Everything about ber 39 weeks. Thirty-ninth week of pregnancy: apartment renovation? Why not! Unpleasant signs and symptoms during this period

The 39th week of pregnancy has arrived. The period when you can finally become a mother, if you did not have time to give birth earlier.
The baby is ready for its final exit. Mom’s body also prepared for this celebration in nine months. The only thing left is to give birth.

The baby’s well-being at the thirty-ninth week of pregnancy.

At the 39th week of pregnancy, the baby is already fully formed. Continues to grow and weighs from 3 to 3.5 kg during this period. His full height is 50-53 cm. The baby receives all the necessary nutrients through the umbilical cord and placenta. The lungs are formed and ready to handle the first breath of air. The stomach begins to work: special enzymes are released that are responsible for digesting food. Ready to go and intestines.

The baby continues to develop visual sensitivity: sharpness, contrast, three-dimensional and color vision, and the first reaction to movement and flickering occurs. The eyes can focus at a distance of 20-30 cm from the mother's face during feeding.
It becomes difficult to actively move and tumble, because there is not enough space. The baby's skin has become light pink, which indicates a well-developed subcutaneous tissue.

We cut the umbilical cord after childbirth.

The umbilical cord is one of key elements during pregnancy. But even after giving birth, you need to take proper care of her.
There is a high probability that at 39 weeks of pregnancy the umbilical cord may entangle the fetal neck. Taking this into account, obstetricians remove the baby very carefully. The umbilical cord is clamped in two places and thoroughly treated with alcohol. Only after it stops pulsating is it cut off.
5-7 days after cutting the umbilical cord, its short part dries out and falls off, forming the baby's navel.
Mom's well-being
39 weeks of pregnancy did not go unnoticed by the mother’s body. You have gained from 11 to 16 kg. You won't gain any more weight. You can even lose a little weight. During this period, the fundus of the uterus decreases. The gap between the fundus of the uterus and the pubic symphysis is 36-40 cm, and from the navel - 16-20. The fetus begins to enter the anterior part of the birth canal.

At the 39th week of pregnancy, signs of labor appear very quickly. The uterus presses on bladder. Stitching pains appear in the perineal area. So that the baby does not feel a lack of oxygen, because by this time the placenta is older, you need to walk in the fresh air more often. Mom's first contractions begin. False or real - you can determine it yourself expectant mother or with the help of a doctor. The most important thing is not to panic.
Harbingers of childbirth
In the last period before childbirth, women's discomfort increases. It quickly turns to stone, nagging pain appears in the abdominal area, and the limbs swell. But all this will soon pass. Having overcome the last “obstacles” and “difficulties”, you will soon be hugging your newborn miracle!

Increased appetite, nagging pain in the lower back and back, frequent abdominal cramps (more than 5 per hour), release of a mucus plug, diarrhea or loose stools, spotting, discharge of amniotic fluid are the most common precursors of labor at 39 weeks of pregnancy.
At 39 weeks of pregnancy, your body itself will tell you what to do. Just watch your health!
Second pregnancy
If you are pregnant for the second time, then prenatal symptoms at 39 weeks of pregnancy are very similar to the precursors of the first birth. But the second ones will go a little differently. The process of bringing a baby into the world becomes faster, because your body already knows everything. So, trust your body and everything will be fine!

Mutual support in the thirty-ninth week of pregnancy.

During the last period of pregnancy, you urgently need the support of your family, loved ones, and people dear to your heart. After all, one kind word can become a panacea for any illness or worry.
At 39 - 40 weeks of pregnancy, the unborn baby also really needs your support! After all, he really wants to see the world with his own eyes. Help him! Talk to him, love him and then everything will be fine!

The gestation period is coming to an end, and the baby can no longer wait to come out. All the baby’s vital systems are formed, and the fetus is approximately the size of a watermelon.

Spending time at home in anticipation of childbirth Expecting a boy
neatness of contraction phase
changes how much
in the clock position

Fetal development

When the 39th week of pregnancy begins, the baby should have the following achievements.

  1. By the end of the term, the weight of the fetus should be about 3 kilograms, and the height should reach 50 centimeters. These indicators are individual and are transmitted from the father and mother of the unborn child.
  2. The digestive, respiratory, immune and other systems of the body are ready to function. The first feces appear in the intestines as a result of the baby swallowing amniotic fluid. They are eliminated from the body after birth.
  3. The baby’s intestines do not yet have their own beneficial microflora - they will appear with the first portion of mother’s milk.
  4. The central nervous system is not yet fully developed. She will continue to improve after birth.
  5. The baby can already hear everything and feel touches on his stomach. He also distinguishes between light and dark times of the day, and he has developed a stable rhythm of life. He reacts to the anxious and calm state of the mother. Stress and excessive anxiety have a bad effect on a child's body.
  6. The child's eyes can focus at a distance of 20-25 centimeters.
  7. The fetus began to move less actively, as the space surrounding it became noticeably tighter. At 39 weeks this occurs due to less amniotic fluid. As a rule, the baby has already taken the right position to go outside.
  8. The sucking reflex, necessary for eating immediately after birth, actively develops.
  9. The baby's skin is no longer translucent. It has acquired a white tint, and the folds due to weight gain and subcutaneous fat are gradually smoothed out.

Spending time at home

As a rule, the baby already has hair. Also, a child at 39 weeks of gestation tries to focus his gaze and respond to a color image.

At 39 weeks, the expectant mother is worried about the upcoming birth. Her body and baby are ready for this process. If you follow some recommendations, it will be easier for the mother to wait for the long-awaited moment.

Final preparations By this time, the expectant mother already knows where she will give birth, as well as who will deliver the baby. She must have everything collected necessary documents, medicines, things for a trip to the maternity hospital. It is worth carefully planning this day: when contractions begin, is it necessary to call an ambulance or will relatives be able to take the woman by private transport. Long trips at week 39 and long flights are also undesirable. Relatives should always be there to encourage the expectant mother if contractions begin.

Nutrition A pregnant woman may suffer from constipation in the last stages, so you should avoid “heavy” foods and give preference to dairy products, vegetables and fruits. Under no circumstances should you overeat. It is better to eat often, in small portions. You should also continue to take prenatal vitamins during the last trimester.

Emotional state The child is still closely connected with the mother, not only physically, but also emotionally. This connection means that worries and stress, as well as lack of sleep and a nervous state, have a bad effect on the child’s health. Mom needs more positive emotions and to protect herself from worries and stress. When the baby is not yet born, you can afford to go shopping to buy all the things your baby needs.

What happens in the mother's body

The baby is considered full-term and was ready to be born at 38 weeks. Week 39 is the home stretch; the mother is about to give birth and her body is already ready for childbirth.

  1. The expectant mother's cervix becomes shorter in order to be ready to open and release the baby.
  2. The belly drops lower and lower, and the baby is closer to the exit of the uterus.
  3. At 39 weeks, the mother may feel relief: weight loss, pain in the lower abdomen decreases, swelling of the body ceases to bother her, and the lower back ceases to hurt.
  4. Mom may start " training birth“- the uterus begins to contract, pain appears, as during contractions, but these signs do not lead to the onset of labor.

At 39 weeks, a pregnant woman experiences excitement in anticipation of the long-awaited meeting with her child. She worries about how labor will go at 39 weeks of pregnancy and listens to her body:

  • the expectant mother feels the baby’s kicks less often, the fetus drops closer to the pelvis, which means that labor may begin soon;
  • it becomes easier for a woman to breathe, since the enlarged uterus no longer puts pressure on the lungs and diaphragm;
  • discharge mixed with mucus may begin, which means that the mucus plug, protecting the baby from the outside world, has gradually begun to come out;
  • a pregnant woman has to run to the toilet more often due to the enormous pressure on the bladder.

In general, if the pregnancy proceeds without complications, the pregnant woman can only wait for contractions to begin.

In anticipation of childbirth

Discharge at 39 weeks of pregnancy may be a harbinger of the onset of labor. In order not to miss the long-awaited moment, a woman needs to carefully monitor her feelings. Moreover, discharge now serves as a signal of developmental anomalies, so at the first alarming symptoms you need to call “ ambulance».

  1. Discharge mixed with mucus occurs due to the fact that the mucus plug begins to separate. This is a sign that the baby is already asking to come out. Normally, there should be no discharge bad smell or vary in color.
  2. Discharge that is yellowish-white in color may be amniotic fluid. At 39 weeks of pregnancy, fluid may begin to leak due to a violation of the integrity of the membranes. This is an alarming symptom, since the membrane protects the baby, and infection can leak through the gap. Also, the gradual leakage of this fluid can delay labor. If you experience this symptom, you should consult a doctor.
  3. Bloody discharge may indicate that something is wrong. This alarm signal placenta rejection. Also bleeding at the 39th week of pregnancy can be caused by hypertonicity of the uterus: a feeling as if the stomach is turning to stone, the muscles are tense. To relax them, mom can drink No-shpa. You need to immediately go to a specialist so as not to harm the child and save his life.
Other period features

If a pregnant woman now feels sexual attraction to her partner, then sex at 39 weeks of pregnancy is possible. Of course, this applies to those cases when pregnancy proceeds without complications. It is worth remembering that the hormonal and emotional surge achieved during orgasm at 39 weeks can cause the onset of labor. This process is especially likely in multiparous women.

During sex, a woman should not experience pain. At 39 weeks of pregnancy, the fetal head is pressed tightly against the exit of the uterus, so sudden movements should be avoided.

The fetus at 39 weeks of gestation is already ready to come out. If this is a woman’s second pregnancy, then at this stage there is a high probability of labor beginning.

When the 39th week of pregnancy begins, the harbingers of the onset of labor will be as follows:

  • discharge of amniotic fluid: fluid leakage can occur rapidly or little by little during the day, the release of amniotic fluid always means the onset of labor at the 39th week of pregnancy, it is dangerous for the baby to be in the womb without fluid;
  • contractions should occur at intervals of 5-10 minutes: in order not to confuse them with “training” ones, you need to note the time in between them and check the norm; during contractions, in order to relieve pain, the woman is advised not to lie or sit, but to walk slowly;
  • release of the mucus plug: a violation of the integrity of the fetal bladder begins with the release of the plug; the woman will understand that labor has begun as soon as she notices abundant mucous discharge of a yellowish-white color.

Usually, by this stage of pregnancy, the “alarm suitcase” has already been collected (if this is a woman’s second birth, then she already knows exactly what needs to be put in it). All you have to do is call an ambulance and wait for the magical moment of meeting your child. At 39 weeks of pregnancy, the warning signs of labor can be confused with “training contractions.”

Waiting for a boy

If at 39 weeks of pregnancy a woman feels that her lower abdomen is tight and hurts, then you should not worry too much. This is a normal condition because in anticipation of labor, the uterus drops to make it easier for the baby to come out.

It’s another matter if the nagging pain does not stop for several hours and radiates to the lower back. It could be contractions. The expectant mother should note the intervals between pain sensations so as not to confuse them with “training contractions.” This is how the uterus prepares itself for childbirth.

If the pain in the lower abdomen intensifies and bleeding occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. This may be a sign of a pathological or abnormal condition. The doctor will help save the baby’s life and not harm the mother’s health. Find out if it's normal if .

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, due to family circumstances or health reasons, it may happen that a woman needs to give birth ahead of schedule. There are folk and time-tested methods on how to give birth faster.

  1. Having sex can stimulate labor. Sperm, when released into the vagina, can speed up labor by affecting female hormones. Also, having sex promotes blood flow to the pelvic organs, which can also cause labor.
  2. Active physical activity is another way to speed up labor. Energetic walking, long-term cleaning of the room, and brisk walking up the stairs are suitable. A woman just needs to warn her relatives in advance about her actions.
  3. Massaging the breasts and nipples can also cause the uterus to contract and blood to flow to the pelvis, leading to the onset of labor.
  4. Folk remedies that can relax the intestines stimulate the onset of labor. 1 spoon will help castor oil, drunk after eating. A woman can also give herself an enema or take a laxative.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

The last month of pregnancy is already underway. There is less and less time left until your meeting! The baby is already fully developed and ready for independent life. The mother’s body is also already ready, so childbirth at the 39th week of pregnancy is absolutely physiological, it is considered urgent (occurring on time).

All the mother’s thoughts are focused on the upcoming birth. Surely you already know everything about the precursors of labor, what breathing techniques you will need during childbirth, and how normal labor proceeds. But many expectant mothers still have concerns: they are already 39 weeks pregnant: when to give birth? How not to miss the start of labor? When to go to the maternity hospital? A woman cannot miss the onset of labor, because true contractions are very noticeable, so there is no need to worry. But it happens that labor begins quickly, with the breaking of your waters, and you should have everything ready: things for the maternity hospital are collected, a car is ready, and a relative is ready to take you.

Prepare all the necessary documents: exchange card, birth contract (if you have one), compulsory health insurance policy. When everything is collected, you will worry less at the most crucial moment.

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, the baby's weight is approximately 3200 g and his height is about 48 centimeters. There is very little space for the baby, so there is not much active movement anymore. The baby continues to gain weight, mainly due to adipose tissue.

How many months have you been pregnant? The third week of the tenth obstetric month of pregnancy has already passed. There is about a week, or possibly two weeks, left until the birth.

What's happening?

Pregnancy 39–40 weeks is the final stage of a difficult journey. Despite the fact that the baby’s body is already fully formed, it continues to grow. It receives nutrients through the placenta. His breathing apparatus is completely ready for independent breathing, circulatory system developed. The myelination of neurons, the formation of reflexes, and the improvement of work continue nervous system. The surface of the intestine is already covered with villi and is ready to digest milk.

The baby is fully born. All his organs and systems function like those of a newborn.

The fruit has taken its final position. The baby already has very little space, and he brought his legs to his stomach and folded his arms on his chest. This is the optimal position during childbirth. Most often, by the end of pregnancy, the fetus is in a cephalic presentation, but if your baby is sitting on his bottom, this is not a reason to panic. Birth in a breech presentation can take place naturally, and if there is a threat to the baby or mother, it is carried out C-section. That is why mothers who are about to give birth in a breech presentation are hospitalized in advance at the maternity hospital. They undergo an additional ultrasound at the 39th week of pregnancy (or at 38), assess the size of the baby, their correspondence to the size of the pelvis, the position of the fetus, and then determine the tactics of labor management.

The baby’s digestive system is fully formed and ready to digest milk; pancreatic enzymes are produced in sufficient quantity. The intestines are now sterile, and the baby will receive beneficial bacteria with the first milk.

Photo of the baby, ultrasound

An ultrasound photo at 39 weeks of pregnancy will allow you to find out the degree of development of the baby.

Most mothers' bellies have already dropped. This brings incredible relief: shortness of breath is significantly reduced, it is easier to eat, because the stomach no longer squeezes the stomach as much. On the other hand, the prolapsed uterus puts more pressure on the bladder, so the urge to urinate occurs even more often.

The fundus of the uterus is now at a height of 36–40 centimeters from the symphysis pubis and 16–20 centimeters above the navel. By this time, the uterus is usually located slightly lower than in previous weeks, but if the stomach has not yet dropped, do not worry, this can happen immediately before childbirth.

Fetal movements at 39 weeks

The baby is already very big, and he has nowhere to move as actively as before. But the mother still needs to count the number of movements if something worries her or if the doctor has prescribed it. The baby's movements are very strong, and mommy can clearly distinguish where her heel is pushing her and where her elbow is pushing her.

Mom's feelings

The end of pregnancy is very tiring for a mother. Significantly increased total weight, abdominal volume, and ordinary things are very difficult to do on your own. With the prolapse of the abdomen, the load on the perineal area and spine increases, so pain often occurs in the pelvic area and lumbosacral spine. Mommy may note that her legs often hurt, especially after exercise. Often at this stage, mothers simply lie most of the time, but this is unacceptable, because the mother’s good health and activity are the key to a good birth.

The baby now needs to gain strength before the upcoming test, so provide him with all the necessary substances - eat well, but try not to abuse calories. Spend more time outdoors, try to walk with someone.

Before giving birth, pregnant women often have the desire to perfectly prepare everything for the baby’s arrival, clean everything, furnish the room. And this is very cool, because household chores help to cope with ailments. But don’t overdo it - shift most of the work to relatives, and take care of the organizational part yourself.

Preparing a woman’s body for childbirth also involves removing excess liquid. You may notice that your weight has become 1–1.5 kg less. This is not a cause for concern - it is not harmful for the baby, weight is lost due to swelling. Increased fluid removal reduces the load on the body during childbirth.

Mommy’s total weight gain should now not exceed 16 kilograms. During the entire period of bearing the baby, the mother monitored her diet, and now this is also very important.

If you are already 39 weeks pregnant, active movements of the baby can be quite painful. Try to rest a little, take a comfortable position, so the pain will decrease somewhat.

Pain at 39 weeks of pregnancy

Painful sensations at the end of pregnancy become more and more noticeable. Due to the pressure of the baby's head on the bottom of the pelvis, the skeletal apparatus may cause pain in the pelvic bones, and increased pain in the lower back. All this indicates that the baby’s head is already in the pelvis, and childbirth is very close.

False contractions are intensifying, and mothers note that at 39 weeks of pregnancy their stomach hurts. If such sensations become rhythmic and intensify, you better consult a doctor - this may be the beginning of labor.

The fact that labor will begin soon is indicated by certain changes in the mother's body - harbingers of childbirth.

39th week of pregnancy - harbingers of labor:

  • discharge of the mucus plug;
  • the appearance of nagging pain in the lumbar region, which is regular;
  • the interval between contractions decreases, in an hour you have more than 5 contractions;
  • stomach dropped;
  • loose stool appeared.

The appearance of such symptoms indicates that labor will begin in the near future. But if the waters have already broken and the contractions have become painful and frequent, labor has begun. In such a situation, you need to urgently go to the maternity hospital!

39 week of second pregnancy

If this is your second pregnancy, you probably know what to expect. But labor doesn't always start the same way. In addition, in multiparous women, the cervix opens faster, so childbirth usually proceeds easier. Trust your body - previous experience will tell you how to behave.

Sex at 39 weeks pregnant. Usually, all the thoughts of mom and dad in the last weeks of pregnancy are occupied with the upcoming birth, but if everything goes according to plan, sex will not harm either mother or baby. Moreover, it contributes better preparation cervix to open.

Discharge at 39 weeks of pregnancy

Throughout pregnancy, the cervical canal is protected by mucus, which prevents the penetration of microorganisms, and is released before childbirth. In this case, the woman notes a single discharge of thick mucus containing streaks of blood.

If the discharge becomes bloody, you need to urgently go to the maternity hospital - this may be a symptom of placental abruption.

Thin, watery discharge is usually a sign of amniotic fluid leakage. If the water breaks at once, the woman will never confuse it with anything. Therefore, fears that you may miss the onset of labor are absolutely unjustified. Childbirth does not always begin with the breaking of water; more often than not, this is preceded by a long contraction period. But true contractions are also impossible not to notice - they are painful and regular.

Pain relief during childbirth

The worry for some expectant mothers is the anticipation of pain during childbirth. And the question often arises: is anesthesia possible? For vaginal birth, epidural or epidural anesthesia is sometimes used. This anesthesia “turns off” the sensations in the lower part of the body, while the muscles of the perineum relax, the opening of the cervix continues, but the period of pushing becomes longer. Anesthesia can be performed in case of cardiovascular pathology of the mother, uneven or very slow opening of the cervix, or a very low pain threshold.

Also, such anesthesia is performed in case of emergency surgical intervention. But any anesthesia affects the baby, has side effects, contraindications, therefore, it is not advisable to carry out anesthesia only for the purpose of reducing labor pain.

Necessary studies and analyzes

This week all research is standard. You need to pass , . It is also necessary to visit a gynecologist - the doctor will assess how ready the body is for childbirth. If you notice some warning signs of labor, be sure to tell your doctor about it. If necessary, a vaginal examination may be performed and the doctor will assess how ready the cervix is ​​for childbirth at 39 weeks of pregnancy.

Ultrasound this week is performed only when indicated. Usually an ultrasound examination is prescribed to determine the size of the fetus and the condition of the placenta.

Useful video

Questions - answers

I am already 39 weeks pregnant (second pregnancy). Yesterday the plug came out, but the contractions are not getting any stronger. Am I going to give birth soon?

The release of the protective plug is a harbinger of the imminent onset of labor, and it is very likely that labor will begin in the coming days. Sometimes women notice the removal of the plug a week before giving birth. Listen to your body: if the frequency of training contractions has increased, if the pain in the lower back has intensified, then labor will begin very soon.

It’s already 39 weeks of pregnancy, and my stomach is becoming more and more rocky. I noticed that this feeling is now becoming painful. Does this mean it's time to go to the maternity hospital?

If you feel well, there is no need to go to the maternity hospital yet. Count the contractions, and when you count about 5 long contractions in one hour, you can get ready. But if you feel calmer under medical supervision, call your doctor and leave. The doctor will examine you, assess the readiness of your cervix, if necessary, hospitalize you, and if not, you will go home calmly.

Tell me please! I’m 39 weeks pregnant, my stomach is getting stronger and stronger, the plug has come out, and I have pain in the lower back. The water hasn't broken yet. Is this normal? When will I give birth?

The symptoms you described indicate that labor will begin at any moment. The baby is fully term, and labor proceeds normally. So don’t worry and get ready for the maternity hospital!

Why do my legs hurt so much at 39 weeks of pregnancy?

Pain in the legs in pregnant women is associated with increased load, pressure of the uterus on the venous vessels, as a result of which the venous outflow from the lower extremities is disrupted. These sensations are unpleasant, but not dangerous. Try to rest more, keeping your legs elevated, ask your spouse to give you a massage, and your condition will improve significantly.

If the cause of pain is muscle spasms, the ratio of calcium and magnesium in the body may be disturbed. Consult your doctor - you may need medications containing these microelements.

I am 39 weeks pregnant and have been noticing water leakage for several hours now. What to do?

You need to go to the maternity hospital, because labor will begin soon. When amniotic fluid breaks, protection against infectious agents is reduced, so a medical examination is required.

The 39th week of pregnancy means that your baby is fully mature and ready to be born. Your pregnancy is approaching the final stage - childbirth.

On the one hand, there is a feeling of fatigue and a desire to quickly pick up the baby in your arms, on the other – anxiety. It’s not just the moment of childbirth that worries you, but the rest of your life.

For now, future parents have little idea of ​​how life will change, what they will have to give up, what rules to introduce. In fact, this doesn’t matter anymore, because very soon a child will appear in your house.

Your baby is the size of...

3400 grams
520 mm
120-160 beats/min

Fetal development

Your child is fully viable, all his organs are mature and ready to perform their functions outside the mother’s body.

This is what your baby looks like at 37 weeks

Now he looks exactly like the kids in the photos you've probably been adoring over the past few months.

His skin is pink, vellus hair can remain only in folds, on his forehead and on his shoulders. The nails extend beyond the edge of the fingers and are quite sharp.

The baby’s weight gain should have stopped by now - this is how nature intended it to make it easier for the mother to give birth.

The space in the mother’s stomach is becoming less and less, the baby is not moving very actively, as if gaining strength before giving birth. Mom will notice a decrease in the activity of the belly, there is no need to panic, but also lose sight of it. There should still be at least 10 large movements.

The brain is responsible for the baby’s actions and his perception of the environment. He actively reacts to what is happening around him, recognizes voices and music.

Ultrasound at 39 weeks of pregnancy

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound is not required. Only in certain cases can a doctor recommend undergoing an examination to determine the position of the fetus, the amount of amniotic fluid, assessing blood flow in the placenta, the length of the umbilical cord, the presence of nodes on it, and entanglement.

The condition of the uterus, cervix, its degree of maturity and readiness for childbirth will also be assessed.

What happens in your body at 39 weeks?

The main changes that occur in the body at week 39 relate to the preparation of the genital organs for childbirth. The cervix softens and shortens. The tissue connecting the pelvic bones softens, and the excitability of the uterus increases. All this is necessary so that the baby passes through the birth canal as quickly but non-traumaticly as possible.

The abdomen descends, the presenting part of the fetus is pressed against the entrance to the pelvis. Pressure on the bladder and intestines leads to a number of inconveniences, but previously tormented heartburn and shortness of breath practically disappear, general condition woman’s health improves – she can breathe and eat more freely.

The expectant mother may notice a slight weight loss - the intestines are working more actively, and the bladder is emptied more often.

Monitor your health carefully - any painful sensations in the abdomen, liquid discharge from the genital tract, or thick yellowish mucous streaked with blood may indicate the onset of labor. There is no need to be afraid - childbirth at this stage is normal.

How you feel at 39 weeks

The closer to childbirth, the greater the range of feelings the expectant mother may experience. She is afraid of childbirth, but really looks forward to the moment when she can take the baby in her arms and put it to her breast.

It becomes easier to breathe, but other troubles appear, for example, it is difficult to remain in a sitting position for a long time - a drooping baby puts pressure on the pelvic organs.

At 39 weeks you will likely have a thick yellow discharge streaked with blood. This is how the mucus plug comes away, which served as a barrier throughout pregnancy and did not allow infection to reach the baby.

Changes from gastrointestinal tract may be manifested by loose stools and loss of appetite.

Uterine contractions are becoming more frequent. The main thing is not to confuse them with true contractions. With true contractions, the intervals between them are reduced, and the duration of each increases over time. Amniotic fluid may break.

Whatever happens to you in the 39th week, do not forget to be attentive to your condition.

Discharge from the genital tract

Light milky discharge with a slight sour odor is considered normal at this stage of pregnancy. The appearance of a slight admixture of mucus indicates the passage of the mucus plug and is also normal.

Yellow or green discharge with an unpleasant odor should cause alarm - inflammation in the vagina should not be allowed now, it is dangerous for infection of the fetus and the development of postpartum complications.

Bloody discharge is also a bad sign; as a rule, it appears during placental abruption and requires immediate medical intervention.

Photos of bellies at 39 weeks

Examinations at 39 weeks

No special laboratory tests are required. Control remains mandatory general analysis urine in all pregnant women, and antibody titer in mothers with a negative Rh factor. When you appear at the LCD, you will be required to record the fetal heartbeat (CTG), measure blood pressure in both arms, the height of the uterine fundus, and abdominal circumference.

Risks at 39 weeks

At 39 weeks, the risk of placental abruption remains, the condition is accompanied by severe abdominal pain, bloody discharge, a disturbance in the well-being of the pregnant woman, and requires immediate medical attention.