Snowfall. Snowfall is under construction

Last year I had the opportunity to observe what an unprecedented construction boom Vladivostok is experiencing. In the north-eastern part of the city, in the area of ​​the Second River, on the site of buildings of one of the military units of the Pacific Fleet, beautiful multi-storey buildings and social facilities appeared in a matter of months. The residential complex “Snegovaya Pad” was born literally before our eyes.

Housing for military personnel

The development of the undeveloped territory began on the basis of an order from the President of the Russian Federation to the governor of the Primorsky Territory to take measures to build permanent and service housing for retired and active military personnel, as well as within the framework of the national project “Affordable and comfortable housing for Russian citizens.” The construction passport on a huge stand in front of the entrance to the residential area says:

— construction start date: 2008;

- completion of construction - 2012.

The total number of apartments in the residential area, taking into account the future, is 11,999.

The total area of ​​the apartments is 710,875.58 sq. m. m.

Customer - Federal State Enterprise "Customer Administration" capital construction Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation."

The general contractor is the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Main Directorate of Special Construction" Dalspetsstroy under Spetsstroy of Russia.

Over time, this area promises to become one of the most picturesque corners of the city, and, naturally, from the first days of construction, many citizens were interested in the possibility of buying apartments in Snegovaya Pad. However, commercial sale is not provided - initially all housing is intended only for the needs of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

The location for the project was chosen for several reasons. According to the plan, the new residential area should unite several dozen houses with complete infrastructure. In terms of accessibility, the area of ​​the Second River turned out to be the most convenient - the naval arsenal previously located here freed up an area sufficient to build more than 20 thousand apartments and accommodate about 60 thousand residents. In addition, the area is located in close proximity to populated urban areas, accessible for personal and public transport. But still, the microdistrict is one of the most remote from the city center, and the transport problem for its residents was one of the most acute. Now, new modern buses from the German company MAN are already operating on routes connecting the new microdistrict with other districts of Vladivostok.

In fact, the residential complex should once and for all remove the urgency of the issue of providing apartments for military personnel in the largest port city Far Eastern federal district. Until now, this problem has been very acute. So, in 2010, only the Pacific Fleet to solve housing problem About 8 thousand apartments were required for permanent housing and 10 thousand for official housing. But it was also necessary to take into account the army officers who, upon leaving the reserve, expressed a desire to get apartments in Vladivostok.

Now, not only the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, but also the capital of Primorye will benefit from the appearance of such a microdistrict. Snowfall becomes a real decoration of the city. And most importantly, the creation of a residential complex will help keep thousands of former military personnel from moving to the western regions of the country. The city's population will be replenished with young families, and enterprises with trained specialists. Agree, this is a good “increase”, especially in light of the demographic problem common to Far Eastern cities.

Housewarming is coming soon!

The new residential area is being built in record time. Back in 2008, the Snegovaya Pad complex did not exist even at the planning stage. According to the deputy commander of the Pacific Fleet for construction, engineering support and cantonment, Lieutenant General Vladimir Balan, at the initial stage the main task lay on the shoulders of employees of the 49th Central Design Institute of the Ministry of Defense and Primorgrazhdanproekt LLC. The development project created by specialists was recognized as one of the best at competitions in Vladivostok, Khabarovsk and Moscow, and after the corresponding conclusion of the state examination, it was taken as the basis for construction.

Construction organizations have undergone a kind of screening. If in 2009 four organizations were recognized as general contractors, then in 2010, by government decree, only one was retained - “Dalspetsstroy under Spetsstroy of Russia” under the leadership of Lieutenant General Yuri Khrizman.

The main phase of the project began in January 2009. Control was carried out double - both from the Ministry of Defense and from local administrations. According to the head of the regional department of the customer for capital construction of the Eastern Military District, the facilities were provided with one hundred percent funding. As a result, the first five residential buildings were put into operation in December 2010. On December 10, a ceremonial presentation of keys to the first new residents of the Snegovaya Pad microdistrict took place. The ceremony was attended by Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of Russia in the Far Eastern Federal District Viktor Ishaev, Governor of Primorye Sergei Darkin, Mayor of Vladivostok Igor Pushkarev, Commander of the Eastern Military District Admiral Konstantin Sidenko. They addressed congratulations and parting words to the new residents and handed the military personnel notices to move in.

It should be noted that although the houses were built in record short terms, but in accordance with all building and social standards and are distinguished by improved finishing. Many servicemen, having learned the numbers of their future apartments, came to Snegovaya Pad and asked the builders to show the layout and decoration of the rooms. The officers were not denied such a small whim, especially since none of the future new settlers left dissatisfied; on the contrary, they were only thanked for the quality work. According to the head of SU-702, reserve colonel Grigory Bagramyan, the houses in the Snegovaya Pad residential area are distinguished by high quality construction and finishing work, good layout, improved quality of flooring, and the use of stained glass.

At the same time, the construction of houses in the second phase continued. Only under service housing in 2011, 11 houses with 2,666 apartments were prepared for delivery. At the end of October last year, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Igor Shuvalov, having visited Vladivostok, reported that more than half of the 3 thousand apartments in Snegovaya Pad, which were planned to be transferred to military personnel in 2011, were already occupied.

In general, about 10 thousand military families will receive apartments here in the coming years. Naturally, construction will not stop there: the Snegovaya Pad residential complex is a large and long-term project. Suffice it to say that only at the initial stage, in a residential area of ​​530 hectares, it was planned to build 15,900 apartments with a total area of ​​over a million (!) square meters. Agree, it is not often that you hear about such a scale and such capital investment in housing for military personnel.

Microdistrict with all amenities

A characteristic feature of the new residential area is not just the construction of modern high-rise buildings, but also the creation full complex social infrastructure. Responsibility for social facilities is assigned to the local administration - they will fall under the jurisdiction of the city. That is why, according to the regional target program “Development of the city of Vladivostok as a center international cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region for 2008-2012" from the budget of the Primorsky Territory, subsidies were provided to the Vladivostok city district for the construction of municipally owned social infrastructure facilities in the "Snegovaya Pad" residential area. In 2010 - 1.3 billion rubles, in 2011 - 1.1 billion rubles.

In total, several secondary schools, each for 825 students, are being built to provide a fulfilling life for the families of military personnel and “reserves”. Classrooms in four-story buildings meet the most modern requirements. Special attentionhealthy image life. In addition to stadiums with artificial turf for physical training, schools have gyms and a swimming pool. One cannot fail to mention the spacious dining rooms and medical stations, which include not only treatment rooms, but also workplaces for doctors, including dentists and child psychologists.

In addition to secondary schools, the project, which was recognized as one of the best in its category at the regional, regional and all-Russian architectural competitions “Zodchestvo”, provides for preschool institutions, comprehensive clinics and even a sports and recreation complex. There are already two kindergartens, a children's clinic and a school operating here. Of course, in the new microdistrict there will also be places for grocery and hardware stores, a post office, a pharmacy, canteens and cafes.

Along with the construction of social facilities, other important issues are being resolved. For example, the administration of the Primorsky Territory keeps special control over the process of creating modern utility networks. The microdistrict is supplied with heat from the reconstructed Severnaya district boiler house. Energy supply is through MES East from the Volna-1 and Volna-2 substations. Moreover, the forecast for the expansion of utility networks in the area is taken into account for the reconstruction of energy supply facilities, so that new residents will not be left without heat and light.

They will not be left without water. The functions of the customer-developer for the construction of the necessary communications from the Sedankinskoye reservoir to the Snegovaya Pad microdistrict, as well as off-site sewerage networks, are successfully performed by the KPCK “Unified Directorate for the Construction of Facilities in the Primorsky Territory”.

It is worth mentioning one more feature of the new residential area. Built and put into operation for the first time in Vladivostok storm drain. One of the additional conditions was the development and approval of a project for storm sewer treatment facilities for the entire residential area “Snegovaya Pad”. Thus, the new microdistrict became the first in the city to join the fight for a clean environment.

But the microdistrict will really begin to live a little later. This will happen when the first trees grow green near the new buildings, when the landscaping is completed, when every resident of the area stops considering himself a new resident and everyone begins to consider “Snegovaya Pad” their home. And this will happen very soon!

In the meantime, according to Primorye Governor Sergei Darkin, in 2012 veterans of the Great Patriotic War will receive apartments here Patriotic War, Primorye orphans who have reached the age of 18, military personnel who went into the reserves in the 90s. And Snegovaya Pad will turn into the most densely populated microdistrict of the Sovetsky district of Vladivostok.


Vladivostok is the center of the Primorsky Territory, an industrial city whose residents have to put up with a terrifying environment. That is why the opportunity to purchase an apartment surrounded by forest, away from hazardous industries with a picturesque view, is a dream for many. And it will become a reality thanks to the new residential neighborhood - “Snegovaya Pad”. This is what will be discussed in this material. We will try to evaluate the project from all sides, identifying its advantages and disadvantages.

About the project

"Snegovaya Pad" in Vladivostok is a new residential microdistrict being built as part of the state program "Housing for Russian family". On an area of ​​27.8 hectares there will be 12 houses of varying number of floors, each of which will be equipped with an intercom, a high-speed silent elevator, and a fire safety system.

The architectural concept of the Snegovaya Pad microdistrict fully reflects the demands and needs of modern residents. Convenient location of residential buildings relative to each other and infrastructure facilities, a landscaped local area, a sufficient number of parking spaces, spacious apartments with an improved layout - this is what all residents will receive. Houses of 9, 18 and 25 floors form a single concept.


The developer of the Snegovaya Pad microdistrict is the state enterprise of the Primorsky Territory “Primorkraystroy”. This is the largest developer in the region, whose efforts have erected many socially significant facilities. All work is carried out using modern materials and unique technologies, which allows us to achieve amazing results. The company employs true professionals with many years of experience. The microdistrict is being built within the framework of a state program, so every stage of work is under close control. There is not the slightest reason to doubt the quality of work and the deadlines for delivery of the project.


The Snegovaya Pad microdistrict is located in an ecologically clean zone - on the territory of the Second River area. What makes it popular and attractive is its special microclimate: it is always sunny and warm here. The absence of hazardous industries also had an effect. Space, the opportunity to enjoy clean air and the beauty of the landscape are a dream for many residents of Vladivostok. The project is being built as part of a support program for young families, so the majority of apartment buyers are young families with small children who care about their health.

The first real estate buyers note that the windows of apartments in Vladivostok now offer a picturesque view of the forest and river, and not of the chimneys of factories.

Transport accessibility

Pervorechensky is somewhat isolated from the central part of the city, which frightens potential buyers. The proximity to the Sedanka - Patroclus highway provides the necessary transport accessibility: within half an hour you can get from the complex to any point in the city. New buildings are being built as part of the state program to help young families, so there is enough public transport in their direction: minibuses and buses. The stops are within walking distance from each house.


“Snegovaya Pad” is part of an already created and equipped microdistrict. All its residents will have access to the necessary infrastructure. Kindergartens, schools, a clinic, a shopping and entertainment center have already been built in the area, cafes and bank branches have been opened. The first floors of the houses will be allocated for commercial service facilities: residents of the microdistrict will have their own hairdresser, fitness center, atelier and much more.

The project provides for the improvement of the local area: there will be modern playgrounds and sports grounds, areas for walking and recreation. Residents of the complex will not have to leave its territory to enjoy the delights of summer and winter outdoor recreation.

Car owners will be pleased with the availability of spacious parking with sufficient quantity parking spaces The complex is under 24-hour security and has a video surveillance system, which guarantees the necessary security for car owners.

Apartments, layouts

There are several apartments in Vladivostok construction companies, but the state-owned enterprise managed to take into account all the wishes of modern residents. Buyers have a variety of planning solutions to choose from, among which everyone will find something special for themselves.

The developer offered one-, two- and three-room apartments with improved layouts. They turned out to be spacious, bright, and the windows offer stunning views of the forest and river. Here everyone will find the best option for themselves, ranging from a small compact one-room apartment for a young family to a spacious three-room apartment with separate rooms and an additional bathroom. The housing is rented unfinished, but if necessary, qualified experienced craftsmen will implement a design project for your cozy nest and help in choosing the necessary materials.

Pricing policy

Apartments in the Snegovaya Pad microdistrict (Vladivostok) can hardly be called budget in cost, because the price of a one-room apartment starts at 4.5 million rubles for an area of ​​49-55 square meters. But thanks to government support, it is possible to provide young families with favorable conditions for purchasing real estate, as well as excellent interest rate on a mortgage loan. State programs - great opportunity get your own home, so don’t miss this opportunity.

Construction progress

The first phase of the microdistrict will be delivered in the fourth quarter of 2017. To date, a number of buildings have begun interior decoration. Shareholders emphasize that construction is progressing ahead of schedule. Accordingly, there is a chance to receive the keys to your new cozy nest a little earlier. Each stage is controlled by the state, which guarantees reliability, quality and compliance with all the expectations of residents.

Let's sum it up

Microdistrict "Snegovaya Pad" (Vladivostok) is a profitable investment, an excellent complex in an ecologically clean and landscaped area of ​​Vladivostok, where all the necessary conditions for comfortable life. Take a closer look at the project, be sure to visit the construction site in order to personally see all the described advantages, first of all, in the environment.

Construction of residential buildings in Vladivostok. Residential area "Snegovaya Pad" complex D I stage of construction at the address: Primorsky Territory, Vladivostok, in the area "Snegovaya Pad"


Affordable and comfortable housing: 141834.2 sq. m. m of total residential area for 5125 residents (50% of economy class housing in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2010 No. 303 “On approval methodological recommendations for classifying residential premises as economic class housing").
Solution social problems: Two preschool educational institutions with 240 places each, secondary school for 825 seats.

Solution to the parking problem: 685 parking spaces, including underground garages.
Conditions for small businesses: four public and business centers with a total area of ​​13,700 sq. m.
Comfortable environment: sidewalks, playgrounds for children, bicycle paths, public gardens, complete landscaping of the area with planting of shrubs and lawns.


Name thousand rubles
Total cost 7 993 755,47
Residential properties 5 377 939,29
Cost of 1 sq.m. without infrastructure costs 37,29
Engineering infrastructure 689 020,7
Cost 1 sq.m 4,86
Communication networks 2 233,44
Social infrastructure 1 119 611,70
Cost of SKB per 1 sq.m 7,89
Commercial infrastructure 452 100,00
Transport infrastructure 326 028,64
Cost of 1 sq.m. 2,3
Parking lots 26 821,71
Standard cost of 1 sq. m. 45,85


Location (address landmarks) land plot: Primorsky Territory, Vladivostok, Sovetsky district.

Square land plots: 15 hectares.

Environment: the land plot is located in the north-eastern part of the city of Vladivostok in the basin of the upper reaches of the river. Second Rechka, in the eastern part of the Northern planning area, in the Snegovaya Pad residential area, north of the residential complexes G-1, G-2 and V under construction. The designed residential complex is located between two residential streets: from the south the border is the existing street. Admiral Gorshkov, from the north, northwest, a projected residential street (prospective construction). The territory has a complex terrain with an existing elevation difference of about 73 meters from south to north.
Cadastral number: 25:28:040014:295 – 150,000 sq.m.

Land category: lands of settlements.
Permitted use: territory of the residential area Snegovaya Pad.
Developer: KPPK "Unified Directorate for the Construction of Facilities in the Primorsky Territory"
Legal owner of the land plot: KPPK “Unified Directorate for the Construction of Facilities in the Primorsky Territory”
Land lease agreement: agreement for free, fixed-term use
Existing restrictions (encumbrances) of the right: not registered.


The territory planning project was approved by the head of the city of Vladivostok by Resolution No. 254 dated 09/08/2008.
Currently, design documentation for the capital construction project “Construction of residential buildings in Vladivostok. Residential area "Snegovaya Pad" Residential complex D. I stage of construction" developed and passed the examination

Received Specifications for connection to engineering infrastructure networks:
technical conditions for technological connection to electrical networks JSC FGC UES dated October 24, 2012.
technical conditions for technological connection to water supply and sewerage networks of KSUE "Primorsky Vodokanal" dated September 29, 2011 No. UP-834.
The project provides for the construction of monolithic houses with three-layer insulation and facing with ceramic bricks.
The number of floors of the building is 10, 11, 18, 25 floors.


The project implementation includes 3 stages.
Construction period: IV quarter. 2014 – IV quarter 2017

Apartment area sq. m. 2014 2015 2016 2017
Total sellable living space 141834,2 1Q 2kv 3kv 4kv 1Q 2kv 3kv 4kv 1Q 2kv 3kv 4kv 1Q 2kv 3kv 4kv
1 1st stage 47278
construction and installation work X X X X X
Enter X
2 2nd stage 47278
construction and installation work X X X X
Enter X
3 3rd stage 47278
construction and installation work X X X X
Enter X


The project will be implemented in 3 stages
Construction period: IV quarter 2014 – IV quarter 2017

Commissioning of non-residential facilities
Microdistrict Schools, places Kindergartens, Shopping centers, sq.m
1st stage 3425
2nd stage 825 240 3425
3rd stage 240 6850
Total: 852 480 13700


Name Unit change Price
Engineering infrastructure, total: thousand rubles 689 020,7
cost per sq. m. thousand rubles 4,86
power supply for all of them thousand rubles 144 054,78
kW/hour 4300
RUB/kWh 0,03
technological connection fee thousand rubles 139,84
thousand rubles 101712,43
cost of backbone x networks thousand rubles 42202,51
heat supply of all, of which thousand rubles 408 640,49
Gcal/hour 22,14
cost of technological connection thousand rubles/Gcal 11654,80
thousand rubles 257979,0
cost of intra-quarter networks thousand rubles 51419,48
cost of backbone networks thousand rubles 99242,01
water supply of all of them thousand rubles 45 276,73
m3/day 2960
cost of technological connection rub. m3/day 0
technological connection fee thousand rubles 0
cost of intra-quarter networks thousand rubles 45276,73
drainage of all of them thousand rubles 31 192,72
m3/day 2713
cost of technological connection rub. m3/day 0
technological connection fee thousand rubles 0
cost of intra-quarter networks thousand rubles 31192,72
storm drain thousand rubles 59 855,98
cost of intra-quarter networks thousand rubles 59855,98
Communication networks thousand rubles 2 233,44
Transport infrastructure thousand rubles 326 028,64
construction of intra-block roads, block driveways thousand rubles 326 028,64


Power supply:
The power supply to the residential complex “D” is provided from the ZRU-1 6 kV substation 220 kV “Volna”. To distribute loads in the residential complex, it is planned to build a distribution point (RTP-3) with a transformer substation.
Water supply and sanitation:
The water supply for the residential complex “D” is provided from intra-block networks with a diameter of 300 mm in the residential area “Snegovaya Pad”.
Drainage: Domestic wastewater from the residential buildings of the complex flows by gravity into the on-site sewerage network with further connection to the intra-block sewerage networks of residential complexes in the Snegovaya Pad district and further to the Central Sewage Treatment Plant of Vladivostok.
Heat supply:
Heating system- centralized. Source of heat supply TC-Severnaya. Connection of residential buildings is provided to the intra-block heating networks of the residential complex “D” after the central heating substation. Each house is directly connected to each house through an individual heating point.


The other day I went to Snegovaya Pad for work... In general, I really like the area itself: an excellent location, despite the huge number of factory pipes, but where is our air clean?!, there is a forest nearby - you can even go out for a picnic every day, if only cross the road and that's it. Regular buses run along a very convenient route, and the bus itself is very comfortable. Established infrastructure. Well, quite good apartments. However, there is something going on in the courtyards - dirty. No, it’s not that the area is not being cleaned, on the contrary, I even saw several cleaners, but they don’t do it quickly, so the wind drives the garbage from the uncleaned area to the cleaned one... I walked around it, went into almost every yard where Some are clean, some are dirty...

Construction of the microdistrict began in 2009. The developer was GUSS "Dalspetsstroy" under Speystroy of Russia. As construction progressed, apartments were also rented out.
I found a couple of shots in the archive taken from a helicopter. It is clear that the area itself is green, the lawns are still being landscaped (you will soon see what happened to them), there are no problems with parking (for now).

School, kindergarten, clinic, stadium, everything is there... Live or not.

So, I got off the bus to the stop. which is opposite the V/CH. Continue on foot.
Construction of new high-rise buildings. “Affordable” housing is good, there is so little of it in our city. Mainly secondary market.

The area itself greeted me with grayness and dullness - well, that’s understandable - it’s spring. The whole city is like this. A car parked on the lawn is quite a common occurrence. We have the same situation in our yard, I think it’s worth fixing it somehow.

I haven’t been to Moscow, but for some reason this microdistrict reminded me of it... I don’t know... Associations, stereotypes...

Cars on the sidewalks are already worse... There are not many parking spaces in the area, one might even say there are practically none. What were the designers thinking when they drew up the master plan?! I can't imagine. Residents are forced to abandon their cars on lawns, flower beds, and sidewalks.

The playground left me in quiet horror... It’s clear that the blue bag can be used as a sail for a boat that the kids will launch in these huge puddles.... But what is everything else doing here?!

Almost the entire area is covered with a kind of garbage carpet.

The garbage mainly consists of bags and plastic bottles, which move around the area very easily due to the wind. There is only one conclusion - you need to clean everything up on time.

But I have heavier containers, cans, glass beer bottles - the residents themselves have worked on this. They drank, quit, whined...

When I was filming all this, residents came up to me more than once, pointed at the pile and asked me to film it, showed me a better angle, and talked about the management company. A funny incident happened: one guy, talking about how the Criminal Code was not properly fulfilling its obligations, was so indignant that he lit a cigarette... Then, after finishing the conversation, he threw the bull on the ground... It happens...

"Flower bed" under the balconies - the main garbage is cigarette butts. Here we can say - pigs have a pig's life. They created a viper for themselves under the windows. However, not everyone smokes, not everyone who smokes throws bulls from the balcony, but...

But judging by their number, probably in every family someone smokes...

And this is the roadway adjacent to the house... In the evening, when everyone has already returned from work, both sides are probably occupied by cars...

Someone didn't disdain to block the door...

Someone stuck a piece of paper... Although it would be more correct... Okay, it doesn’t matter...

Cars have turned lawns into a mess of dirt and debris.

And so on throughout the region. The reason is there are no parking spaces.

Wheels don't help either

Without hesitation, he blocked the sidewalk.

Parachute or what?!

But if you don’t look down, the area looks like nothing at all... Beautiful, new houses, huge modern school, elegant kindergarten...

The garbage disposal is located outside, right at the entrance.

At the entrance there is a request, a plea... Which no one reads...

Halfway through the walk I came across a woman who was collecting trash in a large bag. I asked her about the Criminal Code and pretended that she didn’t speak Russian.

Apparently another overnight car park. It was a lawn, it became a mud rodeo...

The cladding of the porch raises many questions about the quality of materials...

The entrances are plastered with advertisements. Apparently they are trying to tear them off somehow, but very good glue does the job too...

I found one large parking lot, judging by the booth that can be seen in the distance - it is paid. Those. if you are a resident of this house, if you have your own car, if you drove up to your entrance and parked your car in your parking lot, then you will still have to pay... If you don’t pay, I don’t think it’s worth checking.

This is what motorists have turned into, because... the same residents of this microdistrict once had a green lawn.

I don’t know how legally this booth stands here. But I think it’s worth making a request to the PC Prosecutor’s Office. They even installed a barrier, maybe there really is a permit, which is extremely rare in our city.

I can’t say anything about the factory pipes... I don’t know how dirty the air is here.

But the territory of this parking lot is quite dirty.

Those. if this territory is leased for parking, should the tenants take care of it?!

Well, it would be logical to think that parking lot workers bear the most direct responsibility for the destruction of the lawn?!

Another entrance. Another pile of rubbish, this time from construction. Those. either the builders or the residents themselves simply could not bring all this to the garbage containers.

But the small “entrance” trash cans are almost all overflowing and a light breeze carries this garbage throughout the area.

Again, we didn’t make it to the trash containers. The human factor is already at play here - pigs. But because of these pigs, those who are somehow trying to maintain cleanliness in the area suffer.

Another entrance.

I saw this “holy” car on the horizon, they still exist!!!

But this playground has already been removed. It’s already beautiful, but for how long?

Garbage awaits cleaners in large black bags.

The black raven - the bird of all garbage dumps - is the most common bird of Snegovaya Pad, in my opinion and observation.

I found three more employees of the Criminal Code, i.e. In total, there are 5 of them working in the area, because I didn’t see anyone else (I met the 5th at the trash cans)...

The area around the school is beautiful and clean. There are no cars parked, the lawns are intact - this is what the whole neighborhood could be like.

A lot of stairs are starting to collapse, again the question is about the quality of materials...

Garbage car.

A large pile of snow on the playground - to the delight of the children...

But this MUD@K parked right next to the swing...

I took all the pictures on the morning of April 4th. Now it’s the 7th, I don’t know what the situation is with the garbage in Spegovaya Pad. BUT, with the appearance of greenery, I think it’s worth visiting this “pig farm” again, to see the condition of the lawns.

Many residents scold workers, management and company managers, and rightly so. Their duty is to clean up your trash and bring the area back to normal. improve. The financial investments from all apartments are not small. It is not clear where and to whom this money goes, i.e. 5 people for the entire area is just... This is simply not enough, maybe there were more, but I didn’t meet anyone. 5 cleaners Management Company and tons of garbage from residents. And some residents of this microdistrict, who are puzzled by the search for pigs, just need to look in the mirror... In the mirror and at the bulls lying under the balconies, at the cars parked in random places, the mutilated lawns... Still, the most important role is in the cleanliness of your entrance , the yard, the entire area - the human factor plays a role. When a person learns to see beyond the threshold of his own apartment, then everything will be clear all around.

P.S.: Everything I wrote here is my assessment opinion. All the conclusions that I present here are my personal opinion, which I received while walking around this area. I can confirm all my words with photographs taken on April 4, 2013, i.e. and the story itself is about this day. I don’t know how things are now with the cleanliness of this microdistrict.