Register of checks for tax purposes sample. We compile an inventory of documents for the tax office - sample Sample register of sales receipts for tax deduction

In accordance with subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 220 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a property tax deduction for new construction. You can find a sample of filling out 3 personal income tax when buying a house on our website. All inspectors shout in unison that checks can only be dated. Register of checks for tax sample. It follows from this rule that invoices tax agent not needed for deduction. Sample Register of Checks for Tax Deductions. Sample of a completed application for a tax deduction for treatment. In the article we will reveal in detail which documents for tax deduction for treatment you need to collect them correctly. Will it be enough to provide the tax authority with a sales receipt for a tax deduction? List of documents provided by an individual to the tax office to receive a social deduction. Samples of business documents Property deduction. You need to make an inventory of receipts and goods receipts too, that’s it. Sample document for tax deduction download simple taxes. The list of medicines for tax deduction is determined on the basis. Burnt out checks, I think actual payment. For tax authorities, TIN. It took quite a lot of time for all the paperwork, but all the checks and receipts. It is necessary to draw up a register of receipts for construction and finishing materials in order to receive a tax deduction. Important note: When submitting to the tax authority, copies of documents confirming the right to deduction are required. Sample register of receipts for building materials for tax deduction. Register of checks for tax deductions sample filling. Important topic Taxation of personal income tax 3NDFL Tax deductions for individuals Tax deduction for treatment. Just bring a bunch of checks to the tax office with the total amount and make some kind of register of checks? Register of checks for tax purposes sample. Now you can find out a lot about the Register of checks for tax deductions, filling out a sample, but there are such a huge number of unique facts
. In the latter case, we recommend submitting the declaration in person, not by mail, and taking it with you to. Also in the payment certificate medical services for tax authorities, which. When filling out 3NDFL for a property deduction for the purchase of an apartment. Tax deduction without receipts. That is Tax code does not establish any special requirements for the presence of cash receipts for the purpose of deducting VAT. Property tax deduction, keep your receipts. We learned about it on the Internet new document about property tax deductions for pensioners. Cash receipt original, copy. Now you can find out a lot about Download Register of checks for tax deduction Sample, but only this website has such a huge number of unique facts. Sales receipts without indicating the buyer's full name, it can be used to justify the use of a property tax deduction. The stamp For is placed in the center of the prescription form. Sample Register of checks. Tax deduction for treatment benefit. Sample application for refusal. Sales and purchase agreement for a building. Dress up games fairies mermaids angels. Details about documents for tax deductions for mortgage interest and housing. Social tax deductions are provided in. PURCHASE OF PROPERTY written application for a deduction sample 1 copy of the agreement on. How to prepare documents for a tax deduction for education. Inventory of documents for tax sample. And how these checks and receipts should be collected and described. Prescription form with stamp For tax authorities Russian Federation, Taxpayer INN. Register form for tax deduction Forms, samples and forms of the 3 personal income tax declaration and documents for " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
I was planning to make tax deductions for paid medical treatment. Can I apply to the tax office again to receive a deduction for the return to receive a tax deduction for education? Payment documents confirming the fact of loan payment: receipts, checks, payment orders, statements.

Online on our website in literally 15 - 20 minutes and order a free check by our specialists.

It is very important to us that you ultimately receive a tax return without errors and with the maximum possible deductions according to your situation.

Below are submission instructions. tax return to the inspection, as well as a list of additional documents that may also be needed.

Print out the completed 3-NDFL tax return in 2 copies (only one-sided printing is allowed) and pay attention to the following:

  • on the title page of the declaration, almost at the very bottom, on the right, above the block “To be filled out by a tax authority employee,” you need to indicate the number of sheets of supporting documents that you will submit along with the declaration;
  • on the title page of the declaration, at the very bottom, on the left, in the block “I confirm the accuracy and completeness of the information specified in this declaration” - you must put a Signature and Date;
  • on each printed sheet of the declaration, at the very bottom, starting with Section 1, you must put a Signature and Date.

You can find out what documents need to be attached to the declaration in the Tax Deductions section of our website.

In most cases, if the purpose of preparing a declaration is a tax refund, you need to attach a Tax Refund Application (form and completed sample below, in paragraph 1), as well as a certificate in form 2-NDFL and documents confirming expenses.

You can submit a declaration to the tax office in person, through a representative by proxy, or by Russian Post with a list of the contents.

Additional documents that may also be needed along with the declaration:

1. Tax refund application Download the form Download the completed sample

In the case of preparing a tax return 3-NDFL for the purpose of obtaining tax deductions (tax refund), an Application for Tax Refund is also submitted along with the declaration.

If you filled out the declaration on our website, then after paying for it, the Application can also be filled out online in your Personal Account!

Please note the following:

1) on the first sheet of the Application, data on lines - amount to be returned, Code according to OKTMO and Code budget classification- You will find in Section 1 of the declaration you prepared;

2) after filling out the Application, click “Save as...”, otherwise the entered data may not be saved.

2. Register of supporting documents when submitting a 3-NDFL declaration Download the form Download the completed sample

In case of filing a tax return 3-NDFL, the taxpayer has the right to fill out and attach the Register of supporting documents (2 copies). If he does not do this, then the tax inspector himself will form one.
Also, the inspector can prepare a new Register if there are any inconsistencies or errors in the Register provided by the taxpayer.

The Register provides additional fields, where you can add other documents that are not directly named in it.

If a 3-NDFL tax return is submitted by mail, the taxpayer is required to draw up an Inventory of Attachments in 2 copies indicating all the documents being sent.

4. Application for distribution of property deduction Download the form Download the completed sample

into common joint ownership and the decision to establish the proportion of which of the spouses will receive the deduction and in what amount, it is also necessary to attach a corresponding statement on the distribution of the deduction between the spouses.

5. Agreement on the distribution of actual expenses Download the form Download the completed sample

In the case of preparing a tax return 3-NDFL in order to obtain a property deduction in connection with the purchase of housing to the general shared ownership and the decision to establish the actual expenses for the purchase of each of the owners, that is, who and in what amount of the spouses will receive a deduction, it is also necessary to attach the corresponding Agreement on the distribution of expenses.

6. Application for distribution of property deduction regarding mortgage interest Download the form Download the completed sample

From 01/01/2014, taxpayers - spouses have the right every year anew, according to the Statement, to distribute the actual mortgage interest paid, that is, to determine who will receive a deduction and in what amount. To do this, you must attach the appropriate Application for the distribution of interest paid.

The accompanying register for 3-NDFL is required if supporting documents are attached to the declaration. In this case, the final package is drawn up taking into account the rules of office work in order to prevent the loss of forms. In what order is the register compiled for the 3-NDFL declaration? Is it possible to develop a list yourself? Let's take a closer look at the legal requirements.

The main functionality of the register of documents for 3-NDFL, the form is given below, is to list the name and quantity of all primary documents(agreements, checks, certificates, etc.) attached directly to the tax return. Such confirmation of the income and expenses that have taken place is required when declaring income cash, registration of deductions, justification of receipt of income according to stat. 228 NK.

In accordance with standards Russian legislation the formation of a register is not an obligation, but a right of the taxpayer (clause 1.16 of the Procedure according to Order No. ММВ-7-11/671@ dated 12/24/14). This means that, contrary to the prevailing opinion, drawing up such a document is not necessary, and the taxpayer can decide whether to submit such a form or not independently. However, it is in the interests of the citizen, especially when claiming deductions, to fully comply with the regulations for submitting reporting documentation to control authorities. Therefore, it is more advisable to spend a little more of your time and fill out the register of attached documents to 3-NDFL - the form is approved at the federal level.

Who should fill out the 3-NDFL registry form for supporting documents

The official form (Appendix 3 to Order ММВ-7-6/97@ dated 02.25.16) must initially be filled out by taxpayers. When drawing up the document, you should indicate the total number of attached documentation, which must match the number of sheets with the number indicated on the title page of the declaration. And, of course, there should be no discrepancies between the actual number of applications and those indicated in the registry.

If the taxpayer submits 3-NDFL without a register or the attached list indicates a different number of accompanying documents, the tax employees themselves can draw up the register. After eliminating the discrepancies, the entire package is transferred to the department for desk audits regarding income tax.

Pay attention! The method of submitting the declaration can be any and is chosen at the request of the taxpayer. If data is submitted by mail, it is mandatory to compile a postal inventory of the attachments (Article 80 of the Tax Code). This document does not replace or cancel the right to create a register.

What documents should be entered into the register for 3-NDFL - form 2017:

  • Declaration f. 3-NDFL.
  • Forms justifying and confirming the actual expenses incurred by the taxpayer - such documents are usually attached when registering an individual’s right to social or property deductions. The mandatory ones are contracts with an institution (medical or educational); institution licenses; additional agreements to the main agreement; payment checks, receipts; certificates confirming relationship; certificates of ownership; prescriptions, directions for the purchase of medicines, examinations, tests, treatment, etc.
  • Personal identification documentation.
  • Application for deduction.
  • Certificate of income of the taxpayer f. 2-NDFL.
  • Other documents - the exact list depends on the reason for submitting the 3-NDFL declaration.

Register of documents for 3-NDFL – form 2017

You can download the form on the Internet on special regulatory resources or on the official website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. If an individual submits a declaration along with an accompanying register, this document must be completed only on an approved form. There is no need to develop the list yourself.

Since the register is created for a specific individual, the document is certified by the personal signature of the citizen-taxpayer. Compilation is allowed in electronic form, using specialized programs. When 3-NDFL is generated through the ECS, the system automatically fills out the register itself and sends it along with the main declaration, which eliminates errors. Besides, software, intended for reporting, is regularly updated, which means you can always be sure that you have sent documents according to the current standard.

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

Technological progress is modernizing the office work system, but in government agencies The “paper code” still carries significant weight. Among the many clerical tricks, an inventory is an important component. The list of certificates and receipts not only confirms the fact of provision, but also eliminates their duplication in the future at the request of the competent authorities. Read on to learn how to correctly compile a list of documents for the tax office, a sample of how to fill it out, and the specifics of submission.

Next to each document you should indicate:

  • number of sheets and copies;
  • copy or original;
  • presence of a seal.

It is advisable to ask for a receipt certified by the signature of the employee who received the documents.

Sending documents by mail

Control authorities allow transfer tax documentation by mail.

Accountants often resort to postal services when filing returns and other papers. In order to protect documents, an official inventory form “f-107” has been developed, used for valuable letters. To send, you will need 2 copies filled out without errors or corrections.

The following information must be entered in the empty fields:

  • type of item: letter of value;
  • name and address of the recipient: full name of the head of the Federal Tax Service indicating its administrative affiliation;
  • a complete list of documents, quantity and estimated value;
  • signatures of the taxpayer and the employee who accepted the papers indicating the full name and position;
  • post office stamp.

Table 1. Procedure for sending documents by mail

Step 1The envelope is accepted open.
Step 2The postal worker inspects the contents for compliance with the register specified in the inventory.
Step 3The courier will check that the address column is filled out correctly, signs and stamps the form.
Step 4Due to the fact that the list of attachments is provided exclusively for valuable letters, an obligatory item is to indicate the value of the contents. Each document should be assessed individually. An insurance premium of 3 to 4% will be deducted from the final amount. The taxpayer is given the opportunity to put a dash in the “Cost” column and not pay for insurance, but if the letter is lost due to the fault of the post office, the sender will not be able to receive compensation.

The average cost of sending valuable letters is 20 rubles per 10 g of documentation.