Round table on additional education for children. Round table “On the prospects for the development of the system of additional education in Russia

  1. 1. Federal State Scientific Institution "Institute of Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Childhood" of the Russian Academy of Education Western District Education Department of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow Second All-Russian Pedagogical FESTIVAL "SHORE OF CHILDHOOD" PROBLEM-DESIGN ROUND TABLE "ADDITIONAL EDUCATION: INNOVATION VECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT" December 21, 2012 , Moscow
  2. 2. Greetings Tatyana Vladimirovna Volosovets Director of the Institute of Pedagogical Education of the RAO, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Shores of Childhood Festival
  3. 3. Dedications of the 2012-13 Festival: the 95th anniversary of the state system of out-of-school education; the 20th anniversary of additional education for children in Russia
  4. 4. In memory of Nata Borisovna Krylova “Support pedagogy” is a pedagogy of deep communication, where not the teacher and the student meet, but two different people (small and big) who have something to say to each other” N.B. Krylova (1938-2012)
  5. 5. Topic of the Problem Design Round Table “Additional education: innovative vector of development”
  6. Organizers of the Round Table: Federal State Scientific Institution “Institute of Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Childhood” RAO-Western Education Department, Department of Education of the City of Moscow, Center for Creative Development and Humanitarian Education “Dar”
  7. 7. Rules of work of the Round Table: Working hours at the Institute of Industrial Development of RAO – 10.00-13.00. Lunch 13.00-14.00. 2nd part at the Dar Center - 15.00-18.00 Speeches with problem reports - 10-12 minutes Questions, suggestions and opinions at the "open microphone" - 2-3 minutes
  8. 8. Greetings Vladimir Lvovich Naryshkin - Head of the Department of Additional Education of Children, Upbringing and Youth Policy of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
  9. 9. 1st block “Psychological and pedagogical foundations for the development of the sphere of additional education in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.”
  10. 10. “Problems of additional education of children: psychological and pedagogical aspect” Golovanov Viktor Petrovich - Chief scientific. employee of IPPD RAO, doctor of pedagogy. Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, adjunct. Education of Children MIOO, Department of Theory and Methods of Educational Work of Moscow State University for the Humanities named after. M.A. Sholokhova, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, Honorary Worker of the Youth Policy of the Russian Federation, Leading Expert of the Festival, Moscow
  11. 11. “Personal growth of teachers of additional education” Aglicheva Irina Vladimirovna, candidate of psychological sciences, adviser to the head of the Office of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, expert of the public program “Childhood”, Moscow.
  12. 12. “An anthropological view on the development of modern education. Additional education as part of the whole” Slobodchikov Viktor Ivanovich, Doctor of Psychology. Sciences, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education, President of the Russian Association A.S. Makarenko, member of the Coordination Council for interaction between the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church, ch. Researcher, IPPD RAO, Moscow
  13. 13. 2nd block “Dynamics of socio-economic and psychological-pedagogical requirements for the field of additional education”
  14. 14. “Analysis of the state of the budgetary sector of institutions of additional education for children in the Russian Federation” Kupriyanov Boris Viktorovich, leading researcher at the Institute for Educational Development of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics", professor of the department of theory and history of pedagogy of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. University, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Moscow.
  15. 15. “Resource approach to the development strategy of organizations for additional education of children” Loginova Larisa Gennadievna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of APKiPRO, Moscow.
  16. 16. “Integration of the sphere of additional education of children with social institutions of education” Irina Igorevna Frishman, doctor of pedagogy. Sciences, Professor, Ch. Researcher, Deputy Director of the IPPD RAO, Director of the Scientific and Practical Center of the International Union of Children's Public Associations "Union of Pioneer Organizations - Federation of Children's Organizations" (SPO-FDO), Deputy Chairman of the SPO-FDO, Leading Coordinator of the Festival, Moscow
  17. 17. 3rd block “Traditions and priorities in the field of additional education for children - an innovative vector of development.”
  18. 18. “Development of additional education for children of the Republic of Mari El in new sociocultural conditions. Regional models for the integration of general and additional education in educational institutions within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard” Natalya Viktorovna Pechenkina, head of the Center for the Development of Additional Education of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Children's Educational Institution "DTDiM", Republic of Mari El, Yoshkar-Ola.
  19. 19. “Problems and prospects for the development of additional education for children in the closed joint-stock company of Moscow” Svetlana Aleksandrovna Mikhailova, Director of the Matveevskoe Children’s Center, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Western District of Moscow
  20. 20. “All-Russian Pedagogical Festival “Shores of Childhood” as an innovative form of advanced training for teachers and specialists in the field of additional education of children” Boyarintseva Anna Viktorovna, candidate of pedagogy. Sciences, leading researcher at the Institute of Applied Sciences of the Russian Academy of Education, Festival Coordinator, Moscow.
  21. 21. 4th block Free discussion, discussion of the final document of the problem-design round table
  22. 22. EXPERT OPINION OF PARTICIPANTS IN THE PROBLEM-DESIGN ROUND TABLE “ADDITIONAL CHILDREN’S EDUCATION – AN INNOVATIVE VECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT”1. The round table participants discussed the state and prospects of additional education for children in three main areas: “Psychological and pedagogical foundations for the development of the sphere of additional education.” “Dynamics of socio-economic and psychological-pedagogical requirements for the field of additional education.” “Traditions and priorities in the sphere of additional education for children.” The scientific principles expressed and practical recommendations made it possible to formulate approaches to the directions (vectors) of innovative development in the sphere of additional education for children, which is an achievement of domestic education.
  23. 23. 2. In 2012, the 95th anniversary of the system of out-of-school education and 20 years of additional education in the Russian Federation are celebrated. The changes that have occurred in the socio-pedagogical approaches to the level and quality of education required the development of the basis for institutional changes in the field of additional education in accordance with the requirements of creating an image of “investment attractiveness” of the sphere for children, parents, teachers. The sphere of additional education is one of the determining factors in the personal, social and professional self-determination of children. Among the wide variety of modern childhood infrastructure, there are several institutions that have a priority influence on the formation of a socially effective individual. This is the sphere of additional education, a children's social movement, a system for organizing work with children and adolescents in the community, including a network of state, municipal and non-profit institutions and organizations.
  24. 24. 3. Additional education of children is an integral part of a single educational process, continuous education, which should accompany a person throughout his life, a necessary link in the education of a multifaceted personality, in early professional guidance. The implementation of the general education model, based on a competency-based approach, specialized training, and the use of new educational technologies, is aimed at freeing up children’s free time. A schoolchild’s free time from lessons is the most valuable resource for self-education and additional education, but this requires expanding the scope of additional education. In institutions of additional education for children, social and pedagogical models of activity are being introduced, since the traditions, style and methods of work of these institutions take into account the characteristics of society as much as possible. The consequence of this is that children accumulate experience in civic behavior, comprehend the foundations of democratic culture, self-worth, conscious choice of profession, receive qualified assistance in various aspects of social life, which affects the social adaptation of children and youth to changing living conditions.
  25. 25. 4. The sphere of additional education for children, taking into account the mission assigned to it by the state, cannot be inexpensive. In the future, for the further development of additional education for children, it is necessary to: find additional reserves of budget funds at all levels; develop public-private partnerships with the largest domestic corporations (the content and forms of such cooperation are practically unlimited, they include the possibility of bilateral and multilateral relations at the municipal, regional and federal levels within the framework of the implementation of specific social projects).
  26. 26. 5. To develop the sphere of preschool education and determine the vector of innovative development, it is necessary to use the principles of modernization (accumulation of experience in the stability of the system, overcoming factors of its imbalance) and innovative transformations (saturation with ideas leading to the demand for the system as an institution of social infrastructure for childhood): personal orientation of additional education for children; profile; practical orientation; mobility; multifunctionality; different levels; diversity of content, forms, methods and, as a consequence, the socio-pedagogical partnership of UPEC with the provision of various social institutions of society and education; individualization of educational methods as a necessary condition for the demand for “Educational services”; implementation of the educational function of learning through the active activities of students; implementation of the orientation function through the content of educational material.
  27. 27. 6. Justification of the process of modernization and diversification of the sphere of additional education and integrating resources of preschool, basic, additional education, club system of activities at the place of residence, the potential of children's public associations, recreational and health care institutions for children. The dynamics of development of the sphere of additional education for children is associated with the use of variable programs that form the basis of the “socially oriented order” at the municipal and regional levels, taking into account the current socio-cultural situation and the educational needs of the family, parents, and those in their stead. The ideas and recommendations expressed can become the basis for the development of pedagogical additional education programs.
  28. 28. Justification of the need to create conditions for the modernization and diversification of programs for additional education for children. Modernization is qualitative changes in the subjects of the system: assessment and forecast of the level of requirements for the system of additional education for children, formulation of the principles for forming a package of “educational services.” Diversification is the disclosure of the potentials and resources of the subjects of the system. Assessment and forecast of options for the variety of programs for additional education for children that meet the needs of children and parents, the immediate social environment. Resources (material, human, technological, financial, information) - changes in the quality of life, the level of satisfaction of children, families, the immediate social environment in additional programs. education of children Demand - programs, institutions, forms of additional education for children, as an institution of social infrastructure for childhood. Public-state partnership - creation of resource centers, internship sites, experimental programs for additional education of children, aimed at solving the problems of socio-economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
  29. 29. We are glad to meet with you “The Shores of Childhood!” SITE: MAIL: [email protected]

The event is over

The round table is held with the aim of informing specialists from educational, cultural and sports authorities at the regional and municipal levels, managers and specialists of organizations providing additional education for children about the current results of projects that contribute to achieving the indicators of the Federal Target Program for Education Development for 2016 – 2020.*

Organizers of the round table:

electronic portals PEREMENKA.CHILDREN and LET'S KNOW-WORLD.CHILDREN, with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Institute of Education of the Higher School of Economics.


Sergey Gennadievich Kosaretsky, director of the Center for Socio-Economic School Development of the Institute of Education (CSERSH) of the National Research University Higher School of Economics;
Boris Viktorovich Kupriyanov, Leading Analyst at the Center for Special Education and Science of the National Research University Higher School of Economics;
Semyon Vasilievich Yankevich, head of the Center for Applied Legal Developments at the Institute of Education, National Research University Higher School of Economics.

Questions for discussion:

Current problems of the system of additional education for children;

Priority areas of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2016 – 2020 in the field of additional education for children;

Innovative practices in the field of additional education for children.

Venue: Moscow, Potapovsky lane, 16/10, room. 309

For full-time participation please register using the link. The building has a pass system - don't forget your passport.

For those who cannot attend in person, a online broadcast. Registration via link.


for questions of participation - Andrey Vasilievich Petlin: 8-962-921-8487;
media accreditation – Maxim Nikolaevich Petrov: [email protected]

* In 2016, for the first time, a competitive selection was held for the right to receive grants in the form of subsidies from the federal budget for organizations implementing pilot projects to update the content and technologies of additional education in priority areas within the framework of event 3.1 “Updating the content and technologies of additional education and raising children” task 3 “ Implementation of measures to develop the scientific, educational and creative environment in educational organizations, development of an effective system of additional education for children” of the Federal Center for Education and Training for 2016-2020. The winners of the competitive selection were 16 organizations implementing additional general education programs from 15 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

For 15 years, the conference “Trends in the Development of Education” has been a platform for discussing current issues in the development of education at the regional, national and international levels. In 2018, the conference will be held from February 15 to 17.

2018 is the year of the 100th anniversary of additional (out-of-school) education. At the same time, the keen interest in the issues of its development in recent years is not only of an “anniversary-ritual nature.” Perhaps, in terms of the number of strategic initiatives and projects adopted in recent years, additional education can claim leadership compared to other sectors.

Reforms “came” to this sector later, but are unfolding perhaps more intensively. At the same time, probably nowhere else has the diversity, and in some aspects, the contradictions of interest groups in assessments of ongoing changes and tasks for the future, been so clearly manifested.

One part of the community perceived the government's activity as the return of long-awaited attention and the revival of a unique system. Another strongly linked hopes for transforming the system itself with additional education.

Businesses and social entrepreneurs saw prospects for the formation of a real competitive environment in additional education, which never emerged in other sectors, and began to think about coming out of the shadows.

Are these expectations compatible? How does the new “project” of additional education relate to the “project” (perhaps more than one) implemented in the USSR and the “project” of the late 90s? What real changes are we seeing, and to what extent do they correspond to the declared goals? Are new models really “innovative” and what can be said about their effectiveness? These issues will be discussed with researchers, practitioners, and project leaders.

Round table presenter: Kosaretsky Sergey Gennadievich, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Director of the Center for Socio-Economic Development of Schools, Institute of Education, National Research University Higher School of Economics


  • Antopolskaya Tatyana Anikeevna, Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kursk State University"
  • Golovanov Viktor Petrovich, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education of the Russian Academy of Education”
  • Oksana Valerievna Goncharova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “All-Russian Center for Artistic Creativity”
  • Krupa Tatyana Viktorovna, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, President of the Educational online project “GlobalLab”
  • Kupriyanov Boris Viktorovich, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of Pedagogy, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow City Pedagogical University"
  • Pavlov Andrey Viktorovich, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Resource Scientific and Methodological Center for Continuing Education of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow “Sparrow Hills”
  • Popov Alexander Anatolyevich, Doctor of Philosophy, Head of the laboratory of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow City Pedagogical University", General Director of the ANO "Open Education", chief researcher, advisor to the director of the Federal Institute for Educational Development
  • Titova Natalya Aleksandrovna, Deputy Head of the Organizational and Methodological Department of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Center for Sports Reserve Training"
  • Yankevich Semyon Vasilievich, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Director of the Center for Educational Law of the Institute of Education, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Additional education has a number of qualities: personal orientation of education; personal orientation of education; profile; profile; practical orientation; practical orientation; mobility; mobility; multifunctionality; multifunctionality; multi-level; multi-level; diversity of content, forms, methods of education as a consequence of the freedom of the teacher working in such a system; diversity of content, forms, methods of education as a consequence of the freedom of the teacher working in such a system; individualization of educational methods as a necessary condition for demand; individualization of educational methods as a necessary condition for demand; implementation of the educational function of teaching through the activation of students’ activities; implementation of the educational function of teaching through the activation of students’ activities; implementation of the orientation function through the content of educational material. implementation of the orientation function through the content of educational material.

The meaning of the development of a system of additional education consists primarily of: preserving and cultivating the uniqueness of each child in a constantly changing social environment; in preserving and cultivating the uniqueness of each child in an ever-changing social environment; in satisfying the natural need of children to know themselves, to understand themselves in the world around them, to gain the ability to maintain their freedom without interfering with others; in satisfying the natural need of children to know themselves, to understand themselves in the world around them, to gain the ability to maintain their freedom without interfering with others; in the formation of sustainable resistance of the developing personality to destructive influences. in the formation of sustainable resistance of the developing personality to destructive influences.

The development of additional education involves solving the following tasks: studying the interests and needs of children studying in additional education; studying the interests and needs of children studying in additional education; determining the content of additional education for children, its forms and methods of working with students, taking into account their age, type of institution, characteristics of its socio-cultural environment; determining the content of additional education for children, its forms and methods of working with students, taking into account their age, type of institution, characteristics of its socio-cultural environment; creating conditions for creating a unified educational space; creating conditions for creating a unified educational space; expanding the types of creative activities in the system of additional education for children to most fully satisfy the interests and needs of students in interest associations; expanding the types of creative activities in the system of additional education for children to most fully satisfy the interests and needs of students in interest associations; creating conditions for attracting more middle-aged and older students to classes in the additional education system; creating conditions for attracting more middle-aged and older students to classes in the additional education system; creating maximum conditions for students to master spiritual and cultural values, instilling respect for the history and culture of their own and other peoples; creating maximum conditions for students to master spiritual and cultural values, instilling respect for the history and culture of their own and other peoples; addressing the personal problems of students, developing their moral qualities, creative and social activity. addressing the personal problems of students, developing their moral qualities, creative and social activity.

The main task of a teacher of additional education is to develop in children a sense of being a citizen of their country, a person who can not only appreciate the spiritual and cultural values ​​accumulated by humanity, but also strives to multiply them. The point should not be about imposing certain cultural patterns on a person, but about creating adequate conditions in which knowledge, values, and patterns will be “appropriated” and “experienced” as one’s own achievements and discoveries.

The interpenetration of basic and additional education can ensure: the integrity of the entire educational system of the school with all its diversity; the integrity of the entire educational system of the school with all its diversity; certain stability and constant development; certain stability and constant development; the required level of knowledge of schoolchildren and the development of their emotional-imaginative sphere, the formation of spiritual and moral qualities; the required level of knowledge of schoolchildren and the development of their emotional-imaginative sphere, the formation of spiritual and moral qualities; maintaining a certain conservatism of the system and more active use of innovative pedagogical ideas, educational models, technologies; maintaining a certain conservatism of the system and more active use of innovative pedagogical ideas, educational models, technologies; supporting existing school traditions and searching for new ways to organize the life of student and teaching staff; supporting existing school traditions and searching for new ways to organize the life of student and teaching staff; preserving the best forces of the teaching staff and inviting new people ready to work with children. preserving the best forces of the teaching staff and inviting new people ready to work with children.

The first model is a random set of a random set of circles, sections, clubs, the work of which is not always combined with each other. All extracurricular and extracurricular activities of the school depend entirely on the available personnel and material capabilities; strategic lines for the development of additional education are not being worked out.

The second model is distinguished by the internal organization of each of the additional education structures available at the school, although it does not yet function as a single system. Often in such schools, the sphere of additional education becomes an open search area in the process of updating the content of basic education, a kind of reserve and experimental laboratory for the latter.

The third model of close interaction is built on the basis of close interaction between the school and additional education institutions. Such cooperation is carried out on a regular basis. The school and the specialized institution develop a joint program of activities, which largely determines the content of additional education in a given school. At the same time, the role of specialists from these institutions in the practical implementation of additional educational programs increases significantly.

The fourth price model exists in prices). Today, the model is the most effective in terms of integrating basic and additional education for children, since it organically combines the capabilities of both types of education. A solid infrastructure of out-of-school additional education is being created at UVK, on ​​the basis of which conditions are created to meet the diverse needs of the child and his real self-affirmation.

Additional education is represented in a number of areas. artistic and aesthetic; arts and crafts; scientific and technical; sports and technical; ecological and biological; physical education and health; tourism and local history; military-patriotic; social and pedagogical; cultural; economic and legal.

The organization of creative work in the system of additional education solves the following problems: Align the starting opportunities for the development of the child’s personality. contribute to the choice of his individual educational path. Development of creative abilities and creative activity of schoolchildren. Development of their cognitive interests. Formation of motivation for success. Creating conditions for self-affirmation and self-realization. Creating conditions for the comprehensive development of the individual.

Innovative forms of organizing additional education Optional courses Clubs Sports sections Elective courses of pre-professional preparation and specialized training Computer center Research activities Center for preparing preschoolers for school Children's public association Studios Clubs Museum pedagogy Workshops Publishing activities Comprehensive program for preparation for higher education institutions Work of self-government bodies of the State Duma Psychological service

Additional education GOU Secondary School 1096 Artistic and aesthetic direction Artistic and applied direction Sports and technical direction Scientific and technical direction Ecological and biological direction Sports and recreational direction Tourist and local history direction Military and patriotic direction Cultural direction Psychological and pedagogical direction “Puppet Theater” Kumparsita" "Choir" "Craftsman" "Soft toy" "In the world of art" "Fantasy and the world of hobbies" "Mini football" "Handball" "Table tennis" "Basketball" "Mathematics around us" "Computer science around us" "Chemistry and medicine » “Introduction to the Internet” “World of Flowers” ​​courses “ABVGDeyka” GPA “Junkor” “Ethics” “Culture of Communication” club “Vympel” museum “Terem” “Fortune” summer health camp “Solnyshko”

GOU secondary school 1096 Youth center Street children Swimming pool SVOUO on the street. Kasatkin Children's Art School named after. S.I. Mamontova Psychological and Pedagogical Center on Snezhnaya Theaters Psychological Center Revival Children's Clinic 9 House of Young Technicians Interaction with organizations

Diagnosis of interests of students in grades 5-7 p/p Direction% 1 Physics and mathematics 18 2 Chemistry and biology 30 3 Radio engineering, electronics 30 4 Mechanics, design 16 5 Geography, geology 27 6 Literature, art 42 7 History, politics 15 8 Pedagogy, medicine 33 9 Entrepreneurship, home economics Sports, military affairs 54

Diagnosis of interests of students in grades 8-11 Biology Geography Geology Medicine Light and food industry Physics Chemistry Engineering, mechanics Electrical engineering, electronics Materials processing Information technology Construction Transport, aviation, maritime Psychology Military specialties History Literature, philology Journalism, advertising Sociology, philosophy Pedagogy Law, jurisprudence Service sector Mathematics Economics, business Foreign languages, linguistics Fine arts Performing arts Music Physical education, sports