How long does lightly salted salmon last in the refrigerator? How to properly store fresh, salted and smoked fish? Types of red fish

The thing is that lightly salted red fish costs much more than regular frozen fish. Before salting salmon, you need to wash it and wipe it with a napkin. In order not to run around the kitchen and get your hands dirty, it needs to be prepared even before the pickling process begins. You can sprinkle the result of your efforts with lemon juice and throw a little bay leaf, parsley, dill or some other fragrant “green stuff” into the container. The pickling container is placed in a cool place for about one to two days. In this case, it is worth considering a simple rule: the larger the fish, the more time it needs to salt.

Lightly salted fish: preparing at home

First of all, you need to competently approach the choice of fish for salting. If you buy fresh, then take only the one that has a head. Of course, you don't want to pay for a part that won't be used, but the smell from the gills indicates the freshness of the salmon.

If you bought fresh fish and salted it yourself, then in the best possible way storage will be next. If you cannot use the fillet at one time, you need to wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator.

Lightly salted fish can spend only 6 days in the refrigerator without loss of quality, medium salted fish can last up to 15 days, and in a solution with a high salt concentration - about a month. Salted fish can be stored in the freezer much longer than in the refrigerator - up to 6 months. When frozen, some of the beneficial qualities for which this fish is so valued disappear. This makes it easier to eat later. In order for salmon to retain maximum of its taste when defrosting, it is recommended to carry out this process not at room temperature, but in the refrigerator.

Also called Atlantic salmon, it is a fairly large fish, but it is most profitable to buy it as a whole carcass. Therefore, the question of how to store fresh or lightly salted salmon interests many. At home, you can preserve all the valuable nutritional properties of lightly salted salmon using the capabilities of your refrigerator.

Choose your recipe

Features of preparing salmon

Fresh salmon is a real storehouse of the most valuable substances that can ensure the full functioning of the human body. But since fish is a perishable product, the question of how to ensure its proper storage and preserve as much as possible all the beneficial substances contained in it is very important.

Salmon bought chilled can be salted and smoked cold, since this is how you can preserve all these substances that are lost during heat treatment and even when the fish is not defrosted properly. Salted salmon cooks quickly enough, acquiring a special delicate taste and aroma.

If you regularly include salted salmon in your diet, your vision and brain function will improve, cholesterol levels in your blood will decrease, and the condition of your hair, nails and skin will improve.

How to properly store lightly salted salmon in the refrigerator

Ready lightly salted salmon can be stored in open form in the refrigerator not very long - 7-10 days. To keep it tasty, wrap the salted fish in a piece of damp cloth soaked in a weak vinegar solution and place it in a plastic bag, which will need to be tightly closed so that air does not penetrate into it and the fish is not saturated with foreign odors.

You can also cut the salted salmon into small pieces and place it, compacting it tightly, into glass jars. Salmon can be sprinkled with pieces of bay leaves, sprigs of dill and freshly ground black pepper. Pour a little on top of the fish olive oil and close the jar well with a tight-fitting lid. In this form, salmon will last for 25-30 days without loss of taste and quality. But, when you want to store it for several months, you will need a freezer.

The traditional way of storing salmon, used in the north: each piece of salted fish is cut in half and a piece of butter is placed between the halves.

How to store lightly salted salmon in the freezer

For freezing in the freezer or refrigerator freezer, it is better if the pieces of salmon are large enough. Don't peel the spices if you sprinkled them on the fish when brining, but pat the pieces lightly with paper kitchen towels to keep them from getting wet. Wrap each piece tightly with cling film, being careful to leave no air bubbles. After this, the pieces can be placed in a plastic bag and closed tightly. If possible, use the fast freeze mode. In this form, salmon can be stored for 6 months, but try to eat it earlier, because then it becomes dry and its specific aroma is lost.
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Salmon or Atlantic salmon is a fairly large fish (adults weigh between 35-50 kg and reach a length of two meters), and the lifespan of Atlantic salmon can be 12-15 years. Salmon lives mainly in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, as well as in fresh waters of northern latitudes. The largest spawning ground for salmon is the Kamchatka Territory.

Fresh salmon is a source of various useful substances, many of which are destroyed by freezing and heat treatment. Therefore, in order to increase the shelf life of salmon, but at the same time preserve maximum nutrients, the fish is salted or cold smoked. Lightly salted or smoked salmon is considered the healthiest. We will not tell you how to salt fish, but will only talk about storing salted salmon.

What are the benefits of salmon?

Interesting fact!

It was recently found that regular consumption of fatty fish improves vision, brain function, and also reduces some symptoms of psoriasis.

You need to understand that salmon, like other ocean fish, is the main supplier of polyunsaturated fats. According to many scientists, it is fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6 prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases, improve blood flow in capillaries and reduce the risk of blood clots. Salmon is considered a fatty and high-calorie fish - it provides 2 times more calories than most varieties of white fish. But despite this, sea fish is very useful for expectant mothers.

In addition, salmon contains a large amount of vitamins, in particular vitamins B, A and D. A fish oil several times more effective vegetable oils reduces blood cholesterol levels. With frequent consumption of salmon, immunity increases, blood flow improves, work nervous system, liver, gastrointestinal tract. It is also worth noting that salmon contains substances that prevent the development of thrombophlebitis. In connection with all of the above, you need to be able to properly prepare and store salted salmon.

How to store salted salmon in the refrigerator

After you salt the salmon, do not freeze it, but remove the skin and leave only the fish fillet. Then cut it into pieces. Place the slices in glass jar, if desired, add spices (bay leaf or black peppercorns, etc.) and pour vegetable oil over the fish so that it completely covers all the pieces. Close the jar with a nylon lid and put it in the refrigerator. However, when leaving fish in the refrigerator, you should remember that the shelf life of salted salmon in this form is much lower than storing salted fish in the freezer.

How to store salted salmon in the freezer

This method of storing salted salmon takes longer. First, cut the salmon (if it is a whole fish) into 5 large pieces. Then salt each piece and put it in the freezer. Storing in portioned pieces is convenient because you don’t have to defrost the whole fish each time. You can store salted salmon in the freezer for up to 6 months, however, during long-term storage, the fish meat becomes drier and lighter in color.

In the north, people store salmon in the following way: each portioned piece is cut into 2 halves, with a slice of butter placed between them. Then the salted salmon needs to be wrapped in cloth and put in the refrigerator.

Salmon is one of the most delicious ocean fish. It has great benefits not only when stewed or boiled, but also salted. At the same time, salted fish is a real delicacy.

Of course, thrifty housewives prefer to salt the product themselves rather than buy ready-made ones, as this is much more profitable. Since salmon is a large fish, the question often arises of how to store salted salmon.

Not every housewife knows how to properly store salted or lightly salted fish. This issue has its own subtleties.

  • Fish purchased in a vacuum must be unpacked immediately before use. In the original packaging, it will remain in the refrigerator for the entire stated period, if the conditions meet the requirements. The opened product should be consumed within the next 24 hours.
  • If the fish has been frozen, then it must be defrosted only naturally. This is the only way it will retain its structure and taste.
  • The product cannot be stored at room temperature. In just 2-43 hours, the fish will lose its original freshness.
  • The shelf life of salmon in brine depends on the concentration of the solution. A steep solution can preserve fish for up to 30 days. Therefore, for longer storage, it is enough to salt the seafood more abruptly.

These are the main points in the question of how to store salmon at home, requiring special attention. In addition to them, it is worth highlighting the nuances regarding each method of storing salted salmon separately.

In the refrigerator

It is preferable to store salmon in the refrigerator. As mentioned above, lightly salted fish purchased in a vacuum must be kept sealed. Opened lightly salted fish will spoil literally in one day.

Large quantities of salted fish in the refrigerator should be kept in brine. Moreover, the saltier the liquid, the longer the period. You can store salted fish in weak brine for no more than one week. If you increase the salt concentration, you can gain another week in storage and extend it to 15 days. A strong solution will keep the salmon in good condition for a month, but it is important to initially salt the seafood in the required concentration.

Advice! If you need to increase the shelf life in the refrigerator, you need to cut the fillet into slices, place in a glass container and pour in oil so that it completely covers the product. This method, at the required temperature, not higher than 5 degrees, can preserve seafood for three months.

In the freezer

If lightly salted fish should be eaten immediately, then highly salted fish can be kept longer. But what if there is quite a lot of salted fish? In this case, freezing would be an excellent solution. Fish can be stored in this form for up to 6 months.

You need to salt the fish, remove it from the brine and cut it into portions. Wrap each of them in cling film or a plastic bag and put them in the freezer to freeze. Then the fish can be taken out in portions and defrosted. It is important to defrost as naturally as possible. First, it is better to move the piece into the refrigerator, and after a few hours to room temperature.

You can store it in the freezer for a long time, but this method has several nuances. By the end of the shelf life, the salmon becomes pale and loses its juiciness, even with the correct approach to thawing. In addition, freezing deprives the product of a lot of nutrients and vitamins, so this method should be used only in extreme situations. It is better to store fresh fish in the freezer and salt it gradually, removing it in small portions.

Salted red fish is an excellent appetizer that is often enjoyed at the holiday table. It goes well with white bread and butter or becomes an ingredient in many salads. But after salting, a logical question arises: how to store salted red fish at home?

All the rules and secrets of storing red fish are in our article.

The benefits of salted red fish

Red fish is salted to maximize its shelf life.

The product is highly valued due to its large number of useful substances. Red fish contains vitamins B, D, E, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, as well as healthy proteins, fats, carbohydrates and amino acids that are vital for the human body.

Doctors around the world advise including this product in your diet, and here's why:

  1. Fish oil strengthens the skeletal system and prevents rickets in children during cold periods, which occurs due to a lack of vitamin D.
  2. Fatty acids reduce blood cholesterol levels, relieve stress cardiovascular system, help cope with depression.
  3. Melatonin has a beneficial effect on sleep and helps cells recover.
  4. Vitamins strengthen the immune system, improve the digestive system and liver function, removing harmful substances and toxins.
  5. B6 helps with problems with the reproductive system, improves hormonal processes and fights infertility.
  6. E slows down the aging process and improves the condition of skin, hair and nails.
  7. Vitamin A normalizes the functioning of the visual system.
  8. B12 replenishes the lack of hemoglobin in the blood and improves blood circulation.

How to choose

Here are a few rules for choosing salted or fresh fish for home salting:

  1. Decide in what form it will be more convenient for you to store it: by weight, cut into pieces or as fillets in vacuum packaging.
  2. After pressing on the fish, there should be no traces left on it. A high-quality product will be dense and elastic.
  3. If you buy pink salmon or salmon by weight, pay attention to the color. It should be light pink, without any spots or dark areas. will give a dark color, frozen - a light gray shade.
  4. If you buy salmon or trout steak, pay attention to the layer gray between the flesh and the skin. It should not be too thick, and the bones should fit tightly to the meat and not lag behind it.
  5. Fresh fillet has an even side cut.
  6. If a piece has a lot of veins white, which means that the part that is close to the tail was used. This part is drier, but the meat closer to the head part is tender and fattier.
  7. If you buy a product in vacuum packaging, make sure that there is no air or water droplets inside. If the packaging does not fit tightly to the product, this means that the storage and production technology was violated.
  8. Pay attention to the product label, which indicates the production date and expiration dates.

If you take these simple rules into account when purchasing and observe the shelf life of salted fish in the refrigerator, it will delight you with a fresh, unique taste.

Important. If a vacuum-packed product is stored in a store not in the refrigerator, but on a shelf, the risk of damage to the product is too high - do not buy such fish.

How to store red fish after salting at home

Salted fish is a perishable product. The storage location is chosen to be cold and dark. Check the fish every 2-3 days.

If you find signs of spoilage, do not eat it:

  1. Sticky coating on the skin. Rinse it off with brine and eat the fish immediately. The next day it will be irrevocably damaged.
  2. Loss of density and elasticity. Press the product with your finger: if the resulting dent does not straighten out, the fish has spoiled and should not be eaten.

Non-refrigerated storage method

If it is not possible to place salted fish in the refrigerator, find the darkest and driest place in the house with a temperature of up to +10°C. If it exceeds the specified values, the product will begin to deteriorate after about 2 hours.

Cold storage

Wrap the product in cotton cloth or paper, then immediately put it in the refrigerator. Store it at a temperature of +2...+4°C for no more than 5 days.

Soak a piece of cloth in table vinegar, wrap the fish, put it in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator. This way it will last no more than 10 days.

Another way is to leave the product in brine:

  • lightly salted can be stored in the refrigerator for about 6 days;
  • medium salted - 2 weeks;
  • in a concentrated saline solution - a month.

If you are preparing a delicacy for a specific event, calculate the time in advance and choose a pickling method that allows it to be stored for the longest possible time.

Advice. Do not leave fish near other foods, especially eggs or vegetables. Bacteria form on them, which will lead to spoilage of the product if they lie nearby.

If the fish is purchased in a store in vacuum packaging, its shelf life is much longer:

  • in the refrigerator at temperatures up to +6°C - 1 month;
  • at temperatures down to -8°C - 1.5 months.

After opening the vacuum packaging, consume the product within 24 hours.

Freezer storage

Freezer - optimal place for long-term storage of red fish. To freeze salted salmon or trout, follow a few simple recommendations:

  1. Cut the fish into large pieces and pat them well with a paper towel or cloth. Rub until they are completely dry.
  2. Wrap the pieces in cling film, then place in a plastic bag.
  3. Remove excess air from the bag and seal tightly.
  4. Place the pieces in the freezer on one shelf. Then the odors will not mix during storage.

You can leave the fish in the freezer for six months, but the sooner you get it, the juicier, fresher and tastier it will be afterwards.

Advice. Do not freeze salted fish with white meat (mackerel, herring). After defrosting, it loses its taste and density.

Thaw salted fish gradually. To begin, put the product from freezer for approximately 4 hours. Then it defrosts at room temperature. If you follow these rules, the fish will retain its structure, rich taste and color.

Herring storage

Herring is best stored in the brine in which it was cooked. If you make it normal saline solution and place fish there, its taste will not be so rich.

If there is no brine left, wrap the finished herring in thick paper and put it in the refrigerator. Store it for no more than a week. After this period, the product will most likely spoil.

Shelf life

In the refrigerator at a temperature of about +4°C:

  • Medium-salted herring can be stored for no longer than 2 weeks;
  • fatty mackerel - up to 10 days;
  • lightly salted salmon - no longer than 3 days;
  • lightly salted salmon in vacuum packaging - no more than 30 days;
  • lightly salted fish of other types - up to 5 days;
  • medium-salted and marinated seafood - no longer than 2 weeks.

If you follow these storage rules, the delicacy will delight you with its rich taste and delicate texture.

Please note. If you have any doubts about the correct temperature conditions when storing salted fish, do not take risks. Seafood poisoning is dangerous to health. It’s better to play it safe and cook the salted fish again, observing the temperature conditions during storage.

How to salt red fish at home

Here's how to salt your own fish:

  1. Choose the right fish - trout, salmon, sockeye salmon, pink salmon or chum salmon are best.
  2. Open it up abdominal cavity and gut it well, remove the head and cut off the tail and fins.
  3. Remove all scales and rinse the fish well in cold water.
  4. Make a cut along the ridge. Carefully separate it from the meat and remove all excess bones.
  5. Remove all films from the inside.
  6. Prepare 1 tbsp. l. sugar and 2 tbsp. l. salt per 1 kg of product.
  7. Mix salt and sugar together and season the fish well with this mixture.
  8. Place the fish in a deep bowl, skin side up, and cover tightly with a lid or cling film.
  9. Add your favorite seasonings or herbs if desired.

After some time, the pickling will begin to release juice. It will be ready in 2-3 days.

Advice. If you don’t want to bother with cutting up a whole fish, buy a ready-made fillet or piece right away. It will cost more, but will save a lot of time.

It will be ready in 10 hours, but it is better to leave it for 2-3 days - it will be salted better and will have a brighter taste. To finish the salting process, simply drain the water in which the fish was lying.

A few tips for housewives on how to present this delicacy prepared with their own hands:

  1. Self-catering snack. Beautifully arrange thinly sliced ​​pieces of red fish on a platter and garnish with herbs to taste.
  2. Filling for pancakes. Coat them with cream cheese on the inside, add pieces of fish, and add a little herbs to taste.
  3. Bruschetta with salted salmon. Fry slices of white bread on butter, place thinly sliced ​​avocado and salmon slices on top.


Home-salted fish is an incredibly tasty delicacy. Its preparation does not require any special skills or experience. To preserve the freshness and taste of salted fish, it is enough to follow the rules for storing it, and then it will bring great benefits to the body.