Parrot continuous control of the fortress with your own hands. Features of using a parrot with a moonshine still

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How to make a parrot with your own hands:

  • take a steel or copper flask, but glass containers that will play the role of a flask are also suitable;
  • a hydrometer should be installed in the flask, and a few millimeters of free space should remain between it and the walls of the flask;
  • the height of the flask should be 2 millimeters more height hydrometer;
  • The hydrometer tube is located below the drain level, and the funnel of the inlet tube is located above the top of the device flask.

Important: the diameter of the parrot tubes, made of copper, steel or glass, must be equal to the diameter of the coil tube. . We can conclude that making a parrot takes a minimum of effort and time, and most importantly, effort!

We can conclude that making a parrot takes a minimum of effort and time, and most importantly, effort!

What are parrots for moonshine stills for?

When using moonshine still with a parrot, the measurement of the strength of the drink will be carried out constantly; you will only need to occasionally look at the alcohol meter lowered into the parrot in order to know exactly what strength the alcohol is produced in at the moment time.

Features and benefits of using parrots
The parrot has a very simple design. The product operates on the principle of communicating vessels. Through one tube, moonshine flows from the apparatus into the vessel where the alcohol meter is located. The first vessel is connected by a tube to the second, located above, so the liquid in the vessel does not rise too high and cannot spill out.

Using a parrot provides many benefits to the moonshiner. Firstly, you can easily separate the “heads” and “tails” (the first and residual parts, which contain many harmful impurities) from a high-quality drink. Secondly, you can constantly monitor the strength of the drink. Thirdly, such a complicated distillation procedure provides additional air cooling.

There are different parrots on the market, most often they are divided into types based on the material they are made of. Most Popular They use glass and plastic products. Glass parrots are more durable and functional, but they are also more expensive. If you just want to try moonshine using a parrot, then a plastic product will suffice.

Where to buy in Moscow? You can only buy a parrot in specialized stores, because it is a rather non-standard product that is not used in everyday life.


Operating principle of film column

To make it more clear, I drew a simple diagram of the work.

So, as I already said, the column is placed directly on the distillation cube. The heated moonshine vapor from the cube enters a partial (in Russian - partial) condenser. There, part of the vapor condenses and settles on the walls of the cooler, and the other part goes further.

That's why the first cooler is called partial, because it does not condense all the steam.

The liquid that settles on the walls of the cooler is called phlegm. Hence another name for a partial cooler - a reflux condenser.

As you remember, moonshine consists of various impurities, which are conventionally divided into three main groups - “heads”, “body” and “tails”. The heads evaporate at a lower temperature than the other groups. The body is higher than the heads, and the tails are the highest boiling fraction. We drink, as we know, only the body, and cut off everything else. This kind of distillation is called fractional distillation.

So, when cooling the moonshine vapors in a reflux condenser, we separate them and pass on the lower boiling components, while everything else condenses on the walls of the cooler and flows back into the still as a film.

Hence the second name of the column – film.

In this case, the alcohol-containing steam rising in the drawer of the partial condenser constantly interacts with the phlegm flowing towards it. A process of heat and mass transfer occurs - steam snatches low-boiling components from the reflux and gives it high-boiling ones (fusel oils and water). Hence such crazy strengthening - up to 90 degrees of the final product!

By adjusting the water supply to the temperature in the dephlegmator, we can quite efficiently divide the moonshine into fractions and cut off its unnecessary parts. To begin with, we set the temperature so that only the “heads” pass into the second cooler, and return the alcohol and everything else to the cube. And then we raise the temperature and drive out the alcohol, leaving “tails” in the phlegm.

But in order to clearly cut off the heads and tails and get pure and strong moonshine with the column, you need to work correctly. Fortunately, this is quite easy to learn.

How to make your own parrot for a moonshine still

The process of moonshine brewing is not as simple as it seems at first glance. It is not enough to simply place the still on the stove and wait for the moonshine to flow. In distillation alcoholic drinks There are also some subtleties.

One of important nuances is cutting off the “heads” and “tails”. The “heads” contain light vapor fractions that are released when the mash boils.

They contain very little ethyl alcohol, and mainly contain poisonous fusel oils and methanol. The “tails” also already have a small ethanol content; they contain heavier fractions and water.

It is for cutting off the “tails” that a device such as a “parrot” is used. It is used to measure the strength of the product at the outlet of the apparatus in constant mode. Of course, you can cut off the “tails” the old fashioned way - according to the rule “drive while it burns.” During distillation, many distillers ignite the pervach in a tablespoon.

If it burns, you can continue to drive, if not, the strength is already small and there are “tails” left. You can also use an alcohol meter - periodically pour the emerging product into the flask and measure the strength.

However, both of these methods require periodic checking of the moonshine, and the parrot for the moonshine still is convenient because of its constant automatic monitoring of the strength of the moonshine.

This device is a system of communicating vessels. It consists of three tubes and a hydrometer. The main tube is in a vertical position, a supply tube from a coil is connected to it from below, and a discharge tube from the top into the receiving container.

Moonshine enters the main part through the lower tube, fills it and goes through the upper tube into the moonshine container. The main tube contains a hydrometer that constantly measures the strength of the product.

When the hydrometer begins to show too low a strength, distillation can be stopped.

To correctly cut off the “tails” and determine the moment of completion of distillation, it is important for moonshiners to know the strength of the alcohol in the stream. Folk method- drive while it burns in the spoon. More advanced distillers, towards the end of the process, pour the resulting product into small volumetric flasks, into which the alcohol meter is lowered. The method is accurate, but time-consuming. Home DIYers have found a way to automate this process by creating the Moonshine Parrot, which measures the strength online (in real time with some delay). The device can be used with a distiller of any design.

Parrot for moonshine still– a device for automatic and continuous monitoring of the strength of the water-alcohol mixture at the outlet of the moonshine still (cooling module). The theoretical basis is based on elementary physics - the law of communicating vessels and Archimedean force. The main part of the device is made in the form of a cylinder filled with moonshine, in which a hydrometer floats. The tube supplying the distillate from the coil is connected to the vessel at the very bottom, and the tube leading to the receiving container is at the top.

With the shape of the bends of the tubes, the finished structure resembles a bird, hence the name - “parrot” or in the English manner “parrot”.

Operating principle. Moonshine, through the inlet tube (1) from the distiller's refrigerator, enters the measuring cylinder (2) with a hydrometer, passes to the end of the "parrot" body (3), then overflows, enters the safety funnel (4) and flows into the receiving container through the outlet tube ( 5).

Schematic diagram

Design features. Most “parrots” for alcohol are simply attached to the moonshine still with a receiving funnel, but some models are “tightly” attached to the coil with connecting tubes. In the first case, the advantage is versatility, in the second - higher reliability, since there is no risk that the device will accidentally tip over.

Sometimes, to increase accuracy, the “parrot” is equipped with a thermometer that measures the temperature of the liquid, and then an adjustment is made for the strength depending on the temperature.

The thermometer allows you to adjust the accuracy of the alcohol meter readings using the calculator below


  • control of the fortress in real time;
  • ease of manufacture and operation;
  • low cost (compared to other methods);
  • Suitable for any moonshine stills, mash and distillation columns.


  • the error of even a properly made device is 2-3% (for more accurate measurements, the liquid must have a temperature of strictly 20°C and be standing, not flowing, which cannot be achieved in this design);
  • inertia - real readings are visible on the hydrometer with some delay (after completely replacing the volume of the flask with moonshine with other strength indicators).

Proper design and operation create measurement accuracy that is sufficient to determine the moment of the end of distillation or the beginning of the selection of “tails”, which is the main task of the device.

Operating technique:

  1. Before starting distillation (rectification), connect the moonshine sampling hoses to the inlet tube of the “parrot” or place the receiving funnel at the outlet of the coil.
  2. Place (attach with hoses) a container for collecting the main product under the “parrot” outlet tube.
  3. Insert the alcohol meter into the graduated cylinder.
  4. Start heating and carry out distillation, then disassemble the structures in the reverse order.

It is advisable to know the temperature of the moonshine and adjust the hydrometer readings based on the values ​​​​obtained from the calculator.

Counting in progress...

Enter the initial data on the left

Real strength: % (vol.)

How to make a parrot for moonshine with your own hands

We will consider the requirements for the device regarding safety and functionality, without touching on the issues of soldering metals, bending pipes and the nuances of connecting different elements.

1. Material. Food grade stainless steel, copper and glass are suitable for making a “parrot”. Some craftsmen The device is made from plastic or plumbing pipes, but it must be taken into account that plastic and other materials emit alcohol when in contact with alcohol. harmful substances. The most common option is stainless steel.

2. Dimensions. On the one hand, the alcohol meter should float freely in the flask, without touching the bottom and walls of the vessel. On the other hand, the larger the volume of the “parrot”, the lower the speed of the system’s reaction to changes in the strength of the liquid (inertia increases).

We have to look for optimal proportions for a specific hydrometer. The height of the flask should be 2-3 cm higher than the alcohol meter used and at least 4-6 mm wider in diameter than its largest part - the bottom with the weight. In most cases, tubes with an internal diameter of 26-30 mm and a length of 25-28 cm are used. The longest common alcoholometer is ASP-3 40-70 (diameter 19 mm, length 220 mm). Household (glass) analogues are usually smaller.

Attention! If the hydrometer fits tightly to the walls of the flask, a piston effect occurs, which significantly reduces the accuracy of measurements. If there is insufficient height, the alcohol meter simply will not rise and, accordingly, will not show the correct values.

In order not to slow down the operation of the moonshine still, the diameter of the inlet and outlet tubes of the “parrot” must be equal to or greater than the diameter of the coil tube.

3. Features. The funnel of the inlet tube must be located above the top of the “parrot” flask, and the hydrometer tube must be above the drain level, otherwise the law of communicating vessels will not work.

To determine the moment of stopping the collection of the moonshine body and the beginning of the separation of the tails, it is necessary to control the strength. A parrot for a moonshine still is a device that allows you to do this continuously in real time.

Operating principle

The work of the “parrot” is based on the law of communicating vessels. The design consists of two vertical tubes connected to each other. The first, supplying the distillate from the refrigerator, is thinner and is connected to the main vessel in which the hydrometer is placed at the bottom, and the second, discharging into the receiving container, is at the very top. The distillate from the refrigerator enters the first tube and, according to the law of communicating vessels, fills the second one of larger diameter, which has an outlet hole and a funnel for a hydrometer almost at the very top. The water-alcohol mixture is poured into a safety funnel and flows through a drain tube into a collection container.

Most of the “parrots” are portable - they are placed with a receiving funnel to the moonshine still. In the absence of a reliable base, they can turn over, so using connecting tubes they are “tightly” attached to the cooler, thereby eliminating the risk of overturning, but reducing their versatility and mobility.

How to do it yourself

A do-it-yourself parrot for a moonshine still is an excellent alternative to an industrial one.
The following materials can be used for manufacturing:

  • Food grade stainless steel
  • Glass

Some people make a “parrot” from a corrugated water pipe, plastic cylinders, syringes, polypropylene, silicone, PVC and other improvised means. Outwardly, it can really look like a “parrot”, and work the same way. But some materials, when in contact with distillate, emit harmful substances, resulting in an unpleasant taste and odor.

Required dimensions

The diameter of the tubes depends on the size of the hydrometer used to control the strength of the moonshine. The alcohol meter should easily fit into the flask and float in it without touching its bottom and walls. The diameter of the flask should be 4–6 mm wider than the largest part of the alcohol meter (bottom with weight). If this moment is missed and the tube diameter is too small, a piston effect will occur, which will lead to distortion of the measurement results. At the same time, too large a diameter increases the inertia of the system and reduces the speed of response to changes in the strength of the distillate.

Important! To prevent a decrease in the performance of the moonshine still, the diameter of all parrot tubes should not be less than the diameter of the cooler tube (coil).

The second important point is the height of the flask. It should be 2–3 cm higher than the hydrometer. If this value is not observed, the hydrometer will not rise at all and will not show the result.

The most common alcohol meter is ASP-3 with a scale of 40–70. Based on its parameters (diameter 19 mm, length 220 mm), the components of the “parrot” can be made in the following size:

  • Pipe – internal diameter 22–25 mm, length 25 cm
  • Plug 22 mm
  • Adapter – 22–35 mm
  • Lock nut ¾
  • 10 mm diameter tube for beak and tail

The moonshine still, its design and features do not affect the size of the “parrot”. The device for continuous strength control is universal.

To comply with the law of communicating vessels, when making a “parrot” for a moonshine still with your own hands, 2 mandatory conditions must be met:

  • The funnel of the tube into which the distillate falls is located above the top of the device flask
  • Tube for alcohol meter above drain level

Parrot made of corrugated stainless steel

You only need a corrugated stainless steel pipe and the necessary tools.

Parrot made from two syringes from a pharmacy

You will need another option for this: two 50 ml syringes, more is possible - depending on the length of the alcohol meter, a glue gun, a dropper, plaster and a lid.

Copper pipe parrot

This more complex option is not suitable for everyone, but for those who have the right hands!

The DIY moonshine parrot is ready and its use will make the moonshine brewing process more convenient. But incorrectly selected materials and sizes components can not only distort the data obtained, but also “enrich” the distillate with harmful substances.

Now let’s look at how to spend not a thousand or five, but only 300 rubles and get a device that is in no way inferior in functionality to a purchased one. For this we need:

  • Measuring tube;
  • About 40 silicone hose;
  • Funnel with a long spout;
  • Hot melt adhesive.

Everyone remembers the principle of the system under discussion: moonshine is supplied from below, fills the test tube and leaves through the upper hole. Now let's start making:

  1. We drill 2 holes in the test tube: at a distance of a centimeter from the bottom and 0.5 cm from the neck (we drill only one wall, and not through the entire test tube);
  2. Take the silicone hose and insert one end into the bottom hole. We place the test tube under the coil and measure how much hose we need to leave (remember that a funnel will be inserted into it from above);
  3. We insert the watering can (funnel) in such a way that when lifting the hydrometer does not cling to the side of the watering can, otherwise you can forget about accurate readings;
  4. From the cut hose we make a “spout” through which the moonshine will flow from the “parrot” into a container for collecting the product. Its length should be no more than 5-8 centimeters. Insert the hose into the upper hole;
  5. Now we carefully cover all connections with hot glue. We also glue the inlet hose to the wall of the test tube;
  6. Insert a hydrometer through the neck of the test tube;
  7. We carry out tests first with water, then with the existing moonshine, and then we can look at it in action.

Do it yourself for 50 rubles

This DIY parrot for a moonshine still will be even cheaper. But here you will have to spend a little more time. And here's what we need:

  • 2 syringes of 50 cubes;
  • About 20 cm of tube, which will be put on the nozzles of the syringes;
  • Tin lid from a jar;
  • Just a little bit of plaster;
  • Hot melt adhesive.

After the raid to the nearest pharmacy is completed, we begin manufacturing:

  • When unpacking syringes, do not throw anything away!
  • We cut off the finger rests from one of the syringes;
  • We remove both pistons, and glue the remaining tubes together so that one is higher than the other. The overlap area should be no more than 2-3 cm in height;
  • We put a hose on both syringe nozzles. Also, it can be warmed up so that it “sits” better;
  • We do not touch the upper syringe, but make a hole in the lower one almost at the very top. Here the moonshine will leave the “parrot”;
  • We make legs from the pistons - we also attach them to the tubes using hot glue;
  • We place the bottom of the legs in a tin lid and fill them with plaster. If this is not done, then the “parrot” will constantly fall due to imbalance;
  • Remove the casing from one of the needles and cut off the sealed edge to form a tube. Now we insert it into the drilled hole in the lower tube. Again we isolate the connection with hot glue;
  • We are conducting field tests.

This is how you can make a “parrot” easily and quickly. Both designs are taken from the Internet and are the most successful. All the rest have one or another disadvantage. The advantages of these designs over both competitors and factory copies are quite obvious:

  1. They have transparent walls;
  2. Their cost is 3-100 times cheaper than store-bought analogues;
  3. They are assembled with almost no third-party tools or materials;
  4. It takes no more than an hour to do everything;
  5. It's nice to know that you made something with your own hands.