Deep laser hair removal of bikini: reviews of the effectiveness of the procedure and price. Spicy questions about laser hair removal of the bikini area Total bikini

Life does not stand still, and fashion trends change along with it. What was considered the norm some time ago may be irrelevant and outdated today. We are talking not only about clothes, hairstyle or makeup, but also about those things that are hidden from prying eyes. These include the procedure for removing unwanted hair in intimate places.

Today you can hardly surprise anyone with caring for the bikini area. This is a very delicate procedure, so there are several options for carrying it out. Some people prefer shaving, others use creams, but the most effective and painless procedure is laser hair removal.

What is it?

Before talking about the features of this action, it is worth mentioning the difference between hair removal and depilation. Both of these processes help get rid of unwanted vegetation. However, when performing epilation, the hairs are removed along with the hair follicles, and when performing depilation, the hairs are simply cut off, the roots are not affected.

Laser hair removal is a cosmetic procedure performed using a special device, namely a laser. This is a very popular process, since a high-precision device helps remove excess hair for a fairly long period of time, without damaging the skin. This is especially important when we're talking about about places with very sensitive skin.

The laser has a destructive effect directly on the hair itself, without affecting the skin. After a short period of time, the skin becomes even and smooth. The effect lasts for several months, and in some cases for a year.


Deep removal of unwanted vegetation in the intimate area is distinguished by the fact that the skin is very sensitive, the area itself is not very conveniently located, and the whole process is quite labor-intensive. The thickness of the hairs also plays a role.

The following features of laser hair removal include:

  • To remove absolutely all hairs, a large number of procedures will be required. This is due to the tenderness and sensitivity of the skin.
  • It is advisable to wait 1 month between laser hair removal sessions.
  • Even after passing full course correction procedures are required from time to time.
  • Older women require fewer sessions to get rid of unwanted hair.
  • Before the procedure, certain preparation is required.

It is not at all necessary to remove absolutely all the hairs on the bikini line; you can leave a small area to create an intimate hairstyle. Whether to do this or not is up to each woman to decide for herself.


Many representatives of the fair sex know that getting rid of unwanted hairs can be difficult. Various cosmetics and procedures come to their aid. Beauty salons and medical centers offer various types similar services, among the most common of them are:

  1. Mini bikini, it's classic. This type of unwanted hair removal is carried out along the line of underwear, leaving a small area of ​​pubic hair. In other words, only that vegetation is removed that cannot be hidden under a swimsuit or panties.
  2. Deep bikini. Fashionistas who choose this option remove all hairs in the groin area, from the inner thigh line. This type is also called the Brazilian bikini.
  3. Total bikini. This procedure completely removes hair not only from the genitals, but also from all surrounding skin.
  4. Extra bikini. The area from which hair is removed includes the labia and intergluteal area.

To choose the appropriate hair removal option for yourself, you need to decide on the type of underwear and individual needs of the person. There is female and male hair removal. All the same types of procedures are provided for men as for women. However, among visitors to salons, the fair sex makes up the largest number of visitors.

Contraindications and consequences

Laser hair removal is a fairly simple and safe process that is carried out only by experienced specialists. But it is not suitable for everyone. It should not be carried out if the following restrictions exist:

  • Women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • People who have any infectious diseases, somatic disorders or diseases of the immune system.
  • People with cancer, cardiovascular disease or diabetes.
  • People undergoing treatment with strong antibiotics.
  • If you have a fresh, strong tan,
  • If the hair is light or gray.
  • For fungal, venereal or inflammatory diseases.
  • If the skin is hypersensitive to the sun or laser radiation.

But even if there are no contraindications, the process should be entrusted to qualified craftsmen. Otherwise, a poorly performed procedure may have negative consequences in the form of burns. A burn can occur if:

  • The area from which vegetation is being removed is not sufficiently cooled.
  • If applied to the skin cosmetic oil or a product based on it.
  • The laser is operating at too high a power.
  • The skin is too susceptible to laser radiation.
  • If the hairs are more than 3 mm long, since in this case the hair will get on the skin and injure it.

After the procedure, certain rules must be followed, otherwise unpleasant consequences may occur, such as pain, discomfort, rashes or skin irritation.

Does it hurt?

Many women are afraid of laser hair removal because they consider this process to be very painful. However, experienced doctors deny this rumor. You can draw a conclusion about how comfortable the process will be by analyzing such features of your body as the level of pain threshold, phase menstrual cycle.

Mild discomfort that occurs during hardware hair removal may depend on the laser power, hair thickness, and skin sensitivity. To avoid this, all device parameters are selected strictly individually for each client.


If you still decide to undergo laser hair removal, then you should not immediately run to a beauty salon or medical center. Even if a specialist has time to carry out this procedure, he is unlikely to undertake it, since your skin may simply not be prepared for this.

Preparation does not require the fulfillment of any special conditions. It is important to follow the following rules:

  1. Before the procedure, consult with a dermatologist and endocrinologist.
  2. Do not be exposed to strong sun rays, sunbathe or visit a solarium two weeks before hair removal.
  3. The length of the hair should not exceed 3 mm, so that not only the hairs, but also the hair follicle are destroyed.
  4. If you have had genital herpes, you should start taking antiviral medication a few days before hair removal.
  5. The skin should be clean and dry, so you should stop using cream and other cosmetics a day before the procedure.
  6. It is better to epilate in the middle of the menstrual cycle, then the skin will not be too sensitive.
  7. Pain medications can be applied about an hour before the process.
  8. During the first procedure, it is better to give preference to a classic bikini. If the process did not cause discomfort, then next time you can decide to go deeper.
  9. As a rule, during cold periods, hair removal is less painful.
  10. The procedure is more effective on light skin and light hair.
  11. Do not use antibiotics 14 days before hair removal.

By taking the above points into account, you can get best result during hardware hair removal. But remember that you won’t get rid of all unwanted vegetation instantly; this requires more than one procedure.

You should also pay attention to the safety of hair removal: do not hesitate to ask how the device is cleaned, how the attachments and used devices are disinfected. Check whether the technician uses disposable sterile gloves.

How many sessions are needed?

This is the second most popular question asked by the fair sex. How many procedures are needed to completely remove unwanted vegetation in the intimate area cannot be said with certainty, since each woman has her own individual characteristics. How quickly the desired result is obtained depends on the thickness of the hairs, the type and sensitivity of the skin, as well as the laser used.

Experts say that the minimum number of sessions to obtain the desired effect should be at least 5. At the same time, you cannot do hardware hair removal constantly; you need to take breaks of 1.5-2 months.

The maximum number of procedures can be up to 12 sessions.

Comparison before and after

As already mentioned, you should not expect instant results. But the positive effect will be visible after the first procedure: the hair will become thinner and lighter. The hairs will not disappear immediately, but some of them will fall out within a week. The skin will retain its normal condition.

How is it going?

Since this is a completely cosmetic procedure, no anesthesia is required. But the skin is still treated with a special anesthetic cream.

Laser hair removal is carried out only by a competent specialist who knows all the nuances of the process. If we very briefly describe this process, we can say this: the client is placed on a special chair, the cosmetologist carries out a procedure that does not last very long, then the epilated area is treated with a special cream.

However, the procedure has some nuances:

  1. The procedure is not performed on an unprepared skin area. Before epilation, the dermis is cleaned of impurities.
  2. During laser hair removal, the specialist and the client wear dark glasses to avoid damaging their vision.
  3. Laser radiation is not constant; hair removal is carried out using short-term flashes of light, which affect an area of ​​\u200b\u200btwo square centimeters.
  4. The procedure for removing vegetation in the bikini area takes a certain amount of time. The exact duration of the procedure depends on the condition of the skin and the thickness of the hairs.
  5. After the laser is completed, the master applies a special composition to the treated skin to prevent irritation.
  6. At the end of the session, the cosmetologist can set a date for the next session.

It is worth noting that many girls are not stopped even by the onset of menstruation, since modern hygiene products allow them to avoid discomfort on such days. Many experts also do not see any contraindications in this to refuse hair removal. All that is needed to carry out the procedure is the consent of the master and the client.

How much is enough?

Many women are interested in the question of how often laser hair removal should be done to maintain smooth skin. As you might guess, removing unwanted vegetation once and for all is simply unrealistic. After the procedure, the hairs may not bother you for several months, but then they will begin to grow again.

Depending on the initial conditions, hair may not grow for 2 to 3 months after the first hair removal. With constant monitoring and timely implementation of preventive procedures, you can forget about unwanted hairs for several years. Perhaps this is why laser hair removal is one of the most popular procedures for removing unwanted hair.

Pros and cons

To reliably and safely remove unnecessary hair in the bikini area, many representatives of the fair sex resort to laser procedures. It is carried out in special centers and is quite expensive. Epilation has the following advantages:

  1. The procedure does not last long. In a short period of time, the laser treats a sufficient area of ​​skin.
  2. The effectiveness of hair removal, because after the first session, hairs will disappear for several months.
  3. The skin is not damaged and no traces of the procedure remain. The laser only affects hairs.
  4. A competent specialist will perform laser hair removal quickly and painlessly. The client will not feel any discomfort.
  5. Convenience of the procedure. Patients just need to sit comfortably on a special couch.

But even the most advanced technology can have its drawbacks. Laser hair removal has the following:

  1. To remove unwanted hair, you will have to carry out more than one procedure, which means that from time to time you will have to visit a beauty salon and pay the full price. A minimum of 5 sessions will be required.
  2. The type of laser used depends on your skin type. For fair-skinned girls and those with dark skin, different devices are needed.
  3. For natural blondes and albinos, the laser will not remove a single hair, since there is no melanin in their body.


Many girls cannot decide to undergo laser hair removal. They don't know how dangerous this procedure is. Competent experts claim that the procedure is completely safe for women. But there are some categories of people who should not take risks. Avoid laser hair removal:

  • For any skin diseases.
  • For very sensitive skin.
  • During pregnancy.

For internal organs this procedure is absolutely safe, since laser exposure only applies to hairs and hair follicles. This myth has become widespread because laser equipment is also used in surgery. However, these are not the same equipment.

Another misconception is that when performing hardware hair removal there is a risk of injuring the skin and getting burns to the body. But that's not true. If you follow all the nuances of preparing for the procedure, there will be no consequences. Ingrown hairs will also not appear; on the contrary, the laser will remove existing ones. But do not forget to consult a dermatologist before hair removal.

What not to do after?

In addition to preliminary preparation for the procedure, attention should be paid to post-epilation care. Experts recommend adhering to the following rules:

  1. After hair removal, you should immediately apply a soothing composition.
  2. On the first day after the procedure, avoid contact of moisture and cosmetics with the treated skin.
  3. Don't forget to apply anti-inflammatory product.
  4. For 2 weeks, refrain from visiting the solarium and exposing your skin to direct sunlight. After this time, you should use a protective cream when out in the sun.
  5. The remaining hairs cannot be mechanically removed; they can only be cut.
  6. After several sessions, hair can grow back quickly. This is due to the awakening of dormant hair follicles. After the next procedure they will disappear.

A temporary side effect may occur - slight redness of the skin. But this happens in very rare cases. You can also immediately return to your normal lifestyle, with the exception of visiting saunas, steam baths and solariums.

How do you feel about intimate hair removal? These days, laser hair removal for bikinis is gaining more and more popularity. A few years ago, advanced ladies wore intricate hair patterns, rhinestones and feathers; today, absolute smoothness and simple geometric patterns are in fashion. By the way, the concept of absolute smoothness now fully applies to men.

Previously, many people associated a “bald” pubis with an immature girl’s body; now, on the contrary, it is a symbol of femininity and sexuality, so there are more and more supporters of intimate hair removal. Thanks to the sexy Brazilian beauties who rock the carnivals in Rio in such microscopic panties that you can’t even call them swimsuits.

True, for the beauty of the intimate area, it is not enough to mechanically remove hair. The appearance of skin with mercilessly torn out hair is the same: immediately after depilation, it looks swollen and inflamed, with small pinpoint bruises. What can we say about the “famous” problem of ingrown hairs? Not a single woman can avoid it, despite the use of various scrubs and lotions designed to prevent ingrown hairs.

You can achieve truly smooth, silky skin only with laser hair removal of the bikini area - modern method, which has virtually no drawbacks and allows you to get rid of hair forever.

Delicate Ray

The groin area is a delicate area, and therefore requires special treatment. Epilation of thin sensitive skin is a delicate process, especially since the pain threshold of intimate parts of the body is extremely low. That is why cosmetologists suggest not to injure this area by any means of hair pulling, but to use laser hair removal. This method is recommended as the most effective and at the same time quite gentle.

Laser hair removal of intimate areas is carried out using modern equipment equipped with a cooling system. If necessary, painkillers are used (Emla cream, lidocaine spray).

The laser beam acts specifically on the hair follicles, without damaging the subcutaneous capillaries and without causing hemorrhages at the site of hair removal. After exposure to a laser beam, ingrown hair under the skin is excluded, and, therefore, there is no inflammation accompanying this unpleasant process.

Is laser hair removal harmful for bikini area?

Another question that inevitably arises when using new technologies is whether they will harm your health? No experience was found after its use. The technology is based on a targeted effect on the hair without affecting surrounding tissues, both superficial and deep.

Laser hair removal in the bikini area does not affect women's health in any way; a man can also be sure that laser beams do not affect the potency and reproductive functions of the body.

Like any other procedure, laser hair removal has its contraindications. At the first consultation, the cosmetologist is obliged to conduct an interview in order to identify possible obstacles, as well as assess the degree of risk in case of existing relative contraindications.

You cannot do laser hair removal if you have serious diseases, such as diabetes, the presence of malignant neoplasms, or chronic dermatological diseases. Procedures are undesirable during pregnancy and lactation.

Also, based on an analysis of the degree of hair growth, skin phototype, and hair color, the doctor must calculate the duration of the laser hair removal course and its approximate cost. The final cost is determined based on the results of the hair’s response to laser exposure.

Bikini: light or total?

What depth to do intimate hair removal is a matter of taste. But if you have a beloved man, it wouldn’t hurt to ask his opinion: what if he’s embarrassed by a completely bare pubic area or not impressed by an elaborate hairstyle? After all, laser hair removal removes hair radically: quickly and permanently.

Although women have long been guided purely by their own interests in such matters: as you know, men come and go... And hair removal of intimate places is, first of all, hygiene and only secondarily - beauty.

Mini bikini

You can limit yourself to just hair falling out of the line of your underwear in order to look decent in a swimsuit. Classic bikini is the treatment of a small area on the hips, 2-3 cm wide. This type of hair removal can be considered as a “trial” option. If you like the effect, perhaps decide on deeper hair removal.

And you can’t help but like the effect: you can not think about shaving, take off your clothes at any time on the beach or in the pool, without worrying about your appearance, prevent infection from getting into the wounds after mechanical depilation, which can happen when swimming in an open body of water.


Most women prefer to partially remove pubic hair, leaving a stripe for a bikini design. If a plunging bikini is your option, keep in mind that a laser hair removal specialist cannot create an intricate design; it is technically impossible. At most, when epilating intimate places with a laser, they can make you a simple figure like a triangle, the rest is already completed with the help of a razor and wax.

Lovers of variety in intimate hairstyles should remember the saying “measure a hundred times, cut once” before laser hair removal: think about what shape of the hair “island” to choose. Otherwise, after the procedure, you will have to greatly limit your imagination - the removed hair will stop growing, and cosmetologists have not yet learned how to build it up in the bikini area.

Brazilian hair removal removes the bulk of hair and gives intimate areas an attractive appearance. It also greatly facilitates hygiene procedures.

Full contact

With complete hair removal, hair removal occurs not only on the pubis, but also on the labia: not a single hair remains. If you decide to get a total bikini, be sure to check whether the intergluteal area is included in the cost of the procedure, or whether you need to pay for it separately. In any case, this type of hair removal involves removing hair around the anus, which is quite logical.

Laser hair removal of the bikini area “clean up” guarantees ideal smoothness, absolute hygiene (hair on the genitals and around anus, as you know, a breeding ground for bacteria) and new sexual sensations for the woman herself and for her partner. The effect of “naked skin” is noted by everyone who has undergone total hair removal: sex becomes more sensual, touches become more pleasant.

Full laser hair removal of a bikini means silky skin without a single hair, a feeling of cleanliness and freshness. And also a great reception from the other half and no barriers to oral contact. Exactly the same reason encourages ladies to ask their beloved men to get rid of vegetation on their “farm”.

It is unlikely that any of the men still doubts that it is also necessary to restore order “there”. And it has nothing to do with sexual orientation.

Dear ladies and other reasons

Imagine how your girlfriend feels when she is forced to dig through the bushes, trying to please you. If she is silent about this, then this is simply an inability to talk openly about her desires or a fear of offending. But rest assured, she thinks about it every time she has to communicate with your “treasure” up close.

A man who takes care of his body is more sexually attractive to women. And for him, the “bare” skin of the genitals gives him much more pleasure in bed. Get laser hair removal and try to compare your erotic sensations “before” and “after”, you will feel the difference.

Another good reason to remove hair from the genital area is cleanliness and convenience. We won’t discuss unpleasant physiological details; everyone already has an idea of ​​what hair that is matted with sweat and other human secretions looks like and what aroma it exudes.

Width and depth

Intimate laser hair removal for men varies depending on the depth of exposure.

  1. The classic version of a bikini involves removing hair that extends beyond the groin area. In men, an area of ​​about 5 cm is usually epilated on the inner thigh and the groin fold, including a couple of centimeters in the pubic area. Hair straying beyond the linen line is removed from above.
  2. During deep hair removal, hair is also removed from the base of the penis and scrotum. This is the most popular laser hair removal procedure for men as it involves the areas around the genitals, but does not directly affect the genitals.
  3. Total hair removal exposes the pubis (in whole or in part). Due to the risk of injury to the most sensitive areas of the skin in the intimate area, laser hair removal of the scrotum and penis is not practiced.

Despite the fact that hair removal between the buttocks is a natural continuation of epilation of the genital area, it is usually included in the price list as a separate area.

Relax and have fun

Men who have already realized the need for intimate hair removal are often embarrassed to address this problem to professionals. But in vain. According to cosmetologists, almost a third of their clients are men, it’s just not customary for them to talk about it among their friends. As a rule, nothing good comes out of independent attempts to get rid of hair: growing a “hedgehog” is an unpleasant task, and it is unlikely that any member of the stronger sex can withstand waxing with honor.

Meanwhile, laser hair removal has been available to men for a long time. As they say, “five minutes of shame,” and an excellent result is guaranteed for almost a lifetime. There is no need to perceive this procedure as something shameful. You're not particularly embarrassed when undressing in front of a doctor, are you? The laser esthetician is the same doctor, and, believe me, he does not experience any romantic feelings for you or your “friend”. What prevents you from treating a cosmetologist as a professional who simply does his daily job?

You will have to lie down in the “frog pose” for half an hour. Afraid pain it’s not worth it, the doctor will do everything to prevent the laser flashes from being felt: he will apply an anesthetic and use a cooling system. A slight burning or tingling sensation is a small price to pay for forgetting about depilation for a long time.

What will people say?

The question of how friends will react to your new intimate hairstyle when they see it in the bathhouse should be the last thing that worries an adult.

  • What to “wear” is a personal matter for everyone. If someone likes to walk around hairy like a monkey, that is their conscious choice. Your choice is smoothness and cleanliness.
  • If you (and your other half) are so comfortable and comfortable, this is quite enough to not pay attention to the preferences of strangers.
  • It is quite possible that you will be the last one to “ennoble” in your company. Or, conversely, you will be the first, and your friends will follow your example.

It’s not easy for a man to decide to have hair removal: the fear of pain and the awkwardness of the situation are understandable. But a hypothetical conviction certainly should not become a reason for refusing to carry out procedures.

Preparing for laser hair removal of the bikini area

So, you have decided to have intimate laser hair removal. What do you need to know about the procedure itself?

Readiness #1

Preparing for laser hair removal begins with a visit to an esthetician. He should do a test flash to check the reaction to the laser. If everything is in order, start following the recommendations of specialists:

  • refuse any methods of depilation of the intimate area other than a razor;
  • Perform the last shave no later than 3-4 days before the session so that the hair has time to grow to its optimal length;
  • forget about the solarium if you sunbathe in it without underwear;
  • take a break from active sports, swimming in the pool, going to the bathhouse and sauna;
  • before the session, do not use intimate hygiene products, creams and lotions, deodorants;
  • It is better for women to do the procedure immediately after the end of their critical days.
Alexandrite, ruby, neodymium

These romantic words for you should mean, first of all, the names of lasers used for hair removal. They do not play a special role in one case - if you have fair skin and dark hair. In other situations, nuances are possible.

Of course, a specialist knows better which laser machine will suit your color type, but it is possible that they will try to make money from you by offering a service that is obviously ineffective. If they try to remove your blonde hair with alexandrite, know that it is clean water“divorce”, don’t get caught.

Price of laser hair removal for bikini area

Laser hair removal is not a cheap service, but most of those who have gone through it confirm that it is worth the money spent. For men, hair removal is more expensive - their hair is coarser and takes up a larger area on the body.

Approximately an hair removal session costs:

  • Classic bikini – 3 – 5 thousand rubles. (female), 4 – 6 thousand rubles. (male).
  • Deep bikini – 5 – 8 thousand rubles. (female), 5 – 9 thousand rubles. (male).
  • Total hair removal – 6 – 9 thousand rubles. (for ladies), 8 – 10 thousand rubles. (for men).

The average course duration is 6 – 8 procedures; accordingly, the price of one session must be multiplied by the number of sessions. It is better for men to focus on the upper limit of cost and prepare for a longer process.

Watch the video: Laser hair removal of the bikini area using the Light Sheer ET diode laser

Many women wonder “is laser hair removal harmful?” deep bikini?. Epilation of the bikini area using a laser is absolutely safe for women. The technology is simple, very effective. The session is painless. Hair becomes smaller after the first session. The lasting effect can last up to six years.

Many women know how painful hair removal is in the bikini area, because the skin here is so delicate, thin, and hypersensitive. Laser hair removal of the deep bikini area, unlike traditional methods depilation, does not injure the skin, does not cause irritation or inflammation. It is not surprising that women prefer to undergo this particular procedure to remove unwanted hairs in intimate places.

Laser hair removal deep bikini

Laser bikini hair removal has many benefits, including:

  • painlessness of the procedure, minimal noticeable discomfort during the session;
  • in 90 percent it is possible to do without additional anesthesia (painkiller cream - it is applied forty minutes before the start of the session);
  • high performance;
  • harmlessness of the procedure;
  • safety;
  • high efficiency;
  • non-traffic hazard;
  • the ability to remove unwanted hairs even in the most difficult to reach places (such as the deep bikini area);
  • absence of post-procedure micro-scars and micro-scars;
  • instant results – after the first session;
  • the number of hairs is significantly reduced from procedure to procedure;
  • the ability to remove even ingrown hairs;
  • indicated even for hypersensitive skin;
  • long lasting effect (five to six years);
  • the most hypoallergenic way.

Is it harmful?

This technique is very gentle, it allows you to carefully and accurately treat the skin, while the epidermis is not injured. The laser affects only the hair follicles and the unwanted hairs themselves.

Therefore, it is impossible to get injured or burned during a session. This method will also avoid the appearance of ingrown hairs, irritation and redness.

Should ladies remove hair in intimate places: men’s opinion

America “instilled” the “fashion” for depilation of intimate parts around the world - in Europe they never believed that it was necessary to remove hair from the bikini area. In France, smooth legs were considered the norm. In Japan, the issue of unwanted hairs was not raised at all.

In ancient Eastern cultures, a completely smooth intimate area was considered beautiful. Modern men believe that there should be hair in intimate places, since this automatically indicates a woman’s childbearing age and her readiness to engage in sexual contact with a man.

According to studies, up to 80 percent of men believe that they should have hair, but they should look well-groomed and neat, therefore, it is worth doing intimate hairstyles.

There is no clear male opinion regarding the need to completely remove unnecessary hair from the bikini area. Psychologists believe, citing Sigmund Freud's theory of the unconscious, that men (20 percent) who like completely shaved intimate areas prefer to have relationships with very young girls, even girls.

The remaining 80 percent have a negative attitude towards complete depilation of the intimate area.

Why laser hair removal is in demand among fans of intimate haircuts

The laser hair removal procedure is very popular among lovers of intimate haircuts and intimate depilation because:

  • after it, the blackheads that appeared after shaving disappear;
  • after the first procedure there are no ingrown hairs;
  • the skin regains its tenderness, velvety, smoothness;
  • The irritation that was there after shaving disappears.

The technique itself is simple. After it, the patient’s sensitivity threshold does not worsen, as, for example, after sugaring or waxing.

Indications and contraindications

Contraindications: main points

  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • who have infectious and immune system diseases;
  • having cancer;
  • suffering from diabetes mellitus(who are at the stage of decompensation);
  • who use tetracycline antibiotics;
  • have somatic diseases;
  • have blond, vellus or gray hair.

Indications for laser hair removal

Laser hair removal for the bikini area is shown:

  • if there are unwanted hairs in intimate places;
  • if there are ingrown hairs;
  • blackheads appeared after shaving;
  • After shaving, skin irritation occurs.

What options for deep bikini hair removal are there today?

This type of depilation has its own varieties, namely:

  • there is epilation of the bikini line (or underwear);
  • there is an extra bikini (intergluteal folds and labia);
  • There is deep bikini hair removal (complete removal of unwanted hairs in intimate areas).

What type of laser is suitable for deep bikini hair removal?

This technology uses only the most modern equipment, which is equipped with a special cooling system, therefore, patients do not feel discomfort or pain.

Deep depilation involves complete removal of hair from the buttocks, perineum and pubic area.

Now cosmetologists use four types of laser equipment:

  • ruby – suitable for fair-skinned and black-haired people;
  • alexandrite - suitable for both black-haired and dark-haired fair-skinned patients;
  • diode - for both fair-skinned and dark-skinned people, suitable for ingrown hairs;
  • neodymium - suitable for representatives of any skin type and color, but not available in all beauty salons.

You need to choose a laser based on your predominant hair type. If this is the Celtic version (fair-skinned, red-haired), then only neodymium will do. Bright red hair does not contain melanin, which is affected by the laser.

All procedures will not be successful and will not bring the patients the desired result. The Scandinavian type (fair-skinned, light-eyed and fair-haired) will also benefit from neodymium for the same reasons as the Celtic type.

The European type (dark-eyed, with brown hair) is ruby, diode and alexandrite (if the skin is not tanned), neodymium is also possible - with a strong tan. Mediterranean type (brown eyes, brown hair and olive skin) – diode and neodymium.

For the Asian type (dark-skinned, dark-eyed and black-haired) only neodymium is indicated. For Africans (black-haired and curly-haired, dark-skinned and dark-eyed), only neodymium is also suitable.

How can you prepare for the procedure?

Cosmetologists advise women not to sunbathe two weeks before the session, refuse to visit solariums and pull out hairs in the intimate area. You also need to stop using tetracycline antibiotics and fluoroquinolones.

Three days before the session, the area to be depilated must not be wiped with alcohol-containing substances.

Four to eight hours before the session, the bikini area must be thoroughly shaved; applying depilatory creams and deodorants to the areas to be depilated is prohibited.

Carrying out the procedure

Possible number of procedures

The result of laser hair removal of the bikini area will directly depend on the hair structure and predominant skin type of a woman. It is necessary to take breaks between sessions. After the first, four to six weeks should pass, after the second - already six to eight, after the third - from two months. After each subsequent procedure, the interval between sessions increases by two weeks.


The technique is based on the action of a laser beam, which, acting on the hair pigment melanin, leads to disruption of the follicles and their loss. One pulse of the beam can immediately remove unwanted hairs from two square centimeters of skin.

Rehabilitation period

After laser hair removal of the bikini area, redness may appear on the skin - this is a temporary side effect. After a few hours, the redness will subside.

The woman does not undergo a special rehabilitation period after the procedure - she can immediately return to her normal life after the session. The only recommendation for skin care is that for two weeks after depilation, a woman should avoid direct sunlight and constantly apply sunscreen to her skin. high level protection.

Also, you should not wipe your skin with alcohol-containing tonics or lotions for three days. During the day you cannot swim, go to the pool, or take a bath.

Laser hair removal of a deep bikini is especially effective for dark-haired patients with fair skin, but this technique is universal. With its help, you can achieve a lasting result that will last for many years - the skin in the intimate areas will be soft, tender, smooth, velvety. Unwanted hairs won't bother you for a long time.

Is it harmful to perform laser hair removal on a deep bikini: video

Many women ask the question “is laser hair removal of a deep bikini harmful?” The videos will help you learn about this.

Laser hair removal is one of the methods of hardware cosmetology, the main task of which is hair removal using a laser. This technology allows you to get rid of excess hair almost forever, even in those areas where the skin is especially sensitive.

Laser hair removal of the bikini area is possible thanks to the principle of selective photothermolysis. A beam of light of a certain spectrum and physical properties– laser – is directed to the area of ​​skin where the hair follicles are located. The part of the hair that contains the melanin pigment (responsible for hair color) absorbs light radiation and releases thermal energy. The heat destroys the hair follicle, but the surrounding tissue remains intact. After some time, the follicle hole heals, and the skin in this place becomes smooth.

Types of lasers for hair removal

When deciding to undergo such a serious procedure as laser bikini hair removal, you should not only consult with a dermatologist and cosmetologist, but also become familiar with the types of lasers that are used in cosmetology. There are not so many of them - only four:


The ruby ​​laser is considered the ancestor of laser hair removal. It generates waves with a length of 694 nm, which are maximally absorbed by melanin. The ruby ​​laser is a slow-acting type of laser; the pulse frequency of light waves is 1 Hz. It is especially effective for those people whose skin is classified as Fitzpatrick type I or II and whose hair is dark. For tanned men and women, or those whose hair color is closer to blond or red, the use of a ruby ​​laser is contraindicated.


The alexandrite laser is considered faster, with a wavelength of 755 nm and a pulse frequency of 1.5 Hz. This laser radiation is minimally absorbed by hemoglobin, but maximally absorbed by melanin. The Alexandrite laser is recommended for hair removal for those people whose skin belongs to type I and II, and whose hair is darker than light brown.


The diode laser is considered the most commonly used and most effective for hair removal in the bikini area. Its light wave frequency is 2 Hz and its length is 800 nm. Thanks to these indicators, the diode laser is completely absorbed by melanin and can be used for any hair shade. The big advantage of this type of laser radiation is the possibility of using its properties regardless of skin type. Another positive point is that the number of hair removal procedures when using a diode laser is significantly less than when working with other types of light radiation.


There is another type of laser - neodymium. But it is practically not absorbed by melanin and is therefore unsuitable for hair removal procedures. But it has no equal in the coagulation of dilated vessels.

Why should you choose laser hair removal for your bikini area?

Laser hair removal is a procedure performed only in beauty salons or beauty centers. Its cost is not that high, but not very cheap either. So why do you need a laser? intimate hair removal and is it really safe?

The advantages of this service are:

  1. Short duration of the session: the laser does not act pointwise (separately on each follicle), but on a certain area. So treating the bikini area will only take 5-10 minutes.
  2. After just one procedure, your skin will become smooth for up to 2-3 months.
  3. No unpleasant consequences such as scars and ingrown hairs.
  4. The procedure performed by a professional will not bring you any unpleasant sensations, which is especially important when laser hair removal of a deep bikini is performed.

Let’s not hide the fact that this cosmetic procedure also has some minor drawbacks:

  1. If you want to get rid of hair in your bikini area forever, you will need to visit the salon more than once. This need is due to the fact that the laser affects only growing hair, but not dormant hair. To make your skin smooth, you will have to do about 5 sessions at intervals of 1.5-2 months.
  2. The use of a ruby ​​or alexandrite laser is indicated for people with fair skin; dark-skinned women only need a diode emitter.
  3. If the client does not have melanin in the body (albinos, natural blondes), then the laser will not be able to destroy excess hairs.

Photos before and after hair removal

step-by-step results of 5 procedures out of 10

Stages of laser hair removal of the bikini area

Stage I – preparation:

  1. Consultation with a dermatologist and endocrinologist.
  2. Choosing the time of year to perform laser hair removal - it is preferable to go to a specialist in autumn and winter.
  3. Do not visit the solarium at least 2 weeks before the procedure.
  4. Do not use other types of hair removal (except shaving) for 2 months. until day X.
  5. The lighter the skin in the bikini area, the more effective the procedure will be (so use whitening cream in areas where there is not much hair).
  6. The use of antibacterial drugs is prohibited 2 weeks before hair removal.
  7. Avoid taking a hot bath or shower several days before the procedure.
  8. The length of hair in the intimate area is no more than 5-7 mm.
  9. Carrying out a test for skin sensitivity to laser a few days before hair removal.

Stage II – laser hair removal

The bikini area is numbed with anesthetic creams, and the protection of the laser handpiece is constantly cooled, so that during the sessions you will only feel warmth. The client sits on a comfortable couch, puts on special glasses and the cosmetologist begins his work. 5-10 minutes of procedure, a special anti-inflammatory cream on the treated area - and you are free.

Stage III – caring for the bikini area after hair removal

At home, the bikini area will require some care. For 24 hours immediately after hair removal, it is forbidden to wet the treated area, and it is not recommended to use a washcloth for another 48 hours. A special cream will also be applied to prevent inflammation. You will have to cancel your sauna visit for at least 3 days after hair removal. Doctors also do not recommend visiting a solarium or sunbathing for 2 weeks.

The most frequently asked questions about laser hair removal

  • How many sessions are needed for complete hair removal in the intimate area?

Answer: For 99% of hair to disappear, you need at least 5 laser hair removal sessions. The break between sessions is 1.5-2 months.

  • What effect should you expect after the first procedure?

Answer: The hair in the area affected by the laser will become much thinner and lighter, a significant part of it will fall out in 5-7 days.

  • How long does the effect of the procedure last?

Answer: The smoothness of the skin in the bikini area can last up to 3 months after just 1 session.

  • Which type of laser is most effective when performing laser bikini hair removal?

Answer: The most effective is the use of a diode laser.

What troubles can a client expect after laser hair removal?

An ideal method of hair removal does not yet exist, so it is understandable that clients are interested in such an issue as the side effects of laser hair removal. Experts from all over the world claim that if the technology of the procedure is followed, the preparation for it was correct, if the client has no contraindications to laser hair removal, side effects there won't be. Skin hyperemia in the treated area or burns are possible, but this is rather an exception to the rule. Long-term consequences - for example, the occurrence of malignant neoplasms - have not been registered in any country in the world.

Hyperpigmentation after burns from laser hair removal, irritation and persistent hyperemia with tissue swelling in the affected area