They do it every day but... List of mandatory things to do every day

Do this every day to change your life for the better forever! 10 scientifically proven things to improve your life!

1. Get outdoors

Most likely, you seriously underestimate the importance of such a pastime. Scientists say that by getting out into nature, you reduce stress, become more creative, improve your memory, and generally become a better person!

2. Exercise

We all know how important this is, but it's surprising how few people do it regularly. It would be worth it! After all, in addition to the benefits that regular physical exercise gives to your health, it makes you smarter, happier, improves sleep, increases libido, and generally makes you proud of yourself. Scientists have proven that regular physical activity are one of the secrets of a good life.

3. Spend time with friends and family

Spending time with friends and family is one of the most significant sources of happiness. Personal relationships are much more valuable to us than we think.

Feeling rejected and alone can make you unhappy, stupid, and ultimately lead to an early death. Loneliness leads to heart attacks, strokes and diabetes.

Almost all centenarians, without exception, understand that a healthy social life and relationships are even more important for increasing longevity than regular exercise.

Friends are a sure way to improve your life. Share good news with them and rejoice when they share it with you - and your relationship will blossom. Do you want to instantly become happier? Do something nice for a friend.

4. Express gratitude

It will make you happier!

This will improve your relationship!

It can make you the best!

It can improve the lives of everyone you care about!

5. Meditate

Meditation can make you happier help find meaning in life, increase mindfulness, while helping to get rid of anger, anxiety, depression and fatigue. And good prayer also helps us feel better - even those who are not particularly religious.

6. Get enough sleep

If you think that you can deprive your body of the sleep it deserves and it will not affect you in any way, you are mistaken. It is difficult for a tired person to be happy. And lack of sleep attracts illnesses like a magnet. In addition, it is not without reason that they say: “the morning is wiser than the evening” - a decision made after a good sleep often turns out to be much more correct. Lack of sleep makes you more irritable, and you're much more likely to do something you regret later. And good sleep also helps a lot in preserving beauty.

If you have the opportunity to lie down during the day and relax, do it! Even a short nap will help you be more alert and productive at work, improve your learning ability and clear your mind. negative emotions, while simultaneously reinforcing the positive ones. So don't be shy!

7. Challenge yourself

Learning a foreign language will help you sharpen your mind to razor sharp. Learning to play a musical instrument will make you smarter. Questioning what you believe will ultimately strengthen your faith. Well, you can work on strengthening your willpower every day, and sometimes it is much more important for achieving success than pure IQ. Remember - often, looking back at your life path, people most regret about the lack of education and missed opportunities.

8. Laugh

Those who cope with stress through laughter tend to have better immune systems. They have a lower risk of having a heart attack or stroke, they don’t feel as much pain when visiting the dentist, and they generally live longer. We must take laughter the same way we take our vitamins—every day. Just remembering something fun can help you improve your relationships. Laughter is not only fun, but also extremely useful.

9. Touch someone

Sometimes a simple touch can help reduce stress, improve teamwork and help you be more persuasive. Hugging makes you happier. Well, healthy sex will help you avoid heart attacks and cancer, improve your immune system and make your life longer and more fulfilling.

10. Be more optimistic

By looking at life with optimism, you become healthier, happier, and live longer. Most army psychologists advise this to their wards - after all, optimism also increases morale. And it's always better to be overconfident than underconfident.

Make your bed every day. Making your bed only takes 5 minutes at most, but at the end of a hectic day, returning to a neatly made bed will feel the stresses of the day melt away as soon as you crawl under the covers. Also teach your children to make their beds every day. This will teach them responsibility and help your home look neater.

Do one load of laundry every day. Collect a load of laundry in the morning and load it into washing machine. As soon as you get home from work in the evening, turn on the washing machine and your laundry will be washed before you start dinner. If you use a dryer, the laundry will be dry by the time you clear the table, and you can fold the clean laundry and put it away. One load of laundry will only take you a few minutes a day, but then you don’t have to spend the whole weekend on a pile of dirty laundry, and the free time can be spent on something more enjoyable.

Plan your dinner in the morning. Knowing exactly what you're making for dinner every day will save you a lot of time. Instead of standing in front open door refrigerator, deciding what to cook, you can immediately get to work. Remove foods that need defrosting from the freezer, peel and cut vegetables, or marinate meat. If you prepare convenience foods for dinner in the morning, you will save a lot of time in the evening.

Make a list of all the things you need to do in the city and do them throughout the day. If you can get everything done during the week, you won't need to drive all over town on the weekend. Perhaps something can be done during your lunch break? Where do you need to stop on your way to or from work? Doing 1-2 things every day will free up a lot of time for the whole week.

Clean up the kitchen immediately after dinner. Although you feel tired after a long day at work and it's tempting to leave the dirty dishes in the sink until tomorrow, think about how many times you hoped that you would wash the dishes in the morning, but in the morning you couldn't do it? As a result, unwashed dishes will remain in the sink until the evening, and you will return home to an untidy kitchen. Taking an extra 10 minutes in the evening to tidy up your kitchen can help you start your morning each day clean, instead of constantly living in a mess.

Tidy your living room every night before you go to bed. Do this as a family. Spend 5-10 minutes putting everything back in place. When you leave things in the wrong place, this is what creates the clutter that grows day after day.

Set a specific time for your children to complete homework. While it's impossible to have a strict schedule for every day, try to stick to a set routine so that children know exactly what their schedule is, what happens at what time, and what is expected of them. Choose hours that you can keep most evenings and devote them to studying. Turn off the TV and eliminate all other distractions so your children can concentrate on their studies. Right after dinner is the best time for this. The kids can sit at the table while you clean up after dinner. You can spend time together and do your own thing at the same time, as well as answer any of their questions.

Choose your clothes for tomorrow evening. We all know how much faster children can get ready for school in the morning if they prepare their uniform the night before. Practice the same routine for yourself: choose your own outfit for tomorrow night. Take all the necessary items out of your closets and arrange them neatly so that it's easy to get dressed in the morning. You won't have to waste precious minutes in the morning looking for what to wear, which will help you leave the house on time and not be late.

Establish a specific bedtime routine. Explain to all family members what they must do on command that it is time to go to bed. For example, take a shower and brush your teeth, change into pajamas, put dirty clothes in the laundry basket, prepare clothes for tomorrow and go to bed. Practice so that children know exactly what they should do when they say “Bedtime.” If you don't have to stand over them while they get ready for bed, you'll have time to finish the urgent things that need to be done that day. If your children need motivation, create an incentive system to make them want to do everything themselves.

Keep a notebook by your bed. We usually remember something that needs to be done tomorrow as soon as we get into bed. If some thought came to your mind when you were already in bed, write it down in a notebook so you don’t forget. The next morning, tear off the top page and put it in your wallet or purse so you have a list of what you need to do that day.

Every day we do different things, perform different actions, sometimes mechanically, not noticing how life quickly rushes by. Some of our actions are imposed on us from the outside (TV, news, Internet, newspapers), some are adopted from friends and colleagues, some are simply fashionable. Sometimes we completely forget about creativity and creativity, which cannot be bought, but can only be created.

So, let your imagination run wild! We invite you to make 30 bright things that will brighten your everyday life and be remembered for a long time!

1. Draw your picture

It doesn't matter that you're not an artist and it won't be Da Vinci's work. Buy a canvas, frame, easel, and paint your picture of life. Anyone can write a book, but with a painting it’s more difficult. When finished, hang it on the wall.

2. Save someone's life

Donate blood, donate money for surgery. Learn to give first, emergency assistance. Maybe someday you will have the opportunity to save someone from death.

3. Donate your items to the poor or needy

We often throw into the trash a lot of unnecessary things, in our opinion, that others may need. It will be much more pleasant to make them happy with such a gift.

4. Plant a tree or garden

If you don’t have a summer house or a place near your house, this can be done in a park or forest. And it doesn’t matter that no one will see it, appreciate it or give you a medal. Do it for the planet, for the future we will definitely have.

5. Visit a holy place

Do this, regardless of religion and your views on faith. This will give you the opportunity to reflect on your life. Maybe after this you will change something in your life, put things in order in your head, and think about the meaning of people’s existence.

Our life is not endless, and you are not God, and someday the moment of your death will come. So maybe it’s time to start living and do something worthwhile instead of buying new smartphone, watch stupid TV shows, be a consumer, and deny everything.

6. Hitchhike

Take the risk, it's worth it! New impressions, acquaintances and a forgotten feeling of the unknown.

7. Learn a foreign language and make friends from that country

Each new language is another personality in you. A new language is a whole layer of culture, customs, relationships and impressions. Don't deprive yourself of this pleasure! The more languages ​​you learn, the more a fuller world will open for you.

8. Travel with couchsurfing

Couchsurfing is a network of open and helpful people. You will be provided with free overnight accommodation and other assistance during your trip. And it doesn’t matter which country you go to – there will always be a couple of suitable options. Plus, with its help you can implement the previous point.

9. Get a job as a volunteer

There is nothing better than helping others. Clean up the park, help the homeless, feed the hungry, get grandmothers across the street. In general, show your human qualities.

10. Live alone for 7 days outside of civilization

Without the Internet, TV, telephone and computer, far from people and means of communication. Sounds like a feat, right? That's how it is! Just a week, and you will return as a completely different person. The brain and soul will be cleansed of unnecessary files, clarity and the desire to move forward will come.

11. Keep a personal diary, write down all your thoughts and ideas there

And then pass it on as an inheritance to your children or grandchildren, so that they get to know you and your inner world better. Everyone wouldn't mind receiving one from their father or grandfather. Make it a family tradition.

12. Find a person (or several) who has the same dream as you

And try to achieve it together. You can start with something small. And who knows, maybe in the process you will meet not only a friend to achieve your goals, but also a life partner? After all, you will have so much in common and interesting things!

13. Buy a bouquet of flowers and give it to passers-by

One flower seems like a small thing, but it will be nice for everyone. You will feel it when you see smiles and grateful eyes.

14. Take your children's things or toys to the orphanage

You can also make a monetary contribution or simply go and visit the children. There are so many kids in the world, deprived of fate, in need of attention, love and warmth. Don't be indifferent to them. You will get a hundred times more.

15. Organize or participate in a flash mob

It could be anything! You can feel like an actor or dancer in Indian TV series. This will bring a lot of laughter, joy and positivity.

16. Find an old photo with your friends, gather them again in the same place and take the same photo, but only where you are already adults

Surely you haven’t seen some of the friends and acquaintances in the old photo for ten years - it will be a great reason to see each other again. What if old friendships revive and you find a loved one again?

17. Make a family tree

At least up to the 10th generation, or better yet more. You must know who your ancestors are and honor their memory. Who knows - maybe the glory of your family will begin with you or noble blood flows in you? Do this while your old relatives are still alive.

18. Don’t lie or be a hypocrite all day long

Say everything you think and feel. Tough call. But try to go beyond, don't be afraid of the consequences. In 10 years, you are unlikely to remember the problems that arose because of your sincerity. And this day can change your life forever! So that you will never again lie to others or to yourself. Interesting? Go for it!

19. Create your inspiration board

Not to be confused with a vision board, these are completely different things. We all sometimes get angry, feel bad and experience anger and aggression. Everyone sometimes gives up and doesn’t have the strength to continue to fight and achieve their goals. Create a board or poster with photographs, drawings, things that can 100% always cheer you up, inspire you, motivate you and inspire confidence in yourself.

20. Make a gift with your own hands

And give it to your loved one or to a loved one. Put all your imagination, all your abilities and desire to do something nice. But give just like that, without expectations! Remember, the main thing is attention.

21. Throw a surprise party for the people you care about.

And it doesn't matter how much money you have. Just decorate the house with balloons, bake a cake, learn a song. After all, it is not the cost of the holiday that is important, but the strength of the feelings that you put into it, and the surprise and happiness that you give.

22. Live without electricity for 24 hours

At all. Even without a refrigerator =). Another step that goes beyond all limits, but is very useful. Break the pattern, break the system, at least for a day. Be in unity with yourself and nature. If you fail even once, this day no longer counts.

23. Be a vegetarian for a month

Believe me, you won't cause any harm to your health, but you will save a few innocent lives, and you might enjoy it.

24. Save a small amount EVERY day.

And after 5 years, with the money raised, together with friends, we can do what we always wanted to do, but didn’t have enough money. Make your dream come true, even after 5 years. This will instill in you perseverance and determination. Prove to yourself that you are worthy!

25. Sew your own clothes

And perhaps dress in it. We all wear clothes, but someone creates them. Become the creator of your own clothing line for yourself. Creative ideas for you! High-quality materials and more color!

26. Learn some applied skill

For example, beekeeping, or gardening, wood carving or bricklaying. In an era when you can do everything with your right hand, holding it on the mouse, this will be a breath of fresh air for you. It’s so nice to be able to do something material, even if it’s fixing a water pipe.

27. Plant 7 oak trees, grow them and cut them down after 20-30 years

For what? To make boards and lay oak parquet in my son's house! And when he walks on this floor with his children, and the floor creaks quietly, he will remember that you made this floor for him. Both your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will know about this.

28. Write real letters and give real postcards

They wrote somewhere that after the era of humanity there will be no information left, since everything is stored in electronic form. So it might be worth giving your loved ones real postcards, writing real letters on paper, and not in sms and e-mail, print photos in albums, and not post them on the wall on social media. networks?

29. Make your own personal time capsule

And put in it your message to future contemporaries. Send a piece of yourself on a journey through time. What if this will help descendants unravel some mystery of the past?

30. Add your own item to this list and complete it

This could be your deepest dream, or something that you are very afraid to do. The list would not be complete without this item =)

Good luck and bright impressions!

Share your successes with your friends and inspire them to do crazy things.

Adults understand very well that some things, even sometimes completely painful ones, must be done every day and without any prodding. Readers of one popular resource have jointly compiled a list of such mandatory daily activities, and we are sharing it with you.

When we are little, our every day begins to the accompaniment of parental teachings: “Brush your teeth!”, “Eat porridge!”, “Put away the toys!” We're getting a little older, but we're caring parents. don't stop their broken record, they simply change their repertoire slightly: “Get up, you’ll be late for classes!”, “Throw the cigarette butts out of the ashtray!”, “Put on your hat!” And then we grow up, take life into our own hands and are confused to realize that now no one will tell us what to do, when and how. And here this list of mandatory daily activities comes to the rescue:

1. Show your love to the people you care about and gratitude. Life is too short to waste it on gloom and anger. One smile, a kind word or a kiss in the morning can make a wonderful day not only for you, but also for your loved ones. Don't miss this opportunity.

2. Devote 10–15 minutes to cleaning. There is no need to try to clean the whole house at once, no need to run around with a rag after every speck of dust. But a little cleaning every day will help you keep your home clean and your head in order.

3. Drink a glass of water. Have you already had a drink? Repeat!

4. Every day take one step towards your goal. Constant forward movement in the right direction allows you to move quite far even with small daily efforts.

5. Learn something new. Brain degradation begins precisely on the day when you failed to learn absolutely nothing new. Try to delay the onset of this day as long as possible.

6. Do push-ups. Best exercise to keep your body in good condition. Instantly raises your tone better than any energy drink.

7. Try to praise at least one person every day (deservedly, of course). Thus, completely unnoticed, you will make 365 people happy within a year. Great result!

8. Organize five minutes of silence for yourself. At least five fucking minutes in the middle of all this madness.

9. Communicate. For real, not through monitors. Today it’s so easy to isolate yourself from everyone through chat, social networks and email that sometimes you realize that you have even less face-to-face communication than sex.

10. Meditate or at least just think about the positive things that are present in your life. Try every night before you go to bed, take a few deep, slow breaths, relax, and tune in to a positive wave. This, combined with exercise in the morning, will help you sleep better and be energized throughout the day.

11. Engage in any type of physical activity. There is no need to strive for records or blindly follow all the whims of modern fitness fashion. But at least 30 minutes (preferably more) of daily walking, running, swimming, yoga, exercise equipment - choose what you like - will radically change your condition.

12. Pretend to be a superhero. Until you really become one.

13. Eat vegetables and fruits. Salads, stews, soups, desserts and other culinary products from gardens and vegetable gardens. It is a rare case when all scientists, even British ones, unanimously say that this is useful.

14. Spend time outside. Walk, ride a bike, walk the dog. In a word, take a break from the monitor and ventilate your poor lungs.

15. Just say thank you for another day of your life. Each new dawn brings with it the possibility of a new life, and it depends only on us, shall we use we have this chance.

Approximately these answers have become the most popular among Reddit readers to the question about those actions that every person should do constantly and for the rest of his life. What list would Professional users make?

When we are little, our every day begins to the accompaniment of parental teachings: “Brush your teeth!”, “Eat porridge!”, “Put away the toys!” We are getting a little older, but caring parents do not stop their broken record, they simply change their repertoire slightly: “Get up, you’ll be late for classes!”, “Throw the cigarette butts out of the ashtray!”, “Put on your hat!” And then we grow up, take life into our own hands and are confused to realize that now no one will tell us what to do, when and how. And here this list of mandatory daily activities comes to the rescue:

1. Show the people you care about your love and appreciation. Life is too short to waste it on gloom and anger. One smile, a kind word or a kiss in the morning can make a wonderful day not only for you, but also for your loved ones. Don't miss this opportunity.

2. Devote 10–15 minutes to cleaning. You don’t need to try right away, you don’t need to run around with a rag after every speck of dust. But a little cleaning every day will help you keep your home clean and your head in order.

3. Drink a glass of water. Have you already had a drink? Repeat!

4. Every day take one step towards your goal. Constant forward movement in the right direction allows you to move quite far even with small daily efforts.

5. Learn something new. Brain degradation begins precisely on the day when you failed to learn absolutely nothing new. Try to delay the onset of this day as long as possible.

6. Do push-ups. The best exercise to keep your body in good condition. Instantly raises tone better than anyone else.

7. Try to praise at least one person every day(deservedly, of course). Thus, completely unnoticed, you will make 365 people happy within a year. Great result!

8. Organize five minutes of silence for yourself. At least five fucking minutes in the middle of all this madness.

9. Communicate. For real, not through monitors. Today it is so easy to isolate yourself from everyone through chat, social networks and email that sometimes you realize that you have even less live communication than sex.

10. Meditate or at least just think about the positive things that are present in your life. Try every evening before going to bed, do a few deep slow ones, relax, tune in to a positive wave. This is combined with physical exercise in the morning will help you sleep better and be energetic all day long.

11. Engage in any type of physical activity. There is no need to strive for records or blindly follow all the whims of modern fitness fashion. But at least 30 minutes (preferably more) of daily walking, running, swimming, yoga, exercise equipment - choose what you like - will radically change your condition.

12. Pretend to be a superhero. Until you really become one.

13. Eat vegetables and fruits. Salads, stews, soups, desserts and other culinary products from gardens and vegetable gardens. It is a rare case when all scientists, even British ones, unanimously say that this is useful.

14. Spend time outside. Walk, ride a bike, walk the dog. In a word, take a break from the monitor and ventilate your poor lungs.

15. Just say thank you for another day of your life. Every new dawn brings with it the opportunity of a new life, and it is up to us whether we take advantage of this chance.

Approximately these answers have become the most popular among Reddit readers to the question about those actions that every person should do constantly and for the rest of his life. What list would Lifehacker readers make?