Reconstituted orange juice. How and from what is reconstituted juice made? The decision is yours

Yulia Tikhonova

Some buyers have prejudices that most juices sold in stores are not entirely natural and their benefits are minimal. Some people are confused by the phrase “ reconstituted juice", an association appears with something unnatural, like dry drinks like Yupi and Zuko. Is this so? We suggest finding out below.

What types of fruit juices are there?

Initially, all natural juices can be divided into 5 categories:

Freshly squeezed fruit drinks are prepared immediately before consumption and have a very short shelf life. It is not recommended to keep them in the refrigerator for more than a day. The benefits of such a drink are enormous, but producing such a product on an industrial scale is not profitable.

Directly pressed products are also obtained from fresh raw materials - pomegranate from pomegranates, apple from apples. These products are made from ripe, high-quality fruits. After pressing, the juice is pasteurized and poured into special containers - aseptic bags or glass bottles.

According to GOST, its shelf life is short - from 20 days to 3 months. Because of this, not many companies are involved in the production of this drink, although its health benefits are high.

According to GOST, reconstituted fruit juices are also made from natural ingredients, but not fresh, but concentrated. To return to a liquid state, purified drinking water is used. Products in this category can be stored for a long time. Reconstituted tomato juice can be made from tomato puree or paste.

The concentrated product is obtained by physically removing liquid from the squeezed material; in other words, it is evaporated. This is done in a vacuum at a temperature of about 65 0. This allows you to preserve all the beneficial properties of the raw materials, which means that the product is truly natural.

Natural flavoring substances “extracted” from fruits of the same name can be added to such fruit drinks. For production, not only the directly pressed product is used, but also an extract of dry substances from the fruit.

Fruit raw materials produced by extracting extractives from fresh or dried materials using purified water are called diffusion. You can first evaporate the concentrate from it, and then restore the drink again. The main thing is that the resulting product meets GOST standards for this type of product.

The last two substances are used to make reconstituted juices. Let's take a closer look at how this happens.

Reconstituted juice - what does it mean?

Since the technology for obtaining the concentrate makes it possible to preserve almost all the beneficial properties of the raw material, we can assume that 100% natural material is used to prepare this category of product.

The process of returning the puree to a liquid state occurs in several stages. According to GOST, the share of added water cannot exceed its evaporated amount. That is, if when making pomegranate concentrate you “pulled out” 1 liter of water, then when diluting you can add no more than this volume.

As you can see, if all GOST standards for reconstituted juices are used, the drink will be of high quality and will not cause harm.

If we talk about vegetable drinks of this class, they are prepared in a similar way. When restoring, the use of natural taste improvers is allowed. These include salt, herbs and spices; in some cases, vinegar can be used.

What is reconstituted pomegranate juice?

And they do it like this. Pomegranate or other concentrate is heated to 100 0 for 30 s, this temperature is maintained for no more than 4 s. After this time, the liquid is cooled to room temperature. This must be done in 30 seconds.

Complete recovery occurs in several such cycles. Exactly how many of them there will be depends on the number of steps used to obtain the concentrate. If the product was concentrated in 3 cycles, then it is also diluted in 3.

Pomegranate or any other reconstituted juice made in accordance with GOST will be practically in no way inferior in taste and content of nutrients to its counterpart made by direct extraction.

To improve color, aroma and taste, it is allowed to add natural flavors obtained from fruit peels and ascorbic acid. The finished diluted concentrate is pasteurized and poured into a special container.

Reconstituted clarified juice

Natural fruit reconstituted concentrates may or may not be clarified. In unclarified products, after pressing, the resulting liquid is passed through a sieve and cleared of coarse impurities and large particles, but some of the pulp remains.

A clarified pomegranate, apple or grape drink is completely transparent, and the presence of sediment in it indicates a long period of standing on the counter.

To achieve transparency, different techniques can be used. The most gentle and does not harm the taste and composition is physical cleaning: settling, filtering and centrifugation.

Enzymatic methods affect the biochemical and physicochemical characteristics of drinks. Lightening occurs by adding substances that destroy proteins and starch. Thermal treatment of raw materials has the same effect: heating/cooling and freezing/thawing.

Fruit diluted concentrates can also be transparent due to the use of lining materials - gelatin, fish glue, mustard seeds, agar and sodium salt of alginic acid. If the dosage is violated, the benefit will be minimal and the harm will be great, so combined substances (tannin and gelatin) are often used for lightening.

Clarified nectar not only has an attractive appearance, but also a longer shelf life. The taste and chemical composition meet the requirements presented to them (GOST R 53584–2009), but their benefits are small. The clarified product can be used to produce alcoholic and non-alcoholic products, and is also sold in stores in its pure form.

Pomegranate, apple, grape and other liquids of this category without pulp, when brought to a transparent state, may lose their fullness of taste. These drinks do not harm the body, but they also do not provide the required amount of vitamins and minerals.

The benefits and harms of reconstituted juices

On store shelves you can find different fruit juices - pomegranate, carrot-apple, banana. The label must contain information about the method of obtaining the product, direct extraction or obtained from concentrate. Of course, great benefit will come from an unclarified drink with pulp and a short shelf life.

Fruit and vegetable products from concentrates can be called natural only if the composition does not contain preservatives or additives that are harmful. The use of sorbic and ascorbic acids is allowed. It is better to give preference to products manufactured in accordance with GOST standards and approved by the Ministry of Health.

The benefit will only come from drinks that have not expired and are in undamaged containers. In expired products of this category, the fermentation process may begin; taking such liquid orally will cause harm to the body.

What to look for when choosing juice?

Reconstituted fruit juices are produced by many manufacturers. “Honest” companies indicate on the front side not only the name, but also the method of manufacturing the product. The natural drink does not contain sugar, dyes or flavors. Pomegranate and other diluted concentrates can be poured into glass containers or special bags.

Reconstituted juices are based on fruit, vegetable or berry concentrate. It is made by evaporating or freezing water from natural juice pressed from fruit raw materials. The concentrate is like a thick viscous mass, reminiscent of jam or jelly.

To make juice, the concentrate is “steamed,” heated, and then cooled. After this, water is added - its amount should correspond to the previously evaporated or frozen volume. Additives such as sugar or citric acid are allowed, but acidulant and sugar can only be added separately.

Reconstituted juices are slightly more aromatic and tastier than straight-pressed juices. This is due to the fact that the juice recovery technology allows the use of a certain amount of aromatic substances.

After adding water, the juice undergoes heat treatment and is bottled into packaging, which allows the freshness and taste of the product to be preserved for as long as possible.

Harmful or beneficial?

Of course, freshly squeezed juice is healthier than. But freshly squeezed juices do not survive storage - they can be consumed within 20-30 minutes after preparation, then the vitamins in the juice begin to be destroyed, and after a few hours fermentation can begin. A controlled technological process allows maximum preservation of useful substances in the reconstituted juice during almost the entire storage time and destroys microorganisms that can cause spoilage of the product.

Since both the concentrate before reconstitution and the finished reconstituted juice undergo pasteurization, some of the vitamins are inevitably destroyed as a result of such multi-stage processing. Therefore, to make the juice not only tasty, but also healthy, vitamins are often added to it, indicating this on the product packaging.

Pay attention to the juice - as it is stored, the content of vitamins and microelements naturally decreases; in the first six months after production, the amount of useful substances in the juice is maximum.

The quality of the raw materials from which the juice is made is strictly controlled - all fruits must be as fresh as possible, without damage or signs of rotting.

You can guarantee that you will not become a victim of an unscrupulous manufacturer who uses low-quality raw materials or concentrates with added sugar and flavorings if several conditions are met. Don't go cheap - reconstituted juice cannot cost less than nectar. The product can only contain juice, water, vitamin complexes, sugar or citric and ascorbic acids - there should not be any “flavors identical to natural” in the reconstituted juice.

The benefits and harms of orange juice

The correct mode of drinking orange juice, the composition of orange juice, the medicinal use of orange

Section 1. Orange juice, composition, disadvantage, dosage and benefits.

Orange juice -This a product obtained from oranges. A distinction is made between “freshly squeezed (natural) orange juice”, “directly squeezed orange juice” and “reconstituted orange juice”.

Orange juice is a soft drink made from citrus fruits.

Orange juice, composition, disadvantage, dosage and benefits

The term "reconstituted orange juice" is used when referring to a product made from concentrated juice. The packaging of such a product is marked in Canada, Israel and America “Not from Concentrate” / “NfC” (“not from concentrate”). All orange juices (except for freshly squeezed juices) produced industrially and put on sale are canned. In this case, for canning, the product is subjected to heat treatment - pasteurization.

Freshly squeezed orange juices are not pasteurized, so they have a much shorter shelf life. Freshly squeezed orange juices are much healthier than reconstituted juices made from concentrated juices. Freshly squeezed orange juice is usually more expensive than reconstituted juice.

Orange juice is a source of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), potassium, folic acid (Vitamin B9). Orange juice also contains flavonoids, which have beneficial effects on human health.

Orange juice is an effective anticancer, diuretic, and hematopoietic agent. It also has a soporific, hypotensive, antisclerotic and hemostatic effect. A good ratio of vitamins C and P helps strengthen the vascular wall and reduce its permeability.

Orange juice improves appetite, has a choleretic and mild laxative effect. In its pure form it is used in the complex treatment of malignant tumors, anemia, hypertension, atherosclerosis, obesity, colds, infectious and acute respiratory diseases, gastritis with low acidity, edema, constipation, flatulence, increased bleeding gums and other types of bleeding, skin diseases.

When drinking juice, be aware that drinking orange juice on an empty stomach can aggravate stomach or intestinal problems and also cause indigestion. In addition, the high acidity of this juice has a harmful effect on tooth enamel. It is recommended to use a straw to avoid the juice coming into contact with the enamel.

Orange juice can rightfully be recognized as the most popular juice in the world. Indeed, for a large number of people, the first picture that pops up before their eyes when they hear the phrase “a glass of fresh juice” is a glass of orange juice.

Most of the juice company advertisements are for orange juice. This is despite the fact that, as a rule, orange juice is only one of the company's products. But it can’t be helped, he’s too popular, and that’s why he comes out on the screen first.

However, is orange juice safe if consumed in large quantities? It turns out not. Like any food product, especially a product saturated with biologically active compounds, orange juice has indications and contraindications, as well as an optimal dosage regimen.

Some people have stopped drinking orange juice lately. Mainly because of the sugar it contains. But in general, the sugar in orange juice is natural and much healthier than the sugar in strong black tea.

Orange juice contains absolutely no cholesterol or fat. But it is much tastier than many low-fat and cholesterol-free products. You can drink it chilled, or you can freeze it and get excellent fruit ice.

Did you know that nutritionists recommend eating 5 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables a day? For many of us, this is out of reach. But if you drink juice, it’s not so difficult to fulfill the norm.

Almost everyone associates vitamin C with oranges. Just one glass of orange juice a day – and the daily requirement of this vitamin is “in your pocket.” But vitamin C is not only a resistance to colds, it also slows down the aging process, since vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant!

Orange juice contains potassium. What is it for? If you go to the gym, you know that potassium helps maintain muscle cells and also prevents cramps. Trainers from fitness clubs advise eating bananas, they have a lot of potassium. But you can’t eat too many bananas; for girls who are losing weight, this is a forbidden fruit. Then we drink orange juice.

One of the most important vitamins for women is folic acid. And it is found in the orange drink. What about calcium? This is also an element necessary for all of us. Especially with age, calcium becomes a preventive measure for osteoporosis, which is why dairy products are so important in the diet. But orange juice also contains calcium, and is an excellent alternative for those who cannot tolerate milk.

And the smell of oranges makes us a little happier, scientists confirm this. Excellent aromatherapy.

But a word of caution: we are, of course, talking about 100% orange juice, and people with high acidity should consult a doctor before drinking.

Benefits of orange juice

Freshly squeezed orange juice contains vitamins A and C in abundance. In slightly smaller quantities, this juice contains B vitamins (B6, B2, B1), vitamins K and E, biotin, folic acid, as well as inositol, niacin, bioflonoid and eleven essential amino acids. In addition, orange juice contains trace elements: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, copper, iron, magnesium and zinc.

Thanks to a large amount of vitamin C, orange juice helps improve immunity, fights fatigue, especially chronic fatigue syndrome, and strengthens blood vessels. Orange juice is often prescribed for hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Interesting data was recently obtained by American scientists who revealed the ability of orange juice to fight osteoporosis. Unfortunately, experts cannot yet say with certainty which of the numerous biologically active substances in orange juice is responsible for inhibiting the development of osteoporosis, but, apparently, it is limonoid. In addition to orange juice, another citrus juice, namely grapefruit, has a healing effect on bone tissue.

In addition, there has recently been evidence of blood orange juice's ability to fight obesity.

The harm of orange juice

Bad luck for those who suffer from certain gastrointestinal diseases. Orange juice is not recommended for people with high acidity of gastric juice, gastritis or gastric and duodenal ulcers. In addition, orange juice is not indicated for almost all intestinal diseases.

If you suffer from one of the diseases listed above, but still cannot resist orange juice, do not forget to dilute it by half.

Orange juice, just like all other fruit juices, has one important drawback. The fact is that orange juice contains a lot of sugar. At the same time, the amount of fiber, which can slow down its absorption, is very small. All this leads to the fact that excess orange juice can easily cause the development of obesity or type II diabetes.

It should be noted that in terms of the risk of diabetes or obesity, orange juice is one of the most dangerous fruit juices. So if you compare it with apple juice, it turns out that orange juice is almost twice as dangerous as apple juice.

In really large doses, orange juice is dangerous to human life. Orange contains rich active compounds that should be consumed in acceptable doses.

There are contraindications:

Not for people with increased or higher than normal levels of gastric acidity

stomach and duodenal ulcers

and it is forbidden to drink orange juice for all intestinal diseases

If you really love orange juice and cannot deny yourself the pleasure, but have one of the listed diseases. It is recommended that you dilute orange juice with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Disadvantage: orange juice

Many fruit juices have flaws, and orange is no exception. In addition to useful substances, oranges contain sugar, and there is quite a lot of it. Sugar slows down the absorption of fiber, which is much less than sugar. Therefore, if you drink orange juice unlimitedly, you can gain weight and develop type 2 diabetes. And orange juice has a greater chance of causing these diseases than other juices. Compared to apple juice, orange juice is twice as dangerous.

Dosage - orange juice

In order for our body to benefit from orange juice, it must be drunk in moderate doses. And also monitor your intake regimen. Experts advise drinking it up to 6 glasses of 200 ml per week. That is, you can drink a glass of orange juice every other day.

Medicinal uses of orange

The sweet and sour pulp of an orange, its juice - fresh or canned - stimulate the appetite and help improve digestion, stimulate the secretion of bile.

When treating hypo- and vitamin deficiency and simply for prevention, it is useful to eat oranges, which contain many vitamins.

Thanks to the large amount of potassium, ascorbic acid and other vitamins, oranges are useful for hypertension, atherosclerosis, obesity, liver disease, and gout.

If you eat a few slices of orange along with fatty foods, it will be better digested, cholesterol levels will decrease, and this will significantly reduce the risk of blood vessel blockage and heart attacks.

Previously, in folk medicine, oranges were used to treat infected wounds and ulcers, since oranges contain strong phytoncides that kill some pathogenic microbes.

Orange juice has antimicrobial properties. These natural antibiotics are effective and are used both in medicine and in cosmetics and the food industry.

Orange essential oil is an excellent remedy for eliminating oral infections.

Pectin substances contained in orange fruits improve intestinal function, promote the removal of harmful substances and inhibit putrefactive processes.

Elderly people suffering from chronic constipation are recommended to eat oranges and drink juice in the morning on an empty stomach (with normal stomach acidity) or in the evening before bed.

For constipation, prepare a decoction of orange peel, cumin fruit and buckthorn bark (1:1:8). Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 1 glass of water, bring to a boil, cool, and filter. Drink 200 g in the morning and evening.

For gastritis with low acidity, an infusion is prepared from equal parts of orange peel, watch leaves, centaury herb, calamus rhizome, and wormwood. 1 tablespoon of raw material is poured into 1 cup of boiling water, boiled in a water bath in a sealed container for 15 minutes, cooled at room temperature and filtered. Take the infusion 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, 100 g.

For gastritis and liver complaints, use a mixture of equal parts of crushed orange peel, valerian root, watch leaves and mint. Brew 2 teaspoons of the mixture with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes under the lid and filter. Take 200 g 3 times a day after meals.

For urolithiasis and some chronic diseases of the gallbladder, it is useful to drink a mixture of juices made from orange and lemon, black radish, sweetening the mixture with honey.

For bronchitis, to ease breathing (especially in acute bronchitis), orange inhalations are given: the patient should breathe in the vapors of a decoction of grated orange peel and orange tree leaves for 30 minutes.

Oranges have tonic properties, help you better tolerate fatigue and even reduce sensitivity to cold.

Orange essential oil helps cope with depression, restore strength and improve mood.

The complex of substances beneficial to the body contained in oranges accelerates the healing process and promotes the removal of metabolic products from the body.

A decoction of orange peel works well against the effects of lead poisoning, as an antidote. 2 tablespoons of peel per 0.5 liter of boiling water, boil over low heat under the lid for 5 minutes, leave for 20 minutes, filter and drink warm, 1 glass every 5 hours. Additionally, it is recommended to drink 200 g of sour orange juice daily.

Oranges serve as a good sedative and help relieve palpitations, convulsions, and hysteria. Sour orange juice is believed to help reduce the frequency of epileptic seizures.

To prepare a soothing herbal tea, brew 1.5 cups of boiling water with 1.5 teaspoons of crushed orange peel along with 1.5 teaspoons of lemon balm herb, close tightly, leave for 15 minutes, strain and add 1.5 teaspoons of valerian tincture and honey to taste. .

Drink 150-200 g 2-3 times a day.

It is believed that the birthplace of the orange is Southern China. From there, in turn, he came to India, then his journey continued to Egypt and Syria. Ancient peoples began growing oranges more than 4,000 years ago, so the orange can rightfully be called an ancient fruit or an apple of the sun!

The pulp of orange fruits contains a large amount of vitamin C (up to 65 mg%), a significant amount of sugar (up to 10%), many mineral salts (for example, 200 mg% potassium), organic acids are present, especially citric acid, and it also contains pectin. substances, B vitamins, phytoncides, provitamin A, which is better known as carotene, dyes, biotins and folic acid.

The most common use of orange is to make delicious and healthy juice from it. Orange juice is an effective means of preventing and treating hypovitaminosis due to the vitamins it contains. It is able to stimulate appetite, quench thirst well in cases of fever, and improve digestion. Taking orange juice is especially useful for chronic constipation, hypacidal gastritis, and decreased bile excretion. If you are one of the people suffering from chronic constipation, it is recommended to drink orange juice on an empty stomach in the morning, as well as in the evening before going to bed. But there are a number of diseases for which drinking orange juice is extremely undesirable. Such diseases include duodenal disease and gastric ulcer, gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice, as well as exacerbation of inflammatory bowel diseases.

Of course, it is not at all necessary to give up such a tasty and beloved drink by all of us, but it is worth controlling the amount of juice you drink and it is preferable to dilute the juice with water in order to reduce its concentration.

Another positive effect of orange juice is its ability to improve bowel movements, which leads to a reduction in the development of putrefactive processes and a reduction in harmful substances that are absorbed into the body. This happens due to the large amount of pectin substances contained in orange juice. Orange juice is also useful because it contains a significant amount of ascorbic acid, potassium and other equally useful vitamins. Therefore, it is recommended to drink it for diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, liver diseases, gout and obesity.

The beneficial properties of orange juice are also irreplaceable in the cold season. It can be safely used for the treatment and prevention of colds and vitamin deficiency, which often affects the body in the winter and spring. Orange juice can strengthen blood vessels and lower high blood pressure (that is, it is useful for hypertension, but hypotensive patients should not indulge in it). Also, juice from orange pulp improves digestion, helps improve blood composition, can activate the brain, improves immunity, kills bacteria, stimulates cellular metabolism, and burns excess fat. It is recommended to drink orange juice when you have a cold and simply as a preventive measure during the day.

But it not only has immunomodulatory properties, but is also able to relieve fatigue, tone, and energize. One should not neglect the fact that it is a strong anti-carcinogenic agent, which is important in our age of civilization and chemistry, which is found everywhere, even in food.

A huge advantage for people watching their figure and wanting to lose weight is that orange juice is one of the lowest-calorie juices, and the fact that it is also capable of burning fat will be a clear excuse to make a choice in its favor.

Orange Juice Contract

ICEUS Market

Contract size £15,000

Trading months January, March, May, July, September, November

Min. price change 0.0005

Item cost 150 dollars


Wikipedia – The Free Encyclopedia, WikiPedia - We shared an orange - Juice - Medici – Optima Finance