Nordic walking technique. Nordic walking with poles - detailed instructions and study of walking techniques

For a long time, people have used improvised objects - sticks, staves or canes - in order to facilitate their movement through difficult places and reduce the load on the joint apparatus and spine.

Due to the fact that poles made it easier to move through the snow, skiers began to actively use them, and subsequently skiing professionals developed a “summer” technique for running with poles without skis. She allowed them to stay in shape, regardless of the time of year.

This technique is the basis of Nordic walking. Today, Nordic walking with, video lessons of which we attach to this article, is extremely popular among active people of the most of different ages.

Nordic walking - for active people of any age

This can be explained by the fact that everyone can choose the optimal level of load and training topics for themselves, having mastered the basics of movement.

A little about Nordic walking in the “Live Healthy” program:

    • Walking uses not only muscles, but also the most important organ systems: cardiovascular and respiratory. Gently, without overload and stress for the body, it helps strengthen the heart muscle and lungs, saturate the body with oxygen, and increase the flow rate metabolic processes and get rid of extra calories.
    • In addition, this sport improves coordination of movements and develops a sense of balance, so it is especially useful for older people suffering from cerebrovascular disease and other vascular pathologies.

Nordic walking - health benefits

Gently, without overload and stress for the body, Nordic walking helps strengthen the heart muscle and lungs, saturate the body with oxygen, increase the speed of metabolic processes and get rid of excess calories.

Watch the video about the benefits of Nordic walking (doctor’s lecture):

Nordic walking for weight loss

Nordic walking helps you lose weight quite easily overweight. Having learned to walk technically, in their own rhythm, everyone can maintain their body in in great shape. Don't be fooled by the apparent ease of walking. When walking with poles, almost all the muscles of both legs and arms work.

Why is Nordic walking better than other sports?

  • You do not depend on any schedules or class schedules.
  • You can walk almost anywhere. Of course, it is better to choose forests or parks for walking.
  • You won't have to be ashamed of your appearance or age. When doing Nordic walking, you can choose the clothes, the time and the place where you will avoid unnecessary attention.
  • You don't need any company. Whether you go with someone or alone is your decision.
  • Nordic walking classes do not require large investments. All you need is comfortable clothing, season-appropriate shoes and suitable poles.
  • Safety. Some sports can make your health worse. They can blow your heart, tear your back, or get injured. Moderate Nordic walking is perhaps the safest sport.

Nordic walking is the safest sport

Moderate Nordic walking is perhaps the safest sport.

  • Buy Nordic walking poles that suit you personally.
  • Make sure you have comfortable and beautiful clothes and shoes. Our overall well-being has a lot to do with how we look.
  • Consider a time to study (morning or afternoon are best).
  • Build a convenient and pleasant route for yourself, which in itself will fill you with energy and positive emotions.

Build a convenient and pleasant route for yourself. Best option- nature.

  • Decide for yourself whether you want to walk with someone or whether you would prefer to do it alone. Don’t follow anyone’s lead, but think about your psychological comfort.
  • Start exercising for 20 - 30 minutes 3 times a week. Don't overdo it, especially at first.
  • Listen to yourself, if you feel tired today, take a break. On the other hand, if you understand that you want to increase the load gradually, you can increase either the pace, or the time, or the number of classes.

Important! Listen to yourself, your body, your soul. Don’t do Nordic walking to please someone or for someone else, do it for yourself, for your health and pleasure.

Nordic walking poles - what is their purpose

Cannot be replaced with ski poles or trekking poles: they must cushion the spine and joints, while ensuring maximum active movement of the arms.

Types of Nordic walking poles

Depending on the design of the rod, sticks can be:

  • Monolithic— have a fixed length, with an interval of 5 cm. Reliable, durable, have a high degree of shock absorption, especially for the elbow joints. But they are inconvenient in terms of transportation, ideal selection according to height and varying the load.
  • Telescopic- can vary significantly in length, which makes them easier to transport and allows you to change the length already during training, based on weather conditions, terrain, height of the sole of the boots, feeling of fatigue, etc.

When making a rod the following can be used:

  • Carbon. Optimal material for beginners and experienced athletes. It has high strength and good shock absorption. The higher the level of physical fitness of the athlete, the higher the percentage of carbon should be.
  • Aluminum. Durable, lightweight, but practically devoid of shock absorption.
    Fiberglass. The most budget-friendly, but short-lived option. Fiberglass poles are often taken by beginners who are not sure that they will make friends with this sport.

What parts does a stick consist of - what to look for when choosing

Also pay attention to the remaining design elements:

Pen. The handle can be plastic, rubber-coated or cork. Cork is pleasant to the touch, does not freeze in the cold, absorbs sweat, but crumbles over time. Rubber is more durable. The plastic slips in your hand and freezes in the cold.

Lanyard. These are straps that secure the handle to the hand, transferring the repulsion force from the hand to the sticks. It can be fixed or removable. Removable lanyards are more practical and easier to use, but are less adjustable - when purchasing, you need to pay attention to the adjustment.

Tip. It can be removable or non-removable, pointed (for walking on ice and gravel) and cylindrical (for walking on relatively soft ground).

If the sticks are going to be used in different conditions, it is better to opt for a removable tip. Aluminum tips are lighter and cheaper, but wear out quickly. More durable ones are made from a metal alloy (tungsten, pobedit, etc.). To walk on asphalt you will need rubber tips.

Manufacturers of Nordic walking poles - a review of the leaders

The cost of poles will depend on many factors - model, materials, manufacturer.

Category No. 1 - “Excellent quality - high price”

The following companies are considered leaders in their production:

Excel (Finland). Founder of the Nordic Walking Federation, developer of the most convenient, practical and durable equipment. The cost of their products varies between 4.5 – 20 tr.

LEKI (Germany). Produces reliable equipment in a wide range. The cost of such sticks will be from 7 to 15 thousand rubles.

Swix (Norway). Better specialists production of ski poles began to produce poles for Nordic walking. Their cost ranges from 5 to 10 tr.

Category No. 2 - “Good quality - average price”

Poles are manufactured at a high level by such manufacturers as:

Gabel (Italy);

Marko (Estonia).

Their products meet all existing requirements, but are in a relatively budget price category - from 1.5 to 5 tr.

Listen! If you are just starting to practice Nordic walking, choose a more budget option. There are quite a lot of companies that produce good poles at not too inflated prices. After a while, you will decide for yourself whether you should buy a more expensive version of a Nordic walking pole.

Choosing a pole for Nordic walking (video)

For those who have seriously decided to take up Nordic walking, there is an important task - choosing a pole that is suitable for you. How to choose the right pole for Nordic walking, watch the video.

Choosing a pole for Nordic walking video 1:

Choosing a pole for Nordic walking video 2.

The Nordic walking technique with poles, the instructions for its implementation are quite simple, is gaining popularity in Russia. Nowadays, no one is surprised by people walking with ski poles, but without skis. The big advantage of this type of walking is the work of almost all muscle groups. This increases energy expenditure, which leads to faster weight loss.

What is Nordic walking

Nordic walking can be called a physical activity that involves walking according to a certain technique using poles. There are also other names for this type of physical activity - Finnish, Nordic, Nordic walking. The basis of the methodology is the training of Finnish skiers, who thus maintained their athletic shape in the off-season.

Walking poles reduce the load on the ankle and leg joints. Because of this, Nordic walking is recommended for older people. The workouts have become famous for their healing effect; they fill you with vigor, because you only walk at outdoors. Based on this, the ideal training is in the forest. The Nordic walking technique with poles, a photo of which can be seen below, is simple.

For most people, it is also important that during training there is a great chance not only to meet new people, but also to find like-minded people. In addition, Nordic walking provides optimal stress on the heart and blood vessels, thereby strengthening them.

The emergence of a new species

Nordic walking was successfully used even before the war; Finnish skiers are considered its founders. They were so afraid of losing their shape and skills over the summer that they decided to train without skis, using only In addition, the training took place in the summer, that is, without snow. Then the benefits and effectiveness of these activities were noted.

The fact of effectiveness aroused interest among specialists working in the field of sports medicine. In the eighties, walking was thoroughly studied, and its positive effect on the body, as well as its high efficiency, was proven. As a result, walking became popular first in Scandinavia and then throughout the world.

The benefits of walking

This sport can be practiced outdoors all year round. Training requires only one type of equipment - special sticks.

This is an excellent way to lose weight. Let's compare: in a Pilates lesson you can lose up to 200 kcal, dancing will allow you to say goodbye to kcal. An hour of training with sticks will allow you to “lose” about 700 kcal.

The Nordic walking technique with poles (the instructions are easy to understand and implement), if followed regularly, will easily maintain health and will be an excellent rehabilitation course for people with problems with the spinal column. Outdoor fitness is recommended for those who have heart disease, lung problems, or excess weight. Benefits of classes:

  • Slowly, evenly and comprehensively affect the entire muscle corset.
  • Strengthens the muscles of the shoulder girdle and pelvic muscles.
  • Help with osteochondrosis.
  • Increase blood flow and microcirculation in the muscles by warming up the muscles.
  • Stimulates heart function and improves lung performance. This leads to pressure optimization.
  • Activate brain function, improve memory.

In addition, training stimulates the work of all joints, which is also a positive thing.

Poles provide additional stress on the arms and shoulders while reducing the stress on the legs. This is especially important for children whose spine has not yet strengthened, and the elderly.

Training does not tie you to any place, time of year, and does not require good paths. They have no restrictions.

Another advantage is that outdoor activity normalizes sleep and improves the emotional background.

The Nordic walking technique with poles for the elderly involves shorter duration and intensity of exercise.


Despite all the obvious advantages, this type of exercise, like any other type physical activity, has its contraindications. Those who have decided to master this type of fitness should know that walking is not recommended and is prohibited if:

  • shoulder girdle injuries;
  • hypertension in the acute stage;
  • chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • degenerative changes in the spine;
  • problems with the lungs and respiratory tract.

In the absence of the above problems, classes will only bring benefits.

Types of walking

To get the maximum benefit from activities called “Nordic walking with poles,” walking technique should be selected taking into account physical abilities and age.

It is important to understand the types of walking; there are three of them.

  • Strengthening walking. It is the most common type of training. For the most part, attention goes to strengthening and maintaining the tone of the entire body. It should be chosen by older people and beginners. Suitable as a recovery program. Load level - up to medium.
  • Training walking. It should be chosen by young people who do not have major health problems. The main goal here is to increase muscle strength, work on endurance, lose weight, and shape the figure. Medium to high level load intensity.
  • Race walking. This type physical activity is chosen by athletes to keep their bodies in good physical shape in the summer, as well as by athletes to increase their endurance. The load level is high.

Whatever type of walking you choose, regularity and consistency in training are important. At first, use your normal training regimen: twice a week, training sessions last up to half an hour. The technique of Nordic walking with poles is important. Instructions: Slowly increase the duration of your workouts to an hour a day.

Choosing equipment

It was already mentioned earlier that there is no need to purchase special equipment for classes. Just sticks. But their choice should be approached responsibly.

By general recommendations, poles should be light but durable. It is optimal to use Nordic poles with a tip that can be changed. They are made of carbon fiber, as a result of which they are not afraid of any loads. They will be your companions for a long time when walking, including on the ground.

For maximum comfort and enjoyable training, you need to understand the length of the poles. In addition to the material from which they are made, it is important to choose the right size. It's easy to calculate. It is necessary to take the student’s height in centimeters and multiply by a factor of 0.68. A deviation of two to three centimeters is allowed.

The optimal solution is telescopic poles.

Having decided on an important part of the equipment, let’s study the instructions.

Basic Steps to Learn Movement Mechanics

Despite all its apparent simplicity, the technique of Nordic walking with poles (step-by-step instructions will always help) must be mastered to the point of automaticity so that the exercises bring both benefit and pleasure.

In general, the technique is similar to a regular ski step. However, there are some peculiarities.

Movements must be made in the opposite direction. If the left hand goes forward, then the left leg should be behind, while the right one also makes the movement.

When moving your arm forward, you do not need to extend it. This will prevent the possibility of injury.

The foot lands on the heel, only then, due to the weight of the body, moves to the toe.

At the same time, the second hand is at the same level as the pelvis. As you move forward, you need to pull it back, the elbow straightens completely.

The foot of the leg located in at the moment from behind, smoothly goes up, stands on its toes, only then does it begin to lift off the ground.

Then everything repeats itself. In general, the effort goes to the arms and shoulder joints.

It is better to breathe in rhythm with your step. Remember, exhalation takes twice as long as inhalation.

The instructions for older people, as well as for everyone else, contain the following recommendations: during training, do not raise or strain your shoulders. When the stick goes behind your back, unclench your fingers.

If you are walking uphill, lean your body forward slightly while shortening your stride. When moving down an inclined path, shift the center of gravity back, bending your knees.

The technique of walking with Nordic poles is mastered quickly.

How to be elderly

For them, walking has undeniable advantages compared to running, since the joints of the legs do not experience shock loads. It is used for heart diseases. In other words, it is perfect for older people who want to maintain and improve their health.

However, before you start exercising, it is better to consult your doctor. The technique of Nordic walking with poles has already been given above.

The instructions for the elderly contain all the same recommendations as for others, with the only difference that it is better for the elderly to stick to strengthening walking without overworking themselves. Also, you should not try to walk for an hour. It is important to listen to yourself and your feelings.

Nordic walking with poles, in last decades which has gained incredible popularity all over the world, is an excellent way to combine business with pleasure. There are practically no contraindications for practicing this type of health-improving gymnastics, and Nordic walking lessons for beginners are extremely simple, understandable and very quickly learned.

Varieties of Nordic walking

According to the degree of intensity, speed and saturation with special movements, also called Nordic, they are divided into four varieties:

  • general health;
  • special wellness;
  • fitness;
  • sports.

The first of them differs little from an ordinary walk in the park, but at the same time significantly improves the functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory and neurosympathetic systems of the body as a whole, while simultaneously strengthening muscles, improving joint mobility and correcting posture.

The second focuses on working out a specific muscle group, as well as eliminating problems associated with the consequences of diseases, recent surgeries and, in essence, is a rehabilitation program.

The goal of the third is figure modeling and weight loss, which is why Nordic walking with poles for beginners and experienced ones is often included in various cardio training complexes.

Finally, the last, fourth variety is a way for professional athletes (primarily skiers and biathletes) to maintain optimal shape during the non-competitive period.

It should be noted that the Nordic walking technique for beginners is usually taught to inexperienced beginners by certified instructors. Only they, at the first stage of your training, will be able to expertly advise where, how and how much you need to walk, what principles to use when choosing poles and equipment, what mistakes should be avoided, what video lesson on Nordic walking for beginners is recommended to study, etc.

Basics of Nordic walking technique

The Scandinavian style of walking with poles (as, indeed, any other) is based on mastering the technique of its main element - the step. The skill required for this does not come immediately, and therefore is introduced into “muscle memory” gradually.

Selection of poles

Nordic walking for beginners requires one more important parameter to be taken into account - the length of the poles themselves. For professionals it is calculated using a rather complex formula, and for amateurs it is calculated using a simple coefficient multiplied by one’s own height. It is equal to:

  • 0.66 – if you are planning light, health-improving workouts;
  • 0.68 – for those who want to engage in the fitness variety of this walking;
  • 0.70 – size for sports use.

Since everyone's height is different, the length of standard poles may be very far from the recommended length. For this reason, it is better to purchase telescopic options, which will not be difficult to adjust to your height.

Tip: in areas with soft surfaces (grass, dirt), you should use a standard stick tip. On hard surfaces (asphalt, tiles, paving stones) - a special rubber knob

How to hold them?

There’s just no need to worry about this. The design of all high-quality models, without exception, includes a special loop that securely fixes the hand, and a lanyard with a special surface configuration, on which the fingers fit almost like a glove.

The length of the loop is easily adjusted with a clasp - and therefore there is no risk of damaging your wrist or losing the stick. All that remains is to learn not to strain your hands, and then the grip and pushing technique will be fixed at the subconscious level.

How should your hands work?

The technique of walking with Nordic poles for beginners necessarily involves the correct movement of the arms. In essence, it is similar to the actions when skiing:

  • arms slightly bent;
  • when raised up, the bend angle decreases to approximately 45°;
  • when lowering down, the hand goes to the hip, the angle increases to 120°.

How should your legs work?

The main thing here is the movement of the feet. The fulcrum when pushing the supporting leg gradually moves from the heel to the balls, then to the toes, almost immediately to the heel of the second leg and further in a circle. Try to create an even load on the entire foot - in this case, the muscles will not get tired.

Common mistakes

As a result of processing a huge number of stories and reviews about the first not only days, but even minutes of Nordic walking without competent preparation We managed to compile a list of the most typical mistakes made by enthusiasts of this type of recreational sport:

  • the use of walking poles used in any other sport;
  • incorrect positioning of the hands, in which the sticks go back and literally cross behind the back;
  • attempts to “help” yourself by turning your body towards the hand moving forward;
  • pressure on the stick with the hand, and not all with the hand from the elbow (not only reducing the efficiency useful action, but also quickly tires the wrist);
  • “waggling” of the feet (in the absence of equal pressure on the right and left parts of the foot, not only do the legs quickly get tired, but over time, “corns” form and the skin cracks);
  • rarely, but still occurring, the “pacer’s gait” (the very valued feature of mustangs when running, moving first only the left and then only the right pair of legs is absolutely not suitable for a person);
  • using only one pair of socks – which is equivalent to a diagnosis of “blisters” (you need to wear two pairs – ones that fit perfectly on the foot and only from high-quality materials).

Water and food

  • You need to drink as much water as your body requires, signaling this with a feeling of thirst. Although it is advisable to distribute these approximately 2-3 liters like this: 60% in the first half of the day and 40% in the second. And drink slowly, in small sips.
  • The daily dose of calories is selected depending on whether you want to gain weight, lose weight or maintain your current weight. But you need to eat right - often, but little by little, avoiding foods that are harmful to health and monitoring adequate intake required quantity vitamins and minerals.
  • Do not eat more than 2 hours before Nordic walking.
  • Do not drink coffee or energy drinks after a long exercise - plain water or a cocktail with a high content of carbohydrates (but not sugar!) will bring much more benefit.
  • Drink BEFORE meals, not AFTER. This established stereotype in our country needs to be changed.

Clothes and shoes

Clothes should be selected depending on the weather conditions - but be sure to be breathable and comfortable. This is even more true for shoes - since bad and cheap shoes will cause more damage to you and your feet than any activity can compensate for.

And always be healthy!

In conclusion, two video lessons from experienced instructors.

Related posts:

Nordic walking for weight loss great way for healthy weight loss
Nordic walking with poles detailed instructions and learning walking techniques
Nordic walking - everything you need to know
Guide to Nordic walking with poles
Nordic walking with poles
What are the benefits of Nordic walking, are there any contraindications?

We decided to master this universal sport? I would like to immediately praise you, dear reader, since you approached this lesson from the right side - learning the basics (walking techniques).
As with any sport, there are small tricks and common mistakes. We’ll talk about this in this article, but only after the warm-up.


It is important to properly prepare for the main lesson: small preliminary exercises protect against injury and make the training more effective.

  1. Rise on your tiptoes for 2-3 seconds, lower to your full foot.
  2. Gently and low jump from one foot to the other, then on both feet.
  3. Pull one hand forward and the other back at the same time, then switch hands.
  4. Take a wide step (lunge) forward, sway back and forth (arms move in the opposite direction of the body). Change your leg. Exercises with Nordic walking poles
  5. Carry the sticks behind your back and grasp the ends with your palms facing forward. Turn your entire body left and right.
  6. Raising the sticks above your head with outstretched arms, lean left and right.
  7. Hold the sticks in front of you by the ends with your palms facing up. Stretch your arms forward, bring them closer to your body and extend them again.
  8. From the same starting position, lift the sticks like a barbell.
  9. Carry the poles behind your back. Holding them so that your arms are slightly apart, lift the sticks up as high as possible.
  10. Hold the stick vertically behind your back. Grasp its upper end with one hand, and the lower end with the other. Pull the stick up until you feel resistance in your “bottom” hand. Switch hands.
  11. Place the poles shoulder-width apart and lean on them. Extend one leg, taking a step on the heel, and at the same time bend the other at the knee so that tension is felt in the muscle of the back surface of the extended leg. Spring back, return to the starting position and repeat the exercise, changing your leg. Don't bend your lower back and keep your back straight!
  12. Starting position: lean forward at an angle of 90 degrees, place the poles with outstretched arms as far forward as possible and lean on them. Bend over.
  13. Bring both sticks forward, holding them perpendicular to the floor, then move them back, “pushing” off the air; For each forward and backward swing, do a partial squat.
  14. Move your hands with the sticks in a counter motion. For each swing - a shallow squat.
  15. Using poles, do two sets of squats. In the first approach, move the poles a little forward, in the second - a little back.
  16. Lean on the stick with one hand, take the other leg by the ankle with the other and pull the heel towards the buttock for 10-15 seconds. Repeat the same with the other leg.

Do each exercise 8–12 times.

This list is subject to change: With regular exercise, you can develop your own warm-up complex that is more suitable for you. And to make it easier for beginners to understand what warm-up exercises look like, we have selected a video with elements of warm-up exercises:

Walking technique and training intensity

The technique is simple: its main element is STEP- everyone is familiar with it from early childhood. 1 Straighten up, tilt your body slightly forward. Now you need coordinate hand movements.First, just walk, carrying the poles by the middle, parallel to the ground. Feel the counter-movement, imperceptible during normal walking: left hand forward - right foot forward, left foot - right hand. 2 Now lower the poles, take them as you would hold them when walking, and drag them along with you. Practice by first using only one leg and one arm and a stick. to make it easier for the body to master the movements. When the rhythm tells you, push off at the same time: with the left stick - the right heel, with the right stick - the left heel.

Training intensity regulate it yourself. If you want to increase the load, push off with your hands more, take wider steps, increase the length of the poles.

To find the correct length of poles, height in centimeters is multiplied by a coefficient.

  • 0.66 - for light training.
  • 0.68 - for standard training.
  • 0.7 - for increased loads.

When purchasing regular poles, the multiplied number is rounded to be as close as possible to the standard length. If the poles are telescopic, you can adjust their height exactly to your height.

How to hold sticks

The sticks are practically hold themselves in their arms. The loops for the hands, lanyards, on special poles for Finnish (another name for Scandinavian) walking are very reliable: they look like the bells of gloves and wide stripes cover the thumbs, protecting the hand from incorrect movements.
Insert your hand, fasten the loop, adjust the diameter using the clasp ( the wrist should not be squeezed too tightly). Now you won't be able to drop the sticks. Hold them loosely, without straining your arms, parallel to each other.
When walking on hard surfaces, rubber tips are put on the sticks for convenience, and on soft areas they are removed and pushed off with a spike at the end of the stick.

How to work with your hands

The algorithm of hand action is the same as when skiing.

Bend your elbows slightly and move them up and down, pushing off the surface with the sticks. In the top position, the arm is raised at an angle of approximately 45 degrees, while the “lower” arm is moved back at the level of the pelvis.

The Nordic walking technique with poles is based on correct placement of feet and use of hands.

How to do Nordic walking correctly

Place your feet straight. First - on the heel. Then, having made a push, the foot rolls forward, the weight transfers to the balls of the foot, toes, to the heel of the other foot, and again the same thing, but from the other foot.

Other Important Items

During and after walking you can and should drink water as thirst arises, take small sips at short intervals.
In order not to disturb the water balance, for every half a kilo of weight lost during a walk, you need to drink at least half a liter of water, and preferably a glass more.
With food, everything is individual: want to lose weight, gain weight, maintain existing form? Each goal has its own diet and training regimen.

General recommendations: After training, you should wait to drink caffeinated drinks and replace only half of the calories you just burned. This way, nothing will be deposited in fat, and the body will not “panic” from a lack of resources.

It is best to replenish energy reserves with carbohydrates (approximately a gram per kilogram of weight) and proteins (they should be four times less than carbohydrates). Porridge, juice, meat, fish - a simple and correct set. And remember the rule of athletes: drink first, then eat. You can drink again an hour after eating.

Common mistakes

  • Do not use while walking poles for other sports. Try to get special Nordic walking poles as soon as possible; it is advisable to use them from the first lesson.
  • The sticks should not slide behind your back and cross, forming a triangle.
  • Do not turn the body when you raise your hand to push off with a stick.
  • When pushing off, apply pressure to the stick not with your hand, but with your elbow, so that the load falls on the entire arm, and not just on the wrist.
  • The foot should not wag left-right. A firm step is especially important on mountain roads.
  • Don't get into an amble. The rare quality of horses stepping synchronously with their same legs in human Nordic walking is unacceptable. Remember: the left arm moves at the same time as the right leg, and vice versa.
  • Wearing one pair of socks? Change the word “socks” to the word “calluses.” To avoid chafing your feet, wear two pairs of socks, both neither too tight nor too loose.

Dress for the weather and in layers like climbers do. The air between the fabrics will create the right microclimate for the body. General characteristics clothes are the same as shoes: they are so comfortable that you don’t pay attention to them.
Shoes, in addition to being comfortable, must be tested: Don’t wear even super comfortable, but not yet tested sneakers, so that the walk doesn’t turn into torture.
Before training eat ahead of time. Three to four hours before the walk, you can eat something “weighty,” but the closer the hike, the fewer calories you should have in your food: you need energy to move, not extra ballast.

And finally, one more little secret: maximum pleasure and benefit bring voluntary activities calculated according to strength. So, tune in accordingly, calmly and adequately assess your capabilities, and let the movement be a joy.

I wish everyone a pleasant acquaintance and long friendship with Nordic walking. It is good for the back, strengthens the body and is available to people of any age at any time of the year, both in the city and in nature. These activities are a move in the right direction, because even a small walk is part of a big path to yourself.
Be healthy!

Late autumn and early winter, when there is still no snow, leaves little opportunity for outdoor activity. It's cold and dirty on a bike, but it's too early on skis. Nordic walking is suitable for all seasons and all ages. But very often walking with poles begins with mistakes.

Having bought poles for Nordic walking, many people begin to walk with the poles, placing them in front of them, with their arms bent at the elbows at a right angle. For others, the sticks are connected under the chest, and the elbows point to the sides. The correct Nordic walking technique involves completely different movements. If you walk at a normal pace and simply help yourself with sticks, there will be little benefit from this - in particular, the muscles of the shoulder girdle will not be included in the work.

Before you begin, pick up the poles and adjust the length of the straps that will hold them in your hands.

Starting position: slightly bend your knees, extend your right arm forward and slightly bend your elbow. The stick is at an angle, pulled back. Left hand hold loosely at pelvic level and pull back.

When you take a step, the opposite hand with the stick moves back. Push off and shift your weight onto the stick. The elbows remain straight. Moving your hand back, unclench your palm - the stick weighs on the straps.

During each step, you must first stand on your heel, then roll onto your toes.

When starting to master the Nordic walking technique, you can first simply walk, dragging poles behind you, in order to remember the correct position of your hands. Then you can start pushing off - first with one stick, then with two.

It is important to breathe properly when walking. Inhale through your nose after two steps and exhale through your mouth on the fourth step.

Before classes, do a short warm-up to warm up and prepare your body muscles for the upcoming load.

Exercise 1. We take a Nordic walking stick by both ends, bring it to a horizontal position, then lift it above our head. Next, we make 3-4 consecutive tilts to the right and left.

Exercise 2. We put one leg forward. We bend forward, while pointing our arms back. Then we lean back and point our hands forward. After bending 3-4 times, we put the other leg forward and repeat the exercise.

Exercise 3. We take walking sticks in our hands. We move our arms back slightly so that the ends rest slightly behind. We do squats with emphasis on sticks. It is recommended to do at least 15. Beginners should start with 3-4 squats and then gradually increase the number.

Exercise 4. We lean on the stick with our right hand, bend our left leg at the knee and grab our ankle with our left hand. We try to bring our ankle to gluteal muscles. We stop in this position for 10–20 seconds. We stand straight. Then we do the same exercise with the right leg.

Exercise 5. We place both sticks in front of us at a distance of a slightly bent arm, shoulder width apart. We stretch one leg forward and place it on the heel, toe up. We carefully bend the other leg at the knee and lean forward. At the same time, you must keep your back straight and not bend. We stay in this position for 15 seconds. Then we repeat the exercise, putting the other leg forward.

Exercise 6. We take a stick in each hand and slightly move our arms to the sides. Then we direct our hands back and up. Raise the poles behind your back until you feel the muscle tension. We repeat the exercise three times, smoothly, without jerking.

Exercise 7. Both walking poles in hand. We lean forward and lean on the sticks with straight, outstretched arms. We bend over five times.

Exercise 8. We take the stick in one hand, raise our arm up and, bending it at the elbow, throw it behind our head so that the stick is behind our back. We intercept the lower end with the other hand, placing the hand behind the back at the level of the pelvis. Raise your upper arm up until you feel the tension in the muscles of your lower arm. We repeat the exercise, changing hands.

How often should you walk with poles?

Nordic walking instructors advise sticking to a standard training regimen - at least 2-3 times a week with sessions lasting 30 minutes or more. Many amateurs choose a daily training regimen lasting about an hour. This rhythm provides a person with a daily boost of energy. Beginners can start with 15-minute walks, after 3-4 days. The rate of increase in frequency and duration depends on the initial state of the body. In any case, you should not push yourself to the point of exhaustion.