Recipe for frying perch in a frying pan. Recipe: Fried perch - River perch - how to clean and fry the insidious fish without bones

Often, even those who love fish and seafood dishes try to create something original and incredibly tasty from their catch. And the whole secret lies in the correct processing of the product, in which even such a simple recipe as river perch fried in a frying pan can become a real delicacy.

A harmonious selection of various spices, a smart choice of breading or batter, and the perfect combination of fillet and vegetables can work wonders in the kitchen.

How to properly fry river perch

The success of a culinary event is largely based on the specifics of the dish itself. What could this mean?

Fish cutting

  • If the cook’s intention is to simply fry river perch in a frying pan, then in this case you can get by with whole carcasses or just large pieces. And oddly enough, it doesn’t always make sense to remove the scales, which greatly simplifies the cooking process, because after heat treatment the skin along with the fillet is perfectly separated from the bones. In addition, this fish turns out incredibly juicy and tender.
  • If the fish that ends up in the kitchen is of impressive size, then longitudinal-transverse slicing will be more rational in this case. That is, after gutting the perch and clearing the intestines, fins and head, it is necessary to make a through cut along the spine. Next, the resulting two halves of the carcass are cut into portioned slices.
  • In addition, among lovers of fish delicacies there is also a younger age group. For such gourmets, perch fillet should be subjected to more thorough preparation before cooking it in a frying pan. After cutting off all the fillets from the backbone, you must also remove all small bones from the meat. Only then will the product be ready for further culinary manipulations.

Spices and marinade

Spices played an important role in the history of the development of trade relations and were worth their weight in gold. And all because with their help, fresh and tasteless food acquired a fabulous aroma and taste. However, not all herbs can be used to fry perch.

The most best choice here will be dried basil, fennel and black pepper.

In addition, almonds, bay, caraway, cumin and coriander can enrich the taste of the dish.

Saffron, turmeric, thyme and lemon balm also have a worthy place in a fish recipe.

But along with fragrant herbs and seeds, a properly prepared marinade can also impart excellent qualities to fish. Citrus and soy dressings along with ginger, garlic and onions are most often used for okushki.

For French dishes optimal choice it will become white wine. But heavy cream and milk sauces can add a Scandinavian motif to the dish. Do you want a little Italian passion? Then you should definitely soak the fillet in tomato juice with chopped herbs.

Batter and breading

  • The secret of appetizingly fried perch, like any other fish, lies not only in aromatic additives, but also in breading. This measure will not only help the fish retain all its juices during the frying process, but will also make the dish very appetizing, thanks to its crispy crust.
  • Can be used as a breading breadcrumbs, semolina, flour, sesame seeds or cornflakes, mixed with spices or at least salt.
  • Well, what about the batter? This deboning method is also very convenient and delicious. In this option, it is best to use fish fillet, and as a result we will get mini pies with fish filling. The basis of the batter is eggs and flour. And then it’s already possible various options additives, such as milk or soda, to add fluffiness to the dough.

How long to fry perch

  • Thermal treatment of fish, as a rule, does not last for a long period of time. To fry whole carcasses or large pieces of breaded perch until cooked, it will take about 15 minutes, taking into account frying the product on both sides until golden brown (7 minutes each).
  • An indicator of the readiness of a dish can also be the absence of pink or cloudy liquid in the abdominal paravertebral space.
  • As for preparing fillet in batter or flavored deboning, the heat treatment time remains practically unchanged. That is, it will take a total of 10-15 minutes to fry the fish on one side and the other.

Theoretical skills are only the tip of the culinary iceberg; the basis of mastery lies solely in practice. Therefore, today we will prepare three excellent dishes that your household will undoubtedly enjoy.

Perch in mushroom sauce

Frying river perch in a frying pan is not a complicated science, but how to do it correctly, and most importantly, tasty? This will require some effort. For example, let's take Japanese unsweetened corn flakes with sesame seeds for our breading recipe.’s unlikely that anyone has tried such a crispy delicacy. Well, for seasoning we’ll prepare a simply unearthly mushroom sauce.

  1. For this recipe, the fish should be cleaned of fins, heads, giblets, and the scales can be removed along with the skin. After this, we cut each carcass along the ridge, and then cross the resulting halves into 2-3 slices. As a result, we should have 16-20 pieces of fillet with large bones.
  2. Now you should rub the fish with red spicy salt and leave to rest.
  3. This time is just enough to prepare the sauce. To do this, fry finely chopped onions until tender for about 10-15 minutes in sunflower oil along with mushrooms cut into small pieces.
  4. When the excess moisture from the mushrooms has evaporated, and they themselves have acquired a beautiful golden crust, add flour to the fry, mix and pour water or broth into the container.
  5. After the thickened mass begins to boil, add sour cream, add cream and cook for another 5 minutes.
  6. Then add to the total mass soy sauce, salt, mustard and finely chopped dill, after which we leave everything to simmer for a couple of minutes and turn it off.
  7. At this point, the perch will be well saturated with salt, and you can start frying it. To prepare the breading, mix corn flakes with sesame seeds, roll fish slices in the mixture and place them on a hot frying pan. olive oil. Since our slices are small, frying for 4 minutes on each side is enough to prepare the dish and acquire a beautiful crispy golden brown crust.

When serving, place breaded perch along the edge of the serving dish, and boiled potatoes and mushroom sauce in the center.

"Zharyokha" Astrakhan

Perch meat has valuable dietary qualities, and it is also very tasty. But it depends on how you cook it. For example, if you stew fish with vegetables in a frying pan own juice, then you can not only ensure yourself the status of an excellent cook, but also saturate your body with vitamins and minerals.

And we’ll prepare this low-calorie masterpiece like this:

  • We take about 8 small shells, gut them, remove the skin, remove the head and fins and wash them thoroughly. If only large fish (4 pieces) are available, then after cleaning they must be cut in half along the spine, and then cross each lobe with a knife in the middle.
  • Now let's prepare the breading. Mix flour (1 tbsp) with any spices, in our case it is black pepper powder (½ tsp) and dried dill (1 tsp), and also add salt to taste.
  • Having rolled the perches in flour, place them in hot oil in a frying pan and fry on both sides until golden brown, then transfer fried fish in a wok, stewpan or cauldron.
  • Vegetables should be placed in layers on top of the fish. The first one comes shredded into rings onions(2 heads). Then distribute chopped fresh cucumbers (4 pcs.) over the entire surface. Next, put the tomatoes, also cut into circles, and cover them with finely chopped dill (1-2 bunches).
  • You should also add spices to the container, in particular 2 bay leaves, 7 peppercorns, white mustard seeds (1 tsp) and sprinkle everything with a pinch of salt.
  • On the lowest heat, the dish should be simmered under the lid for at least 40 minutes, and ideally about 1 hour.

Astrakhan asp is a simply delicious dish and is ideal for both camp cooking and as a main dish on the holiday table.

Perch in batter

River perches are characterized by low bone content, which makes their meat ideal for preparing this dish. In addition to being quick to make, this recipe is also so incredibly simple that even a newbie in the kitchen can do it.

  1. For cooking we need the following products: 1 kg perch fillet, 5 chicken eggs, pinch of salt, 5 tbsp. first-grade wheat flour, 50 ml sunflower oil and a bunch of parsley.
  2. The fish fillet must be cut into small pieces 5x5 cm and lightly salted.
  3. While the meat is salting, prepare the batter. Beat the eggs with a whisk until foam forms, then add flour, add some salt, add finely chopped herbs and beat the batter until smooth.
  4. Now dip the fish pieces in the batter and place them in hot oil in a frying pan. Fry the okushki in the dough for 10 minutes on each side, and then place it on a paper napkin to absorb excess fat.

The batter turns out airy, and the fillet in it is juicy and tender. This dish is very popular with children, who, oh, how difficult it is to feed fish.

River perch fried in a frying pan, contrary to established opinion, has a rather rich culinary embodiment. You shouldn’t think narrowly, but you need to expand the horizons of your knowledge in cooking, then every meal will become a real pleasure for you

How to fry perch in a frying pan video recipe

Below you will find step by step video a recipe that will help you with cooking.

Portioned pieces of sea bass fillet, pre-marinated, fry on each side.

To fry sea bass with a crispy crust, fry a piece of fish on each side.

How to fry sea bass

Sea bass fillet - 500 grams
Salt - 1 level teaspoon
Flour - 2 tablespoons
Dried oregano - 1 tablespoon
Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons

How to fry sea bass
1. Thaw the sea bass fillet.
2. Cut large pieces of fillet in half, leave small pieces whole.
3. Place the fish pieces in a bowl, add 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of dried oregano, and leave to marinate for 25 minutes.
4. Pour 2 tablespoons of flour into a deep plate.
5. Place each piece of fish in a plate with flour and turn it over (coat it) several times.
6. Pour 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil for frying into a frying pan, place over medium heat and heat for 1 minute.
7. Place pieces of fish in well-heated oil and fry for 3 minutes.
8. Turn the pieces of perch over to the other side and fry for 3 minutes.
9. Cover the pan with a lid and fry for 2 minutes.
It is recommended to serve fried perch with mashed potatoes or mashed peas.

Sea bass with crispy crust

Sea bass - 1 kilogram (2 medium-sized fish)
Lemon - half
Breadcrumbs - 2 heaped tablespoons
Salt - 1 teaspoon
Ground black pepper - half a teaspoon
Rosemary (dried) - 1 teaspoon
Vegetable oil - 100 milliliters

How to fry sea bass
1. Clean the fish and trim the fins with scissors.
2. Cut each sea bass carcass into 4 parts.
3. Place pieces of fish in a deep bowl, sprinkle with 1 teaspoon of rosemary, 1 teaspoon of salt, and half a teaspoon of pepper.
4. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon onto the fish, cover and leave for 30 minutes.
5. Pour breading into a deep bowl.
6. Roll each piece of fish in breading.
7. Pour 100 milliliters of vegetable oil into a frying pan, place over medium heat, heat for 1 minute.
8. Place the fish pieces in a frying pan and fry for 7 minutes.
9. Turn the fish pieces over and fry for 7 minutes.
A side dish for fried perch can be a vegetable salad or boiled potatoes.

River perches are very tasty fried in a frying pan, and with garlic and spices! Especially if this catch is your fishing trophy. Fried perch is good both hot and cold. With or without a side dish of boiled potatoes.


Many people believe that small river perch only goes for fish soup or fish soup, but is not at all suitable for frying, since it is very difficult to clean. Nothing of the kind! Frying river perch is very simple and quick, just a few fish per frying pan (while large perch is very difficult to fry whole). They do not necessarily need to be scaled like other fish, and this simplifies the cooking process. Only the intestines from the abdomen and the gills from the head are removed. And the skin and scales from the fried fish are removed in one piece, revealing a juicy white fillet. Unlike fried crucian carp, perch has fewer small bones, so eating such fish is a pleasure.


  • River perch – 6 pcs. – approximately 1.5 kg.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Seasoning - I used suneli hops - 1 tbsp. (you can use any seasoning to suit your taste, for example all-purpose for fish).
  • Garlic – 4 cloves.
  • Vegetable oil - for frying fish.
  • Water – 50 ml.
  • Fresh cucumbers – 2 pcs. – for serving – use as desired.
  • Lettuce leaves – for serving – use as desired.
  • Cooking process:

    We gut the perches and wash them thoroughly. If there is caviar in the perch, you can use it.

    I don’t peel the skin off my perches. You can do this at your own discretion. Some people completely remove the skin, leaving only the carcass.

    Mix the seasoning with salt and rub the perches well outside and inside.

    Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat it up.

    Place the fish tightly together, turn up the heat, cover with a lid and fry on both sides for 3-5 minutes, placing whole cloves of garlic (slightly crushed) between the perches.

    When the perch is fried, add water, reduce the heat to low and leave to simmer under the lid for 15-20 minutes.

    The fried one turns out very tasty, sweet and juicy, saturated with seasonings and the aroma of garlic, and also cooks very quickly.

    Often, even those who love fish and seafood dishes try to create something original and incredibly tasty from their catch. And the whole secret lies in the correct processing of the product, in which even such a simple recipe as river perch fried in a frying pan can become a real delicacy. A harmonious selection of various spices, a smart choice of breading or batter, and the perfect combination of fillet and vegetables can work wonders in the kitchen.

    The success of a culinary event is largely based on the specifics of the dish itself. What could this mean?

    Fish cutting

    • If the cook’s intention is to simply fry river perch in a frying pan, then in this case you can get by with whole carcasses or just large pieces. And oddly enough, it doesn’t always make sense to remove the scales, which greatly simplifies the cooking process, because after heat treatment the skin along with the fillet is perfectly separated from the bones. In addition, this fish turns out incredibly juicy and tender.
    • If the fish that ends up in the kitchen is of impressive size, then longitudinal-transverse slicing will be more rational in this case. That is, after gutting the perch and clearing the intestines, fins and head, it is necessary to make a through cut along the spine. Next, the resulting two halves of the carcass are cut into portioned slices.
    • In addition, among lovers of fish delicacies there is also a younger age group. For such gourmets, perch fillet should be subjected to more thorough preparation before cooking it in a frying pan. After cutting off all the fillets from the backbone, you must also remove all small bones from the meat. Only then will the product be ready for further culinary manipulations.

    Spices and marinade

    Spices played an important role in the history of the development of trade relations and were worth their weight in gold. And all because with their help, fresh and tasteless food acquired a fabulous aroma and taste. However, not all herbs can be used to fry perch.

    — The best choices here would be dried basil, fennel and black pepper.

    - In addition, almonds, bay, caraway, cumin and coriander can enrich the taste of the dish.

    — Saffron, turmeric, thyme and lemon balm also have a worthy place in a fish recipe.

    But along with fragrant herbs and seeds, a properly prepared marinade can also impart excellent qualities to fish. Citrus and soy dressings along with ginger, garlic and onions are most often used for okushki.

    For French dishes, white wine is the best choice. But heavy cream and milk sauces can add a Scandinavian motif to the dish. Do you want a little Italian passion? Then you should definitely soak the fillet in tomato juice with chopped herbs.

    Batter and breading

    • The secret of appetizingly fried perch, like any other fish, lies not only in aromatic additives, but also in breading. This measure will not only help the fish retain all its juices during the frying process, but will also make the dish very appetizing, thanks to its crispy crust.
    • As a breading, you can use breadcrumbs, semolina, flour, sesame seeds or corn flakes mixed with spices or at least salt.

    • Well, what about the batter? This deboning method is also very convenient and delicious. In this option, it is best to use fish fillet, and as a result we will get mini pies with fish filling. The basis of the batter is eggs and flour. And then various options for additives, such as milk or soda, are possible to make the dough fluffy.

    How long to fry perch

    • Thermal treatment of fish, as a rule, does not last for a long period of time. To fry whole carcasses or large pieces of breaded perch until cooked, it will take about 15 minutes, taking into account frying the product on both sides until golden brown (7 minutes each).
    • An indicator of the readiness of a dish can also be the absence of pink or cloudy liquid in the abdominal paravertebral space.
    • As for preparing fillet in batter or flavored deboning, the heat treatment time remains practically unchanged. That is, it will take a total of 10-15 minutes to fry the fish on one side and the other.

    Theoretical skills are only the tip of the culinary iceberg; the basis of mastery lies solely in practice. Therefore, today we will prepare three excellent dishes that your household will undoubtedly enjoy.


    • Freshwater perch— 4 pcs. + -
    • Corn flakes- 1 glass + -
    • Sesame seeds- 1-2 tbsp. l. + -
    • — 100 ml + -
    • - 1 tsp. + -
    • - 2 heads + -
    • — 600 g + -
    • - 2 tbsp. l. + -
    • — 100 g + -
    • - 1 tbsp. l. + -
    • — 270 ml + -
    • — 250 g + -
    • - 1 bunch + -
    • - 1 tsp. + -
    • - 1/2 tsp. + -
    • - 1/2 tsp. + -


    Frying river perch in a frying pan is not a complicated science, but how to do it correctly, and most importantly, tasty? This will require some effort. For example, let's take Japanese unsweetened corn flakes with sesame seeds for our breading recipe.’s unlikely that anyone has tried such a crispy delicacy. Well, for seasoning we’ll prepare a simply unearthly mushroom sauce.

    1. For this recipe, the fish should be cleaned of fins, heads, giblets, and the scales can be removed along with the skin. After this, we cut each carcass along the ridge, and then cross the resulting halves into 2-3 slices. As a result, we should have 16-20 pieces of fillet with large bones.
    2. Now you should rub the fish with red spicy salt and leave to rest.
    3. This time is just enough to prepare the sauce. To do this, fry finely chopped onions until tender for about 10-15 minutes in sunflower oil along with mushrooms cut into small pieces.
    4. When the excess moisture from the mushrooms has evaporated, and they themselves have acquired a beautiful golden crust, add flour to the fry, mix and pour water or broth into the container.
    5. After the thickened mass begins to boil, add sour cream, add cream and cook for another 5 minutes.
    6. Then add soy sauce, salt, mustard and finely chopped dill to the total mass, after which we leave everything to simmer for a couple of minutes and turn it off.
    7. At this point, the perch will be well saturated with salt, and you can start frying it. To prepare the breading, mix corn flakes with sesame seeds, roll fish slices in the mixture and place them in olive oil heated in a frying pan. Since our slices are small, frying for 4 minutes on each side is enough to prepare the dish and acquire a beautiful crispy golden brown crust.

    When serving, place breaded perch along the edge of the serving dish, and boiled potatoes and mushroom sauce in the center.

    Perch meat has valuable dietary qualities, and it is also very tasty. But it depends on how you cook it. For example, if you stew fish with vegetables in its own juice in a frying pan, you can not only ensure yourself the status of an excellent cook, but also saturate your body with vitamins and minerals.

    And we’ll prepare this low-calorie masterpiece like this:

    • We take about 8 small shells, gut them, remove the skin, remove the head and fins and wash them thoroughly. If only large fish (4 pieces) are available, then after cleaning they must be cut in half along the spine, and then cross each lobe with a knife in the middle.
    • Now let's prepare the breading. Mix flour (1 tbsp) with any spices, in our case it is black pepper powder (½ tsp) and dried dill (1 tsp), and also add salt to taste.
    • Having rolled the perches in flour, place them in hot oil in a frying pan and fry on both sides until golden brown, after which we transfer the fried fish to a wok, saucepan or cauldron.
    • Vegetables should be placed in layers on top of the fish. The first is onion chopped into rings (2 heads). Then distribute chopped fresh cucumbers (4 pcs.) over the entire surface. Next, put the tomatoes, also cut into circles, and cover them with finely chopped dill (1-2 bunches).
    • You should also add spices to the container, in particular 2 bay leaves, 7 peppercorns, white mustard seeds (1 tsp) and sprinkle everything with a pinch of salt.
    • On the lowest heat, the dish should be simmered under the lid for at least 40 minutes, and ideally about 1 hour.

    Astrakhan asp is a simply delicious dish and is ideal for both camp cooking and as a main dish on the holiday table.

    Perch in batter

    River perches are characterized by low bone content, which makes their meat ideal for preparing this dish. In addition to being quick to make, this recipe is also so incredibly simple that even a newbie in the kitchen can do it.

    1. For cooking we need the following products: 1 kg of perch fillet, 5 chicken eggs, a pinch of salt, 5 tbsp. first-grade wheat flour, 50 ml sunflower oil and a bunch of parsley.
    2. The fish fillet must be cut into small pieces 5x5 cm and lightly salted.
    3. While the meat is salting, prepare the batter. Beat the eggs with a whisk until foam forms, then add flour, add some salt, add finely chopped herbs and beat the batter until smooth.
    4. Now dip the fish pieces in the batter and place them in hot oil in a frying pan. Fry the okushki in the dough for 10 minutes on each side, and then place it on a paper napkin to absorb excess fat.

    The batter turns out airy, and the fillet in it is juicy and tender. This dish is very popular with children, who, oh, how difficult it is to feed fish.

    River perch fried in a frying pan, contrary to established opinion, has a rather rich culinary embodiment. You shouldn’t think narrowly, but you need to expand the horizons of your knowledge in cooking, then every meal will become a real pleasure for you

    Anyone who knows how to clean a perch has fully comprehended the philosophy of taming this predatory fish. After perch, working with any other fish seems like pampering to me.
    My friend's husband is an avid fisherman. With the onset of frost, the river hunting season began in full swing. The family, to put it mildly, ate too much fish, so all the trophies are distributed to friends, including me.
    I love eating perch, but I hate cleaning it. The most difficult thing is to rip off the stubborn scales from it. While you are fiddling with the fish, you will definitely prick your fingers. But yesterday I wanted fried fish so much that I decided to take on the feat. And today I share my experience.
    By the way, perch makes very tasty cutlets. Taking this opportunity of a new recipe, I am giving a link to the old one.
    I haven’t heard of any techniques for cleaning perch scales...

    Someone pulls the fish by the tail until it clicks so that the scales move (I do this too). Someone nails the tail to the table with a nail. The last option is a last resort.
    Perch is not difficult to clean when it is frozen. I take a dead fish, knead it slightly and clean it. With this method, the scales are better left behind and do not scatter in different directions.

    I'll gut the fish. To avoid injuring my fingers, I cut off the upper fin with the spines.

    I wash gutted carcasses in several waters.

    Then, my next secret. Perch is not the most bony fish, however... picking through the meat, choosing thin threads is not the most pleasant or aesthetically pleasing activity.
    To prevent bones from appearing in fish during frying, I was taught this technique...

    ... we make notches on the sides of each fish.
    Season each carcass with your favorite all-purpose seasoning. I use Vegeta or Degusta.

    We take the fish by the head so that it bends and the seasoning gets into the cuts. You can set aside to marinate for a few minutes.

    Then roll the perch in flour.

    If I have time, I debone the fish several times. To do this, I set the flour perch aside for about five minutes so that the breading is absorbed and then I bathe it again.

    I do this to improve the taste. Naturally, a thick, fried wheat crust is not the healthiest thing in a finished dish, but sometimes you can indulge.
    I place the fish on a hot frying pan.

    I fry on vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown.

    This is the kind of zebra we get at the exit.

    Yesterday my grandmother and I had a blast... we fried some fish and sat there, cracking them like sunflower seeds. The most interesting thing is the day-old perches - cold and elastic. They also taste different.
    I don’t know what’s special, but cut fish really doesn’t have any bones. They do not evaporate from there, but, apparently, during salting and heat treatment they soften and become invisible. It is enough to remove the spine and ribs from the fish and enjoy the sweetish meat of the river predator.
    Agree that you can even serve regular perch this way on a holiday table.

    Cooking time: PT00H30M 30 min.

    Approximate cost per serving: 20 rub.