How to grow good garlic in the country. Growing garlic in open ground as a business

Growing garlic is attractive due to its yield ratio and wholesale cost. Its purchase price starts from $1.3, and the yield reaches up to 13 tons/ha.

In pursuit of financial independence and freedom from an employer, for many today it is becoming increasingly attractive to create their own business. At the same time, such beginning entrepreneurs often do not have large sums for initial investment. That is why one of the important criteria for starting your own business is the minimum requirement for initial investment.

Growing garlic as a business minimum investment is exactly the option for starting a business that does not require specialized investments and has high profitability. To get high results and make a profit, you need to know the growing technology and understand the nuances of this business.

Technology for growing garlic in open ground

The first question that an entrepreneur must answer is the choice of the type of crop: will it be spring or winter garlic. Each of these types actually has its own characteristics.

Having decided on the type and variety, you need to choose a suitable place for planting. The best solution There will be a allocation for this crop of a well-lit, flat area with drainage that is not flooded in autumn and spring. Before planting, you should add to the soil organic fertilizers and loosen thoroughly.

Landing Features

Before planting, it is necessary to prepare the beds by loosening them, harrowing them, watering them abundantly with water and digging to a depth of 30 cm. After the furrows are prepared, sand and ash must be poured onto their bottom, and then plant the cloves with the base down. It is necessary to ensure that the planting depth does not exceed 10 cm, the distance between the rows, naturally, is no more than 25 cm, and between the teeth - 15 cm.

Growing and caring for garlic

Garlic is not a high-maintenance crop, unlike onions. The main requirements for its cultivation are timely fertilizing and watering, as well as eliminating weeds. If you grow winter garlic, you need to water it once a week. The frequency of watering spring garlic depends on the drying out of the soil. It is necessary to feed garlic three times a season: when it is actively growing, during the formation of its head and immediately before it ripens. The process of loosening the soil and removing weeds must be carried out with maximum care so as not to touch the bulbs.

Harvest and storage

Harvesting actually occurs either in mid-July for winter garlic, or at the end of August if spring garlic is selected. After the crop is harvested, it must be trimmed, washed and dried. Then the garlic, ready for sale, is stored in a cool place in ventilated boxes.

Growing winter garlic

The technology for growing winter garlic is practically no different from growing spring garlic (except for the time of planting). However, there are a number of nuances that you must know in order to receive good harvest winter variety.

First of all, this type of garlic is more demanding on the soil. To plant winter garlic, you need to choose sandy loam soil. Thus, it may be necessary to add additional sand to heavy soil. If the soil is not fertile, you should add a couple of buckets of aged compost or rotted manure.

If the winters in the region where the plant is planted are characterized by extremely severe frosts, it should be protected from freezing with a mulching layer of peat and leaves. With the arrival of spring, this layer will provide the plants with nutrition and will prevent the appearance of weeds.

Growing garlic from bulb seeds

An entrepreneur starting a garlic growing business should know that this crop does not have seeds. What are traditionally called seeds are actually small bulbs. Growing from such “bulbs” may be necessary if, after several years of growing from cloves, winter garlic begins to shrink and degenerate.

The preparation of beds for planting “bulbs” must begin in the summer, while keeping them under black fallow. Before you start planting, you need to fertilize the soil with ash, humus, potassium sulfate and superphosphate two weeks in advance.

The time for planting bulbs should be chosen so that they have time to take root, but do not have time to germinate before frost. Place the onions in the prepared grooves, then fill them with a mixture of humus and small quantity ash. When the first shoots appear in the spring, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the bed and carefully weed it.

Secrets of growing garlic

Despite the fact that garlic is a low-maintenance crop, knowing the following secrets will make it possible to obtain large yields:

  • good places to plant are beds where cabbage, pumpkin or beans used to grow;
  • it is necessary to ensure compliance with crop rotation, and not plant garlic in one place earlier than four years later;
  • garlic does not like excess moisture, but loves plenty of sunlight;
  • For feeding, preference should be given to wood ash.

Business profitability

The profitability of this business idea depends on a number of factors such as the type of crop, the selected variety, soil area, the involvement of hired workers, the use of specialized equipment, etc.

If you make an average calculation, it is easy to calculate that up to 13 tons can be obtained from one hectare, subject to agricultural technology. Since garlic is an unpretentious crop, the costs are relatively small, but wholesale price$1.3 per 1 kilogram looks very attractive.

If you are a summer resident, then you should definitely have a bed of garlic on your plot - to serve it to the table, for marinades and preparations, and in winter - a source of vitamins. But not all beginners, and even experienced summer residents, grow a large harvest of garlic. Despite the fact that garlic is a rather demanding plant, you can get a good harvest from one bed if you follow all the rules for growing it.

There are two types of garlic - winter and spring. The first is planted before winter, and the second - early spring. Winter garlic has a pronounced central stem and thick skin, while spring garlic has cloves in several rows and a soft husk. Based on this classification, the timing of planting garlic differs. The timing of planting winter garlic depends on the temperature in the region, but it must be planted 20 days before frost so that the garlic has time to take root - usually planted from the end of September to mid-October. Spring garlic is planted in April-May. Garlic is extremely demanding on the quality of the soil - the bed must be prepared in advance. Dig well and thoroughly loosen the soil, mix it with humus. But manure - especially fresh - should not be added. It may well rot the garlic. Good predecessors for garlic in the garden are tomatoes, peppers, and strawberries. Choose sunny place for planting garlic, it does not tolerate shading at all.

Don't skimp on planting material, choose the best onions, and from them large and medium-sized cloves. Don't use small change - nothing good will come from it. Very large slices should also not be used for planting. If you buy garlic for planting in a store, be sure to pay attention to the rooting site of the bulb. Smooth sections of roots can be excluded from candidates for planting - even if such garlic germinates, it will not produce a harvest.

After planting, the garlic must be watered very well and the soil mulched. Water depending on the weather, but not more than 3 times a week. If it is hot, then after watering, mulch the ground with sawdust or grass. The correct dose of water is very important, since if there is a lack of moisture, the garlic will grow small, and if there is too much, it can rot.

In June, the garlic will throw out an arrow - it needs to be trimmed. Do not pull out the arrow - this disrupts the development of garlic. The arrows themselves can be used for food or preservation. Be sure to regularly weed and fertilize the plants. A salt solution will help against onion flies. In July you can already dig up garlic for food. At the same time, it is necessary to stop watering the plants so that a dense skin is formed, which is so necessary for the garlic to be stored for a long time. You can harvest garlic when the lower leaves begin to turn yellow. First, dig up one plant and make sure that the garlic has formed a dense skin and the cloves are slightly cracked from the core - this means the garlic is ripe. The spring variety ripens a little later than the winter variety. Dig up the garlic on a clear, dry day and lay it out to dry.

High-yielding varieties of garlic, high-quality fertilized soil and a little effort in care - and an excellent harvest of garlic is guaranteed for you and your family. Enough for pickles, food, and also for planting for a new harvest.

The garlic growing business is quite popular in private backyards. Many people are engaged in this type of business and earn good money. We will tell you how to do this correctly in the article.

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Advantages and Disadvantages

So, garlic tolerates frost well and can overwinter on the root. Usually two varieties of garlic are planted: winter, which produces shoots, and spring. The shooter, together with the bulb, creates an inflorescence in which aerial bulbs will form.

Advantages of such a business:

  1. Does not require large expenses.
  2. You can sow in a dacha or a whole hectare of land, it all depends on the amount of planting material.
  3. Easy to store, can always be sold.
  4. Does not require special equipment, all work can be done manually.
  5. Suitable for any age entrepreneur, even a schoolchild can do it.

There are also disadvantages:

  1. High-quality seeding is required. Otherwise there will be no result.
  2. Winter garlic loves sandy loam soils, so you will have to try to recreate them.
  3. You will also have to spend money on fertilizers, purchasing varietal seedlings and equipment, but this is not as expensive as with other crops.
  4. When there are no regular buyers, then when big harvest quite difficult to sell.


Garlic can be spring or winter. Winter crops will cost more, since few people have them in the spring. Spring can bring profit only in case of large volumes, since almost everyone has it in summer and autumn.

Winter varieties:

  • Lyubasha;
  • messidor;
  • Mofievsky;
  • MPA;
  • Gribovsky 60;
  • flight;
  • Ryazhsky;


  • Moscow;
  • precocious;
  • Sochi 56;

Messidor was bred in Holland, the bulb is heavy and has at least 10 cloves. The harvest is up to 25 tons per hectare. Let's focus on the winter version, since it grows larger.

Growing technology

Garlic likes to be stored in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area, so you can put it in the attic.

Selection of planting material

It is best to purchase varietal garlic and then propagate it yourself. Since it is a biennial crop, it can be alternated on the beds, growing some days for sale, others for sowing.

If planting is not carried out over a large area, then all this can be done on personal plot. Garlic is a good neighbor to Victoria, so it can be planted between rows in the country.

Doing business

On an industrial scale, running such a business is not profitable, except in small ones and in your own backyard, as an additional source of income.

Such a business is organized in order to survive, and not to receive a fabulous income, so at first you should not count on gigantic profits.


It is unlikely that God’s old dandelion will need a business plan for growing garlic, but if it happens on a farm, then you can calculate investments and losses.

An example of business plans can always be found on the Internet and you can simply calculate how much it will cost:

  • purchase of fertilizers and seedlings;
  • tillage and harvesting;

Then you need to find out the prices per kilogram of products, estimating your future or existing income and find out the difference. However, growing does not mean selling, so it is necessary to immediately find a market for the products.

Sales of products

Before you grow something on your plot, you need to find out whether the product will be successful in the market. Thus, greens are in demand in cafes and restaurants all year round, so there will always be demand for it. The issue of garlic is controversial.

It is used:

  • as an additive for preservation;
  • seasonings for dishes;
  • for the prevention of ARVI;

Of course, you can always hand it over to a store for sale, but an agreement must be concluded there, and the money will come only after the sale of the product


So let's get back to growing produce. In any case, it needs a site on which it will grow. It could be garden plot or place in the field. You will have to not only invest money in fertilizing the land and seeding, but also protect the harvest, because you can be left without it. Therefore, it is more advisable to plant in a place where it is possible to constantly monitor the products.


There is no need for special equipment for garlic, although of course you can spend money on special mechanisms, but this is done on an industrial scale. Most often, everything is limited to a pitchfork and a watering can. Of course, when the turnover of products is large, you will need special mesh bags, carts for exporting products, as well as storage space.

For large areas, you will need a tractor, seeder, and plow for sowing. The cost of all the above equipment will be at least 3 million rubles, but as an option it can be taken during sowing time.


is one of the easiest crops to grow, therefore, to grow a couple of buckets of garlic, you don’t need staff, just family members who will be happy to dig around in the beds. When sowing garlic per hectare, you will have to hire hired workers who will periodically fertilize, loosen and water when there is no rain.


  1. In any case, it is necessary to have sufficient quantity sevka Garlic does not like to grow often, so it can be planted at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other.
  2. In addition, if the soils are acidic, they will have to be limed., add sand, as the garlic will grow small in the clay.
  3. In addition, fertilizers may be needed, as well as pitchforks and shovels for digging up beds and a watering can for watering. If you plan to grow a lot of garlic, you can purchase a cart.

Growing winter garlic

The most popular is the cultivation of winter garlic, since the spring variety quickly deteriorates. Winter garlic is always in greater demand and costs more, so it is more profitable.

You will have to not only sow a fairly large area, but also treat it from pests. Winter garlic is more resistant to storage and cultivation in unfavorable conditions than spring garlic, which is why farmers choose it for sale.

Purchase costs range from 30 to 200 rubles per kilogram. Accordingly, you can sell it in approximately the same way.

The average yield is 5-8 tons from 1 or one and a half hectares.

Now it is clear that the business is profitable, even very profitable.

Costs, profitability

A good garlic harvest reaches 8-10 tons per hectare and retains its shelf life for up to 10 months. Anyone who grows vegetables considers this very profitable business. Messidor generally yields up to 25 tons per hectare.

Costs for fertilizers can amount to 5 thousand rubles per hectare if you want to get an excellent harvest. Stores accept garlic from customers for about 50 rubles per kilogram, so all that remains is to find sales points.

More accurate calculations taking into account the costs of fuel and lubricants and hired labor can be found on the Internet, because there are many farmers engaged in this type of business.

For those who grow the product in small quantities, it is easier to sell it to cafes or restaurants, or you can take it to the market. This will help not only to quickly make a profit, but also to sell the goods faster, rather than waiting for resellers. In winter, garlic can be sold for no less than 200 rubles per kilogram, but for this it must be properly preserved.

According to reviews from people involved in this type of business, you can earn up to 250 thousand rubles per season, depending on the area sown and the quality of the variety.

Gardener 24

Probably every gardener grows garlic. This is an excellent additive for various dishes, as well as medicinal and effective remedy– during the period of the influenza virus, the phytoncides of this vegetable protect against illness, it makes it possible to fully gain strength after illness.

Growing garlic is not such a difficult task if you follow the technology of care during growth, learn its biological specifics, and then organize proper storage. And let the cloves from your garden not be as attractive as similar ones. appearance and the Chinese taste like plastic vegetables, but they are very healthy and environmentally friendly. When to squeeze garlic before winter? This problem is of interest to many summer residents, since everyone wants to have a high-quality and full-fledged harvest in their garden.

The timing of planting garlic before winter will be influenced by several nuances:

  • The ability of garlic to survive winter well.
  • Productivity.

Garlic is conventionally divided into two types - spring and winter. The latter is frost-resistant and is used before winter. The first type of garlic is planted in the spring; it does not survive the winter in the ground, and the yield of spring garlic is much worse. But it has a more delicate and aromatic taste. It is advisable to grow two types of this vegetable.

Planting garlic before winter occurs in late autumn, a week before the arrival of frost. In the areas middle zone The time for planting this crop is in October. In the southwest with soft climatic conditions this vegetable can be planted at the end of November. If you don’t hurry up with planting, the crops won’t have time to take root, and this main reason death in winter. If they are not rooted enough, they will not be able to produce good yields. When planting seeds deeply—more than 10 centimeters—the planting time can be slightly delayed. During deep planting, the seeds produce better crusts and tolerate frost well.

Winter landing

How to plant garlic in the fall? Eat special equipment cultivation of this culture:

  • Selection and preparation of seeds.
  • Preparing the site for planting.
  • Planting, taking into account crop rotation.
  • Plant care.

The purple variety of garlic is the most popular type of this vegetable to plant in the fall. This culture is unpretentious and resistant to winter frosts. At normal conditions The storage time of plants and seeds is approximately one year.

Preparation of raw materials for planting

In order for garlic cultivation to be effective, it is advisable to choose high-quality planting raw materials. The bulbs must be dense and large, without any signs of deformation or disease. Before planting, the heads of garlic are broken into bulbs and the largest cloves of the outer row, with a dense peel, are sorted out for planting. You must definitely break off the bottom with your hands, where the roots had previously sprouted, otherwise the growth of the bulbs will be delayed, and the head will not be so large in size due to the death of the root system.

Before planting, the material must undergo a disinfection process using a light composition of potassium permanganate. Light iron sulfate is also used for these purposes. Paul Art. l. the solution is mixed with 5 l. water. Also good option– make a porridge from water and tree ashes and pour it over the raw materials for planting – then plant them in the beds.

Preparation and selection of landing site

Garlic can be planted in fertile sandy or loamy soil with a neutral pH. Places nearby groundwater not suitable for growing garlic. It is not advisable to plant garlic in an area that is fertilized with organic matter. In this soil, the vegetable actively begins to grow green mass and begins to bear fruit with soft and pimply heads. In addition, organic additions reduce the degree of disease resistance of a given crop.

In order to have a high-quality and full-fledged harvest, a sunny area is needed for planting garlic.

How to plant garlic? First you need to dig beds one meter wide and rows that will be in the eastern position.

The place for garlic needs to be dug up in the fall to a depth of 30 cm, clearing the ground of remnants of weeds and other weeds. Afterwards, compost is added to the planting site - 2 buckets of compost are required per square meter. and drugs that contain phosphorus and potassium - 25 grams of the drug for an area of ​​the same size.

How to plant garlic cloves in the fall?

Most correct scheme planting garlic on beds - 10 x 20 centimeters. Seal the cloves to a depth of 11-16 cm, taking into account the time of planting, which are described above. After planting the garlic, the area is covered with compost. In areas with cold climates, thick-layer mulching of crops is required. You can use fallen leaves or spruce branches as mulch.

The best previous crops before planting garlic are peas, beans, pumpkin, tomatoes and cabbage of any kind. It is not advisable to plant garlic in the place where potatoes, carrots, and onions were previously located. These vegetables, like the crop itself, are very demanding of high amounts of potassium in the soil. Therefore, in a year they take away all the reserves of this element in the ground.

Those gardeners who do not have the opportunity to comply with the requirements of crop rotation can plant vetch peas after harvesting the garlic. In the fall, this place is thoroughly dug up and several buckets of humus, ash and phosphorus-potassium preparations are added. Peas disinfect the soil, make it looser and enrich it with nitrogen.

During cultivation, garlic requires careful care - periodic weeding, watering, adding fertilizers and removing weeds.

How to grow garlic from airy bulbs?

During the constant renewal of bolting types of garlic, with the help of bulbs, you can achieve excellent results and harvest garlic, which will weigh up to 180 grams.

Vegetables grown from bulbs in spring are highly resistant to insects and diseases. At the same time, this method of cultivation makes it possible to save on planting raw materials.

A high-quality and full-fledged harvest obtained from aerial bulbs can be expected for several years. If garlic was planted in the spring, then at the end of summer small single-toothed heads will form. In the second year they produce large heads of garlic. In the southern regions, garlic bulbs are planted at the end of August.

The landing site needs to be prepared in the fall. In spring, when the threat of frost has passed, the bulbs are placed in grooves 6 cm deep with a distance of approximately 4 cm from each other. Approximately 33-37 small bulbs are needed for an area of ​​1 m2.

Planting garlic in spring

Spring garlic is planted in spring. Spring garlic has the best preservation, but is inferior in terms of yield to winter garlic.

How to plant garlic in spring? Although it is a frost-resistant vegetable, spring garlic does not withstand frost well. A few weeks before planting on the site, the seeds must undergo a stratification process in the refrigerator. Afterwards, they are disinfected by immersing the raw materials in a light saline solution or manganese solution.

Planting spring garlic in spring is carried out in already heated soil. The best site for planting is a place with light loamy or loamy soil. Preparing the site for planting seeds is done in the autumn. The territory is fertilized with organic preparations, and, if necessary, deoxidized with dolomite flour or lime. In spring, the soil is loosened and leveled.

The estimated time for sowing seeds is the end of April. The territory is dug deep, leveled and watered saline solution– 4 tbsp. l. for 12 l. water.

The seeds are planted to a depth of several centimeters with a distance of 9 cm from each other. A distance of at least 25 cm is maintained between the beds. The resulting seedlings need proper care– constant watering, fertilizing, weeding and normal temperature conditions. Constant warmth in spring is the main condition good growth garlic and its subsequent fruiting.

Video of growing garlic

Gardeners grow garlic in their dachas not only because the proximity of this plant is useful for other garden crops, but also to improve their health. Depending on the type of garlic, planting time may vary. Even novice gardeners know that winter and spring garlic are planted at different times, but there are other differences. More details about the cultivation of these two species will be discussed in this article.

Garlic - photo

This light-loving plant is usually grown in a separate bed. Garlic can also be planted densely with other garden crops or berries if there is not enough space on the plot. The plant feels best next to black, and. You can also grow flower crops such as roses and gladioli next to garlic. In this case, garlic repels various pests from plants.

Garlic - description, composition

But there are also plants that cannot be planted next to garlic because of its negative impact on these crops. It's about about legumes and cabbage. But at the same time, cabbage is the best predecessor of garlic, which must be taken into account when choosing a place in the garden. The same can be said about pumpkin crops.

Optimal time for planting

Growing spring garlic involves planting in the first half of April, but during this period the soil is still quite hard, so digging is very difficult. As an option, site preparation for spring varieties occurs in the fall. If we talk about winter varieties of garlic, then they need to be planted in the fall - from the beginning of September to the end of October. The time period is selected in such a way that before the onset of frost, the plant has time to acquire a strong root system that will penetrate 9-11 cm into the ground. The plant can overwinter under the snow, and with the onset of warmth, produce a good harvest.

Variety selection

There are many different varieties garlic - both winter and spring - and they all differ from each other in decorative, taste or yield qualities. Let's look at the most common winter varieties in Russia.

Popular spring varieties of garlic include the following.

Growing garlic in spring

As noted earlier, it is advisable to grow garlic in those beds where beans, zucchini, cabbage, and so on used to grow. Gardeners also plant this plant next to certain types of flowers to protect against diseases and pests. The process of growing garlic is not much different from that of any other garden crops, with the exception of some nuances. Every gardener can cope with this; the main thing is to follow some recommendations to create optimal conditions.

Preparing the bed

As practice shows, narrow beds are best suited for growing garlic, regardless of its type or variety. Soil preparation involves adding ash or lime to reduce acidity - such conditions are most suitable for garlic.

Note! It is also advisable to fertilize the soil mineral fertilizers or humus. This is done at the rate of 10 g of phosphorus and potassium, 8 kg of humus per 1 m² of bed. You should be careful with fertilizers so as not to harm the plants.

Preparation of planting material

Not everyone prepares garlic before planting, believing that it is a useless process. In fact, this is not so, because soaking the cloves in warm water about 3-4 hours will speed up the growth of the plant. After this, the cloves should be sprinkled with moistened sawdust or moss, and then placed under a radiator or other warm place. After a few days, root rudiments form on the cloves in the form of small formations white. This indicates that the plant is ready for the next stage - planting.

Planting garlic

Having chosen the appropriate variety of garlic and prepared the bed, you can begin planting. The process is simple if you follow the instructions below.

Table. Instructions for planting spring garlic.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

To begin, loosen the bed with a hoe or hoe. There is no need to dig up the bed, since it is prepared in advance - during the period of fertilization.

Make shallow grooves (about 5-8 cm) at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Deep furrows are needed only when growing winter varieties of garlic, when winter cold can harm the plant.

Carefully plant the garlic cloves, deepening them into the soil with the sprouts down about halfway. The distance between the cloves is 3-5 cm. Since the cloves of spring garlic are much smaller compared to winter varieties, it is not advisable to plant it very rarely.

Fill the grooves with planted garlic using a hoe. It's okay if a little mulch or dry grass gets in with the soil. There is no need to compact the bed after planting, otherwise the plant may not sprout.

This is what a bed with spring garlic planted looks like. At the end, you can walk through the soil with a rake. If you are planting large cloves of garlic, then you need to plant them on greater distance- up to 10 cm. Now we just have to wait for the harvest.


Planting alone will not be enough to produce a rich harvest of garlic. Proper care is needed, which is based on regular fertilizing, watering and loosening the soil. Gardeners will also have to face problems such as garlic pests (although there are very few of them) and diseases.

Top dressing

The first fertilizing should be carried out immediately after emergence. The best way to do this is to use nitrogen fertilizers, such as mullein or a complex fertilizer called “Fertika”, which can be purchased at any gardening store. After 14 days, fertilizing should be repeated. During the entire period, you need to feed garlic no more than 4 times. Excess fertilizer can have a negative effect on plants, so you need to be careful with this - do not overdo it.


You need to water the garlic regularly, not allowing the soil to dry out. If the weather is dry, then you need to water abundantly, approximately 11 liters per 1 m². In case of frequent rains, it is advisable to avoid watering, because waterlogging can cause rotting of the root system. As the head increases in size and weight, watering gradually stops. As a rule, this happens in early August.

Common diseases and pests

If you previously grew onions, then there should be no special problems with garlic, because both of these crops are subject to the same diseases. As a rule, this is tracheomycosis, powdery mildew, helminthosporiosis and different types rot (gray and white).

Speaking about pests of garlic, it is worth mentioning the centipede, mole cricket, sprout fly, cabbage cutworm, tobacco thrips, and so on. There are many pests, but this does not mean that they all constantly attack plants. The best prevention against various ailments is compliance with the basic requirements (treating the plant, or more precisely, the storage location, with a bleach solution, replanting the crop in its original place after at least 3 years). There are also a lot various drugs against garlic diseases - “Maxim”, “Fitosporin-M”, potassium permanganate solution and others. You can get rid of pests using various folk remedies, including ammonium sulfate, tobacco infusion and other equally effective compounds.

Yellowed leaves (about 70% of the surface) indicate that the garlic is ripe and can be harvested. Just make sure that at least 100 days pass from emergence to harvest. Otherwise, you may experience that the garlic will not store well. As a rule, gardeners begin harvesting spring garlic in the first half of September.

Note! To check the maturity, you need to dig up a few heads of garlic - they should not hold the cloves. Also, the film that covers the cloves should come off easily. If fresh garlic meets all these requirements, then it can be harvested.

Harvesting is carried out as follows: using a shovel, garlic is dug up and pulled out of the ground by the tops, after which the plant needs to be dried under the sun, carefully laid out in rows. Clean the garlic from dirt after drying, and then place it in a well-ventilated and lighted area for storage. After 6-7 days you need to trim the tops and roots. Only after this is garlic eaten.

This process is similar, except perhaps for the time of planting and, accordingly, harvesting. But still, there are certain nuances that should not be forgotten if you want to get a rich harvest.

Winter garlic, first of all, is too demanding on the soil, so only nutritious sandy loam soil is suitable for planting. In rare cases, it is necessary to add a little sand to the soil. If the soil fertility is insufficient, it is necessary to apply several buckets of fertilizer. Rotted manure or aged compost will do.

If you live in harsh, cold regions, then when growing garlic you should protect the plant from inevitable freezing. For this purpose, you can use a small layer of leaves or peat. With the onset of spring warmth, this layer will serve as an additional source of nutrition for the plant, and will also prevent the occurrence of weeds and diseases. Caring for winter varieties of garlic is no different from caring for spring crops. This applies to fertilizing, watering and mulching. There are much fewer diseases in winter, as well as pests, so in this regard, gardeners can rest easy.

Video - Growing garlic (2 methods)