hometown through learning songs; consolidate children's knowledge about the streets and sights of the city; maintain educational interest in the history of your hometown.

October 2015

Tour of nearby streets.

To consolidate children's knowledge about nature, components streets, the location of the street, its name.

October 2015

Classes “Where does the Motherland begin?”, “Symbols of the city”, “Whose names are our streets”, “Who works in our city”.

Watching videos, photos.

Strengthen children's knowledge about the city; introduce the history of street names; instill love for your city, a sense of pride in your fellow countrymen

November – December 2015

Didactic game “City Tour”

Strengthen navigation skills, knowledge of administrative and cultural buildings, residential areas; consolidate knowledge of the streets of the immediate surroundings, after whom they are named

November 2015

Visit to the local history museum.

Involving children in active cognitive activities; maintaining interest in the project; develop the ability to listen and remember information.

December 2015

Visit to the library.

Examination of illustrations in books about the city of Essentuki; introduce the exhibition “My City”; selection of literature about the city.

January 2016

Story game"Trip around the city."

To consolidate children’s knowledge on the topic “City Streets”; arouse children's interest in traveling around the map.

February 2016

The lesson is a journey “What was before, what is now.”

Using photographs, postcards, show the difference between what the city looked like before and what it looks like now; instill love for one’s native land, cultivate a sense of pride in one’s city.

February 2016

Drawing on the theme “The street where I live”

Drawing competition on the theme: “My Favorite City.”

Strengthen the skills of compositional drawing, mixing paints; cultivate interest in drawing.

March 2016

An evening of poems and riddles about plants, animals, and birds of our native land.

Cultivate interest in literature, poetry, poems about your hometown; strengthen the ability to listen, memorize, and understand poetry.

April 2016

Quiz “Our City”

Summarize the knowledge of children and parents about their city, about its streets; create a desire for competition in children and parents.

April 2016

Excursion to the monuments of military glory

Foster a sense of pride in your fellow countrymen

April 2016

Stage 3 – final

Completion deadlines

Quiz “What? Where? When?"

Summarize children's knowledge about their hometown

May 2016

Decorating a corner in the “My City” group room

Introduce children to historical places, attractions, and beauties of our city; encourage children and their parents to take part in the design of the corner; develop an interest in the history of your city

April – May 2016

Presentation of the album “My City”.

Presentation of the exhibition of drawings “The Street Where I Live.”

Encourage children and parents to take part in creating the album; develop the ability to talk about your city; develop a sense of citizenship.

May 2016

Participation in the final teaching council based on the results of work on the project.

Creation of a multimedia presentation (report “From work experience”).

May 2016

Appendix 1.

Consultation for educators on the topic “Raising Patriots”

Patriotic education of the younger generation is one of the most pressing tasks of our time.

Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation is aimed at the formation and development of an individual who has the qualities of a citizen, a patriot and is capable of successfully fulfilling civic duties in peacetime and wartime.

The system of patriotic education provides for the formation and development of socially significant values, citizenship, and patriotism in the process of education and training in educational institutions of all types and types.

Raising patriotic feelings in children preschool age- one of the tasks of moral education, which includes nurturing love for loved ones, for kindergarten, hometown and home country.

The most difficult work is to cultivate love for one’s native land and native country. Love for one’s hometown, village, and pride in one’s country are of great importance for the development of a child’s personality. Without love for the Motherland and respect for its history and culture, it is impossible to raise a citizen and patriot of one’s Motherland, to form in children a sense of self-worth and positive personality traits.

Children must understand that they are part of a huge people and rich country that they are citizens of Russia, little Russians. To do this, it is best to introduce children to their small homeland - the place where they live. Children should know the area in which they live, see the beauty of the streets along which they pass every day. Then you need to bring to the understanding that the city is part big country, and children are residents of Russia, its citizens. A citizen is a resident of a country who recognizes its laws (rules of conduct) because he loves his country.

We must remember that a preschooler perceives the reality around him emotionally, therefore, patriotic feelings for his hometown, his native country are manifested in a feeling of admiration for his city, his country. It is these feelings that need to be evoked in the process of introducing children to their hometown and home country.

Such feelings cannot arise after several, even successful sessions. This is the result of long-term, systematic and targeted influence on the child. Introducing a preschooler to his hometown and

home country - the process is long and complex. It cannot happen from case to case.

The feeling of patriotism includes the following parameters:

A feeling of attachment to the places where a person was born and raised;

Respect for the language of your people;

Caring for the interests of the homeland;

Pride in the social and cultural achievements of one's country;

Respect for the historical past of your people, their customs and traditions;

The desire to devote one’s work to the benefit of the power and prosperity of the homeland.

The formation of any moral quality is a long and quite labor-intensive process. Any moral quality becomes stable when a worldview is formed. In preschool pedagogy, it is advisable to begin work on the formation of patriotism through nurturing the child’s feelings of love for his family, for his place of birth - this is laying the basic foundation.

To reach positive result aimed at improving moral and patriotic education in preschool educational institutions, I propose the content and rationality of the material of the developmental environment for organizing work on the patriotic education of preschool children, these are:

Creating environmental conditions in preschool educational institutions when introducing children to the chosen topic;

Decorating a corner of the city in a group room: a variety of exhibits, models of memorable and historical places, real objects on display (medals, letters, photographs, memories of relatives);

Methodological support;

The appropriateness of the location of the material;

Content appropriate for the age of the children;

Availability of free use;

Aesthetics in design;

Availability of games and aids for organizing children;

Didactic games;

Board - printed games;

Attributes for plot-role-playing games;

Illustrative material;

Compliance hygiene requirements in the production of manuals and games;

Work to familiarize children of senior preschool age with the heroic past of the country, the history of military events and the feat of the defenders of the Fatherland.

All specially organized classes with children are conducted and planned in the sections “Acquaintance with the outside world”, “Speech development” and “Cognitive development”.

A necessary condition for carrying out targeted work is the presence of an educational project or long-term plan, which include specially organized classes.

Classes are conducted on material that children can understand, starting with looking at family albums with views of the sights of our city.

Involve parents in organizing excursions to the medical park, Victory Park and visiting the local history museum, as well as making posters and drawings on the theme “My favorite city of Essentuki.”

Conduct events for parents (family evenings, thematic exhibitions, exhibitions of drawings, posters, consultations and recommendations, surveys on this topic).

Appendix 2.

Conversation: “Home addresses. Problem situations."

Guys, we live in big city, where there are many streets and houses. So that people know what is where, there is an address. What is an address? (This is the street name, house and apartment number.)

Who knows their home address? Who knows the address kindergarten? (Children's answers.)

Why do you need to know your home address? (Children's answers.)

The teacher offers several problem situations:

Imagine that you are staying at home with your grandmother. Grandma felt bad.

She asks you to call ambulance. You dial phone 03. Sasha, you dialed the number, and I accept your call. (The teacher acts out a dialogue with the child.)

Hello, the ambulance is listening.

My grandmother is feeling bad.

Where do you live, give your address. (The child gives his home address. If the child does not give the address, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that he will not be able to call an ambulance if he does not know the address.)

Imagine that you need to call the fire department. Can you do this if you don't know the address?

The teacher invites children who do not yet know their home address to be sure to learn it. (Homework).

Conversation: “Famous people of our city.”

Guys, I told you a lot about how the Russian people are very talented. How does the talent of the Russian people manifest itself? (There are many craftsmen who make beautiful objects of folk art; they compose many interesting fairy tales, poems, etc.).

Today I want to introduce you to the Essentuki poet Lev Tsirulnikov, who sang in his poems the beauty and significance of our city, and bring to your attention his poem “Gardens are Blooming in Essentuki.”

Game "Travel around your hometown."

The teacher invites the children to play on a journey. They will travel by bus around their hometown. But on the bus there will be not only residents of our city, but also guests who came to our city for the first time. Therefore, you need to choose tour guides. They will talk about the places we will pass. Children build a bus out of chairs, choose a driver and tour guides, and the rest play the roles of city guests. The teacher reminds

guests so that they do not hesitate and ask questions if they do not understand something during the trip.

Children take their seats on the bus, and during the journey the teacher shows illustrations depicting various sights of the city that the children are already familiar with, and the guides take turns explaining where they are and what they are.

Guests of our city, do you want to ask the guide something?"

The teacher helps the children formulate the question “Who is this monument erected to?”

The guide Vitya will tell you about this now.

The teacher, showing the children illustrations depicting the sights of their hometown familiar to them, continues the game.

Game "Find out where I am?"

Target: Strengthen children's knowledge about the sights of their hometown.

The teacher hands out one postcard to the children with views of their hometown and invites them to tell about what is depicted there, without naming the place itself. The rest of the children must guess what landmark of their hometown they are being told about. At the beginning of the game, the teacher can give his own sample story.

I'm near the woman's monument military uniform with a sanitary bag. The sculptor depicted her standing with a dog on a high pedestal. This monument is located on the territory of the Victoria sanatorium.

(If the children don’t guess, remind them who saved the soldiers on the battlefields during the Second World War).

After the story, the teacher shows the children a postcard with an image of the monument about which the riddle was asked.

Appendix 3.

Diagnostic card according to the level of knowledge about their hometown in children 6-7 years old.

Last name, first name of the child


Symbols of the hometown

History of folk culture and traditions

Historical and geographical and natural components of the native land, city

Personal attitude towards hometown

High level (13-15 points)

Knows the name of the city, region, his address; names and recognizes (from the illustration) sights, green areas of the native city, 4-5 streets, squares; knows and recognizes the flag, the coat of arms of the city of Essentuki, can explain the symbolism of the Essentuki coat of arms; names the natural resources of the native land, conveys the mood.

Average level 98-12 points)

Knows the name of the city, his home address; flag, coat of arms of the city of Essentuki; finds it difficult to name the sights, streets, squares of the city (they do this after an explanation from an adult). Answers are given without reasoning or explanation, speech is made with a limited vocabulary, and they do not use subject terms.

Low level (5-7 points)

The child finds it difficult to answer the questions posed, knows the names of the city, and cannot explain the symbolism of his hometown. Help from the teacher and auxiliary questions do not have a significant impact on the answers, children often remain silent. The speech is monosyllabic, with a limited vocabulary, they do not use subject terms.

Appendix 4.

Lesson summary on the topic “Where does the Motherland begin?”

Program content:

Expand children's understanding of the homeland, small and large;

To consolidate children's knowledge about the historical past and present of the city of Essentuki;

Develop memory, intelligence, resourcefulness;

Instill respect for the traditions and customs of your homeland, small and large.

Vocabulary work: native, native side, Motherland, Russia, small Motherland, big Motherland.

Material: paintings and reproductions depicting the Russian landscape, slides “Attractions of our city”, an image of the coat of arms and flag of Russia and the city of Essentuki

Literary series: “Mom”, “Kindergarten”, “Where does the Motherland begin?”

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: - Hello, guys! At each lesson, we reveal the mysteries and secrets of a new word. Are you ready to learn another secret today? ... But first, let’s remember an already familiar word. Listen carefully and remember his secret. So, the word “native”.

Let's play the game “Choose a Word”. We need to come up with the words “native”, “native”, the right word. Remember who or what we can call family.

Expected answers from children: mom, dad, brother, sister, home, kindergarten, city, region.

Educator: - Great choice! Let's remember how this word can sound in a poem:

1st child:

There are many mothers in the world

Children love them with all their hearts!

There is only one mother,

She is dearer to me than anyone else!

Who is she? I will answer:

“My dear mother”!

Let’s all say together tenderly and affectionately: “Dear mother.”

2nd child:

Early morning kindergarten

Meets kids.

There are toys without children

They're bored in the corner.

Red ball, blue ball,

Dolls, teddy bears.


Our native garden!

All the guys love it.

Educator: - Now let’s all say joyfully together: “Our native garden”!

This is how different the same word can sound. “Native side” - what do you think it is? “Native side” is a place where everything is dear and close to us, where we were born and raised, where everything is dear to us. This place is also called “Motherland”. Let's listen to a poem (read by a child).

“Where does the Motherland begin?” M. Matusovsky

Where does the Motherland begin?

From the picture in your primer.

From good and faithful comrades,

Living in the neighboring yard.

Or maybe it's starting

From the song that our mother sang to us.

Since in any test

No one can take it away from us.

Where does the Motherland begin?

From the treasured bench at the gate,

From that very birch tree in the field,

Bowing in the wind, it grows.

Educator: - How many of you know the name of our huge country in which we live? (Russia).

Yes, our Motherland is Russia.

What is the name of the main city in our country? (Moscow).

Choose from the flags and coats of arms offered to you, the flag and coat of arms of our country.

What is the name of the President of our Motherland?

Now look at the map, how huge our country is, how vast its borders are. All this is our big Motherland.

But there is a place in our country where we were born and growing up - this is our native land, this is our small Motherland.


Educator: - Each of us has a small Motherland. What is the name of the city in which we all live? (Essentuki).

Let's listen to a poem about our city, written by our fellow countryman, poet Lev Tsirulnikov.

And who knows what memorable places is there in our city? – View slides “Attractions of our city.”

What is our city famous for?

And now I’m very interested to know what the streets are like where you live? (Description of streets, name).

Child :

There are different types of houses:

High and low

Green and red

Far and near.

Panel, brick

They seem to be ordinary.

Useful, wonderful -

Houses are different.

Educator: - I invite each of you to draw your own street, your own home.

At the end of the lesson there is an exhibition of children's works.

Educator: - How different our streets and houses turned out, but all together they make up our small Motherland, our hometown.


We live

We are growing

In our hometown.

For some it is big

And for us - huge!

Let him live!

Let it grow!

Our small town!


"The city where I live"

Kokosha O.A.,

teacher of MBDOU kindergarten No. 2 in Vyazemsky

Participants: children of the preparatory group, parents, teachers.

Type: information-practice-oriented.

Duration: long-term.

Target: develop and test a model interaction between preschool educational institutions with the family in the process of civic-patriotic education of preschool children.


Develop cognitive abilities in joint practical activities with parents;

Form the prerequisites for search activities;

To instill in project participants a love for their small Motherland.

Integration of educational areas: Social and communicative development; cognitive development; speech development; artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Expected result:

Active inclusion of parents in the activities of the kindergarten in the civic and patriotic education of preschool children.

Creation of an album dedicated to the development of the Vyazemsky municipal district.

Creating optimal conditions (models) for the patriotic education of preschool children through various forms joint activities all participants in the pedagogical process.

Product: creation of the album of the Vyazemsky municipal district “Develop and prosper our Vyazemsky district!”

Relevance of the project.

Currently, the younger generation is experiencing a decline in interest and respect for Russia's past. In this regard, one of the main tasks in the field of education is the education of Russian patriots, citizens of a legal, democratic, social state who respect the rights and freedoms of the individual, the laws of their country.

Preschool educational institutions, being the initial link of the education system, are called upon to form in children their first ideas about the world around them, their attitude towards their native nature, the “Small Motherland”, their Fatherland, as well as laying the foundations of moral culture and legal consciousness.

Patriotism is the moral basis of the viability of the state. Ancient wisdom reminds us: “A person who does not know his past knows nothing.” Therefore, civil-patriotic education today is one of the most important links educational work. The importance of patriotic education in modern conditions is emphasized in the state program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2001-2005”, and then for 2006-2010.

Patriotic education of preschool children is not only the cultivation of love for one’s home, family, kindergarten, native nature, the cultural heritage of one’s people, one’s nation and a tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities, but also the cultivation of a respectful attitude towards the worker and the result of his work, dear land, defenders of the Fatherland, state symbols, state traditions and public holidays. All these tasks are important and relevant, and none of them can be abandoned.

MADO kindergarten No. 101 in Tyumen


Teachers – Natalya Nikolaevna Koryakina, speech therapist teacher (higher qualification category, teaching experience 24 years), Pologrudova Natalya Petrovna, teacher (first qualification category, teaching experience 18 years),

children of senior preschool age – speech therapy group No. 6 "Fidgets"

Implementation period: 1nelelya

Children's organization form: individual-subgroup

Leading activity: educational and creative


The feeling of the Motherland... It begins in a child with the relationship to the family, to the closest people - to the mother, father, grandmother, grandfather. These are the roots that connect him with his home and immediate environment.

The younger generation needs to know and study the culture of their ancestors. It is the emphasis on knowledge of the history of the people and their culture that will help in the future to treat the cultural traditions of other peoples with respect and interest, to cultivate respect and pride for the land on which you live.

Therefore, the problem of patriotic education of preschool children is one of the most pressing today.

The source of patriotic education of preschool children is the natural environment of their life. And first of all, this is “Small Motherland”.

While identifying problems in the development of ideas about their hometown in children of senior preschool age, we noticed that knowledge in this area is insufficient and superficial. The task of teachers is to awaken in children a love for their native land as early as possible, to cultivate love and respect for their home, kindergarten, home street, city. In instilling love for the Motherland, it is important to maintain consistency: from close to distant, from small to great (my house - my street - my city).

And so we chose the theme of the pedagogical project: “The city in which we live.”

Project goal:

Familiarization of preschool children with their native land, development of patriotic feelings and respect for their small homeland in preschoolers.

Based on the goal, we determined the complex tasks:

  • Fostering a child’s love and affection for his family, home, kindergarten, street, city;
  • Expanding children's ideas about the use of acquired knowledge and skills in different types of activities;
  • Development of children's cognitive activity through project activities with the involvement of family members of pupils.
  • Establishing partnerships with the family of each student, creating an atmosphere of community of interests, emotional mutual support and interpenetration in the context of project implementation;
  • Development of children's communication skills.

Component model of the pedagogical process:

  • joint activities of the teacher and children;
  • independent children's activities;
  • interaction with parents;

When creating the project, we adhered to basic principles:

  • Our main emphasis is on the socialization of the child;
  • Let's decide educational objectives during games, cognitive, research and productive activities of children in the absence of strictly regulated forms of organization of children;
  • We flexibly design a subject-development environment, create situations of choice;
  • We bring the content of education closer to personal experience child;
  • We ensure optimal motor mode (free movement of children);
  • We use new mechanisms for interaction with parents.


In the process of various cognitive and creative activities, children’s ideas about their native land will expand.

Expected results:

  • children's levels will increase cognitive development on this topic;
  • learn to draw conclusions and establish cause-and-effect relationships based on the results of their experiments;
  • joint activities of teachers, parents and children will unite our child-adult team more closely;

Project stages:

  • Preparatory (organizational)
  • Project execution
  • Final (final)

Productproject activities:


  • Ø Questionnaire;
  • Ø A selection of didactic and role-playing games;
  • Ø Selection and systematization of physical education, finger, visual and breathing games on the topic “City. Streets";
  • Ø Card index of poems, songs, proverbs and sayings about the native land;
  • Ø Selection of children's works by Tyumen writers for the art corner;
  • Ø Selection of art materials, postcards with views of Tyumen and cities of the Tyumen region;
  • Ø Carrying out educational activities(cognitive, artistic-aesthetic, speech);


  • Ø Exhibition of drawings “The street where I live”;
  • Ø Excursion to the library to meet with the Tyumen writer Elena Dubovskaya “My Favorite Cats”;
  • Ø City tour (walking “City Streets”)
  • Ø Making baby books.


  • Ø Exhibition of children’s and parents’ drawings “My street, my yard”;
  • Ø Photo exhibition “I love Tyumen”;
  • Ø Design of the book “Wealth of the Tyumen Region”;

The project presents a model of inclusive education for children with disabilities health, which is based on children with delay speech development in order to more successfully socialize them in modern living conditions.

Project report

On the first (preparatory) stage project, they conducted a survey “The role of parents in nurturing children’s love for their hometown.” (Appendix 1) Appendix No. 1 Questionnaire for parents of older children.doc

Its results showed that 80% of parents consider the problem of patriotic education of children to be relevant. Thus, 65% of parents have a positive attitude towards the problem of patriotic education in the family, 15% - negatively and 20% - neutrally. Parents believe that children need to be introduced to their hometown and region. At the same time, they agreed that kindergarten still plays a big role in fostering love for one’s hometown.

We worked with methodological material. We compiled a project passport.

Made a selection didactic games, books, illustrative material.

We designed a civics corner, which included all the components: the concept of a “small homeland” - country, region, city.

We looked at the map of the country with the children, noting its size and location of the Tyumen region and the city of Tyumen. After this, they drew up a map of the city: at the beginning they showed the boundaries of the microdistrict in which the kindergarten and children's homes are located. From time to time, together with the children, we determined the location on the general map of the city of the street where the children live, fixing the name and practicing orientation skills on paper.

I tried to place photographs, illustrations, a library of books, a selection of didactic games in a corner so that children could, with daily free access, independently expand their knowledge about their hometown and region: looking at sets of postcards with views of Tyumen today and more early years(before the war, after the war, during the Revolution) and see a gradual transformation reflecting different eras.

At the second stage project with children, mainly relied on play activities, used plot - role playing games, didactic, board and printed games: wandering game “Walk around the city”, “Who lives where” (in the city - townspeople, in Tyumen - Tyumen residents, etc.), “Collect a picture”, “Decipher”, “ 4 extra.”

In free play activities, they organized thematic buildings of streets and courtyard structures to reinforce many concepts (architectural components, constructive play skills. To facilitate the task and unite the children's team, they united the children into creative groups, in which they temporarily became a project group in which someone was an architect, someone was a civil engineer, embodying their fantasies in a concrete work. This kind of activity contributed to the development of children’s interest in modern professions and self-determination.

One of the main methods of work was the walking tour “City Streets” and targeted walks, during which children learned more about their neighborhood, learned to see the changes happening around, compare the old and new in the appearance of the city, and see how people care about their hometown: the streets are clean, trees and flowers are planted.

The knowledge gained during excursions and conversations was consolidated in creative activities - constructing from building material“City of the Future”: there were no limits to children’s imagination. They formed a positive emotional attitude in children to what they saw, developed and enriched their speech.

It was especially important to introduce children to the objects of their immediate environment, to teach them to freely navigate where the kindergarten where the child goes and the school where he will later study is located. At the same time, they did not forget about the task of cultivating a feeling of love for their small homeland, a careful and responsible attitude towards it.

Information about the street on which they live turned out to be useful for children, namely: what is located on it, how it is connected to the street on which the kindergarten is located, consolidating the children’s acquired knowledge in directly organized educational activities (Appendix 2).

The results were not long in coming - the children easily named the names of the streets and talked with enthusiasm about their yard. The result was the design of an album of children's and parents' drawings and layouts from various waste materials and plasticine on the theme "My street, my yard."

Together with the children, we designed cards of squares and public gardens in the city of Tyumen, and a presentation of Tyumen streets named after the heroes of the city.

Over the weekend, children and their parents visited their favorite places in the city and took photographs. These photographs capture different moments (in the courtyard, at monuments, in squares during holidays). Looking at the photographs, the guys enjoyed recognizing each other, familiar places, and sharing their impressions.

By introducing them to the specific destinies of outstanding compatriots, they introduced children to the glorious pages of the history of the Tyumen region, emphasizing the importance of each person’s contribution to the development of their country: they talked about the successes of Tyumen athletes, about how good it is to be strong and healthy. In the group, many children love to watch biathlon and know by sight the famous Anton Shipulin, Evgeniy Garanichev, Anton Babikov, Tatyana Akimov and others. After the competition was shown, they came to the kindergarten and shared their impressions.

All this helps to develop their interest and respect for sports as the cultural heritage of humanity.

Together with the children, we designed little books “Elite of the Tyumen Region”, “Birds of the Tyumen Region”, “Forest Animals”, “Oil and Gas”, “Siberian Valenki”, “What is our region rich in?”

On final stage held a round table with parents and children, shared their impressions of the work done,

opinion: how to make the city cleaner?

Carry out the campaign “Let's make the city cleaner together” (collecting plastic caps); - continue work on accumulating material on this topic: introduce children to traditions, nationalities, crafts, ornaments, games of the peoples of the North of the Tyumen region through various productive activities;

A selection of thematic consultations for parents on the topic;

A trip to the Rainbow library with parents

The feeling of patriotism is multifaceted in its content and cannot be defined in a few words. It is formed gradually in the process of accumulating knowledge and ideas about the environment, this is love for the places where one was born, and pride in one’s people, and a feeling of inseparability with the entire surrounding world and the desire to preserve and increase the wealth of the small Motherland.


The project method turned out to be very effective and relevant today. It gives the child the opportunity to experiment, systematize the acquired knowledge, develop creativity and communication skills, this is especially important for our children with delayed speech development. Thus, as a result of joint work on the project, the children got acquainted with Tyumen: they learned about the sights and historical places of our city, about significant events, and remembered the names of streets and districts. They began to navigate their neighborhood (neighborhood) well and remembered their home address. The work contributed to the assimilation of general cultural values, expansion of horizons and vocabulary.


1. Program from birth to school. Sample general education program preschool education/ edited by N. E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.- M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2014

2. Program of correctional and developmental work in the speech therapy group of a kindergarten for children with general speech underdevelopment (from 4 to 7 years old) N.V. Nishcheva. - SPb.: CHILDREN'S PRESS, 2006

3. N.V. Aleshina “Patriotic education of preschool children”, M., TsGL. 2005

4. N.V. Aleshina “Introducing preschoolers to their hometown.” Lesson notes M.: Sphere shopping center, 1999

5. N.E. Veraksa, A.N. Veraksa Project activities for preschoolers.

6. T.S. Komarova, N.G. Panteleeva Organization pedagogical work on instilling love for their hometown in older preschoolers./Modern preschool education. 2010 - No. 1

7. L.A. Kondrykinskaya “Where does the Motherland begin?” M. Sphere shopping center, 2004

8. T.I. Krupka, Introducing preschoolers to their small homeland / T.I. Krupka, L. F. Samborenko // Preschool teacher. – 2009. – №3.

9. S.P. Maleeva, Project activity in local history as a means of developing cognitive and creative activity of preschool children / S. P. Maleeva // Innovative educational technologies: materials of international. scientific conf. (Kazan, October 2014). - Kazan: Buk, 2014. – P. 95 – 97.

10. N.V. Nishcheva Subgroup notes speech therapy sessions V senior group kindergarten for children with special needs - St. Petersburg: CHILDREN'S PRESS, 2006

Photos from the archives of kindergarten No. 101, Tyumen

“Certificate of publication in the media” Series A No. 0004908 - Series A No. 0004909

We invite preschool teachers of the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their teaching material:
- Pedagogical experience, original programs, methodological manuals, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Khodynino village kindergarten No. 6 “Spikelet”


"The city where I live!"

for senior preschool age

With. Khodynino

Problem: In the process of working with children to expand their understanding of

native country, native land, native city, we are faced with the fact that children

experienced a lack of knowledge about their hometown.

Conducted research: We observed their communication and play, talked with the children, and conducted surveys. As a result:

75% of children did not have knowledge about their hometown and Russia. They did not name the city in which they live, their home address, and preschoolers also lack cognitive interest in the history and cultural heritage of the city or region;

25% of children named the symbols of Russia and told us a little about the city.

A survey conducted among parents of MBDOU students


50% of parents do not have the opportunity to visit beautiful places cities due to high employment;

30% of parents find it difficult to know the history of the city or region;

20% of parents do not know and do not want to know the history of the city and region.

The task of instilling a sense of patriotism and love for the small Motherland was traditionally solved in preschool educational institutions, but the results of the study showed the need to strengthen work in this direction and fill it with new content. Therefore, there was a need to change the forms of organization of pedagogical

process to familiarize children with the features of the city and region. In our opinion, the solution to this problem was the implementation of the project: “The city in which I

Target: The main goal of the project is to create conditions for

expanding the horizons of children and parents about their hometown through the joint activities of the teacher, children and parents.

Tasks: - Give children knowledge about their hometown: history, symbols,

sights, ecology in the city.

Introduce the names of those who founded and glorified the city.

Expand children's knowledge about the flora and fauna of the Rybnovsky region.

To cultivate love for one’s hometown, region, the ability to see beauty,

be proud of him.

Involve parents of students in joint activities to study and present the studied material about their city.

Forms and methods of work:With children: educational and gaming activities,

excursions, observations, conversations, writing creative stories,

familiarization with fiction and poetry.

With parents: design of albums, sliding folders, production

family albums. Presentation of poems about your hometown, collection of riddles.

Involving parents in the competition.

Project type: Long-term, group.

Participants: Children of the preparatory group, parents of students, group teacher.

Project implementation timeline: 2012 – 2013 academic years .

Main section of the program: Cognitive development. Sections of the program, the content of which is included in the project: speech development, visual activity, play activity, musical activities, classes to familiarize yourself with the outside world.

Expected results: - Children should know and name their city, city symbols, attractions, climatic conditions; flora and fauna;

Children should develop a sense of pride in their city and a desire to keep it clean and beautiful.

Project management stages:Conceptual: justification of the relevance of the topic, motivation for its choice, formulation of tasks and goals of the project (together with parents).

Initial diagnostic: development and organization of diagnostic tools.

Formative: activities in accordance with thematic planning.

Final diagnostic: assessment of the level of development of children's knowledge about their hometown.

Stages of carrying out and implementing the project.


Studying children's interests to determine project goals.

Collection and analysis of literature for adults and children.

Organizational and practical

Diagnostics of children “What do you know about your homeland?”

Conducting a series of educational classes on the topics: “I live in the city of Rybnoye”, “Acquaintance with the coat of arms of the city of Rybnoye”, etc.

Album design: " Famous places the city of Rybnoye”, “We are for life on earth”...

Selection of riddles with parents.

Design of didactic games:

“Find the coat of arms of Russia”, “Assemble the flag”, “Complete the mosaic”, “Pack a backpack for a hike”, “What did the artist forget to draw?”

Exhibition “Street Emblem” (together with parents)

Excursion and photo excursion to the monument to fallen heroes.

Learning the verses of songs about the Motherland, Rybnoye.

Design of the stand “Where I was with my family”

Making a mini-museum “Russian House of Fish”

Presentation - final

Open lesson “I love you - my native land”

Exhibition of children's activity products.

Assessment of the stages of project implementation by children.

Summing up.

Presentation at the teachers' meeting on the topic.

Necessary conditions for project implementation

interest of children and parents;

methodological developments,

integration in educational areas of kindergarten.

Expected result

The final result is a diagnosis where children will show their knowledge. The active participation of children in exhibitions, competitions, sports and patriotic events, discussions, and other activities is taken into account.

The ability to express one’s own opinion, analyze, react quickly to what is happening, and provide all possible assistance. Mastering accessible knowledge about the history of our native Fatherland. Acquisition of social communication skills by preschool children with adults.


You should not expect children to show adult forms of love for their hometown, but if during the implementation of the project children acquire knowledge about the history of the city, symbols, sights, and will know the names of those who founded and glorified the city. Showing attention and respect to veterans and elderly people, providing all possible assistance. If they begin to show interest in the events of city life and reflect their impressions in productive activities, then we can assume that the goal and objectives of the project have been fulfilled.

Project methods

Observation, joint games, questioning, educational game activities,

Strategy for implementing project activities

This project was implemented within the framework of the MDOU “Kindergarten No. 6 “Spikelet” in the 2012 – 2013 academic year with children of senior preschool age in specially organized activities; joint activities of teacher and child; independent children's activities; activities of children and parents. During the implementation of the project, we came to the conclusion that such activities, games, productive activity unite children with common impressions, experiences, emotions, and contribute to the formation of collective relationships.

"Genuine meeting" with cultural heritage city, region helped to reveal the intellectual and creative abilities of children, formed some judgments and assessments. The developmental environment created in the group helped to implement the main directions of museum pedagogy. The creation of the mini-museum “Russian Izba” gave children an idea of ​​the life of people in the city. Fine arts classes introduced children to artistic work, as well as establishing communications with adults and peers based on joint activities and mutual assistance. Implementation educational fields, were built in games different types(competitive, speech, attention, etc.) made it possible to successfully solve the problems of children’s physical development, taking into account individual abilities. In addition, games contributed to the development of moral qualities (mutual assistance, mutual support)

Results achieved

Suggestions for possible dissemination of the project

The project can be used in any senior group of a kindergarten, in group work, for children in short-term groups of children, in extended groups primary school. We really hope that the work being done will help children feel love and affection for their home, family, city, region; feel pride and respect for your nation, Russian culture, language, traditions, be proud of your people, their achievements, teach you to admire nature and treat it with care

Pleshakov grade 2 part 1. Workbook

On these pages, present the main materials on the project (photos, background information, etc.). Make and record a plan for speaking at the project presentation. Evaluate your work on the project. Express gratitude to those who helped you or participated in the work with you.

Plan of my speech at the presentation.

1) The city where I live
2) History of my city: year of foundation, development
3) Sights of my city
4) How does my city live now?
5) I love my city

Presentation “The city where I live”

The city where I live is called Moscow. This is a very large, very beautiful and world famous city. Moscow is the capital of Russia. It is even called the heart of Russia and this is true: the President of the country and the Government work in Moscow, all the main government structures are located and the most famous people countries.

My city was first mentioned in chronicles in 1147. This means that Moscow is almost 900 years old! At first, Moscow was a small town, lost among the forests, then it became the capital of an appanage principality, and in 1389 Moscow became the capital of the Russian state.

What Moscow has not seen over these centuries: wars and sieges, fires and revolutions, foreign invaders and the crowning of new kings. The streets of Moscow have been rebuilt more than once, but still my city has always been revived and grown, becoming more beautiful and richer.

The whole world admires the sights of Moscow: the Bolshoi Theater, Red Square, St. Basil's Cathedral, the Kremlin, Gorky Park and VDNH, the Museum fine arts named after A.S. Pushkin and the Tretyakov Gallery.

Now more than 12 million people live in Moscow. This is a huge city, attracting more and more new residents, because living in Moscow is not only comfortable, but also interesting. We often host fairs and festivals, the most famous artists come, bike rides, parades and fireworks are held.

And recently a grandiose event took place in Moscow - the World Cup. Guests from all over the world came to our city. It was a real holiday, very bright and memorable.

I love my city. He is the best on the whole planet!

How do I evaluate my work on the project (was the work interesting, easy or difficult, was it completely independent or did it require the help of adults, how did the collaboration with classmates develop, was the work successful).

I really enjoyed working on the project. I learned a lot of new things interesting facts about my city and discovered many places where I would like to go myself.
The whole family helped me in my work. Dad found information on the Internet, mother helped prepare the presentation, grandmother looked for photographs, and grandfather shared his memories.

Thanks for your help and cooperation.

Thank you very much to my mom, dad, grandparents for their help! I also want to thank my friends Kolya and Misha. You helped me correct the mistakes in time. And special thanks to my dog ​​Zhula. Without you, my walks around the city would not be so fun.