Opening greenhouse windows. Automatic window for a greenhouse: what you can do with your own hands without much effort

Greenhouses are undoubtedly a very important and useful agricultural invention, allowing the cultivation of heat-loving vegetable crops throughout the year, even in cold regions of the country. A well-built greenhouse ensures the seasonal cultivation of seedlings of various vegetables for planting in open ground, whose pre-planting growing season does not fit even in the southern summer, for example.

An optimal greenhouse microclimate implies strict adherence to the temperature regime, as well as ensuring air humidity inside the greenhouse for the entire growing season of the crops being grown. If we talk about the seasonal use of a greenhouse, it requires almost no heating: the greenhouse accumulates heat from the sun's radiation in the spring and summer. If we are talking about year-round greenhouses, then you can’t do without additional heating! But both greenhouses must be ventilated to ensure optimal humidity in the greenhouse atmosphere.

It is best to ventilate greenhouses periodically through vents. But ensuring regular ventilation manually is quite labor-intensive, because you need to independently monitor the time and open and close the windows with your hands. The optimal solution to the ventilation problem is to automatically control the opening and closing of greenhouse vents. There are two approaches here: firstly, you can do the automatic opening of the windows in the greenhouse with your own hands, or you can buy ready-made industrial solutions. Let's look at both options.

What types of automatic greenhouse ventilation systems are there?

Industrial greenhouses are equipped with specialized ventilation devices, but small country greenhouses are ventilated differently: in warm weather, the windows are constantly open, and cold weather forces such ventilation to be done in doses. It is better to entrust this to special machines, which are technologically divided into bimetallic, hydraulic and electric.

In this series, automatic vent ventilation devices operating on electricity are distinguished by their ease of manufacture, installation and operation. They are driven by an electric motor through a temperature sensor, which will trigger the opening or closing of the window when the specified air temperature range inside the greenhouse changes. The problem can be considered the lack of reliable constant power supply in some summer cottages, then you will have to look for an alternative solution or provide an autonomous power supply to the electrical system for automatically ventilating the greenhouse.

Hydraulic systems for automatic ventilation of greenhouses

Some summer residents prefer automatic devices for opening and closing vents on a hydraulic basis, which, by the way, can be made with your own hands from improvised means. To create a hydraulic ventilation system for a greenhouse, you can use containers with liquid, which, according to the laws of physics, responds to changes in external air temperature by changing the volume, which means the pressure in the container also changes. As a result of thermal expansion of the liquid in the containers, a hydraulic mechanism is activated, driving the window: when it gets cold, it closes; It gets warmer - it opens.

It would seem ingeniously simple, but the disadvantage of the operation of such machines is a slight delay in the closing reaction, during which cold air has time to penetrate and the risk of frostbite of greenhouse plants remains.

Automatic ventilation systems based on a bimetallic lever

The work of a bimetallic lever is based on the elementary law of physics about the compression of different metals, which, as a result of the difference in compression of the two metals used in its design, is capable of lifting a window of only a small weight. Heavy glazed transoms are beyond the capabilities of a bimetallic machine.

Making automatic opening of vents in a greenhouse with your own hands

No one argues that they look better, and everything that is needed is immediately included in the kit, and are installed quite quickly, but the prices for ready-made polycarbonate greenhouses are high. If possible, then using available means and skillful hands, you can always use the drawings and diagrams available on the Internet to automatically open the windows in a greenhouse yourself.

You can make automatic ventilation with electric drive of vents with limit switches and a temperature sensor, or you can, for example, make an automatic device using a hydraulic circuit, when the greenhouse is ventilated with a vent depending on the air temperature in it.

Industrial hydraulic automatic machines for greenhouse ventilation

Ready-made hydraulic automatic machines for ventilating a greenhouse are made according to the same scheme as the homemade ones described above, but when purchasing, it is better to know what weight of its hydraulic cylinder will cope with the weight of your specific window. Inside such a cylinder there is not water, but oil or paraffin.

The installation of such a ready-made machine is described in the attached instructions and begins with securing its base to a vertical post of the greenhouse structure or directly to the window frame. The rod attached to the window frame, extending, opens it. If the machine is not equipped with anti-hurricane protective equipment, care should be taken to ensure that the ventilation window or transom is properly secured.

The principle of operation of hydraulic automatic machines for ventilating a greenhouse is the same as that of home-made ones: the air temperature in the greenhouse rises - the substance in the cylinder expands, the pressure on the rod driving the window increases, and it opens. The temperature drops, the contents of the cylinder are compressed, the pressure decreases, forcing the rod to return to its original position, and the window closes.

Installation of devices for closing and opening vents in a greenhouse

Ready-made store-bought automatic machines for greenhouse vents, following the instructions supplied with them, will not be difficult to install with your own hands. But it is worth taking into account quite important preconditions even when installing the greenhouse frame itself, which contribute to the optimal organization of the air exchange system in it:

  • doors and transoms should not be located on the same side;
  • It is better to place the windows on the leeward side;
  • The optimal solution is to place the vents on the roof of the greenhouse.

Lightweight electric machines can be mounted directly on the windows, heavier machines can be mounted on the frame of the greenhouse. It is best to pre-weigh the device and calculate its optimal location. To insure against sudden opening, the windows must be equipped with limiters (chains, ropes, etc.), capable of fixing the permissible opening angle when properly secured.

Taking into account the response of the device specifically to the intra-greenhouse temperature and in order to avoid heating the automatic device, it is advisable to protect the machine itself from direct sunlight so that it does not heat up and does not cause large errors in its operation.

Ready-made automatic devices for ventilating greenhouses with vents

If you still have an interest in ready-made machines for ventilating a greenhouse with vents, then using search queries in Yandex or Sputnik you can find a large number of commercial offers in this topic.

As a rule, ready-made automatic devices for ventilating a greenhouse with vents cost from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles: inexpensive Dusya-Sun, Tuymazy, Ufopar. More expensive, for example, foreign-made devices (England): “Autovent MK7”, “Autovent XL”; Danish ventilation machines: “Megavent”, “Gigavent”.

Whatever you choose: buy or make devices for ventilating a greenhouse with your own hands, remember that it will be quite difficult to achieve the optimal temperature and humidity of the environment inside the greenhouse without an automatic device for opening and closing the vents if you cannot be present on the site all the time.

Growing crops in a greenhouse is a given, due to the climatic conditions of many regions. To provide comfortable conditions for agriculture, it is necessary to provide light, watering, heating and, of course, proper ventilation of the room.

The article will discuss how to properly organize the ventilation of closed ground, how many vents there should be in a greenhouse, what size, and where to place them. And we will separately dwell in detail on the question of how to make self-opening windows in a greenhouse with your own hands.

General rules for the device

Windows in a greenhouse are a necessary condition for creating the correct indoor microclimate; they help regulate the temperature and humidity of the air, which is the key to a good harvest. Proper ventilation will help avoid infection of the greenhouse and will greatly reduce the possibility of harmful insects and microorganisms appearing.

Watch the instructions with explanations of how to install a window in a polycarbonate greenhouse, and watch the video for the step-by-step process of manufacturing and installing the structure.

How much to do

When organizing the ventilation of a greenhouse, the question arises: how many vents should there be? Here we turn to the advice of experts who recommend installing 1 transom measuring 900*600 mm for every 2 m/p, so if the building is 3 m, then it is better to make 2 pieces, as well as for a 4-meter building. It is generally accepted that the total area of ​​opening openings should be at least 20-25% of the total area of ​​the greenhouse, which is sufficient for proper ventilation of the room.

Good to know: If the greenhouse has partitions in its design that divide it into 2 or more parts, then it is important to install vents in each section in order to organize proper air circulation.


Due to the nature of warm air rising upward, the vents should be located at the top of the structure: mounted in the roof or openings made, retreating 2/3 in height from the base of the structure.

The placement also depends on the location of the building. So, if the greenhouse is installed on the sunny side and along the ridge is directed from east to west, as recommended by agricultural standards, then 2-3 opening transoms are sufficient for a structure 6 m long. But in regions with high humidity, as well as in damp areas, more should be provided number of vents.

Advice: Even if you bought a ready-made greenhouse, where all the opening elements were calculated by specialists and provided for by the design, when placing the building in an area with high humidity, you should install additional vents.

The upper position of the opening transoms reduces the likelihood of drafts

According to reviews from experienced gardeners, it is not recommended to place opening elements near the front door, this will help avoid:

  • drafts;
  • slamming transoms during gusts of wind:

And it will allow air flows to be evenly distributed. If you designed and built a greenhouse with your own hands, then first the opening should be made in the middle of the length of the building, and the remaining windows should be placed at an equal distance from it.

The video instructions describe in detail how to properly make the upper windows in a greenhouse from film on a wooden frame.

Why is it better to install self-opening windows in a greenhouse?

An automatic window opener for greenhouses allows you to organize ventilation without human intervention. This greatly facilitates the work of gardeners and frees up time. Even if there is no person on the site, automatic opening of the windows in the greenhouse allows you to protect the plantings from changing weather conditions. This reduces the risk of losses and increases the likelihood of a good harvest.

Operating principle

The drive for greenhouse vents is:

  • bimetallic;
  • hydraulic;
  • electric.

The principle of their operation is based on fluctuations in the temperature in the room: when the mechanism heats up, it opens the window, and if the temperature drops, the machine closes. In order to choose the right automatic window opener for greenhouses, based on your own conditions, you need to study all the advantages and disadvantages of the devices.

We offer a video review with a comparative analysis of which is better to install automatic windows for a polycarbonate greenhouse, with explanations of the nuances, which will help readers make the right choice.

Bimetallic mechanisms

Bimetallic devices consist of two different metal plates, and work due to the different coefficients of expansion of the metals. As the temperature rises, one of the strips expands, thanks to the rigid fixation at the ends, and bends in an arc, under this influence the window opens. When the temperature decreases, the reverse process occurs. But bimetallic devices cannot boast of great power; their use is only advisable in lightweight structures and for opening small openings, for example, in film ones on an aluminum frame.

Operating principle of bimetallic lifts

Electric automatic openers

Electric drives for opening vents in a greenhouse are equipped with a fan and a thermal relay. If the temperature rises, the relay reacts to fluctuations and turns on the fan. Electric openers come in different capacities; you can choose a drive for both light and heavy, large windows. A greenhouse with an automatic window powered by electricity is more adapted to temperature fluctuations, since the sensitive relay reacts even to a small delta, and if necessary, the device can be programmed to any mode. But you will have to think about backup power, since when the lights are turned off, the electric drive becomes useless. It is also not relevant in small summer cottages, visits to which are temporary and short-term.

The video below demonstrates the operation of electric openers and shows how to adjust the lifts using a thermostat.

Hydraulic devices

A hydraulic thermal drive for automatically opening greenhouse vents is the most popular type of automatic machine for organizing ventilation of closed ground. A lever system connected to the window, working on the principle of expansion of liquids.

Thermal cylinder for automatic ventilation device

It’s easy to make a hydraulic automatic window opener for greenhouses with your own hands; essentially, it’s 2 containers filled with liquid connected by a hose. The flask at the bottom is sealed and partially filled with air, the other compartment is filled with air, it acts as a thermostat. The flask at the top is a weighting agent. The sun gets hot, the temperature in the greenhouse rises, the air in the first flask expands, displaces liquid, which flows through the hose into the upper container, it fills up, becomes heavier, and the window opens. As the air cools down, the opposite effect occurs.

Instead of a hose, a lever is sometimes installed, the expanding air squeezes it out of the flask, and it opens the transom. There are a lot of options for homemade hydraulic devices; how easy it is to make a mechanism with your own hands is shown in the drawing below.

Diagram of a practical homemade hydraulic pusher for opening vents in a greenhouse

Important: When installing the flask, make sure that it is not in the shade, since there it will heat up more slowly relative to the general temperature in the greenhouse. This will delay the opening of the window, which will lead to overheating and may harm the plants.

Watch a video about a universal lift for ventilating greenhouses, and a video review of a device that is suitable for domed and pitched structures, as well as doors.

How to make a window for a polycarbonate greenhouse with your own hands - step-by-step instructions

We visually mark the height of the greenhouse into 3 parts; we will install a window in the topmost part. We examine the frame; the openings should be located between the load-bearing elements. For example, a window for an arched greenhouse will be ergonomic and convenient if it is placed between the top and the next bottom crossbar, under the highest point of the arc.

The photo shows a well-designed polycarbonate window for a greenhouse, a bimetallic automatic, located in the middle to evenly distribute the weight of the transom

The video below will show you how to correctly bend the elements and make transoms for an arched structure.

If the distance between the crosshairs of the load-bearing elements is large for a window, then we additionally make a frame the size of the transom. We take 4 pieces of pipe, fold them into a rectangle, install corners in the corners, and secure them with metal screws. If you have the equipment, the frame can be welded. If the frame is already strong, it is enough to attach a transverse bar to it, which will support the opening part of the window.

In the photo there is a yellow crossbar - one of the ways to make a base for attaching a window

Next, we make a frame to size; for its manufacture it is better to use a lightweight material; if it is a metal frame, then take thinner pipes; for a wooden frame, 20*40 mm bars are suitable. We install hinges on the finished frame, simple hinged ones, and attach them to the cross-section. It is important that from the outside it is flush with the main frame, and the window of the arched greenhouse should follow the shape of the frame arc.

Photo example of how to assemble a frame for a window

Advice: If the frame for the window is large, then it is recommended to install a high-power lift in the middle; for this, an additional stiffener should be made in the frame. On small and light windows, the automatic drive can be installed on the side.

If the greenhouse is already covered with polycarbonate, screw the covering material to the frame at the outside and cut it with a knife in the middle of the frame profile. To avoid leaks, we waterproof the perimeter of the window; a self-adhesive rubber gasket is ideal.

Since we have a frame for the window without a chamfer, so that the transom does not fall inside the greenhouse, we install a stopper, these can be corners or a piece of pipe, an option is shown in the photo below. A latch would also be useful; it is very convenient to use magnetic devices.

The rectangle shows how to make a simple stopper

If an automatic drive is installed, the latch is not needed. A ready-made mechanism can be bought in a store, assembled according to instructions and installed locally. To save money, you can make an automatic window opener for greenhouses with your own hands.

Be sure to watch the video on how to make a hydraulic cylinder for opening windows and doors in greenhouses from a conventional shock absorber.

In conclusion, we invite readers to watch videos about installing a window on a greenhouse; the video describes in detail all stages of assembly and installation.

The next video will tell you about a very budget option for installing an opening transom in a greenhouse.

It is possible to grow a large harvest of vegetables with high marketability and taste characteristics in a greenhouse only if the climate inside the greenhouse is controlled. Otherwise, plants in closed beds will suffer from overheating. The simplest and most effective way to regulate the temperature and humidity level in a greenhouse is to install an automatic window. What advantages and features does the machine have, how to make an automatic opener from improvised means - read below.

An automatic window is the simplest and most affordable method of regulation made of glass and polycarbonate. The main task of the window is heat exchange: the air temperature in the greenhouse on hot days can reach 40 °C. Overheating, in this case, can destroy the seedlings.

An automatic window protects plants from overheating and regulates humidity in the greenhouse through heat exchange.

Greenhouse doors in large and long greenhouses often do not cope well with high-quality aeration: only that part of the greenhouse that is located closer to the door is ventilated, while the seedlings in the middle or end of the greenhouse suffer from overheating. In addition, using doors for ventilation causes a sharp temperature difference, which can negatively affect plants.

Automatic opening of the greenhouse: operating principle

Modern production of components for automated greenhouses offers gardeners many options, varying in size, appearance, efficiency and cost.

Today, automation for greenhouses according to the principle of operation differs in:

  1. Hydraulic installations. Such openers work on the principle of increasing pressure in containers with liquids when exposed to high temperatures. Hydraulic systems are the safest. Their disadvantages include a delay in closing the transoms, which can negatively affect the condition of the plants.
  2. Electrical. Such systems are the most accurate, easy to install and do not take up much space. The downside of the devices is the need for a permanent connection to the power grid. If the greenhouse is fully electrified, to eliminate the possibility of the devices stopping, you can purchase an electric generator.
  1. Bimetallic. Opening and closing in the case of bimetallic systems is based on the ability of metals to expand. Such installations can be used to automate homemade windows on a wooden frame: they will not be able to open heavy transoms or doors.

You can equip any window (top and side) and door with automation.

How to choose an automatic window opener for greenhouses

The choice of opener depends on the distance of the garden plot from power lines, the financial capabilities of the gardener, the type of greenhouse (film, glass or polycarbonate), the crop to be grown (optimal temperature values ​​for effective cultivation).

When choosing an automatic opener, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. If the greenhouse is electrified, then it is better to choose an electric device for ventilation: it works faster and “feels” the temperature more accurately.
  2. It is better to choose products made of galvanized steel (the Univent mold opener is a good choice).
  3. When choosing, you should take into account the estimated weight that the pusher can lift (it must correspond to the weight of the window).
  4. Pay attention to the temperature range of the opener (the most popular is within +15-25°C).
  5. If the area in which the site is located is characterized by gusty winds, then the system must have protection against hurricane failure.

The cost of domestic automatic openers varies from 1.5 to 3 thousand rubles, depending on the principle of operation. Imported automation costs many times more. If it is not possible to purchase a system or you want to install a temporary opener, then you can make an automatic window opener yourself from available materials.

Do-it-yourself device for automatically opening a window in a greenhouse

The simplest and safest solution for making it yourself is to assemble a hydraulic drive. In order to make a pusher, we will need two wooden blocks, a weight, two plastic bottles of different capacities, a flexible tube and several metal pipes.

The device is manufactured as follows:

  1. Place one block on top of the other and knock them together at one end.
  2. Fix the bottom bar with the frame of the greenhouse, attach the top bar to the movable plane of the window.
  3. Attach a weight to the block on the side of the window with enough weight to keep the window closed (1.5-3 kg).
  4. Secure an empty 0.5 liter bottle between the bars.
  5. Hang a large 5 liter bottle with a lid from the ceiling of the greenhouse and pour water into it. For greater efficiency, the hydraulic cylinder can be painted black or wrapped with black film.
  6. Connect the containers using iron pipes and a flexible tube.
  7. Check the tightness of the containers (if necessary, treat the joints of the containers with the tubes with sealant).

The principle of the mechanism is as follows: when the sun's rays heat the side cylinder (under the greenhouse ceiling), the pressure in it will increase, and hot air moves into a small bottle, which expands and pushes out the lever. This puts the mechanism into action and the window opens. When the temperature drops (for example, as night approaches), the pressure in the containers equalizes and the window closes. This country house opener will last for more than one season. At the same time, the cost of the system will be minimal.

Self-opening windows in a greenhouse: features

Any gardener can install a purchased automatic transom opener in a greenhouse. To do this, you only need a screwdriver and self-tapping screws. In addition, the system usually comes complete with fasteners and instructions.

However, the installation and operation of automatic vents in a greenhouse has its own characteristics:

  1. Self-opening windows should be located under the roof of the greenhouse: this is where hot air accumulates to the greatest extent.
  2. You should not place windows on the leeward side.
  3. For every two linear meters of greenhouse length, one transom with dimensions of 0.9x0.6 cm should be installed.
  4. A window with an automatic opener must be equipped with a stopper on a spring with a chain: this will prevent the mechanism from breaking when the window is opened suddenly due to gusty winds.
  5. The thermal drive must respond specifically to the temperature in the greenhouse, therefore, if necessary, it must be covered with a material that repels the sun's rays.
  6. If the greenhouse is not used in winter, at sub-zero temperatures, it is recommended to remove the cylinders of hydraulic installations to avoid ruptures of the containers.
  7. Light automation can be installed directly on the window frame; heavier systems (for example, an Ufopar opener with a hydraulic cylinder) must be attached to the frame of the greenhouse.

In addition to the above, greenhouses can be ventilated using a fan:

Automatic opening of greenhouses (video)

Growing vegetables in a greenhouse is a complex and labor-intensive process. An automatic window that opens and closes depending on the temperature in the greenhouse can make the gardener’s work a little easier. Today, there are many autonomous installations, different in operating principle. Their choice depends on the financial capabilities of the gardener, the area of ​​the greenhouse, and the material from which the greenhouse is made. At the same time, you can make effective automation for the window with your own hands! Choose the most suitable option and enjoy the simplicity and convenience!

Growing crops in a greenhouse is a given, due to the climatic conditions of many regions. To provide comfortable conditions for agriculture, it is necessary to provide light, watering, heating and, of course, proper ventilation of the room.

The article will discuss how to properly organize the ventilation of closed ground, how many vents there should be in a greenhouse, what size, and where to place them. And we will separately dwell in detail on the question of how to make self-opening windows in a greenhouse with your own hands.

General rules for the device

Windows in a greenhouse are a necessary condition for creating the correct indoor microclimate; they help regulate the temperature and humidity of the air, which is the key to a good harvest. Proper ventilation will help avoid infection of the greenhouse and will greatly reduce the possibility of harmful insects and microorganisms appearing.

Watch the instructions with explanations of how to install a window in a polycarbonate greenhouse, and watch the video for the step-by-step process of manufacturing and installing the structure.

How much to do

When organizing the ventilation of a greenhouse, the question arises: how many vents should there be? Here we turn to the advice of experts who recommend installing 1 transom measuring 900*600 mm for every 2 m/p, so if the building is 3 m, then it is better to make 2 pieces, as well as for a 4-meter building. It is generally accepted that the total area of ​​opening openings should be at least 20-25% of the total area of ​​the greenhouse, which is sufficient for proper ventilation of the room.

Good to know: If the greenhouse has partitions in its design that divide it into 2 or more parts, then it is important to install vents in each section in order to organize proper air circulation.


Due to the nature of warm air rising upward, the vents should be located at the top of the structure: mounted in the roof or openings made, retreating 2/3 in height from the base of the structure.

The placement also depends on the location of the building. So, if the greenhouse is installed on the sunny side and along the ridge is directed from east to west, as recommended by agricultural standards, then 2-3 opening transoms are sufficient for a structure 6 m long. But in regions with high humidity, as well as in damp areas, more should be provided number of vents.

Advice: Even if you bought a ready-made greenhouse, where all the opening elements were calculated by specialists and provided for by the design, when placing the building in an area with high humidity, you should install additional vents.

The upper position of the opening transoms reduces the likelihood of drafts

According to reviews from experienced gardeners, it is not recommended to place opening elements near the front door, this will help avoid:

  • drafts;
  • slamming transoms during gusts of wind:

And it will allow air flows to be evenly distributed. If you designed and built a greenhouse with your own hands, then first the opening should be made in the middle of the length of the building, and the remaining windows should be placed at an equal distance from it.

The video instructions describe in detail how to properly make the upper windows in a greenhouse from film on a wooden frame.

Why is it better to install self-opening windows in a greenhouse?

An automatic window opener for greenhouses allows you to organize ventilation without human intervention. This greatly facilitates the work of gardeners and frees up time. Even if there is no person on the site, automatic opening of the windows in the greenhouse allows you to protect the plantings from changing weather conditions. This reduces the risk of losses and increases the likelihood of a good harvest.

Operating principle

The drive for greenhouse vents is:

  • bimetallic;
  • hydraulic;
  • electric.

The principle of their operation is based on fluctuations in the temperature in the room: when the mechanism heats up, it opens the window, and if the temperature drops, the machine closes. In order to choose the right automatic window opener for greenhouses, based on your own conditions, you need to study all the advantages and disadvantages of the devices.

We offer a video review with a comparative analysis of which is better to install automatic windows for a polycarbonate greenhouse, with explanations of the nuances, which will help readers make the right choice.

Bimetallic mechanisms

Bimetallic devices consist of two different metal plates, and work due to the different coefficients of expansion of the metals. As the temperature rises, one of the strips expands, thanks to the rigid fixation at the ends, and bends in an arc, under this influence the window opens. When the temperature decreases, the reverse process occurs. But bimetallic devices cannot boast of great power; their use is only advisable in lightweight structures and for opening small openings, for example, in film ones on an aluminum frame.

Operating principle of bimetallic lifts

Electric automatic openers

Electric drives for opening vents in a greenhouse are equipped with a fan and a thermal relay. If the temperature rises, the relay reacts to fluctuations and turns on the fan. Electric openers come in different capacities; you can choose a drive for both light and heavy, large windows. A greenhouse with an automatic window powered by electricity is more adapted to temperature fluctuations, since the sensitive relay reacts even to a small delta, and if necessary, the device can be programmed to any mode. But you will have to think about backup power, since when the lights are turned off, the electric drive becomes useless. It is also not relevant in small summer cottages, visits to which are temporary and short-term.

The video below demonstrates the operation of electric openers and shows how to adjust the lifts using a thermostat.

Hydraulic devices

A hydraulic thermal drive for automatically opening greenhouse vents is the most popular type of automatic machine for organizing ventilation of closed ground. A lever system connected to the window, working on the principle of expansion of liquids.

Thermal cylinder for automatic ventilation device

It’s easy to make a hydraulic automatic window opener for greenhouses with your own hands; essentially, it’s 2 containers filled with liquid connected by a hose. The flask at the bottom is sealed and partially filled with air, the other compartment is filled with air, it acts as a thermostat. The flask at the top is a weighting agent. The sun gets hot, the temperature in the greenhouse rises, the air in the first flask expands, displaces liquid, which flows through the hose into the upper container, it fills up, becomes heavier, and the window opens. As the air cools down, the opposite effect occurs.

Instead of a hose, a lever is sometimes installed, the expanding air squeezes it out of the flask, and it opens the transom. There are a lot of options for homemade hydraulic devices; how easy it is to make a mechanism with your own hands is shown in the drawing below.

Diagram of a practical homemade hydraulic pusher for opening vents in a greenhouse

Important: When installing the flask, make sure that it is not in the shade, since there it will heat up more slowly relative to the general temperature in the greenhouse. This will delay the opening of the window, which will lead to overheating and may harm the plants.

Watch a video about a universal lift for ventilating greenhouses, and a video review of a device that is suitable for domed and pitched structures, as well as doors.

How to make a window for a polycarbonate greenhouse with your own hands - step-by-step instructions

We visually mark the height of the greenhouse into 3 parts; we will install a window in the topmost part. We examine the frame; the openings should be located between the load-bearing elements. For example, a window for an arched greenhouse will be ergonomic and convenient if it is placed between the top and the next bottom crossbar, under the highest point of the arc.

The photo shows a well-designed polycarbonate window for a greenhouse, a bimetallic automatic, located in the middle to evenly distribute the weight of the transom

The video below will show you how to correctly bend the elements and make transoms for an arched structure.

If the distance between the crosshairs of the load-bearing elements is large for a window, then we additionally make a frame the size of the transom. We take 4 pieces of pipe, fold them into a rectangle, install corners in the corners, and secure them with metal screws. If you have the equipment, the frame can be welded. If the frame is already strong, it is enough to attach a transverse bar to it, which will support the opening part of the window.

In the photo there is a yellow crossbar - one of the ways to make a base for attaching a window

Next, we make a frame to size; for its manufacture it is better to use a lightweight material; if it is a metal frame, then take thinner pipes; for a wooden frame, 20*40 mm bars are suitable. We install hinges on the finished frame, simple hinged ones, and attach them to the cross-section. It is important that from the outside it is flush with the main frame, and the window of the arched greenhouse should follow the shape of the frame arc.

Photo example of how to assemble a frame for a window

Advice: If the frame for the window is large, then it is recommended to install a high-power lift in the middle; for this, an additional stiffener should be made in the frame. On small and light windows, the automatic drive can be installed on the side.

If the greenhouse is already covered with polycarbonate, screw the covering material to the frame at the outside and cut it with a knife in the middle of the frame profile. To avoid leaks, we waterproof the perimeter of the window; a self-adhesive rubber gasket is ideal.

Since we have a frame for the window without a chamfer, so that the transom does not fall inside the greenhouse, we install a stopper, these can be corners or a piece of pipe, an option is shown in the photo below. A latch would also be useful; it is very convenient to use magnetic devices.

The rectangle shows how to make a simple stopper

If an automatic drive is installed, the latch is not needed. A ready-made mechanism can be bought in a store, assembled according to instructions and installed locally. To save money, you can make an automatic window opener for greenhouses with your own hands.

Be sure to watch the video on how to make a hydraulic cylinder for opening windows and doors in greenhouses from a conventional shock absorber.

In conclusion, we invite readers to watch videos about installing a window on a greenhouse; the video describes in detail all stages of assembly and installation.

The next video will tell you about a very budget option for installing an opening transom in a greenhouse.

Editor Greenhouses and greenhouses 16162

The main purpose of building a polycarbonate greenhouse with your own hands is to provide plants with heat, which allows them to be grown when the weather outside the walls of the structure is not favorable for this. Plants react poorly to both high and low temperatures. Timely opening of the windows in the polycarbonate greenhouse and basic ventilation will help protect them from such negativity. But the rhythm of modern life does not allow us to sit near the windows and wait until we need to open or close them.

Automation used for this purpose makes it possible not to constantly monitor these operations. For example, a thermal drive automatically opens the windows when the temperature rises and closes them when it drops. That is why home craftsmen are trying to figure out how to make ventilation in a polycarbonate greenhouse automatic. After all, it is enough to make and install the same thermal drive with your own hands only once in order to avoid many problems in the future, and even reduce watering of plants.

What to prefer: thermal drive or electronics?

It is worth noting that a conventional thermal drive has one significant drawback: it reacts too slowly to changes in temperature in the greenhouse. So, if it changes abruptly, you have to ventilate it manually, and sometimes carry out urgent watering to save the plants from the heat. But using, for example, an electric thermal drive, you can open the transom within one minute. But this option also has a drawback, which is that when using it, it must be possible to connect such a thermal drive to the electrical network, and it is quite difficult to install such a system with your own hands without special skills.

But when choosing an acceptable automatic device for greenhouses built from polycarbonate, you need to take into account that although the oil thermal drive works too slowly, it is much more reliable than various types of electronics. And in order to speed up the heating of the oil poured into the thermal drive, you can, for example, think about how to reduce its thickness. This can be achieved if you decide to assemble a thermal drive yourself and use a car gas shock absorber or a cylinder from an office chair as a container.

How to assemble a simple hydraulic machine

To construct a window with your own hands that could function like a hydraulic machine, knowledge of physics acquired at school is sufficient. The simplest automatic machine that allows you to organize ventilation is a device that operates on the hydraulic principle. Making and assembling such a machine with your own hands is not difficult. The principle of its operation is as follows:

  • when the sun's rays begin to heat a hermetically sealed large container suspended in the upper part of the greenhouse, where, as a rule, it is especially hot, from its heat, the liquid in it will also begin to heat up;
  • under the pressure that it creates by its expansion when heated, the liquid will flow into a smaller container;
  • under the weight of the heavy small container, the window will gradually open;
  • As soon as the air gradually cools inside the polycarbonate greenhouse after sufficient ventilation, everything will repeat in the reverse order.

The most pleasant thing about this business is that it is possible to produce such a device that provides an automatic method of ventilation at minimal cost. For example, a mechanism made by your crayfish from plastic bottles can serve as such a hydraulic system. This material can be found in every home in considerable quantities. Moreover, such a simple system will last for three years, without any diagnostics.

So, when creating a system that will allow automatic ventilation of the greenhouse, the following will be used:

  • a large five-liter plastic bottle, which can be wrapped in black plastic film to increase efficiency; thanks to this wrapping, the temperature in it can increase to about 80 degrees;
  • small plastic bottle 1.5 l;
  • rubber stoppers for sealing bottles;
  • It is more convenient to connect the bottles with a tube from a medical dropper, the ends of which can be easily inserted into rubber stoppers. For successful operation of the system, it is necessary to ensure its complete tightness, so the tubes should be secured with hot-melt adhesive, but on the condition that free communication is maintained between the bottles through the tube.

There are several ways to fix the window with your own hands: from the edge on the wall vertically or horizontally in the roof of a polycarbonate greenhouse. It is advisable to think about making the bottom of the window a little heavier than the other structural elements, then it will slam shut under the weight of its own weight. A smaller plastic bottle must be secured to the lightweight part of the window so that with its increasing weight it provokes the opening of the window from the moment water begins to flow into it.

For suspended bottles, the necks should be at the bottom. To ensure the necessary ventilation using a bottle system, you need to try to correctly determine the temperature at which it will function properly, as well as the height of the large container, since the higher it can be hung, the sooner the automation will work and the sooner ventilation will begin. The proposed hydraulic mechanism will make it possible to automatically open a window in a greenhouse weighing 4-5 kg.

This kind of simple device has proven itself well in the greenhouses of many gardeners and is widely used by them in their garden plots.