"School". Short texts in English for children and beginners

Cool! 17

The class I study in is the friendliest and most fun. I was lucky to be in such a wonderful class. All my classmates are very hardworking and persistent, each of them makes every effort to be the best in something. The first teacher often repeated to us: “You must do everything possible to make parents proud of their children.” Having remembered these words, the guys strive to achieve success, supporting each other, rejoicing at every achievement.

Several years have passed since we first sat down at our desks together. We learned each other by heart and became very good friends during this time. During the lessons, no one sits quietly; everyone takes an active part in discussing the topic and answering questions. The forest of hands is about us.

We are very similar to each other, but at the same time we are all very different. Some people want to go to the cinema after school, others want to kick a ball on the playground or just talk, interesting topics, there will always be people willing. If one of us is absent, it is immediately felt in the class, even teachers immediately notice changes, that we are not the same as always.

Traditions in our class have been established for a very long time. One of them is congratulations to birthday people. In our class there is a whole group of children who prepare a congratulatory program, so congratulations are always noisy, cheerful, and the hero of the occasion goes home with a lot of positive emotions and in a great mood. We are also preparing surprises for our teachers. But for some reason they are not always happy about such undertakings.

We never miss school events and take an active part in them. For several years in a row, our class has taken first place in the “Young Assistant Inspector” competition traffic", and we also have a lot of certificates for other competitions.

We were also very lucky with our class teacher, he is really cool. He will always help, tell you where to go and scold overly active students. Our class teacher will always find a way out of situations in which we constantly find ourselves.

All the boys in the class are very strong and brave. Even high school students will never be allowed to offend their classmates. We always protect our girls from bullies from other classes, although we ourselves sometimes pull their pigtails, but they are not offended, but only make crooked faces at us in response. I think that many kids, after school, will go into big sports and become real stars. And my friend Dimka will definitely become a world boxing champion, well, he’s very good at swinging his fists.

We have a very long time to learn together. Some people will go to college or technical school after school, while others will stay at school for another two years and then go to college. But I believe that our friendship will continue after graduation, when all the guys run away in all directions. We will definitely call each other, correspond and definitely meet as a whole class and remember the unforgettable years spent at school and our friendly family called classmates.

Even more essays on the topic: “About my class”

My class is the best in the world. We are all cheerful and friendly. I love our boys and girls, so I write this essay with pleasure.

Our girls are the most beautiful, and our boys are the bravest. High school kids tease our girls, but we protect them. We do not allow our own to be offended. At school we are known as the friendliest class.

At school I especially love recess. Schoolchildren scatter around the yard. But our class does not scatter in different directions. We have something to do together. The girls talk about their dresses, jewelry, guys they know. In general, on women's topics. We guys don't bother them. We have the ball. Favorite game is football. The break is not enough for the game, but we are training. We make sure with one eye that no one offends our classmates.

The class teacher calls us his robbers. Our discipline is not very good, but this is not out of malice. There are just a lot of active and active kids in the class. Is it possible to sit quietly at a desk when there’s someone sitting in front of you? beautiful girl? You definitely need to pull the pigtail, pass a note, or prick with a pen. It's just a friendly gesture, but only boys from our class can do this. Strangers are prohibited from pestering girls.

What I love about my classmates is their friendship. We are all different here. Some are silent, some are cheerful. There are smart, lazy, but very good-natured guys. We complement each other perfectly, it’s a real team. On weekends and holidays, the teacher often organizes nature trips. Almost the whole class gathers for such an event. Only those who are sick do not come. Our parents approve of our friendship and always let us go on hikes. Well, we visit the sick after the excursions. We do not leave any of our classmates unattended.

My parents often communicate with their former classmates. When they meet in the city, they always remember their school adventures. I'm sure we will have a lot of pleasant memories too.

Source: school-s.ru

My class has always been special. We somehow quickly became friends when we first crossed the threshold of our home school.

Boys and girls try to help each other in everything, so that there are no poor students and lagging behind. Our beloved teacher, who taught us from first grade, tried to instill in us a love of knowledge, respect for books and a sense of responsibility. She probably did it well, because we are always set as an example to other classes and students.

The most important quality of our class is true friendship. We are for each other, as they say, a mountain. We will not offend anyone, not even a bully. We will first help him out of trouble, and then help him realize his mistakes and correct himself.

We all prepare together for any competitions, shows, Olympics and sports relay races. There are many talented guys in my class. Someone draws well, and we organize a school exhibition for him. Someone sings wonderfully and, with the help of classmates, prepares a vocal number for a children's fairy tale for sponsored children. And someone is a real champion, and the whole class cheers for his team at sports competitions between city schools.

Often, during extracurricular reading, we act out performances, transforming into heroes of our favorite books. We know each other very well, so we always easily distribute roles.

We also know how to have a great rest, be it a hike outside the city, a tour of native land or a holiday concert. Together we are never bored: neither at school, nor in the yard, nor when traveling together. When we part for the holidays, we always look forward to seeing each other again.

We are truly glad that our class brought us all together, and we sincerely believe that the wonderful school years will remain with us as our happiest memories for the rest of our lives.

Source: vse-diktanty.ru

My favorite class should be, first of all, very friendly. After all, we spend most of our day in the classroom, we study there, communicate, and sometimes play. In class we do almost everything. That is why the class should be friendly. Everyone in the class should help each other, then the atmosphere will always be good and friendly. This is very important, because in order to learn everything well and understand what the teacher tells you, you need to feel comfortable. I am very glad that my class is just like this. Everyone is very friendly and helps each other if needed.

Sometimes, however, conflicts occur, but this is inevitable, because we are all different and we all have different habits and ideas about what is right and what is wrong. But this is why we need a class, a small society, to teach how to properly get out of unpleasant situations, and how best to avoid conflict. I believe that you can always talk and find out if someone is not happy with something. This is always better than silently accumulating resentment and not talking to the person who offended you. It is quite possible that he or she does not even realize that something happened between you. Therefore, it is always better to find out everything and talk.

The guys in my class have been together for a long time, and we know each other very well. We know who is very nervous about tests, we know who is the best runner. We all know who is the best at solving math problems and who loves to chat in English. We all know very well that Masha is very well versed in biology, because she plans to become a doctor in the future. We know that Petya will be an excellent athlete, because he already takes first place in almost all competitions. We know a lot about each other, we know our strengths and weak.

It seems to me that a class for students is almost the same as a family. We spend half our time at school, and most of it is in the classroom, sitting in class, working together, or chatting during breaks. It brings us very close. I may be repeating myself, but once again I want to note that I like my class, because we have been together for a very long time, we are used to each other, we have become friends. I like the atmosphere in our class as it is very friendly.

The class teacher always plays a very important role in the classroom. He's like wise ruler, must direct the energy of students in the right direction so that it is not wasted on something wrong. Therefore, if the class teacher loves and knows his job, then it will be much easier for the class.

On Thursday, February 8, the Ministry of Education and Science, together with the ProeKTORiYa portal, held an All-Russian open lesson “What do you know about food?”, in which more than 18 thousand schools took part, as follows from a press release received by the editors of the newspaper VZGLYAD.

“The new series of lessons on professional navigation for high school students is, in fact, a continuation of the All-Russian open lesson, which was held by the President of Russia on September 1, 2017. Main task lessons - to tell children about the professions that the country needs. And tell it in a modern, interesting and understandable language. These lessons are professional guidance in a new format. I think that the lessons will be interesting and understandable to the children and will receive the approval of the school and parent audience,” said Russian Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva.

The lesson was the first in a series of upcoming open classes and part educational process in 18 thousand 146 schools in Russia, and in direct connection with the lesson site - the Kinetics Prototyping Center on the basis of the National Research University of Technology"MISiS" - schools from Krasnodar, Belgorod, Tver and Yaroslavl came out. Invited experts spoke about in-demand and disappearing professions, innovations in agriculture and the knowledge required by a real specialist. The head of Kinetics, the famous industrial designer and futurologist Vladimir Pirozhkov moderated the lesson.

The first to address the schoolchildren was the Chairman of the Board of Directors, co-owner of the Valley of Vegetables company Dmitry Lashin. Using the example of the holding, which now has more than 60 hectares of greenhouses, he dispelled the myth that modern technologies not applicable in agriculture and agro-industrial complex.

“The entire life of the greenhouse is controlled by a computer processor. And the Internet of Things is ours main secret success. Thanks to a large number of sensors, we accumulate and analyze about 200 parameters: temperature, humidity, light. Our agronomist is also an IT specialist, because he has to work with all these volumes of data. In general, this is the main requirement of the industry today: we need people who have knowledge in both agriculture and technology,” Lashin noted.

Such specialists are trained at one of the largest agricultural universities in Russia - RGAU-MSHA named after Timiryazev.

“We train specialists in more than 500 professions. The industry today needs engineers, good economists, robotics control operators and aircraft. The word researcher will be added to each profession: agronomist-researcher, technologist-researcher, engineer-researcher,” noted university rector Galina Zolina.

The question about individual nutrition and the technologies necessary for this in the agricultural industry was asked by the lesson participants to the candidate of agricultural sciences, professor of the Department of Chemistry of the Social Pedagogical Institute of Michurinsky State Agrarian University Elena Simbirskikh.

“Nowadays such a direction as functional nutrition is developing. These are dietary supplements and products that not only provide a person with energy and plastic material, but also reduce the risk of disease and speed up recovery. Food has become a means of prevention and even medicine. If functional nutrition is our present, then the future lies in personalized nutrition,” explained Elena Simbirskikh.

The head of the information technology department of Rusagro Group of Companies, Kirill Alifanov, told the children about Russia’s unique experience in controlling vast agricultural territories. He noted that due to the large extent of fields, which no other country in the world faces, foreign developments are not suitable for us and Russian farmers have to constantly look for non-standard solutions. For example, the Rusagro Group and Roscosmos are preparing to launch a low-orbit, low-flying constellation of satellites. With their help, it will be possible to track the process of ripening plants in the fields.

In response to this, the schoolchildren asked whether it would happen that robots would leave specialists without work.

“Automation does reduce jobs for people, but people don't leave. They are simply redistributed to another area of ​​work. In our company, the number of personnel is not decreasing - our field area is increasing. At Rusagro, one agronomist serves 30 thousand hectares - that’s the size of a small city!” – noted Alifanov.

Summing up the lesson moderator Vladimir Pirozhkov noted that such all-Russian open lessons “are new look education with the widest possible coverage."

“We must learn to be interesting and as informal as possible,” added Pirozhkov.

Live broadcast of the All-Russian open lesson “What do you know about food?” was available on three online platforms: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and the ProeKTORiYA portal. The bulk of young viewers came from social networks. Long before the broadcast, the organizers prepared interactive surprises for them: an educational test was created that destroys stereotypes about the agro-industrial complex and agriculture, discussions are open for questions to speakers, voting for an endangered profession and a profession that is the “engine” of the industry has been launched. The voting results were announced at the end of the open lesson. The children named a biotechnologist as the most promising specialist, and the profession of a milkmaid as having the greatest chance of becoming a thing of the past. Interestingly, the children’s opinions and the experts’ forecasts turned out to be similar.

Throughout the lesson, a flash mob #watchingprojection took place among the participants on social networks. Schoolchildren and teachers posted photos on their pages and told how they watched the broadcast. The best entries will soon appear in the ProeKTORia groups, and the organizers promise to film a story about the school that holds the record for original photographs.

Ahead of Russian schoolchildren are three similar lessons on the topics of architecture and construction, digital economy, and healthcare. They will take place on February 15, March 1 and 15, at 10.00 Moscow time.

Each of us knows what school is. And each of us already has an image of her. I decided to find out the opinion of high school students, who already know all the nuances in their school, about visiting their educational institution every day. I did not conduct a survey among all high school students, but decided to find out the opinion of some of them. To do this, I puzzled them with the following: “What is school for you?” This is what happened (for moral reasons I will maintain confidentiality).
"School is special institution, where people come to talk and pour out their souls. School is a reason to turn white with rage. School is a reason to cry/laugh. School is a period of life that passes unnoticed. School is a useless activity (if a person is a fool, then he will remain one). School is a haven for cockroaches and evil technicians.”
“School is a meeting place with friends and acquaintances. School is a way to fully load yourself. School is a way to gain at least some knowledge. School is a place of evil (but not always). School means ten years of communicating with the same people.”
“School is knowledge and power. When you go to study, a lot of new information awaits you. You are always given a lot of lessons that are interesting and uninteresting to you, which will help you in passing exams and in your future life. At school you can find a lot of new friends, sign up for any section. School is new experiences and the best time of life, carefree and joyful.”
“Many people say that school is good, school is knowledge, but I don’t like it. Grades are given only because of the teacher’s personal relationship with the student. What mood the teacher is in - this is the assessment the student will have. Little attention is paid to knowledge. Old teachers hold on to their place and are afraid of young ones. Young teachers only think about when lessons will end and they will go home. In fact, they don't care. The impressions remain negative. But at the same time, school is a place where you can chat with friends. In my opinion, many students go to school just to socialize with friends.”
“School is, first of all, a stage in education that must be completed in order to continue life. Secondly, school is about communication. School is fun!”
"School is educational institution, where I, a dunce and a slob, are hammered into my head with knowledge that I don’t want to receive!”
“School is half a teenager’s life. And this life will pass you by if you don’t learn to exist in a school environment.”
“At school I sat down at my desk, and for ten years I just didn’t laugh.”
“What is school to me? There are more negative opinions on this question than positive ones. Nevertheless, for me, school is not just a “cage with lions - teachers”, but also a place where time and energy are brutally wasted, because everyone knows that it is better not to hammer anything into the head of a sleep-deprived person. It's no use. I also don’t like how evil and unceremoniously evil teachers treat us.”
“For me, school is life. I'm already used to going here every day. During the holidays I miss school and my friends. But in reality, here we get incredibly tired and don’t get enough sleep. Now we are in 10th grade, and I really want summer holidays. But when I think about 11th grade, I feel sad, because last year, and then life itself and all that. I would like and would not like to finish school at the same time. And in general, school is fun! So, while you still have time, have fun!”
“School means sleepless nights. Wake up early. Loading free time. Sometimes I get so bored that I get sick from depression. And these are my extra holidays.”
“School...I have an ambivalent attitude towards this first and most memorable social institution in my life. There were different days: when I didn’t want to go to this government house, and when I couldn’t be kept at home with a temperature of 38. Everything depended on the situation. When I had an unquenchable desire to learn or another love, I rushed. When they return a mountain of lessons, she skillfully evaded. But overall, I adore my school and can’t imagine myself in next year at graduation. How will I live without these sometimes annoying classmates or animal teachers? No, the school is still a unique institution!”
“For me, school is a source of knowledge, a path to the future. But sometimes it's just hell."
“What is school?.. For me it’s meetings with friends, some kind of relationship with people, affairs. And in general, it’s so cool! You walk around school, you know someone, you don’t know someone, and you think that all these people are already like family to you. And it’s impossible to imagine school without them. Maybe this is nonsense. What about studying?.. They don’t teach life at school. I would like us to have lessons in psychology, philosophy, etiquette. And they drum into us this useless algebra. After all, why do we go to school?! Learn to live! So I demand innovation! I like going to school. I come here with joy, especially when I do all my homework!”

“A school is an institution where students are taught various sciences. For some kids, school is an opportunity to learn something new. For others, school is some kind of “bullying”. For me personally, school plays a huge role in my life. I'm interested in going to school. These are new acquaintances, new knowledge, communication with peers. The only thing I don't really like is getting up early. In general, I can say that school years are some of the best moments in our lives.”
What happens? And it turns out the following: out of 15 people surveyed (5

) students believe that there is no need to go to school, that


Writing, reading

§ Do you know the letters? Name them. (The letters are written on cards and arranged in alphabetical order).

§ Read the words: house, horse, cat, car. Explain what these words mean. Show pictures of objects with these names.

§ Read the sentence: “Mom washed the frame.” Who is the sentence talking about?”

§ Tell a story or poem (3-4 sentences or quatrain).

§ Put the pictures in order and make up a story.

To test auditory memory and fine motor skills

§ Write in block letters words to hear: house, floor, table, mom, dad.

Clarification of spatial concepts, orientation in place, counting

§ Show your right hand. Show your left eye, right ear, etc.

§ Count your fingers? Which one is bigger?

§ Place as many sticks on the table as there are circles in the picture.

§ Which circles are there more? (5 large red circles and 7 small blue ones are placed in front of the child).

§ Knowledge of forward and backward counting (count from 1 to 10, count from 3 to 8, from 6 to 2, etc.).

§ Name the numbers in the pictures.

§ Knowledge geometric shapes: name the shapes (a circle, rectangle, square, triangle, etc. cut out of cardboard are laid out in front of the child). Fold a rectangle out of two triangles.

Revealing ideas about the world around you

1. State your last name, first name, patronymic.

2. Give the full name of your mother and father.

3. Are you a girl or a boy? Who will you be when you grow up, an aunt or an uncle?

4. Do you have a sister, brother? Who's older?

5. How old are you? How much will it be in a year? In two?

6. Is it afternoon or morning?

7. When do you have breakfast - in the evening or in the morning? Do you have lunch in the morning or afternoon? What comes first - lunch or dinner?

8. Where do you live? What is your home address?

9. What does your father and mother do?

10. Do you like to draw? What color is this pencil (ribbon, dress).

11. What time of year is it now? Why do you think so?

12. When can you go ice skating – winter or summer?

13. Why does it snow in winter and not in summer?

14. What does a postman, a doctor, a teacher do?

15. Why do we need a bell and a desk at school?

16. Do you want to go to school yourself?

17. What are ears for?

18. What animals do you know?

19. What birds do you know?

20. Who is bigger, a cow or a goat? Bird or bee? Who has more paws: a dog or a rooster?

21. What is greater than 8 or 5? 7 or 3?

22. What should you do if you accidentally break someone else's thing?

Evaluation of results

§ For a correct answer, the child receives 1 point.

§ For correct but incomplete answers - 0.5 points.

§ Point 16 is assessed together with points 15 and 17. If the child scored 3 points in point 15 and gave a positive answer to point 16, then the protocol notes positive motivation for studying at school (the total score must be at least 4).

§ For questions 5,8,15,22 points are distributed as follows:

Question 5: how many years – 1 point, answer including months – 3 points.

Question 8: complete home address with city name – 2 points, incomplete – 1 point.

Question 15: for each correctly indicated use of school paraphernalia - 1 point.

Question 22: for the correct answer - 2 points.

Evaluating the results of the conversation

Points: the child is considered school-age mature.

Balla: medium maturity.

Balla: low level of psychosocial development.

Test 2

What does the child know about school?

Determine what your child knows about school. After all, already on the first of September many questions and difficult situations will arise. For you, these childhood worries will seem like trifles, but for him - the most difficult tasks. Be prudent and help your child find a way out of future predicaments in advance, now.

Ask your child: Compare his answers with the correct ones:
1. How do you address the teacher? 2. How to attract attention to yourself if you need to ask something? 3. What should you say if you need to go to the toilet? 4. What is a lesson? 5. How do they know when it’s time to start the lesson? 6. What is change? 7. Why change? 8. What is the name of the table where children write? 9. What does the teacher write in when explaining the task? 10. What is a mark? 11. Which grades are good and which are bad? 12. What is a school diary? 13. Are there children of the same age or different ages in the class? 14. What are vacations? 1. By first name and patronymic and using “you”. 2. Silently raise your hand so that it1 can be seen. 3. Raise your hand and say: “Excuse me, can I leave?” 4. This is the time during which children learn something new: listen to the teacher’s explanations and students’ answers, do exercises and do not leave the classroom. 5. The bell rings, the corridors empty, children run to classes. 6. Recess is a break between lessons. 7. Recess is needed so that children can leave the classroom, relax, play, and have breakfast. 8. Desk. 9. The teacher writes on the blackboard with chalk. 10. A mark is a number that evaluates success: correctly or incorrectly, well or poorly, the student completed the task. 11. 1 (one) – it can’t be worse, 2 (two) – bad, 3 (three) – mediocre, satisfactory, not very good, 4 (good) – good, 5 (five) – excellent. 12. A diary is a notebook where the lesson schedule is written, children write down homework, and the teacher gives marks. 13. Children of the same age and same year of birth usually study in the same class. 14. Vacation is a break from studying for several days, as well as for the whole summer; After the summer holidays, children go to the next grade.

It is important that the child answers fundamentally correctly, without further clarification.

School is our second home. When we enter these doors, we do not understand that this is the most beautiful place on earth.

The first time I crossed the threshold of school was when I was in first grade. It was September 1, 2007. I was just in a great mood. I didn’t go to school alone, but with my mom. She led me by the hand, of course, I was still very little.

A lot has changed in my favorite and only school. Now I'm in 7th grade. I can say one thing: if I remember my school 6 years ago, it has changed for the better: new teachers appeared, techs changed. staff, every class has a computer, cameras are installed in our school, renovations have been made everywhere, well, if you list it, it would be a very long time. In a word, times change, students change, and the school changes.

There are many interesting events going on at our school: competitions, trips, Olympiads.

The Olympiads are an opportunity to objectively evaluate your knowledge. It is there that we show our skills and knowledge acquired beyond curriculum. It is by participating in the first Olympiad that we discover new talent. Then we participate in other competitions, at the district level, and for older students and regions.

Competitions are the most interesting thing. This is where our creativity comes into play. We are full of ideas. Our class teacher Tinkina Natalya Viktorovna guides us in the right direction, we listen to her and respect her. We don’t always win, but we try to improve our results.

Trips. These are the funniest moments from school life. Every time we ride on the bus, we come up with different jokes, gags, wave to people passing by, we always have a great time. And the excursions we attended were exciting and interesting. Any performance in the theater was exciting and had a wonderful ending that was eagerly awaited. The camp site is my favorite place, there, indeed, we all become closer to each other, we learn something new about everyone. The trips are memorable for a lifetime; they are truly a great success.

The school is our second home, and it is very sad to leave it, but a part of it will always be in my heart.

And it’s not about the lessons, assignments and teachers. It's all about people and events. After all, they are the ones who fill my school life with positive, bright emotions. The first thing that comes to mind is our theatrical productions, skits and fairy tales. How we support each other, we worry so that no one forgets the words. It often happened that an actor knew his friend’s text better than his own.

Well, of course, I’m not saying that when I forever cross the threshold of our school, I won’t remember anything about the teachers. Of course not. I would say a huge thank you to the teachers, that despite our character, they give us knowledge and do everything so that our school life We remember it as the best part of our life.

You know, students, I would like to tell you one thing, that our teachers are very good people, and for all the time that I have been studying, I have remembered them as my second mothers.

From this we can conclude that for all the time I spent at school, I will have only the best and most unique memories of it.