Swedish policy for the Russian Federation. Russian-Swedish relations

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

St. Petersburg State University

economy and Finance (FINEK)

Faculty of Regional Studies, Informatics, Tourism and Mathematical Methods

Department of Regional Economics and Environmental Management

Course work on discipline

Regional economy

Comparison of Social Policy of Russia and Sweden

Performed: Alexander's widow, group R-312

St. Petersburg 2011

  • Introduction
    • Social policy of Russia: development problems
      • Swedish Model of Social Policy
      • conclusions
      • List of used literature


Social policy in a wide understanding should be considered as a combination of theoretical principles and practical measures developed and implemented by state and non-state bodies, organizations and institutions aimed at creating the necessary conditions for life, meeting the social needs of the population, creating a favorable social climate in society.

Social policy is formed and implemented in the process of the subject of the subject represented by state structures, public organizations, local governments, as well as production and other teams. It is aimed at achieving the goals and results related to the improvement of material and social well-being, improving the quality of life of the population and socio-political stability, preventing the possible occurrence of foci of social tensions.

But it should be noted that the fundamental constitutional characteristic of our state is "social" - does not correspond to reality. By different reasons State regulation of the economy does not help its transformation into socially oriented.

In my opinion, this is an extremely important issue today. And his understanding is exacerbated at the sight, for example, the Scandinavian (Swedish) model of social policy, which otherwise is called "Society of countless benefits." In the desire for equality, the Swedish Social Democrats actually built a state of universal well-being. It is responsible for providing quality services to all citizens in a number of important areas: education, health care, care for children and the elderly, in the labor market.

In this connection, I would like to consider the Swedish, and the Russian model of socio-economic policy, knowingly assuming the advantage of the first, and assume the possible ways of transformations in this area in our country.

social Policy Financial Insurance Policy

Social policy of Russia: development problems

The definition of "social" reflected in the Constitution of the Russian Federation in relation to our state, unfortunately, today does not have confirmation in practice. Realities look as follows:

1. The progressive degradation of fixed assets whose wear is not compensated by new investments. Currently, the physical and moral depreciation of fixed assets reached 60%, the technological lag of almost all sectors of the national economy from the world level increases rapidly. At the same time, there is practically no equipment update, for 2007-2008. Investment activity has doubled, the costs of R & D decreased several times, most of the depreciation were not sent to investments, and was actually seized from the reproduction process. The deepening decline in production exceeded 50% in industry, and in its high-tech industries - 70%, ubiquitously led to a significant underload of production facilities that does not allow to maintain their effective operation and technological regime. The effectiveness of social production (the specific consumption of electricity per unit of GDP increased by 23%, labor productivity fell 28%), which reflects the overall decline in the competitiveness of the Russian economy. In fact, the economy entered the mode of narrowed reproduction, the irreversible process of destruction of the country's scientific and industrial potential is developing, the growing degradation of the production apparatus in the material production sectors is occurring.

2. Defendustrialization of the national economy, a distinct shift in the direction of weighting of its structure due to a leading recession in high-tech industries and production of consumer goods, increasing the share of commodity industries (primarily the Fuel and Energy) and services of services (financial and trading sectors) in the structure of production and investment The reduction of the share of engineering in the structure of social production and the increase in the share of the fuel and energy complex indicate the structural degradation of the Russian economy, the progressive reduction in the production of goods of a high degree of processing, coagulation of industries, which are the basis of modern economic growth and the maintenance of employment.

3. The threat of mass unemployment and impoverishment of a significant mass of the population as a result of both the absolute reduction in production and deindustrialization, during which the creation of new jobs in commodities and in the service sector does not compensate for the release of employed manufacturing industries. With the further deepening of the industrial recession, the hidden unemployment, which currently reaching 20% \u200b\u200bof employed, will inevitably go into an open form, which will create a serious threat to uncontrolled growth in social tensions and further destruction of human potential.

4. Export of capital, its binding in speculative and intermediary operations due to the formed by isolation of trade and financial capital from production facilities, as well as the high uncertainty of the effectiveness of capital investments due to having inflation and uncertainty of property rights, underdevelopment of the legal system for ensuring investment activity and the permission of economic disputes. Capital export exceeding $ 10 billion a year with a slight value of importation, as well as the concentration of banking activity in financing speculative activities make it impossible to maintain expanded reproduction and updating the country's production apparatus. The volume of currency reserves accumulated by Russian economic enterprises derived from the economic turnover of the irrational economy is 20-30 billion dollars and comparable to the Annual Accumulation Fund.

5. Tepes of mind and degradation of human potential, disintegration of society and the emergence of the threat of deployment of class conflicts, the destruction of the foundations of social stability. The growing polarization of the population (the gap in the level of income between the upper and lower ten percent levels of the population has reached 11 times and continues to increase) is accompanied by the impoverishment of a significant part of the population (27% of the population lives below the poverty level), a sharp decline in social security and government spending on social guarantees.

6. Criminalization of economic activity, undermining market competition and state regulation, which causes a rapid increase in the weight of the shadow economy, the degree of real monopolization of the national economy. According to official estimates, the scope of the shadow economy has covered 40% of trade and 28% of services to the population of social production, under the influence of criminal structures there is a significant part of the company's financial and trading sectors, services. The criminalization of social proceedings seriously makes it difficult to create new enterprises, suppresses competition, accompanied by corruption in government bodies. Significant scope of corruption, in turn, sharply reduces the efficiency of the state apparatus, including activities law enforcementMakes it impossible to productive the use of a large arsenal of state regulation of the economy, including legal support for market competition mechanisms. The splicing of the state apparatus with criminal structures sharply complicates the achievement of economic stabilization objectives, active structural policies and social protection.

7. Galoping inflation, fluctuating in the range of 10-25% per month, extremely hampered long-term economic activity, development, investment and innovative activity.

8. The threat of the destruction of the country's transport and energy infrastructure, increasing the likelihood of accidents on energy and transport networks due to long absence Investments in their maintenance, update and development.

In assessing the current state of social policy in Russia and the peculiarities of its socio-economic transformation, two aspects are highlighted:

· Socio-economic via the criterion of post-industrial changes occurring in developed countries of the world, as well as in relation to its own historical experience and traditions;

· Geeconomic - at the place and role of the country in the modern world economy, in global and regional economic structures and institutions.

These two interrelated sides of the same process under the defining value of the first party show that the issues of social policy, especially for the long term, cannot be considered in the deployment of the country's economic development prospects. It is impossible to implement effective and efficient social policy without achieving high sustainable economic growth rates. If social reforms are not linked to economic and aimed at achieving the dynamic development of Russian society, then, of course, the basic measures of social policies will be doomed to failure.

Of course, the listed problems, some of which reached the acute, threatening economic security of the country, are interrelated and caused by the inadequacy of the economic and social policy. It is necessary to conduct an appropriate active economic and social policy aimed at solving the problems listed above and eliminating their causes.

Swedish Model of Social Policy

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, social factors are on the development of advanced countries, the impact of which covers all areas of the economy and leads to a change in the structure of social needs, types of economic activity and universal values.

History testifies to the transformational process of the transition from the command and administrative system to the socio-market economy relies on various economic development models. Famous American (USA, Canada), Japanese (Japan, South Korea) Models, as well as continental (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France) and Scandinavian (Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland). The universal model of transformation does not exist and it is unlikely possible, but the theoretical aspects and practical experience of these processes are important to develop the concept of socialization of the National Russian economy, creating mechanisms and financial instruments of its implementation.

The Swedish model and modern attempts to reform are the greatest interest in the Russian Federation.

"Swedish model" characterizes the type of economic system in which:

· The state has a significant impact on the development of a market economy

· conflict situations The labor market is allowed through collective negotiations in the active participation of trade unions

· The purpose of the social policy of the state is to achieve high quality of life of all segments of the population

This is due to the following reasons:

· As the main priorities of socio-economic development, full employment indicators and leveling of income levels are selected

· Since 1932 (with the exception of the period from 1976 to 1982), Social Democrats are in Sweden

· Strong positions have trade unions that have a significant impact on the level and dynamics of growth in incomes of the population

· Swedes, like Russians, closely perceive the idea of \u200b\u200bequality

Sweden was the first country in many social endeavors. This applies primarily by the Institute of Social Partnership, which began in 1938, when the Swedish Federation of Trade Unions and the Swedish Federation of Employers signed an agreement on the peaceful settlement of labor conflicts and the need to conclude collective agreements. Sweden before all came to the need and began to carry out active policies in the labor market; introduced a ban on the construction of a nuclear power plant; Developed a course to build a society of universal benefits, redistributing huge funds through the state budget.

The result of a consistent social policy was a high level of political culture, which allowed:

· To form a public dialogue system and the corporate nature of relations between various layers of society

· Achieve the implementation of such important economic problems of socio-economic development as full employment, a stable price level, long-term dynamic economic growth, a high standard of living and social guarantees for most of the population, the development of the economy without social shocks and political conflicts

This contributed to the development of the priority of the human factor, the creative principle in stimulating the work, which was reflected in the concept of "human capital".

An analysis of the development of the Swedish economy allows us to conclude that it is built, first of all, on the ideas of Keynesianism regarding the place and role of the state in the economic system.

The first reform of the economy in this state was carried out in the context of the Great Depression of the 1930s. The way out of the current situation was found through the strengthening of state regulation of the economy, and in Sweden from the very beginning the state was focused on the implementation of social functions.

The founder of the Swedish model is considered to be Murdal, who substantiated and proved the close relationship of the development of equipment and technology with the progress of society, for everything that is being done is to be good for humanity.

Stability in society was achieved at the expense of a compromise between the state, enterprises and employees who made mutual concessions to each other. The workers refused to carry out large-scale political actions, nationwide strikes and appeals to the nationalization of property, and employers recognized the government to exercise social reforms. As a result, a special culture was formed, in which all the problems of society were solved only by a peaceful way. It was achieved in essence, the maximum degree of state intervention in the market system.

In the striving for the equality, the Swedish Social Democrats actually built a state of universal welfare, which is responsible for providing quality services to all citizens in a number of important areas of education, health care, child care and elderly people.

The main element of Swedish social policy is insurance. His goal is to meet public needs for reliable insurance against accidental risks: providing citizens to economic protection in case of illness, at the birth of a child and in old age (general insurance), in connection with accidents and professional diseases (insurance against industrial accidents), Unemployment (unemployment insurance and material assistance). The use of insurance mechanisms in the social security system provides equal opportunities for obtaining guaranteed social assistance regardless of the cause of treatment (insured event), known as "social assistance". Versatility should be considered key in this approach: such protection applies to all residents of Sweden regardless of the kind of classes and therefore is called "Universal Social Policy". However, the right to a number social payments Depends on the assessment of their need, employment and voluntary participation. Social policy of Sweden provides a high standard of living and social guarantees for most people. For the proportion of social spending in GDP, the country came out in the first place in the world.

In the Swedish model, the full employment of the population is achieved by the active role of the state at a more passive role of trade unions, since with unemployment it is impossible to cope only by reducing wages, and with increasing demand for labor, the trade unions cannot ensure the stability of prices with moderate wage gains. Therefore, the central point in the initial version of the Swedish model (in the 1950s of the Last Century) was the responsibility of the government for the economic stability and full employment of the population, and trade unions together with the organizations of entrepreneurs were responsible for the level of wages.

According to Estaurant Ren, the leading economist of the Central Union of Trade Unions of Sweden and one of the creators of the Rena-Meidner model, the decision of the unemployment-inflation dilemma is reduced to the following: it is necessary to apply such a set of universal tax restrictions that stimulate entrepreneurs to keep prices at a low level of salary And thereby effectively resist inflationary processes. Full employment of the population is provided by special measures, special policies in the labor market. The combination of general economic measures to maintain overall demand for labor is slightly lower than the level that guarantees all and everywhere, and active selective policy in the labor market, as well as in the field of social guarantees aimed at supporting weak populations, industries and regions, has become the essence of Swedish Models. This item of the model explains the role that was intended for social policies in the labor market, whose task is to help those who are looking for work take vacancies. Therefore, it is natural that the Swedish labor market is highly developed and flexible, and the share of spending on this sphere in the state budget is very high. Moreover, it is characteristic that for measures providing mainly training and retraining of personnel, there are significantly more expenses than for payments for unemployment benefits.

The right to free medical care or to pay the part of the amount for treatment is guaranteed in Sweden by bodies that are not included in the health care system. Each landscape (regional authority) is responsible for ensuring that any of his residents have free access to good health care. Approximately 80% of the collected taxes from income are on financing health care. The state pays from 30 to 100% of the costs of medical care and medicine. At the same time, the National Insurance System compensates for two types of expenses: payment of drugs and dental services prescribed by doctors. However, there are some limitations. On average, the Swedes pay no more than 900 kroons for drugs (about $ 120) per year, insurance payments above this amount, but not more than 1800 kroons for 12 months. Payments are not made cash, but by transferring funds directly in pharmacy from insurance funds. From January 1999, in Sweden, new rules were introduced to subsidize the treatment of teeth, which stimulate people regularly engage in prevention and not to launch diseases.

In addition, all residents of the country with an annual income of at least 6 thousand krons are covered by the national insurance system that guarantees a guide in case of illness. Temporary disability allowance is currently 80% of the amount of lost income, although not so long ago, its size reached 90% of wages. During the first three weeks of the disease, employees receive compensation from employers, by their expiration - the manual is guaranteed by the state in the amount of 77.6% of the amount of lost income, but not more than 598 crowns per day, while the number of days of the disease of workers is not limited.

In modern Sweden there are other types of social welfare. Thus, insurance against industrial accidents implies in the event of a disease or disability caused by industrial injury, first issuing benefits on general reasons, and then special insurance provision can be appointed as additional payments depending on the severity of the consequences - it applies to all working on hire. If the injury obtained leads to full disability, the victim is assigned a manual in the amount of 100% lost labor income until the retirement age is reached. From the Medical Insurance Fund, the costs of treatment exceeding the amount of payments are paid. Industrial accident insurance fund was created through contributions listed by employers in the amount of 1.38% of the wage fund.

In Sweden there are two unemployment benefits systems. The first (voluntary) is called insurance in case of labor loss and is funded (with the support of both state supervision) with special insurance funds related to trade unions. In these funds, almost 90% of all workers consists. Conditions allowing to obtain benefits are: membership in the insurance fund for at least one year and at least six months of work for the previous year; Registration as unemployed on the labor exchange; participation in the training and retraining program; Obligation to take offered workplace.

From January 1998, a new state insurance fund operates in Sweden, at the expense of which any capable citizen can receive unemployment benefits. This system is called material support for the labor market and includes all those who do not cover the activities of the Insurance Fund with a loss of work. At the same time, the unemployed must be registered on the labor exchange and work out to dismiss for at least six months.

The current insurance system provides equal rights for parents, both mother and the father of the child. You can select two varieties of benefits to parents. The first - allowance for the occasion of the birth of a child, which, as a rule, is paid within480 days. If the mother and father take together a joint child care, then for each of the parents is reserved for 60 days from 480, and the funds for the remaining period can claim any of them. Moreover, in the first 390 days the size of the paid benefit is equal to the disease benefit (80% of lost income), and then provided in the amount of 60 kroons per day. Another variety is a child care allowance, which is usually paid for no more than 60 days per child per year.

Another type of financial support for families with children is a guide for children under the age of 16 (at the rate of 950 crowns per month per month). Moreover, this manual, unlike most others, is not taxed, and its size is determined by the RIXDAG decision. Families in which children, more than three, receive additional payments.

For families with children, it is compensated for part of communal payments, its value depends on the number of children, the size of the income and the amount of payment for utilities.

For decades, two interrelated pension schemes operated in Sweden. The first, entered into force in 1913 (and modernized in 1946), was intended to guarantee the social security of each resident, and suggested the payment of the so-called basic (folk, or basic) pension. In 1960, it was decided to pay state pension allowances, or an additional (service, labor) pension, which guaranteed the relationship between pensions and former labor income. Pensions in old age, disability ("early pensions") and in the case of the loss of the breadwinner were paid in accordance with the provisions of both schemes. Since 1999, began pension reformdue to the current state of the economy: according to the authors of the reform, it has the ability to solve the urgent demographic, financial, political problems. The former financing system for old-age pensions began to experience difficulties due to demographic problems (continuous growth of the share of pensioners), and the funds of the Universal Pension Fund could soon be in short supply. It was necessary to either reduce the volume of pension payments, or increase contributions. In addition, the system suffered the interests of persons with low income, and RIXDAG after a long discussion in 1994 decided to hold the reform started five years later.

The new pension system, firstly, takes into account the income obtained throughout life, secondly, provides a guaranteed pension for those who received very low incomes or did not receive them at all, and thirdly, includes a system of compulsory contributions to non-state pension Funds for individual accounts (contributions to the pension system amount to 18.5% of the income received, including 2.5% on individual accounts). In contrast to the previous system, the retirement experience is included at the time of the child care or spent on education and military service. The retirement time has been changed, although the retirement age has been preserved for the same - 65 years. Before the reform, it was possible to retire at the age of 60 to 70 years (if up to 65 - the size of the pension is smaller, if later - more). According to the new system, early retirement system is possible upon reaching 61 years, and the deadline is 67 years.

The pension system also provides for the payment of pensions with disabilities and widows. These innovations caused a wave of discussions in the country, which are discussed to the present. Supporters of reforms believe that the new system guarantees a higher level of stability in the case of economic shocks. Speaking about the shortcomings of the system, its opponents celebrate the growth of differences in the sizes of pensions, which leads to strengthening inequality between pensioners. At the same time, this radical reform attracted the attention of other countries and stimulated similar processes.

By choosing the principle of universal well-being, the Swedes gradually expanded the public sector of the economy to the sizes that made the country unique in this area: employment in the public sector has reached one-third of the capable population. Naturally, it was reflected in extremely high tax rates. Total government spending, including the cost of maintaining the public sector and transfer payments, exceeded 60% of Sweden GDP, which brought it to this indicator in the first place in the world. A high level of taxation allowed the state to focus in his hands significant financial resources and send them to solving social problems.

Currently, the share of social expenditures in GDP varies within 31-35%, social insurance payments are up to 30% of the total incomes of the population.

Social insurance system is funded at the expense of state and local taxes. The main source (over 40%) - contributions from employers calculated from the wage fund. In the 70s, social insurance contributions that were paid by workers were replaced by contributions carried out at the expense of employers' funds. From the 1970s of the P2007, according to the current tax legislation, they increased from 14 to 37.5% of the wage foundation for individuals - employers, for collective contracts - up to 43.6% for workers and 46.4% for employees. Citizens involved in individual labor activity themselves pay for their social insurance costs.

Sweden's experience is interesting that in its socio-economic practice, the general patterns of the development of a socially-oriented market economy, and other post-industrial society and other countries, manifested themselves most bright.

Studying patterns and features of the formation of social work and social policy of Sweden, the dissection of driving factors for the formation of an effective model and mechanisms for regulating the interests of various public groups and segments of the population, with their skillful adaptation to the Russian conditions, can contribute to the creation of a balanced social policy in the Russian Federation.


Summing up, I can note that my forecasts were confirmed: the Russian social policy system is fundamentally different with the minus sign from the Swedish system and needs immediate reform.

The foundation of the new social policy that implements the social and humanitarian liability of the Russian state in front of its citizens should be a legislatively enshrined, guaranteed to each citizen at least social benefits, taking into account the regional features and historical and cultural traditions of all peoples of our country. In the near future, it is necessary to concentrate efforts on those urgent problems, the solution of which will help significantly improve the living conditions of people, will strengthen social support for reforms.

The social policy and ideology of Russia of the transition period should proceed from the catchy concept that takes into account the experience and mistakes of other countries, progressive trends of social and ideological development. The basic principles of social strategy should be the following:

· Labor morality and business ethics, the combination of personal and public interest, the Union of Labor and Property;

· Combination of universality with a differentiated approach to various groups of the population, balance in the relationship between the family and state budget in solving social problems (housing, communal and distribution, transport services, etc.) as the level of labor income and increase production efficiency;

· Combination of complexity with a target, address approach to solving social problems, the establishment of minimum life standards at the federal and regional levels, including socially acceptable provision of social security meaningful services in combination with the target, targeted assistance to those in need of population groups;

· Strengthening the preventive address nature of social policies through the use of social monitoring and analyzing social indicators with the allocation of those showing the situation of the social explosion.

In this regard, it is necessary to increase flexibility and dynamism in conducting social events and strengthening the role of social forecasting.

An extremely important problem is to choose the right social landmarks. An analysis of the modern socio-economic situation and the course of reforming in Russia testifies to the complexity of the chosen strategy and tactics of socio-economic transformations and first of all - determining the ultimate reform purpose. The expansion of social disasters has become a natural result of the implementation of the development strategy, the main purpose of which was the formation of a market economy. The creation of a market economy has made itself as an end to the means of achieving a more efficient economy and an increase on this basis of the level and quality of life of the population.

Unfortunately, the attitude towards economic development and reforms as itself continues to dominate when developing, justifying and making decisions in the social policy of the state.

In determining social priorities, in my opinion, the theory of social state should serve as the theory of social state, which is the official doctrine defining the formation state Device Russian Federation. However, as the majority of researchers say, the principles of non-social state are being carried out in practice, but the states of the "classical liberalism", based on the ideology of individualism and non-interference in economic and social life. And, accordingly, Russia does not respond to the criteria used in world practice when characterizing the social state.

According to the theory of social state, the program purpose of the state is to ensure decent living conditions of the population. The state is obliged to create conditions for human development. The state regulation mechanism should be aimed at ensuring the welfare of the entire population. The task of state bodies of governance is based on the balance between the self-regulation of the market and state intervention, the dosing of the volume of economic freedom and state social guarantees. In this regard, the problem of embedding in the market economy becomes state Forms regulation of economic and especially social processes. Regulation of social processes and conducting social policies aimed at reducing social costs becomes one of the main functions of the state.

The main goal of social policy is a significant reduction in poverty; improving the protection of socially vulnerable households that do not have opportunities for self-solving social problems and need state support; Ensuring universal accessibility and socially acceptable quality of basic social benefits.

The main directions of social policy should be focused on the following promising goals:

· Reaching the level and quality of life of the population corresponding to national ideals and standards economically developed states, including in the field of education, health care, environmental cleanliness, education of children, economic rights and freedoms of citizens, protection against crime of their personality and property;

· Ensuring sustainable and high rates of economic growth and scientific and technological progress, competitiveness of products of domestic producers in the domestic and foreign markets, restoring the position of Russia as one of the leading scientific and industrial powers, the effective integration of its economy into world economic relations;

· Ensuring favorable economic conditions for strengthening sovereignty, territorial integrity, national security and defense capability, international authority and influence of Russia, including in the countries of the former allied republics, the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of Russian citizens and organizations abroad;

· Development of human potential, harmonization of social relations (that is, providing conditions for the formation of a system of social groups and sustainable bonds between them; the creation of a system in which the relations of complementarity and cooperation is dominated, and not conflict and the struggle, high social mobility of the population, support for socially acceptable self-realization Each personality), the weakening of social polarization and preventing the disintegration of society, excessive strengthening of social differentiation, restraining the transition of contradictions between social groups into an antagonistic form.

List of used literature

· Tricito N.N. Choice - Social State: Materials of the International. Conferences "Social models of society during the transition to a socially oriented market economy: principles, practice, prospects." M, 1999.

· Spiridonov L.I. Theory of State and Law. M., 1997.

· Andre A. The Principle of Social State and its consolidation in the Constitution // Social Progress. Bonn, 1990.

· Volkov A. Society of countless benefits // Expert. - 2006. - No. 3.

· Lamko P. Swedish model of economic reform // Belarusian banking newsletter. - 2001 - № 2.

· Pagrotski L. The European model needs to be modernized //Diprier.- 2001. - №10

Posted on Allbest.ru.

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Russian President Dmitry Medvedev arrived at the Sweden presiding for the European Union, where Russia-EU summit will be held today. In parallel, Russian-Swedish negotiations will be held.

This events were preceded by informal dinner on the eve, which gave Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeld in honor of the Russian guest.

In recent years, the relations of Sweden with Russia have been difficult. So much that the current Summit of Russia-EU was under threat. The deterioration of relations began since 2006, when the Rainfeldt's CenterRest Russian Government came to power, where the post of Head of the Foreign Ministry took the famous criticism of Russia former prime Karl Bildt.

Have an inflighter in the face of Sweden unpleasant. This is a rich and authoritative country with one of the most high-tech economies and is almost the highest level of social protection in the world.

Swedes are one of the key players in Northern Europe, their companies actually control most of the economies of the Baltic countries. In addition, Sweden is among the ten largest weapons producers.

Especially bright antipathy of the Swedish leadership to Russia manifested itself during last year's war in the Caucasus. Bildt one of the first in the world spoke about "Russian aggression".

Sweden together with the United Kingdom, Poland and the Baltic countries as a sign of disagreement with the activities of the Russian Federation in South Ossetia called on to freeze the relationship between Russia and the EU and introduce sanctions against us (other EU countries did not support it).

This year, Stockholm also stood at the origins of the EU "Eastern Partnership" program. It involves the development of special relations and economic assistance in Europe to countries such as Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus. In Russia, many seizure in this attempt to create a sanitary cordon around our country.

Among other things, the Swedes have long refused to give good to laying the Nord Stream gas pipeline in its economic zone. (Bypassing the waters adjacent to the Swedish island Gotland, it is impossible).

The non-ideal relations of Russia and Sweden corrected the "Northern Stream"?

Northerners referred to the harm of the ecology, then the danger of 300-year-old shells lying at the bottom of the Baltika.

Reached absurdity. According to some Swedish experts, Russia could use the gas pipeline in spyware - for surveillance for Swedish military objects.

Finally, Sweden is dissatisfied with the fact that the Russian Federation decided to increase export duties on the forest round. She even threatened to block Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). (On the existence of this problem, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sweden recalled November 17 - a few hours before the opening of the Russia-EU meeting).

By July 2009, when Sweden became the country-EU chairman, her relations with Russia were so depressing that there were reports on the cancellation of the Russia-EU meeting in Stockholm.

Later, in October, Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation, Sergei Prikhodko reported that Dmitry Medvedev doubted the effectiveness of the event in Sweden in view of the statements and actions of Swedish politicians against the Russian Federation.

But on November 5, an event occurred, which radically influenced the improvement of our relations. Sweden composed on the construction of the "Northern Flow". Thus, the reason that hosted the Russia-EU Summit in Stockholm disappeared.

In Moscow, appreciated the step made by the Swedes. "We note the pragmatism shown by the leadership of Sweden and the perseverance, which, as we hope, will allow you to effectively hold both a bilateral meeting, and the Russia-EU summit itself," said Prikhodko on November 17.

The leading researcher at the Northern Europe Institute of Europe, Rass Natalia Antyushina, was shared by his vision of Russian-Swedish relations with True.Ru.

Relations between Russia and Sweden have been far from ideal in recent years. However, Russia had to listen to criticism and representatives of other Scandinavian countries.

But Finland and Norway are much more oriented towards economic relations with Russia than Sweden. And therefore their authorities could not afford as sharp statements like Swedish.

The non-ideal relations of Russia and Sweden corrected the "Northern Stream"?

Russia is not too interested in Sweden as a trading partner. RF delivers to the West mainly energy, and Sweden covers its energy needs mainly at the expense of supplies from Norway, consistently displacing hydrocarbons with other sources of energy.

As a result, Russia accounts for four percent of Swedish imports and two percent of exports. At the same time, despite political difficulties, turnover between the two countries in the period from 2000 to 2008. Grew five times.

In Sweden, a strategy for the development of cooperation with Russia for 2005-2008 was developed. Within the framework of the project, the country spent about 150 million euros. More than half of these funds were spent on improving the environmental situation in Russia, the rest - to carry out economic reforms and deepening democracy.

A lot of problems have accumulated in politics. For example, in case of exacerbation of Russia's relations with one of the Baltic republics or Poland, Sweden has always taken the side of our opponents.

So it was with the transfer of the "Bronze Soldier" in Tallinn in 2007 or two years earlier with the ban on the import of Polish meat, not relevant to Russian standards.

Sweden together with Poland initiated the Eastern Partnership program in the EU. It includes four directions of action: negotiations on the conclusion of a free trade agreement, the provision of financial assistance, energy security and to facilitate the visa regime.

In May of this year, Russia also received an invitation to participate. But this was done after the program was agreed by the EU with the countries of Transcaucasia, Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus, so the invitation was formal. And suspicions in the anti-Russian nature of this program could well arise.

But recently, Sweden after the Denmark and at the same time with Finland gave its permission to build the Nord Stream gas pipeline in its economic zone. It was a pleasant surprise. Also, because Sweden, according to local experts, is not interested in gas supplies from Russia.

And the Russia-EU Summit, held in Stockholm, must contribute to a kind of "reboot" in our relationship.

Today, Sweden is one of the main foreign investors in the Russian economy, and the Swedish investment for the period from 2007 to 2015. amounted to 8.6 billion dollars.

About Russian-Swedish relations and development prospects economic connections She told the TPP-Inform Ambassador to Sweden in Russia Peter Erickson.

- Mr. Erickson, please tell us about economic relations between our countries.

Sweden for many years is among the main foreign investors in the Russian economy. Swedish companies such as IKEA, SCA, Scania, Volvotrucks and others have invested millions of dollars in projects in various Russian regions, creating thousands of new jobs. According to the Central Bank of Russia, the net direct investment of Sweden to Russia amounted to 8.6 billion dollars for the period from 2007 to 2015.

At the same time, bilateral trade indicators look not so impressive. In recent years, Sweden has occupied the 25th place among Russia's trading partners in terms of foreign trade. The main articles of Swedish exports are telecommunication equipment, vehicles, machines and other equipment. Russian exports to Sweden by 76% consists of oil and petroleum products.

The fact that our companies are relatively focused on investments than on the conduct of exclusively trade activities, indicates that they believe in the long-term prospects of the Russian market. In particular, IKEA plans to invest 2 billion euros to Russia over the next 5-7 years. Recently, I participated in the starting ceremony of construction work on expanding the IKEA distribution center in the Moscow region. At the end of work, the capacity of this complex will increase twice, which will make it one of the largest one-chaired distribution centers in the world. Last year, the Swedish-British company Astrazeneca opened a medication plant in the Kaluga region. Investments in this project make up $ 224 million.

IN global world Free exterior trade helps to increase the level of competition, an increase in investment and employment. At the same time, the changes that occur in the global market have a significant impact on bilateral trade. The Russian crisis after falling oil prices and followed by a sharp weakening of the ruble, which led to the rise in imports - all this could not but affect the results of Swedish exports to Russia. His fall in 2015 compared with 2014 amounted to 33% in value terms.

- Trade and investment are closely connected ...

Yes it is. However, the positive moment is that the overwhelming majority of Swedish companies, despite the deep crisis, intend to stay in Russia. Therefore, it can be hoped for improving the situation in this area, subject to a good investment climate in Russia, which, in particular, means the development of a competitive environment, the uniform rules of the game and the effective legal protection of the investor. This is in the interests of not only foreign companies, but also the Russian economy as a whole.

- What is the potential of our relationship?

Sweden is interested in the further development of trade and economic relations with Russia. It seems to me that in addition to traditional destinations, there is a significant reserve for mutually beneficial cooperation in such areas as energy saving, transport security, "smart cities", biotechnology, creative industries, and so on.

As you know, the weakening of the ruble led to a significant decrease in the tourist flow from Russia abroad. Therefore, with the restoration of the Russian economy, you can expect the growth of tourists to Sweden. I believe that my country is a great place for family holidays. Businessmen also advised to look at the possibilities of corporate tourism in Sweden. Developed infrastructure, harmony with nature and many existing historical attractions allow you to conduct corporate events in Sweden any level.

Sweden and Russia are trading partners for several centuries for several centuries - the Russian word "bargaining" entered Swedish thousand years ago and in Swedish means "Square" - that is, "place for trade." Our trade has developed in parallel with our societies. There was always an exchange of commodity resources between us, and this is still an important part of our trade, but over time we began to trade with cars, technologies and services.

Industrial products are still an important part of our trade. We see Swedish passenger cars and transport cars every day on the roads of Russia. Russian families are decorated with households of buffet design and everywhere in Russia are used Swedish information systems. It is interesting to observe the development of so-called "green technologies" - environmental developmentswho save our forests, rivers and sea for future generations. Soon I will go to Kaliningrad to open water treatment facilities built in Swedish environmental technology. These buildings will provide residents of the city with clean water and improve the ecology of the coastal zone, beaches and fishing zones.

- Let's talk about Swedish tourist routes ...

Russian tourist business developed incredibly quickly in a short period. While Russian tourists are mostly visited by our big cities - Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo. Soon, I think they will open our countryside and its possibilities for fishing, hiking, hunting, sailing.

Very large part of Sweden - nature with crystal clear water, fresh air and intact forests. Our reserves have a well-developed infrastructure for visitors, it is convenient to get there by train or internal flights.

I sometimes be surprised at the deep knowledge of the Russians in Swedish geography. I realized that this is largely explained by the popularity of the Soviet cartoon based on the fairy tale Selma Lagerlef about Niels Holgerson's travel. As you know, Nils travels on the wild geese from the south to the Far North of Sweden and thus opens its homeland. Lagerleof describes real places and cities, and I am sure that the tourist would be interesting to repeat Niels via Sweden - may not necessarily be on the geese, but by car or train. In 2017, we celebrate the 110th anniversary of the first full publication of the Roman Lagerleof.

- Russians and Swedes are very different. What are our differences?

I paid more attention to similarities. Russian and Swedes have a lot in common. We have a lot common story and we live in alike natural conditions. There are even dishes in our kitchens, which are very similar: pancakes and diards are completely familiar dishes for Swedes. Swedish vodka in principle does not differ from Russian. Both people are hardworking, enterprising. Our nature has taught us to build strong, warm houses and always take care of stocks for the winter.

I think we are united by love for writing. All Swedes know and read the great Russian writers - Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Bulgakov. And our Swedish, Astrid Lindgren and Selma Lagerleof - Dali Russian Niels and Carlson. We are equally loved by music, sports (hockey, football, ski).

Of course, all people are different, but it is interesting to see our similarities.

- Your plans next year?

The program is already saturated enough. I am going to Rostov -na-Don in mid-October on the "Days of Sweden", during which we organize in the city of the cultural and business program (we will come with a large delegation of representatives of Swedish enterprises). In early 2017 I will go to Samara. As you know, during World War II, the Embassy of Sweden was evacuated to Samara. And in the twenties of the last century, during hunger in Samara, there was a headquarters of the Swedish Red Cross Mission. Catastrophic hunger after civil War caused a huge resonance in Swedish society. Large cash Great Humanitarian Operation was collected for starving Volga region, a large humanitarian operation was deployed. Hundreds of thousands of people were saved thanks to donations of ordinary Swedes. We hope to organize an exhibition about this part of our common history, the information portal reports

With Sweden Russia has some of wild relationships in Europe. So says Russian politician Konstantin Kosachev, chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council on International Affairs. He believes that the reason is the misunderstanding and the fact that "Swedish journalists write about Russia the worst possible way."

Since the Cold War, the relationship of Sweden and the Kremlin have never been so bad as now. Of course, the reason in the Russian seizure of the Crimea and in the Ukrainian War. All contacts between Swedish and Russian governments are frozen. Russian politician and a former diplomat Konstantin Kosachev regrets this, as reported on good Swedish. Details - a little later.

"We have difficulties in relations with many countries, but if problems are similar, then the ways to solve them are completely different. With most European countries, we have a good dialogue, with the exception of Sweden, Great Britain and Poland. Sweden is one of the extremely small number of European states that decided to freeze contacts. It was the decision of Sweden, and I consider it a mistake. We can do nothing with this, but we are always ready to resume dialogue. "


Do not believe rumors: Sweden is not going to NATO

AFTONBLADET 04/13/2016

Sweden: Arabic fools Finnish


Sweden ceases to import time

Dagens Nyheter 04/02/2016 to the question of what it, in his opinion, depends, Kosachev replies that from ignorance. "Swedish politicians are not enough informed about what happened in Ukraine, and what is happening in the Russian internal and foreign Policy" Now "fashionable to write the worst of Russia", so the picture, absolutely not relevant reality, is already beginning to influence public opinion and, accordingly, for politicians, says Kosachev.

"Politicians react, but not for reality, not to Russia by itself, but on the picture that exists in the media. But it is artificially created. "

Despite these bitter words, Kosachev himself refers to Sweden. His parents were employees of the Russian Embassy in Stockholm, and he, according to his own words, was practically born in Sweden.

"Then Soviet citizens could not give birth abroad. Not because of ideology, but for financial reasons. We did not have social insurance, so it would be very expensive if something went wrong. "

Therefore, his parents returned home to Moscow before childbirth and then went back to Sweden, when Konstantin turned two weeks. He spent the first seven years of life in Sweden. Later, entered the university in Russia, he wished to study Swedish.

"I have always had such a dream - to return to Sweden to the memories of my childhood, to mine, so to speak, roots."

He learned Swedish and gradually did not just become a diplomat like a father, but also got into Sweden.

"It's funny that I managed to do what I could not make my parents. Our son was born in the South Hospital Stockholm in 1991. "

In Sweden, he worked for eight years, which explains his good Swedish. Despite the fact that parliamentary contacts are frozen between our countries, I meet it coming from Rixdag.

"I have many friends here, some in Rixdag."

In addition to others, he saw with Speaker Urban Alin (Urban Ahlin), the Secretary of the Cabinet of Ministers Annika Söder (Annika Söder) and many representatives of various committees, including defense and foreign policy.

Of course, his idea of \u200b\u200bthe Crimea, Ukraine and elevated security measures in the Baltic differ from Swedish. All this for him is a game of geopolitical interests, in which the United States expanded its spheres and surrounded Russia by NATO countries.

"NATO Alliance was needed to ensure the balance of power in a cold war. But the second block collapsed, and NATO continued to exist. He wants to become even stronger and get a military advantage. It violates the balance. "

Despite his criticism of NATO, Kosachev does not want to comment on Swedish debates about the likely membership in the Alliance.

"We respect Swedish sovereignty, and Sweden has the right to independently determine its security policy. But we have our own opinion on how to ensure security in Europe and around the world. We do not believe that NATO is a suitable answer to those challenges and threats that we got up in front of us in the form of terrorism, drug smuggling, refugee flows and migrants. "

As for the growth of voltage, he comments on the incident involved in universal attention, when Russian aircraft last week flew on dangerous close range from american destroying Donald Cook.

"What do American warships do in the Baltic Sea? This is the ship we speak about, there was a rocket on board with a radius of 2.5 thousand kilometers. 2.5 thousand! And this ship was held in seven miles from the shores of Russia, the military bases of Kaliningrad. Russia just reacted. It was a response, and not just an action. Russia takes measures to ensure its national security. "

On the issue of the future, he says that the status of the Crimea is not a subject for discussion. This question has already been resolved.

"We should discuss how to avoid such situations in the future. It's time to start talking about it. We need collective solutions to problems in the field of European and world security. "

Politician and diplomat

Konstantin Kosachev, year of birth, 1962, - Senator in the Federation Council, the Upper Chamber of the Russian Duma. It is indicated on him as at the likely successor of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov. It is included in the list of persons to which Ukraine applied sanctions.

Kosachev - party member " United Russia" Before making politics, he was a diplomat and, in particular, spent eight years in Sweden. Also was an adviser on the foreign policy of Evgeny Primakov Prime Minister.

Tensions in relations in Sweden and Russia arose when Russia seized the Crimea on March 18, 2014, which violated international law, as well as with the beginning of the war in Ukraine. The European Union has phased out sanctions against Russia as a result of the Ukrainian crisis. In a two-year anniversary of the Annexia of Crimea, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden Margot Walllastre (Margot Wallström) stated that sanctions would continue for the entire period of annexation.

United States Administration of the Ministries of Sweden, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sweden, Strategy of Swedish Policy in relation to the Russian Federation Source Provisions European Security. The development of the Russian Federation and the development of relations between Sweden and the EU with the Russian Federation is an important factor in future stability and security in Europe. Sweden and the EU themselves are deeply interested in strengthening the connections and modernization of the Russian Federation. . EU expansion to the east, naturally, will further increase the interest of the Union and Sweden to the Russian Federation. The goal is the further integration of the Russian Federation into pan-European cooperation. The exchange must be mutually beneficial and based on real achievements. . Traditionally, a priority role given to Russia in Swedish foreign policy, long-standing cooperation and geographical neighborhood are the constituent of the Swedish experience, which should be taken into account in the formation of the EU policy towards Russia. Economic development. The modernization of Russia and the disclosure of the potential of the Russian economy will increase the attractiveness of the Russian market for Swedish enterprises and are able to positively affect the state of the Swedish economy. . Sweden is interested in the development of the Russian economy and in the future, Russia could export more advanced products. The state with a strong economy offering a variety of and advanced products, with a much larger specific weighing of small and medium-sized enterprises - a more reliable and attractive trading partner, rather than a state with the prevailing raw material economy. Action Plan Action Plan is designed for implementation in the short and mid-term perspective. The plan will be adjusted as needed. Security policy. In general, Sweden seeks both bilateral and interacting with other countries, develop links and deepen cooperation with Russia and Russian competent authorities aimed at eliminating existing security threats and, as far as possible, preventing new threats. Priority is given to direct contacts between the competent authorities, the establishment of contact points and other forms of direct, operational interaction. . Thanks to the dissemination of activities aimed at maintaining security measures, east, including Russia, will strengthen the bilateral cooperation of Sweden on security policies. Cooperation should be based on a broad sentence of security and cover such areas as border protection, asylum, rescue operations, democracy protection, in t. h. peacekeeping operations, nuclear, biological and chemical protection, as well as the establishment of contacts and trust relationships. Ecology. Efforts should be encouraged to increase the environmental consciousness in Russian society and more careful attitude towards the environment. The task of Sweden - more clearly denote environmental issues in collaboration between the EU and the Russian Federation. . Sweden achieves early recognition Baltic Sea "Especially sensitive marine zone" (Ochmz). Russia did not join the application submitted by the countries of the Baltic Sea to the UN International Maritime Organization. For this reason, it is necessary to use other possibilities of cooperation with Russia in the field of maritime environment. . The ratification of Russia of the Kyoto Protocol will be solved both within the EU and in bilateral relations. Sweden will send additional forces to clarify the benefit from joining the protocol. . Sweden should strive to expand cooperation with Russia in nuclear security under bilateral and multilateral programs - such an opportunity appeared thanks to the signing of the agreement "Multilateral Environmental Protection Program in the Nuclear Energy (MNEPR) in May 2003. Infectious diseases. In The framework of development cooperation with the Russian Federation Sweden will continue to support the fight against infectious diseases. With the assistance of the World Bank, work on HIV / AIDS prevention and tuberculosis is underway. In support of socially resistant economic transformation, the development of primary health care infrastructure and the establishment of receiving centers Youth. Fighting organized crime. Sweden will continue to participate in the successful work of the Working Group on Combating Organized Crime (Task Force) in the Baltic Sea region and develop cooperation in this region. General economic in Polls. Sweden should, in bilateral and multilateral plans, promote macroeconomic stability and economic growth in the Russian Federation. It is important to accelerate the conduct of structural reforms in spheres, rods from the point of view of long-term economic development. . Due to technical cooperation, Sweden and the EU will contribute to the modernization of the Russian economy and the highest possible bringing it in line with European and international standards. . As part of the European Neighborhood Policy, Sweden should strive to create new market connections between the EU and Russia, so that in the long run to create a free trade zone where all countries bordering the EU will include. . Sweden should facilitate the improvement of the investment climate in the Russian Federation in order to ensure the growth of the Russian economy and improve opportunities for business activities of Swedish enterprises. Through an active discussion with international financial organizations, their policies should contribute to the creation of strong financial institutions and the fight against corruption. Trade policy. Sweden should, as before, actively advocate Russia's adoption in the WTO and provide specific assistance aimed at bringing Russian legislation in line with the WTO Regulatory Base. . Sweden should be for improving trade conditions and encourage the activities of Swedish enterprises in Russia, including small and medium-sized enterprises, which often do not have sufficient funds, for example, on legal assistance in the design of the enterprise. Trade development. Further work will be aimed at disseminating information about the Russian market and the search for promising investment projects. Swedish industrialists are still a limited idea of \u200b\u200bRussia. . Rich potential for Swedish enterprises represents the Russian IT and Telecommunications Market. Further informatization is an important development tool on the merits of all public areas in Russia. In the common interests of Russia and Sweden, continue to cooperate on this issue. . Sweden should actively improve opportunities for communicating between people. The Russian tourism market has great potential. Kaliningrad. Sweden strengthened its presence in the area, opening the Consulate General here, and thus created more favorable conditions for the support of socio-economic and environmental development, and, in the future, also to improve trade, integration and exchange with nearby countries. . Sweden should continue to attract the EU's attention to Kaliningrad and enjoy the support of Moscow for economic and social cooperation in this region. The possibilities that have opened in connection with the expansion of the EU must be used for the development of the Kaliningrad region. Migration. It is necessary to continue and expand Swedish-Russian bilateral cooperation on migration issues, contributing to the establishment of a working migration order in Russia and reduce the flow of unreasonable applications for asylum. . Sweden should advocate for facilitating the movement of the movement between Russia and the Schengen countries. Improving opportunities for personal contacts has great importance For the integration of Sweden / EU and Russia. Simplification of the visa regime involves the fulfillment of the necessary conditions and should be based on mutual commitment. Chechnya. Sweden should strive - in bilateral relations, within the EU and international forums - to attract Russia to a more constructive and specific discussion of the situation in Chechnya. Chechnya policies should be more aimed at the result. . In further relations with Russia, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the Chechen conflict also has international consequences and thereby creates a threat to international security. Human rights and social development. In order to better comply with human rights and legal principles in Russian society, Sweden must actively attract the Russian Federation to the discussion in the framework of international organizations: Council of Europe, OSCE and the UN. . Support to free media, in particular, increase the level of education of journalists. The free and independent work of the press is an important guarantee of the approval of Russian democracy. Cultural and scientific exchange. Bilateral cultural and scientific exchange must be encouraged. The issue of the allocation of individual funds to the presentation of Swedish culture and other areas of its life in Russia, in particular, to carry out the year of Sweden. . The establishment of the Swedish Cultural Information Center in St. Petersburg will help strengthen the image of Sweden in Russia. . It is necessary to increase the level of knowledge about Russian life in Swedish universities and interested institutions. Sweden should expand the teaching of the Swedish abroad and training exchange not only between students, but also between representatives of various professions. One way to achieve this is an increase in the number of scholarships on the Visby program intended for Russia and the expansion of the group from which scholars are gained. Multilateral cooperation. In addition to the dialogue between the EU and Russia, it is necessary to expand bilateral consultations and the exchange of views with Russia for multilateral issues that are priority for Sweden (with time they will change). In particular, Sweden will strive to strengthen cooperation in the UN on disarmament. Development cooperation. Before adopting a new Swedish strategy against the Russian Federation on January 1, 2005, new prerequisites for cooperation will be carefully analyzed, which will appear as a result of the development of a new EU collective strategy regarding the Russian Federation and the fulfillment of a joint goal providing for the development of cooperation in the field of economics, legal and law enforcement, external security, science and culture. Regional cooperation. Regional cooperation should be more facilitated to fulfill the priority tasks of Swedish politics against Russia. Russia participates in the work of the Council of State of the Baltic Sea Region, the Barents Council of the Euro Arctic region and the Arctic Council on equal conditions with the rest of the states and, thus, has the opportunity to influence the election process and making decisions on specific issues. . Sweden should strive to strengthen Russia's sense of involvement in the issues to which the Swedish side gives priority in the Action Plan on the Northern Dimension Initiative, performed within the EU. . Sweden will speak for the deepening and expansion of cooperation between the Nordic countries with the Russian Federation, in particular, in the field of culture and scientific research. Transboundary cooperation. The urgent task belonging to the priorities of Swedish politics is to establish closer, equal and real cooperation between the border areas of the EU and Russia (as well as other states adjacent to the new EU borders). Cross-border cooperation and leveling of living standards in neighboring regions is an important condition for the favorable development of Russia's relations with its neighbors.