Who is this god of what? Greek God of Wealth

Tyche was the goddess of happiness - she was revered in many cities, which willingly surrendered to her care, she was glorified by poets. She had several names: Tyukha, Tiche, Ticheya. Quiet considered the sister of the Nereids, attractive sea nymphs, others - the daughter of Prometheus, and still others - the daughter of Zeus himself. IN Greek mythology It was to a certain extent the custom in controversial cases to consider Zeus, the common forefather of gods and people, as the father. Tyche was the goddess of happiness - she was revered in many cities, which willingly surrendered under her care, she was glorified by poets, and orphaned people turned to her with heartfelt prayers. Under her supervision, ships sail to safe piers, thanks to her, a truce comes in the war, which knocks bloody weapons out of people's hands.
Why do we call her the patroness of Gorgippia? But because during the period of the great Greek colonization, during the period when the unconditional faith in the predetermination of fate was shaken, when the Hellenes were worried about the question “what awaits them on an unfamiliar shore - death or a bright future?” It was Tyche who began to be considered the patroness of cities built far from her homeland. Even the high headdress of the goddess was depicted in the form of city defensive walls.
Literally everything in the life of the Gorgippians depended on this fickle goddess, who according to mythology was feared by Zeus himself because she could radically change all his orders:
- will it rain in the middle of a clear sky;
- will the cold fog settle on the blooming gardens;
- will wolves attack peacefully grazing herds;
- will the enemy stumble during the fight, stepping on a stone scree?
From early childhood, residents Gorgippia they knew that this goddess could both bestow untold riches from the “Cornucopia” on the person she liked, and also take the latter away from the poor fellow who did not please her in some way.
Several sculptural images of the goddess were found on the territory of modern Anapa and in its environs. The largest of them was found during excavations of one of the households on the territory of the museum-reserve. The figurine was located in the home altar in the basement of the house, not far from which a tablet was found, the first words of which are “Good Tiche...”. Even without being nearby, the Gorgippians tried to appease the wayward goddess, and not only because they were afraid of her, but because she had a wonderful quality - she could fulfill any desires, even the most unrealistic ones.
Guests of the Anapa Archaeological Museum have a unique opportunity - to make their most cherished wish in front of the statue of Tyche, because if you are worthy of the mercy of the gods and remind yourself more often, everything in your destiny will be wonderful.


Abstract on the topic:


Tyukhe(Tyche, Tiche, Tichea Greek. Τύχη , “chance”, what fell by lot) - in Greek mythology, the goddess of chance and luck.

In ancient Roman mythology, it corresponds to Fortune. Tyukhe was not found in classical mythology, but appeared only in the Hellenistic era as a conscious opposition to the ancient idea of ​​\u200b\u200bunchangeable fate. It symbolizes the variability of the world, its instability and the randomness of any fact of personal and public life.

The name Tyche, an Oceanid and companion of Persephone, first appears in the Homeric hymn to Demeter, but this character has nothing in common with the goddess Tyche.

In Archilochus, Tyche is located next to Moira; in Pindar she is the daughter of Zeus and is also close to the Moirai. Pausanias agrees with the words of Pindar that Tyche is one of the Moira and she is stronger than her sisters. Among the Orphics, Tyche is associated with Artemis.

Tyche is personified in the dramas of Euripides and is an important driving force in Hellenistic drama. The protagonist of Menander's comedy "The Shield". Her statue is by Praxiteles at Megara. Statue in Corinth. Some consider it to be the constellation Virgo.

Tyche on the reverse of the coin of Gordian III.

  1. Myths of the peoples of the world. M., 1991-92. In 2 volumes. T.2. P.515, Lubker F. Real dictionary of classical antiquities. M., 2001. In 3 volumes. T.3. P.446; See Nonn. Acts of Dionysus II 669
  2. Homer's Hymns V 420
  3. frg. 8 Diel
  4. Pind. Ol. XII
  5. Pausanias. Description of Hellas VII 26, 8
  6. Orphica, fr.204 Kern; Orphic Hymns LXXII
  7. Pausanias. Description of Hellas I 43, 6
  8. Pausanias. Description of Hellas II 2, 7
  9. Pseudo-Eratosthenes. Catasterisms 9; Gigin. Astronomy II 25, 2


  • Taho-Godi A. A., Greek mythology, 132 articles // Myths of the peoples of the world. T. 2. - M.: Sov. encyclopedia, 1982
  • Taho-Godi A. A., Nature and chance as stylistic principles of neo-Attic comedy, in the collection: Questions of classical philology, 1971, No. 3-4, p. 217-72
  • Sinitsyn A. A. 1998: Thucydides and the concept of fate - Tyche among the Greeks in the 5th century. BC e. - elar.uniyar.ac.ru/jspui/handle/123456789/1513: Auth. diss... Ph.D. Saratov.
  • Strohm N., Tyche. Zur Schicksalauffassung bel Pindar und den trühgriechischen Dichtern, Stuttg., 1944.
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Tyche (Tyuhe, Fortuna)- an archetype that combines contradictory desires for unlimited control over one’s own and other people’s lives, and absolute fearlessness of consequences.

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Quietly builds relationships with people a little paradoxically; she chooses her social circle according to the “like or dislike” type, without having quite good reasons for this. Raging emotionality in such cases is expressed either in complete acceptance despite shortcomings or in constant struggle with imaginary enemies despite their merits. Just like in myths - if someone is at the top of the Wheel of Fortune, then someone must invariably be at the bottom.

Women perceive Tyche as an emotional, kind and sympathetic girlfriend. Tyche loves to listen to frank women's conversations, in which her thoughts are valued and taken into account. Her friends are often guided by Tyche’s advice, thereby relieving themselves of some of the responsibility for their actions, but she likes the opportunity to manage, and the associated feeling of power and control. She rarely feels sincere pity for the suffering of others.

Quietly is a pretty good manipulator, she can attract someone into her social circle, but if for some reason the person becomes unpleasant to her, she skillfully makes sure that the circumstances themselves and the attitude of others do not allow him to remain in the same place and in the same position . All these logical actions are usually provoked by a powerful emotional impulse - through one wrong step by a friend, a careless word or action. But emotionality also plays a role when, after a relatively short period of time, friendship is restored as suddenly as it ended.

In relationships with men, she is somewhat reminiscent of Athena in her coldness in achieving goals, but Tyche can quite often, vividly and sensually fall in love with men of different status and appearance, with whom she should be interested. If Tyche falls in love, she tries to help the object of her sympathy, but she cannot help but show her essence, and over time begins to manipulate him, taking part in all his endeavors, guiding him in his work or simply working next to him, giving advice. Such a woman will probably want to know everything about her man, what is happening to him and how he feels.