Breast collection 1 instructions for use. Chest collection n1 Lectrava: instructions for use

Update: December 2018

For various diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract wide application have various medicinal plants. For ease of use, there are ready-made plant collections that help both children and adults with diseases of the bronchi and lungs. There are 4 types of chest cough preparations, instructions for use of which we offer in our article.

Each of these fees differs in composition medicinal herbs, but they can all be used for the following diseases:

  • , tracheitis, pharyngitis, tracheobronchitis
  • bronchial asthma,
  • COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • pulmonary tuberculosis
  • ARVI, influenza, and other diseases accompanied by sputum production

The use of chest cough preparations reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract, has an expectorant effect, thins mucus, facilitating its elimination, and chest preparations also have a bronchodilator effect, relaxing the muscles and dilating the bronchi.

Breast packs according to the instructions are contraindicated for use by persons with a history of allergic manifestations to medicinal herbs, as well as a combination of their use with central action - Libexin, Stoptusin, Codelac. In this case, stagnation of sputum may form. At the discretion of the doctor, combined treatment is allowed - a decoction of herbs with an expectorant effect is taken during the day, and at night, when the cough greatly bothers the patient, the use of an antitussive is acceptable.

Breast collection No. 1 - instructions

Ingredients: Marshmallow root, oregano, coltsfoot leaves
Release form: filter - bags and cardboard packs with collection
Pharmacological group: herbal expectorant
Pharmacological action: Breast collection 1 - the instructions indicate that this is a combination remedy plant origin, which has pronounced anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties.

  • and marshmallow – have an expectorant, anti-inflammatory effect
  • Oregano - sedative and expectorant effect

Contraindications: Breast collection 1 is contraindicated for use during pregnancy, since the oregano contained in it can cause uterine bleeding, hypersensitivity, a tendency to allergic reactions, and hay fever.
Side effects: Medicinal herbs included in the chest cough mixture for individuals with individual intolerance can cause swelling, itching, rash, urticaria, allergic rhinitis and other allergic reactions. Breastfeeding does not cause any other side effects.
Dosage, method of application: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the mixture is poured into a glass cold water, boil for 15 minutes in a water bath, leave for 45 minutes, filter, the prepared volume is brought to 200 ml. Take after meals, use as an infusion 2-3 times a day, 100 ml. To prepare a chest cough infusion for children, use 2 times less of the mixture of herbs. Course 2-3 weeks.

Chest cough mixture No. 2 - instructions

Compound: Coltsfoot leaves, plantain, licorice root
Release form: filter - bags and cardboard packs with collection
Pharmacological group: herbal expectorant
Pharmacological action: Herbal combination drug with expectorant and anti-inflammatory effects.

  • Great plantain contains polysaccharides, carotene, tannins, glycoside (rinanthin), vitamin C
  • Coltsfoot - contains inulin, essential oil, glycoside (tussilyagin), mucous and tannins
  • Licorice roots - contain flavonoids, licurazide, glycyrrhizic acid

Indications for use: ARVI, influenza, pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, other inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract with poorly separated sputum.
Contraindications: Increased individual sensitivity to medicinal herbs. As for the safety of using breast collection 2 during pregnancy, the licorice root contained in it is not recommended for pregnant women.
Dosage, methods of application: According to the instructions, breast collection 2 is used internally as an infusion, for the preparation of which 4 g. or 1 tablespoon of the collection is poured into a glass of cold boiled water, and boiled in a water bath with the lid closed for 15 minutes, then cooled for 45 minutes, filtered. The resulting infusion is brought to a volume of 200 ml. Take warm, 3-4 times a day, 100 ml for a course of 14-21 days. Shake the infusion before use.
Side effect: Allergic reactions - itching, rash, swelling
Special instructions: The prepared solution cannot be stored for more than 2 days and should be stored in a cool place.

Chest collection No. 3 - instructions for use

Compound: sage, anise fruits, pine buds, marshmallow root.
Release form: Cardboard packs with collection and tea filter bags
Pharmacological action: Combined herbal preparation with anti-inflammatory, expectorant effect.

  • Pine buds have a disinfectant effect and relieve inflammation
  • Anise - also has disinfectant and expectorant properties
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Marshmallow – has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory effect

Indications for use: For symptomatic treatment of ARVI, influenza, as well as infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract - pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, tracheobronchitis.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the herbs included in the collection. The anise included in the collection is contraindicated during pregnancy, so this collection should not be taken by pregnant women.
Dosage and method of application: Used internally as an infusion, 10 g. collection or 2 tablespoons, pour a glass of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, leave for 45 minutes, filter. The infusion is brought to 200 ml. boiled water. Take warm, hot, 3-4 times a day, 100 ml, shaking beforehand. Course 14-21 days.
Side effect: Allergic reactions.
Special instructions: Store the prepared infusion in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

Breast collection No. 4 cannot be used during pregnancy

Compound: Ledum, chamomile, violet grass, mint, calendula, licorice root
Release form: Tea filter bags and collection packs
Pharmacological action: Herbal combination drug with antispasmodic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory effects.

  • Ledum shoots - contains glycoside (arbutin), tannins, palustrol in essential oil, has an expectorant effect
  • — contain anthemisic acid, essential oil, azulene, glycosides, has an anti-inflammatory effect
  • — contain acids, flavonoids, tannins, carotenoids, saponins.
  • Violet herb - contains vitamin C, glycosides, saponins, flavonoids (rutin, quercetin), has a sedative and anti-inflammatory effect
  • Licorice roots - contain flavonoids, licurazide, glycyrrhizic acid
  • Mint leaves - contain menthol in essential oil, have a sedative effect.

Indications for use: Bronchial asthma, not associated with hay fever, infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract: chronic and acute bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis. Many believe that this breast milk during pregnancy is the most preferable, however, the licorice included in the composition may not be safe, it affects hormonal levels and water-salt balance, which negatively affects the condition of the woman and the fetus.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity.
Dosage and application: As an infusion, take 70 ml 3-4 times a day, for a course of 2-3 weeks. To make the infusion you need 10 grams. or 2 tablespoons, pour a glass of boiling water, heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, then leave for 45 minutes, filter, squeeze, bring to 200 ml. Shake before use.
Side effect: Allergic reactions. In case of an overdose, symptoms of poisoning may appear; wild rosemary is especially dangerous, since this plant is considered poisonous due to some properties.
Special instructions: The finished decoction of chest cough mixture is stored in a cool place for no more than 2 days.

Breastfeeding during pregnancy

As for the use of breast collection during pregnancy, the opinion of doctors is not clear; some allow the use of 4 collections, others do not.

  • Since 1 collection contains oregano, it definitely cannot be taken during pregnancy.
  • In the 2nd and 4th breast collections there is licorice root, which also cannot be used during pregnancy, it can cause hormonal imbalance, increase nervousness, cause tachycardia, increase swelling and headaches may appear when taken.
  • Collection No. 3 contains anise, which is also contraindicated during pregnancy.
  • It is better to take separate infusions of marshmallow or take Althea syrup, Alteyka syrup or in tablets, you can also use plantain, or a ready-made medicine with plantain.
  • In any case, any treatment during pregnancy should be agreed with your doctor, medicinal herbs as well as medicines have an effect on the body and the fetus, sometimes not in the best way.

1 g of collection contains: marshmallow roots - 0.4 g, coltsfoot leaves - 0.4 g, oregano herb - 0.2 g.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Expectorants in combination.

Basicsnew physicochemical properties

Plarge peas infilter-packages: a mixture of heterogeneous pieces of yellowish or grayish-white, grayish-green, green, brownish-purple color, passing through a sieve with holes measuring 2000 microns; the smell is weak, aromatic;

Pharmacological properties

The drug has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. Biologically active substances (polysaccharides) have an enveloping effect on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and help reduce the cough reflex.

Indications for use

Inside: as part of complex therapy inflammatory diseases respiratory tract (pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis).

Warning for use

Before starting treatment, consult your doctor.


Increased individual sensitivity to substances contained in the drug, as well as to plants of the Lamiaceae family, hyperacid gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, pregnancy, breastfeeding period, childhood up to 18 years old.

Special benefitsreductions

Use during pregnancyBelly or breastfeeding

Safety of use during pregnancy and lactation has not been established. Due to the lack of sufficient data, use during pregnancy and lactation is contraindicated.

Ability to influenceb on reaction speed when driving vehicles andwhether to work with other mechanisms

Studies have not been conducted to evaluate the effect of taking the drug on the ability to drive a car and operate machinery. Children. Use in children under 18 years of age is contraindicated due to lack of adequate data.

Directions for use and doses

Place 2 filter bags in a glass or enamel bowl, pour 200 ml of boiling water, close and leave for 15 minutes. Take the infusion warm 2-3 times a day after meals, 1 glass.


Do not use the medicine for more than 4 weeks during the year. If while taking the drug the symptoms persist or the condition worsens (the temperature rises, breathing problems develop, a cough with purulent sputum appears), you should consult a doctor.


No information available.

Side effect

Possible development allergic reactions. If any adverse reactions occur, including those not listed in this instruction, you should stop using the drug and consult a doctor.

Interaction with other drugsby special meansand other types of mutualactions

Chest collection No. 1 should not be used simultaneously with antitussive drugs, as well as with drugs that reduce the formation of sputum, as this makes it difficult to cough up liquefied sputum. Concomitant use with other drugs may reduce their absorption.

Currently, there is a fairly wide selection of remedies to combat such an unpleasant symptom as cough. For this purpose, in particular, tablets, mixtures, lozenges, and syrups are used. However, we should not forget that diseases, as well as their symptoms, have long been treated with herbs. Traditional medicine has not lost its relevance today, despite all the achievements of modern pharmacology. In addition, today there are more and more supporters of such products, because they are made from natural ingredients, which means there is a risk of some unpleasant side effects is reduced to a minimum.

Chest cough collection 1 - composition and application features

Indeed, today many people prefer to fight certain diseases, as well as the symptoms that accompany them, with the help of medicinal herbs. In this case, the most effective option is a combination of several plants, called a collection. Thanks to the healing properties of several herbs, such medicines help eliminate a range of health problems.

Among such remedies, I would like to highlight chest cough mixture 1. From the name it is clear that main task when using it is to eliminate this unpleasant symptom. However, the healing properties of collection 1 do not end there. In particular, it helps the bronchi to clear the mucus that accumulates there, and is also able to effectively resist bacterial and viral infections. This is evidenced by numerous reviews on the Internet, according to which the collection is not only safe, but also very effective. In particular, it has proven itself very well in diseases such as

The desired therapeutic effect is achieved thanks to the components included in the product.

Exactly medicinal herbs help cope with the disease, accelerating the healing process. Collection 1 includes:

  • oregano herb;
  • coltsfoot leaves;
  • marshmallow root.

The combination of medicinal herbs here is composed in the following proportion (according to the list above) - 20-40-40 percent. Packaging can be different - just a mixture of herbs or paper bags like tea bags.

Let's now take a closer look at the components of this drug. In particular, the herb oregano. Speaking about the importance of this component, first of all, it is necessary to note its strong antiseptic property. Oregano can suppress the onset inflammatory processes and has a wonderful tonic effect. At the same time, it also has a weak diuretic effect - this is a very important point in situations where you need to get rid of an acute respiratory disease.

Coltsfoot was used in folk medicine from time immemorial. This is explained in a number of ways healing properties, which this plant has - expectorant, emollient, anti-inflammatory and enveloping. Coltsfoot is especially effective for dry coughs, as it helps, for example, relieve the severity of attacks.

Marshmallow root has long been used to treat many diseases. It contains vitamins, microelements and fatty oils. Thanks to this, marshmallow root has anti-inflammatory properties, is able to heal wounds and strengthen the immune system. Also, marshmallow root is very good at combating problems such as coughs, while relieving inflammation in the mucous membrane of the throat. Just because of the efficiency of this plant as a medicine and was included in collection 1.

The medicine can be used in the form of medicinal tea or inhalation. Making a healing drink is easy. Just take one bag and pour a glass of boiling water over it. After this, let the product sit for 3-5 minutes. Adult patients can brew two sachets at once - in this case, a more concentrated medicine is obtained. You should drink it at least 2 times a day. The dosage depends on the patient's age. In particular, children are given from 1 tablespoon to a quarter glass. An adult can drink 100 milligrams.

Breast collection is an expectorant with anti-inflammatory and mild antispasmodic effects, including only herbal components.

Release form and composition

The dosage form of the drug is a collection of crushed raw materials, which are sold in packs of 30, 50, 75 and 100 grams, as well as powdered raw materials, packaged in filter bags of 2 grams, 10 or 20 bags per pack.

There are four types of chest collection, respectively produced under Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4:

  • Composition of Breast Collection No. 1: licorice root (40%), leaves and herbs of coltsfoot (40%), as well as the aerial part of oregano (20%);
  • Composition of Breast Collection No. 2: leaves and herbs of coltsfoot (about 40%), leaves and herbs of plantain (about 30%) and licorice root (30%);
  • The composition of Breast Collection No. 3 contains: marshmallow roots (28.85%), Scots pine buds (14.4%), licorice root (28%), anise fruits (14.4%), as well as sage leaves (14 .4%);
  • Composition of Breast Collection No. 4: wild rosemary shoots (20%), medicinal chamomile flowers (20%), violet herb (20%), calendula flowers (20%), licorice root (15%), peppermint leaves (5%).

Indications for use

According to the instructions, Chest Collection is a drug effective for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, which are accompanied by the formation of thick sputum that is difficult to clear. In particular, the drug is used for bronchitis, tracheitis, tracheobronchitis, pneumonia, ARVI.


The use of the Breast Collection, according to the instructions, is contraindicated:

  • Subject to availability hypersensitivity to at least one component included in the collection;
  • For ulcerative or erosive lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Regarding the use of the drug in pediatrics, collections numbered 1, 2 and 3 should not be prescribed to children under 12 years of age, collection No. 4 is not recommended to be given to children under 3 years of age.

Due to lack of experience and lack sufficient quantity data on the safety of using the collection during pregnancy, during this period of a woman’s life the collection can be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor, always taking into account the ratio of the expected benefits for the expectant mother and potential risks to the fetus. Decision to continue or terminate breastfeeding During the treatment period, it should be taken together with a doctor.

Directions for use and dosage

According to the instructions, Breast collection must be taken orally in the form of decoctions and infusions.

The decoction is prepared as follows: 2 tbsp. medicinal raw materials (or 4 filter bags) are poured with one glass of boiled water, but cooled to room temperature, covered with a lid, then boiled for 15 minutes in a water bath. The finished broth is cooled, filtered, the raw materials are squeezed out, and then the volume is adjusted to 200 ml (with hot boiled water).

To prepare the infusion: place 1 filter bag or 2 grams of the collection in an enamel container, pour 1/2 cup of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for 15 minutes (when brewing the bags, periodically press on them with a spoon). The resulting infusion is brought to 100 ml with boiled water.

Both the decoction and the infusion should be taken warm after meals.

Breast charges numbered 1, 2 and 3 are usually prescribed 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day.

  • Children 3-5 years old – 2-3 teaspoons;
  • Children 6-12 years old – 1-2 tablespoons;
  • Teenagers over 12 years old and adults – 1/3-1/2 cup.

The duration of use of the Breast Collection in each case is determined individually, taking into account the tolerability and effectiveness of the drug. As a rule, treatment lasts 2-3 weeks.

Side effects

Numerous patient reviews confirm the information provided in the instructions that this herbal preparation is well tolerated and does not have side effects if the recommended dosages are followed.

Very rarely, mainly in the presence of hypersensitivity or intolerance to one or more components of the Breast Collection, there is a risk of developing allergic reactions.

Cases of overdose of this drug have not been reported in medical practice to date.

Special instructions

Like all expectorants, Chest Collection should not be taken with medications that have an antitussive effect or reduce sputum production. This is due to the fact that such a combination will make it difficult to cough up liquefied sputum.

The drug does not have negative influence on the speed of reactions and the ability to concentrate, therefore it can be used by people of any profession.


Structural analogues of Breast Collection No. 1 and No. 2 are Phytopectol, respectively, under No. 1 and 2.

The following medicines belong to the same pharmacological subgroup (“Expectorants”), are characterized by a similar mechanism of action and contain herbal components: Alteika root extract, Phytopectol, Marshmallow syrup, Ledum marsh raw material, Amtersol, Bronchicum, Gedelix, Bronchipret, Herbion, Doctor Theis , Doctor Mom, Oregano herb, Coldrex broncho, Codelac Broncho, Linkas, Cough medicine, Coltsfoot leaf, Mukaltin, Pectussin, Ammonia-anise drops, Pertussin, Plantain large leaf briquette, Prospan, Licorice root raw material, Stoptussin- Phyto, Licorice syrup, Suprima-Broncho, Thermopsis extract, TeraFlu, Travisil, Tussin, Tussamag, Phytantis, Eucabal, Thyme grass, Eucatol, etc.