Characteristics of turkey breeds. What breeds of turkeys are suitable for breeding at home? Video about the best turkey breeds with detailed descriptions

Turkey breeding is becoming increasingly popular in rural areas and farms, because this large bird can produce from 12 to 20 (or even more) kilograms of tasty dietary meat in a few months of keeping. They raise turkeys for themselves in small numbers; for sale on the market, the flock can be from 20 birds. And if you start a family business with turkeys, then for breeding you will need a permanent farm where the birds are kept until they reach the required marketable weight.

One of the most important points - right choice, which bird is the most profitable for breeding. Turkey breeds are not as numerous as chickens, but they differ significantly in various indicators: size, how much the bird weighs, how many eggs it produces, in what conditions it must be kept.

The wild turkey is the progenitor of all breeds

We offer you a description of the best turkey breeds with photos and a brief description of commercial qualities.

There are two classifications by which turkey breeds are divided. The first has to do with what purpose the bird has. According to this parameter it happens:

  • Meat - this includes cross-breeds and broiler turkeys.
  • Meat-egg direction - they give enough meat, but less than broilers, plus up to 100 eggs per year.
  • Egg direction - there are not so many of these species and pure egg turkeys (for example, Virginia domestic turkey) are practically not bred here, since turkey eggs are not in high demand. Moreover, modern meat-egg heavy crosses produce the same number of eggs per season - from 80 to 110 pieces.

Broiler turkey carcass

The second method of separation is how much weight an adult bird has. There are three groups:

  • Light turkeys: males weigh up to 9 kg, females - up to 5.
  • Medium bird: male up to 16 kg, female up to 7.
  • Heavy turkeys: males weigh 23-30 kg, females - 10-12.
  • Based on this classification, we provide a description.

Light breeds of turkeys

It was bred in the middle of the last century at the Tikhoretsk poultry farm ( Krasnodar region). A distinctive feature of its appearance is its black plumage with a bronze-green tint. The body is wide and fleshy. This bird is not suitable for cage breeding, as it is very mobile.

Black Tikhoretskaya - young animals

It is optimal to keep them in pasture conditions, where turkeys find their own food, which allows saving up to 50% of feed.


  • The weight of a male is 9-10 kg, a female is 5.
  • Egg production – 65-70 eggs.
  • Hatchability – 85%.
  • Slaughter yield 93%


This is the most popular domestic turkey in our backyards, and also belongs to the light type. There is a larger species - Broad-chested Bronze, but this is a different breed and belongs to the medium type.

Bronze broad-breasted turkeys are medium-sized, the plumage in the upper part is black, and towards the tail and belly it turns into a bronze color. The bird is unpretentious for backyard breeding and suffers in cages. Laying hens make excellent brood hens.

Bronze light breed loves to be kept free

The meat is very tasty, delicacy, and is eagerly purchased by restaurants for haute cuisine.


  • The weight of a male is 8 kg, a female is 6 kg.
  • Egg production – 100 eggs per year.
  • Hatchability – 95%.
  • Slaughter yield 90%.

Virgin (Egg white, Dutch)

This is a rare American breed, although the breed is more often called Dutch White. The bird is small, strong and lean in constitution. The feathers are white, edged with black, and the tail is black. Raised only in semi-natural environments in large flocks to produce eggs. They are bought by the food industry - in the USA this is a very profitable business.

Virginia egg breed


  • The weight of a male is 8-9 kg, a female is 4.
  • Egg production – 100-110 eggs per year.
  • Hatchability – 90%.

A very beautiful breed of standard appearance: a wide, low body with a convex chest, short legs, so it seems that the bird is crawling and not walking. Calm disposition, breeding is preferable in yard conditions. It is resistant to frost.

The North Caucasian silver breed looks very elegant

The plumage is silvery-white, the back of the male is black, the wings of the female are light brown.


  • The weight of a male is up to 10 kg, a female is 5.
  • Egg production - no more than 40 eggs per year.
  • Hatchability – 80%.

North Caucasian white

They are also small, white birds with shiny plumage. Very quickly they gain marketable appearance when bred in the yard or on a pasture, they make excellent use of pasture - often in the evening they do not even touch the feeder.

North Caucasian white turkey

The meat is very tasty and is widely used in Caucasian cuisine. Used for smoking. Record holder for egg production.

  • Specifications:
  • The weight of a male is up to 9 kg, a female is 5.
  • Egg production – up to 180 eggs per year.
  • Hatchability – 95%.

Outbred turkeys

The light type includes almost all local turkeys, which were bred haphazardly for a long time and it is impossible to attribute them to any breed. The weight of a male does not exceed 7 kg, egg production is low - 20-30 eggs, and is free-keeping. The color can be white or variegated.

Outbred turkeys are not large

There are several more light-type breeds - Slate Blue, Red Bourbon, Dwarf White, but they have no practical significance, and are bred for decorative purposes and in zoos.

Medium type turkeys

These are mostly multi-purpose breeds that do not require such close care as heavy crosses, but allow you to get marketable meat in a few months; a laying hen produces from 60 to 11 eggs.

White Moscow

A fairly common medium-type breed in our country. It is also popular in many European countries. The body is large, the legs are high, the feathers are white, and there is a dark tuft on the neck. A very hardy bird, it feels better in free conditions, but easily adapts to the house.

Moscow White is a very successful breed

The quality of the meat is highly rated, the poultry is distinguished by its early maturity - at 16 weeks, turkey poults reach 5 kg in weight.


  • The weight of a male is up to 16 kg, females 7-8.
  • Egg production – up to 110 eggs per year.
  • Hatchability – 90%.

These turkeys are very popular in Asian countries, since the breed was bred in Uzbekistan in the 80s of the 20th century specifically for breeding in difficult climatic conditions. It tolerates both heat and frost very well. The size of the bird is medium, the feather has a very beautiful fawn color.

Uzbek fawn - turkey


  • The weight of a male is up to 12-14 kg, females 5-6 kg.
  • Egg production – up to 40-50 eggs per year.
  • Fertility rate – 90%.
  • Hatchability – 70%.

An excellent variety of turkeys with bronze plumage, with a white border. At home, the breed is classified as a medium type, although there is evidence that in special conditions a male can reach 35 kg. Bronze broad-breasted animals are raised for meat and slaughtered at the age of 160 days, when females weigh up to 7.5 kg and males weigh up to 14 kg.

It is not customary to release these turkeys to pasture, as they quickly run wild. They are kept in aviaries or poultry houses.

Bronze broad-breasted - a bird with a calm disposition


  • The weight of a male is up to 15-16 kg, females 8-9.
  • Egg production – up to 55-60 eggs per year.
  • Fertility rate – 85%.
  • Hatchability – 70%.

This breed was bred on the basis of the previous one at the Moscow Poultry Research Institute, but is distinguished by greater precocity - by 4 months the female weighs up to 4.5 kg, and the male - 6 kg. The plumage is also bronze in color, the head is much longer, and the beak is strongly curved. The body is elongated, the chest is much wider.

Moscow Bronze is a very productive breed

In addition to its size, the Moscow Bronze Turkey has higher productivity in all respects. The eggs are larger than those of other medium-type species - up to 90 g each.


  • The weight of a male is up to 16-19 kg, females 7-9 kg.
  • Egg production – up to 80-90 eggs per year.
  • Fertility rate – 90%.
  • Hatchability – 80-90%.

Heavy turkeys – crosses and broilers

Heavy turkeys are mostly of the meat type, and their eggs are used only for incubatory breeding. Crosses are essentially hybrids and their qualities are not inherited, so you need to buy either eggs for incubation breeding or young animals for growing.

All broiler turkeys are crosses obtained in 2-4-line hybridization.

Cross BYuT-8 weighs up to 30 kg

Broiler turkeys are a meat-type bird with intensive growth, early maturity and very tasty juicy meat. The name broiler comes from English word broil, which means "to fry".

The heavy type includes not only hybrids, but also true breeds: White Broad-chested and Canadian Bronze.

White broad-breasted

In our country, broad-breasted whites are the most common breed of heavy turkeys, which are divided into three productive types: light, medium and heavy. They differ in both size and productivity. For breeding for sale, it is optimal to choose the heaviest subspecies, the young of which are ready for slaughter at the age of 100 days (after which the bird no longer grows).

White broad-chested - she is one of the best breeds of American selection

White broad-chested is a rather capricious breed in keeping; it is raised only in poultry houses and aviaries.

  • The weight of a male is 25-27 kg, females 11-12.
  • Egg production – up to 120 eggs per year.
  • Hatchability – 80-90%.

Canadian Bronze

The largest true breed among turkeys. At slaughter, marketable weight is reached within 90 days. This species is not widespread in our country, but in North America grown everywhere. The weight of a female at three months is 15 kg, and a male’s is 30-35 kg. The color is quite light, with a bronze tint.

Crosses and broilers

Hybrid Converter is a meat cross of English selection. The female weighs 11 kg, the male 24 kg. Growing period is 100 days. The meat has very high taste. This cross has been grown in the Royal Poultry Houses of Great Britain since 1953.

Hybrid turkeys have fillet in almost a third of their body.

The same manufacturer owns an improved version of the breed - White Broad-breasted Hybrid Turkeys. They were bred specifically to produce dietary meat with low cholesterol content.

  • Heavy cross Big-6 (Big-6) is a broiler that has conquered almost the whole world. It was developed in England, but now the rights to the trademark belong to a Turkish company.

The birds have white plumage and black spot on the chest. Turkey weight – 25-27 kg, turkey – 12 kg. Slaughter takes place at 100 days of age. The breast fillet makes up up to 30% of the carcass weight.

The cross Big-9 (Big-9) has even greater weight, as well as two other crosses from the same company - BUT-8 and BUT-9 (the weight of a male can reach 27-29 kg). We call them BYuT, although the name is correctly pronounced as BAT. These white crosses are distinguished by even greater early maturity, endurance and increased feed conversion.

Cross Universal - tall, strong turkeys

More recently, the Dutch cross Hidon (Heaton) was brought to our country - white turkeys with very attractive parameters:

  • The weight of a male is 19-20 kg, females are 16-17 kg.
  • Egg production – up to 100 eggs per year.
  • Feed costs 2.8 units. per 1 kg of gain.
  • Carcass yield based on live weight is 80%.

The turkey is the largest representative among all poultry adapted to grazing. Like other animals, these birds also have their own records for size and weight. The world's largest turkey, Tyson, raised in Great Britain, belonged to a breed of broad-breasted white turkeys.


Broad-breasted white turkeys were first bred in the United States in the 60s by crossing bronze broad-breasted and white Dutch representatives. Birds are considered representatives of the pheasant family, and their advantages include:

  • white color of plumage;
  • tender meat (and turkey meat is tastier than male turkey);
  • precocity;
  • high meat yield (80% of carcass weight);
  • proper presentation.

This species is bred in Russia in the central and southern regions: Rostov, Voronezh, Astrakhan regions and the Krasnodar Territory.

Broad-breasted white turkeys are classified into light, heavy and medium varieties.

At the age of 100 days, turkey poults stop growing. At this moment, their carcasses have an attractive presentation. The weight of females and males of the light line is 5.5 and 9 kg, respectively, of the medium line - 7 and 15 kg. As for the heavy line, their weight significantly exceeds other species: individuals reach 11 kg, and males weigh approximately 25-30 kg.

Tyson is the largest turkey in the world, who weighed 39 kilograms and belonged to this breed. The heavyweight was raised by Philip Cook, who lives in the UK.

The largest breeds of turkeys

Broad-breasted white turkeys are the largest breed of turkey. On their basis, in the 60s of the 20th century, another heavyweight was bred - Canadian turkeys. They have black or white plumage and strong nails that can withstand considerable weight (weighing almost 30 kilograms). The bird is not picky about its care and quickly gains weight. Disadvantages include: high demands on feed and a tendency to intestinal diseases.

Individuals of the Hybrid Converter breed are another large representative, nicknamed “Indo-ostriches” by farmers. Individuals gain weight up to 25 kilograms, and turkeys - up to 12 kilograms. Their features include rapid weight gain and disease resistance. The meat of these individuals contains a large amount of protein, which is why it is often consumed during diets.

Settlers from Europe domesticated turkeys a long time ago, and these large birds are assigned the role of unique symbols in America and Canada. Turkeys gradually spread throughout the world. Time does not stand still; breeders have developed a large number of turkey breeds. This article will be of help to novice farmers who want to acquire large birds on their farm, and will help decide on the choice of variety.

In the last century, large meat producers paid attention to birds. Thanks to this, breeding work began to breed large, broad-breasted turkeys, which belong to the broiler species. They are capable of gaining a record weight of up to 30 kg by the time of slaughter. So, what are the different breeds of turkeys? Photos and description are presented below.

Broiler turkey breeds: photos and descriptions

Broiler turkeys are often raised at home. Birds of this species are meat-oriented; for their proper fattening, a special technology is used, the observance of which will give excellent results.
Turkeys receive a special diet - special feed, a mixture with low content fiber, but containing vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, proteins in the required quantities. Turkeys for meat production must be given green mass and seasonal vegetables.
Young turkeys are provided with multiple meals from the first days of life. Until 10 days of age, they are given food 9 times a day. Gradually, the frequency of feedings becomes less, and the amount of feed mixtures increases. Birds are not picky about food; grown individuals can be fed with waste from the human table. But young animals need strict adherence to their diet.
The temperature regime for the room where young animals are kept is recommended to be maintained at about +24 degrees. In order for the chicks to grow actively, it is necessary to ensure good ventilation, avoid drafts, carry out timely cleaning and provide the young with lighting 13 hours a day. To ensure better heating, it is recommended to purchase specialized lamps.
Broiler turkeys grow quite large. Males gain live weight of about 29.9 kg, and turkeys - 9.9 kg.
Breeds of broiler turkeys, photos and descriptions of which are presented in this section, are as follows:
Broad-chested Canadian;
Moscow bronze;
hybrid converter;
cross big 6.
The above varieties are at the moment- the best meat birds.
Turkeys belonging to the super-heavy cross Big 6 can gain weight up to 30 kg. This indicator is considered the best compared to other varieties. The birds are distinguished by high productivity; meat yield from one carcass ranges from 79.9 to 84.9%. No other pet or bird has such high rates. Young animals gain marketable weight by the age of four months.
The appearance of the cross is similar to the white broad-breasted broiler. The birds were bred in England by crossing turkeys belonging to heavy breeds.
Thanks to long-term selection work, scientists have developed a highly productive breed - Canadian broiler broad-breasted turkeys. This breed is undemanding when it comes to diet; in 90 days, turkeys gain a live weight of 10 kg. To achieve this, birds must be provided with a high-calorie diet containing vitamins and minerals. Poultry farmers must remember that turkeys consume a large amount of water; it must be constantly in the drinker, especially during the hot season.
By the second month of life, Canadian broilers can reach a weight of 5 kg. Turkeys lay eggs from the age of nine months and almost all eggs are fertilized.

Bronze breed of turkeys

The characteristic feather color gives these birds their name, which are extremely popular among poultry farmers. The background color is red-brown, bronze. Males are slightly different in color, the upper third of the neck and chest are decorated with black feathers; on the back they are also dark, but have a bronze stripe. The tail plumage is very beautiful and has brown feathers with red stripes. Bronze turkey thighs and wings with contrasting white stripes. The heads of individuals are decorated with growths of bright scarlet color, which turn into snow-white or blue.

Turkeys are more modestly colored; they are characterized by the presence of a white edging that appears on the wings, back, and chest. The body has a more elegant structure, when compared with males, the head is without growths.
The average weight that turkeys can gain is 17.9 kg, smaller females - 10 kg. In 365 days, a turkey lays about a hundred eggs.
The bird can be kept in open enclosures and in moderate climatic conditions. In Canada, in the last century, a local bronze variety was bred, which is characterized by record endurance, high egg production, and excellent weight gain.
At the moment, birds of the Canadian breed are almost impossible to find on farms. The livestock census showed that there are just over 200 birds left in the country.

Broad-chested white

The bird was bred in America in the 20th century. The turkey has a massive body structure in the shape of an oval, a breast with a convexity, and on the beak there are growths of amazing length and bright red color.

Turkeys gain a live weight of about 25 kg; due to their good productivity, the birds have gained popularity among breeders. It is also convenient to breed broad-breasted white turkeys at home because they are well kept and raised in cages. In such conditions, they quickly gain weight, and feed consumption remains the same as when kept freely.
Living in a cage ensures that white broad-breasted turkeys gain the necessary weight as quickly as possible. Precocity becomes similar to relatives from Canada. Typically, these birds, when kept freely, gain the required weight more quickly.

North Caucasian bronze breed

Turkeys were bred in the Soviet Union in 1946, and to this day they are successfully raised on numerous farms. Among the ancestors of birds, local varieties of turkeys are known, to which sires belonging to the broad-breasted bronze turkeys were matched. The resulting breed is large in size and adapts well to different conditions content.

Adult males gain weight up to 14 kg, females most often weigh 2 times less. Turkeys have good egg production, and the young are in excellent health.

Moscow bronze breed

The Moscow Bronze domestic breed was developed by crossing local birds with Bronze Broadbreasts. A feature of the Moscow variety is an elongated body, large breasts with a bulge.
Birds are characterized by endurance; they can graze well in pasture conditions, which means that turkeys can be kept not only on large poultry farms, but also on a private farmstead.

In a household environment, a male of the Moscow breed can gain a weight of 19.9 kg. Turkeys weigh half as much in most cases.

Hybrid breed converter

Canada can safely be called the homeland of this breed. The breeders were faced with the task of obtaining birds with delicious meat, which can be produced in large quantities. Converters were bred on the basis of the white Dutch breed and the bronze broad-chested, which is currently one of the most common species.

The breed is early maturing and is characterized by a rapid increase in live weight. Another name common among farmers is indo-ostrich. Interesting fact is that birds can reach speeds of over 40 km/h. Males weigh more than 20 kg, females are smaller - about 11 kg; birds gain this weight by the age of five months. The meat yield from one carcass is 85%, this figure can be compared with the Big 6 cross.
Egg production in turkeys begins at nine months of age. In 365 days you can get about 5 dozen eggs. Turkeys have a well-developed brooding instinct; they sit in the nest for 29 days, and then continue to care for the hatched young.
The breed is gaining popularity in Russia; one turkey costs about 500 rubles. Domestic poultry farmers prefer these birds because of their unpretentiousness and quick adaptability to climatic conditions.

Black Tikhoretsk breed

The Krasnodar region is considered the homeland of the birds, where they were bred in 1957. The bird is a light type, perfectly suited for grazing. But birds are also suitable for cage breeding.

Tikhoretsky turkeys are characterized by a well-knit body structure and a beautiful black coat with a bronze tint. Black plumage is most developed in males.
Adult males gain weight of about 9.9 kg, turkeys gain 4.9 kg. Young animals can reach marketable weight by the age of four months, the average weight is approximately 3.9 kg, at this stage they can already be slaughtered. The meat yield from one carcass reaches about 60%. Females lay about 90 eggs in 365 days, they incubate them and continue to care for the young.

North Caucasian white breed

Bronze broad-breasted turkeys and white variety, the resulting broiler breed was called the White North Caucasian.
The birds quickly gain weight, are hardy and have excellent egg production, which is often considered a record. In 365 days, you can get about 180 eggs from one adult turkey, each weighing 80 g.

The breed was created to be bred at home. Turkeys can be easily kept by grazing, using almost any food intended for birds.

Breed Victoria

It belongs to the domestic breeds, was bred in the Stavropol Territory at an experimental breeding station, and was registered in the state breeding register Russian Federation.
For breeding work, producers with high live weight, well-developed sternum muscles, and a rapid growth rate of young animals were selected. Turkeys were selected for fertility, rapid maturity and rapid growth rate of young animals.
Turkeys of this breed can be raised using both the floor method and the cage method. Males gain muscle mass of about 13 kg, females about 9.

According to data received from breeders, by the age of four months, turkeys weigh approximately 4.3 - 4.9 kg, males - about 7.9 - 10 kg. Adults reach 24.9 kg - turkey, 10.5 kg - turkey.

Cross BIG 6

Refers to heavy crosses with excellent productivity of white broad-breasted turkeys. Most often, birds are used for industrial production of meat products. The hybrid was bred by breeders from England and Canada.

Cross has proven himself well, receiving recognition throughout the world. Powerful white birds are characterized by the presence of a long, strong neck, a rounded chest (in a well-fed bird it makes up about a third of the entire carcass), a flat back, high straight limbs (they are yellow in color), and white plumage, which may have a dark spot on the breast.
Most Popular received meat breeds of turkeys, photos and descriptions of which are above.

Video. Turkey breeds cross BIG 6

Turkeys are quite heavy in weight, so they are often used for breeding for meat. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the main breeds of birds and choose the right one.

The information in this article will help you make your choice. In it you will find detailed descriptions of popular turkey breeds, including broilers, as well as tips on selecting and raising them at home.

Turkey breeds for breeding at home

Turkeys are among the largest poultry. The weight of an individual can reach 20 kg, and in terms of growth rate these birds are superior to ducks, chickens and geese. Meat is a dietary product that is recommended for people prone to obesity, the elderly and children. Breeding such birds can be done almost anywhere except the Far North, since young animals at the beginning of rearing do not tolerate damp and cold conditions well. climatic conditions. For this reason, it is best to breed chicks in northern latitudes in the summer, and use them as a meat product in late autumn. Adults are resistant to cold and, if available, good nutrition can tolerate frosts down to minus 30 degrees.

Turkeys, unlike other poultry, have a small variety of species. Only those listed below are recommended for home cultivation.

What types of breeds are there?

There are many species of these birds that are excellent for breeding at home.

The most popular turkey breeds with photos and descriptions are:(Figure 1):

  1. North Caucasian bronze: The oldest of the domestic breeds, and the birds are excellent for keeping on pastures. Females begin laying eggs around 10 months after hatching, and this period lasts about six months. During this time, one female can lay up to 80 eggs. The shell is light fawn with brown dots.
  2. North Caucasian white: was bred by domestic breeding scientists. It is of particular interest because it has white plumage and an improved presentation compared to the bronze one. In addition, birds are highly fertile.
  3. Moscow white: Birds are characterized by pronounced high fertility and vitality, as well as a compact, round and well-developed body.
  4. Moscow bronze: Birds have a strong build, high level egg production and are well suited for breeding young animals. They are also well adapted to living and feeding on infertile soils and are characterized by high survival rates of adults and young animals.

Figure 1. Main breeds: 1 - North Caucasian bronze, 2 - North Caucasian white, 3 - Moscow white, 4 - Moscow bronze

But the most popular are the white and bronze broad-chested ones. Such birds grow quickly, and their meat has high taste.


To choose the right type of turkeys for breeding at home, you need to know some of their distinctive features and characteristics.

For example, North Caucasian bronze has such pronounced external characteristics (Figure 2):

  • Elongated wide body;
  • The feathers are bronze with a golden-green sheen and lie close to the body;
  • The plumage in the lumbar region, back and tail has a wide bronze border.

Females are very different in appearance from males: they are smaller in size, the growth above the beak is small, the plumage of the head is weak, and on the neck there is only small quantity feathers Also, on the female's breast there is a thin border white, which gives the plumage a grayish tint.

Note: The disadvantages of the North Caucasian bronze are the poor appearance of the young due to black feathers and stumps. The average weight of an adult male reaches 14 kg, and females - 7 kg. By the age of 4 months, chicks can weigh about 4 kg.

Male North Caucasian White Turkeys have a long body, a broad, convex and deep chest, and well-developed pectoral muscles. The live weight of a male carcass of 8 months of age can reach 12.5 kg, and that of a female - up to 7 kg. Fertility is approximately 100 eggs, but in some cases this figure can reach 180 eggs per year.

The young animals are distinguished by high vitality and rapid growth. Having reached 90 days of age, birds are ready to be slaughtered for meat. The live weight of a male is about 4 kg, of a female - 2.8 kg, upon reaching 4 months of age - 5.8 and 4 kg, respectively. For one kilogram of growth, 3.3 - 3.4 kg of feed is consumed.

Figure 2. External features North Caucasian bronze turkey

Moscow White is characterized by high early maturity and endurance. The live weight of one-year-old males is 12.5 kg, and that of females is about 7 kg. Young animals are ready for slaughter upon reaching 15 days of age with a live weight of 4 kg (for males this figure is 6.6-7 kg). The annual egg production is up to 110 eggs.

Thanks to good acclimatization, Moscow white birds have become widespread in our country. Distinctive Features The exterior features pink legs and beak, as well as shiny white plumage.

The egg-laying period begins at the age of 270 days, and in the presence of regulated daylight hours - at 180 days. One turkey can lay 80-100 eggs per year. The shell is pink with light brown dots.

The live weight of an adult male is 13 kg, and that of a female is 7.5 kg. Fattened young animals weigh about 4 kg at four months.

Moscow bronze has such distinctive external features:

  • Long and deep body;
  • Convex back;
  • Wide and long head;
  • Curved and long neck;
  • Long legs.

The birds are distinguished by high meat qualities, and the feather cover is black with a bronze tint. The feathers on the tail and wings are black and covered with narrow light brown stripes with white and black borders. You will learn more information about turkey breeds, behavior and keeping of birds from the video.

Broiler turkey breeds: photos and descriptions

Broiler turkeys are heavy, but they require special conditions for stable weight gain. Their types with photos and descriptions will be discussed in more detail below, but it is worth finding out what groups these poultry are divided into.

Broilers come in three categories(Figure 3):

  1. Lungs They are distinguished by their relatively low weight (5 kg for females and 10 kg for males). They are characterized by high egg production and resistance to diseases. These turkeys include White Dutch and Norfolk.
  2. Average reach a weight of 7-16 kg (for females and males, respectively). This category includes Moscow and North Caucasus white and bronze.
  3. Heavy meet all standard requirements for broiler birds. The weight of females can exceed 11 kg, and males can reach 30 kg. As a rule, these are crosses that were bred by breeders (Cross Big 6, white and bronze broad-breasted, Canadian broad-breasted).

Figure 3. Popular types of broilers: 1 - white Dutch, 2 - Moscow bronze, 3 - Cross Big-6

Most households prefer to breed local species, since they are adapted to the climatic and feeding conditions of the region. But, if it is possible to provide the birds with an optimal feeding and maintenance regime, more unusual broiler breeds can be bred.

Description of broilers

The main difference between broiler turkeys and regular ones is their increased growth rate. At the same time, birds need good feeding and maintenance.

In broilers strong legs, wide chest and thick build. The plumage is most often white, the crest is poorly developed. In addition, they have a peaceful nature, but consume quite a lot of feed.

Specifics of cultivation

To raise broilers of optimal weight, you need to provide them with the right conditions. Since birds gain weight quickly, they can be kept in cages or aviaries. But it is preferable to provide birds with free access to roam so that they receive essential vitamins and could independently search for food (Figure 4).

Particular attention should be paid to feeding broilers:

  • The daily diet must include wet mash of mixed feed, crushed grain and bran;
  • To saturate the body with vitamins, use fresh vegetables, bone and fish meal;
  • Clean water should be in drinking bowls at all times, freely available to birds.

Figure 4. Features of raising broiler turkeys at home

If broilers are raised from a young age, it should be taken into account that the chicks will require special feed. Regular feed for young birds is not suitable for them. This feeding regimen lasts two months, after which they can be transferred to the usual diet for this group.

Breeds of broiler turkeys

Most broiler breeds have been selectively bred to produce quality meat.

Among the most popular turkeys, broilers are(Figure 5):

  1. Canadian broad chested It is highly productive, quickly gains the required weight for slaughter and grows well on any feed. Young animals reach a weight of 5 kg already at the age of six weeks, and already at 3 months they can be poisoned for slaughter. Birds are not picky about food, but they drink a lot of water.
  2. White broad-breasted was released in the USA. It has bright white plumage, a large body and a wide chest. The rate of weight gain is average, but the birds do not require special housing conditions and grow well even in cages.
  3. Big 6- a very popular broiler breed. Outwardly, they are similar to the white broad-chested, but the weight of an adult is much greater, and can reach 25-30 kg.

Figure 5. Popular types of broilers: 1 - Canadian broad-breasted, 2 - white broad-breasted, 3 - Big-6

Broiler breeds also include the Moscow Bronze, which is distinguished not only by high-quality meat, but also by beautiful plumage.

White broad-breasted turkeys: feeding and care

Turkeys of this species have good meat qualities, grow quickly, and are well adapted to sudden changes climate. They also have a characteristic difference from bronze ones: increased fertility and lower live weight (Figure 6).

At 9 months of age, females begin oviposition, which lasts 6-7 months. During this period, the bird can lay up to 120 eggs. The shell is yellowish-brown in color with brown spots.

The white broad-breasted turkey has an oval body shape with a wide and sloping chest. The plumage is white, dense. The dark pink legs are set wide apart and are of medium length.

Figure 6. White and bronze broad-breasted turkey

It is recommended to keep white broad-breasted turkeys in cages and let them out for a walk daily. Thus, the birds will gain the required weight within 3 months. For feeding, they use predominantly wet mash of crushed grain, supplementing them fresh vegetables and mineral supplements.

Bronze Broad Breasted Turkey

It was bred in the USA, and a characteristic feature is high body weight. Egg production begins at 10 months of age; over the course of one year, 70-80 eggs can be obtained from one female.

Note: In my own way appearance are similar to North Caucasian turkeys, which were used for breeding. However, the bred Bronze Broad-chested has significantly more weight and more powerful chest muscle development.

The body is wide and long, the chest is convex and wide. The plumage is black, with a copper-bronze tint (Figure 6). The meat tastes juicy and tender.

Which breed of turkey is the most unpretentious?

The most unpretentious breed is considered to be the white broad-chested. Birds are undemanding to feed, can be kept without walking and quickly gain weight.

Feeding and caring for white broad-breasted turkeys must necessarily include proper watering of the birds. They consume quite a lot of liquid, so drinking bowls need to be cleaned regularly and filled with clean water. boiled water at room temperature several times a day.

The indigenous people of the American continent, the Indians, were the first to make turkeys as poultry. In the 16th century, turkeys were brought to Europe. The bird interested breeders due to its impressive size and volume muscle mass. The meat yield of large individuals is up to 80% of the total weight.

Currently, about 300 breeds of this breed have been bred. large bird with dietary meat. Breeders have identified 3 groups of breeds:

  • meat;
  • egg-bearing;
  • mixed - egg and meat direction.

In addition, there is a division of turkey breeds based on the weight of the adult bird. Turkey breeds weighing up to 9 kg are considered light, up to 18 kg - medium, 25 kg and more - heavy.

Cross big 6

The largest breed of turkeys, which was bred by English breeders of the British United Turkeys company in 2008, is the Big 6 cross. Representatives of the breed grow quickly, reaching the desired size on average in 3-4 months. The usual weight of the bird is 25 kg for males, individual specimens can grow up to 40 kg. Females are raised to 10-11 kg; further feeding is considered irrational. At 100 days of age, a bird of this breed stops gaining weight.

The turkey breed has snow-white lush plumage with a small black spot on the chest. The soft down of this breed is highly valued. Birds have a wide chest, large wings, and a small head. The legs are long, the paws are yellow. Earrings and beard should be bright scarlet.

Egg production – 105 eggs per life cycle. High hatchability. Adult birds rarely get sick. Meat productivity is a record – 80% per carcass. This is a very popular breed in our country, which is often used for home breeding.

Cross Butte 8

The Bute 8 cross breed is also a product of British United Turkeys. It belongs to the heavy and medium-sized type of turkey meat breeds. Adult males weigh 25-27 kg, females weigh 10 kg on average. Birds mature over a period of 5 months.

The plumage of birds is white throughout the body, without colored patches. The head and neck are gracefully curved, the beard is red. The breed is not very common in domestic poultry farming.

Moscow bronze

A breed of turkeys of Russian origin, distinguished by the beauty of their colors and endurance, is called the Moscow Bronze. It is suitable for growing in poultry farms and private backyards. The bird adapts to both pasture conditions and closed cages.

One female produces 80-90 eggs per year. The size of the birds is average, the male reaches 19 kg, the female – 9-10 kg. The slaughter age begins at 4-5 months. Characteristic feature breeds - beautiful plumage of birds. The feathers are black, brown and white with a pearlescent tint. The birds' wings are decorated with bronze-white stripes. The chest is wide, the body is elongated. The head is white, the beard is red. The skin color of birds of this breed is dark, which reduces the presentation of the carcasses.

White Moscow

Domestic breeders by crossing Dutch, white and Beltsville turkeys obtained a very productive White Moscow breed. Main characteristics, which captivates beginners in cultivation is its unpretentiousness and quick adaptation to living conditions. Young animals are hardy and grow to slaughter age with virtually no losses. The breed is adapted to pasture rearing and feels good in the cold season.

The bird's feathers are white without any inclusions; the head, beak, and beard are bright pink or red. The breed is in many ways similar in quality to the Moscow Bronze, but surpasses it in egg production and meat quality. Turkeys grow 13 kg, turkeys - 7 kg. The breed lays up to 140 eggs per cycle. The meat is different pink, it always turns out tender and non-greasy.

Hybrid converter

Large birds of this breed are distributed throughout the world. They were first bred in Canada as an industrial breed of turkeys with excellent meat taste. By five months, males reach a weight of 20-22 kg, and females - 10-12 kg. After another four months, the females begin to lay eggs. However, the egg production of this breed is low - only 40-50 eggs per year.

They are muscular and agile birds with white plumage and a small red head. Individual male hybrid converters can be very large - up to 30 kg. At slaughter, up to 80-85% of the meat from the total weight of the carcass is released. Other useful qualities of the breed: endurance and good adaptation to growing conditions.

Bronze broad-breasted

American breeders, by crossing wild turkeys and the black English breed, created the bronze broad-breasted breed of turkeys. The birds have dark plumage with a green tint. The tail is a thin beige-brown stripe with a bright black-beige wide edge. The thoracic region of turkeys is highly developed, which influenced the name of the breed. Females are distinguished by a light spot on their chest.

The breed belongs to the egg-laying group. The female is capable of laying up to 120 eggs, almost all of which are fertilized. Females have a strong maternal instinct; they can hatch both their own and other people’s eggs and carefully care for the young.

Adult turkeys weigh 15-16 kg, turkeys - 10 kg. Birds are immune to various diseases, but are not adapted to grazing.

Bronze North Caucasus

The breed was obtained in 1946 in the Stavropol region by Soviet breeders and was recognized and widespread in the republics of Central Asia. The bronze North Caucasian breed of turkeys quickly gains weight, is distinguished by its endurance and unpretentiousness to feed. In the first month, the young already weigh 4 kg. Adult males reach 12-15 kg at the time of slaughter, females – 8-9 kg.

The body of the birds is elongated, the legs are long. The chest is wide, so the carcasses contain up to 25% white meat. The plumage of the males is very impressive. Black and brown feathers have a golden and bronze tint. The large fan-shaped tail is decorated with wide black matte stripes, interspersed with light brown sectors. Females look more modest, the feather pattern resembles a gray pied hen.

Turkeys grow well on pasture rearing. Females lay 80-100 eggs per year. The skin of young turkey poults has a purple tint, so it is not customary to slaughter young turkeys for sale.

Cross station wagon

The cross-universal broiler turkey breed was obtained in the Caucasus region of the Russian Federation. This unpretentious breed is perfect for private households.

The cross station wagon is classified as an egg-laying breed of turkeys, despite the fact that the birds have an average ability to lay eggs. Females produce 60-70 eggs per year, but their fertilization rate is high - up to 90%. The survival rate of chicks is also high - 98-99%.

An adult bird weighs on average 17 kg (turkeys) and 10 kg (turkeys). The breed is economical in feed consumption. The plumage of the birds is white, the wings are large, the legs are long.


The breed belongs to the mixed egg-meat type. It was developed in Uzbekistan. The fawn turkey is adapted for life in southern latitudes and is widespread in the Caucasus and Central Asia. The size of the birds is average, males reach a weight of 12 kg, females - 6-7 kg.

The feather color of the breed is always red, ranging from light brown to beige. The bird grows slowly and gains weight. Feels better when free-range. Egg production is up to 60 pieces per year. The survival rate of chicks is low, no more than 65%.


The blue turkey breed has another name – “slate”. This is a rare breed for our country. It can only be found in nurseries and isolated private farmsteads. The breed is considered decorative for most poultry farms, because even adult males barely reach 5 kg in weight.

The attractive side of the Blue breed is the unusual coloring of the birds, which can range from a soft blue tint (standard) to dark gray (culling). Interspersed with other colors indicate a non-purebred origin. Many blue breed breeders note increased sensitivity and sickness in birds.

Abroad, turkeys are bred not for meat, but as a pet, like parrots. Blue turkeys bond quickly with people and have a playful nature.