Volodin considers criticism of the Tsarist and Soviet periods of the country’s history to be “attacks on Russia.” “Whoever attacks Russian history attacks Russia “We are discussing a very serious topic”

During a discussion of a bill submitted to the State Duma on the burial of Lenin’s body, State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin called criticism of the Tsarist and Soviet periods in Russian history “attacks on the country.” Again, Volodin himself speaks best for Volodin. Exhaustive.

“Given that we are discussing a rather serious topic, let’s proceed from the fact that whoever attacks the history of Russia before (19)17 attacks Russia, the one who attacks the history of the Soviet period, as Dmitry Georgievich (Novikov) spoke about, attacks Russia. But one cannot say that someone who attacks the history of the Soviet period attacks Russia, but at the same time, if he attacks the history of Russia before (19)17, that he is telling the absolute truth.
Here, recognizing only our history, given that it is centuries-old, thousand years old, then we will reach a consensus, which is why yesterday those deputies from “ United Russia”, who were initially passionate about the initiative that you criticize, they withdrew their signatures because they understood it incorrectly, this cannot be done.
But there is also the position of the moral leader of United Russia, who has repeatedly spoken about this, so we must be guided by the position of the person who created the party. In this regard, you speak correctly, but then let’s look for consensus in relation to what we had before (19)17, because Natalya Vladimirovna Poklonskaya, she will certainly not agree with you.”

The never-ending series of pearls continues. But I really don’t understand what it means to “attack Russian history”? Does this mean you can’t say anything critical about her? This means we need to erase hundreds, thousands of pages, where are the historians, what was the tsar’s, what was then Soviet Russia, criticized the oprichnina, the cruelty of Peter’s reforms, Nikon and church schism, immorality in the personal life of Catherine the Great, intolerance and extravagance of Paul I, indecision of Alexander I, cruelty and doctrinaire of Nikolai Palkin, half-hearted reforms of Alexander II, nationalism of Alexander III, mediocrity of Nicholas II. I'm not even talking about serfdom, for example. And the same thing applies to the same Lenin-Stalin, the Gulag or totalitarianism Soviet Union.
What kind of canoe? What kind of insanity? The further into the forest, the more bears. Do they even understand anything about what they are saying, do they have at least some opinion of their own, other than the opinion of the “moral leader” (a new term, by the way)? Or just a refraction of what Putin says? And then, depending on how it is understood, taking into account the fact that V.V. most often speaks with great reservations. Hence, among other things, their tongue-tiedness - suddenly they blurt out something wrong, not neatly.
In general, I understand how funny my questions and my artificial pathos sound. But honestly, I CANNOT understand how it all happens there, how their brains work, how the psyche works, in what “fireproof safe is their conscience hidden”? In short, everything is blah blah blah. I'm tired of writing about all this...

And all the polls about Lenin are routine and meaningless. Including the next ones - to bury the leader of the world proletariat or not to bury? The question is significant, but rhetorical. Because everyone understands - bury. As well as the fact that the authorities will wait until the last ... communist, so as not to “split the country.” Because, by and large, she doesn’t care about Lenin or his grave. She would like “calmness” in her understanding and “stability”, again in her understanding. So as not to scare the fish.


“The fact that the result brought such support to our president is, of course, an indicator that Russian citizens living in the United States, Great Britain, and France understand that by making their choice to support Putin, they support Russia,” he said head of the Duma. In his opinion, British Prime Minister Theresa May, with her unsubstantiated accusations against Russia, acted as an agitator who mobilized the Russians.

Speaking about the actions of the president, Volodin noted that Putin, through his service, work and deeds, proved how much can be done for our country. “And the citizens of Russia, regardless of their party and political leanings, united around him,” the speaker emphasized.

Speaking about the situation in Ukraine, where the authorities and nationalists staged a blockade of polling stations in Russian diplomatic missions, Volodin noted that Kyiv is increasingly leaving the international legal field. “Ukraine did not allow Russian citizens to vote because it was afraid of the results of their choice,” noted the State Duma speaker. He believes that if elections were allowed on the territory of Ukraine, and Russian citizens were able to express their position, Putin would receive the same absolutely high level of support there as in other countries.

Vyacheslav Volodin also commented on the initiative of oppositionist Alexei Navalny, who suggested that voters boycott the elections. “Citizens responded to Mr. Navalny’s initiative with a higher turnout,” said the speaker of the Duma.

In Russia, presidential elections were held on March 18, which the current head of state expectedly won. According to the latest data, Vladimir Putin won 76.69% of the votes, communist Pavel Grudinin won the support of 11.77% of citizens, and the permanent leader of the LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky won 5.65% of the votes. Ksenia Sobchak had 1.68% support from voters who came to the polls, Grigory Yavlinsky received 1.05% of the votes, Boris Titov, Maxim Suraikin and Sergei Baburin failed to cross the one percent line.


“We are discussing a very serious topic”

Volodin considers criticism of the Tsarist and Soviet periods of the country’s history to be “attacks on Russia”

Komsomolskaya Pravda/Global Look Press

Criticism of both the Tsarist and Soviet periods in Russian history are attacks on the country. As reported by TASS, State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin stated this, commenting on the speech of the Communist Party deputy Dmitry Novikov, who condemned the authors of the previously introduced bill on the reburial of Vladimir Lenin.

“Given that we are discussing a very serious topic, let’s proceed from the fact that whoever attacks the history of Russia before (19)17 attacks Russia, the one who attacks the history of the Soviet period, as Dmitry Georgievich (Novikov) spoke about, attacks Russia. But one cannot say that someone who attacks the history of the Soviet period attacks Russia, but if he attacks the history of Russia before (19)17, that he is telling the absolute truth,” Volodin said.

“Considering that our history is centuries-old, thousand years old, we will reach a consensus, which is why yesterday those deputies from United Russia, who were initially carried away by the initiative that you criticize, they withdrew their signatures because they realized that this is wrong, this cannot be done “, noted the chairman of the lower house of parliament.

The day before, State Duma deputies from the LDPR and United Russia submitted to parliament a bill amending the law “On burial and funeral affairs.” Later United Russia members withdrew their signatures. In particular, the deputies envisaged the creation of an interdepartmental commission that would deal with the issue of reburial of the remains of historical figures. It's about about the Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin, the legal grounds for whose reburial are currently absent in the legal field.

The leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov called the idea of ​​burying Lenin “the biggest provocation against Russian statehood,” and the deputies who introduced the bill to the State Duma as “complete scoundrels.” Zyuganov also called on the Russian Security Council to pay attention to this bill. According to him, “guarantors must guarantee stability in the country.”

Meanwhile, according to the latest VTsIOM poll, 63% of Russians consider it necessary to rebury Lenin’s body, 32% of respondents said that the body of the Soviet leader should be buried in a cemetery immediately, 31% said that it should be buried, but when the older generation of those for whom Lenin is dear passes away .