Monkey line on the hand of a healthy person. Interpretation of the monkey line on the hand

If you look at the palm of a person with the Simian line, you get the feeling that there are few lines on this hand. This is partly true, because the usual combination of three main lines here turns into two lines - the line of life and Simian line, which seems to replace the line of the heart and the line of the mind, passing horizontally across the entire palm.

Its name is the Simian line or monkey line received because of the similarity of its pattern with the fold on the hands of great apes. The word Simian itself is translated from English and means “monkey” and “ape-like”. In the literature you can also find such names as transverse fold, horizontal fold or blocked hand. It is believed that this line is often found on the palms of people with Down syndrome. D. Fincham gives here the figure of 55%. S. Fenton and M. Wright claim that every fifteenth person has it. And R. Webster says that most of its owners are completely healthy and have a high level of intelligence.

How to explain the meaning of this mysterious line, which can be found both in the hands of successful athletes, financial tycoons, politicians, intellectuals, and in the hands of criminals or religious fanatics? Let's see what the authors of works on palmistry say about this.


Singh Birla writes that the merging of the lines of the heart and head indicates the intensity of energies, an intellectual and emotional short circuit, when feelings are closely intertwined with the mind, and the reaction is unpredictable.

Hürlimann believes that partial or complete merging of the lines of the heart and mind is a sign of a blocked hand, and among doctors it is the fold of four fingers, it is common and does not have such a dramatic effect on life, as was previously believed by ancient chirologists. This type of hand does not affect a person’s life expectancy. But much of such a person will be predetermined by fate.

Johnny Fincham considers the simian line to be a sign of an active and focused nature, noting that people with this line are like a “canned storm.” For them, thoughts and feelings are synonymous.

S. Fenton M. Wright write that in this case one line is subordinate to the other and indicates concentration, obsession or obsession associated with some part of a person’s life. It is possible that thought process and feelings are mixed.

This is how the head and heart, thoughts and emotions mix. And how do you think such a person should behave? You can read the following about the personality traits of people who have the Simian line on their hand:

Personality qualities

Singh Birla notes straightforwardness, a tendency to act ahead, achieving goals, sometimes blind stubbornness, extravagance, and lack of common sense. It is difficult for a person to maintain a sense of inner peace. Sometimes their feelings do not allow them to conduct a reasonable argument, and where sensitivity is needed, they include unnecessary arguments.

Hürlimann draws attention to the sensitivity of such people and their sudden mood swings.

D. Fincham talks about the qualities of the line's owners in detail. According to his description, they put their whole soul into achieving their goal. They cannot be turned off the road. They can achieve great success, especially where concentration is needed. They are unable to relax, switch from one thing to another, and are emotionally and psychologically withdrawn.
They prefer to use ready-made standards and templates and rarely break off relations with partners and relatives. They have a developed sense of duty. However, the author notes, concentration makes these people deaf to the needs and feelings of others. They have difficulty concentrating on work and relationships at the same time, as they can only focus on one thing at a time. They accept any undertaking with an open heart and ignore everything else. They tend to be power-hungry. They can flood their partner with love, they can be possessive, jealous, and sometimes cruel. Sometimes they perceive love as a sign of weakness.

Webster writes that these people are stubborn, principled, rarely change their beliefs, tenacious, with an excellent memory, with a complex emotional world, rational and logical.

E. Fitzherbert describes people with a monkey fold very well, also noting their lack of peace, energy, physical strength, work with complete dedication and black-and-white, without halftones, thinking.

Here, in fact, the question arises: in what case does the owner of the Simian line become a successful figure, and in what case does he become a madman, a fanatic or a criminal?

Monkey line location and auspicious signs on the hand

In this regard, chirologists write that you need to pay attention to the location of the line on the palm.

D. Fincham explains that monkey lines dominated by water (heart) are located higher than those dominated by air (mind). For example, in patients with Down syndrome, the water (heart) line dominates over the air (mind) line and thought processes.

S. Fenton and M. Wright emphasize that if a person is aware of his character flaws and tries to be more receptive to others, then another heart line may develop on the palm, perhaps it will be a broken line in the form of an arc under Jupiter and Saturn. Sometimes the belt of Venus develops more strongly, turning into the rudimentary line of the heart, emphasizing the ability to understand others.

R. Webster writes that the presence of the Simian line on a rough hand without favorable signs can indicate a criminal. If there are favorable signs, then the person directs energy into a career or sport.

I tried to understand which signs are considered favorable if there is a Simian line on the palm. After searching, I found the opinion that in this case it is necessary to pay attention to the person’s destiny line, because otherwise he will have to put in a lot of effort to achieve his goals. And the best location for this line is in the middle of the palm.

Tips for owners

Palmists give the following advice to anyone who has a monkey line on their hands.

Singh Birla explains that they need to learn to avoid extremes in actions, to make feelings and reason allies.

Johnny Fincham writes that these people need to relax more and get creative.

We see the same idea in the work of E. Fitzherbert. The author points out the connection between the monkey fold and congenital heart defects (additional signs are arched fingerprints and a three-radius pattern on the edge of the palm). Therefore, he advises avoiding such unnecessary stress on the body as smoking, overeating and lifting weights, recommending that you engage in feasible physical exercise. To find inner peace, he highly recommends realizing your creativity, believing that here the effect of creativity is close to therapeutic.

The books name the names of famous people who have the Simian line on their hands. This is Tony Blair, Nikita Khrushchev, Henry Miller. Each of them found their own outlet for the energy boiling within them - in politics or creativity. In order to study this mysterious line in more detail and learn how to interpret it correctly, read the works of the above-mentioned authors.

There are many different names for this unusual line on the palm: the Simian Line, the “Monkey Fold”, and the blocked hand….

In medicine they say about such hands: hands with a chromosomal error (genetic error).

In this article, I again decided to collect my own observations. This article will be especially interesting for beginners, because most books provide only superficial information about this interesting line.

And now, in order:

Head line and heart line partially (see photo No. 1 or photo No. 1a) or completely merge into one line crossing the entire palm - this configuration is called a “blocked hand”. It demonstrates contradictions in the perception of the world and attitude towards it (head line), as well as inadequate feelings (heart line). Thoughts and feelings are often divorced from reality and replace it. This predetermines inappropriate reactions, clashes, and perversity of actions.

If your left hand is blocked (see photo No. 2 - left), but the right one doesn’t (see photo No. 2 - right), then in ordinary situations the behavior of the owner of the hand will be normal, but in unexpected and extraordinary situations it can become unpredictable.

Features of this hand:

Internal restlessness, impetuosity in decisions, sudden mood swings, originality, natural intelligence, nervous excitability, increased emotionality or extreme restraint in expressing feelings, fears and complexes.

Such people are often misunderstood, unrecognized and outcasts.

Such people have mixed thought processes and feelings, and also experience some problems in the emotional sphere. It is very difficult for such a person to understand the feelings of another. They are often possessive, extremely jealous and cruel. Also, such people are extremely shy, suffering from certain sexual disorders, with various phobias and fears generated by bad experiences in childhood.

Such people always have extremes in the emotional and psychological sphere: from severe jealousy to extreme shyness and timidity.

Also, when studying this line, you need to take into account the nature of the influence of the head line on the heart line and vice versa, if these lines connect only on a short segment.

If the head line controls (blocks) the heart line, then reason, sobriety and prudence predominate in human activity (see photo No. 3). These can be intelligent and disciplined people.

If the heart line controls (blocks) the head line, then the person lives only by emotions and feelings, there is no reason in actions (see photo No. 4).

If such a person has three lines: Life, Saturn and Mercury merge into one point in the area of ​​the wrist or lower palm - a gift in the field of art (see photo No. 5).

I would like to immediately reassure the owners of this type of hand: this type of hand does not affect life expectancy.

This line means that much in a person’s fate is predetermined by fate and he is characterized by sudden mood swings.

Presence on both palms such a clear fold, when the lines of the head and heart completely merge into one straight and thick line - there is a very high probability of a severe genetic anomaly - Down syndrome (see photo No. 6).

Having seen such lines in yourself, do not rush to give up on yourself or attribute yourself to the downs - this is not a fact, but the fact that you have some oddities or, as it is now fashionable to say, with a “gadget” is for sure...

Good luck to everyone in learning this line!

In attempts to unravel their destiny, people have long used various methods and techniques of cognition. One such method is palmistry. This article will talk about two of the six main lines: the line of the mind and the line of the heart and what it means when the line of the mind connects with the line of the heart.

Palmistry is a very ancient science that allows you to read human lives by the shape of the hand, its lines and bends. This science also considers 6 main lines of the hand and 8 minor ones. Any person with proper awareness can see and analyze the main lines of the hand.

First, we should explain what the lines of the mind and heart are in palmistry:

  1. The heart line is an indicator of health, the strength of human feelings and emotions, and temperament.

  1. The line of the mind is an indicator of intellectual abilities. It also reflects creativity, attitude towards family and life in general.

Ways to connect the line of the mind and the line of the heart

If the line of the heart and the line of the mind are connected by a small connecting line under the middle finger, then the issue of building strong family relationships is extremely important for a person.

He cherishes family relationships and feels the need for a reliable rear. This person is quite conservative in his views and can be demanding of himself and others.

If the line of the heart and the line of the mind are connected under the ring finger, then the person strives to stand out at any cost. He strives to be a leader and conqueror of the hearts of the opposite sex. Such people sacrifice a lot for the sake of their goals. This person also has good acting skills and can become everyone’s favorite.

How does the length of lines affect their interaction?

If the line of the heart connects with the line of the mind and they are equal in length, this speaks of a person in whom thoughts and feelings maintain an ideal balance.

In this case, these lines enrich and complement each other, and go hand in hand. This person is stable in his preferences, reliable and treats life with a great deal of responsibility. It is pleasant to contact such a person both in working and friendly relations.

The thread of the heart is longer than the mental road

If the line of the heart is longer than the line of the mind, then this person is capable of great sincere love.

He shares his love without demanding the same in return. The need for self-expression through love burns within him.

At the same time, when the line of the mind is connected to the line of the heart in a similar ratio, high romantic aspirations are often dashed by everyday reality.

This is how the short line of the mind works, returning the individual to earth. They also have difficulty with long-term planning. The difference in lines contributes to the inconsistency of character: either they are thrown into the fire of passion and sensuality, or into the ice of coldness and alienation.

The road of the head is longer than the thread of the heart

When the long line of the head and the short line of the heart are connected, the person is an excellent generator of ideas.

These are people of a logical mindset who love everything new. It is difficult to subjugate them, to force them to accept other people's conditions. Whatever they do, they want to find meaning in it, even in personal relationships.

Such people do not commit rash, thoughtless acts and do not understand such people. To their partners they seem cold and incomprehensible.

Due to their inherent selfishness, they may have problems in personal relationships.

You can learn more about the thread of the heart and mind from the material:

Branch connection

In the case when the line of the heart and mind are connected by branches, this shows us periods of unification of the mind and feelings. In this case, either feelings took over the mind, or the mind suppressed the feelings. These are dangerous periods in which reckless acts are committed.

When there is only one branch, this speaks of a fateful act carried out in a fit of feelings and emotions.

Locked hand or monkey fold

If the line of the mind and heart are connected into one, then this is called a monkey fold or blocked hand. The perception of such a person can be quite contradictory and inadequate.

His thoughts and feelings live in another dimension, separate from reality, which contributes to such an inadequate assessment of the situation. By connecting the line of the mind and the heart in a small segment, you can calculate the line that has a stronger influence.

So, if the line of the mind is stronger, then the person’s behavior is distinguished by sobriety and calculation. If the line of the heart prevails over the line of the mind, a person’s feelings are influenced by various circumstances. Such a compound is extremely rare and occurs in only 1% of the world's population.

In palmistry, the line of the heart connects with the line of the mind and forms bizarre patterns of personality and destiny, very entertaining in their manifestation.

Additional material

The "monkey crease", better known as the Simian line, is a sharp and deep line that divides the palm horizontally (). It is formed when the line of the mind and the line of the heart merge. This happens in 3-4% of people (that is, about one in 30 people), and half of them are Asian. Another fact noted by doctors is that the Simian fold occurs twice as often in men than in women. Both medical research and palmist research unanimously claim that the “monkey fold” is a sign of mental illness. There is a reason for this, since palmar lines are formed approximately at the 12th week of fetal development and there is a hereditary predisposition to Downism, fetal alcohol syndrome, etc. fixed in a linear pattern. However, “the devil is not so terrible...” and among the owners of “monkey” hands there are many famous people: Eddie Murphy, Bjork, Britney Spears, Amy Winehouse, Robert De Niro, Tony Blair (pictured), Hillary Clinton, Muhammad Ali, Albert Einstein and others. Would anyone dare call them downs?

Let's return to palmistry. The distinctive features of people with a “monkey fold” are their determination, perseverance and stubbornness. They are “a law unto themselves” - it is almost impossible to convince them. They do not recognize halftones; for them there is only “black” or “white”. The interweaving of the mind (head line) and feelings (heart line) gives them a complex and intense emotional life. If the “monkey fold” divides the palm in half, then logic and emotions are in more or less equal positions. The displacement of this line to the upper part of the palm indicates susceptibility to emotions, closer to the wrist - the predominance of common sense.

It is believed that those with the Simian lineage are capable of achieving more than ordinary people. This ability is ensured by ambition and having found their goal, they will strive for it at any cost, even over the heads of competitors. They become extremely outcome-focused (often to the detriment of other areas of their lives) and are difficult to stop.

People with “monkey folds” on their hands may find it difficult to understand the value system and distinguish bad from good. And if this line is presented only on the active hand, then this speaks of determination, integrity, hard work and devotion. This also means that the person does not know how to relax. The Simian fold only on the passive hand is a sign of spoilage and fear of responsibility.

If both hands are marked with the Simian line, this indicates difficulties in expressing feelings, which can lead to manifestations of rudeness. When it comes to passion, their emotions can get out of control and overwhelm their common sense.

The monkey line on the hand is a symbol that can be easily seen. It shows the complete connection of the line of Mind and Heart. The Simian line has strong energy. Instead of two separate lines of Mind and Heart, a Person has one pronounced Simian line. It is located under the fingers on the palm. If you become the owner of this line, then you are a strong personality. Your plans have meaning, and life depends on the level and style of your personality. Basically, the Monkey line is found on only one hand. Very rarely it is present on both palms.

People with the Monkey line on their hand are stubborn and can be difficult to communicate with. They are serious and have personal beliefs that they rarely change. They have an excellent memory, and the world in which they live is difficult for others to perceive. It is difficult to convince people with Simian lines; they always do as they want and do not like to resolve any issues.

Outlines on the left hand - meaning

If the Monkey line is on the left hand, it speaks of personal relationships and serious feelings. Such people have a constant mess in their lives. They lack harmony in their souls, as it is in constant search. Rest and peace - such words are not familiar to them, their life position has not yet been formulated, and their actions are not clear.

Colleagues at work turn away from such a person because they do not want to be under constant control. A person with the Simian line has only one goal in life, towards which he will constantly go. All energy and time will be spent on making your dream come true, and no matter what you have to do for it.

Outlines on the right hand

If the Monkey line is on the right palm, then it tells about the outer side of a person’s character. Your career and destiny directly depend on it. Workdays will be difficult if you don’t start to control yourself.

A person with a Monkey fold in his palm rarely betrays his principles. He does not know how to rest, so he can conquer new horizons and achieve success.

Outlines on both hands

When Simian lines are present on both palms, this means that all the qualities that a person possesses are doubled. A person with the Simian line on the palms is used to living independently and not asking for help from others. Usually such people are quite stubborn, firm and active. If the rough hand has no positive folds, then it is a bad value. A person may be associated with the criminal world.

When there are additional folds near the Monkey Line, this is a good sign. He talks about favorable moments that are aimed at career growth. The person will work actively and achieve success. In addition, such qualities can manifest themselves in sports. Confidence and desire to win will appear.

Also, Monkey lines can radiate unnecessary folds. They look like auxiliary lines of the Heart and Mind. The monkey line can often be seen on both palms of affected people who suffer from Down syndrome. But, basically, such people are not dangerous to society, as they have a high degree of intelligence.

Bad sides of the line

Simian lines endow a person with intelligence and strength, but unfortunately, only in one direction. He can perform any actions well and without problems in a certain field of activity, but he is powerless to do anything else. Palmistry rewards control, which is why many individuals are violent and intensely cruel. But in our time, experienced palmists do not agree with this opinion. They believe that it is a symbol of happiness and success, especially if it occurs on the right hand.

Very often, such individuals have short outlines on their palms and are difficult to see. Owners of such segments have a sense of ownership, and therefore may break the law and disrespect others. This line is strongly pronounced and becomes noticeable with age. But, if it is not there at all, then it will give its owner disorder and disorganization. This will become noticeable at certain stages of life if a person does not find peace.

Good points

The line on the hand can be so dominant that a person can get great success at an early age.

If it exists, then a person needs balance in life in order to feel normal. To do this, he must have strong hands and long fingers. They are a symbol of willpower and attentiveness.

  1. The personality will notice the smallest details and live carefully. Because of such indicators, you can become one of the best and prove yourself in any field. The qualities of a leader and winner will push a person to new heights. Such manifestations will give others faith and trust, they will be able to follow this person anywhere.
  2. If this does not happen, the owner will receive the opposite character change, namely, he will become aggressive and cruel. No one will be able to change him for the better and force him to make concessions. Those around him will begin to block him and want to protect him, but he, on the contrary, will become angry, begin to insult everyone and even encroach on human rights. A leader with a piece of a monkey on his palm will dictate his own rules and control everything around him. He will become a dictator for his family and career.

Leadership qualities, charisma and strength will help you gain trust and achieve success. In addition, he can go into religion and try to change the world. But during this, one must not forget about the integrity of one’s personality, and actions should not cause fears and uncertainty about the consequences.