Planting a fishing net. Single wall fishing nets

Make your own fishing nets It’s not at all difficult if you watch our video. Standard fishing nets are machine-set by sewing cords to the net fabric, but these nets are not always effective at catching fish. For example, it is better to plant fishing nets for strong predatory fish with your own hands from Chameleon nets with a net plate thickness of 0.25 - 0.30 mm. Fishing nets made by manual planting have flint or garters with assembled net fabric, mounted on cords, thus hand-planted nets can withstand a greater breaking load compared to machine-planted nets, when the net fabric is stitched under tension, and with a stronger resistance of the fish - the canvas breaks.

It is advisable to make fishing nets yourself if your body of water has deep holes, ravines or a strong current along the bottom. Hand-planted fishing nets allow you to avoid compressing the upper net, distributing the lower load cord evenly over bottom unevenness without pinching the net, which allows you to increase your fish catch. When installing hand-planted nets on the current, you regulate the flow of water and its strength due to the small pockets formed when the net is opened. With a hand-planted fishing net you can catch fish even in strong currents.

Do you think that fishing is a real vacation? Throw your nets into the river and enjoy a good, plentiful catch in a couple of hours? Those who hold this opinion are, to put it mildly, mistaken.

It turns out that in reality everything is not so simple. Fishing has many ingenious secrets and features that experienced fishermen never neglect. One of these “professional” secrets is the correct fit of the fishing net. This is what we will talk about next.

What is network landing?

In simple terms, planting a net is the process of tying a net fabric to a cord. The lower cord (must be larger than the upper one) is called the cargo cord.

Planting a fishing net can be done:
– automatically (during machine knitting of the network);
– manually (using a shuttle).

Network landing methods

Using a milestone. This is one of the most popular methods. The pole is used as an auxiliary tool and is a special ruler with notches at the ends that correspond to the distance between the nodes.

Experienced net knitters do not need to use poles correctly. However, novice fishermen, in order to universally use the pole for nets with different cells, can stick several tapes on it indicating the corresponding values.

Planting a network “on the run”. This method of network landing is used primarily in manually connected networks. The main advantage of landing while “running” is the absence of securing nodes. This allows the net to move along the landing thread, making the net more catchable and more mobile.

Drift landing net. This type of planting is in many ways similar to planting a net on the run. The main difference is the presence of a “leg” from the rebound to the landing edge. When drift landing the net, the “leg” performs the function of reducing the twist of the web during the pick-up, while the last mesh at the bottom of the leg is captured into a knot in the flint.

Landing in a knot. This is the simplest type of landing for large mesh fishing nets. However, the toughest and most reliable. The method involves threading a cord through the cells. The knot is a mandatory element of landing.

Avid fishermen most often choose a double knot, which is often used when landing a seine.

Landing on a cord. It is primarily used for fine mesh fabrics. The mesh fabric strung with an edge is evenly distributed along the cord. Then the cord is fixed with a landing thread at small intervals on the selection. Among the disadvantages of this method is the likelihood of canvas distortions.

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Landing is the attachment of the mesh fabric to the ropes bordering it - pick-ups and strands. This is one of the most important processes in the technology of constructing fishing gear. Here the fishing gear itself is mounted, it acquires dimensions, outlines, shape, etc. Planting determines the straightening of the mesh fabric, changes in the shape of the mesh, the length and width of the mesh fabric itself, its area, etc. Planting determines the consumption of materials for the construction of fishing gear. This is explained by the shapeability of the mesh fabric cells (see Fig. 1)

The cells are mesh rhombuses placed on one of the corners so that some of its diagonals are horizontal, i.e. go along the fishing gear, others are vertical, i.e. go across the fishing gear. If the sewing fabric is stretched horizontally, the cells will stretch out, their horizontal diagonals will increase and the entire fabric will become longer. It will decrease in height due to the simultaneous shortening of the vertical diagonals. And, conversely, if the canvas is stretched vertically, then the vertical diagonals will stretch out, the horizontal ones will shorten and it will become tall (wide), but short.

It should be taken into account that it is impossible to plant without preliminary calculation, since attaching the nets to the selections will determine the degree of their straightening, and therefore the length and height. Quantitatively, landing is characterized by landing coefficients: horizontal and vertical.

The horizontal landing coefficient is the ratio of the length of the mesh fabric after planting to its length before planting, i.e. pressed:

u = L/L o

Where u - horizontal landing coefficient; L, - length of the mesh fabric after planting ; L o- tensioned length of the mesh fabric.

Since the horizontal direction mostly coincides with the selection direction, then And sometimes called the selection landing coefficient. As can be seen from the formula, it indicates the degree of shortening of the mesh fabric during planting. In fact, if the tensioned net has a length of 100 m, and after landing 80

u = 80/100 = 0.8

If the nets had a length of 100, 150, 80 m, and after landing, 60, 75 and 60 m, respectively, then the landing coefficients will be 0.6; 0.5 and 0.75.

Because L o > L That u less than one and reaches one in the limit when L o = L those. The mesh fabric is placed on ties in full horizontal extension. Minimum value And equal to zero when the mesh fabric is completely extended vertically and L=0 . Thus, the horizontal landing coefficient is always a fractional number, denoted by a decimal fraction and varying from 0 to 1.0.

The above formula can be converted into the following forms:

L = u L oAnd L o = L/ u

Knowing the landing coefficient and the initial length of the networks, i.e. tension length, you can determine what their fit length will be or, as they say, the selection length. For example, mesh fabrics with a tension length of 100, 120 and 60 m with landings of 0.6, 0.5 and 0.8 will have a length of 60, 60 and 48 m, respectively.

Knowing the length of the landing and the landing coefficient using the formula, you can determine the length of the tension, and this is equivalent to answering the question, how long is the length of the mesh fabric needed so that after landing the net has the correct length L . Let it be required to answer this question if And , equal to 0.8, 0.75 and 0.6, the nets should have a selection length of 64, 75 and 120 m. Dividing L on u , we get L o 80, 100 and 200 m respectively.

The vertical landing coefficient is the ratio of the height (width) of the mesh fabric after landing to the height (width) of its tension:

u 1 = H/H o

Where And , - vertical landing coefficient; N - height of the net after landing; H o - tensioned network height.

Using the above formula, you can also determine the height of the network after landing and tension:

H = u 1 H o and H o = H/ u 1

In height in tension and And it is possible to determine the actual height of the fishing gear after landing. According to seating height and u 1 you can find the initial height of the tension fishing gear.

Like the horizontal landing factor, the vertical landing factor is also most often expressed as a decimal fraction. The vertical landing coefficient is used when planting the mesh fabric on the strands and side pick-ups.

The horizontal and vertical landing coefficients are strictly related to each other. If one decreases, the other increases and vice versa.

Thus, knowing the initial dimensions of the mesh fabric and the landing coefficient And, You can not only set the length of the net by selection, but also its height. To do this, according to the dependence between And And And/ find the value of the latter and determine N .

The choice of landing coefficient for landing is determined by the economy of material, the catchability of fishing gear, their operating conditions, etc. Thus, the mesh fabric is most straightened when planting with a coefficient And , equal 0,7 . But for better networking, many nets are planted with And , equal 0,5-0,6 . Used for cast nets And , equal 0,67 , for purse seines - equal 0,75-0,8 etc.

Planting is carried out in various ways. The most common running landing is as follows. The selection on which the mesh fabric sits is stretched and secured at the extreme points, the distance between which is called subsidence. The usual drawdown length is 25-30 m. If it is necessary to plant both edges of the mesh fabric, then both selections are stretched in parallel and the planting is carried out simultaneously.

For planting, use a planting thread (a thick nylon or cotton thread wound around a needle) approximately two numbers lower than the thread of the mesh fabric.

The process of landing on the run is that the root end of the landing thread is attached to the selection with a landing knot, which is sometimes called a dandy. Then the needle is passed through several cells of the landing edge and, having given the landing thread some slack, it is again attached to the pick-up, and this is done until the end of the drawdown. Then a new section is tied into the gap and the process continues.

For ease of operation, the seating edge of the mesh fabric is pre-stretched along the sag.

The distance between two landing nodes is called flint. The length of the flint should not exceed 20-22 cm. Typically, a flint with a length of 15-20 cm is used.

Rice. 2 Landing while running

The length of the flint cannot be chosen arbitrarily. To ensure a given landing factor, it must strictly correspond to the number of cells captured in the flint. If they take you to the flint n cells, then their length of tension is equal 2ap . When landing with a coefficient And length n cells after planting there should be 2 api . This value represents the distance between the nodes, or the length of the flint: l=2 api.

Thus, before starting planting with a certain value And based on the number of cells in the flint, you need to find the length of the flint l.

As an example, let's find the length of the flint for planting a mesh fabric with a mesh pitch A = 40 mm at landing rate u = 0.7 . We will take 5 cells into the flint. Then according to the formula l = 2api we get

l = 2 x 40 x 5 x 0.7 = 280 mm.

The size of the flint turned out to be too large, so we will reduce the number of cells to 3.

According to the formula l = 2 x 40 x 3 x 0.7 = 168 mm . The resulting flint size is acceptable.

To ensure the same length of flints throughout the entire drawdown and maintain a given fit, the points of tying the landing knots are marked with some kind of signs on the selection. Experienced craftsmen mark the length on their needles and, applying the needle to the selection, from time to time check the correctness of the work.

Sometimes a marking cord is stretched next to the picks, on which marks marking the flint are pre-applied. It is very convenient to calculate the length of the flint by cells.

The amount of sag in the flint when landing while running should be such that the fisherman can freely hold the flint with his hand without clinging to the netting. However, if there is too much slack, the fish can pass through the flint. Practically during the planting process, the sag is adjusted by the width of the palm, three or two fingers, and this is done automatically at the moment of applying the planting thread to the selection and tying the knot.

The advantage of running landing is that it is quick and easy to operate. In addition, the cells of the net fabric, not secured by knots, move along the flint, as they say, run across (hence the name of the landing), giving the net softness and increasing catchability. To further increase the softness and catchability of the nets, sometimes when planting between flints, one mesh is not captured with a thread.

In rough sea conditions, free movement of the cells along the flint is undesirable, as this leads to their rapid grinding. To avoid this, each outermost cell of the flint is captured in a knot (Fig. 3). This increases the rigidity of the landing, reduces the chafing of the cells and the unraveling of the flints.

Rice. 3. Types of landings: A - with cell skipping: 6 with cell capture taken into account, V - on the cord; G - trawl landing

Increasing rigidity is sometimes achieved without unnecessary nodes. To do this, the landing thread is passed into the lowermost mesh of the flint twice: before tying and after tying the landing knot. The cell is stretched by two adjacent fires, increasing the rigidity of the landing.

A variation of landing on the run is drift landing, which received its name from drift nets, in the construction of which it is widely used. In this case, the landing thread is attached to the selection using a regular landing knot. The thread directed downwards from the knot is carried around its root end in 3-4 strokes and then, at the accepted sag length (8-10 cm), both threads (root and running) are taken into the knot. A mesh is sometimes placed into this knot for rigidity. Then the needle is threaded through the required number of cells, and the landing node is placed again.

Another type of planting of mesh fabric is the so-called cord planting. First, a landing thread (cord) is passed through all the cells of the landing edge, which is then secured through certain sections in compliance with the required landing coefficient to the selection with a separate thread using a simple benzel.

Of particular interest is the landing of trawls. It is carried out on a special landing cable using a double nylon net. The landing coefficient is maintained thanks to the marks marked on the landing cable, between which the parts are evenly seated. Each cell is captured in two flints, as in the case described above. The landing rope is attached to the pick-up using benzels. Since the landing edge passes from the tug (central part) to the wings of the trawl, it is necessary to untie the rotary flint.

To understand how to start knitting a fishing net, you need to consider the materials involved in the process. First of all, you will need threads.

Fishermen call them delhi. Modern nets are woven from synthetic materials (nylon, nylon, etc.)

d.). At the same time, the parts turn out to be more durable, do not rot or collapse for quite a long time.

Experienced fishermen claim that nets made of synthetic materials are more catchy.

In order for the net to hold a certain shape, it is woven on special ropes called landing laces. It could also be wire.

It is also necessary to select the material for the sinkers and floats. They should be smooth, preferably round in shape. Foam plastic, birch bark or wood are suitable for floats. To prevent the material from being destroyed, it is coated with appropriate paint.

Handy tool

When learning how to knit a fishing net, you should pay attention to the tool at hand. First of all, you will need a shuttle. This is a kind of needle with which the network will be knitted. It is also necessary to prepare a bar or ruler. It is also called a template. This is a plate with smooth edges. It determines the size of the cells.

You can buy a shuttle in a store or make it yourself if you wish. To do this you will need to prepare a sheet of plastic or plywood. The workpiece is cut according to a specific template. Its edges must be sanded with sandpaper. It's easier to knock out the middle with a chisel.

The material must be sufficiently rigid. To do this you will need plastic or plywood no thinner than 2-3 mm. The width of the shuttle is approximately 3 cm, and the length is about 25 cm. If the bar (template) by which the width of the cell is determined is small, then the width of the shuttle should be even smaller.

Independent planting of nets and choice of mesh fabric

To plant networks yourself, in the absence of experience, you need to consult a specialist or read the literature and relevant materials on the Internet. It is necessary to make preliminary calculations on the mesh size and the shrinkage coefficient of the canvas. This will allow you to correctly determine the selection length.

Then the necessary network materials are purchased. For beginners in this business, it is better not to mess with sinkers and floats. A floating and weight cord is the right solution to the problem. The mesh should also be taken simpler, for example, from monofilament. It is much easier to work with a net made of thick fishing line when planting nets.

Fishing nets made in China have a straight sliding fit. The cells of the fabric are simply put on for selections. Such a network is not suitable for repair. This is a one-time item.

Real nets are mounted on an intermediate nylon thread (string), with a diameter of 0.3-0.7 mm. At certain intervals - flint, this planting thread is attached to the selections using special knots made with a shuttle or a “needle”. The length of the flint depends on the mesh size and the network landing coefficient.

There are various ways to plant nets on flint. Most often, there are 4-5 cells per flint.

The length of the flint is determined by a simple calculation. Let’s say the fabric has a mesh of 30 mm, fit 1:2.

One flint contains, for example, 4 cells. We multiply 30 mm by 2 (mentally stretch the network into a line) and multiply by 4 again.

We get 240 mm. If the planting is carried out 1:2, then the length of the flint will be 120 mm.

Usually they strive to make the flint length close to 200 mm. This means that for a 30 mm cell, you can put 6 cells on one flint.

Then for a 1:2 landing, the length of one span or flint will be 180 mm - the approximate length of the shuttle. They measure out where to tie the next flint with the collected cells to the selection.

Planting nets on your own develops your hands and eye; this activity calms your nerves. All necessary materials can be ordered in our online store “Your Catch”. There you can ask questions and get advice.

Ring tying scheme

After creating the first cell and knot, you need to tie the entire ring. Experienced fishermen will tell you in detail how to knit a fishing net. The scheme of this process corresponds to the procedure discussed above. The thread is laid again over the template. It then goes underneath it and is threaded through the ring.

Then the thread is brought to the finger and pressed. Next, make 2 knots. If you want to make a network with 50x50 mm cells with a total of 20 pieces, there will be 21 loops on the wire ring.

All nodes must be made at the same distance. After 21 loops (or other required number) have been cast on, the threads are carefully removed from the template. The next row is knitted.

Weaving a network

If you are interested in how to knit fishing nets with your own hands, you need to consider subsequent weaving. It is not removed from the wire ring until about 10 rows have been created. In this case, you will get a network with 5 cells in length.

If you stretch this product, you will get a structure about 2 m in size. During assembly (planting), the network will shrink. The reduction will be about 1/3. In this case, the network will be 1.3-1.5 m long.

This work is painstaking and requires a sufficient amount of time. To shorten the process, you can try making nodes using a different technology.

Tightening a complex knot

The technology presented above allows you to understand how to knit fishing nets with your own hands. Node diagrams may differ slightly. Some of them are easy to knit, but it takes a lot of time.

To make the process go faster, you need to master the technology of weaving complex knots. After the thread is placed on the template and pressed, it is lowered down. Next, grab the line with the little finger of your left hand. At the same time, it is stretched between the template and the finger.

Next you should pay attention to the shuttle. The index finger of the right hand is pressed against it. By moving towards you, the thread is captured and left on the shuttle. Then the captured fishing line is pulled towards itself. With your right hand, move your finger down and away from you at the same time.

The thread crosses. The right hand with the shuttle is carried to the cell. The index finger moves away from him. The tip of the shuttle is threaded into the next cell. The thread is thrown off for him. The shuttle is threaded further and the thread is tightened.

When learning how to properly knit fishing nets, you need to tighten a complex knot. The template moves close to the captured cell. With your left hand you clamp the place where the knot will be tightened later. Now the line is dropped from the little finger. Next the knot is tightened.

This process may take a long time at first. But your hands will gradually get used to it, and you will be able to knit the net with almost automatic movements. You can even watch TV and do work.

Deley repair

When studying the technology of how to knit a fishing net, you should pay attention to the repair of parts. Sometimes it is necessary to tie up pieces damaged during fishing. If you need to reduce a row, then at subsequent levels the number of cells is reduced. To increase the width of the sections, a shuttle is threaded through one window 2 times.

To cut off damaged cells, mark this area along the edge. Next, the damaged segments are removed near the node. In this case, 2 threads coming out of it are cut off at once. This way you can remove a whole row. The cells are also cut obliquely.

If necessary, 2 pieces of networks can be connected and one new one can be made from several old ones. To do this, pieces of nets are hung by their outer segments on a nail. The edges of the two pieces put together are stretched. The shuttle is threaded 2 times into each pair of windows. A knot is made every 5-7 cells.

You can bind a thread alternately to segments of one and another network. This is a more reliable way. In this case, the shuttle movements are performed in the same way as when weaving a regular weave. The thread should be the same thickness as in both pieces of old nets.

Repairs will need to be done sooner or later. There are also no great difficulties in this process.

Having familiarized yourself with the technology of how to knit a fishing net, you can create your own fishing tackle. Over time, the weaving process will take very little time.

Therefore, creating a delhi yourself will not be difficult. When using nets, the fisherman does not have to participate in the fishing process all the time.

After installing the gear, you can enjoy your outdoor recreation and return home with a big catch.

One of the most important stages in preparing the net is its landing or, in other words, its attachment to the upper and lower selections. This process can be performed either manually or mechanized.

The most important indicator in the landing process is the landing coefficient (LC). The length of the tackle is determined by the size of the diamond, which, in turn, is characterized by the value of the landing coefficient. By multiplying this characteristic by the mesh size, the required diamond shape is determined. When PC = 1, we get a cell that is elongated in length and its height is zero. When selecting PCs, they always focus on the types of fish that you intend to catch using a net. The value of the indicator is determined by the size of their body, for example, for smaller vendace it is 0.5, and for bream it is 0.33. PC is one of the most important factors influencing the degree of encasement of fish.

An interesting fact is that networks with the same characteristics, but with different PCs, can bring completely different catches in the same body of water. At the same time, the value of the landing coefficient itself largely depends on the fishing method that you prefer. The universal fixed network is characterized by a PC equal to 0.45. In this case, its length will be 67.5 m. Such gear is suitable for catching almost any prey. It is worth noting that the PC value will decrease with increasing fish size, catch volumes and current speed.

For fishing on the sea or rivers using floating fishing nets, the optimal PC value is in the range from 0.60 to 0.67. Such gear is convenient for frequent inspection, and the fish does not get entangled, but only becomes entangled in the net. If the net is installed along the route of a dense school of fish, the most suitable PC value will be from 0.30 to 0.33.
In the case of gillnets, it is worth focusing on the following values, depending on the body shape of the potential prey:

  • from 0.50 to 0.67 – for fish with a round body;
  • from 0.35 to 0.45 – for fish with average body height;
  • from 0.30 to 0.40 – for fish with a tall body.

When fishing in the dark, nets with a PC of 0.50 noticeably win. As a rule, gills with a PC value exceeding 0.67 are not found.
Landing coefficient values ​​in the range from 0.30 to 0.40 are optimal for gear in which fish become entangled rather than stuck in meshes. These same nets are also suitable for hunting large specimens, for example, during smooth fishing during the spawning period.

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