Somatic health current state. The concept of "health", its components

The most important value for a person is health. In biomedical literature, various definitions of health are given, each of which emphasizes the importance of one or another aspect in the complex characterization of this state of the organism. From the definitions of the concept of health, it is obvious that it reflects the quality of the organism's adaptation to environmental conditions and represents the result of the process of interaction between a person and the environment. It is also obvious that the state of health is formed as a result of the interaction of exogenous (natural and social) and endogenous factors (heredity, constitution, gender, age).

Health is a multicomponent concept. It is advisable to highlight the following components of health.

Somatic health is the current state of organs and organ systems of the human body. The basis of somatic health is the biological program of individual human development. This development program is mediated by the basic needs that dominate in him at various stages of ontogeny. Basic needs, on the one hand, serve as a trigger for human development (the formation of his somatic health), and on the other hand, they ensure the individualization of this process.

physical health- the most important component in the complex structure of human health. It is due to the properties of the organism as a complex biological system. As a biological system, the body has integral qualities that its individual constituent elements (cells, tissues, organs and organ systems) do not possess.

These elements, out of connection with each other, cannot support individual existence.

In addition, the body has the ability to maintain individual existence through self-organization. The manifestations of self-organization include the ability to self-renewal, self-regulation and self-healing.

Self-renewal is associated with the constant mutual exchange of the body with the external environment of matter, energy and information. The human body is an open system. In the process of self-renewal, the body maintains its orderliness and prevents its destruction.

Physical health is determined by the body's ability to self-regulate. Perfect coordination of all functions is a consequence of the fact that a living organism is a self-regulating system. Self-regulation is the essence of the biological form of development, that is, life. This is a common property biological systems allows you to set and maintain at a certain, relatively constant level certain physiological, biochemical or other biological indicators (constants), for example, the constancy of body temperature, blood pressure, blood glucose, etc.

In fact, physical health is a state of the human body, characterized by the ability to adapt to various environmental factors, the level of physical development, the physical and functional readiness of the body to perform physical activity.

The main factors of human physical health include:

  • 1) the level of physical development,
  • 2) the level of physical fitness,
  • 3) the level of functional readiness of the body to perform physical activity,
  • 4) the level and ability to mobilize the adaptive reserves of the body, ensuring its adaptation to the effects of various environmental factors.

Mental health is the state of a person's mental sphere. The basis of mental health is the state of general mental comfort, which provides adequate regulation of behavior.

Reproductive health is a component of health that determines the reproductive function of the body.

Moral health is a set of characteristics of the motivational and need-informational basis of human life. The basis of the moral component of human health is determined by the system of values, attitudes and motives of the individual's behavior in the social environment.

Occupational health is a condition that determines efficiency professional activity person.

It is quite obvious that the level of human health as a result of its interaction with the environment is constantly fluctuating; health is a dynamic attribute of a person's life: when he falls ill, his health level drops (sometimes to zero - death), when a person recovers, his health level rises. The concepts of health and disease are closely related to each other. It would seem that they are opposite: good health - the absence of disease and vice versa. However, everything is much more complicated. It is difficult to measure illness and health, it is almost impossible to draw a line between them. Absolute health and absolute illness are unthinkable; there are various forms of connections and mutual transitions between them.

Practical medicine distinguishes three main human conditions:

  • 1. Health - the state of optimal stability of the organism (satisfactory adaptation);
  • 2. Predisease - a condition with the possible development of a pathological process in the body and a decrease in adaptation reserves;
  • 3. Disease - a process that manifests itself in the form of clinical (pathological) changes in the state of the human body (failure of adaptation).

Health can be considered as a biosocial potential of human life. The following potential components can be distinguished.

The potential of the mind (the intellectual aspect of health) is the ability of a person to develop the intellect and be able to use it.

Will potential (personal aspect of health) - a person's ability to self-realization; the ability to set goals and achieve them by choosing adequate means.

The potential of feelings (the emotional aspect of health) is the ability of a person to congruently express his feelings, understand and accept the feelings of others without judgement.

The potential of the body (the physical aspect of health) is the ability to develop the physical component of health, to "realize" one's own physicality as a property of the individual.

Social potential (social aspect of health) - the ability of a person to optimally adapt to social conditions, the desire to constantly improve the level of communicative competence, to develop a sense of belonging to all of humanity.

Creative potential (the creative aspect of health) is a person's ability to creative activity, to express themselves creatively in life, going beyond limiting knowledge.

Spiritual potential (spiritual aspect of health) - the ability to develop the spiritual nature of a person.

The essence of health is the vitality of the individual, and it is desirable to quantify the level of this vitality.

The most important value for a person is health.

In 1975, the World Health Organization (WHO) defined health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." According to professors V.P. Petlenko and D.N. Davidenko (2001), today there are about 100 definitions of the concept of "health". Summarizing them, scientists concluded that health reflects the quality of the body's adaptation to environmental conditions and represents the result of the process of interaction between a person and the environment. In addition, the state of health is also formed as a result of the interaction of exogenous (natural, social) and endogenous (heredity, constitution, gender, age) factors.

Currently, it is customary to distinguish several components of health:

· Somatic(physical) health is the current state of the organs and systems of the human body, as well as the level of their structural and functional reserves.

The basis of somatic health is the biological program of individual human development. This development program is determined by the basic needs that dominate in humans at various stages of ontogenesis. Basic needs, on the one hand, serve as a trigger for human development (the formation of his somatic health), and on the other hand, ensure the individualization of this process. The basis of physical health is manifested in the morphological and functional reserves of cells, tissues, organs and systems that ensure the adaptation of the body to the effects of various factors.

Mental health- the state of the mental sphere of a person.

The basis of mental health is the state of general mental comfort, which provides adequate regulation of behavior. This state is determined by the needs of both biological and social character, as well as opportunities to satisfy them. Proper formation and satisfaction of basic needs is the basis of normal human mental health.

Sexual health- a complex of somatic, emotional, intellectual and social aspects of a person's sexual existence, positively enriching a person, increasing a person's sociability and his ability to love.

The foundation of sexual health is defined by:

The ability to enjoy and control sexual and childbearing behavior in accordance with the norms of social and personal ethics;

Freedom from fear, shame and guilt, misconceptions, and other psychological factors suppressing sexual response and disrupting sexual relationships;

The absence of organic disorders, diseases that interfere with the implementation of sexual and reproductive functions.

· Moral health is a complex of characteristics of the motivational and need-informational basis of human life.

The basis of the moral component of human health is determined by the system of values, attitudes and motives of the individual's behavior in the social environment. This component is associated with the universal truths of goodness, love and beauty, primarily internal. The moral component of health is determined by the conformity of the nature of human life with universal laws (for example, the law of the priority of reason over force: do not use force where it can be achieved with reason).

Separately, such components of health as social, reproductive, professional health, etc. can be singled out.

Considering the types of health, it should be noted that in a simplified (and at the same time generalizing) form, we can assume that the criteria for health are:

For physical health - "I can";

For mental health - "I want";

For moral health - "I must."

Thus, we can conclude that the essence of health is the viability of the individual.

The level of this viability, according to scientists, should be quantified. In this sense, of particular interest is the quantitative assessment of health, which was first noticed by the famous surgeon Academician N.M. Amosov. He wrote: “Health is the maximum performance of organs while maintaining the qualitative limits of their functions” (Davidenko D.N., 2001).

Hygienic foundations for raising a healthy child.

For normal physical and neuropsychic development child, not only sufficient and nutritious nutrition is important, but also hygienic living conditions, proper care and education, observance of a certain, appropriate age characteristics mode. To achieve this goal, it is important that optimal conditions for the development of the child are created in the family and in organized children's groups that meet the most stringent hygienic requirements based on modern scientific data. In addition to caring for the care of the child, proper upbringing is of exceptional importance. And already in early age it should be considered as the first step, ensuring proper physical, mental, moral and aesthetic development. hygiene education in kindergarten should give children the knowledge they need to improve their health; on the basis of this knowledge, to form hygiene skills and habits necessary for life, which can be combined into two large groups:

Personal hygiene habits.

love cleanliness; keep clothes neat; use only personal toilet items; sit down to eat after washing your hands with soap; do morning exercises every day; harden; take proper care of your teeth; be able to use toilet paper and etc.

Cultural Behavior Habits.

do not shout, but politely ask; give thanks for the fulfilled request; do not interfere with other children and adults at the table, in class, on a walk, in the bedroom, in public place; when entering the premises from the street, wipe your shoes; put objects in their place after any actions with them; say hello and goodbye, etc.

9. Definition of the concept of "disease". Acute and chronic diseases, features of their course. Disease(morbus) - there are various definitions of the concept of "disease"; one of the possible ones can be formulated as follows: a disease is a life disturbed in its course by damage to the structure and functions of the body under the influence of external and internal factors during reactive mobilization in qualitatively peculiar forms of its compensatory-adaptive mechanisms; the disease is characterized by a general or partial decrease in adaptability to the environment and restriction of the patient's freedom of life.

Feature of acute(mostly infectious) diseases - e.g. infections childhood- is the relative constancy of their symptoms in different patients. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that the main symptoms acute illness associated with the impact on the body of an infectious agent, and not with the response of the infected organism. Nevertheless, there are some individual symptoms that are of considerable value in choosing the right one. homeopathic remedy. For example, all people with the flu have fever body weakness, headache etc. But some patients have repeated vomiting, others have either loose stools, or unquenchable thirst, or a complete lack of thirst, etc. In general, the picture of acute diseases is less individual compared to chronic ones. Acute diseases are characterized by a tendency to affect young individuals, regardless of their species.

characteristic feature of infectious diseases is their relative usefulness, as both individuals and the population as a whole become stronger by stimulating the immune system and increasing the ability to self-heal. Acute infectious diseases contribute to the rejection of weak individuals within the population (herds, flocks, pride), which increases the ability of the population and the species as a whole to survive. From this point of view, vaccination may be counteracting the natural process of selection. In the concept " chronic illness» all types of diseases are included, except for acute infectious diseases.

In fact, chronic illness- this is nothing more than the inability of the body (or its immune system) to recover from any disease. Patient with chronic illness never fully recovers and his condition only gets worse. The gradual decline in health that is usually associated with age-related changes actually represents the progress of the patient's disease. A healthy individual remains relatively strong all his life; a rapid deterioration in health is noted shortly before death. The category of chronic diseases includes almost all diseases of the adult body (as well as a significant part of diseases adolescence), including syndromes such as hypo- and hyperthyroidism, skin diseases (including allergic dermatitis after flea bites), diabetes, malignant tumors, inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis, lupus - in short, a huge number of diseases. Numerous diagnoses in a patient do not mean that the patient suffers from many diseases - it can be assumed that these are different manifestations of the same disease.

Reasons for the development of diseases.

Etiology- the doctrine of the causes and conditions of the occurrence of diseases.

Factors that cause or contribute to disease are called etiological. Identification of the causes and conditions for the occurrence of diseases is necessary for the doctor both for their prevention and for rational treatment. Establishing the causes of diseases presents certain difficulties, because they begin to act on the human body much earlier than he goes to the doctor. Diseases can occur as a result of exposure to some environmental factor - in such cases, they speak of external (exogenous) causes of the disease. Causes of disease, inherent in the body itself, are called internal (endogenous).

However, in the etiology of a pathological process, only external or only internal causes rarely act in isolation. Usually they are related.

For each disease, it is necessary to find out what is of primary importance in its origin - external factors or a violation of the properties of the organism itself, its ability to respond to the effects of any stimulus. Most often, the causes of diseases are environmental factors. The properties of the organism itself, which have developed in its relationship with the environment, play the role of conditions that promote or prevent the occurrence of diseases. Environmental factors can also play a role in the conditions in the occurrence of diseases. For example, the cause of tuberculosis is the tubercle bacillus that has entered the body. But the occurrence and course of this disease depend on a number of environmental factors that act as conditions for the disease (nature of nutrition, climate, etc.). These conditions either contribute to the development of tuberculosis and worsen its course, or, conversely, reduce the severity of its course.

The consequences caused in the body by the action of pathogenic causes depend on the nature of the accompanying conditions, since the cause of the pathological process always acts in specific conditions of the external and internal environment.

Almost any environmental factor can, under certain conditions, cause a disease. These factors are combined into the following groups: physical, chemical, biological, social, alimentary, insufficient motor activity, excessive motor activity, psychogenic influences, etc.

1. Physical causes of diseases. These reasons can be: mechanical, thermal, radiant energy, electricity, atmospheric pressure changes.

2. Chemical causes of diseases. Various chemicals that are poisons can cause diseases caused by poisoning.

4. Social causes of diseases. In the occurrence, spread of diseases great importance have social factors, i.e. factors of the social environment in which a person lives. The system of exploitation of workers creates predisposing conditions for the development of the disease. Unemployment, difficult working and living conditions, poor sanitation, lack of an organized public health system - these are the main social causes of disease.

5. Alimentary causes of diseases. Malnutrition can be factors that cause diseases or contribute to their development. Undernutrition or overeating, the wrong ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet, the lack of enough vitamins, lack or excess of mineral salts, irrational diet and other reasons are the etiological factors of a number of diseases.

6. Insufficient physical activity- hypodynamia. The mechanization and automation of production, the widespread development of vehicles, etc. have led to the fact that in modern society most people are physically inactive. Insufficient physical activity adversely affects health.

7. Excessive motor activity- hyperdynamia. Excessive motor activity, or excessive physical exertion, should be understood as such loads that exceed the ability of a particular person to perform them.

8. Psychogenic causes of diseases. An overstrain of higher nervous activity, a violation of the ratio of excitation and inhibition processes in the cerebral cortex that occur in various life situations, mental traumas (grief, fear, etc.) can lead to a change in the functional relationship between the cerebral cortex and the subcortical region. As a result, vegetative disorders occur, manifested in disorders of the functions of various organs. These changes contribute to the development of hypertension and peptic ulcer, some skin diseases and etc.

Man is a complex living system. Its vital activity is provided at three levels: biological, mental and social. They are in dialectical unity and contradiction. This always happens when the biological state depends on the social, and the social, in turn, depends on the biological.

First level -- biological health is associated with the body and depends on the dynamic balance of the functions of all internal organs, their adequate response to the influence environment.

Physical health criteria:

  • 1. disease (impairment of life)
  • 2. functional state of the body
  • 3. body resistance to environmental factors
  • 4. anatomical defects
  • 5. psycho-emotional and other qualities
  • 6. physical development

Second level mental (or mental) health is associated with the personality and depends on the development of the emotional-volitional and motivational-need spheres of the personality, on the development of the personality's self-awareness and on the awareness of the value for the personality of one's own health and healthy lifestyle life. Mental health is a state of general mental comfort that provides an adequate behavioral response. Mental health refers to the mind, intellect, emotions (psychological well-being, levels of anxiety and depression, control of emotions and behavior, cognitive functions).

The components of mental health include moral health - a system of values, attitudes and motives for the behavior of an individual in society - his morality. Moral health determines the spirituality of a person. As the Greeks said, “A sound mind in a sound body” (Mens sana in corpora est).

The disadvantage of the considered definition of health is the absence in it of references to the worldview of a person, his attitude to himself, to the surrounding reality and the place of a person in it. The worldview is formed on the basis of the knowledge, skills and abilities that a person receives in early childhood. It is knowledge that forms the worldview, and it, in turn, forms the culture of a person. Thus, human health is not only the absence of disease and well-being, it is, to no lesser extent, the presence of a high culture.

It is the worldview, that is, a certain set of knowledge, assimilated cultural values, that initially determines a person’s behavior, his medical or hygienic activity, aimed at maintaining and strengthening health at various stages of his growth and development. It is the worldview that determines the need for good health. Concern for health and its strengthening is a natural need of a cultured person, integral part of his personality.

Third level- social health is associated with the influence on the personality of other people, society as a whole and depends on the place and role of a person in interpersonal relations, on the moral health of society. Social health is a measure social activity and, above all, ability to work, a form of an active, active attitude to the world. The social component of health is formed under the influence of parents, friends, classmates at school, fellow students at the university, work colleagues, housemates, etc. and reflects social ties, resources, interpersonal contacts.

The difference between mental and social health is conditional, the mental properties and qualities of a person do not exist outside the system of social relations. Mentally healthy people feel quite confident and safe in any society. In a healthy society, as a rule, healthy individuals are formed. Deficiencies in education and adverse environmental influences can cause personality degradation. A person with a developed consciousness and self-awareness can withstand the effects of external conditions, struggle with difficulties and remain healthy physically, mentally and socially.

One of the unifying social and mental health is the creative component of health. The presence of elements of creativity in the work is considered as a source of health. The more creativity, initiative is expressed in labor activity, personal abilities and knowledge are used, the more satisfaction it brings, the more noticeable its healing effect, and vice versa.

Work can be a source of health promotion, as it gives a sense of belonging to society, a sense of need, values, the ability to express one's abilities, reveal one's personality. The development of a person's spiritual world, his creative abilities, creative attitude towards himself, his relatives, work, and leisure is a strategic change in lifestyle towards individual health.

Criteria of social well-being of the population:

  • - % of gross domestic product per capita
  • - spending on healthcare
  • - health care status
  • - mortality
  • - average duration life and others.

Interpretation of the concept " well-being It touches all aspects of a person's life. A person is in a state of complete well-being, when the physical, social, mental (intellectual), spiritual, emotional components of his life are harmoniously combined, when his career growth is successful.

Health and well-being are universal humanitarian goals that are today seen as fundamental human rights, key components of equitable human, economic and social development, and a resource for everyday life.

1. Asthenic is

A) a harmoniously developed person;

B) a thin person with long limbs;

C) A - figurative figure;

D) increased amount of fat component

2. Body type, genotype, metabolic rate, functional state of the body is characterized by

A) the moral health of a person;

B) the physical health of a person;

C) mental health of a person;

D) human social health

4. How much% in an ideal figure should the waist be from the circumference chest?

5. In asthenics - women, the girth of the wrist is

A) more than 18 cm;

B) less than 16 cm;

C) more than 20 cm;

D) less than 10 cm

A) height / weight;

B) weight / height;

C) chest volume / height;

D) pelvic volume / waist volume

7. Obese, obese people are related to body type

A) asthenic;

B) normosthenic;

B) hypersthenic;

D) superstar

8. What percentage of the circumference of the chest is ideally the neck?

9. What is OGK in valeology?

A) chest circumference

B) a sample of the main criterion;

B) girth of the head cell;

D) girth of the bare knee

10. What is the ideal weight of a man (according to the Quetelet index)?

A) 370 - 400 g / cm;

B) 500-600 g/cm;

C) 250-300 g/cm;

D) 430-480 g/cm;

11. What body type does a woman have if her wrist circumference is 18 cm?

A) asthenic;

B) normosthenic;

B) hypersthenic;

D) antisthenic

12. What body type is ideal?

13. From the listed items: 1) weight; 2) growth; 3) heart rate; 4) blood pressure- Anthropometric measurements include:

14. Indicate the correct body type

A) megasthenic;

B) asthenic;

B) outstenic;

D) physicist

15. Physical health is

A) type of moral and mental health;

B) body type, genotype, metabolic rate; functional body condition;

C) regular physical activity;

D) compliance of the standard of living with the individual characteristics of a person

16. Which "letter" formula for the type of figures is correct?

A) A, O, X, P, T;

B) B, O, X, A, I;

C) A, O, I, X, T;

D) I, T, O, X, P.

17. What is the length of blood capillaries in the human body?

B) 200 thousand km;

C) 100 thousand km;

18. Functional test is

A) performance of control tests and subsequent analysis of the results;

B) achieving a certain shape of the figure due to special complexes exercise;

C) the ability of a person to overcome external resistance;

D) increase muscle mass

19. The Rufier-Dixon test allows you to evaluate:

A) the speed of recovery processes after dosed physical activity and is used to characterize general physical performance;

B) the speed of a simple reaction;

B) vital capacity of the lungs;

D) maximum oxygen consumption

20. The Cooper test is

A) running 3 km distance at maximum speed;

B) passing 3 km distance at maximum speed;

C) running the maximum possible distance within 12 minutes;

D) the number of jumps over the rope in 1 minute.

21. The 12-minute Cooper test allows you to individually determine:

A) vital capacity of the lungs;

B) the degree of physical fitness and the maximum oxygen consumption in an indirect way;

C) heart rate after standard exercise;

D) blood pressure after standard exercise.

22. Romberg's pose allows you to determine:

A) the state of the central nervous system;

B) the state of muscle strength;

C) the state of the vestibular apparatus;

D) the degree of development of general endurance;

23. How is the functional test "Romberg's Pose" carried out?

A) the subject runs 100 m, taking into account the time;

B) the subject maintains balance on one leg with eyes closed taking into account time;

C) the subject responds to sound signal taking into account time;

D) the subject performs a long jump from a place, taking into account the distance.

24. Taping - the test is used to determine the state

BUT) of cardio-vascular system;

B) respiratory system;

B) neuromuscular apparatus;

D) cardiorespiratory system.

25. How is the taping test performed?

A) the subject must hit the target in 3 attempts;

B) the subject puts dots on a sheet of paper for 40 seconds;

C) the subject performs a jump from a place;

D) the subject maintains balance on one leg with his eyes closed.

26. Hypoxic tests are used to evaluate:

A) human adaptation to hypoxia, in particular the rate of flow metabolic processes, resistance of the respiratory center to hypoxia and endurance of the heart;

B) the ability to reorganize motor actions depending on the situation;

C) perform actions for a long time without reducing its effectiveness;

D) perform motor actions with maximum amplitude.

27. Genchi test involves the test subject

A) breath holding after maximum exhalation with time registration;

B) 10 squats with maximum speed;

C) maximum exhalation with registration of volume;

D) Heart rate for 1 minute at rest.

28. Dynamometry is

A) a method for assessing the strength abilities of the muscle groups of the human back;

B) a method for assessing the strength abilities of the muscles of the hand;

C) a method for assessing the power abilities of the leg muscles;

D) a method for assessing the strength abilities of the muscles of the body.

29. Spirometry is

A) a method for assessing the human respiratory system;

B) a method for assessing the human cardiovascular system;

C) a method for assessing a person's strength abilities;

D) a method for assessing the coordination abilities of a person;

30. How is the Rufier-Dixon functional test performed?

A) the subject runs the maximum distance in 12 minutes with fixing the distance;

B) the subject holds his breath while inhaling with fixation of the delay time;

C) the subject performs 30 squats in 45 seconds;

D) the subject performs a forward bend without bending his knees

Theme 3

Physical activity and health. Mechanisms of the healing effect of physical exercises on the human body.

1. Name 1 element included in the human speed abilities

B) pace;

B) balance

2. What are the exercises called, in which the muscles, their sheath, tendons, ligaments, joints are exposed?

A) power;

B) aerobic;

B) anaerobic;

D) stretching

3. What exercises improve resistance to cold?

A) power;

B) coordination;

B) stretching

D) respiratory

4. What kind of endurance develops a person's ability to resist non-specific fatigue?

A) special

B) power;

B) high-speed;

D) general

5. Increasing physical activity over time happens

A) direct, short, intermittent

B) linear, stepped, wavy;

B) intermittent, continuous, long

D) mixed

6. Speed ​​abilities are developed with the help of

A) exercises performed at maximum speed;

B) exercises performed at a minimum speed;

B) weight-bearing exercises;

D) aerobic exercise

7. In what mode of operation is the muscle capable of exerting maximum effort?

A) overcoming;

B) mixed;

B) yielding;

D) static

8. With repeated aerobic exercise, the myocardium

A) is increasing

B) is reduced in volume;

B) stays the same

D) breaks down into fibers

9. What does "inferior muscle work mode" mean?

A) the length of the muscle fiber increases (the muscle is stretched);

B) the length of the muscle fiber decreases (the muscle contracts);

C) the length of the muscle fiber does not change;

D) the length of the muscle fiber either increases or decreases

10. What ability is developed with the help of exercises performed at maximum speed?

A) fast

B) flexibility;

D) general endurance

11. Which principle does not apply to the principles of physical exercise?

A) awareness

B) activity;

B) industriousness

D) availability

12. Aerobic work is limited by heart rate.

A) 120-130 beats per minute;

13. What type of exercise is not aerobic?

A) walking

B) skiing;

B) speed skating

D) back somersault

14. Endurance does not depend on

A) age;

C) vital capacity of the lungs;

D) Rh factor

15. Does not apply to physical abilities

B) endurance;

B) willpower

D) flexibility

16. Specify the principles of the application of physical exercises

A) rational distribution in time;

B) availability and progression;

C) consciousness and activity;

D) all of the above

17. Strength - the ability to overcome ... .. an obstacle due to one's own muscle efforts

A) internal

B) external;

B) inertial;

D) psychological

18. Choose the right sequence of exercises in a complex exercise session

The concept of "health" and its components

The word "health" belongs to those few concepts, the meaning of which everyone knows, but understands differently. Health is one of the main optimization conditions human existence and one of the basic conditions for human happiness. The postulate of all life (initial position, assumption accepted without evidence): “Human health is main value life. You can’t buy it, it must be preserved, saved, improved from a young age, from the first days of a child’s life.

The Great Medical Encyclopedia (GME) defines health as"the state of the human body, when the functions of all its organs and systems are balanced with the external environment and there are no painful changes." At the same time, a living organism is a non-equilibrium system and all the time during its development changes the forms of interaction with environmental conditions. At the same time, it is not so much the environment that changes, but the organism itself. The definition of health given by the World Health Organization (WHO) has received wide international recognition:"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity" (WHO Constitution, 1946). If you think about this definition, you can conclude that absolute health is an abstraction. In addition, this definition initially excludes people with any (congenital or acquired) physical defects, even in the stage of compensation. Since the founding of the WHO, this concept has not been revised and is now criticized in almost all works devoted to the concept of health. This definition has been criticized

1) for the ideality of a goal that can never be achieved;

2) for the fact that the indefinite concept of "health" is defined through the subjective concept of "well-being"; in addition, social well-being can have a significant impact on health indicators, but is not a sign of it;

3) for static - health should be considered not in statics, but in the dynamics of changes in the external environment and in ontogenesis;

4) for the fact that complete well-being leads to a decrease in the tension of the body and its systems, to a decrease in resistance and, rather, is a prerequisite for ill health than the essence of health.

The founder of valeology - the science of individual human health - I.I. Brekhman (1990), defines health as“the ability of a person to maintain age-appropriate stability in conditions of sharp changes in quantitative and quality parameters triune flow of sensory, verbal and structural information.

There are also other definitions of health that emphasize qualitative and quantitative components, as well as individual and collective dimensions of health. According to V.P. Kaznacheev (1991), the health of an individual is the preservation and development of the mental, physical and biological abilities of a person, his optimal working capacity, social activity with a maximum life expectancy.

The need for a quantitative assessment of health was emphasized by N.M. Amosov (1987): “Health is the maximum performance of organs while maintaining the qualitative limits of their functions.”

In more detail, health is the ability to:

1) adapt to the environment and to their own capabilities;

2) resist external and internal perturbations, diseases, other damage, aging and other forms of degradation;

3) preserve themselves, natural and artificial habitats;

4) expand their capabilities, conditions and habitat, the volume and diversity of the available ecological, intellectual, moral and ethical environment;

5) increase the duration of a full life;

6) improve the possibilities, properties and abilities of one's body, the quality of life and the environment;

7) to produce, maintain and preserve their own kind, as well as cultural and material values;

8) to create an adequate self-consciousness, ethical and aesthetic attitude towards oneself, neighbors, man, humanity, good and evil.

Man is a reflection of two hypostases -biological and social. They are in dialectical unity and contradiction. This always happens when the biological state depends on the social, and the social, in turn, depends on the biological. Currently, it is customary to distinguish several components (types) in the concept of "health":

First level - biological health associated with the body and depends on the dynamic balance of the functions of all internal organs, their adequate response to the influence of the environment. In other words, it is the perfection of self-regulation in the body and maximum adaptation (in the biological sense) to the environment. Health at the biological level has two components:

Somatic health - the current state of the organs and systems of the human body, which is based on the biological program of individual development.

physical health - the level of growth and development of organs and systems of the body.

It is based on morphological and functional reserves that provide adaptive responses.

Second level - mental health is connected with the personality and depends on the development of the emotional-volitional and motivational-need spheres of the personality, on the development of the personality's self-awareness and on the awareness of the value for the personality of one's own health and a healthy lifestyle.mental health - this is a state of general mental comfort, providing an adequate behavioral response. Mental or mental health refers to the mind, intellect, emotions (psychological well-being, levels of anxiety and depression, control of emotions and behavior, cognitive functions).

The components of mental health include moral health - a complex of emotional-volitional and motivational-need properties of a person, a system of values, attitudes and motives for an individual's behavior in society. Moral health determines the spirituality of a person. As the Greeks used to say, "A healthy mind in a healthy body."

Third level - social health associated with the influence on the personality of other people, society as a whole and depends on the place and role of a person in interpersonal relations, on the moral health of society. Social health is a measure of social activity and, above all, ability to work. This is a form of active, active attitude to the world. The social component of health is formed under the influence of parents, friends, classmates at school, fellow students at the university, work colleagues, housemates, etc. and reflects social connections, resources, interpersonal contacts. The difference between mental and social health is conditional, the mental qualities of a person do not exist outside the system of social relations. Mentally healthy people feel quite confident and safe in any society. In a healthy society, as a rule, healthy individuals are formed. Deficiencies in education and adverse environmental influences can cause personality degradation. A person with a developed consciousness and self-awareness can withstand the effects of external conditions, struggle with difficulties and remain healthy physically, mentally and socially.

One of the unifying social and mental health iscreative component of health . The presence of elements of creativity in the work is considered as a source of health. The more creativity, initiative is expressed in labor activity, personal abilities and knowledge are used, the more satisfaction it brings, the more noticeable its healing effect. And vice versa, the less work captivates a person with its content and method of performance, the lower the satisfaction from it, the sooner, through negative emotions, it can become a source of various diseases. The characteristics of work that affect health include: creativity, learning new things. Work can be a source of health promotion, because it gives a sense of belonging to society, a sense of need, value, the possibility of expressing one's abilities, revealing one's personality. The development of the spiritual world of a person, his creative abilities, creative attitude towards himself, relatives, work, and leisure is a strategic change in lifestyle towards individual health.