Little secrets of facial skin care at home. Daily facial skin care Skin care at home

Dear readers, greetings to everyone! With you is makeup artist Olga Ramazanova. In my practice, I have often encountered the fact that women simply do not know how or do not want to use skin care cosmetics. As a result, premature aging of the face, age spots, deep wrinkles, and even serious diseases of the dermis appear.

But all these problems can be avoided or delayed! If you care about your beauty and health, then read this article on how to care for your facial skin at home.

Skin types

Dermatologists distinguish several skin types: oily, combination, normal and dry. The main indicator for their separation is the degree of sebum secretion. Each type needs to be cared for differently. Let's discuss this issue in detail.

Oily skin

  • Oily skin often has enlarged pores and shine if you don't wash your face for a long time. You will have to take special care of it, because inflammation in the form of comedones and acne may appear on it. Be sure to carry out the care procedure at least 2 times a day (you can even 3 times in the summer).
  • In the morning and evening, you need to wash your face with gel or foam cleanser. If there is no inflammation, you can use a sponge or facial brush.
  • After this, the face is wiped with a tonic to tighten pores and restore acid balance.
  • Finally, a very light cream (or gel cream) is applied.
  • It is advisable to scrub your face every other day and use absorbent masks. Mattifying wipes will help remove excess sebum throughout the day.

You need to take care of your problem face more carefully. In this case, it would be correct to contact a cosmetologist. My advice is as follows: reduce any contact of the dermis with sources of bacteria - towel, washcloth, makeup brushes, sponges, hands and even glasses.

It won’t hurt to iron the pillowcase you sleep on every time. You should also exclude the use of scrubs and peels. Be very careful about different medicinal products from inflammation, it is better to consult a specialist.

Combination skin

  • The combined type is characterized by an oily “T” zone (forehead, nose, chin) and dry cheeks. To solve all the problems of such a person, you need to carefully select cosmetics.
  • Light textures with a moisturizing effect are suitable.
  • Care takes place, as always, in 3 stages: cleansing, toning and nutrition (washing, tonic and day/night cream).
  • You can use the scrub twice a week, special attention focusing on problem areas where pores are clogged. After this, it is ideal to apply a deep hydration mask.

Normal skin

  • Normal skin is very rare today. There is no oily sheen or dryness on it.
  • The main task of care in this case is to prolong beauty and not cause harm. Cosmetics should be nourishing and moisturizing with protective properties.
  • Twice a day you need to complete all 3 steps that I wrote about above.
  • Additionally, care procedures can be carried out depending on the season or the woman’s health condition (after childbirth, surgery or other stress).

Dry skin

  • The main problem of dry dermis is the premature appearance of wrinkles. It may be dull, flaky and red.
  • Often it becomes sensitive because there is not enough protective layer of sebum on it. Appear allergic reactions for cosmetics and household chemicals, water, cold and heat.
  • For this type, cosmetics should be as nutritious as possible. In this case, you can cleanse your face with micellar water and not wash your face so as not to dry out the dermis.
  • Tonic must be alcohol-free.
  • It is better to choose a cream with hyaluronic acid (a powerful moisturizing component), urea and a protective SPF filter.

Zone around the eyes

The skin around the eyes is very thin and delicate, so it requires special treatment. Regular face cream has a thicker texture and is not absorbed by the skin of the eyelids. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a special cream that will solve your problem: puffiness, dark circles or expression lines.

It must be applied after cleansing the face twice a day along massage lines (as in the picture). Movements should be light and patting. It is important not to get close to the edge of the eyelid so that the cream does not get into your eyes.

Seasonal features

In winter, you also need protection, but from the cold. Skin care products must be nutritious and contain vitamins, which are supplied in insufficient quantities from food during this period.

In conclusion, I want to say that in addition to store-bought cosmetics, you can use “grandmother’s recipes” based on herbs, oils and other improvised means. This will help you save money and be sure that the ingredients are natural. The main thing is that the recipes are proven and quite simple.

I wish you success in achieving your ideal of beauty! Subscribe to new blog articles and share links to articles in social networks. See you!

Any woman who takes care of herself knows that a well-groomed face is not only beauty, uniform color and the absence of any blemishes on the skin, it is also comfort and a feeling of lightness and one’s own irresistibility. A face can tell a lot about its owner; it will certainly show signs of regular lack of sleep and being under stress. The presence of bad habits and simple inability to take care of yourself will also certainly affect the condition of your facial skin. But it's correct home care behind the face is the main guarantee of beauty and self-confidence.

Main components of care

Facial care at home is actually not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. The entire complex of care activities consists of the following actions:

  1. proper cleansing;
  2. regular hydration;
  3. effective toning;
  4. quality food.

These are the main components of facial care that should definitely be present in your daily schedule, regardless of your skin type and age.

How to take care of your face at 20, 30 or 50 years old? The most important thing is to perform all procedures regularly and correctly. As for the choice of products with which you will perform home facial care, it will depend on the type of skin, its individual characteristics, woman’s age and time of year.


The first aid in cleansing the skin is water. With its help, you can effectively remove from the surface dust and dirt that has reached the skin from environment. However, it is important to understand that this water can be different:

  • cold, warm, hot;
  • tap, bottled, mineral;
  • soft or hard.

Regardless of what skin type you have, cosmetologists recommend using soft water for washing - rain or melt water. Such water would be an ideal product for facial care, however, the process of obtaining it is very labor-intensive. Therefore, the easiest way to make water softer is by boiling it and adding borax to it, at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 2 liters.

It is best to replace morning washing with plain water with ice rubdowns. Ice perfectly tones the skin, improves complexion and helps reduce enlarged pores. To prepare such cubes, you can use regular boiled water or herbal infusions, such as sage or chamomile, work well for this green tea.

In the evening, you need to cleanse your skin using a gel or mousse for washing, which will help effectively get rid of dust, sebum and remnants of decorative cosmetics. In addition, before washing your face, you can use makeup remover, such as gel, to remove makeup from your skin.

However, daily washing in the morning and evening will not be enough to maintain healthy and beautiful skin. It also needs cleaning with a scrub, which should be done 1-2 times a week. This cleaning is good to combine with a steam bath. Facial care with a scrub is especially important after 25-30 years, because at this age, in addition to cleansing the skin of dirt, it is necessary to free it from dead cells. You need to use such products very carefully and no more than twice a week, otherwise the skin will become thin and dry and, as a result, wrinkles will appear on it faster.

After the skin is cleansed, whether it is a morning wash or an evening removal of dirt, dust and makeup residues from the face, it needs to be toned. Despite the fact that cleansing the skin is an important step in facial care, this procedure is stressful for it. In addition to removing dirt, blood circulation improves and moisture evaporates from the surface of the skin very quickly. To avoid skin dehydration and drying out, after cleansing it must be soothed and toned.

A skin lotion or tonic will help you do this efficiently and safely. This product is able to completely cleanse the skin, soothe the epithelium and nourish it with healing moisture. Moreover, lotions and tonics, selected depending on skin type, will help fight various disadvantages, namely: increased fat content, shine, acne, enlarged pores, tendency to irritation and others.

Another mandatory stage of facial care at 20, 30 or even 50 years old is its nutrition and hydration. To moisturize your skin, it is not enough to simply wash your face with water. If your skin suddenly becomes dry, it means that it has lost its ability to retain moisture. Regular use of tonics, creams and various masks is designed to restore this ability.

Previously, cosmetologists and dermatologists agreed that it was enough to moisturize the skin once a day, namely after washing in the morning. Today they have come to the conclusion that this should be done out of necessity, as soon as you feel discomfort. Even if you are away from home, your face can and should be moisturized with thermal water.

In the morning, after the moisturizing stage, as a rule, the application of decorative cosmetics follows. After evening cleansing and toning the final stage care is to nourish the skin. To do this, you need to use cosmetics that contain elements important for the skin - a nourishing night cream or a nourishing mask.

In order to understand how to take care of your face at home at 30, 40 or even 50, you first need to understand what changes are characteristic of the skin at a given age.

Care after 25 years

No matter how sad it is to admit it, after 25 years, women's skin begins to age. This turn manifests itself as a partial loss of the skin's ability to retain such healing moisture. Despite the fact that this process is not yet particularly intense and is incomparable with the changes that occur in the skin after forty, it is from the age of 25 that regular maintenance procedures must begin. To keep your skin youthful and provide it with proper care necessary:

  • reduce time spent in the sun;
  • always use protective cosmetics (with UV filters);
  • monitor water balance and adhere to healthy eating rules;
  • start performing special gymnastics for the face aimed at improving muscle tone;
  • apply contrast washes and perform a light massage.

As for salon procedures, at the age of 25-30 it is enough to limit yourself to regular cleansing of the skin with the help of skin and manual cleansing, the use of moisturizing masks and light massage.

Already now you need to stop washing your face with soap, even if it states that it contains moisturizing ingredients, as well as using alcohol toners and lotions. It is best to use foams, mousses and washing gels with natural oils and plant extracts that prevent the skin from drying out. It is better to tone the skin with ice and herbal compresses.

Cell regeneration throughout the body slows down after 30 years, the amount of generated collagen and elastin becomes insufficient to maintain youthful skin, the lipid layer becomes thinner, and the stratum corneum, on the contrary, becomes denser. All these changes lead to a decrease in overall muscle tone, deterioration of skin color, and the appearance of the first wrinkles - “crow’s feet”.

How to take care of your face over 30? Skin care at this age should be comprehensive and more thorough than before. As before, you must always remember to protect against sun rays and be exposed to them as little as possible. It is extremely important to eat a balanced diet and drink enough water, but it is important not to overdo it to avoid puffiness and bags under the eyes. If there is such bad habit Like smoking, it's time to get rid of it once and for all. Alcohol consumption should be kept to a minimum, you should definitely get enough sleep and not grimace for no reason.

You should visit a cosmetologist once every 4-6 weeks; you can already resort to more serious procedures - lymphatic drainage massage, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, ozone therapy or deep peeling. Only a cosmetologist can tell you which procedure is right for you.

The creams used should now act more intensely. In addition to vitamins, their composition should now include biostimulants, coenzyme Q10 and the necessary amino acids. Daily care must be supplemented with the use of a lifting serum. Nutritional meals now need to be done twice a week, and after 35 years - three times.

At this age, the physiological aging of the body is increasingly evident on the skin of the face. The activity of cells aimed at regeneration slows down completely, and the processes of destruction of their main structural elements, on the contrary, accelerate. Decay products are not completely and much more slowly eliminated from the body, and the skin does not receive enough nutrients. As a result, the elasticity of the skin is lost, and over time, under the weight of its own weight, it becomes flabby and sags. Many women develop dark circles under their eyes, nasolabial folds become more clearly defined, their appearance increases, and spider veins may also appear.

Proper nutrition becomes even more important after 40 years of age. The menu must include seafood and fish, fresh vegetables and fruits. It is very important to breathe fresh air as often as possible and take a walk before going to bed. To cleanse the skin, tone it, moisturize it and provide adequate nutrition, you need to use only high-quality anti-aging cosmetics. Its composition should include: hyaluronic acid, fruit acids, plant extracts and whitening ingredients. In some cases, a cosmetologist may recommend products with stem cells or snail secretions.

At this age, it will no longer be possible to avoid visiting a beauty salon. To maintain skin health, you will need intensive procedures, for example: RF lifting, mesotherapy, contouring with fillers, and photothermolysis.

By the age of forty, women have clearly visible “weak spots” on their facial skin, which were not previously given due attention. Some have pronounced nasolabial folds or wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes, others have a sagging double chin, and still others develop age spots and rosacea. Therefore, basic care needs to be enhanced with additional procedures for problem areas.

After 50 years, irreversible hormonal changes occur in the body, menopause occurs, which leads to even greater activation of destructive processes. Wrinkles, dull skin color and sagging skin, rosacea are associated with senile pigmentation, the appearance of hair, excessive dryness and roughness. Previously well-functioning cosmetics did not give a visible quick effect, now they are not as effective.

What should facial care be like at 50 years old? Now the cosmetologist should be yours best friend, since there is no way to do without his help. The well-known biorevitalization, which has to be performed more often, as well as various mesothreads and fillers, deep peeling and photorejuvenation comes to the aid of women at the age of 50. Naturally, no one has canceled the most thorough daily facial care at the age of 50, good nutrition and skin protection.

An experienced cosmetologist will help you choose the most suitable and truly useful products and procedures for facial care at any age.

First you need to determine what type of facial skin you have. Only after this can you begin to choose care products for her.

There are three main types of facial skin:

dry– creates a feeling of tightness, characterized by narrowed pores and frequent appearances various peelings;

fat– has enlarged pores, is often shiny and is characterized by the presence of constant inflammatory reactions (in the form of pimples or acne);

normal skin– does not flake, does not tighten, does not have a greasy sheen.

It is very rare to find in pure form any of the skin types, often in addition to all the above characteristic features are added a variety of skin problems, which provoke the following classification according to facial skin types:

  • sensitive skin that reacts to any external factor with irritation or redness;
  • aging skin, characterized by wrinkles and sagging;
  • with the constant presence of pimples or acne;
  • couperous skin characterized by visible networks of capillaries.

After determining your skin type, you need to try everything possible ways fix this or that problem. To do this, you should follow a certain number of rules for facial care at home.

Home facial skin care, which is simply necessary for any skin type, consists of certain manipulations:

1. nourishing the skin of the face (you need to apply a nourishing cream twice a day, and a mask once a week),

2. (you need to wash your face at least twice a day and drink plenty of liquid),

3. cleansing (use scrubs once a week).

Rice mask to moisturize and nourish aging skin


2 tbsp. spoons of rice grains,

1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream,

1 teaspoon of liquid honey.

How to cook:

Grind the rice grains using a coffee grinder, mix the resulting flour with sour cream and add liquid honey. Apply the mask to previously cleansed facial skin for 15 minutes, then remove sufficient quantity warm water.

There are also universal homemade cosmetics that help care for any skin type.

Strawberry scrub for cleansing skin of any type


3 tbsp. spoons of strawberry pulp,
1 tbsp. spoon milk powder,
3 drops each of tangerine and chamomile essential oil.

How to cook:

Take strawberry pulp, mix with milk powder, add essential oils tangerine and chamomile. Use the resulting mass to cleanse your facial skin using gentle massaging movements. The procedure can be performed within 7-9 minutes, during which time the keratinized part of the skin will be perfectly removed, and the exposed delicate skin layer will be moisturized.

Potato mask for the skin around the eyes

Clean, unpeeled potatoes grated on a fine grater will help tone the skin around the eyes.


1 tbsp. spoon of grated potatoes,

1 tbsp. spoon of milk,

1 teaspoon of flour.

How nicetovite:

Mix grated potatoes with milk and flour. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin and leave for 7-15 minutes. This mask effectively smoothes out fine wrinkles and moisturizes the delicate skin around the eyes.

See the story on how to care for the skin around your eyes:

Oatmeal cleansing gel for all skin types


1 tbsp. spoon of oatmeal,

1 tbsp. spoon of string,

1 tbsp. spoon of calendula,

1 tbsp. spoon of lavender,

8 tbsp. spoons of boiling water,

2 teaspoons of liquid soap,

2 teaspoons olive oil,

4 drops of bey essential oil.

How to cook:

Take a mixture of oatmeal, string, calendula and lavender, pour boiling water over it. Boil, cool slightly, rub through a sieve. Add liquid soap and olive oil, as well as bey essential oil. Wash your face with the resulting gel twice a day. Thanks to this composition, the skin of the face is perfectly cleansed and nourished.

The habit of pampering your face with masks homemade several times a week can be quite beneficial. Thanks to this, you will have glowing and healthy skin. Preparation does not take much time, the main thing is to consider your own skin type.

Facial care at home using masks can be divided into three main stages: cleansing, moisturizing and toning. The maximum effect will be achieved by using each mask once a week.

1. Cleansing masks

Masks with a light peeling effect are prepared based on crushed.

Purifying mask for oily or combination skin



egg yolk

1 spoon of honey

How to cook:

Oatmeal is mixed with egg yolk and honey and kept on the face for 15 minutes. Watch the time, a dried mask is quite difficult to wash off. Use warm boiled water to wash your face.

Cleansing mask for dry and sensitive skin



1 small cucumber or quince

1 spoon sour cream or heavy cream

How to cook:

Oatmeal is mixed with grated cucumber or quince, sour cream or heavy cream is added. Mix everything thoroughly. Leave the mask on your face for 20 minutes. Then wash with chamomile decoction.

2. Moisturizing masks

– a very important stage in the fight for youth and beauty of the skin. Even oily skin needs moisturizing treatments. Masks based on fruits and dairy products retain moisture well on the skin.

Fruit moisturizing mask


1 apple (or 100 g melon or 2-3 apricots)

30–50 ml kefir (if you have oily skin type)

2 tablespoons sour cream (if you have dry or combination skin type)

How to cook:

Finely grate or chop the apple, melon or apricot with a mixer. Mix fruit puree with kefir or sour cream. Apply the mixture in a thick layer to your face. After 20 minutes, rinse everything off and wipe your skin with moisturizing lotion.

Moisturizing aloe mask

The maximum moisturizing effect will be achieved by using a mask of aloe and glycerin.


1 tbsp. spoon of glycerin

50 g warm water

2 tbsp. spoons of aloe pulp

a little oatmeal

How to cook:

Mix glycerin with warm water and aloe. Thicken the mixture to a creamy consistency with oatmeal and apply to cleansed skin. After 20 minutes, the mask is washed off using foam or washing gel with neutral PH.

3. Toning masks

Toning masks are universal and suitable for any skin type. The main ingredient in most stimulating masks is honey, so if you are not allergic to this product, feel free to use it in your facial skin care.

Banana-honey toning mask

With regular use of this mask, you can tighten your skin and refresh your complexion.


1/2 banana

1 spoon of honey

a few drops of almond oil (if skin is very dry)

How to cook:

Half a banana is grated or mashed with a fork, honey, yolk and almond oil are added. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and, if necessary, heated slightly in a water bath to a comfortable temperature. The mask is applied to the face and carefully washed off after 20 minutes. If desired, the banana can be replaced with apricot, peach or avocado.

Chocolate-yogurt toning mask

If you urgently need to restore healthy radiance and tone to your skin, this mask will help perfectly.


small piece of chocolate

1 tbsp. spoon of salt

2 tbsp. spoons of regular yogurt

How to cook:

Melt a piece of dark chocolate in a water bath, add salt and natural yogurt without additives. Apply a thin layer of a warm mask to your face. After 20 minutes, you need to carefully wash your face with warm water and wipe your skin with an ice cube. The salt in the mask will relieve swelling and tighten the skin, and the chocolate will soften and refresh the skin.

To learn how to care for the skin of your eyes and lips, see the story.

Youth is a wonderful time when our body looks as attractive as possible, but in order for it to remain in the same form, a number of efforts should be made. Over the years, facial skin becomes less elastic, firm and radiant, but fortunately, the natural aging process is easy to slow down and allow yourself to remain young and attractive for many years. To do this, it is not at all necessary to regularly visit beauty salons or spend a large amount of money on expensive and not always effective operations. Here it is important to devote a minimum amount of time every day to your own health and appearance, which will allow you to remain young for many years.

Basic rules for facial skin care

So that the skin does not lose its properties and appearance over the years, one should adhere to a number of very simple rules, which will not only allow you to have a youthful face, but will also significantly improve your overall well-being. Among these rules, the following recommendations should be noted:

  1. Since a person is 90 percent water, you should consume at least 2 liters of liquid daily. This condition is necessary for adequate regulation metabolic processes in the body and skin, respectively, ensuring the maintenance of firmness and elasticity;
  2. It is important to remove makeup every evening, as long-term wearing of cosmetics significantly damages the skin of the face;
  3. You should start and end every day by wiping your face with an ice cube, providing high-quality hydration and stimulation of dermal cells;
  4. at least once a week it is necessary to cleanse the face using scrubs and other cosmetic compositions;
  5. you need to apply nourishing creams or other enriching and moisturizing products to the skin;
  6. a balanced and proper diet is not only a guarantee of health, but also a pleasant and beautiful appearance;
  7. When applying makeup, it is important to use high-quality products from trusted brands; it is better if they are made from natural ingredients.

How to care for your skin using folk remedies

The peculiarity of such a tool as folk recipes beauty is the use natural resources and products for creating anti-aging products. Few people know, but the products plant origin have a much better effect than chemical, artificial components. After all, natural compositions contain much more nutrients, beneficial microelements and vitamins - these are natural stimulants, on which a huge number of professional cosmetics are actually based.

Aloe juice to improve facial skin

The use of aloe juice is extremely important for the prevention and treatment of sagging facial skin. It should be noted that this product is a natural antioxidant, which can significantly slow down the process of skin loss of firmness and elasticity.

Aloe vera juice is a natural source of moisture, vitamins and beneficial microelements for the skin, which makes it smooth, clean and elastic.

How to use retinol (vitamin A)

The use of retinol helps smooth out wrinkled folds, eliminate blackheads and generally tone the integumentary tissue. This element is included in many creams and face masks. Since the remedy is sufficient active component, you should use it carefully and carefully monitor your body's reaction to it. If after the first session there is discomfort or signs of irritation, then the cream is applied no more than once a day.

The composition with vitamin A is applied pointwise to those areas that require correction, after which a thin layer is distributed over the remaining areas of the face with smoothing movements by massaging it. It should also be remembered that a particular vitamin makes the skin more susceptible to sunlight. Thus, before going outside, you should apply a special protective cream.

Natural oils for skin rejuvenation

Natural oils of any type ( we're talking about about fatty and essential types) are a unique product that very often finds its use in cosmetology. Based on this, it can be argued that their component composition and useful actions largely determine the effectiveness of cosmetics.

By mixing and combining different oils, you can get the most effective remedy, which would be relevant in each individual case. The most popular and effective oils include:

  • olive – helps relieve dry skin, hypersensitivity, irritability and premature fading;
  • castor oil – has a nourishing effect, effectively affects facial wrinkles in the area around the eyes, smoothing them out;
  • sea ​​buckthorn – effective in combating pigment formations on the skin;
  • palm - used for therapeutic effects on dry skin with areas of flaking and aging skin.

You can also highlight coconut, almond, peach, apricot and other oils, which are also very effective in combating negative skin processes.

Vitamins Aevit

Aevit is a product whose action is based on a complex of vitamins A and E. It is these elements that help increase the level of firmness and elasticity of the skin. The product can be used both in its pure form and as a component in the manufacture of a face mask.

However, you should definitely consult a doctor before use, since the product contains a large amount of vitamins, which in some cases may be harmful to health.

Recipes for nourishing and moisturizing masks

Nourishing masks that you can make yourself are very useful for the skin of the face:

  • complex - for preparation, mix the yolk of an egg, 5 drops of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey, vegetable oil, ground oatmeal;
  • fruit - mix equal parts melon pulp, plum and vegetable oil;
    to relieve inflammation - mix egg yolk with olive oil and a tablespoon of chamomile extract;
  • for wrinkles - a tablespoon of boiled and crushed beans is mixed with 2 tablespoons of melted butter.

Application of ascorutin

Ascorutin is a drug widely used to combat age spots, made on the basis of vitamins C and P. The product is presented in tablets that should be taken three times a day, two tablets for a month. Since the product may cause allergies, you should consult your doctor before taking it.

The best professional cosmetics

There are a lot of professional cosmetics that allow you to stop and in some cases prevent the aging process of the skin. Below is a list of products different groups, which have powerful anti-aging potential and can be used as the main type of therapy for age-related changes in the dermis.

Physiogel - for deep cleansing

Physiogel is a high-quality cosmetic lotion for deep cleansing skin pores This tool does not contain soap, alcohol or other components that cause drying or irritation of the skin. One of the main components is concentrated coconut oil, nourishing and cleansing the deepest layers of the dermis. The lotion is intended for removing blackheads, sebaceous deposits, toning the face and preventing acne. The product should be applied in small quantities using a cotton pad; it also does not require subsequent rinsing with water.

Cream Librederm (Librederm) hyaluronic

The product is a moisturizing cream for the face and cheeks that can be effectively used for all skin types. The composition of this cream does not cause irritation because it does not contain synthetic fragrances or other unnatural chemical components.

The essential oils present in the product allow you to retain moisture in the skin for a long time, thereby stimulating microcomponent circulation and maintaining the overall tone of the dermis. Recommended for use in cases of excessive dryness and dullness of the skin.

Shiseido Perfect Cleansing Oil

Shiseido Perfect Cleansing Oil is a universal and high-quality product that allows for highly effective skin hydration. The main purpose of the product is to cleanse the face and remove makeup residue. Using oil, you can “erase” the most difficult types of cosmetics, including oily foundations, waterproof mascara and pencil.

After using the described product there is no residue left on the skin. unpleasant sensation fat content The product is used sparingly, since only a few drops applied to a cotton pad are enough for one application.

Clarins Double Serum

Clarins Double Serum is a relatively new product, presented as a serum to slow down the aging process of the skin and smooth out wrinkles. The anti-aging product consists of 20 plant extracts, which makes it more natural and effective.

Its use allows you to restore everything important functions skin, which leads to a qualitative improvement in its condition, including: smoothing age-related wrinkles, including facial wrinkles; return of healthy color and radiance; high-quality moisturizing and toning of the skin, etc.

Foods for youthful facial skin

The best method of preventing premature skin aging is a proper nutrition system. By eating the following foods you can prolong your youth and remain beautiful for many years:

  1. nuts – contain a lot of vitamin E and Q10, which improve regeneration processes at the cellular level;
  2. vegetables of orange and red colors - contain a large amount of beta-carotenes, which give the skin a natural and natural color;
  3. sour fruits and berries - contain vitamin C, which promotes collagen production;
  4. sea ​​oily fish is a source of vitamins A and B, which improve blood flow to the skin;
  5. whole grain bread and corresponding cereals are enriched with a complex of B vitamins, which is necessary to soften and renew dermal skin;
  6. pomegranate – necessary for the production of elastin and collagen;
  7. Green tea, olive oil, cottage cheese and much more will also have a positive effect on the condition of your facial skin.