Pool in WWII. Pool in WoW as a prime example of pool in general

The Deadly Boss Mods addon makes killing any boss much easier, as it shows timers for using abilities in a convenient form, which allows raiders to perform their functions more efficiently. For example, avoid AoE, interrupt spells, infuse powerful healing, and so on.

I won’t dwell on the intricacies of downloading and installing the addon - let’s assume that you already have it. I'll start with a description of the main working elements of DBM:

I advise you to find time during a smoke break or before raid time and run DBM in test mode. To do this, in the addon settings window, open the "Options" tab - " General Settings" - [Run check]
See if your interface elements overlap with DBM elements. In the paragraphs "Warnings for the raid" and "Indicator Style" there is a button [Move me]. Move it around during the test, see how it feels more comfortable, just don’t overdo it. It is not for nothing that these elements are located in the center - in an area of ​​increased attention.

DBM and teams

Many people know the team /dbm- it opens the DBM settings window.

But not everyone knows that with additional parameters this command can do very interesting and useful things.

Conquer the lazy ignorant in you and read this wall of text in a picture or game. You will see that in DBM boss mods not all settings are so standard. They depend on the character's class and spec when the addon is first launched. Those. The settings for each boss can and should be adjusted manually.

Useful for radar:

  • Checking addon versions for a raid - /dbm ver(or/dbm ver2 if you want to remind in a whisper that a person has an outdated version)
  • Pool countdown. For example, the command /dbm pull 10 will start counting down in /rw "Attack after 10 sec", "Attack after 7 sec", "Attack after 5 sec", etc. At the same time, a timer bar appears - a pool indicator.
  • Smoke break timer. For example, /dbm break 5- will set the break time countdown to 5 minutes. And it will periodically announce to the raid how much is left until the end.
  • Broadcast timer. This command can also be used for the smoke break timer. The only difference is that in this case the raid will be announced only once at the end of the smoke break. Here the time is specified in seconds. For example, /dbm broadcast timer 330 Smoke break!- broadcasts the countdown of the five and a half minute smoke break as an indicator for the entire raid.

Usually, in addition to the DBM addon, raiders have a dozen more addons. Addons take up space on the screen and sometimes try to attract the player's attention with animations and messages. In addition, in battle, spells are constantly cast and blows are struck - this is also additional animation and special effects on the screen. To all these whistles and tricks, we also add DBM with its indicators, enlarged indicators, warnings for every incident in battle, specials. warnings with giant font and sound.
You can say: " I'm already used to it and play normally", - and you will be wrong. The fact is that if your interface is cluttered, then your eyes have to involuntarily pay attention to a large number of objects, to the constant sound of messages. Which means fatigue will come earlier. As a result, you will no longer be able to constantly concentrate attention in battle, you will stop responding effectively to both unnecessary stimuli and important messages.
The more convenient the interface, the better you can focus on performing your task directly. And “convenient” does not necessarily mean an ascetic standard interface. If you want to learn how to increase your efficiency by adjusting the game interface, I recommend reading the article on frostmilk.com: Basics of creating a comfortable interface

When I once again advise my raiders to set up DBM, I usually say this: " We go into the settings of such and such a boss and uncheck all the checkboxes that are there! Removed? And now we put only those checkboxes, without which it will be very difficult for you personally in battle".
I'm trying to kill two birds with one stone. The first is to remove unnecessary stimuli on the players’ screen, which means extending the period of greatest concentration. And secondly, I force the raiders to think through the battle once again. Think about when and what abilities of the boss are important for him personally.

What recommendations can be made in this case? All advice is banal:
  • If there is no standard boss emotion about using an ability, but you must definitely react to it, then I recommend checking the box.
  • If you are assigned to perform an important role for the raid, be sure to monitor it with an indicator and warnings.
  • Sometimes the boss's cast of some super-duper ability is duplicated by the indicator in DBM. But if you are a tank or a damage dealer, then you will see this cast bar anyway - so we turn off the indicator.
  • If you need an immediate response, check the special warnings box. Then you will see giant blue text and the sound "Beware!" and you certainly won’t stand in the fire.
  • If they throw some kind of nasty stuff at you and it’s useful for the rest of the player to see this fact, put a tick next to an item like “Shout if there’s nasty stuff on me.” Here it should be clarified that other players may not see your scream by default. They can set this up in Menu - Interface - Communication - Display a cloud of text on the character's head.

Run baby run!! H-ha-ha..

While studying the website statistics, I came across a funny request, which led me to my blog: “What is a good pool in WoW?” But this is a very fundamental question, the answer to which is very difficult to find. Why was the decision made to write this post?

A good pool is a good candidate for successfully killing the boss, while a clumsy pool can lead to a wipe, even if the strategy is worked out and the composition is perfectly chosen. What still needs to be done to ensure that the pool is always good? The main condition for good pools in WoW is an accurate understanding of their own role by each member of the group/raid. Let's look at it one by one:

Huge trash packs or encounters with 2+ bosses.

Synchronicity of actions is the key to successful pools. If you control a pack, then the pool should almost always take place under control, so that tanks/dps cannot accidentally knock down controlled mobs. Control needs to be used almost immediately - in this regard, the sorcerers who spiked trash mobs in the first packs of The Eye can serve as an impeccable example. With a competent pool, the mobs will not move even a couple of meters, after which the remaining mobs are grabbed by tanks.

With bosses, everything is approximately the same, only here the main task falls on the shoulders of hunters/tanks. It is necessary to make a pool so that the mobs run to their tanks, and do not rush with their entire mass towards the 1st. What happens if you don’t spray it well, you can look at Auraye =)

Single mobs or bosses

In principle, the pool here is not complicated, although there are some subtleties that can be attributed to the previous point. When pooling, the tank must correctly understand where and how to tank this mob. For example, with the XT-002 Destroyer bullet, he is taken to a certain position, where he stays throughout the battle.

It is very important that during the pool neither heal nor damage dealer disrupt aggro. With all this, the tank needs to take into account all the possible nuances of the battle: after all, if he is hit on one-half of his HP, then the healer simply cannot help but heal him. This means that immediately when pulling a pool, you need to give out a certain minimum of aggro, which will protect you in this situation. DPS should monitor the tank's aggro level and only deal damage when it is completely harmless. Remember that while the boss is running to the tanking site, the tank cannot gain aggro on him, which means even one hit can destroy you =)

In principle, these are the bases of successful pools. Although no, you can add another rule - slowness. Naturally, this does not mean that you need to knead for 10 minutes before each pack. But taking a minute to give the healers a drink, placing marks on the mobs and pulling at the right moment is even more profitable than wiping and resuming/buffing after the wipe.

"Pul" in English means "to pull, to pull." And pool in World of Warcraft is good example pool, which meets this definition one hundred percent: it is not for nothing that in Russian players often say something like: “Tank! Pull the boss already!”, implying that it’s time for the tank to stop doing nonsense and it’s time to start the battle and drag the boss to the indicated position.

What is a pool and how to avoid losing friends with it

Pool, or to speak without jargon, just the beginning of the battle, can actually be done in different ways.

1. Standard pool example

The beginning of the battle is almost always the moment when our DPS friends, having spent most of their cooldowns and drunk off their hellish cans, want to rush into the DPS meters like a fast rocket. And in order not to lose his friends in the first seconds of the battle (and the boss, seeing such impudence, will certainly want to punish them for it), the tank also needs to give maximum DPS right off the bat in one jerk. Or, as our foreign colleagues say, make Burst Damage.

What can a tank warrior, aka war, aka warrier, do for this? If he, like Icer, is a representative of such a race beloved by the gods as an orc, then in front of the pool he can successively squeeze:

  1. (to increase attack power+ 20 rage).
  2. (again for boost attack power).
  3. (to increase the likelihood critical damage).

After which:

  • we select a target and aim so that we are in front of it (although depending on where we want to be after the jump, options are possible here);
  • at the same time we heroically jump on it and do ;
  • rushing through the air after a jump and dash, we do not pay attention to the wind whistling in our ears and do not enjoy the views, but instead survive in flight (10% increased damage + 10 units of rage);
  • and, having flown up, we hit the enemy, if he is alone and abandoned by everyone, or if there is a whole company of them here. Well, then everything is as in normal rotation.

2. Non-standard pool example

The standard option for starting a battle is good if, after the pool, we want to end up in the same place as the creature we are planning to kill. If, on the contrary, we want it to be where we stand, then we can do it a little differently:

  1. We approach the adversary at 30 meters and instead of “Hello!” we launch into it (is it true that warriors are the most heroic class in World of Warcraft? After all, they are the only ones who have so much heroic stuff!). Naturally, the boss is offended by our, to put it mildly, dry greeting, and wants to talk to us about it. And, frowning, he runs towards us.
  2. Then we, continuing to behave inappropriately, run away from him back and on the go carry out all the preparatory steps from the standard version. And then we jump and rip... we jump and rip? Roaring and jumping? Well, in general, we do