Organic chemistry formulas in tables. Student's Guide to Organic Chemistry

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This manual contains in a visual form the course organic chemistry, studied in grades 10-11 secondary school. The manual can be used for studying, generalization and repetition educational material, and can also be useful in organizing systematic repetition in preparation for final or entrance exams.

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I. Theory of the chemical structure of organic compounds
1 The emergence of organic chemistry as a science (1807 J. Berzelius) 3
2. Organic and inorganic substances. Composition and some properties organic matter 4
3. Pre-constructive theories 5
4. Connection of concepts of the theory of chemical structure 6
5. Prerequisites for the emergence of the theory of the chemical structure of organic substances 7
6. Theory of chemical structure. Fundamentals (1,2) 8
7. Theory of chemical structure. Fundamentals (3,4) 9
8. Theory of chemical structure. Fundamentals (5) 10
9. Algorithm for searching for possible isomers of alkanes (carbon skeleton isomerism) 11
10. Classification of chemical compounds typical of organic compounds (by type of chemical transformations) 12
11. Classification of chemical compounds typical of organic compounds (by type of bond cleavage) 13
12. Classification of hydrocarbons 14
II. Saturated hydrocarbons
1. Methane. Physical properties. Molecule structure 15
2. Br3-hybritization 16
3. Alkanes 17
4. Isomers and homologs 18
5. Alkanes (unbranched) and alkyls 19
6. Nomenclature (rational) 20
7. Nomenclature (systematic) 21
8. Determination of the qualitative composition of organic compounds 22
9. Chemical properties of alkanes 23
10. Preparation of alkanes 24
11. Application of alkanes 25
12. Cycloalkanes (cycloparaffins, naphthenes) 26
III. Unsaturated hydrocarbons
1. Ethylene (ethene). Molecule structure. sp2 - hybridization 27
2. Alkenes (olefins, ethylene hydrocarbons) 28
3. Properties of alkenes 29
4. Properties of alkenes 30
5. Application of alkenes 31
6. Preparation of alkenes 32
7. Diene hydrocarbons (alkadienes) 33
8. Chemical properties of alkadienes (with conjugated bonds) Preparation 34
9. General characteristics rubbers. Their structure and properties 35
10. Acetylene (ethylene). Molecule structure sp-hybritization 36
11. Comparison of the structure of the molecule of ethane, ethylene and acetylene. Comparison of o and tc bonds 37
12. Alkynes (acetylene hydrocarbons) 38
13. Chemical properties of alkynes 39
14. Chemical properties of alkynes 40
15. Application of acetylene 41
16. Preparation of acetylene and its homologues 42
IV. Aromatic hydrocarbons
1. Benzene. Physical properties. Kekule Formula 43
2. Electronic structure benzene 44
3. Chemical properties of benzene 45
4. Chemical properties of benzene 46
5. Arenas (Aromatic hydrocarbons. Alkylbenzenes) 47
6. Toluene. Chemical properties. Mutual influence of atoms in a toluene molecule 48
7. Rules for orientation in the benzene ring..49
8. Use of benzene. Getting 50 arenas
9. Styrene. Naphthalene. Anthracene 51
10. Genetic relationship between hydrocarbon groups 52
11. General information about hydrocarbon groups 53
12. General information about hydrocarbon groups 54
V. Alcohols and phenols
1. Saturated monohydric alcohols 55
2. Chemical properties of alcohols 56
3. Ethanol (Ethyl alcohol) 57
4. Application of saturated monohydric alcohols 58
5. Methods for producing alcohols 59
6. Limits polyhydric alcohols 60
7. Ethers 61
8. Phenols 62
9. Chemical properties of phenol (by hydroxo group) 63
10. Chemical properties of phenol (by benzene ring) 64
VI. Aldehydes and carboxylic acids
1. Aldehydes. Structure. Nomenclature. Isomerism 65
2. Formaldehyde. Receipt. Properties 66
3. Properties of aldehydes 67
4. Properties of aldehydes 60
5. G9 Ketones
6. Preparation of aldehydes and ketones 70
7. Carboxylic acids. Homologous series 71
8. Some saturated monobasic acids 72
9. Carboxylic acids. Properties 73
10. Chemical properties of saturated monobasics carboxylic acids 74
11. Chemical properties of saturated monobasic carboxylic acids 15
12. Preparation of carboxylic acids 76
13.0 individual representatives of carboxylic acids. Classification 77
14. Individual representatives of carboxylic acids 78
VII. Esters. Fats
1. Esters 79
2. Chemical properties of esters 80
3. Fats. Classification. Receiving 81
4. Chemical properties of fats 82
5. Soaps 83
6. Synthetic detergents(CMC) 84
VIII. Hydrocarbons
1. Carbohydrates. Compound. Classification 85
2. Glucose. Structure. Fructose 86
3. Glucose. Chemical properties 87
4. Glucose. Special properties. Application 88
5. Sucrose. Structure. Properties 89
6. Polysaccharides (CeH-mOsJn. Natural polymers 90
7. Starch and cellulose. Chemical properties 91
IX. Amines. Amino acids. Squirrels
1. Amines. Compound. Nomenclature. Isomerism 92
2. Amines. Chemical properties 93
3. Aniline. Structure. Properties 94
4. Amino acids. Nomenclature. Isomerism 95
5. Amino acids. Properties 96
6. Some amino acids of proteins 97
7. Preparation and use of amino acids 98
8. Proteins. Compound. Building 99
9. Protein 100 structures
10. Chemical properties of proteins 101
11. Isomerism of classes of compounds 102
12. Genetic relationship of organic substances 103
X. Application
1. Qualitative reactions of organic compounds 104
2. Qualitative reactions of organic compounds 105
3. Periodic table chemical elements 106
4. Legend 107

This manual contains in a visual form a course of organic chemistry studied in grades 10-11 of a secondary school. The manual can be used when studying, summarizing and repeating educational material, and can also be useful in organizing systematic repetition in preparation for final or entrance exams.

Theory of radicals (30s of the 19th century. J. Berzelius, J. Liebig, J. Dumas)
a) organic substances contain radicals;
b) radicals are always constant, do not undergo changes, move from one molecule to another;
c) radicals can exist in free form.

The concept of “radical” has become firmly established in chemistry. The theory was subsequently rejected.
Theory of types (40-50s of the 19th century. C. Gerard, A. Kekule, etc.)
a) all organic substances - derivatives of the simplest inorganic substances - such as hydrogen, water, ammonia, etc.
b) formulas do not express internal structure molecules, and the methods of formation and properties are determined by all the atoms of the molecule.
c) it is impossible to know the structure of a substance; each substance has as many formulas as there are transformations.
The theory made it possible to classify organic substances, predict and discover some special attention- chemical transformations, but could not predict or indicate ways of synthesizing new substances.

I. Theory of the chemical structure of organic compounds

1 The emergence of organic chemistry as a science (1807 J. Berzelius) 3
2. Organic and inorganic substances. Composition and some properties of organic substances 4
3. Pre-constructive theories 5
4. Connection of concepts of the theory of chemical structure 6
5. Prerequisites for the emergence of the theory of the chemical structure of organic substances 7
6. Theory of chemical structure. Fundamentals (1,2) 8
7. Theory of chemical structure. Fundamentals (3,4) 9
8. Theory of chemical structure. Fundamentals (5) 10
9. Algorithm for searching for possible isomers of alkanes (carbon skeleton isomerism) 11
10. Classification of chemical compounds typical of organic compounds (by type of chemical transformations) 12
11. Classification of chemical compounds typical of organic compounds (by type of bond cleavage) 13
12. Classification of hydrocarbons 14
II. Saturated hydrocarbons
1. Methane. Physical properties. Molecule structure 15
2. Br3-hybritization 16
3. Alkanes 17
4. Isomers and homologs 18
5. Alkanes (unbranched) and alkyls 19
6. Nomenclature (rational) 20
7. Nomenclature (systematic) 21
8. Determination of the qualitative composition of organic compounds 22
9. Chemical properties of alkanes 23
10. Preparation of alkanes 24
11. Application of alkanes 25
12. Cycloalkanes (cycloparaffins, naphthenes) 26
III. Unsaturated hydrocarbons
1. Ethylene (ethene). Molecule structure. sp2 - hybridization 27
2. Alkenes (olefins, ethylene hydrocarbons) 28
3. Properties of alkenes 29
4. Properties of alkenes 30
5. Application of alkenes 31
6. Preparation of alkenes 32
7. Diene hydrocarbons (alkadienes) 33
8. Chemical properties of alkadienes (with conjugated bonds) Preparation 34
9. General characteristics of rubbers. Their structure and properties 35
10. Acetylene (ethylene). Molecule structure sp-hybritization 36
11. Comparison of the structure of the molecule of ethane, ethylene and acetylene. Comparison of o and tc bonds 37
12. Alkynes (acetylene hydrocarbons) 38
13. Chemical properties of alkynes 39
14. Chemical properties of alkynes 40
15. Application of acetylene 41
16. Preparation of acetylene and its homologues 42
IV. Aromatic hydrocarbons
1. Benzene. Physical properties. Kekule Formula 43
2. Electronic structure of benzene 44
3. Chemical properties of benzene 45
4. Chemical properties of benzene 46
5. Arenas (Aromatic hydrocarbons. Alkylbenzenes) 47
6. Toluene. Chemical properties. Mutual influence of atoms in a toluene molecule 48
7. Orientation rules in the benzene ring 49
8. Use of benzene. Getting 50 arenas
9. Styrene. Naphthalene. Anthracene 51
10. Genetic relationship between hydrocarbon groups 52
11. General information about hydrocarbon groups 53
12. General information about hydrocarbon groups 54
V. Alcohols and phenols
1. Saturated monohydric alcohols 55
2. Chemical properties of alcohols 56
3. Ethanol (Ethyl alcohol) 57
4. Application of saturated monohydric alcohols 58
5. Methods for producing alcohols 59
6. Saturated polyhydric alcohols 60
7. Ethers 61
8. Phenols 62
9. Chemical properties of phenol (by hydroxo group) 63
10. Chemical properties of phenol (by benzene ring) 64
VI. Aldehydes and carboxylic acids
1. Aldehydes. Structure. Nomenclature. Isomerism 65
2. Formaldehyde. Receipt. Properties 66
3. Properties of aldehydes 67
4. Properties of aldehydes 60
5. G9 Ketones
6. Preparation of aldehydes and ketones 70
7. Carboxylic acids. Homologous series 71
8. Some saturated monobasic acids 72
9. Carboxylic acids. Properties 73
10. Chemical properties of saturated monobasic carboxylic acids 74
11. Chemical properties of saturated monobasic carboxylic acids 15
12. Preparation of carboxylic acids 76
13.0 individual representatives of carboxylic acids. Classification 77
14. Individual representatives of carboxylic acids 78
VII. Esters. Fats
1. Esters 79
2. Chemical properties of esters 80
3. Fats. Classification. Receiving 81
4. Chemical properties of fats 82
5. Soaps 83
6. Synthetic detergents (CMC) 84
VIII. Hydrocarbons
1. Carbohydrates. Compound. Classification 85
2. Glucose. Structure. Fructose 86
3. Glucose. Chemical properties 87
4. Glucose. Special properties. Application 88
5. Sucrose. Structure. Properties 89
6. Polysaccharides (CeH-mOsJn. Natural polymers 90
7. Starch and cellulose. Chemical properties 91
IX. Amines. Amino acids. Squirrels
1. Amines. Compound. Nomenclature. Isomerism 92
2. Amines. Chemical properties 93
3. Aniline. Structure. Properties 94
4. Amino acids. Nomenclature. Isomerism 95
5. Amino acids. Properties 96
6. Some amino acids of proteins 97
7. Preparation and use of amino acids 98
8. Proteins. Compound. Building 99
9. Protein 100 structures
10. Chemical properties of proteins 101
11. Isomerism of classes of compounds 102
12. Genetic relationship of organic substances 103
X. Application
1. Qualitative reactions of organic compounds 104
2. Qualitative reactions of organic compounds 105
3. Periodic table of chemical elements 106
4. Conventions 107.

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State budget educational institution higher professional education

"Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy"

Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation



Textbook for 2nd year students (3rd, 4th semesters)

(full-time study) for 2nd and 3rd year students (correspondence course)

in discipline C2.B.7 – “Organic chemistry”

Pyatigorsk, 2011

UDC. 547(076)

Published by decision of the Center for Medical Sciences of the Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy. Protocol No. 7 of 04/02/2003

General editor: Head. department, professor Oganesyan E.T.

But based on the current program in organic chemistry for pharmaceutical universities, a manual has been created that allows one to obtain information about the structure, methods of preparation and reactivity of the most important classes of organic compounds in a concise and accessible form.

Reviewers: Professor Kompantsev V.A., Associate Professor Saushkina A.S.

Editorial Board:

Belikov V.G. (responsible editor) – prof. Doctor of Philology; Vergeichik E.N. (deputy editor) – prof., doctor of philosophical sciences; Pogorelov V.I. (deputy editor) – prof., doctor of philosophical sciences; Muravyova D.A. – Prof., Doctor of Philology; Gaevy M.D. – prof., doctor of medical sciences; Gatsan V.V. – Prof., Doctor of Philology

Karpova V.V.; Bratashova T.M. (responsible secretary)

1.1 Classification and main types of nomenclature

1.3 Substitute nomenclature for functional derivatives

2.2 sp 3 -Hybridization. Structure of alkanes. Forecasting

2.3 Structure of cycloalkanes. Forecasting reactionary

2.4 sp 2 -Hybridization. The structure of ethylene. Forecasting

2.5 Structure of butadiene-1,3. The concept of pairing. Influence

2.7 sp-Hybridization. Acetylene structure and reaction

ability of alkynes................................................... ...............................................

Electronic structure of heterocyclic compounds.

Prediction of reactivity based on structure analysis.................................

Features of the structure of the sp2-hybrid nitrogen atom..................................................

Electronic structure of pyridine.................................................... ....................

Electronic structure of pyrrole.................................................... ......................

Electronic structure of pyrazole.................................................... ....................

Isomerism of organic compounds.................................................... ........................

Types of isomerism................................................... ...................................................

Properties of chiral compounds................................................................... ...................

Rules for working with Fischer projection formulas....................................

Stereochemical nomenclature................................................................. ............................

D-, L-notation system.................................................... ........................................

R-, S-notation system.................................................... ........................................

Classification and mechanisms organic reactions...........................................

Classification of reactions................................................... ...................................

Mechanism of radical substitution reactions (SR) ....................................................

Mechanism of electrophilic substitution reactions (SE) ....................................

The mechanism of the nucleophilic substitution (SN) reaction

sp3 -hybrid carbon atom.................................................. ...................................

Mechanism of electrophilic addition reactions (AdE) .............................

Mechanism of nucleophilic addition reactions (AdN) ..............................

Reactivity and methods for obtaining organic substances in

diagrams........................................................ ........................................................ ...........................


Study of organic chemistry in pharmaceutical higher education educational institutions sets as its most important goal the formation of a methodological approach among students to the study of the relationship between the structure of molecules and their properties.

Abundance theoretical material creates the prerequisites for achieving this goal, however, students often feel an urgent need for such a source of information that would allow them to easily and quickly answer many questions related to the study of methods for obtaining and the reactivity of organic compounds.

Present training manual It is precisely intended to help students obtain information in a concise and accessible form,

concerning the structure and properties of the most important classes of organic compounds.


1.1 Classification and main types of nomenclature of organic compounds

Organic chemistry- This is the chemistry of hydrocarbons and their derivatives. Several million organic compounds are now known. To study such a huge number of substances, they are divided into smaller groups - classes, within which the compounds have similarities in structure, and therefore in chemical properties.

Organic substances can be classified according to different criteria: I - according to the structure of the carbon chain they can be a) acyclic (carbon-

natural chains do not have cycles); b) cyclic (carbon chains are closed in cycles);

II - according to the nature of carbon-carbon bonds, substances are divided into a) limiting (in molecules there are only single carbon-carbon bonds); b) unsaturated (molecules have double or triple carbon-carbon bonds); c) aromatic (cyclic compounds with a special type of bond (see.

III - based on the presence of functional groups, substances are classified into various classes (the most important ones are presented in Table 1).

Nomenclature is a set of rules that allows you to give a name to each chemical compound. Highest value has a substitutive nomenclature; For hydrocarbon derivatives, in addition to substitutive nomenclature, radical-functional nomenclature is often used. For some compounds, trivial (historically established) names are used.

1.2 Substitute nomenclature for hydrocarbons

Hydrocarbons are substances whose molecules consist only of carbon and hydrogen atoms.

To give a name to an acyclic hydrocarbon using substitution nomenclature, you need to:

1. Select the parent structure using the following order:

1) maximum number of multiple (double, triple) bonds;

2) maximum chain length;

3) the maximum number of substituents (radicals).

2*. Number the parent structure so that the smallest values ​​(locants) are:

1) multiple connections;

2) hydrocarbon substituents.

Each subsequent point is valid in the absence of the previous one, or if the previous one did not give an unambiguous answer.

3. Name all radicals (see Table 2)

4. Make up a name according to the following scheme:




An - alkanes



En - alkenes




In - alkynes



Diene - alkadienes

multiple bonds

For example:


C2 H5


CH3 2


C3 H7 CH3


2-isopropylbutadiene-1,3 or 2-(1-methylethyl)butadiene-1,3

Table 1

Table 2

Names of some hydrocarbon substituents









CH3 -CH2 -CH2 -CH2 -








II Alkenyls



III Alkynyls

not used

C CH2 -

not used


(C6 H5 -)




For cyclic hydrocarbons, either a cycle or an acyclic hydrocarbon chain associated with the cycle is chosen as the parent structure. If there are substituents, the cycle is numbered from one substituent to another so that the locants receive the smallest value.

CH2 -CH2 -CH3

CH C2 H5



For some cyclic hydrocarbons, IUPAC rules allow the following trivial names:








H3 C C CH3

1.3 Substitute nomenclature for functional hydrocarbon derivatives

Functional groups (F.G.) - groups of non-carbon atoms

nature, replacing hydrogen atoms in the hydrocarbon chain and

defining properties (function) of compounds.

The most important functional groups are:

Table 3











According to the nature and amount of FG, organic compounds are divided into the following:

current groups:

Functional derivatives of hydrocarbons




identical F.G.)

To give a name to functional derivatives of hydrocarbons, you must: 1. Select the parent structure - a hydrocarbon chain connected:

1) with a functional group (for monofunctional compounds);

2) With a large number functional groups (for polyfunctional compounds);




for specialties of technical and economic profiles

Compiled by: teacher




The SS in organic chemistry was compiled to assist students in creating a scientific picture of the world through chemical content, taking into account interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary connections, and the logic of the educational process.

The SS in organic chemistry provides a minimum in volume, but functionally complete content for mastering the state standard chemical education.

The SS in organic chemistry performs two main functions:

I. The information function allows participants educational process get an idea of ​​the content, structure of the subject, the relationship of concepts through diagrams, tables and algorithms.

II. The organizational-planning function involves highlighting the stages of training, structuring educational material, and creates ideas about the content of the intermediate and final certification.

SS involves the formation of a system of knowledge, skills and methods of activity, and develops the ability of students to work with reference materials.



Chronological table “Development of organic chemistry”.

Chemical properties of alkenes (ethylene hydrocarbons).

Basic principles of the theory of the structure of organic compounds

Chemical properties of alkynes (acetylene hydrocarbons).

Isomers and homologues.

Chemical properties of arenes ( aromatic hydrocarbons).

TSOS value

Classification of hydrocarbons.

Genetic relationship of organic substances.

Homologous series



"Structure - properties - application."

Homologous series


Relative molecular weights of organic substances

Dictionary of terms in organic chemistry. Nominal reactions.

Isomerism of classes of organic substances.

Algorithm for solving problems.

Physical quantities for solving problems.

Chemical properties of alkanes (saturated hydrocarbons).

Deriving formulas of compounds.

Examples of problem solving.


Period/year. Who?

Nature of the opening


Ancient man

Cook food, tan leather, make medicine

Paracelsus and others

Manufacturing more complex medications, studying the properties of organic substances. origin, i.e. waste products

XY-XYIII centuries. V.

Continuous process

Accumulation of knowledge about various substances.


An explosion of scientific thought, the detonator of which was the needs of people for dyes, clothing, and food.

Jons Jakob Berzelius ( Swedish chemist)

The term "organic chemistry"

Friedrich Wöhler (German)

Synthesis of oxalic acid


Organic chemistry is a branch of chemical science that studies carbon compounds.

Friedrich Wöhler (German)

Urea synthesis

Aniline synthesis

Adolf Kulbe (German)

Synthesis of acetic acid from carbon

E. Frankland

The concept of “connective system” - valency

Pierre Berthelot (French)

Synthesized ethyl alcohol by hydration of ethylene.

Fat synthesis.

"Chemistry does not need vitality

Synthesis of sugary substance

Based on various theories (Frankland, Gerard, Kekule, Cooper) created TSOS

Textbook "Introduction to the complete study of organic chemistry." Organic chemistry is a branch of chemistry that studies hydrocarbons and their derivatives .




1. A. in M. are connected in a certain sequence, according to their valence.

2. The properties of substances depend not only on the qualitative and quantitative composition, but also on the chemical structure. Isomers. Isomerism.

3. A. and A. groups mutually influence each other.

4. By the properties of a substance, you can determine the structure, and by the structure, you can determine the properties.

Isomers and homologues.

High-quality composition

Quantitative composition

Chemical structure

Chemical properties











TSOS value

1. Explained the structure of M. known substances and their properties.

2. Made it possible to foresee the existence of unknown substances and find ways of their synthesis.

3. Explain the diversity of organic substances.

Classification of hydrocarbons." width="708" height="984 src=">

Homologous series

















Homologous series

















General information about hydrocarbons.


Chemical properties of alkanes

(saturated hydrocarbons)." width="610" height="835 src=">

Chemical properties of alkynes

(acetylene hydrocarbons)." width="646" height="927 src=">

Genetic relationship between hydrocarbons." width="696" height="919 src=">

Relationship “Structure - properties - application”.






in nature






Halogen derivatives

Alcohols and Phenols



Carboxylic acids

Nitro compounds

Algorithm for solving problems

1. Study the conditions of the problem carefully: determine with what quantities the calculations will be carried out, designate them with letters, establish their units of measurement, numerical values, determine which quantity is the desired one.

2. Write down these tasks in the form of brief conditions.

3. If in the conditions of the task we're talking about about the interaction of substances, write down the equation of the reaction (reactions) and equalize it (their) coefficients.

4. Find out the quantitative relationships between the problem data and the desired value. To do this, divide your actions into stages, starting with the question of the problem, finding out the pattern with which you can determine the desired value at the last stage of the calculations. If the source data is missing any quantities, think about how they can be calculated, i.e., determine the preliminary stages of calculation. There may be several of these stages.

5. Determine the sequence of all stages of solving the problem, write down the necessary calculation formulas.

6. Substitute the corresponding numerical values ​​of the quantities, check their dimensions, and make calculations.

Deriving formulas of compounds.

This type of calculation is extremely important for chemical practice, since it allows, based on experimental data, to determine the formula of a substance (simple and molecular).

Based on data from qualitative and quantitative analyses, the chemist first finds the ratio of atoms in a molecule (or other structural unit of a substance), i.e., its simplest formula.
For example, analysis showed that the substance is a hydrocarbon
CxHy, in which the mass fractions of carbon and hydrogen are respectively 0.8 and 0.2 (80% and 20%). To determine the ratio of atoms of elements, it is enough to determine their amount of substance (number of moles): Integers (1 and 3) are obtained by dividing the number 0.2 by the number 0.0666. We take the number 0.0666 as 1. The number 0.2 is 3 times greater than the number 0.0666. So CH3 is the simplest the formula of this substance. The ratio of C and H atoms, equal to 1:3, corresponds to countless formulas: C2H6, C3H9, C4H12, etc., but from this series only one formula is molecular for a given substance, i.e., reflecting the true number of atoms in its molecule. To calculate the molecular formula, in addition to the quantitative composition of a substance, it is necessary to know its molecular mass.

To determine this value, the value of the relative gas density D is often used. So, for the above case, DH2 = 15. Then M(CxHy) = 15µM(H2) = 152 g/mol = 30 g/mol.
Since M(CH3) = 15, the subscripts in the formula must be doubled to match the true molecular weight. Hence, molecular substance formula: C2H6.

Determining the formula of a substance depends on the accuracy of mathematical calculations.

When finding the value n element should take into account at least two decimal places and carefully round numbers.

For example, 0.8878 ≈ 0.89, but not 1. The ratio of atoms in a molecule is not always determined by simply dividing the resulting numbers by a smaller number.

By mass fractions elements.

Task 1. Establish the formula of a substance that consists of carbon (w=25%) and aluminum (w=75%).

Let's divide 2.08 by 2. The resulting number 1.04 does not fit an integer number of times into the number 2.78 (2.78:1.04=2.67:1).

Now let's divide 2.08 by 3.

This produces the number 0.69, which fits exactly 4 times into the number 2.78 and 3 times into the number 2.08.

Therefore, the indices x and y in the formula of the substance AlxCy are 4 and 3, respectively.

Answer: Al4C3(aluminum carbide).

Finding algorithm chemical formula substances

by its density and mass fractions of elements.

A more complex version of problems for deriving formulas of compounds is the case when the composition of a substance is specified through the combustion products of these compounds.

Problem 2. When a hydrocarbon weighing 8.316 g was burned, 26.4 g of CO2 was formed. Density of matter at normal conditions equal to 1.875 g/ml. Find its molecular formula.

General information about hydrocarbons.

(continuation)" width="696" height="983">

Natural sources of hydrocarbons.

Oil – fossil, liquid fuel, a complex mixture of organic substances: saturated hydrocarbons, paraffins, naphthenes, aromatics, etc. The composition of oil usually includes oxygen-, sulfur- and nitrogen-containing substances.

An oily liquid with a characteristic odor, dark in color, lighter than water. The most important source of fuel, lubricating oils and other petroleum products. The main (primary) processing process is distillation, which results in the production of gasoline, naphtha, kerosene, diesel oils, fuel oil, petroleum jelly, paraffin, and tar. Secondary recycling processes ( cracking, pyrolysis) make it possible to obtain additional liquid fuel, aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene, etc.), etc.

Petroleum gases – a mixture of various gaseous hydrocarbons dissolved in oil; they are released during extraction and processing. They are used as fuel and chemical raw materials.

Petrol– colorless or yellowish liquid, consists of a mixture of hydrocarbons ( C5 – C11 ). It is used as motor fuel, solvent, etc.

Naphtha– a transparent yellowish liquid, a mixture of liquid hydrocarbons. It is used as diesel fuel, solvent, hydraulic fluid, etc.

Kerosene– transparent, colorless or yellowish liquid with a blue tint. Used as fuel for jet engines, for domestic needs, etc.

Solar- yellowish liquid. Used for the production of lubricating oils.

Fuel oil– heavy oil fuel, mixture of paraffins. Used in the production of oils, heating oil, bitumen, and for processing into light motor fuel.

Benzene– colorless mobile liquid with a characteristic odor. Used for the synthesis of organic compounds, as a raw material for the production of plastics, as a solvent, for the production of explosives, in the aniline paint industry

Toluene- analogue of benzene. Used in the production of caprolactam, explosives, benzoic acid, saccharin, as a solvent, in the aniline dye industry, etc.

Lubricating oils– Used in various fields of technology to reduce friction. parts to protect metals from corrosion, as a cutting fluid.

Tar- black resinous mass. Used for lubrication, etc.

Petrolatum– a mixture of mineral oil and paraffins. Used in electrical engineering, to lubricate bearings, to protect metals from corrosion, etc.

Paraffin– a mixture of solid saturated hydrocarbons. Used as an electrical insulator in chemical applications. industry - for the production of higher acids and alcohols, etc.

Plastic– materials based on high-molecular compounds. Used for the production of various technical products and household items.

Asphalt Ore– a mixture of oxidized hydrocarbons. It is used for the manufacture of varnishes, in electrical engineering, and for paving streets.

Mountain wax– a mineral from the group of petroleum bitumens. Used as an electrical insulator, for the preparation of various lubricants and ointments, etc.

Artificial wax– purified mountain wax.

Coal – solid fossil fuel plant origin black or black-gray. Contains 75–97% carbon. Used as fuel and as a raw material for the chemical industry.

Coke- a sintered solid product formed when certain coals are heated in coke ovens to 900–1050° C. Used in blast furnaces.

Coke gas– gaseous products of coking of fossil coals. Consists of CH4, H2, CO etc., also contains non-flammable impurities. Used as a high-calorie fuel.

Ammonia water– liquid product of dry distillation of coal. Used to obtain ammonium salts ( nitrogen fertilizers), ammonia etc.

Coal tar– a thick dark liquid with a characteristic odor, a product of dry distillation of coal. Used as raw material for chemicals. industry.

Benzene– a colorless mobile liquid with a characteristic odor, one of the products of coal tar. They are used for the synthesis of organic compounds, as explosives, as raw materials for the production of plastics, as a dye, as a solvent, etc.

Naphthalene– a solid crystalline substance with a characteristic odor, one of the products of coal tar. Naphthalene derivatives are used to produce dyes and explosives, etc.

Medicines- the coke industry provides a whole range of medicines(carbolic acid, phenacytin, salicylic acid, saccharin, etc.).

Pitch– a solid (viscous) black mass, a residue from the distillation of coal tar. Used as a waterproofing agent, for the production of fuel briquettes, etc.

Toluene– an analogue of benzene, one of the products of coal tar. Used for the production of explosives, caprolactam, benzoic acid, saccharin, as a dye, etc.

Dyes- one of the products coke production, are obtained by processing benzene, naphthalene and phenol. Used in the national economy.

Aniline– colorless oily liquid, poisonous. It is used for the production of various organic substances, aniline dyes, various azo dyes, the synthesis of drugs, etc.

Saccharin– a solid white crystalline substance with a sweet taste, obtained from toluene. Used instead of sugar for diabetes, etc.

BB– derivatives of coal obtained through the process of dry distillation. They are used in the military industry, mining and other sectors of the national economy.

Phenol- white or crystalline substance pink color with a characteristic strong odor. It is used in the production of phenol-formaldehyde plastics, synthetic nylon fiber, dyes, medicines, etc.

Plastic– materials based on high-molecular compounds. Used for the production of various technical products and household items.

When studying organic chemistry great value has theoretical foundations.This methodological development intended for self-study students and teacher reference material. It contains questions grouped by topic, which cover both general problems of organic chemistry and individual sections.The guidelines are devoted to the consideration of some issues of theoretical organic chemistry (classification of reagents and reactions, the course of reactions over time) withcontains a description of organic compounds by class. The material is presented in the form of tables and diagrams.




Sp 3


G 2, O 2







СnH 2n Sp 3

G 2, ±H 2, O 2


Alkenes СnH 2n Sp 2 and Sp 3


СnH 2n-2

Sp 2 and Sp 3



G 2, ±H 2, O 2

NG N 2 O KMnO 4



Alkynes СnH2n-2 Sp and Sp 3



G 2, N 2, O 2

NG N 2 O KMnO 4

Acetic acid


+(Ag(NH 3 ))OH

CuCl in NH 3








G 2, N 2, O 2

HNO 3, H 2 SO 4 СnH 2n+1 Cl alcohols




C n H 2n+2 O

Sp 3

Na, NG, O 2

Sulfuric, nitrogenous

PCl 5, Alcohols

Organic acids







ethylene glycol

Na, NaOH, NG, O 2 nitric, Alcohols

Organic acids



Phenol, cresol, hydroquinone

C 6 H 5 OH

Sp 2 and Sp 3

Na, NaOH, NG



G 2, FeCl 3, HNO 3, H 2 SO 4



Sp 2 and Sp 3

H 2, H 2 O, G 2, phenol




Сu(OH) 2

+(Ag(NH 3 ))OH



C n H 2n O 2

Sp 2 and Sp 3

Me, MeO, MeOH, G 2, SOCl 2



Formic acid


+(Ag(NH 3 ))OH

Сu(OH) 2



С n H 2n+3 N

N 2 O NG O 2



C 6 H 5 NH 2

Br 2, H 2, H 2 SO 4

Amino acids




Amino acids



+(Ag(NH 3 ))OH

Сu(OH) 2



a) Alcohol

b) lactic acid

c) oil acid.




per monosaccharide


nitric acid

Disaccharides Hydrolysis

acidic for 2 carbohydrates


biuret reaction – Cu(OH)2 blue violet.

Xanthoprotein+ HNO3 is yellow.

Black precipitate - CuSO4, HgCl2, (CH3COO)2Pb, FeCl3.


Methods of obtaining and chemical properties organic matter

Class name

General formula

Methods of obtaining

Chemical properties


C p N 2n+2

From carbon monoxide (II), aluminum carbide, salts of carboxylic acids, hydrogenation of alkenes and alkynes, Wurtz reaction, cracking

Combustion, substitution, cracking, isomerization, dehydrogenation


S p N 2p

Hydrogenation of arenes, from dihalogen derivatives

Combustion, substitution (for higher ones), accession (for lower ones)


S p N 2p

Cracking, dehydrogenation of alkanes, hydrogenation of alkynes, dehydration of alcohols, dehydrohalogenation of monohaloalkanes, dehalogenation of dihaloalkanes

Combustion, addition (of hydrogen, halogens, hydrogen halides, water), polymerization, oxidation


S p N 2 p -2

Dehydrogenation and dehydration of ethanol (Lebedev reaction), dehydrogenation of alkanes and alkenes

Combustion, addition (of hydrogen, halogens, hydrogen halides), polymerization


S p N 2p-2

Dehydrohalogenation of dihaloalkanes. Hydrolysis of calcium carbide and thermal decomposition of methane (acetylene)

Combustion, displacement, addition (hydrogen, halogens, hydrogen halides, water), oxidation, polymerization




S p N 2p-6

Dehydrogenation of cycloalkanes, dehydrocyclization of alkanes, Friedel-Crafts alkylation, Wurtz-Fitting reaction, from benzoic acid salts

Combustion, substitution (interaction with halogens, nitric acid), addition (hydrogen, halogens)




S p N 2p+1 OH


S p N 2p+2 O

Hydration of alkenes, hydrogenation of aldehydes and ketones, hydrolysis of haloalkanes, hydrolysis (and saponification) of esters. From carbon monoxide (P) and hydrogen (methanol). Fermentation of glucose (ethanol)

Combustion, interaction with alkali metals,

hydrogen halides, oxidation, intermolecular and

intramolecular dehydration, esterification

Polyhydric alcohols


Hydrolysis of fats, from propylene

Combustion, esterification, interaction with alkali metals, hydrogen halides, nitric acid, copper(II) hydroxide


C 6 H 5 (OH) n

From sodium phenolate, fusion of sulfonic acid salts, from halogenated arenes, cumene method (from benzene and propylene)

Combustion, substitution, polycondensation, interaction with halogens, nitric acid, alkali metals, alkalis


S p N 2p O

Oxidation of primary alcohols, hydrolysis of dihaloalkanes, hydration of acetylene, oxidation of alkenes and methane

Combustion, oxidation (copper hydroxide (H), ammonia solution of silver oxide), addition (of water, hydrogen), substitution (interaction with halogens), polycondensation, polymerization


S p N 2p O

From salts of carboxylic acids, oxidation of secondary alcohols

Combustion, addition of hydrogen

Monobasic saturated carboxylic acids

S p N 2p O 2

Oxidation of primary alcohols, aldehydes, alkanes, hydrolysis of esters. From oxalic acid and carbon monoxide (H) (formic acid)

Dissociation, interaction with metals, basic oxides, hydroxides, salts of weaker and volatile acids, alcohols (esterification), substitution in the radical (interaction with halogens), addition of hydrogen. For formic acid, interaction with copper(H) hydroxide, ammonia solution of silver oxide


r,-0-r 2

S p N 2p+2 O

From saturated monohydric alcohols



S p N 2p O 2

From alcohols and acids

Combustion, hydrolysis (including saponification)

Carbohydrates (glucose)

C 6 H 12 O 6

Hydrolysis of polysaccharides, photosynthesis

Interaction with copper(II) hydroxide, ammonia solution of silver oxide, nitric acid, acid anhydrides, haloalkanes, alcohols, combustion, reduction, esterification, fermentation

Carbohydrates (polysaccharides)

(C 6 N 10 O 5) p

From monosaccharides

Combustion, hydrolysis, esterification, interaction with nitric and organic acids


R 2 -N- R 3

From haloalkanes, nitro compounds

Combustion, basic properties (interaction with water and acids)


R-NH 2



From haloalkanes, nitrobenzene

Basic properties (interaction with acids), interaction with halogens, hydrogen, nitric acid

Amino acids

NH 2 C p N 2p-1 O 2

Hydrolysis of proteins from halogenated acids

Combustion, amphoteric properties(interaction with acids and alkalis), interaction with metals, basic oxides, salts, alcohols, polycondensation, formation of a bipolar ion


The variety of organic reactions comes down to five types:substitution, addition, elimination, rearrangement and redox.

Substitution reactions

In substitution reactionsa hydrogen or functional group is replaced by a non-hydrogen atom or other functional group:

Addition reactions

Addition reactionsaccompanied by the breaking of multiple bonds:

Elimination reactions

Elimination reactions(elimination) lead to the formation of unsaturated hydrocarbons:

Regrouping reactions

Regrouping reactions(isomerization) lead to the formation of isomers:

Oxidation and reduction reactionsoccur with a change in the oxidation state of the carbon atom:

  1. Complete oxidation (combustion)
  1. Partial oxidation

All these reactions occur by two mechanisms, in different ways

In the free radical mechanism, under the influence of radiation or temperature, homological cleavage of bonds (mostly low-polar ones) occurs with the formation of particles containing unpaired electrons. These particles - free radicals - are extremely reactive.

With the ionic mechanism, heterolytic cleavage of bonds occurs with the formation of carbocations and carbanions . The attacking reagent that interacts with the substrate can be of two types: nucleophilic and electrophilic.
Nucleophilic reagents donate an electron pair to the substrate; Electrophilic reagents accept an electron pair from the substrate. Carbocations have electrophilic properties, carbanions have nucleophilic properties.
Typical nucleophilic reagents:

Typical electrophilic reagents:

Acetic anhydride(CH 3 CO) 2 O, molecular weight 102.09; colorless transparent mobileliquidwith a pungent odor; Soluble inbenzene. diethyl ether. ethanol. CHCl 3, CH 3 COOH, THF, limited - coldwater(12 g per 100 g water), hotwaterhydrolyzes to acetic acid, hydrolysis is catalyzed by acids.

Acetic anhydride has chemical propertiescarboxylic acid anhydrides:

With bases, acetic anhydride givesacetates. with HCl and COCl 2 at 70-80°C - acetyl chloride,

turns into benzene, under liquid-phase conditionshydrogenationin presence Ni- and Pd-catalysts - into cyclogensan.


Propionic acid methyl ester - methyl propanoate, methyl propionate.

Triglycerides - glycerol tristearate

Chemical activity of organic compounds.

The most active are allylic and benzyl alcohols, as well as tertiary alcohols. They react at a faster rate than secondary alcohols, and the latter are superior to primary alcohols. As the length of the hydrocarbon radical increases, the reactivity of each type of alcohol decreases. The reactivity of hydrohalic acids, acting as a catalyst and a source of nucleophile, decreases in the sequence HI > HBr > HCl >> HF, which is associated with a decrease in acid strength and a decrease in nucleophilicity during the transition from iodide ion to chloride ion. Hydroiodic and hydrobromic acids easily react with all alcohols. But hydroiodic acid is also capable of reducing both the original alcohols and the resulting iodine derivatives into hydrocarbons, which limits its use.
The reaction rate with HF is too slow to directly convert alcohols to alkyl fluorides.If phenol or cyclic alcohol is placed in a series of alcohols, it will have the greatest acidic properties

If acids have a branched structure, their acidity decreases.










Carbon skeleton.

Carbon skeleton, double bond positions, interclass; cis and trans isomerism

Chem. saints

Halogenation, combustion,


Halogenation, addition of hydrogen, hydrogen halides, water, oxidation with potassium permanganate, polymerization.


The effect of sodium metal on monohalogen derivatives (Wurtz reaction).

Recovery of unsaturated hydrocarbons.

Fusion of salts of carboxylic acids with alkali.

The effect of alcohol solutions of caustic alkalis on halogen derivatives.

The effect of Zn or Mg on dihalogen derivatives with two halogen atoms at neighboring atoms.

Hydrogenation of acetylene hydrocarbons over catalysts with reduced activity (Fe).

Quality reactions

The combustion of alkanes is accompanied by a blue flame.

Alkenes discolor bromine water.

Oxidation with potassium permanganate - discolors the solution.









Cyclopropane –C3H6
Cyclobutane – C4H8
Cyclopropane – C5H10

Benzene – C6H6
Toluene – С6H5CH3
o-xylene - C6H4(CH3)21. 2-dimethylbenzene
n-xylene - C6H4(CH3)2
1. 3-dimethylbenzene
m-xylene - C6H4(CH3)2
1. 4-dimethylbenzene


Sp 3

Sp 2


1) Isomerism of the carbon skeleton
2) Isomerism of the position of substituents in the ring.
3) Interclass isomerism with alkenes

1) Structures and number of substituents
2) Position of deputies
3) Substituents at the 1,2-ortho position; 1,3-meta; 1.4-pair.

Chemical properties

1) Hydrogenation
2) addition of halogens and hydrogen halides.
3) Dehydrogenation (cyclohesane and its alkyl derivatives)
4) decomposition
5) oxidation

1) halogenation
2) nitration
3) Sulfonation
4) Alkylation
5) Hydrogenation
6) oxidation


1) Synthesis of cyclic dihalogen derivatives.
2) from aromatic hydrocarbons
3) from oil.

1) oil and coal processing
2) dehydrogenation of cyclohexane
3) Dehydrocyclization of hexane
4) Trimerization of acitylene at 500 degrees.
5) fusion of benzoic acid salts with alkali.

Qualitative reactions

Discoloration of bromine water

reaction with an ammonia solution of nickel (II) cyanide.A precipitate -Ni(CN)2NH3(C6H6) appears.




First representative: CH3-OH (methyl alcohol)

General formula: CnH2n+1OH


1) With the structure of the carbon skeleton

2) With position functional group HE

Chemical properties:

  1. Reacts with alkalis and alkaline earth metals

2R-OH+ 2Na ->2 R –O-Na +H2

  1. Interact with hydrogen halides

R-OH +H-gal-t> H2O +R-gal

  1. Interacts with copper oxide


  1. Interaction of haloalkanes with alkali solutions
  2. Hydration of alkenes
  3. Reduction of aldehydes and ketones

Special cases:

  1. Methanol – production of synthesis gas
  2. Ethanol - glucose fermentation


First representative:



Chemical properties:

1) Reactions with alkalis, metals, insoluble bases

2) Substitutions. Reactions with halogen-hydrogens, esterification

3) Oxidation. Combustion and oxidation reactions

4) Reactions with Cu(OH)2


1) Synthetic method




General formula



1 representative

  1. Acetone

CH 3 -CO-CH 3

  1. formic aldehyde (formaldehyde)

Sp 3

Sp 3, sp 2


  1. carbon skeleton
  2. keto group positions
  3. interclass isomerism
  1. isomerism of the carbon skeleton, starting from C 4
  2. interclass isomerism
  3. cyclic oxides (with C 2 )
  4. unsaturated alcohols and ethers (with C 3 )



  1. Effect of strong oxidizing agents (KMnO) on ketones 4, NaIO 4, K 2 Cr 2 O 7 ) in harsh conditions
    t , pressure, acidic or alkaline environment) leads tobreaking the carbon-carbon bond at the carbonyl group.As a result, a mixture of acids is formed with fewer carbon atoms than in the original ketone:
  1. Ketones add hydrogen to the carbonyl groupwith the formation of secondary alcohols:
  1. Ketones add active alcohols– methanol and ethylene glycol – with the formation of ketals (this reaction is reversible):
  1. Aldehydes are slowly oxidized by atmospheric oxygen into carboxylic acids:
  1. Aldehydes add hydrogen H 2 via double bondC=O when heated in the presence of a catalyst (Ni, Pt, Pd).


  • Oxidation of secondary alcohols:

Decarboxylation of salts of carboxylic acids and the acids themselves:

Hydrolysis of dihalogenated hydrocarbonscontaining two halogen atoms with one C atom:

Friedel–Crafts synthesis of aromatic ketonesfrom aromatic hydrocarbons and acid chlorides of carboxylic acids in the presence of AlCl 3 :

Alkyne hydration(C (3) and above) according to Kucherov:

  1. Aldehydes are obtained by reduction of acids:
  1. Oxidation of primary alcohols.
  2. The effect of water on dihalide compounds
  1. The effect of water on acitelenic hydrocarbons (Kucherov reaction). When water acts on acitelen in the presence of mercuric oxide salts, acetaldehyde is obtained:
  1. Hydrolysis of vinyl esters. Aldehydes are produced by the action of waterin the presence of mineral acids to vinyl ethers.



  1. Iodoform reaction.
  1. Reaction with sodium nitroprusside.

Orange-red color when acidified with CH


Group 1 “Definition and classification”: Carboxylic acids are derivatives of hydrocarbons containing a functional carboxyl group - COOH.

The carboxyl group consists of carbonyl and hydroxyl groups.

According to their basicity, acids are divided into monobasic (monocarboxylic), dibasic (dicarboxylic), tribasic (tricarboxylic), etc. (Slide show).

saturated (saturated), R – alkyl;

unsaturated (unsaturated) – derivatives of unsaturated hydrocarbons;

aromatic – derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons.

The most important are saturated monocarboxylic acids, their general formula:

Cn H2n+1 - COOH

2nd group. “Nomenclature and isomerism”According to the international substitution nomenclature, the name of an acid is derived from the name of the corresponding hydrocarbon with the addition of the ending and the word acid. Chain numbering always begins with the carbon atom of the carboxyl group, so the position of the functional group is not indicated in the names. For example:

CH3 – CH2 – CH(C2H5) – CH(CH3) – CH2 – COOH

2-methyl-4-ethylhexanoic acid

The names of the main saturated carboxylic acids are given in the table.

Within the class for saturated monocarboxylic acids, only carbon chain isomerism is possible. Methane, ethanoic and propanoic acids do not have isomers.

The composition CH3-COOH corresponds to 4 isomers.

In addition to isomerism along the carbon skeleton, monocarboxylic acids are characterized by interclass isomerism esters carboxylic acids.

Group 3: “Electronic structure”

The carboxyl group contains a highly polarized carbonyl group. The carbon atom of the carbonyl group, which has a partial positive charge, attracts the electrons of the C–O bond. The lone pair of electrons of the oxygen atom of the hydroxyl group interacts with the electrons of the carbonyl group bonds. This leads to a greater withdrawal of electrons from the hydrogen atom of the hydroxyl group, an increase in the polarity of the O – H bond compared to alcohols, as well as a decrease positive charge on the carbon atom of the carbonyl group of acids compared to aldehydes. Unlike alcohols, acids dissociate to form hydrogen ions H+. Unlike aldehydes, they are not characterized by addition reactions at the double bond.

Group 4: “General methods of obtaining”

Oxidation of aldehydes.

In industry: 2RCHO + O2 2RCOOH

Laboratory oxidizing agents: Ag2O, Cu(OH)2, KMnO4, K2Cr2O7, etc.

Oxidation of alcohols: RCH2OH + O2 RCOOH + H2O

Hydrocarbon oxidation: 2C4H10 + 5O2 4CH3COOH + 2H2O

From salts (laboratory method): CH3COONacr. + H2SO4 conc. CH3COOH + NaHSO4


1) methane (formic) CH3COOH

2) ethane (acetic) HCOOCH3

3) methyl ester of formic acid CH3CH2COOH

4) propane (propionic) HCOOCH2CH3

5) ethyl formic acid CH3COOCH3

6) methyl ester of acetic acid CH3(CH2)2COOH

7) butane (oil) 2-methylpropane HCOOCH2CH2CH3

8) propyl ester of formic acid CH3COOCH2CH3

9)ethyl acetic acid CH3CH2COOCH3

10) propionic acid methyl ester CH3CH2COOCH